path: root/libdigidoc/DigiDocParser.c
diff options
authorAndrew Shadura <>2015-11-01 19:41:28 +0100
committerAndrew Shadura <>2015-11-01 19:41:28 +0100
commit61c1a106bd81794f48e4cd85bae129f9270279e8 (patch)
tree29ecf644c4a13c2645bd8067e66ae8944dd2daf9 /libdigidoc/DigiDocParser.c
libdigidoc ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Initial upload (Closes: #658300). # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'libdigidoc/DigiDocParser.c')
1 files changed, 1243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libdigidoc/DigiDocParser.c b/libdigidoc/DigiDocParser.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b9b4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libdigidoc/DigiDocParser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@
+// FILE: DigiDocParser.c
+// PROJECT: Digi Doc
+// DESCRIPTION: Digi Doc functions for xml parsing
+// AUTHOR: Veiko Sinivee, S|E|B IT Partner Estonia
+// Copyright (C) AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// GNU Lesser General Public Licence is available at
+//==========< HISTORY >=============================
+// 10.07.2004 Veiko Sinivee
+// Creation
+// config data comes from there
+#ifndef WIN32
+ #include <config.h>
+ #endif
+#endif // no win32
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocDefs.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocConvert.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocCert.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocParser.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocDebug.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocStack.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocMem.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocLib.h>
+#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocOCSP.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define MAX_FILENAME 255
+//=====================< DataFile extraction function >=============================
+#define EXTRACT_OP_WITH_TAGS 1 // copy <DataFile> with enclosing XML tags
+#define EXTRACT_OP_NO_TAGS 2 // copy <DataFile> content, no changes, no decoding but no tags
+#define EXTRACT_OP_BODY_ONLY 3 // copy only the <DataFile> content and base64 decode if necessary
+#define EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM 4 // return the <DataFile> content in memory and base64 decode if necessary
+#define MAX_CONTENT_TYPE 50 // maximum length for ContentType atribute
+extern char* canonicalizeXML(char* source, int len);
+// Processes node contents. This function is used
+// internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// reader - XML reader cursor to current node
+// phFile - address of FILE pointer. Used also as flag: searching/storing
+// szDocId - Id atribute value of <DataFile> to extract
+// szDataFile - name of file to stor it in
+// operation - operation code:
+// EXTRACT_OP_WITH_TAGS = copy <DataFile> with enclosing XML tags
+// EXTRACT_OP_BODY_ONLY = copy only the <DataFile> content and base64 decode if necessary
+// pszContentType - address of DataFile content type atribute value
+// pBuf - address of memory buffer for EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM
+int ddocExtractProcessNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, FILE** phFile,
+ const char* szDocId, const char* szDataFile,
+ int operation, char* pszContentType, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf)
+ int err = ERR_OK, n;
+ xmlChar *name = 0, *value = 0, *an, *av, *p;
+ RETURN_IF_NULL_PARAM(pszContentType);
+ name = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "Node %d, name: %s depth: %d",
+ xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader), (name ? (char*)name : "-"), xmlTextReaderDepth(reader));
+ if(name) {
+ xmlFree(name);
+ name = 0;
+ }
+ switch(xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader)) {
+ name = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
+ if(name) {
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(name, (xmlChar*)"DataFile") && !*phFile) { // possible start
+ value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"Id");
+ if(value) {
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "DataFile Id=%s, search: %s", (const char*)value, szDocId);
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(value, (xmlChar*)szDocId)) { // found it
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "open file: %s", szDataFile);
+ if(operation == EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM) {
+ *phFile = (FILE*)1; // we return in memory. Set this dummy value to indicate start of searched data
+ } else {
+ *phFile = fopen(szDataFile, "wb"); // open file for it
+ }
+ if(!*phFile) {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "Failed to open file: %s", szDataFile);
+ } else
+ if(operation != EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM)
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "Successfully opened file: %s", szDataFile);
+ }
+ xmlFree(value);
+ value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"ContentType");
+ if(value) {
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "ContentType=%s", (const char*)value);
+ strncpy(pszContentType, (const char*)value, MAX_CONTENT_TYPE-1);
+ pszContentType[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE-1] = 0;
+ xmlFree(value);
+ }
+ }
+ if(*phFile &&
+ ((operation == EXTRACT_OP_WITH_TAGS && !xmlStrcmp(name, (xmlChar*)"DataFile")) ||
+ xmlStrcmp(name, (xmlChar*)"DataFile"))) {
+ if(operation == EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM) {
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "<", -1);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)name, -1);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(*phFile, "<%s", name);
+ }
+ while(xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader)) {
+ an = av = 0;
+ an = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
+ av = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
+ if(operation == EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM) {
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, " ", -1);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)an, -1);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "=\"", -1);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)av, -1);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "\"", -1);
+ } else
+ fprintf(*phFile, " %s=\"%s\"", (const char*)an, (const char*)av);
+ if(an)
+ xmlFree(an);
+ if(av)
+ xmlFree(av);
+ }
+ if(operation == EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM) {
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, ">", -1);
+ } else {
+ fputs(">", *phFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(name)
+ xmlFree(name);
+ }
+ break;
+ name = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
+ // handle end element
+ if(*phFile &&
+ ((operation == EXTRACT_OP_WITH_TAGS && !xmlStrcmp(name, (xmlChar*)"DataFile")) ||
+ xmlStrcmp(name, (xmlChar*)"DataFile"))) {
+ if(operation == EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM) {
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "</", -1);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)name, -1);
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, ">", -1);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(*phFile, "</%s>", name);
+ }
+ }
+ // check if it's the correct end element
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(name, (xmlChar*)"DataFile")) { // possible end
+ if(*phFile && *phFile != (FILE*)1) { // file opened then it's the correct end element
+ err = -1;
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "close file: %s", szDataFile);
+ fclose(*phFile);
+ }
+ if(*phFile)
+ *phFile = 0;
+ }
+ // PR. fix mem leak
+ if(name)
+ xmlFree(name);
+ break;
+ break;
+ // handle text node
+ if(*phFile) {
+ value = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
+ if(value) {
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "TEXT: \'%s\'", (const char*)value);
+ if(operation != EXTRACT_OP_WITH_TAGS &&
+ operation != EXTRACT_OP_NO_TAGS &&
+ !strcmp(pszContentType, CONTENT_EMBEDDED_BASE64)) {
+ n = strlen((const char*)value)+1; // decoding will make it 25% smaller, so this must be enough
+ p = (xmlChar*)malloc(n);
+ if(p) {
+ decode((const byte*)value, strlen((const char*)value), p, &n);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "Decoded: %d bytes", n);
+ if(operation == EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM) {
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)p, n);
+ }
+ else {
+ n = fwrite(p, 1, n, *phFile);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "Wrote: %d bytes", n);
+ }
+ free(p);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // in memory we don't really want the escapes or do we ?
+ if(operation == EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM) {
+ err = ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)value, -1);
+ } else {
+ // convert xml special symbols to escapes on output
+ for(n = 0; value[n]; n++) {
+ switch(value[n]) {
+ case '<': fputs("&lt;", *phFile); break;
+ case '>': fputs("&gt;", *phFile); break;
+ case '&': fputs("&amp;", *phFile); break;
+ case '\'': fputs("&apos;", *phFile); break;
+ case '\"': fputs("&quot;", *phFile); break;
+ default: fputc(value[n], *phFile); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ xmlFree(value);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocExtractProcessNode", "Err %d", err);
+ return err;
+// Reads in signed XML document and extracts the desired data file
+// pSigDoc - signed document object if cached
+// szFileName - name of digidoc file
+// szDataFileName - name of new data file
+// szDocId - id if DataFile
+// szCharset - output charset
+EXP_OPTION int ddocXRdrExtractDataFile(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szFileName,
+ const char* szDataFileName, const char* szDocId, const char* szCharset)
+ char szConvDigiDocName[MAX_FILENAME+1];
+ char szConvDataFileName[MAX_FILENAME+1];
+ char szContentType[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE+1];
+ xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
+ FILE* hFile = 0;
+ int ret;
+ long len;
+ void* pBuf;
+ // check input params
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocXRdrExtractDataFile", "SigDoc: %s, digidoc: %s, datafile: %s, output file: %s, charset: %s",
+ (pSigDoc ? "OK" : "NULL"), szFileName, szDocId, szDataFileName, szCharset);
+ szContentType[0] = 0;
+ clearErrors();
+ // converts file names if necessary
+ ddocConvertFileName(szConvDataFileName, sizeof(szConvDataFileName), szDataFileName);
+ ddocConvertFileName(szConvDigiDocName, sizeof(szConvDigiDocName), szFileName);
+ // try reading from memory if already cached?
+ ret = ddocGetDataFileCachedData(pSigDoc, szDocId, &pBuf, &len);
+ if(pBuf) { // gotcha
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocXRdrExtractDataFile", "Using cached data: %d bytes", len);
+ if((hFile = fopen(szConvDataFileName, "wb")) != NULL) {
+ fwrite(pBuf, 1, len, hFile);
+ fclose(hFile);
+ } else
+ free(pBuf);
+ return ERR_OK;
+ }
+ // read digidoc
+ reader = xmlNewTextReaderFilename(szConvDigiDocName);
+ if(reader != NULL) {
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ // loop over all nodes...
+ while(ret == 1) {
+ ret = ddocExtractProcessNode(reader, &hFile, szDocId, szConvDataFileName,
+ EXTRACT_OP_BODY_ONLY, szContentType, 0);
+ if(ret == -1) { // found all what I need but no errs. Stop parsing
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ xmlFreeTextReader(reader);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrExtractDataFile", "Error parsing file: %s parsing err: %d", szConvDigiDocName, ret);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrExtractDataFile", "Error reading file: %s", szConvDigiDocName);
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Reads in signed XML document and returns the
+// desired DataFile-s content in a memory buffer.
+// caller is responsible for freeing the memory.
+// pSigDoc - digidoc object in case already read in
+// szFileName - name of digidoc file
+// szDocId - id if DataFile
+// pBuf - address of buffer pointer
+// returns error code or ERR_OK
+EXP_OPTION int ddocXRdrGetDataFile(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szFileName,
+ const char* szDocId, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf)
+ char szConvDigiDocName[MAX_FILENAME+1];
+ char szContentType[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE+1];
+ xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
+ FILE* hFile = 0;
+ int ret;
+ // check input params
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocXRdrGetDataFile", "SigDoc: %s, digidoc: %s, docid: %s",
+ (pSigDoc ? "OK" : "NULL"), szFileName, szDocId);
+ memset(pBuf, 0, sizeof(DigiDocMemBuf));
+ clearErrors();
+ ret = ddocGetDataFileCachedData(pSigDoc, szDocId, &(pBuf->pMem), &pBuf->nLen);
+ if(pBuf->pMem){ // gotcha
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocXRdrGetDataFile", "Using cached data: %d bytes", pBuf->nLen);
+ return ERR_OK;
+ }
+ szContentType[0] = 0;
+ // converts file names if necessary
+ ddocConvertFileName(szConvDigiDocName, sizeof(szConvDigiDocName), szFileName);
+ // read digidoc
+ reader = xmlNewTextReaderFilename(szConvDigiDocName);
+ if(reader != NULL) {
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ // loop over all nodes...
+ while(ret == 1) {
+ ret = ddocExtractProcessNode(reader, &hFile, szDocId, 0,
+ EXTRACT_OP_BODY_MEM, szContentType, pBuf);
+ if(ret == -1) { // found all what I need but no errs. Stop parsing
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ xmlFreeTextReader(reader);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrGetDataFile", "%s : failed to parse, err: %d", szConvDigiDocName, ret);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrGetDataFile", "Error reading file: %s", szConvDigiDocName);
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Reads in signed XML document and extracts the desired data file
+// This function removes <DataFile> xml tags but doesn't
+// otherwise change or decode the data. It is used
+// internally to copy data content from an old digidoc file
+// to a temp file while saving a the file
+// szFileName - name of digidoc file
+// szDataFileName - name of new data file
+// szDocId - id if DataFile
+// szCharset - output charset
+int ddocXRdrCopyDataFile(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szFileName,
+ const char* szDataFileName, const char* szDocId, const char* szCharset)
+ char szConvDigiDocName[MAX_FILENAME+1];
+ char szConvDataFileName[MAX_FILENAME+1];
+ char szContentType[MAX_CONTENT_TYPE+1];
+ xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
+ FILE* hFile = 0;
+ int ret;
+ long len;
+ void* pBuf = 0;
+ // check input params
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocXRdrCopyDataFile", "SigDoc: %s, digidoc: %s, datafile: %s, output file: %s, charset: %s",
+ (pSigDoc ? "OK" : "NULL"), szFileName, szDocId, szDataFileName, szCharset);
+ szContentType[0] = 0;
+ clearErrors();
+ // converts file names if necessary
+ ddocConvertFileName(szConvDataFileName, sizeof(szConvDataFileName), szDataFileName);
+ ddocConvertFileName(szConvDigiDocName, sizeof(szConvDigiDocName), szFileName);
+ // try reading from memory if already cached?
+ ret = ddocGetDataFileCachedData(pSigDoc, szDocId, &pBuf, &len);
+ if(pBuf) { // gotcha
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocXRdrCopyDataFile", "Using cached data: %d bytes", len);
+ if((hFile = fopen(szConvDataFileName, "wb")) != NULL) {
+ fwrite(pBuf, 1, len, hFile);
+ fclose(hFile);
+ } else
+ free(pBuf);
+ return ERR_OK;
+ }
+ // read digidoc
+ reader = xmlNewTextReaderFilename(szConvDigiDocName);
+ if(reader != NULL) {
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ // loop over all nodes...
+ while(ret == 1) {
+ ret = ddocExtractProcessNode(reader, &hFile, szDocId, szConvDataFileName,
+ EXTRACT_OP_NO_TAGS, szContentType, 0);
+ if(ret == -1) { // found all what I need but no errs. Stop parsing
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ xmlFreeTextReader(reader);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrCopyDataFile", "Error parsing file: %s, err: %d", szConvDigiDocName, ret);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrCopyDataFile", "Error reading file: %s", szConvDigiDocName);
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;
+//=====================< digidoc parsing function >=============================
+// Records elements start tag to given buffer
+// Used internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// reader - XML reader cursor to current node
+// pCurrElem - current element stack entry
+// pBuf - address of buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+void ddocXRdrRecordElementStart(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, ElementEntry* pCurrElem, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf)
+ int n;
+ xmlChar *an, *av;
+ // if we are collecting some xml content
+ if(pBuf->pMem || pBuf->nLen) {
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "<", -1);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)pCurrElem->tag, -1);
+ for(n = 0; xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo(reader, n); n++) {
+ an = xmlTextReaderLocalName(reader);
+ av = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, " ", -1);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)an, -1);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "=\"", -1);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)av, -1);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "\"", -1);
+ xmlFree(an);
+ xmlFree(av);
+ }
+ xmlTextReaderMoveToElement(reader);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, ">", -1);
+ }
+// Records elements end tag to given buffer
+// Used internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// pCurrElem - current element stack entry
+// pBuf - address of buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+void ddocXRdrRecordElementEnd(ElementEntry* pCurrElem, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf)
+ // if we are collecting some xml content
+ if(pBuf->pMem || pBuf->nLen) {
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, "</", -1);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)pCurrElem->tag, -1);
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, ">", -1);
+ }
+// Records elements content to given buffer
+// Used internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// value - element content
+// pBuf - address of buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+void ddocXRdrRecordElementContent(xmlChar* value, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf)
+ // if we are collecting some xml content
+ if(pBuf->pMem || pBuf->nLen)
+ ddocMemAppendData(pBuf, (const char*)value, -1);
+// Starts recording xml content
+// Used internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// pBuf - address of buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+// szTag - name of new tag thatwe start collecting for
+void ddocXRdrStartCollecting(DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf, const char* szTag)
+ if(pBuf->pMem) {
+ ddocDebug(2, "ddocXRdrStartCollecting", "Warning: old buffer not released when starting collecting: %s", szTag);
+ free(pBuf->pMem);
+ }
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocXRdrStartCollecting", "Starting collecting: %s", szTag);
+ pBuf->pMem = malloc(16); // dummy buf to start recording
+ pBuf->nLen = 0;
+// Stops recording xml content, calculates digest and stores it
+// Used internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// pBuf - address of buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+// szTag - name of new tag thatwe start collecting for
+// pDigestBuf - address of pointer receiving the digest value
+// pDigestLen - address of length variable for digest length
+int ddocXRdrStopCollectingAndCalcDigest(DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf, const char* szTag,
+ char** pDigestBuf, long* pDigestLen )
+ char dig[DIGEST_LEN+2];
+ char *p;
+ SHA_CTX sctx;
+ ddocDebug(7, "ddocXRdrStopCollectingAndCalcDigest",
+ "Tag: %s Canonicalise:---------\n%s\n---------", szTag, pBuf->pMem);
+ p = canonicalizeXML((char*)pBuf->pMem, strlen((const char*)pBuf->pMem));
+ if(p) {
+ SHA1_Init(&sctx);
+ SHA1_Update(&sctx, p, strlen(p));
+ SHA1_Final((unsigned char*)dig, &sctx);
+ setString(pDigestBuf, dig, DIGEST_LEN);
+ (*pDigestLen) = DIGEST_LEN;
+ free(p);
+ p = 0;
+ }
+ // stop recording xml content
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "End recording: %s", szTag);
+ if(pBuf->pMem)
+ free(pBuf->pMem);
+ pBuf->pMem = 0;
+ pBuf->nLen = 0;
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Stops recording xml content, calculates digest and stores it
+// Used internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// pBuf - address of buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+// szTag - name of new tag thatwe start collecting for
+// pDigestValue - address of DigestValue structure
+// pDigestBuf - address of pointer receiving the digest value
+// pDigestLen - address of length variable for digest length
+int ddocXRdrStopCollectingAndAssignDigest(DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf, const char* szTag,
+ DigiDocMemBuf* pDigestBuf)
+ int err = ERR_OK;
+ char dig[DIGEST_LEN+2];
+ char *p;
+ SHA_CTX sctx;
+ ddocDebug(7, "ddocXRdrStopCollectingAndCalcDigest",
+ "Tag: %s Canonicalise:---------\n%s\n---------", szTag, pBuf->pMem);
+ p = canonicalizeXML((char*)pBuf->pMem, strlen((const char*)pBuf->pMem));
+ if(p) {
+ SHA1_Init(&sctx);
+ SHA1_Update(&sctx, p, strlen(p));
+ SHA1_Final((unsigned char*)dig, &sctx);
+ err = ddocMemAssignData(pDigestBuf, dig, DIGEST_LEN);
+ free(p);
+ p = 0;
+ }
+ // stop recording xml content
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "End recording: %s", szTag);
+ if(pBuf->pMem)
+ free(pBuf->pMem);
+ pBuf->pMem = 0;
+ pBuf->nLen = 0;
+ return err;
+// Processes node contents. This function is used
+// internally and not meant to be called directly
+// by the users of this library!
+// reader - XML reader cursor to current node
+// pSigDoc - address of signed doc pointer
+// pStack - element stack pointer used to keep track of parsing position
+// pBuf1 - address of first buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+// pBuf2 - address of second buffer for collection certain portions of digidoc
+// lMaxDFLen - maximum size of a cached DataFile
+int ddocParseProcessNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, SignedDoc **ppSigDoc,
+ ElementEntry* pStack, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf1,
+ DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf2, long lMaxDFLen)
+ int err = ERR_OK, n, l;
+ xmlChar *name = 0, *value = 0;
+ char* p;
+ ElementEntry* pCurrElem = 0;
+ DataFile *pDF = 0;
+ CertID* pCertID;
+ X509* pCert;
+ const DigiDocMemBuf *pMBuf;
+ name = xmlTextReaderName(reader);
+ ddocDebug(7, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Node %d, name: %s depth: %d",
+ xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader), (name ? (char*)name : "-"), xmlTextReaderDepth(reader));
+ if(name) {
+ xmlFree(name);
+ name = 0;
+ }
+ switch(xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader)) {
+ err = ddocStackPushElement(pStack, reader,&pCurrElem);
+ if(pCurrElem) {
+ // not in recording mode
+ //if(!(*pBuf1)) {
+ ddocDebug(5, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Start element: %s", (const char*)pCurrElem->tag);
+ // start of <SignedDoc>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"SignedDoc")) {
+ xmlChar* format = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"format");
+ xmlChar* version = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"version");
+ if(ddocCheckFormatAndVer((const char*)format, (const char*)version))
+ err = SignedDoc_new(ppSigDoc, (const char*)format, (const char*)version);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Create SignedDoc format: %s ver: %s",
+ (const char*)format, (const char*)version);
+ xmlFree(format);
+ xmlFree(version);
+ }
+ // if not inside other <DataFile>
+ if(!ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"DataFile", pCurrElem)) {
+ // start of <DataFile>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"DataFile")) {
+ xmlChar *an, *av;
+ DataFile *pDF = 0;
+ err = DataFile_new(&pDF, *ppSigDoc, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0,
+ for(n = 0; xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo(reader, n); n++) {
+ an = xmlTextReaderLocalName(reader);
+ av = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
+ ddocDebug(5, "ddocParseProcessNode", "DF attr: %s value: %s",
+ (const char*)an, (const char*)av);
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(an, (const xmlChar*)"Id"))
+ setString(&(pDF->szId), (const char*)av, -1);
+ else if(!xmlStrcmp(an, (const xmlChar*)"ContentType"))
+ setString(&(pDF->szContentType), (const char*)av, -1);
+ else if(!xmlStrcmp(an, (const xmlChar*)"MimeType"))
+ setString(&(pDF->szMimeType), (const char*)av, -1);
+ else if(!xmlStrcmp(an, (const xmlChar*)"Filename"))
+ setString(&(pDF->szFileName), (const char*)av, -1);
+ else if(!xmlStrcmp(an, (const xmlChar*)"DigestType"))
+ setString(&(pDF->szDigestType), (const char*)av, -1);
+ else if(!xmlStrcmp(an, (const xmlChar*)"DigestValue")) {
+ l = xmlStrlen(av) + 1;
+ p = (char*)malloc(l);
+ decode((const byte*)av, strlen((const char*)av), (byte*)p, &l);
+ ddocDataFile_SetDigestValue(pDF, p, l); //??? set binary or base64 ???
+ }
+ else if(!xmlStrcmp(an, (const xmlChar*)"Size"))
+ pDF->nSize = atol((const char*)av);
+ else { // all other are optional atributes
+ err = addDataFileAttribute(pDF, (const char*)an, (const char*)av);
+ }
+ xmlFree(an);
+ xmlFree(av);
+ }
+ xmlTextReaderMoveToElement(reader);
+ ddocXRdrStartCollecting(pBuf1, "DataFile");
+ }
+ // start <Signature>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"Signature")) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = 0;
+ value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"Id");
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "SIG:%s", (const char*)value);
+ err = SignatureInfo_new(&pSig, *ppSigDoc, (const char*)value);
+ xmlFree(value);
+ ddocXRdrStartCollecting(pBuf2, "Signature");
+ }
+ // start <Reference>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"Reference")) {
+ DocInfo *pDi = 0;
+ xmlChar *uri, *type;
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ uri = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"URI");
+ type = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"Type");
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Reference URI: %s Type: %s",
+ (const char*)uri, (const char*)type);
+ // DataFile digest
+ if(uri[0] == '#' && uri[1] == 'D')
+ err = addDocInfo(&pDi, pSig, (const char*)(uri+1),
+ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); // TODO: ver 1.x mime digest handling
+ xmlFree(uri);
+ xmlFree(type);
+ }
+ // start <DigestMethod>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"DigestMethod")) {
+ ElementEntry* pParent = 0;
+ value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader, (const xmlChar*)"Algorithm");
+ // if inside <SignedInfo>
+ if((pParent = ddocStackGetParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"Reference", pCurrElem)) != NULL) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ // DataFile reference
+ if(pParent->uri && pParent->uri[1] == 'D') {
+ DocInfo *pDi = ddocGetLastDocInfo(pSig);
+ if(pDi && !xmlStrcmp(value, (xmlChar*)DIGEST_METHOD_SHA1))
+ setString((char**)&(pDi->szDigestType), DIGEST_SHA1_NAME, -1);
+ // what if something else ?
+ }
+ // SignedProperties reference
+ } // inside <Reference>
+ xmlFree(value);
+ }
+ // start of <SignedInfo>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"SignedInfo"))
+ ddocXRdrStartCollecting(pBuf1, "SignedInfo");
+ // start of <SignedProperties>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"SignedProperties"))
+ ddocXRdrStartCollecting(pBuf1, "SignedProperties");
+ // start of <UnsignedProperties>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"UnsignedProperties")) {
+ NotaryInfo* pNot = 0;
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Start of UnsignedProperties");
+ err = NotaryInfo_new(&pNot, *ppSigDoc, pSig);
+ }
+ } // if not inside other <DataFile>
+ // if we are collecting some xml content (<DataFile>, <SignedInfo>, etc.)
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementStart(reader, pCurrElem, pBuf1);
+ // if we are collecting <Signature> xml content
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementStart(reader, pCurrElem, pBuf2);
+ }
+ break;
+ // get current element
+ pCurrElem = ddocStackFindEnd(pStack);
+ if(pCurrElem) {
+ ddocDebug(5, "ddocParseProcessNode", "End element: %s", pCurrElem->tag);
+ // if we are collecting some xml content (<DataFile>, <SignedInfo>, etc.)
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementEnd(pCurrElem, pBuf1);
+ // if we are collecting <Signature> xml content
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementEnd(pCurrElem, pBuf2);
+ // </DataFile>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"DataFile") &&
+ !ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"DataFile", pCurrElem)) {
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "End recording DataFile");
+ pDF = ddocGetLastDataFile(*ppSigDoc);
+ if(pDF) {
+ err = ddocXRdrStopCollectingAndAssignDigest(pBuf1, "DataFile", &(pDF->mbufDigest));
+ setString((char**)&(pDF->szDigestType), DIGEST_SHA1_NAME, -1);
+ // TODO: Version 1.0 buggy digest calculation...
+ }
+ } // </DataFile>
+ // </SignedInfo>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"SignedInfo") &&
+ !ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"DataFile", pCurrElem)) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ if(!pSig->pSigInfoRealDigest)
+ ddocDigestValue_new(&(pSig->pSigInfoRealDigest), 0, 0, 0);
+ err = ddocXRdrStopCollectingAndAssignDigest(pBuf1, "SignedInfo",
+ &(pSig->pSigInfoRealDigest->mbufDigestValue));
+ } // </SignedInfo>
+ // </SignedProperties>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"SignedProperties") &&
+ !ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"DataFile", pCurrElem)) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ if(!pSig->pSigPropRealDigest)
+ ddocDigestValue_new(&(pSig->pSigPropRealDigest), 0, 0, 0);
+ ddocXRdrStopCollectingAndAssignDigest(pBuf1, "SignedProperties",
+ &(pSig->pSigPropRealDigest->mbufDigestValue));
+ } // </SignedProperties>
+ // </Signature>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"Signature") &&
+ !ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"DataFile", pCurrElem)) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "End recording Signature");
+ // DO NOT FREE THE MEM! Just take ownership
+ ddocMemBuf_free(&(pSig->mbufOrigContent));
+ pSig->mbufOrigContent.pMem = (byte*)pBuf2->pMem;
+ pSig->mbufOrigContent.nLen = pBuf2->nLen;
+ pBuf2->pMem = 0;
+ pBuf2->nLen = 0;
+ } // </Signature>
+ } // if(pCurrElem)
+ err = ddocStackPopElement(pStack, 0, NULL);
+ break;
+ break;
+ value = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
+ if(value) {
+ ddocDebug(8, "ddocParseProcessNode", "TEXT:\'%s\'", (const char*)value, -1);
+ // if we are collecting some xml content (<DataFile>, <SignedInfo>, etc.)
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementContent(value, pBuf1);
+ // if we are collecting <Signature> xml content
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementContent(value, pBuf2);
+ // get current tag
+ pCurrElem = ddocStackFindEnd(pStack);
+ // content of <DataFile>
+ if(pCurrElem && !xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"DataFile") &&
+ !ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"DataFile", pCurrElem)) {
+ DataFile *pDF = ddocGetLastDataFile(*ppSigDoc);
+ // collect <DataFile> contents
+ ddocAppendDataFileData(pDF, lMaxDFLen, (void*)value, strlen((const char*)value), !strcmp(pDF->szContentType, CONTENT_EMBEDDED_BASE64));
+ }
+ // content of <DigestValue>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"DigestValue")) {
+ ElementEntry* pParent = 0;
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "DigestValue: %s", (const char*)value);
+ l = strlen((const char*)value);
+ p = (char*)malloc(l+1);
+ memset(p, 0, l+1);
+ decode((const byte*)value, l, (byte*)p, &l);
+ // if inside <Reference>
+ if((pParent = ddocStackGetParentWithName(pStack,
+ (xmlChar*)"Reference", pCurrElem)) != NULL) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ // DataFile digest value
+ if(pParent->uri && pParent->uri[1] == 'D') {
+ DocInfo *pDi = ddocGetLastDocInfo(pSig);
+ if(pDi) {
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "SIG: %s DocInfo: %s digest", pSig->szId, pDi->szDocId);
+ setString((char**)&(pDi->szDigest), p, l);
+ pDi->nDigestLen = l;
+ }
+ }
+ // SignedProperties digest value
+ if(pParent->uri && pParent->uri[1] == 'S') {
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "SIG: %s SignedProperties digest", pSig->szId);
+ ddocSigInfo_SetSigPropDigest(pSig, p, l);
+ }
+ } // inside <Reference>
+ // if inside <SigningCertificate>
+ if((pParent = ddocStackGetParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"SigningCertificate", pCurrElem)) != NULL) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ pCertID = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(pSig, CERTID_TYPE_SIGNERS_CERTID);
+ // Certificate digest value
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "SIG: %s signers certificate digest", pSig->szId);
+ ddocCertID_SetDigestValue(pCertID, p, l);
+ } // inside <SigningCertificate>
+ // if inside <CompleteCertificateRefs>
+ if((pParent = ddocStackGetParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"CompleteCertificateRefs", pCurrElem)) != NULL) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ pCertID = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(pSig, CERTID_TYPE_RESPONDERS_CERTID);
+ // Certificate digest value
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Sig: %s responders certificate digest", pSig->szId);
+ ddocCertID_SetDigestValue(pCertID, p, l);
+ } // inside <CompleteCertificateRefs>
+ // if inside <CompleteRevocationRefs>
+ if((pParent = ddocStackGetParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"CompleteRevocationRefs", pCurrElem)) != NULL) {
+ NotaryInfo* pNot = ddocGetLastNotaryInfo(*ppSigDoc);
+ // Certificate digest value
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "NOT: %s OCSP digest", pNot->szId);
+ ddocNotInfo_SetOcspDigest(pNot, p, l);
+ } // inside <CompleteRevocationRefs>
+ free(p);
+ } // DigestVlue
+ // content of <SignatureValue>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"SignatureValue")) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "SignatureValue: %s", (const char*)value);
+ l = strlen((const char*)value);
+ p = (char*)malloc(l+1);
+ memset(p, 0, l+1);
+ decode((const byte*)value, l, (byte*)p, &l);
+ ddocSigInfo_SetSignatureValue(pSig, p, l);
+ free(p);
+ } // SignatureValue
+ // content of <IssuerSerial> or <X509SerialNumber>
+ if((!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"IssuerSerial") &&
+ strcmp((*ppSigDoc)->szFormatVer, DIGIDOC_XML_1_3_VER)) ||
+ !xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"X509SerialNumber")) {
+ if(ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"SigningCertificate", pCurrElem)) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "X509IssuerSerial: %s", (const char*)value);
+ pCertID = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(pSig, CERTID_TYPE_SIGNERS_CERTID);
+ ddocCertID_SetIssuerSerial(pCertID, (const char*)value);
+ }
+ if(ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"CompleteCertificateRefs", pCurrElem)) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "X509IssuerSerial: %s", (const char*)value);
+ pCertID = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(pSig, CERTID_TYPE_RESPONDERS_CERTID);
+ ddocCertID_SetIssuerSerial(pCertID, (const char*)value);
+ }
+ } // IssuerSerial
+ // content of <X509IssuerName>
+ if(!strcmp((*ppSigDoc)->szFormatVer, DIGIDOC_XML_1_3_VER) &&
+ !xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"X509IssuerName")) {
+ if(ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"SigningCertificate", pCurrElem)) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "X509IssuerName: %s", (const char*)value);
+ pCertID = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(pSig, CERTID_TYPE_SIGNERS_CERTID);
+ ddocCertID_SetIssuerName(pCertID, (const char*)value);
+ }
+ if(ddocStackHasParentWithName(pStack, (xmlChar*)"CompleteCertificateRefs", pCurrElem)) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "X509IssuerName: %s", (const char*)value);
+ pCertID = ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(pSig, CERTID_TYPE_RESPONDERS_CERTID);
+ ddocCertID_SetIssuerName(pCertID, (const char*)value);
+ }
+ } // IssuerSerial
+ // content of <X509Certificate>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"X509Certificate")) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ l = strlen((const char*)value);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "X509Certificate: %s len: %d", (const char*)value, l);
+ ddocDecodeX509PEMData((X509**)&pCert, (const char*)value, l);
+ ddocSigInfo_SetSignersCert(pSig, pCert);
+ } // X509Certificate
+ // content of <SigningTime>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"SigningTime")) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "SigningTime: %s", (const char*)value);
+ setString((char**)&(pSig->szTimeStamp), (const char*)value, -1);
+ } // SigningTime
+ // content of <ClaimedRole>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"ClaimedRole")) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "ClaimedRole: %s", (const char*)value);
+ addSignerRole(pSig, 0, (const char*)value, strlen((const char*)value), 0);
+ } // ClaimedRole
+ // content of <ResponderID>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"ResponderID")) {
+ NotaryInfo* pNot = ddocGetLastNotaryInfo(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "ResponderID: %s", (const char*)value);
+ ddocNotInfo_SetResponderId(pNot, (const char*)value, -1);
+ } // ResponderID
+ // content of <ProducedAt>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"ProducedAt")) {
+ NotaryInfo* pNot = ddocGetLastNotaryInfo(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "ProducedAt: %s", (const char*)value);
+ setString((char**)&(pNot->timeProduced), (const char*)value, -1);
+ } // ProducedAt
+ // content of <EncapsulatedX509Certificate>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"EncapsulatedX509Certificate")) {
+ SignatureInfo *pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "EncapsulatedX509Certificate: %s", (const char*)value);
+ l = strlen((const char*)value);
+ ddocDecodeX509PEMData((X509**)&pCert, (const char*)value, l);
+ ddocSigInfo_SetOCSPRespondersCert(pSig, pCert);
+ } // EncapsulatedX509Certificate
+ // content of <EncapsulatedOCSPValue>
+ if(!xmlStrcmp(pCurrElem->tag, (xmlChar*)"EncapsulatedOCSPValue")) {
+ OCSP_RESPONSE* pResp = 0;
+ byte buf1[DIGEST_LEN+2];
+ int len1;
+ NotaryInfo* pNot;
+ SignatureInfo *pSig;
+ pNot = ddocGetLastNotaryInfo(*ppSigDoc);
+ pSig = ddocGetLastSignature(*ppSigDoc);
+ ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "EncapsulatedOCSPValue: %s", (const char*)value);
+ err = ddocDecodeOCSPResponsePEMData(&pResp, (const byte*)value, strlen((const char*)value));
+ if(pResp) {
+ // in ver 1.2 we have correct OCP digest
+ // VS 1.76 - add 1.3 version too
+ if(!strcmp((*ppSigDoc)->szFormatVer, DIGIDOC_XML_1_2_VER) ||
+ !strcmp((*ppSigDoc)->szFormatVer, DIGIDOC_XML_1_3_VER))
+ err = initializeNotaryInfoWithOCSP(*ppSigDoc, pNot, pResp, ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSig), 0);
+ else // in older versions the digest was incorrect
+ err = initializeNotaryInfoWithOCSP(*ppSigDoc, pNot, pResp, ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSig), 1);
+ } else
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocParseProcessNode", "error decoding OCSP response");
+ // check OCSP digest
+ len1 = sizeof(buf1);
+ err = calculateNotaryInfoDigest(*ppSigDoc, pNot, buf1, &len1);
+ pMBuf = ddocNotInfo_GetOcspDigest(pNot);
+ if(err || compareByteArrays(buf1, len1, (byte*)pMBuf->pMem, pMBuf->nLen)) {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Incorrect OCSP digest, len1: %d, len2: %d",
+ len1, pMBuf->nLen);
+ }
+ } // EncapsulatedOCSPValue
+ xmlFree(value);
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ value = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
+ if(value) {
+ // if we are collecting some xml content (<DataFile>, <SignedInfo>, etc.)
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementContent(value, pBuf1);
+ // if we are collecting <Signature> xml content
+ ddocXRdrRecordElementContent(value, pBuf2);
+ xmlFree(value);
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ //ddocDebug(4, "ddocParseProcessNode", "Err %d", err);
+ return err;
+// Reads in signed XML document
+// szFileName - name of digidoc file
+// ppSigDoc - address of new signed doc pointer
+// lMaxDFLen - maximum size of a cached DataFile
+EXP_OPTION int ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromFile(const char* szFileName,
+ SignedDoc** pSigDoc, long lMaxDFLen)
+ char szConvDigiDocName[MAX_FILENAME+1];
+ xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
+ ElementEntry stack;
+ DigiDocMemBuf memBuf1, memBuf2;
+ int ret;
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromFile", "digidoc: %s, filename charset %s, max df: %ld",
+ szFileName, lMaxDFLen);
+ // check input params
+ memset(&stack, 0, sizeof(ElementEntry));
+ *pSigDoc = NULL; // mark as not read in
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromFile", "digidoc: %s", szFileName);
+ clearErrors();
+ memBuf1.pMem = 0;
+ memBuf1.nLen = 0;
+ memBuf2.pMem = 0;
+ memBuf2.nLen = 0;
+ // converts file names if necessary
+ ddocConvertFileName(szConvDigiDocName, sizeof(szConvDigiDocName), szFileName);
+ // read digidoc
+ reader = xmlNewTextReaderFilename(szConvDigiDocName);
+ if(reader != NULL) {
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ // loop over all nodes...
+ while(ret == 1) {
+ ret = ddocParseProcessNode(reader, pSigDoc, &stack,
+ &memBuf1, &memBuf2, lMaxDFLen);
+ if(ret == ERR_OK)
+ ret = 1;
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ ret = ddocStackPopElement(&stack, 1, NULL);
+ if(memBuf1.pMem)
+ free(memBuf1.pMem);
+ if(memBuf2.pMem)
+ free(memBuf2.pMem);
+ xmlFreeTextReader(reader);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromFile", "%s : failed to parse: %d", szConvDigiDocName, ret);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromFile", "Error reading file: %s", szConvDigiDocName);
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;
+// Reads in signed XML document from memory buffer
+// szXml - memory buffer that contains digidoc data
+// xmlLen - length of the input data
+// szFileNameCharset - digidoc filename charset
+// ppSigDoc - address of new signed doc pointer
+// lMaxDFLen - maximum size of a cached DataFile
+EXP_OPTION int ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromMemory(const char* szXml, int xmlLen,
+ SignedDoc** pSigDoc, long lMaxDFLen)
+ xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
+ ElementEntry stack;
+ DigiDocMemBuf memBuf1, memBuf2;
+ int ret;
+ ddocDebug(3, "ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromMemory", "data len: %d, max df: %ld", xmlLen, lMaxDFLen);
+ // check input params
+ memset(&stack, 0, sizeof(ElementEntry));
+ *pSigDoc = NULL; // mark as not read in
+ clearErrors();
+ memBuf1.pMem = 0;
+ memBuf1.nLen = 0;
+ memBuf2.pMem = 0;
+ memBuf2.nLen = 0;
+ // read digidoc
+ reader = xmlReaderForMemory(szXml, xmlLen, "", "UTF-8", 0);
+ if(reader != NULL) {
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ // loop over all nodes...
+ while(ret == 1) {
+ ret = ddocParseProcessNode(reader, pSigDoc, &stack,
+ &memBuf1, &memBuf2, lMaxDFLen);
+ if(ret == ERR_OK)
+ ret = 1;
+ ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ ret = ddocStackPopElement(&stack, 1, NULL);
+ if(memBuf1.pMem)
+ free(memBuf1.pMem);
+ if(memBuf2.pMem)
+ free(memBuf2.pMem);
+ xmlFreeTextReader(reader);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromMemory", "failed to parse: %d", ret);
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ ddocDebug(1, "ddocXRdrReadSignedDocFromMemory", "Error parsing digidoc");
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;