path: root/libdigidoc/DigiDocConfig.c
diff options
authorAndrew Shadura <>2015-11-01 19:41:28 +0100
committerAndrew Shadura <>2015-11-01 19:41:28 +0100
commit61c1a106bd81794f48e4cd85bae129f9270279e8 (patch)
tree29ecf644c4a13c2645bd8067e66ae8944dd2daf9 /libdigidoc/DigiDocConfig.c
libdigidoc ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Initial upload (Closes: #658300). # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'libdigidoc/DigiDocConfig.c')
1 files changed, 2211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libdigidoc/DigiDocConfig.c b/libdigidoc/DigiDocConfig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67db4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libdigidoc/DigiDocConfig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2211 @@
+// FILE: DigiDocCfonfig.c
+// PROJECT: Digi Doc
+// DESCRIPTION: Digi Doc functions for configuration management
+// AUTHOR: Veiko Sinivee, S|E|B IT Partner Estonia
+// Copyright (C) AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// GNU Lesser General Public Licence is available at
+//==========< HISTORY >=============================
+// 17.06.2004 Fixed buffer overflow vulnerability in setPrivateConfigFile()
+// 27.03.2004 Fixed ConfigItem_lookup_bool()
+// 20.03.2004 Added functions createOrReplacePrivateConfigItem()
+// writeConfigFile(), writePrivateConfigFile()
+// 20.03.2004 changed function notarizeSignature to check for PKCS12 arguments
+// 10.02.2004 Integrated
+// 29.01.2004 changed function notarizeSignature
+// 26.01.2004 Added <Windows.h> include
+// 08.01.2004 Veiko Sinivee
+// Creation
+// config data comes from there
+#include <config.h>
+//AA 04/01/26
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#define snprintf _snprintf
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocConfig.h"
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocPKCS11.h"
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocDebug.h"
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocCert.h"
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocObj.h"
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocOCSP.h"
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocConvert.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "libdigidoc/DigiDocCsp.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifndef _MAX_PATH
+ #define _MAX_PATH 200
+#ifdef WIN32
+ #define DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME "digidoc.ini"
+ #define DIGIDOC_CONF_FMT "%s\\%s"
+ char g_szGlobalConfigFile[_MAX_PATH];
+ #define DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME "digidoc.conf"
+ #define HOME_ENV "HOME"
+ #define DIGIDOC_CONF_FMT "%s/.%s"
+ char g_szGlobalConfigFile[_MAX_PATH] = SYSCONFDIR "/" DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME;
+# ifdef FRAMEWORK
+ char g_frameworkResources[_MAX_PATH];
+# endif
+char g_szPrivateConfigFile[_MAX_PATH];
+#define NUM_SEARCH_CAS 10
+//==========< private types and functions >====================
+// forward deklarations of private helper functions
+int ConfigItem_new(ConfigItem** pItem, const char* key, const char* value, int type, int status);
+void ConfigItem_free(ConfigItem* pItem);
+ConfigItem* ConfigItem_find(const char* key);
+int CertificateItem_new(CertificateItem** pItem, const char* key, X509* pCert);
+void CertificateItem_free(CertificateItem* pItem);
+CertificateItem* CertificateItem_find(const char* key);
+X509* Cert_find(const char* key);
+//==========< global variables >====================
+// currently I see the need only for one common configuration store
+// Distinction can be made by item type
+ConfigurationStore g_configStore = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+//==========< win32 specific functions >===================
+#ifdef WIN32
+// Retrieves a Windows registry key value
+// key - key name
+// buf - value buffer
+// len - value buffer length
+void getRegKey(const char* key, LPBYTE buf, DWORD* len)
+ LONG rc;
+ HKEY hKey;
+ memset(buf, 0, *len);
+ rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT(key),
+ 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey );
+ if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, buf, len);
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ buf[*len] = 0;
+ } else {
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+// Retrieves a Windows registry key value. If the key
+// is not set then uses the default value and sets it
+// key - key name
+// buf - value buffer
+// len - value buffer length
+// defValue - default value
+void getOrSetRegKey(const char* key, LPBYTE buf, DWORD* len, const char* defValue)
+ LONG rc;
+ HKEY hKey;
+ memset(buf, 0, *len);
+ rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT(key),
+ 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey );
+ if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT(""), NULL, NULL, buf, len);
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ buf[*len] = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ rc = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT(key),
+ 0, "", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, 0, &hKey, 0);
+ if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT(""), 0, REG_SZ,
+ (const BYTE*)defValue, lstrlen(defValue));
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ }
+ }
+// Sets a Windows registry key value
+// key - key name
+// buf - value buffer
+// len - value buffer length
+void setRegKey(const char* key, LPBYTE buf, DWORD len)
+ LONG rc;
+ HKEY hKey;
+ rc = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT(key),
+ 0, "", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, 0, &hKey, 0);
+ if(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT(""), 0, REG_SZ, buf, len);
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ }
+// Retrieves the number of subkeys Windows registry
+// key value.
+// returns number of subkeys
+int getNumSubKeys(const char* key)
+ int n = 0;
+ HKEY hKey;
+ DWORD num;
+ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT(key),
+ if(RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &num,
+ n = (int)num;
+ RegCloseKey( hKey );
+ }
+ return n;
+// Deletes a subkey from Windows registry
+// key - parent key
+// subkey - subkey to be deleted
+void deleteSubKey(const char* key, const char* subkey)
+ HKEY hKey;
+ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT(key),
+ RegDeleteKey(hKey, subkey);
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ }
+char* g_regDigiDocRoot = "SOFTWARE\\DigiDocLib";
+// Retrieves the digidoc librarys config items from registry
+// returns error coder or ERR_OK
+EXP_OPTION int readConfigFromRegistry()
+ HKEY hKey;
+ DWORD rc, l, i;
+ int err = 0;
+ char keyName[255], fullName[500];
+ char keyValue[3000];
+ if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT(g_regDigiDocRoot),
+ 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
+ return ERR_CONF_FILE;
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ l = sizeof(keyName);
+ *keyName = 0;
+ rc = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, keyName, &l, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft);
+ if ( (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) && *keyName ) {
+ l = sizeof(keyValue);
+ *keyValue = 0;
+ snprintf(fullName, sizeof(fullName), "%s\\%s", g_regDigiDocRoot, keyName);
+ getRegKey(fullName, (BYTE*)keyValue, &l);
+ if (*keyValue) {
+ ddocDebug(3, "readConfigFromRegistry", "Reg key: %s val: %s", (const char*)keyName, (const char*)keyValue);
+ err = addConfigItem(NULL, (const char*)keyName, (const char*)keyValue, ITEM_TYPE_PRIVATE, ITEM_STATUS_OK);
+ }
+ SET_LAST_ERROR_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ }
+ i++;
+ } while ( (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) && *keyName );
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);
+ return err;
+#endif // WIN32
+//==========< item handling functions >====================
+// Returns true (not 0) if config store structure has been inited
+EXP_OPTION int isConfigInited()
+ return g_configStore.pItems && g_configStore.nItems;
+// Initializes configuration store
+// szConfigFile - name of config file. Use NULL for default
+EXP_OPTION int initConfigStore(const char* szConfigFile)
+ int err = ERR_OK, at_least_one_conf = 0;
+ //g_configStore.nItems = 0;
+ //g_configStore.pItems = 0;
+ if (szConfigFile && checkFileExists(szConfigFile)) {
+ err = readConfigFile(szConfigFile, ITEM_TYPE_GLOBAL);
+ //printf("config file: %s rc: %d", szConfigFile, err);
+ return err;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(g_szGlobalConfigFile, sizeof(g_szGlobalConfigFile), "%s\\%s", getenv("SystemRoot"), DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME);
+ /*if(!*g_szGlobalConfigFile && getenv("SystemRoot")) {
+ strncpy(g_szGlobalConfigFile, getenv("SystemRoot"), sizeof(g_szGlobalConfigFile));
+ printf("Init win32 2: %s\n", g_szGlobalConfigFile);
+ if(!g_szGlobalConfigFile[strlen(g_szGlobalConfigFile)-1] == '\\')
+ strncat(g_szGlobalConfigFile, "\\", sizeof(g_szGlobalConfigFile) - strlen(g_szGlobalConfigFile));
+ printf("Init win32 3: %s\n", g_szGlobalConfigFile);
+ strncat(g_szGlobalConfigFile, DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME, sizeof(g_szGlobalConfigFile) - strlen(g_szGlobalConfigFile));
+ }*/
+ CFStringRef identifier = CFStringCreateWithCString(0, "ee.ria.libdigidoc", kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(identifier);
+ if(bundle)
+ {
+ CFURLRef url = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(bundle);
+ if(url)
+ {
+ if(CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(url, TRUE, (UInt8 *)g_frameworkResources, _MAX_PATH))
+ snprintf(g_szGlobalConfigFile, _MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", g_frameworkResources, DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME);
+ CFRelease(url);
+ }
+ CFRelease(bundle);
+ }
+ CFRelease(identifier);
+ //printf( "Reading global config file: %s\n", g_szGlobalConfigFile);
+ ddocDebug(3, "initConfigStore", "Reading global config file: %s", g_szGlobalConfigFile);
+ if(checkFileExists(g_szGlobalConfigFile))
+ err = readConfigFile(g_szGlobalConfigFile, ITEM_TYPE_GLOBAL); // MEMLEAK: ???
+ if(err == ERR_CONF_FILE)
+ err = ERR_OK;
+ else
+ at_least_one_conf = 1;
+ if(err)
+ return err;
+ setPrivateConfigFile(NULL); // set default private conf file
+ if(g_szPrivateConfigFile[0]) {
+ //printf( "Reading private config file: %s\n", g_szPrivateConfigFile);
+ ddocDebug(3, "initConfigStore", "Reading private config file: %s", (g_szPrivateConfigFile ? g_szPrivateConfigFile : "NULL"));
+ if(checkFileExists(g_szPrivateConfigFile))
+ err = readConfigFile(g_szPrivateConfigFile, ITEM_TYPE_PRIVATE);
+ if(err == ERR_CONF_FILE)
+ err = ERR_OK;
+ else
+ at_least_one_conf = 1;
+ if(err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ //printf( "Reading config file: %s\n", DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME);
+ ddocDebug(2, "initConfigStore", "Reading config file: %s", (DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME ? DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME: "NULL"));
+ if(checkFileExists(DIGIDOC_CONF_NAME))
+ if(err == ERR_CONF_FILE)
+ err = ERR_OK;
+ else
+ at_least_one_conf = 1;
+ if(err)
+ return err;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ err = readConfigFromRegistry();
+ if(err == ERR_CONF_FILE)
+ err = ERR_OK;
+ else
+ at_least_one_conf = 1;
+ if(err)
+ return err;
+ // init certs
+ err = initCertificateItems();
+ if(!at_least_one_conf)
+ err = ERR_CONF_FILE;
+ return err;
+// Cleans memory of configuration store
+// pConfStore - configuration collection (use NULL for default)
+EXP_OPTION void cleanupConfigStore(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore)
+ int i;
+ if(!pConfStore)
+ pConfStore = &g_configStore;
+ for(i = 0; (i < pConfStore->nItems) && pConfStore->pItems && pConfStore->pItems[i]; i++)
+ ConfigItem_free(pConfStore->pItems[i]);
+ free(pConfStore->pItems);
+ pConfStore->pItems = 0;
+ pConfStore->nItems = 0;
+ for(i = 0; (i < pConfStore->nCerts) && pConfStore->pCerts && pConfStore->pCerts[i]; i++)
+ CertificateItem_free(pConfStore->pCerts[i]);
+ free(pConfStore->pCerts);
+ pConfStore->pCerts = 0;
+ pConfStore->nCerts = 0;
+// Creates a new configration item
+// pItem - address of new pointer location
+// key - items key
+// value - items value
+// type - item type
+// status - item status
+// returns ERR_OK on success
+int ConfigItem_new(ConfigItem** pItem, const char* key, const char* value, int type, int status)
+ if((*pItem = (ConfigItem*)malloc(sizeof(ConfigItem))) != NULL) {
+ (*pItem)->szKey = strdup(key);
+ (*pItem)->szValue = strdup(value);
+ (*pItem)->nType = type;
+ (*pItem)->nStatus = status;
+ if(!(*pItem)->szKey || !(*pItem)->szValue) {
+ ConfigItem_free(*pItem);
+ *pItem = NULL;
+ }
+ } else
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Cleanup of config items memory
+// pItem - address of config item
+void ConfigItem_free(ConfigItem* pItem)
+ if(pItem) {
+ if(pItem->szKey)
+ free(pItem->szKey);
+ if(pItem->szValue)
+ free(pItem->szValue);
+ free(pItem);
+ }
+// Adds a new configration item
+// pConfStore - configuration collection (use NULL for default)
+// key - items key
+// value - items value
+// type - item type
+// status - item status
+// returns ERR_OK on success
+EXP_OPTION int addConfigItem(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* key, const char* value, int type, int status)
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ ConfigItem* pItem;
+ ConfigItem** pItems;
+ if(!pConfStore)
+ pConfStore = &g_configStore;
+ if((err = ConfigItem_new(&pItem, key, value, type, status)) == ERR_OK) {
+ if((pItems = (ConfigItem**)realloc(pConfStore->pItems,
+ sizeof(void*) * (pConfStore->nItems + 1))) != NULL) {
+ pItems[pConfStore->nItems] = pItem;
+ pConfStore->nItems++;
+ pConfStore->pItems = pItems;
+ } else
+ } else
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Creates a new cert item
+// pItem - address of new pointer location
+// key - items key
+// pCert - certificate
+// returns ERR_OK on success
+int CertificateItem_new(CertificateItem** pItem, const char* key, X509* pCert)
+ if((*pItem = (CertificateItem*)malloc(sizeof(CertificateItem))) != NULL) {
+ (*pItem)->szKey = strdup(key);
+ (*pItem)->pCert = pCert; // take ownership !
+ } else
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Cleanup of cert items memory
+// pItem - address of cert item
+void CertificateItem_free(CertificateItem* pItem)
+ if(pItem) {
+ if(pItem->szKey)
+ free(pItem->szKey);
+ if(pItem->pCert)
+ X509_free(pItem->pCert);
+ free(pItem);
+ }
+// Adds a new cert item
+// pConfStore - configuration collection (use NULL for default)
+// key - items key
+// pCert - certificate
+// returns ERR_OK on success
+EXP_OPTION int addCertificateItem(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* key, X509* pCert)
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ CertificateItem* pItem;
+ CertificateItem** pItems;
+ if(!pConfStore)
+ pConfStore = &g_configStore;
+ if((err = CertificateItem_new(&pItem, key, pCert)) == ERR_OK) {
+ if((pItems = (CertificateItem**)realloc(pConfStore->pCerts, sizeof(void*) * (pConfStore->nCerts + 1))) != NULL) {
+ pItems[pConfStore->nCerts] = pItem;
+ pConfStore->nCerts++;
+ pConfStore->pCerts = pItems;
+ } else
+ } else
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Finds a new cert item by key
+// key - items key
+// returns item pointer or NULL if not found
+CertificateItem* CertificateItem_find(const char* key)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; (i < g_configStore.nCerts) && g_configStore.pCerts && g_configStore.pCerts[i]; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pCerts[i]->szKey && !strcmp(g_configStore.pCerts[i]->szKey, key))
+ return g_configStore.pCerts[i];
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Finds a cert by key
+// key - items key
+// returns X509 pointer or NULL if not found. Must be X509_free()-d because it will be duplicated here
+X509* Cert_find(const char* key)
+ int i;
+ X509* pCert = 0;
+ for(i = 0; (i < g_configStore.nCerts) && g_configStore.pCerts && g_configStore.pCerts[i] && !pCert; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pCerts[i]->szKey && !strcmp(g_configStore.pCerts[i]->szKey, key))
+ pCert = g_configStore.pCerts[i]->pCert;
+ }
+ ddocDebug(3, "Cert_find", "%s cache %s", key, (pCert ? "OK" : "NULL"));
+ return X509_dup(pCert);
+// Adds a new private configration item or modifies
+// an existing one
+// pConfStore - configuration collection (use NULL for default)
+// key - items key
+// value - items value
+// returns ERR_OK on success
+EXP_OPTION int createOrReplacePrivateConfigItem(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* key, const char* value)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i;
+ ConfigItem* pItem = NULL;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ char keyName[500];
+ ddocDebug(3, "createOrReplacePrivateConfigItem", "%s = %s", (key ? key : "NULL"), (value ? value : "NULL"));
+ if(!pConfStore)
+ pConfStore = &g_configStore;
+ // first try to find a private config item
+ for(i = 0; (i < pConfStore->nItems) && pConfStore->pItems && pConfStore->pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(pConfStore->pItems[i]->szKey && !strcmp(pConfStore->pItems[i]->szKey, key) &&
+ pConfStore->pItems[i]->nType == ITEM_TYPE_PRIVATE) {
+ pItem = pConfStore->pItems[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pItem) { // if found then modify it
+ if(pItem->szValue)
+ free(pItem->szValue);
+ pItem->szValue = (char*)malloc(strlen(value)+1);
+ if(pItem->szValue)
+ strncpy(pItem->szValue, value, strlen(value)+1);
+ else
+ pItem->nStatus = ITEM_STATUS_MODIFIED;
+ } else { // else create a new private config item
+ err = addConfigItem(pConfStore, key, value, ITEM_TYPE_PRIVATE, ITEM_STATUS_MODIFIED);
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "%s\\%s", g_regDigiDocRoot, key);
+ setRegKey(keyName, (BYTE*)value, (value ? (DWORD)strlen(value) : (DWORD)0));
+ if(pItem)
+ pItem->nStatus = ITEM_STATUS_OK;
+ return err;
+// Deletes configration item
+// key - items key
+// returns ERR_OK on success
+EXP_OPTION int ConfigItem_delete(const char* key)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i, j;
+ // first try to find a private config item
+ for(i = j = 0; (i < g_configStore.nItems) && g_configStore.pItems && g_configStore.pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey && !strcmp(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey, key) &&
+ g_configStore.pItems[i]->nType == ITEM_TYPE_PRIVATE) {
+ ConfigItem_free(g_configStore.pItems[i]);
+ g_configStore.pItems[i] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ g_configStore.pItems[j] = g_configStore.pItems[i]; // no-op until moving the last items forward
+ j++;
+ }
+ g_configStore.nItems = j;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ deleteSubKey(g_regDigiDocRoot, key);
+ return err;
+// Finds a new configration item by key
+// key - items key
+// returns item pointer or NULL if not found
+ConfigItem* ConfigItem_find(const char* key)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; (i < g_configStore.nItems) && g_configStore.pItems && g_configStore.pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey && !strcmp(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey, key))
+ return g_configStore.pItems[i];
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Finds a all configration items that start with this prefix
+// prefix - item keys prefix
+// returns error code or ERR_OK
+int ConfigItem_findByPrefix(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* prefix)
+ int i, err = ERR_OK;
+ for(i = 0; (i < g_configStore.nItems) && g_configStore.pItems && g_configStore.pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey && !strncmp(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey, prefix, strlen(prefix)))
+ err = addConfigItem(pConfStore, g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey,
+ g_configStore.pItems[i]->szValue,
+ g_configStore.pItems[i]->nType,
+ g_configStore.pItems[i]->nStatus);
+ }
+ return err;
+// Finds a new configration items value by key
+// key - items key
+// returns value of config item or NULL if not found
+EXP_OPTION const char* ConfigItem_lookup(const char* key)
+ if(strcmp(key, "CA_CERT_PATH") == 0)
+ return g_frameworkResources;
+ int i;
+ // first try to find a private item
+ for(i = 0; (i < g_configStore.nItems) && g_configStore.pItems && g_configStore.pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey && !strcmp(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey, key) &&
+ g_configStore.pItems[i]->nType == ITEM_TYPE_PRIVATE)
+ return g_configStore.pItems[i]->szValue;
+ } // if not found use any type of item with the given key
+ for(i = 0; (i < g_configStore.nItems) && g_configStore.pItems && g_configStore.pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey && !strcmp(g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey, key))
+ return g_configStore.pItems[i]->szValue;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Finds a new configration items value by key from the store
+// key - items key
+// pConfStore - store to search in
+// returns value of config item or NULL if not found
+EXP_OPTION const char* ConfigItem_lookup_fromStore(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* key)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; pConfStore && (i < pConfStore->nItems) &&
+ pConfStore->pItems && pConfStore->pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(pConfStore->pItems[i]->szKey && !strcmp(pConfStore->pItems[i]->szKey, key))
+ return pConfStore->pItems[i]->szValue;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Finds a numeric configration items value by key
+// key - items key
+// defValue - default value to be returned
+// returns value of config item or defValue if not found
+EXP_OPTION int ConfigItem_lookup_int(const char* key, int defValue)
+ int rc = defValue;
+ const char* p = ConfigItem_lookup(key);
+ if (p)
+ rc = atoi(p);
+ return rc;
+// Finds a new configration items value by key
+// key - items key
+// returns value of config item or NULL if not found
+EXP_OPTION const char* ConfigItem_lookup_str(const char* key, const char* defValue)
+ const char* p = ConfigItem_lookup(key);
+ if (p)
+ return p;
+ else
+ return defValue;
+// Finds a bolean configration items value by key
+// key - items key
+// defValue - default value to be returned
+// returns value of config item or defValue if not found
+EXP_OPTION int ConfigItem_lookup_bool(const char* key, int defValue)
+ int rc = defValue;
+ const char* p = ConfigItem_lookup(key);
+ if(p)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ rc = (!stricmp(p, "true")) ? 1 : 0;
+ rc = (!strcasecmp(p, "TRUE")) ? 1 : 0;
+ return rc;
+// Reads and parses configuration file
+// fileName - configuration file name
+// type - type of config file global/private
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int readConfigFile(const char* fileName, int type)
+ FILE* hFile;
+ char buf[5000];
+ char *p;
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ if((hFile = fopen(fileName, "rt")) != NULL) {
+ ddocDebug(2, "readConfigFile", "Reading config file: %s", fileName);
+ while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), hFile) != NULL && !err) {
+ // trim line separators and spaces
+ while(strlen(buf) && (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n' ||
+ buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\r' ||
+ buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\t' ||
+ buf[strlen(buf)-1] == ' '))
+ buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0;
+ if(strlen(buf) && buf[0] != '#') {
+ if((p = strchr(buf, '=')) != NULL) {
+ *p = 0;
+ p++;
+ err = addConfigItem(NULL, (const char*)buf, (const char*)p, type, ITEM_STATUS_OK);
+ SET_LAST_ERROR_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ //printf("CONF: %s = %s\n", buf, p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(hFile);
+ return err;
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "readConfigFile", "Error opening config file: %s", fileName);
+ }
+// Writes a configuration file
+// fileName - configuration file name
+// type - type of config file global/private
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int writeConfigFile(const char* fileName, int type)
+ FILE* hFile;
+ //char buf[300];
+ //char *p;
+ int err = ERR_OK, i;
+ if((hFile = fopen(fileName, "wt")) != NULL) {
+ // first try to find a private item
+ for(i = 0; (i < g_configStore.nItems) &&
+ g_configStore.pItems && g_configStore.pItems[i]; i++) {
+ if(g_configStore.pItems[i]->nType == type) {
+ fprintf(hFile, "%s=%s\n", g_configStore.pItems[i]->szKey,
+ g_configStore.pItems[i]->szValue);
+ g_configStore.pItems[i]->nStatus = ITEM_STATUS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(hFile);
+ return err;
+ } else
+// Saves all private config items in correct file
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int writePrivateConfigFile()
+#ifndef WIN32
+ return writeConfigFile(g_szPrivateConfigFile, ITEM_TYPE_PRIVATE);
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Sets a new name for private config file. Can be
+// used to override default of env(HOME)/.digidoc.conf
+// Use NULL to restore default value
+EXP_OPTION void setPrivateConfigFile(const char* fileName)
+ if (fileName) {
+ strncpy( g_szPrivateConfigFile, fileName, sizeof(g_szPrivateConfigFile) );
+ } else { // use default
+ snprintf(g_szPrivateConfigFile, sizeof(g_szPrivateConfigFile)-1,
+ }
+// Finds CA certificates index by it's CN
+// idx - address if index
+// cn - CN of the CA
+// return -1 if not found or 0 for success
+int findCAindexByCN(int* idx, const char* cn)
+ int i, n;
+ char buf1[100];
+ const char* p;
+ *idx = 0;
+ p = ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERTS");
+ n = atoi(p);
+ for(i = 1; (i <= n) && !(*idx); i++) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "CA_CERT_%d_CN", i);
+ p = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ ddocDebug(1, "findCAindexByCN", "ERR112 Unknown CA: %s", buf1);
+ if(!strcmp(p, cn)) { // found it
+ *idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Finds Responder certificates index by it's CN
+// idx - address if index
+// cn - CN of the responder cert
+// hash - responder certs hash in base64 form
+// ca - responder CA CN
+// return error code or 0 for success
+int findResponderIndex(int* idx, const char* cn, const char* hash, const char* ca)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i, n;
+ char buf1[100];
+ const char* p;
+ *idx = 0;
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponderIndex", "Find CA: %s hash: %s ca-cn: %s", (cn ? cn : "NULL"),
+ (hash ? hash : "NULL"), (ca ? ca : "NULL"));
+ p = ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTS");
+ n = atoi(p);
+ for(i = 1; (i <= n) && !(*idx); i++) {
+ if(cn) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_CN", i);
+ p = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p && !strcmp(p, cn)) { // found it
+ *idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(hash) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_HASH", i);
+ p = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p && !strcmp(p, hash)) { // found it
+ *idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ca) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_CA", i);
+ p = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p && !strcmp(p, ca)) { // found it
+ *idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+// Finds CA certificate by CN
+// ppCA - address of found CA
+// szCN - CA certs common name
+// pHash - authority-key-identifier to search for CA
+// return error code or 0 for success
+DIGIDOC_DEPRECATED EXP_OPTION int findCAForCN(X509** ppCA, const char* szCN, DigiDocMemBuf *pHash)
+ return findCAForCNAndSigTime(ppCA, szCN, pHash, 0);
+// Read ca and ocsp responder certs from files and cache in memory
+int initCertificateItems()
+ int err = ERR_OK, i, n, e2, j;
+ const char *p1, *p2, *p3;
+ char buf2[300], buf1[50];
+ X509 *x509 = NULL;
+ // read CA certs
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERTS");
+ p2 = ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERT_PATH");
+ ddocDebug(3, "initCertificateItems", "Init ca certs: %s ca-path: %s", p1, p2);
+ n = atoi(p1);
+ for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "CA_CERT_%d_CN", i);
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "CA_CERT_%d", i);
+ p3 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p1 && p3) {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s\\%s", p2, p3);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/%s", p2, p3);
+ x509 = 0;
+ e2 = ReadCertificateNoErr(&x509, buf2);
+ if(x509) {
+ ddocDebug(3, "initCertificateItems", "CA Cert item: %d CN: %s file: %s", i, p1, p3);
+ addCertificateItem(&g_configStore, p1, x509); // release ownership on x509!
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "initCertificateItems", "Error: %d reading item: %d CN: %s file: %s", e2, i, p1, p3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // read ocsp responder certs
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERTS");
+ ddocDebug(3, "initCertificateItems", "Init ocsp certs: %s ca-path: %s", p1, p2);
+ n = atoi(p1);
+ for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_CN", i);
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d", i);
+ p3 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p1 && p3) {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s\\%s", p2, p3);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/%s", p2, p3);
+ x509 = 0;
+ e2 = ReadCertificateNoErr(&x509, buf2);
+ if(x509) {
+ ddocDebug(3, "initCertificateItems", "OCSP Cert item: %d CN: %s file: %s", i, p1, p3);
+ addCertificateItem(&g_configStore, buf1, x509); // release ownership on x509!
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "initCertificateItems", "Error: %d reading item: %d CN: %s file: %s", e2, i, p1, p3);
+ }
+ }
+ for(j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_%d", i, j);
+ p3 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p1 && p3) {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s\\%s", p2, p3);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/%s", p2, p3);
+ x509 = 0;
+ e2 = ReadCertificateNoErr(&x509, buf2);
+ if(x509) {
+ ddocDebug(3, "initCertificateItems", "OCSP Cert item: %d CN: %s file: %s", i, p1, p3);
+ addCertificateItem(&g_configStore, buf1, x509); // release ownership on x509!
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "initCertificateItems", "Error: %d reading item: %d CN: %s file: %s", e2, i, p1, p3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+// Finds CA certificate by CN
+// ppCA - address of found CA
+// szCN - CA certs common name
+// pHash - authority-key-identifier to search for CA
+// tSigTime - signing time or 0
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int findCAForCNAndSigTime(X509** ppCA, const char* szCN, DigiDocMemBuf *pHash, time_t tSigTime)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i, n;
+ char buf2[300], buf1[30], buf3[50];
+ const char *p1, *p2;
+ X509 *x509 = NULL;
+ DigiDocMemBuf mbuf2, mbuf3, mbuf1;
+ time_t tFrom = 0, tTo = 0;
+ mbuf1.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf1.nLen = 0;
+ mbuf2.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf2.nLen = 0;
+ mbuf3.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf3.nLen = 0;
+ ddocEncodeBase64(pHash, &mbuf3);
+ ddocBin2Hex(pHash, &mbuf2);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAForCN", "Find CN: %s subj-hash: %s subj-hash-hex: %s sig-time: %ld", szCN, (char*)mbuf3.pMem, (char*)mbuf2.pMem, (unsigned long)tSigTime);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf3);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2);
+ // initialize
+ *ppCA = NULL;
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERTS");
+ n = atoi(p1);
+ for(i = 1; (i <= n) && !(*ppCA); i++) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "CA_CERT_%d_CN", i);
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ x509 = NULL;
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAForCN", "CA: %s -> %s", buf1, p1);
+ if(p1 && !strcmp(p1, szCN)) { // found CN, try read cert
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "CA_CERT_%d", i);
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p1) {
+ p2 = ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERT_PATH");
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s\\%s", p2, p1);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/%s", p2, p1);
+ // check cache first
+ x509 = Cert_find(szCN);
+ if(!x509)
+ err = ReadCertificate(&x509, buf2);
+ ddocDebug(4, "findCAForCN", "Read cert: %s rc: %d\n", buf2, err);
+ if(err == ERR_FILE_READ) err = ERR_UNKNOWN_CA;
+ if(pHash && pHash->pMem && x509) {
+ memset(buf3, 0, sizeof(buf3));
+ ReadCertSerialNumber(buf3, sizeof(buf3), x509);
+ readSubjectKeyIdentifier(x509, &mbuf2);
+ ddocEncodeBase64(&mbuf2, &mbuf3);
+ ddocBin2Hex(&mbuf2, &mbuf1);
+ tFrom = getCertNotBeforeTimeT(x509);
+ tTo = getCertNotAfterTimeT(x509);
+ if(!ddocMemCompareMemBufs(pHash, &mbuf2) &&
+ (!tSigTime || (tSigTime >= tFrom && tSigTime <= tTo))) {
+ *ppCA = x509;
+ err = ERR_OK;
+ ddocDebug(4, "findCAForCN", "Found cert: %s with nr: %s from: %ld to: %ld", szCN, buf3, tFrom, tTo);
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(4, "findCAForCN", "Release cert: %s with nr: %s", szCN, buf3);
+ X509_free(x509); // release wrong cert
+ *ppCA = NULL;
+ }
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAForCN", "Compare CA: %s subj-hash: %s hex: %s err: %d", buf1, (char*)mbuf3.pMem, (char*)mbuf1.pMem, err);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf3);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1);
+ } else { // plain CN match is enough
+ if(x509) {
+ *ppCA = x509;
+ err = ERR_OK;
+ ddocDebug(4, "findCAForCN", "Found cert: %s with cn", szCN);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAForCN", "No cert file for: %s", buf1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ //*ppCA = x509;
+ if(*ppCA) {
+ ddocCertGetSubjectDN(*ppCA, &mbuf2);
+ ddocDebug(4, "findCAForCN", "Found cert: %s with cn %s", (char*)mbuf2.pMem, szCN);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2);
+ }
+ return err;
+// Finds Responders certificate by CN
+// ppResp - address of found cert
+// szCN - Responder certs common name
+// hash - responder certs hash in base64
+// nIdx - index of the certificate for this respnder. Starts at 0
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex(X509** ppResp, const char* szCN,
+ const char* hash, int nIdx)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i;
+ char buf[300];
+ const char *p1, *p2;
+ // initialize
+ *ppResp = NULL;
+ err = findResponderIndex(&i, szCN, hash, NULL);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex", "CN: %s hash: %s resp-index: %d, cert-index: %d",
+ (szCN ? szCN : "NULL"), (hash ? hash : "NULL"), i, nIdx);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ // check cache first
+ *ppResp = Cert_find(szCN);
+ if(*ppResp) return ERR_OK;
+ // compose search key
+ if(!nIdx)
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d", i);
+ else
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_%d", i, nIdx);
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex", "Read cert key: %s file: %s", buf, (p1 ? p1 : "NULL"));
+ if(p1) {
+ if(checkFileExists(p1)) {
+ err = ReadCertificate(ppResp, p1);
+ } else {
+ p2 = ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERT_PATH");
+ if(p2) {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\\%s", p2, p1);
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", p2, p1);
+ if(checkFileExists(buf))
+ err = ReadCertificate(ppResp, buf);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex", "Read cert: %s rc: %d got: %s", buf, err, (*ppResp ? "OK" : "NULL"));
+ }
+ }
+ } // if p1
+ return err;
+// Finds Responders certificate by CN
+// ppResp - address of found cert
+// szCN - Responder certs common name
+// hash - responder certs hash in base64 form
+// szCertSerial - specific serial number to search
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int findResponder(X509** ppResp, const char* szCN,
+ const char* szHash, char* szCertSerial)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i, j;
+ char buf[300], szSerial[100];
+ const char *p1, *p2;
+ time_t t1, t2;
+ X509 *x509;
+ // initialize
+ *ppResp = NULL;
+ err = findResponderIndex(&i, szCN, szHash, NULL);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponder", "CN: %s hash: %s index: %d, search notary: %s",
+ (szCN ? szCN : "NULL"), (szHash ? szHash : "NULL"), i,
+ (szCertSerial ? szCertSerial : "LATEST"));
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ j = 0;
+ t1 = t2 = 0;
+ do {
+ x509 = 0;
+ p1 = p2 = 0;
+ // compose search key
+ if(!j)
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d", i);
+ else
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_%d", i, j);
+ p1 = ConfigItem_lookup(buf);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponder", "Read cert key: %s file: %s", buf, (p1 ? p1 : "NULL"));
+ if(p1) {
+ // check cache first
+ x509 = Cert_find(buf);
+ if(!x509) { // if not found in cache
+ if(checkFileExists(p1)) {
+ err = ReadCertificate(&x509, p1);
+ if(x509)
+ t2 = getCertNotAfterTimeT(x509);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponder", "Read cert: %s rc: %d not-after: %ld", p1, err, (unsigned long)t2);
+ } else {
+ p2 = ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERT_PATH");
+#ifdef WIN32
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\\%s", p2, p1);
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", p2, p1);
+ err = ReadCertificate(&x509, buf);
+ if(x509)
+ t2 = getCertNotAfterTimeT(x509);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponder", "Read cert: %s rc: %d not-after: %ld", buf, err, (unsigned long)t2);
+ } // else
+ } // !x509
+ if(!err && x509) { // if cert read successfully
+ if(szCertSerial) { // check for specific notary cert serial
+ szSerial[0] = 0;
+ ReadCertSerialNumber(szSerial, sizeof(szSerial), x509);
+ if(!strcmp(szSerial, szCertSerial)) {
+ *ppResp = x509;
+ ddocDebug(4, "findResponder", "assigning CA 1");
+ return ERR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!t1 || t2 > t1) { // first cert to check
+ t1 = t2;
+ ddocDebug(4, "findResponder", "assigning CA 2");
+ *ppResp = x509;
+ }
+ }
+ } // if p1
+ j++;
+ } while(x509 || j < 10); // until any potential cert found and I have tried to find one of the multiple certs
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponder", "CN: %s hash: %s index: %d, search notary: %s",
+ (szCN ? szCN : "NULL"), (szHash ? szHash : "NULL"), err, (*ppResp ? "OK" : "NULL"));
+ return err;
+// Finds Responder certificates CA certs CN
+// caCN - buffer for responders CA CN
+// len - length of buffer for CA CN
+// szCN - responder certs common name
+// hash - responder certs hash in base64 form
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int findResponderCA(char* caCN, int len, const char* szCN, const char* hash)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i=0;
+ char buf[50];
+ const char* p;
+ // initialize
+ caCN[0] = 0;
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponderCA", "CA cn: %s, cn-l: %d", caCN, len);
+ err = findResponderIndex(&i, szCN, hash, NULL);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponderCA", "Resp idx: %d", i);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_CA", i);
+ p = ConfigItem_lookup(buf);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findResponderCA", "Lookup: %s found: %s len: %d", buf, p, len);
+ strncpy(caCN, p, len);
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Finds CA certificate of the given certificate
+// ppCA - address of found CA
+// pCert - certificate whose CA we are looking for
+// return error code or 0 for success
+// deprecated use findCAForCertificateAndSigTime()
+DIGIDOC_DEPRECATED EXP_OPTION int findCAForCertificate(X509** ppCA, const X509* pCert)
+ return findCAForCertificateAndSigTime(ppCA, pCert, 0);
+// Finds CA certificate of the given certificate
+// ppCA - address of found CA
+// pCert - certificate whose CA we are looking for
+// tSigTime - signature timestamp
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int findCAForCertificateAndSigTime(X509** ppCA, const X509* pCert, time_t tSigTime)
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1, mbuf2;
+ mbuf1.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf1.nLen = 0;
+ mbuf2.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf2.nLen = 0;
+ // read cert issuers CN
+ err = ddocCertGetIssuerCN((X509*)pCert, &mbuf1);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(mbuf1.pMem, ERR_PKCS_CERT_DECODE); // PR. fix crash
+ err = readAuthorityKeyIdentifier((X509*)pCert, &mbuf2);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ err = findCAForCNAndSigTime(ppCA, (const char*)mbuf1.pMem, &mbuf2, tSigTime);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ return err;
+// Finds CA chain
+// ppChain - address of cert pointer array
+// nMaxChain - index of last cert in returned array - 0 based
+// szCN - CN of the first CA cert (not the child cert!)
+// pCert - certificate to search ca-s for
+// return error code or 0 for success
+// deprecated use findCAChainForCNAndSigTime()
+DIGIDOC_DEPRECATED EXP_OPTION int findCAChainForCN(X509** ppChain, int* nMaxChain, const char* szCN, X509* pCert)
+ return findCAChainForCNAndSigTime(ppChain, nMaxChain, szCN, pCert, 0);
+// Finds CA chain
+// ppChain - address of cert pointer array
+// nMaxChain - index of last cert in returned array - 0 based
+// szCN - CN of the first CA cert (not the child cert!)
+// pCert - certificate to search ca-s for
+// tSigTime - signature timestamp
+// return error code or 0 for success
+EXP_OPTION int findCAChainForCNAndSigTime(X509** ppChain, int* nMaxChain, const char* szCN, X509* pCert, time_t tSigTime)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i;
+ char oldcn[300], buf3[100];
+ X509 * caCerts[NUM_SEARCH_CAS];
+ DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1, mbuf2, mbuf3;
+ mbuf1.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf1.nLen = 0;
+ mbuf2.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf2.nLen = 0;
+ mbuf3.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf3.nLen = 0;
+ // initialize
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ ppChain[i] = NULL;
+ i = 0;
+ memset(oldcn, 0, sizeof(oldcn));
+ strncpy(oldcn, szCN, sizeof(oldcn));
+ *nMaxChain = -1;
+ if(pCert != NULL) {
+ err = readAuthorityKeyIdentifier(pCert, &mbuf2);
+ ddocEncodeBase64(&mbuf2, &mbuf3);
+ memset(buf3, 0, sizeof(buf3));
+ ReadCertSerialNumber(buf3, sizeof(buf3), pCert);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAChainForCN", "Subj cert nr: %s, auth-key: %s", buf3, (char*)mbuf3.pMem);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf3);
+ }
+ do {
+ if(caCerts[i]) { // for first ca it is null
+ err = readAuthorityKeyIdentifier(caCerts[i], &mbuf2);
+ ddocEncodeBase64(&mbuf2, &mbuf3);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAChainForCN", "CA cert: %d, auth-key: %s", i, (char*)mbuf3.pMem);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf3);
+ if(err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ err = findCAForCNAndSigTime(&caCerts[i], oldcn, &mbuf2, tSigTime);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAChainForCN", "Read CA for CN: %s idx: %d rc: %d", oldcn, i, err);
+ SET_LAST_ERROR_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ if (caCerts[i] && !err) {
+ err = ddocCertGetIssuerCN(caCerts[i], &mbuf1);
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAChainForCN", "Issuer: %s old was: %s, rc: %d",
+ (const char*)mbuf1.pMem, oldcn, err);
+ SET_LAST_ERROR_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ }
+ if(caCerts[i] && !err && mbuf1.pMem && !strcmp((const char*)mbuf1.pMem, oldcn) && i == 0) {
+ ppChain[0] = caCerts[0];
+ *nMaxChain = 0;
+ return err;
+ } else
+ if(!err && mbuf1.pMem && strcmp((const char*)mbuf1.pMem, oldcn)) {
+ i++;
+ if(!err)
+ strncpy(oldcn, (const char*)mbuf1.pMem, sizeof(oldcn) );
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1);
+ } else {
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (err == ERR_OK);
+ *nMaxChain = i;
+ ddocDebug(3, "findCAChainForCN", "Found: %d certs", (*nMaxChain) + 1);
+ // now reverse the chain such that the root CA is at the top - is it necessary??? // PR fix index
+ for(i = 0; i <= *nMaxChain; i++)
+ ppChain[i] = caCerts[(*nMaxChain) - i];
+ return err;
+// Get a notary confirmation for signature
+// pSigDoc - signed document pointer
+// pSigInfo - signature to notarize
+// returns error code
+EXP_OPTION int notarizeSignature(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo)
+ return notarizeSignatureWithIp(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, 0);
+// Selects correct OCSP URL for this certificate
+// issuerDN - certificate issuer DN
+// ppOcspUrl - returned OCSP url or NULL if not found
+// returns error code or ERR_OK
+int ddocSelectOcspUrl(char* issuerDN, char** ppOcspUrl)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i;
+ char buf1[100], *p;
+ // get default OCSP URL
+ *ppOcspUrl = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_OCSP_URL");
+ // if possible find OCSP URL by signers CA
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocSelectOcspUrl", "signers CA: %s", (issuerDN ? issuerDN : "NULL"));
+ if(issuerDN) {
+ buf1[0] = 0;
+ findCN(issuerDN, buf1, sizeof(buf1));
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocSelectOcspUrl", "signers CA CN: %s", buf1);
+ findResponderIndex(&i, NULL, NULL, buf1);
+ if(i > 0) {
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "DIGIDOC_OCSP_RESPONDER_CERT_%d_URL", i);
+ p = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup(buf1);
+ if(p) {
+ *ppOcspUrl = p;
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocSelectOcspUrl", "Selected OCSP URL: %s", p);
+ }
+ }
+ buf1[0] = 0;
+ }
+ if(!(*ppOcspUrl)) {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocSelectOcspUrl", "ERR112 ocsp url: %s", (*ppOcspUrl ? *ppOcspUrl : "NULL"));
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocSelectOcspUrl", "Selected OCSP URL: %s", *ppOcspUrl);
+ }
+ return err;
+int ddocFindCaChainForCert(X509* pCert,
+ X509** caCerts, int *nCerts,
+ char* szCA, int caLen)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i;
+ DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1, mbuf2;
+ mbuf1.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf1.nLen = 0;
+ mbuf2.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf2.nLen = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ szCA[0] = 0;
+ err = ddocCertGetIssuerDN(pCert, &mbuf1);
+ err = ddocCertGetSubjectDN(pCert, &mbuf2);
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocFindCaChainForCert", "Find chain for: %s issuer: %s",
+ (char*)mbuf2.pMem, (char*)mbuf1.pMem);
+ if(!err) {
+ err = findCN((char*)mbuf1.pMem, szCA, caLen);
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocFindCaChainForCert", "Find chain for CN: %s", szCA);
+ if(!err) {
+ err = findCAChainForCNAndSigTime(caCerts, nCerts, szCA, pCert, 0);
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocFindCaChainForCert", "Chain length: %d, err: %d", *nCerts, err);
+ }
+ }
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2);
+ return err;
+int ddocFindOcspCnCaAndCerts(OCSP_RESPONSE* pResp, int *nType,
+ X509** caCerts, int *nCerts,
+ char* szCN, int cnLen,
+ char* szCA, int caLen)
+ int err = ERR_OK, i;
+ DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1;
+ mbuf1.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf1.nLen = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i <= NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ szCN[0] = szCA[0] = 0;
+ // find responder id type and value
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocFindOcspCnCaAndCerts", "OCSP: %s", (pResp ? "OK" : "NO"));
+ err = ddocGetOcspRespIdTypeAndValue(pResp, nType, &mbuf1);
+ if((*nType) == RESPID_NAME_TYPE) {
+ err = findCN((char*)mbuf1.pMem, szCN, cnLen);
+ if (!err)
+ err = findResponderCA(szCA, caLen, szCN, NULL);
+ }
+ else if((*nType) == RESPID_KEY_TYPE) {
+ i = sizeof(szCN);
+ encode((const byte*)mbuf1.pMem, mbuf1.nLen, (byte*)szCN, &i);
+ if (!err)
+ err = findResponderCA(szCA, caLen, NULL, szCN);
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocFindOcspCnCaAndCerts", "Responder CN: %s CA: %s, RC: %d", szCN, szCA, err);
+ // find CA chain
+ if(err == ERR_OK)
+ err = findCAChainForCNAndSigTime(caCerts, nCerts, szCA, NULL, 0);
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocFindOcspCnCaAndCerts", "Chain length: %d, err: %d", *nCerts, err);
+ // cleanup
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1);
+ return err;
+// Get a notary confirmation for signature
+// pSigDoc - signed document pointer
+// pSigInfo - signature to notarize
+// ip - callers ip address if known
+// returns error code
+EXP_OPTION int notarizeSignatureWithIp(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, unsigned long ip)
+ NotaryInfo* pNotInfo;
+ int err = ERR_OK, nCAs = NUM_SEARCH_CAS, i, j, err2 = 0, nType;
+ X509* caCerts[NUM_SEARCH_CAS+1];
+ X509* pNotCert, *pSigCert = 0, *pSigCa = 0;
+ //AM 24.09.08 szCA size from 30 to 100 for Portuguese ID card
+ char szCN[200], szCA[100];
+ char *pkcs12file, *pkcs12passwd, *ocspUrl;
+ char *proxyHost, *proxyPort, *proxyUser, *proxyPass;
+ OCSP_RESPONSE *pResp = 0;
+ CertValue *pCertValue = 0;
+ // PR. index fix
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ if(ConfigItem_lookup_bool("SIGN_OCSP", 1)) {
+ pkcs12file = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PKCS_FILE");
+ pkcs12passwd = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PKCS_PASSWD");
+ } else {
+ pkcs12file = pkcs12passwd = NULL;
+ }
+ if(ConfigItem_lookup_bool("USE_PROXY", 1)) {
+ proxyHost = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_HOST");
+ proxyPort = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_PORT");
+ proxyUser = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_USER");
+ proxyPass = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_PASS");
+ ddocDebug(4, "notarizeSignature", "proxy: %s port : %s", proxyHost, proxyPort);
+ } else {
+ proxyHost = proxyPort = proxyUser = proxyPass = NULL;
+ }
+ err = ddocSelectOcspUrl((char*)ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert_IssuerName(pSigInfo), &ocspUrl);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ // get signers ca certs
+ pSigCert = ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert(pSigInfo);
+ err = ddocFindCaChainForCert(pSigCert, caCerts, &nCAs, szCA, sizeof(szCA));
+ pSigCa = caCerts[nCAs];
+ // get OCSP confirmation
+ ddocDebug(3, "notarizeSignatureWithIp", "Getting OCSP confirmation");
+ err = getConfirmationWithIpEx(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, (const X509 **)caCerts, NULL,
+ pkcs12file, pkcs12passwd, ocspUrl,
+ proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPass, ip);
+ // release ca certs
+ nCAs=10;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++) {
+ if(caCerts[i] && caCerts[i] != pSigCa) {
+ X509_free(caCerts[i]);
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // continue with the rest
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ pNotInfo = getNotaryWithSigId(pSigDoc, pSigInfo->szId);
+ // get OCSP response
+ pResp = ddocNotInfo_GetOCSPResponse_Value(pNotInfo);
+ // find CN from responder-id, right CA and CA certs chain
+ err = ddocFindOcspCnCaAndCerts(pResp, &nType, (X509**)caCerts, &nCAs,
+ szCN, sizeof(szCN), szCA, sizeof(szCA));
+ // find usable responder cert by trying all of them
+ // until verification with one succedes
+ if(err == ERR_OK) {
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ pNotCert = 0;
+ err2 = ERR_OK;
+ if(nType == RESPID_NAME_TYPE)
+ findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex(&pNotCert, szCN, NULL, j);
+ else if(nType == RESPID_KEY_TYPE)
+ findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex(&pNotCert, NULL, szCN, j);
+ ddocDebug(1, "notarizeSignatureWithIp", "Find notary: %s idx: %d cert: %s", szCN, j, (pNotCert ? "OK" : "NULL"));
+ if(pNotCert) {
+ err2 = finalizeAndVerifyNotary2(pSigDoc, pSigInfo,
+ pNotInfo, (const X509**)&caCerts, (const X509*)pNotCert, (const X509*)pSigCa);
+ ddocDebug(1, "notarizeSignatureWithIp", "Verifying notary: %d", err);
+ j++;
+ if(err2) {
+ // VS: release ownership before deletion
+ pCertValue = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertValueOfType(pSigInfo, CERTID_VALUE_RESPONDERS_CERT);
+ if(pCertValue && pCertValue->pCert == pNotCert) {
+ ddocDebug(1, "notarizeSignatureWithIp", "Release notary cert err2: %d", err2);
+ pCertValue->pCert = NULL;
+ }
+ X509_free(pNotCert);
+ }
+ }
+ } while(pNotCert && err2 != ERR_OK);
+ }
+ if(pSigCa)
+ X509_free(pSigCa);
+ if(err2)
+ err = err2;
+ else
+ clearErrors();
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ if(caCerts[i])
+ X509_free(caCerts[i]);
+ if(pResp)
+ OCSP_RESPONSE_free(pResp);
+ // test if not cert is ok
+ pCertValue = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertValueOfType(pSigInfo, CERTID_VALUE_RESPONDERS_CERT);
+ ddocDebug(3, "notarizeSignatureWithIp", "End Notary: cert-val: %s cert: %s",
+ ((pCertValue && pCertValue->pCert) ? "OK" : "NULL"), (pNotCert ? "OK" : "NULL"));
+ // please note that we cannot free pNotCert here because we gave ownership to pNotInf!
+ return err;
+// Signs the document and gets configrmation
+// pSigDoc - signed document pointer
+// ppSigInfo - address of new signature pointer
+// pin - smart card PIN
+// manifest - manifest / resolution (NULL)
+// city - signers city (NULL)
+// state - signers state (NULL)
+// zip - signers postal code (NULL)
+// country - signers country (NULL)
+EXP_OPTION int signDocument(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo** ppSigInfo,
+ const char* pin, const char* manifest,
+ const char* city, const char* state,
+ const char* zip, const char* country)
+ return signDocumentWithSlot(pSigDoc, ppSigInfo, pin, manifest,
+ city, state, zip, country,
+ ConfigItem_lookup_int("DIGIDOC_SIGNATURE_SLOT", 0), 1, 1);
+// Signs the document and gets configrmation
+// pSigDoc - signed document pointer
+// ppSigInfo - address of new signature pointer
+// pin - smart card PIN
+// manifest - manifest / resolution (NULL)
+// city - signers city (NULL)
+// state - signers state (NULL)
+// zip - signers postal code (NULL)
+// country - signers country (NULL)
+EXP_OPTION int signDocumentWithSlot(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo** ppSigInfo,
+ const char* pin, const char* manifest,
+ const char* city, const char* state,
+ const char* zip, const char* country,
+ int nSlot, int nOcsp, int nSigner)
+ return signDocumentWithSlotAndSigner(pSigDoc, ppSigInfo, pin, manifest,
+ city, state, zip, country, nSlot, nOcsp, nSigner, NULL);
+// Signs the document and gets configrmation
+// pSigDoc - signed document pointer
+// ppSigInfo - address of new signature pointer
+// pin - smart card PIN
+// manifest - manifest / resolution (NULL)
+// city - signers city (NULL)
+// state - signers state (NULL)
+// zip - signers postal code (NULL)
+// country - signers country (NULL)
+// nSigner - 1=PKCS11, 2=CNG (Microsoft CAPI)
+// szPkcs12FileName - PKCS#12 file name to be used for signing (required if nSigner=3)
+EXP_OPTION int signDocumentWithSlotAndSigner(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo** ppSigInfo,
+ const char* pin, const char* manifest,
+ const char* city, const char* state,
+ const char* zip, const char* country,
+ int nSlot, int nOcsp, int nSigner,
+ const char* szPkcs12FileName)
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ SignatureInfo* pSigInfo = NULL;
+ if(nSigner == 3)
+ RETURN_IF_NULL_PARAM(szPkcs12FileName)
+ if(!pSigDoc->szFormatVer ||
+ strcmp(pSigDoc->szFormatVer, DIGIDOC_XML_1_3_VER) ||
+ !pSigDoc->szFormat ||
+ strcmp(pSigDoc->szFormat, DIGIDOC_XML_1_1_NAME)) {
+ }
+ clearErrors();
+ ddocDebug(1, "signDocument", "Creating new digital signature");
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ // add new signature with default id
+ err = SignatureInfo_new(&pSigInfo, pSigDoc, NULL);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ *ppSigInfo = pSigInfo;
+ // automatically calculate doc-info elements for this signature
+ addAllDocInfos(pSigDoc, *ppSigInfo);
+ // add signature production place
+ if (city || state || zip || country)
+ err = setSignatureProductionPlace(*ppSigInfo, city, state, zip, country);
+ // add user roles
+ if (manifest)
+ err = addSignerRole(*ppSigInfo, 0, manifest, -1, 0);
+ ddocDebug(1, "signDocument", "Calc signature");
+ // now sign the doc
+ if(nSigner == 1 || !nSigner)
+ err = calculateSignatureWithEstID(pSigDoc, *ppSigInfo, nSlot, pin);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if(nSigner == 2)
+ err = calculateSigInfoSignatureWithCSPEstID(pSigDoc, *ppSigInfo, 0, pin);
+ if(nSigner == 3)
+ err = calculateSignatureWithPkcs12(pSigDoc, *ppSigInfo, szPkcs12FileName, pin);
+ if(err == ERR_PKCS_LOGIN) return err;
+ if(nOcsp)
+ err = notarizeSignature(pSigDoc, *ppSigInfo);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Verify this notary
+// pSigDoc - signed document pointer
+// pNotInfo - notary to verify
+// returns error code
+int verifyNotary(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, NotaryInfo* pNotInfo)
+ int err = ERR_OK, nCAs = NUM_SEARCH_CAS, i, err2 = 0;
+ X509 * caCerts[NUM_SEARCH_CAS];
+ X509* pNotCert = 0, *pCaCert = 0;
+ const DigiDocMemBuf *pMBuf = 0;
+ char buf1[300], buf2[300], szNotSerial[100];
+ int mustFreeNotaryCert = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ // get responder certs serial nr
+ szNotSerial[0] = 0;
+ if(ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSigInfo))
+ err = ReadCertSerialNumber(szNotSerial, sizeof(szNotSerial),
+ ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSigInfo));
+ // find responder cert and it's CA cert
+ pMBuf = ddocNotInfo_GetResponderId(pNotInfo);
+ memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
+ // use responders cert from ddoc
+ //pNotCert = ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSigInfo);
+ if(pNotInfo->nRespIdType == RESPID_NAME_TYPE) {
+ err = findCN((char*)pMBuf->pMem, buf1, sizeof(buf1));
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Responder text: %s", buf1);
+ if (!err) {
+ err = findResponderCA(buf2, sizeof(buf2), buf1, NULL);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Responder CA: %s", buf2);
+ }
+ if(!err) {
+ err = findResponder(&pNotCert, buf1, NULL, (strlen(szNotSerial) ? szNotSerial : NULL));
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Responder %s cert: %s, err: %d", buf1,
+ (pNotCert ? "OK" : "NULL"), err);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pNotInfo->nRespIdType == RESPID_KEY_TYPE) {
+ i = sizeof(buf1);
+ encode((const byte*)pMBuf->pMem, pMBuf->nLen, (byte*)buf1, &i);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Responder bin: %s", buf1);
+ if (!err) {
+ err = findResponderCA(buf2, sizeof(buf2), NULL, buf1);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Responder CA: %s", buf2);
+ }
+ if(!err) {
+ err = findResponder(&pNotCert, NULL, buf1, (strlen(szNotSerial) ? szNotSerial : NULL));
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Responder %s cert: %s, err: %d", buf1,
+ (pNotCert ? "OK" : "NULL"), err);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ if (!err) {
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Find ca chain for: %s", buf2);
+ err = findCAChainForCNAndSigTime((X509**)caCerts, &nCAs, buf2, pNotCert, 0);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "CA chain for: %s, ca-s: %d, rc: %d", buf2, nCAs+1, err);
+ }
+ // use specific error code for responders cert not found!
+ if(err) {
+ }
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Chain length: %d, err: %d", nCAs+1, err);
+ if(pNotCert) { // #23784 - donŠt use responders cert in signature, use local copy
+ err = ddocSigInfo_SetOCSPRespondersCert(pSigInfo, pNotCert);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "assigned notary cert from local store");
+ } else {
+ mustFreeNotaryCert = 1;
+ }
+ if (!err) {
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Verifying Notary %s - cert: %s CA-s: %d", pNotInfo->szId, ((pNotCert) ? "OK" : "NULL"),nCAs+1);
+ err = findCAForCertificateAndSigTime(&pCaCert, ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert(pSigInfo), 0);
+ err = verifyNotaryInfoCERT2(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, pNotInfo,
+ (const X509**)caCerts, ConfigItem_lookup("CA_CERT_PATH"),
+ pNotCert, pCaCert);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "Verifying Notary %s - %s", pNotInfo->szId, ((!err) ? "OK" : "ERROR"));
+ }
+ if (mustFreeNotaryCert) {
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "freed notary cert, hopefully all is OK");
+ X509_free(pNotCert);
+ }
+ if (!err) {
+ err = isCertSignedByCERT(ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSigInfo), caCerts[nCAs]);
+ if(err) {
+ err2 = isCertSignedByCERT(ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSigInfo), caCerts[nCAs - 1]);
+ if(!err2) clearErrors(); else err = err2;
+ }
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "\tCertificate trusted - %s", ((!err) ? "OK" : "ERROR"));
+ }
+ // verify notary digest
+ if (!err) {
+ err = verifyNotaryDigest(pSigDoc, pNotInfo);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifyNotary", "\tNotary digest - %s", ((!err) ? "OK" : "ERROR"));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++) {
+ if(caCerts[i]) {
+ X509_free(caCerts[i]);
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (err != ERR_OK) SET_LAST_ERROR(err);
+ return err;
+// Verify this signature and it's notary
+// pSigDoc - signed document pointer
+// pSigInfo - signature to verify
+// szFileName - input digidoc filename
+// returns error code
+EXP_OPTION int verifySignatureAndNotary(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szFileName)
+ int err1 = ERR_OK, err2 = ERR_OK, k;
+ X509* pCA = 0;
+ NotaryInfo* pNotInfo;
+ time_t tProdAt = 0;
+ pNotInfo = getNotaryWithSigId(pSigDoc, pSigInfo->szId);
+ if(pNotInfo)
+ ddocNotInfo_GetProducedAt_timet(pNotInfo, &tProdAt);
+ err1 = findCAForCertificateAndSigTime(&pCA, ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert(pSigInfo), tProdAt);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifySignatureAndNotary", "Sig: %s find ca: %d, CA: %s sig-time: %ld", pSigInfo->szId, err1, (pCA ? "OK" : "NULL"), (unsigned long)tProdAt);
+ //RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ if(!pCA) {
+ }
+ if(pCA)
+ err2 = verifySignatureInfoCERT(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, pCA, szFileName, 1);
+ if(err2) {
+ err1 = err2;
+ }
+ if (pNotInfo) {
+ err2 = verifyNotary(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, pNotInfo);
+ if(err2) {
+ if(!err1) err1 = err2;
+ }
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifySignatureAndNotary", "verify notary: %d", err2);
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifySignatureAndNotary", "\tSignature has no OCSP confirmation!\n");
+ err2 = ERR_NO_OCSP;
+ if(!err1) err1 = err2;
+ }
+ if((k = getCountOfSignerRoles(pSigInfo, 0)) > 1) {
+ ddocDebug(1, "verifySignatureInfo", "Number of roles: %d, Currently supports max 1 roles", k);
+ err2 = ERR_MAX_1_ROLES;
+ if(!err1) err1 = err2;
+ }
+ //} else
+ // SET_LAST_ERROR(err2);
+ if (pCA)
+ X509_free(pCA);
+ if(pSigInfo->nErr1) // restore possibly cleared parsing err
+ SET_LAST_ERROR(pSigInfo->nErr1);
+ ddocDebug(3, "verifySignatureAndNotary", "Sig: %s err: %d haserr: %d", pSigInfo->szId, err1, hasUnreadErrors());
+ return checkUnknownErr();
+// Extract common name from cert DN or responder id
+// src - DN
+// dest - buffer for CN
+// destLen - size of output buffer in bytes
+int findCN(char* src, char* dest, int destLen)
+ char* p1, *p2;
+ int n;
+ p1 = strstr(src, "CN=");
+ if(p1) {
+ p1 += 3; // start of CN field
+ // find start of next field
+ p2 = strchr(p1, '=');
+ if(!p2) // if not found then this was the last field
+ p2 = strchr(p1, 0);
+ // if we have found = of next field then move back until before field name
+ if(p2 && *p2 == '=')
+ while(p2 > p1 && isalpha(*(p2-1))) p2--;
+ // remove possible field separators
+ while(p2 > p1 &&
+ (*(p2-1) == ' ' || *(p2-1) == ',' || *(p2-1) == '/'))
+ p2--;
+ if(p2) {
+ n = (int)(p2-p1);
+ if(n >= destLen) n = destLen - 1;
+ strncpy(dest, p1, n);
+ dest[n] = 0;
+ return ERR_OK;
+ }
+ }
+// Verify certificate by OCSP
+// pCert - certificate to check
+// ppResp - address to return OCSP response. Use NULL if
+// you don't want OCSP response to be returned
+// returns error code
+EXP_OPTION int ddocVerifyCertByOCSP(X509* pCert, OCSP_RESPONSE **ppResp)
+ return ddocVerifyCertByOCSPWithIp(pCert, ppResp, 0);
+// Verify certificate by OCSP
+// pCert - certificate to check
+// ppResp - address to return OCSP response. Use NULL if
+// you don't want OCSP response to be returned
+// returns error code
+EXP_OPTION int ddocVerifyCertByOCSPWithIp(X509* pCert, OCSP_RESPONSE **ppResp, unsigned long ip)
+ int err = ERR_OK, nCAs = NUM_SEARCH_CAS, i, j, err2 = ERR_OK, nType;
+ X509 * caCerts[NUM_SEARCH_CAS];
+ X509 *pNotCert = 0;
+ char *pkcs12file, *pkcs12passwd;
+ char *proxyHost, *proxyPort;
+ char szCN[100], szCA[100], *ocspUrl;
+ DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1;
+ mbuf1.pMem = 0;
+ mbuf1.nLen = 0;
+ // check if OCSP must be signed
+ if(ConfigItem_lookup_bool("SIGN_OCSP", 1)) {
+ pkcs12file = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PKCS_FILE");
+ pkcs12passwd = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PKCS_PASSWD");
+ } else {
+ pkcs12file = pkcs12passwd = NULL;
+ }
+ // check proxy usage
+ if(ConfigItem_lookup_bool("USE_PROXY", 1)) {
+ proxyHost = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_HOST");
+ proxyPort = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_PORT");
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocVerifyCertByOCSPWithIp", "proxy: %s port : %s", proxyHost, proxyPort);
+ } else {
+ proxyHost = proxyPort = NULL;
+ }
+ // send OCSP request and don't verify result immediately
+ err = ddocCertGetIssuerDN(pCert, &mbuf1);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ err = ddocSelectOcspUrl((char*)mbuf1.pMem, &ocspUrl);
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1);
+ RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err);
+ // find cert oweners CA cert chain
+ err = ddocFindCaChainForCert(pCert, (X509**)caCerts, &nCAs, szCA, sizeof(szCA));
+ // if possible find OCSP URL by signers CA
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocVerifyCertByOCSPWithIp", "OCSP URL: %s CA: %s chain: %d",
+ (ocspUrl ? ocspUrl : "NULL"), szCA, nCAs);
+ err = verifyCertificateByOCSPWithIp(pCert, (const X509 **)caCerts, NULL, ocspUrl,
+ proxyHost, proxyPort, pkcs12file, pkcs12passwd, &pResp, ip);
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocVerifyCertByOCSPWithIp", "OCSP verification - RC: %d, resp: %s", err, (pResp ? "OK" : "NULL"));
+ // release cert CA chain, PR. index fix
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++) {
+ if(caCerts[i]) {
+ X509_free(caCerts[i]);
+ caCerts[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // verify OCSP response
+ // find CN from responder-id, right CA and CA certs chain
+ if(!err)
+ err = ddocFindOcspCnCaAndCerts(pResp, &nType, (X509**)caCerts, &nCAs,
+ szCN, sizeof(szCN), szCA, sizeof(szCA));
+ // find usable responder cert by trying all of them
+ // until verification with one succedes
+ if(err == ERR_OK) {
+ j = 0;
+ do {
+ pNotCert = 0;
+ err2 = ERR_OK;
+ if(nType == RESPID_NAME_TYPE)
+ findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex(&pNotCert, szCN, NULL, j);
+ else if(nType == RESPID_KEY_TYPE)
+ findResponderByCNAndHashAndIndex(&pNotCert, NULL, szCN, j);
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocVerifyCertByOCSPWithIp", "Find notary: %s idx: %d cert: %s", szCN, j, (pNotCert ? "OK" : "NULL"));
+ if(pNotCert)
+ err2 = verifyOCSPResponse(pResp, (const X509**)&caCerts,
+ NULL, (const X509*)pNotCert);
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocVerifyCertByOCSPWithIp", "Verifying notary: %d", err);
+ j++;
+ if(pNotCert)
+ X509_free(pNotCert);
+ } while(pNotCert && err2 != ERR_OK);
+ }
+ if(err2)
+ err = err2;
+ else
+ clearErrors();
+ for(i = 0; i < NUM_SEARCH_CAS; i++)
+ if(caCerts[i])
+ X509_free(caCerts[i]);
+ // return OCSP response if requested
+ if(pResp) {
+ if(ppResp)
+ *ppResp = pResp;
+ else
+ OCSP_RESPONSE_free(pResp);
+ }
+ return err;
+// Reads an arbitrary file into memory buffer
+// szFileName - file name and path
+// pData - memory buffer object
+// returns error code
+EXP_OPTION int ddocReadFile(const char* szFileName, DigiDocMemBuf* pData)
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ long l1;
+ FILE *hFile;
+ char buf1[2050];
+#ifdef WIN32
+ wchar_t *convFileName = 0;
+ int i= 0;
+ err = utf82unicode((const char*)szFileName, (char**)&convFileName, &i);
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocReadFile", "file: %s, conv-file: %s len: %d", szFileName, convFileName, i);
+ pData->pMem = 0;
+ pData->nLen = 0;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ hFile = _wfopen(convFileName, L"rb");
+ hFile = fopen(szFileName, "rb");
+ do {
+ l1 = fread(buf1, 1, 2048, hFile);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pData, buf1, (long)l1);
+ } while(l1 == 2048 && !err);
+ fclose(hFile);
+ return err;
+// Writes an arbitrary file into memory buffer
+// szFileName - file name and path
+// pData - memory buffer object
+// returns error code
+EXP_OPTION int ddocWriteFile(const char* szFileName, DigiDocMemBuf* pData)
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ FILE *hFile;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ wchar_t *convFileName = 0;
+ int i= 0;
+ err = utf82unicode((const char*)szFileName, (char**)&convFileName, &i);
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocReadFile", "file: %s, conv-file: %s len: %d", szFileName, convFileName, i);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ hFile = _wfopen(convFileName, L"wb");
+ hFile = fopen(szFileName, "wb");
+ if(hFile)
+ fwrite(pData->pMem, 1, pData->nLen, hFile);
+ fclose(hFile);
+ return err;