//================================================== // FILE: DigiDocCsp.c // PROJECT: Digi Doc // DESCRIPTION: Digi Doc functions for creating // and reading signed documents. // AUTHOR: Veiko Sinivee, S|E|B IT Partner Estonia //================================================== // Copyright (C) AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // GNU Lesser General Public Licence is available at // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html //==========< HISTORY >============================= // 20.10.2004 Changed createOCSPRequest, added SignedDoc parameeter // 10.02.2004 Changed decodeCertificateData // ReadCertSerialNumber // ReadCertificate // NotaryInfo_new // 01.02.2004 Aare Amenberg // from comments "Functions from EstIDLib.c" // functions from EstIdLib.c file // 20.11.2003 Aare Amenberg // removed tes2.resp file creating // 29.10.2003 Created by AA // //================================================== #ifdef WIN32 #define WIN32_PKCS 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* only for xmlNewInputFromFile() */ #include #include #include #include #include "DigiCrypt.h" #include "DigiDocCert.h" #include "DigiDocCsp.h" CSProvider * cCSProvider; CSProvider * knownCSProviders[3]; //AARE01102003 typedef struct StoreHandle_st { HCERTSTORE hHandle; BOOL fRoot; } StoreHandle; BOOL Digi_OpenStore(StoreHandle *hStore); void Digi_CloseStore(StoreHandle *hStore); BOOL Digi_IsValidResponderCert(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert); X509 * Digi_FindX509CopyFromStore(StoreHandle *hStore, X509 *pX509cert); X509 *Digi_FindResponderCert(StoreHandle *hStore, X509 *poSignerCert); char *Digi_GetName(X509_NAME *pName); BOOL Digi_CheckEnhancedKeyUsage(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, char *psValue); X509 *Digi_FindCertByResponse(StoreHandle *hStore, OCSP_RESPONSE *poResponse); PCCERT_CONTEXT Digi_FindCertBySubject(StoreHandle *hStore,char *psCN, BOOL bCheckValid, const char* szSerialNr, BOOL bCA); BOOL Digi_CompareCN(char *psSub1, char *psSub2); X509 **Digi_MakeCertList(X509 *poX509Main, StoreHandle *hStore); X509 **Digi_MakeCertListLow(X509 *poX509Main, StoreHandle *hStore); BOOL Digi_CheckResponderCertByResponse(X509 *poX509Responder, OCSP_RESPONSE *poResponse); void Digi_FreeCertList(X509 **caCerts); BOOL Digi_IsCert1SubjectDNEqualCert2IssuerDN(X509 *pCert1, X509 *pCert2); int ReadTestAare(char *pkcs12file); int Test_ReadCertData(X509 *poX509); int Test_ReadCertDataC(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert); // Reads a certificate from pkcs12 container EXP_OPTION int Digi_readCertificateByPKCS12OnlyCertHandle(const char *pkcs12file, const char * passwd, X509 **x509); int Digi_getConfirmationWithCertSearch(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* pkcs12File, char* password, char* notaryURL, char* proxyHost, char* proxyPort); //int Digi_setNotaryCertificate(NotaryInfo* pNotary, X509* notCert); int Digi_verifyNotaryInfoWithCertSearch(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo); // verifies this one signature int Digi_verifySignatureInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szDataFile); // verifies the whole document (returns on first err) int Digi_verifySigDoc(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDataFile); int Digi_verifySigDocWithCertSearch(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDataFile); int Digi_verifyNotaryInfoCERT(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo, const X509** caCerts, const X509* notCert, const X509* pSigCA); //int Digi_initializeNotaryInfoWithOCSP(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, NotaryInfo* pNotary, // OCSP_RESPONSE* resp, X509* notCert, int initDigest); // verifies signed doc int verifySigDoc_ByCertStore(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDataFile); // Verifies this signature int verifySignatureInfo_ByCertStore(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szDataFile); // Verfies NotaryInfo signature int verifyNotaryInfo_ByCertStore(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo); // resolves certificate chain from MS CertStore upto root cert int resolveCertChain_ByCertStore(CertItem* pListStart); int GetAllCertificatesFromStore(const CertSearchStore *sS, CertItem **certList, int *numberOfCerts); void prepareString(const char * strIN,char * strOUT); void reverseArray(unsigned char *array, unsigned long arrayLen); extern int setup_verifyCERT(X509_STORE **newX509_STORE, const char *CApath, const X509** certs); extern X509_ALGOR* setSignAlgorithm(const EVP_MD * type); extern EXP_OPTION int signOCSPRequestPKCS12(OCSP_REQUEST *req, const char* filename, const char* passwd); extern LPBYTE getDefaultKeyName(CSProvider * cProvider); //extern CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO * getCardKeyInfo(const char * ppContainerName); extern int GetCertificateFromStore(const CertSearchStore *sS, X509 **x509); extern int GetSignedHashWithEstIdCSPkey(const char * dataToBeSigned,unsigned long dataLen,unsigned char *pbKeyBlob, unsigned long *pbKeyBlobLen,unsigned char *hash, unsigned long *hashLen, unsigned char * hashedSignature,unsigned long * sigLen); extern int GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP(char *psKeyName, char *psCSPName, const char * dataToBeSigned,unsigned long dataLen,unsigned char *pbKeyBlob, unsigned long *pbKeyBlobLen,unsigned char *hash, unsigned long *hashLen, unsigned char * hashedSignature,unsigned long * sigLen, const char* ); extern X509 * findIssuerCertificatefromStore(X509 *x509); X509* Digi_FindDirectCA(X509 *poX509Main, StoreHandle *hStore); X509* Digi_FindCertBySubjectAndHash(StoreHandle *hStore, char *psCN, BOOL bCheckValid, const char* szSerialNr, BOOL bCA, DigiDocMemBuf *pHash); //==========< macros >==================== #define SET_LAST_ERROR(code) (addError((code), __FILE__, __LINE__, "")) #define SET_LAST_ERROR_IF_NOT(expr, code) { if(!(expr)) addError((code), __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr); } #define SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN(code, retVal) { SET_LAST_ERROR(code); return (retVal); } #define SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_IF_NOT(expr, code, retVal) { if(!(expr)) { addError((code), __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr); return (retVal); } } #define SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_VOID_IF_NOT(expr, code) { if(!(expr)) { addError((code), __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr); return; } } #define RETURN_IF_NOT(expr, code) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_IF_NOT((expr), (code), (code)); #define RETURN_IF_NULL(p) RETURN_IF_NOT((p), ERR_NULL_POINTER); #define RETURN_VOID_IF_NULL(p) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_VOID_IF_NOT((p), ERR_NULL_POINTER); #define RETURN_OBJ_IF_NULL(p, obj) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_IF_NOT((p), ERR_NULL_POINTER, (obj)); #define SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(code) { SET_LAST_ERROR(code); return (code); } //======================================== BOOL Digi_OpenStore(StoreHandle *hStore) { BOOL fRes = FALSE; if (hStore != NULL) { memset(hStore,0,sizeof(StoreHandle)); hStore->hHandle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,0,(HCRYPTPROV)NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG,L"CA"); if (hStore->hHandle != NULL) fRes = TRUE; } return(fRes); } void Digi_CloseStore(StoreHandle *hStore) { if (hStore != NULL && hStore->hHandle) CertCloseStore(hStore->hHandle,CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG); hStore->hHandle = NULL; hStore->fRoot = FALSE; } X509 * Digi_FindX509CopyFromStore(StoreHandle *hStore, X509 *pX509cert) { X509 *pResultCert = NULL; char* certBlob; int certBlobLen; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertFindContext = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL; char *psValue = ""; if (hStore == NULL || pX509cert == NULL) return(pResultCert); certBlobLen = i2d_X509(pX509cert, NULL) + 1000; certBlob = malloc(certBlobLen); encodeCert(pX509cert,certBlob,&certBlobLen); if (!certBlob) return(pResultCert); pCertFindContext = CertCreateCertificateContext(X509_ASN_ENCODING|PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING,certBlob,certBlobLen); if (!pCertFindContext) return(pResultCert); pCertContext = CertFindCertificateInStore(hStore->hHandle, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_EXISTING, pCertFindContext, NULL); if (pCertContext) { //cert found if (Digi_CheckEnhancedKeyUsage(pCertContext,psValue) != TRUE) return(pResultCert); ddocDecodeX509Data(&pResultCert,pCertContext->pbCertEncoded,pCertContext->cbCertEncoded); } else { char schultz[300]; snprintf(schultz, sizeof(schultz), "CertFindCertificateInStore open failed with 0x%0lx ", GetLastError()); return(pResultCert); } if (certBlob) free(certBlob); return pResultCert; } X509 *Digi_FindResponderCert(StoreHandle *hStore, X509 *poSignerCert) { X509 *poResultCert = NULL; FILETIME oResultTime; X509 *poX509; BOOL fSet; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; X509_NAME *poX509SignerName = NULL; X509_NAME *poX509CurrentName = NULL; poX509SignerName = X509_get_issuer_name(poSignerCert); while (pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore->hHandle, pCert)) { fSet = FALSE; //get handle //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509, pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); if (poX509 != NULL) { //get current cert issuer poX509CurrentName = X509_get_issuer_name(poX509); //TEST //psTemp = Digi_GetName(poX509CurrentName); //Digi_CheckEnhancedKeyUsage(pCert,""); //Test_ReadCertData(poX509); //END TEST // if issuer match if (poX509SignerName != NULL && poX509CurrentName != NULL && X509_NAME_cmp(poX509SignerName, poX509CurrentName) == 0) { // check date // NULL, if current time if (Digi_IsValidResponderCert(pCert) == TRUE) { if (poResultCert == NULL) fSet = TRUE; else { if (CompareFileTime(&pCert->pCertInfo->NotBefore, &oResultTime) > 0) fSet = TRUE; } if (fSet == TRUE) { //delete previous if exists if (poResultCert != NULL) X509_free(poResultCert); //set result value poResultCert = poX509; memmove(&oResultTime,&pCert->pCertInfo->NotBefore,sizeof(FILETIME)); } } } } if (poX509 != NULL && fSet == FALSE) X509_free(poX509); } return(poResultCert); } int Test_ReadCertDataC(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert) { int iRes = 0; X509 *poX509 = NULL; if (pCert != NULL); //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); if (poX509 != NULL) iRes = Test_ReadCertData(poX509); return(iRes); } int Test_ReadCertData(X509 *poX509) { int iRes; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf2; mbuf1.pMem = 0; mbuf1.nLen = 0; mbuf2.pMem = 0; mbuf2.nLen = 0; // get issuer DN iRes = ddocCertGetIssuerDN(poX509, &mbuf1); iRes = ddocMemAppendData(&mbuf1, "\n", -1); // get subject DN iRes = ddocCertGetSubjectDN(poX509, &mbuf2); iRes = ddocMemAppendData(&mbuf1, (const char*)mbuf2.pMem, mbuf2.nLen); // display it MessageBox(NULL,(const char*)mbuf1.pMem,"TEST",0); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2); return(0); } BOOL Digi_IsValidResponderCert(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert) { BOOL fIsValid = FALSE; char *psValue = ""; if (pCert != NULL) { fIsValid = Digi_CheckEnhancedKeyUsage(pCert,psValue); if (fIsValid == TRUE) { if (CertVerifyTimeValidity(NULL,pCert->pCertInfo) != 0) fIsValid = FALSE; } } return(fIsValid); } BOOL Digi_CheckEnhancedKeyUsage(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, char *psValue) { BOOL fRes = FALSE; DWORD dwFlags = CERT_FIND_EXT_ONLY_ENHKEY_USAGE_FLAG; PCERT_ENHKEY_USAGE pUsage = NULL; //DWORD cUsageIdentifier - number of elements in rgpszUsageIdentifier //LPSTR *rgpszUsageIdentifier - array; DWORD cbUsage = 0; BOOL fCallRes; int iI; char *psValueCurrent; fCallRes = CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage(pCert,dwFlags,NULL, &cbUsage); if (fCallRes == TRUE) { pUsage = (PCERT_ENHKEY_USAGE)malloc(cbUsage); fCallRes = CertGetEnhancedKeyUsage(pCert,dwFlags,pUsage, &cbUsage); if (fCallRes == TRUE) { for (iI=0; iI < (int)pUsage->cUsageIdentifier;++iI) { psValueCurrent = pUsage->rgpszUsageIdentifier[iI]; if (psValueCurrent != NULL && psValue != NULL) { if (strstr(psValueCurrent,psValue) != NULL) { fRes = TRUE; break; } } } } } if (pUsage != NULL) free(pUsage); return(fRes); } X509 *Digi_FindCertByResponse(StoreHandle *hStore, OCSP_RESPONSE *poResponse) { X509 *poX509 = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; OCSP_RESPID *rid = NULL; OCSP_BASICRESP *br = NULL; OCSP_RESPDATA *rd = NULL; int iLen; char sCN[255]; if (poResponse != NULL) { if ((br = OCSP_response_get1_basic(poResponse)) == NULL) return(poX509); rd = br->tbsResponseData; rid = rd->responderId; if (rid->type != V_OCSP_RESPID_NAME) { if(br) OCSP_BASICRESP_free(br); return(poX509); } iLen = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(rid->value.byName,NID_commonName,sCN,sizeof(sCN)); if (iLen > 0) //VS: 18.03.2006 - use only currently valid cert for new notary pCert = Digi_FindCertBySubject(hStore, sCN, TRUE, 0, TRUE); if(pCert != NULL) //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); } if(br) OCSP_BASICRESP_free(br); return(poX509); } //Added by AA 09/10/2003 BOOL Digi_CheckResponderCertByResponse(X509 *poX509Responder, OCSP_RESPONSE *poResponse) { BOOL fRes = FALSE; OCSP_RESPID *rid = NULL; OCSP_BASICRESP *br = NULL; OCSP_RESPDATA *rd = NULL; int iLen; char sCNResp[255]; char sCNCert[255]; if (poResponse != NULL) { if ((br = OCSP_response_get1_basic(poResponse)) == NULL) return(fRes); rd = br->tbsResponseData; rid = rd->responderId; if (rid->type != V_OCSP_RESPID_NAME) return(fRes); iLen = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(rid->value.byName,NID_commonName,sCNResp,sizeof(sCNResp)); if (iLen > 0) { iLen = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(poX509Responder),NID_commonName, sCNCert,sizeof(sCNCert)); if (iLen > 0) { fRes = Digi_CompareCN(sCNResp,sCNCert); } } } return(fRes); } //VS: 18.03.2006 - use only currently valid cert for new notary PCCERT_CONTEXT Digi_FindCertBySubject(StoreHandle *hStore, char *psCN, BOOL bCheckValid, const char* szSerialNr, BOOL bCA) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; BOOL fFind = FALSE; X509 *poX509; char sSerial[255]; time_t tNow; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf; mbuf.pMem = 0; mbuf.nLen = 0; if (hStore == NULL || psCN == NULL) return(pCert); Digi_CloseStore(hStore); hStore->hHandle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,0,(HCRYPTPROV)NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG, (bCA ? L"CA" : L"My")); if (hStore->hHandle == NULL) return(pCert); //get signer issuer while (fFind == FALSE && (pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore->hHandle,pCert))) { //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509, pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); if (poX509 != NULL) { //iLen = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(poX509),NID_commonName, sSubject,255); ddocCertGetSubjectCN(poX509, &mbuf); if(mbuf.nLen > 0) { fFind = Digi_CompareCN((char*)mbuf.pMem, psCN); if(fFind) { if(szSerialNr) { //VS: 18.03.2006 - look for a cert with specific serial nr ReadCertSerialNumber(sSerial, sizeof(sSerial)-1, poX509); fFind = !strcmp(szSerialNr, sSerial); } else if(bCheckValid) { //VS: 18.03.2006 - use only currently valid cert for new notary time(&tNow); fFind = !isCertValid(poX509, tNow); } } } X509_free(poX509); } } if (fFind == FALSE) pCert = NULL; return(pCert); } X509* Digi_FindCertBySubjectAndHash(StoreHandle *hStore, char *psCN, BOOL bCheckValid, const char* szSerialNr, BOOL bCA, DigiDocMemBuf *pHash) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; BOOL fFind = FALSE; X509 *poX509 = NULL, *pSCert = NULL; char sSerial[255]; time_t tNow; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1, mbuf2, mbuf3; //, mbuf4, mbuf5; mbuf1.pMem = 0; mbuf1.nLen = 0; mbuf2.pMem = 0; mbuf2.nLen = 0; mbuf3.pMem = 0; mbuf3.nLen = 0; /*mbuf4.pMem = 0; mbuf4.nLen = 0; mbuf5.pMem = 0; mbuf5.nLen = 0;*/ if (hStore == NULL || psCN == NULL) return NULL; Digi_CloseStore(hStore); hStore->hHandle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,0,(HCRYPTPROV)NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG, (bCA ? L"CA" : L"My")); if (hStore->hHandle == NULL) return NULL; ddocEncodeBase64(pHash, &mbuf3); ddocDebug(3, "Digi_FindCertBySubjectAndHash", "Find CN: %s serial: %s subj-hash: %s", psCN, szSerialNr, (char*)mbuf3.pMem); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf3); //get signer issuer while (fFind == FALSE && (pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore->hHandle,pCert))) { //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509, pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); if (poX509 != NULL) { //iLen = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(poX509),NID_commonName, sSubject,255); ddocCertGetSubjectCN(poX509, &mbuf1); if(mbuf1.nLen > 0) { fFind = Digi_CompareCN((char*)mbuf1.pMem, psCN); if(fFind) { if(szSerialNr) { //VS: 18.03.2006 - look for a cert with specific serial nr ReadCertSerialNumber(sSerial, sizeof(sSerial)-1, poX509); fFind = !strcmp(szSerialNr, sSerial); } else if(bCheckValid) { //VS: 18.03.2006 - use only currently valid cert for new notary time(&tNow); fFind = !isCertValid(poX509, tNow); } } if(fFind && pHash && poX509) { readSubjectKeyIdentifier(poX509, &mbuf2); ddocEncodeBase64(&mbuf2, &mbuf3); //readAuthorityKeyIdentifier(poX509, &mbuf4); //ddocEncodeBase64(&mbuf4, &mbuf5); if(!ddocMemCompareMemBufs(pHash, &mbuf2)) { pSCert = poX509; fFind = TRUE; //break; } else fFind = FALSE; } } //ddocDebug(3, "Digi_FindCertBySubjectAndHash", "Compare CN: %s serial: %s subj-hash: %s auth-hash: %s rc: %d", (char*)mbuf1.pMem, sSerial, (char*)mbuf3.pMem, (char*)mbuf5.pMem, fFind); ddocDebug(3, "Digi_FindCertBySubjectAndHash", "Compare CN: %s serial: %s subj-hash: %s rc: %d", (char*)mbuf1.pMem, sSerial, (char*)mbuf3.pMem, fFind); if(!pSCert) { X509_free(poX509); poX509 = NULL; } ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf3); //ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf4); //ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf5); } } if(fFind == FALSE) pCert = NULL; ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf2); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf3); //ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf4); //ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf5); return pSCert; } //---------------------------------------------------- // Returns a list of certificates based on the // search criteria // szCN - CN of certs to search for // tValid - check validity on the given date (if not 0) // szSerialNr - serach for certs with this serial nr // pMBuf - public key hash to search //---------------------------------------------------- X509 **Digi_FindCACerts(StoreHandle *hStore, const char* szCN, time_t tValid, const char* szSerialNr, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf) { int iMaxCerts = 512; int iRes = 0, l1, l2; X509 **caCerts = NULL; X509 *poX509; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; BOOL fAdd; char buf1[255], buf2[100]; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1; mbuf1.pMem = 0; mbuf1.nLen = 0; //ddocDebug(3, "Digi_FindCACerts", "CN: %s tValid: %ld serial: %s, // open CA store if(!hStore) return NULL; Digi_CloseStore(hStore); hStore->hHandle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,0,(HCRYPTPROV)NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG,L"CA"); if (hStore->hHandle == NULL) { return NULL; } // alloc list and initalize all positions to NULL caCerts = (X509**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * (iMaxCerts+1)); if(caCerts == NULL) { return(caCerts); } memset(caCerts,0,sizeof(void*) * (iMaxCerts+1)); if(hStore->hHandle != NULL) { while(pCert= CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore->hHandle, pCert)) { fAdd = FALSE; ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); if(poX509 != NULL) { // check CN if(szCN) { buf1[0] = 0; X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(poX509), NID_commonName, buf1, sizeof(buf1)); fAdd = Digi_CompareCN((char*)szCN, buf1); } // check serial nr if(szSerialNr) { buf1[0] = 0; ReadCertSerialNumber(buf1, sizeof(buf1)-1, poX509); fAdd = !strcmp(szSerialNr, (const char*)buf1); } // check pubkey hash if(pMBuf) { ddocCertGetPubkeyDigest(poX509, &mbuf1); l1 = sizeof(buf1); l2 = sizeof(buf2); bin2hex((const byte*)mbuf1.pMem, mbuf1.nLen, buf1, &l1); bin2hex((const byte*)pMBuf->pMem, pMBuf->nLen, buf2, &l2); ddocDebug(3, "Digi_FindCACerts", "Compare cert-hash: %s with searched-hash %s", buf1, buf2); fAdd = !ddocMemCompareMemBufs(&mbuf1, pMBuf); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1); } if(tValid) fAdd = !isCertValid(poX509, tValid); } // if any of the conditiones matched then add cert to list if (fAdd == TRUE) { caCerts[iRes] = poX509; ++iRes; } else X509_free(poX509); } } // if no certs found then free the array caCerts[iRes] = NULL; if(iRes == 0) { free(caCerts); caCerts = NULL; } return(caCerts); } X509 **Digi_MakeCertList(X509 *poX509Main, StoreHandle *hStore) { X509 **caCerts = NULL; memset(hStore,0,sizeof(StoreHandle)); hStore->hHandle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,0,(HCRYPTPROV)NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG,L"CA"); if (hStore->hHandle != NULL) { caCerts = Digi_MakeCertListLow(poX509Main, hStore); if (caCerts == NULL) { CertCloseStore(hStore->hHandle,CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG); hStore->hHandle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,0,(HCRYPTPROV)NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG,L"ROOT"); if (hStore->hHandle != NULL) { hStore->fRoot = TRUE; caCerts = Digi_MakeCertListLow(poX509Main, hStore); } } } return(caCerts); } X509 **Digi_MakeCertListLow(X509 *poX509Main, StoreHandle *hStore) { int iMaxCerts = 512; int iRes = 0; X509 **caCerts = NULL; X509 *poX509; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; BOOL fAdd; if (poX509Main == NULL) return(caCerts); caCerts = (X509**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * (iMaxCerts+1)); if (caCerts == NULL) return(caCerts); memset(caCerts,0,sizeof(void*) * (iMaxCerts+1)); if (hStore->hHandle != NULL) { while( pCert= CertEnumCertificatesInStore( hStore->hHandle,pCert)) { fAdd = FALSE; ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); //TEST //Test_ReadCertData(poX509); //ENDTEST if (poX509 != NULL) fAdd = Digi_IsCert1SubjectDNEqualCert2IssuerDN(poX509,poX509Main); if (fAdd == TRUE) { caCerts[iRes] = poX509; ++iRes; } else X509_free(poX509); } } //Added by AA 2004/03/15 caCerts[iRes] = NULL; if (iRes == 0) { free(caCerts); caCerts = NULL; } return(caCerts); } X509* Digi_FindDirectCA(X509 *poX509Main, StoreHandle *hStore) { X509 *poX509; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = NULL; if (poX509Main == NULL) return NULL; if (hStore->hHandle != NULL) { while(pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore( hStore->hHandle, pCert)) { ddocDecodeX509Data(&poX509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); if(poX509 != NULL) { if(Digi_IsCert1SubjectDNEqualCert2IssuerDN(poX509, poX509Main)) { return poX509; } } else X509_free(poX509); } } return NULL; } void Digi_FreeCertList(X509 **caCerts) { int iMaxCerts = 512; int i; if (caCerts != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < iMaxCerts; i++) { if(caCerts[i] != NULL) X509_free(caCerts[i]); } free(caCerts); } } BOOL Digi_CompareCN(char *psSub1, char *psSub2) { BOOL fRes = FALSE; if (psSub1 != NULL && psSub2 != NULL ) { if (strlen(psSub1) > 0 || strlen(psSub2) > 0) { if (strcmp(psSub1,psSub2) == 0) fRes = TRUE; } } return(fRes); } int countCerts(const X509** certs) { int i = 0; while(certs && certs[i]) i++; return i; } BOOL Digi_IsCert1SubjectDNEqualCert2IssuerDN(X509 *pCert1, X509 *pCert2) { BOOL fEqual = FALSE; unsigned long ulHash1; unsigned long ulHash2; ulHash1 = X509_subject_name_hash(pCert1); ulHash2 = X509_issuer_name_hash(pCert2); if (ulHash1 == ulHash2) fEqual = TRUE; return(fEqual); } //29/09/2003 //31/05/2006 - (g_current_TSAProfile->g_bAddTimeStamp) enables timestamping int Digi_getConfirmationWithCertSearch(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* pkcs12File, char *password, char* notaryURL, char* proxyHost, char* proxyPort) { int err = ERR_OK, err2 = ERR_OK, i, l1; StoreHandle hStore; NotaryInfo* pNotInf = NULL; X509 *pNotCert = NULL, *pNotCertFound = NULL, *pSigCa = 0; X509 **caCerts = NULL; X509 **respCerts = NULL; const DigiDocMemBuf *pMBuf = 0; char szCN[255], buf1[100]; // set default values from config file if(ConfigItem_lookup_bool("SIGN_OCSP", 1)) { if(!pkcs12File || !strlen(pkcs12File)) pkcs12File = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PKCS_FILE"); if(!password || !strlen(password)) password = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PKCS_PASSWD"); } if(!notaryURL || !strlen(notaryURL)) notaryURL = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_OCSP_URL"); if(ConfigItem_lookup_bool("USE_PROXY", 1)) { proxyHost = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_HOST"); RETURN_IF_NOT(proxyHost, ERR_WRONG_URL_OR_PROXY); proxyPort = (char*)ConfigItem_lookup("DIGIDOC_PROXY_PORT"); RETURN_IF_NOT(proxyPort, ERR_WRONG_URL_OR_PROXY); } if (Digi_OpenStore(&hStore) == FALSE) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_CERT_STORE_READ); // we need to find some CA-s of signer before asking for // confirmation in order to be able to construct certid // we need this because of users direct CA respCerts = Digi_MakeCertListLow(ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert(pSigInfo), &hStore); if(respCerts) { for(i = 0; respCerts[i]; i++) // find lowest (middle) ca - direct ca of signers cert pSigCa = respCerts[i]; } // VS: ver 1.5.33 - make this decision lower if confirmation can still be retrieved //if(!respCerts) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_SIGNERS_CERT_NOT_TRUSTED); err = getConfirmation(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, respCerts, NULL, pkcs12File, password, notaryURL, proxyHost, proxyPort); //Digi_FreeCertList(respCerts); if(respCerts) { for(i = 0; respCerts[i]; i++) { if(respCerts[i] && respCerts[i] != pSigCa) { X509_free(respCerts[i]); respCerts[i] = 0; } } } if(err) return err; pNotInf = pSigInfo->pNotary; pMBuf = ddocNotInfo_GetResponderId(pNotInf); RETURN_IF_NOT(pMBuf != NULL, ERR_NOTARY_SIG_MATCH); if(pNotInf->nRespIdType == RESPID_NAME_TYPE) { szCN[0] = 0; if(pMBuf && pMBuf->pMem) findCN((char*)pMBuf->pMem, szCN, sizeof(szCN)); pMBuf = NULL; // don't look for pubkey hash ddocDebug(3, "Digi_getConfirmationWithCertSearch", "Find OCSP resp CA-s by key %s", szCN); } else if(pNotInf->nRespIdType == RESPID_KEY_TYPE) { // look for pubkey hash in Digi_FindCACerts pMBuf = &(pNotInf->mbufRespId); szCN[0] = 0; l1 = sizeof(buf1); bin2hex((const byte*)pNotInf->mbufRespId.pMem, pNotInf->mbufRespId.nLen, buf1, &l1); ddocDebug(3, "Digi_getConfirmationWithCertSearch", "Find OCSP resp CA-s by hash %s", buf1); } RETURN_IF_NOT(pNotInf != NULL, ERR_NOTARY_SIG_MATCH); // find a list of potential responder certificates // search only by responder id = CN. Should I check also validity on current time ? respCerts = Digi_FindCACerts(&hStore, (szCN[0] ? szCN : NULL), 0, 0, (DigiDocMemBuf*)pMBuf); clearErrors(); if(!err && respCerts) { i = 0; do { pNotCert = respCerts[i]; // get the next potential notary cert if(pNotCert) { // find CA certs for it Digi_CloseStore(&hStore); caCerts = Digi_MakeCertList(pNotCert, &hStore); if (caCerts != NULL) { err2 = finalizeAndVerifyNotary2(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, pNotInf, (const X509**)caCerts, (const X509*)pNotCert, pSigCa); // if this didn't verify then free the cert and mark the slot as freed if(err2) { // remove certid and certvalue created for verification removeNotaryInfoCert(pSigInfo); // mark slot as freed (was done above) respCerts[i] = 0; } // found one cert, save it for later if(!err2) { // if one cert was already found // then pick the freshes one - one were not-after-date is latest if(pNotCertFound) { if(getCertNotAfterTimeT(pNotCert) > getCertNotAfterTimeT(pNotCertFound)) { // release older cert X509_free(pNotCertFound); pNotCertFound = pNotCert; } } pNotCertFound = pNotCert; } // else don't free, give ownership to new Notary! // mark the slot as freed respCerts[i] = 0; } else { err = ERR_CERT_STORE_READ; //fprintf(hFile, "No CA-s found, err: %d\n", err); } // free CA certs Digi_FreeCertList(caCerts); } i++; } while(pNotCert); // free the remaining responder certs Digi_FreeCertList(respCerts); } // else clear verifying errors clearErrors(); // final check with the selected responders certificate if(pNotCertFound) { Digi_CloseStore(&hStore); caCerts = Digi_MakeCertList(pNotCertFound, &hStore); err = finalizeAndVerifyNotary2(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, pNotInf, (const X509**)caCerts, (const X509*)pNotCertFound, pSigCa); Digi_FreeCertList(caCerts); } else err = ERR_OCSP_CERT_NOTFOUND; //fprintf(hFile, "OCSP finalize RC: %d\n", err); // reset original signature content if(pSigInfo->mbufOrigContent.pMem) ddocMemBuf_free(&(pSigInfo->mbufOrigContent)); Digi_CloseStore(&hStore); if(err != ERR_OK) SET_LAST_ERROR(err); return(err); } //-------------------------------------------------- // Verfies NotaryInfo signature // pSigDoc - signed doc object // pNotInfo - NotaryInfo object // caFiles - array of CA file names terminated with NULL // CApath - path to (directory) all certs // notCertFile - Notary (e.g. OCSP responder) cert file //-------------------------------------------------- int Digi_verifyNotaryInfoWithCertSearch(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo) { X509** caCerts = NULL; X509* notCert = NULL; X509* cert = NULL, *pSigCA = NULL, *pSigCert = NULL; StoreHandle hStore; SignatureInfo *pSigInfo = NULL; int err = ERR_OK; if(pNotInfo) pSigInfo = ddocGetSignatureForNotary(pSigDoc, pNotInfo); if(pSigInfo != NULL) { cert = ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(pSigInfo); } caCerts = Digi_MakeCertList(cert,&hStore); if(caCerts == NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_CERT_STORE_READ); //siin leitakse responderi cert vastavalt kirjeldusele //notCert = Digi_FindResponderCert(&hStore,cert); //08.03.2005 leitakse responderi koopia win certstoorest if(!err) { notCert = Digi_FindX509CopyFromStore(&hStore,cert); pSigCert = ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert(pSigInfo); pSigCA = Digi_FindDirectCA(pSigCert, &hStore); if((!notCert || !pSigCA) && hStore.fRoot == 1) { // try also CA store Digi_CloseStore(&hStore); memset(&hStore,0,sizeof(StoreHandle)); hStore.hHandle = CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM,0,(HCRYPTPROV)NULL, CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER | CERT_STORE_READONLY_FLAG,L"CA"); if(!notCert) notCert = Digi_FindX509CopyFromStore(&hStore,cert); if(!pSigCA) pSigCA = Digi_FindDirectCA(pSigCert, &hStore); } if (notCert) err = Digi_verifyNotaryInfoCERT(pSigDoc, pNotInfo, (const X509**)caCerts, notCert, pSigCA); else err = ERR_OCSP_CERT_NOTFOUND; } Digi_CloseStore(&hStore); Digi_FreeCertList(caCerts); //AM 23.05.08 where notCert is freed? if(notCert) X509_free(notCert); if(pSigCA) X509_free(pSigCA); if (err != ERR_OK) SET_LAST_ERROR(err); return err; } //============================================================ // Verifies the whole document, but returns on first error // Use the functions defined earlier to verify all contents // step by step. // pSigDoc - signed doc data // //============================================================ int Digi_verifySigDocWithCertSearch(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDataFile) { SignatureInfo* pSigInfo; NotaryInfo* pNotInfo; int i, d, err = ERR_OK; RETURN_IF_NULL(pSigDoc); //assert(pSigDoc); d = getCountOfSignatures(pSigDoc); for(i = 0; i < d; i++) { pSigInfo = getSignature(pSigDoc, i); err = Digi_verifySignatureInfo(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, szDataFile); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); pNotInfo = pSigInfo->pNotary; err = Digi_verifyNotaryInfoWithCertSearch(pSigDoc, pNotInfo); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); } return err; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Reads a certificate from pkcs12 conteiner //-------------------------------------------------- // AA 18/09/2003 EXP_OPTION int Digi_readCertificateByPKCS12OnlyCertHandle(const char *pkcs12file, const char * passwd, X509 **x509) { int err = ERR_OK; EVP_PKEY *pkey; // VS: 26.01.2010 - initialize (*x509) = 0; //AM 16.09.08 DigiDocClient calling it with empty strings even ocsp request signing is off if(!strcmp(pkcs12file, "")) return ERR_OK; err = ReadCertificateByPKCS12(x509,pkcs12file,passwd,&pkey); //AM 22.05.08 pKey should be freed if(err == 0 && pkey) EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); return ERR_OK; } //============================================================ // Verifies this signature // pSigDoc - signed doc data // pSigInfo - signature info object // signerCA - direct signer CA certs filename // szDateFile - name of the digidoc file // bUseCA - use CA certs or not 1/0 // from original file and use it for hash function. // This is usefull if the file has been generated by // another library and possibly formats these elements // differently. //============================================================ int Digi_verifySignatureInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szDataFile) { char buf2[100], *p1 = 0; X509* pCaCert = 0; int err = ERR_OK, k = 0; StoreHandle hStore; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1; mbuf1.pMem = 0; mbuf1.nLen = 0; buf2[0] = 0; if(!Digi_OpenStore(&hStore)) return ERR_CERT_STORE_READ; //p1 = ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert_IssuerName(pSigInfo); p1 = (char*)ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert_IssuerNameAndHash(pSigInfo, &mbuf1); //strncpy(buf1, ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert_IssuerName(pSigInfo), sizeof(buf1)); if(p1) findCN((char*)p1, buf2, sizeof(buf2)); pCaCert = Digi_FindCertBySubjectAndHash(&hStore, buf2, FALSE, 0, TRUE, &mbuf1); if(!pCaCert) { ddocDebug(1, "Digi_verifySignatureInfo", "ERR112 cert: %s", buf2); //AM 02.03.09 teadmata olek kui leia CA serti return ERR_UNKNOWN_CA; } err = verifySignatureInfoCERT(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, pCaCert, szDataFile, (pCaCert != NULL)); if(pCaCert) X509_free(pCaCert); Digi_CloseStore(&hStore); ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1); if((k = getCountOfSignerRoles(pSigInfo, 0)) > 1) { ddocDebug(1, "Digi_verifySignatureInfo", "Number of roles: %d, Currently supports max 1 roles", k); SET_LAST_ERROR(ERR_MAX_1_ROLES); err = ERR_MAX_1_ROLES; } return err; } //============================================================ // Verifies the whole document, but returns on first error // Use the functions defined earlier to verify all contents // step by step. // pSigDoc - signed doc data // //============================================================ int Digi_verifySigDoc(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDataFile) { SignatureInfo* pSigInfo; NotaryInfo* pNotInfo; int i, d, err = ERR_OK; RETURN_IF_NULL_PARAM(pSigDoc); //assert(pSigDoc); d = getCountOfSignatures(pSigDoc); for(i = 0; i < d; i++) { pSigInfo = getSignature(pSigDoc, i); err = Digi_verifySignatureInfo(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, szDataFile); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); } d = getCountOfNotaryInfos(pSigDoc); for(i = 0;i < d; i++) { pNotInfo = getNotaryInfo(pSigDoc, i); err = Digi_verifyNotaryInfoWithCertSearch(pSigDoc, pNotInfo); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); } return ERR_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Verfies NotaryInfo signature // pSigDoc - signed doc object // pNotInfo - NotaryInfo object // caCerts - CA certificate pointer array terminated with NULL // CApath - path to (directory) all certs // notCertFile - Notary (e.g. OCSP responder) cert file //-------------------------------------------------- int Digi_verifyNotaryInfoCERT(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo, const X509** caCerts, const X509* notCert, const X509* pSigCA) { SignatureInfo* pSigInfo = NULL; pSigInfo = ddocGetSignatureForNotary(pSigDoc, pNotInfo); RETURN_IF_NOT(pSigInfo != NULL, ERR_NOTARY_NO_SIGNATURE); return verifyNotaryInfoCERT2(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, pNotInfo, caCerts, 0, notCert, pSigCA); } //==================================================================== // Finds issuer certificate of given certificate // returns NULL if not found or any error occures // The stores "My","CA" and "Root" will be scanned. //==================================================================== EXP_OPTION X509 * findIssuerCertificatefromMsStore(X509 *x509){ return findIssuerCertificatefromStore(x509); } //Functions from EstIDLib.c //============================================================ // Calculates and stores a signature for this SignatureInfo object // Uses EstEID card as CSP to sign the info // pSigInfo - signature info object //============================================================ EXP_OPTION int calculateSigInfoSignatureWithCSPEstID(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int iByKeyContainer, const char* szPin) { int err = ERR_OK, l1; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert; char buf1[300]; unsigned long sigLen; int digLen, len=0; char sigDig[300],signature[2084], *p1; char *psKeyName = NULL; char *psCSPName = NULL; //long tmpSerial; //HCRYPTPROV hProvider; DWORD dwRes; X509 *pX509; DigiDocMemBuf *pMBuf1; ddocDebug(3, "calculateSigInfoSignatureWithCSPEstID", "Sign id: %s", pSigInfo->szId); pCert = DigiCrypt_FindContext((BOOL) iByKeyContainer, &dwRes); if(pCert == NULL) { if (dwRes == dDigiCrypt_Error_NotFoundCSP) err = ERR_CSP_NO_CARD_DATA; if(dwRes == dDigiCrypt_Error_UserCancel) err = ERR_CSP_USER_CANCEL; if (dwRes == dDigiCrypt_Error_NoDefaultKey) err = ERR_CSP_NODEFKEY_CONTAINER; if (dwRes == dDIgiCrypt_Error_NotFoundCert) err = ERR_CSP_CERT_FOUND; SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(err); } psKeyName = DigiCrypt_FindContext_GetKeyName(); psCSPName = DigiCrypt_FindContext_GetCSPName(); //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&pX509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); err = setSignatureCert(pSigInfo, pX509); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); //AA-Viimase minuti jama createTimestamp(pSigDoc, sigDig, sizeof(sigDig)); setString(&(pSigInfo->szTimeStamp), sigDig, -1); // Signed properties digest // now calculate signed properties digest err = calculateSignedPropertiesDigest(pSigDoc, pSigInfo); // TODO: replace later pMBuf1 = ddocDigestValue_GetDigestValue(pSigInfo->pSigPropDigest); ddocSigInfo_SetSigPropRealDigest(pSigInfo, (const char*)pMBuf1->pMem, pMBuf1->nLen); // signature type & val ddocSignatureValue_new(&(pSigInfo->pSigValue), 0, SIGN_RSA_NAME, 0, 0); // calc signed-info digest l1 = sizeof(buf1); err = calculateSignedInfoDigest(pSigDoc, pSigInfo, (byte*)buf1, &l1); err = ddocSigInfo_SetSigInfoRealDigest(pSigInfo, buf1, l1); sigLen = sizeof(signature); memset(signature, 0, sizeof(signature)); p1 = createXMLSignedInfo(pSigDoc, pSigInfo); len = strlen(p1); // sign the hash with CSP digLen = sizeof(sigDig); err = GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP(psKeyName,psCSPName, p1, len, NULL, NULL, sigDig, &digLen,&signature[0],&sigLen,szPin); if(p1) free(p1); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); // set signature value ddocSigInfo_SetSignatureValue(pSigInfo, signature, (int)sigLen); ddocDebug(3, "calculateSigInfoSignatureWithCSPEstID", "End signing Sign id: %s, rc: %d", pSigInfo->szId, err); return ERR_OK; } X509* findCertificate(const CertSearch * cS){ //debugPrint("findCertificate"); X509* poCert = NULL; if(cS==NULL){ return NULL; }else if(cS->searchType==CERT_SEARCH_BY_X509){ ReadCertificate(&poCert,cS->x509FileName); return(poCert); }else if(cS->searchType==CERT_SEARCH_BY_PKCS12){ X509 * x509=NULL; EVP_PKEY * pKey=NULL; int err=0; err=ReadCertificateByPKCS12(&x509,cS->pkcs12FileName,cS->pswd,&pKey); EVP_PKEY_free(pKey); if(err==ERR_OK){ return x509; }else{ SET_LAST_ERROR(err); return NULL; } }else if(cS->searchType==CERT_SEARCH_BY_STORE){ #ifdef WIN32_CSP X509 * x509=NULL; int err=0; RETURN_OBJ_IF_NULL(cS->certSearchStore, NULL); err=GetCertificateFromStore(cS->certSearchStore,&x509); //debugPrint("return from findCertificate (MS Store)"); if(err==ERR_OK){ return x509; }else{ SET_LAST_ERROR(err); return NULL; } #else return NULL; #endif }else{ return NULL; } } EXP_OPTION int findAllCertificates(const CertSearchStore *sS, X509 ***certsArray, int *numberOfCerts){ #ifdef WIN32_CSP int rc=0,i; X509 **array; CertItem *certItem, *certItem2; rc=GetAllCertificatesFromStore(sS,&certItem,numberOfCerts); if(rc==ERR_OK){ array=malloc(sizeof(X509*)*(*numberOfCerts)); RETURN_IF_BAD_ALLOC(array); for(i=0;i< *numberOfCerts ;i++){ array[i]=certItem->pCert; certItem2=certItem; certItem=certItem->nextItem; free(certItem2); } *certsArray=array; } if (rc != ERR_OK) SET_LAST_ERROR(rc); return rc; #else SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_SEARCH); #endif // WIN32_CSP } /***********************************************************************/ //========================================================================= // Returns pointer to current CSP. If current CSP was not initialized (i.e // NULL ) and input parameter is TRUE then active CSP is asked from // function getActiveProvider() and if CSP is "EST ID CSP" then // signature flag in CSP structure will turned to true //========================================================================= EXP_OPTION CSProvider * getCurrentCSProvider(BOOL tryToFindIfMissing){ if(tryToFindIfMissing==FALSE){ return cCSProvider; } // so tryToFindIfMissing was true, we need to find out if not found yet if(cCSProvider==NULL ){ //cCSProvider=getActiveProvider(); if(cCSProvider!=NULL){ if(strcmp(cCSProvider->CSPName,EST_EID_CSP)==0) cCSProvider->at_sig=TRUE; else cCSProvider->at_sig=FALSE; } } return cCSProvider; } EXP_OPTION void setCurrentCSProvider(CSProvider * newProvider){ cCSProvider=newProvider; } //===================================================== EXP_OPTION CertSearchStore* CertSearchStore_new() { CertSearchStore* certSearch; certSearch=(CertSearchStore*)malloc(sizeof(CertSearchStore)); memset(certSearch, 0, sizeof(CertSearchStore)); return certSearch; } EXP_OPTION void CertSearchStore_free(CertSearchStore* certSearchStore){ int i=0; RETURN_VOID_IF_NULL(certSearchStore); if (certSearchStore->subDNCriterias) { for(; i < certSearchStore->numberOfSubDNCriterias ; i++ ){ if(certSearchStore->subDNCriterias[i] != NULL){ free(certSearchStore->subDNCriterias[i]); } } free(certSearchStore->subDNCriterias); } certSearchStore->numberOfSubDNCriterias=0; if (certSearchStore->issDNCriterias) { for(; i < certSearchStore->numberOfIssDNCriterias ; i++ ){ if(certSearchStore->issDNCriterias[i] != NULL){ free(certSearchStore->issDNCriterias[i]); } } free(certSearchStore->issDNCriterias); } certSearchStore->numberOfIssDNCriterias=0; if(certSearchStore->storeName != NULL){ free(certSearchStore->storeName); } if(certSearchStore->publicKeyInfo){ free(certSearchStore->publicKeyInfo); } free(certSearchStore); certSearchStore=NULL; } EXP_OPTION CertSearch* CertSearch_new(){ CertSearch* certSearch; certSearch=(CertSearch*)malloc(sizeof(CertSearch)); memset(certSearch, 0, sizeof(CertSearch)); return certSearch; } EXP_OPTION void CertSearch_free(CertSearch* certSearch){ if(certSearch->certSearchStore != NULL){ CertSearchStore_free(certSearch->certSearchStore); } if(certSearch->pkcs12FileName != NULL){ free(certSearch->pkcs12FileName); } if(certSearch->pswd != NULL){ free(certSearch->pswd); } if(certSearch->x509FileName != NULL){ free(certSearch->x509FileName); } if(certSearch->keyFileName != NULL){ free(certSearch->keyFileName); } free(certSearch); certSearch=NULL; } EXP_OPTION void CertSearch_setX509FileName(CertSearch* certSearch, const char* str) { if(certSearch && str) { setString((char**)&certSearch->x509FileName, str, -1); } } EXP_OPTION void CertSearch_setKeyFileName(CertSearch* certSearch, const char* str) { if(certSearch && str) { setString((char**)&certSearch->keyFileName, str, -1); } } EXP_OPTION void CertSearch_setPkcs12FileName(CertSearch* certSearch, const char* str) { if(certSearch && str) { setString((char**)&certSearch->pkcs12FileName, str, -1); } } EXP_OPTION void CertSearch_setPasswd(CertSearch* certSearch, const char* str) { if(certSearch && str) { setString((char**)&certSearch->pswd, str, -1); } } // Frees cert handles and items in this list. // WARNING! when caller does not own the first cert in chain, // then pass pListStart->nextItem instead of pListStart itself. EXP_OPTION void CertList_free(CertItem* pListStart) { if (pListStart) { CertItem* pItem = pListStart; CertItem* pTmp; while (pItem) { pTmp = pItem->nextItem; X509_free((X509*)pItem->pCert); free(pItem); pItem = pTmp; } } } //===================================================================== // reads certificate from system store // IN CertSearchStore *sS - search criterias // OUT x509 certificate //===================================================================== int GetAllCertificatesFromStore(const CertSearchStore *sS, CertItem ** certList, int *numberOfCerts) { int retCode=ERR_OK; /* int retCode1=ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_SEARCH; // Unknown search type int retCode2=ERR_CSP_OPEN_STORE; // Can not open system store int retCode3=ERR_CSP_CERT_FOUND; // Certificate not found from store, probably cetificate not registered int retCode4=ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH; // search type Sub DN but mismatch of parameters int retCode5=ERR_PKCS_CERT_DECODE; */ int i=0,certCounter=0; int initSize=10; X509 *x509; CertItem *certFirst,*certCurrent,*certIt; BOOL certFound=FALSE; BOOL useSerial=FALSE; BOOL useSubDN=FALSE; BOOL useIssDN=FALSE; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert=NULL; char defaultName[]="My"; char* storeName; char buf[4000]; char buf1[4000]; long tmpSerial; int err; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1; mbuf1.pMem = 0; mbuf1.nLen = 0; RETURN_IF_NOT(numberOfCerts !=NULL, ERR_NULL_SER_NUM_POINTER); if((sS->searchType&(CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SERIAL|CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SUBJECT_DN|CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_ISSUER_DN)) == 0) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_SEARCH); if((sS->searchType&CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SERIAL) != 0){ useSerial=TRUE; } if((sS->searchType&CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SUBJECT_DN) != 0){ useSubDN=TRUE; if(sS->numberOfSubDNCriterias<1) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); if (sS->subDNCriterias == NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); for(i=0;inumberOfSubDNCriterias;i++){ if(sS->subDNCriterias[i]==NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); } } if((sS->searchType&CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_ISSUER_DN) != 0){ useIssDN=TRUE; if(sS->numberOfIssDNCriterias<1) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); if (sS->issDNCriterias == NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); for(i=0;inumberOfIssDNCriterias;i++){ if(sS->issDNCriterias[i]==NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); } } if(sS->storeName!=NULL){ storeName=sS->storeName; }else{ storeName=defaultName; } certFirst = malloc(sizeof(CertItem)); RETURN_IF_BAD_ALLOC(certFirst); // memset(certFirst,0,sizeof(certFirst)); <-- Andrus: fills with zeros only first 32 bits memset(certFirst,0,sizeof(CertItem)); *certList=certFirst; certCurrent=certFirst; /////******************** start task *********************************** while(TRUE){ hCertStore=CertOpenSystemStore(0,storeName); if(!hCertStore){ retCode=ERR_CSP_OPEN_STORE; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } while(TRUE){ pCert = CertEnumCertificatesInStore( hCertStore,pCert); if(!pCert) break; //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&x509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); RETURN_IF_NOT(x509 != NULL, ERR_PKCS_CERT_DECODE); // if serial is a criteria check it if(useSerial){ //AA-viimase minuti jama //ReadCertSerialNumber(&tmpSerial,x509); ReadCertSerialNumber(buf,sizeof(buf),x509); tmpSerial = atol(buf); if(tmpSerial == sS->certSerial){ certFound=TRUE; }else{ certFound=FALSE; X509_free(x509); continue; } }//if(useSerial){ // if issuer name is a criteria check it if(useIssDN){ int len=0; X509_NAME * x509name; x509name = X509_get_issuer_name(x509); len=sizeof(buf); memset(buf,0,len); memset(buf1,0,sizeof(buf1)); //AM 26.09.08 //X509_NAME_oneline(x509name,buf,len); err = ddocCertGetIssuerDN(x509, &mbuf1); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); len=strlen((char*)mbuf1.pMem); prepareString((char*)mbuf1.pMem,buf1); for(i=0;inumberOfIssDNCriterias;i++){ memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); prepareString(sS->issDNCriterias[i],buf); if(strstr(buf1,buf)){ certFound=TRUE; }else{ certFound=FALSE; //X509_free(x509); <-- Andrus: free operation performed in the end of useIssDN block break; } } if(!certFound){ X509_free(x509); continue; } }//if(useIssDN){ // if subject name is a criteria check it if(useSubDN){ int len=0; X509_NAME * x509name; x509name = X509_get_subject_name(x509); len=sizeof(buf); memset(buf,0,len); memset(buf1,0,sizeof(buf1)); //AM 26.09.08 //X509_NAME_oneline(x509name,buf,len); err = ddocCertGetSubjectDN(x509, &mbuf1); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); len=strlen((char*)mbuf1.pMem); prepareString((char*)mbuf1.pMem,buf1); for(i=0;inumberOfSubDNCriterias;i++){ memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); prepareString(sS->subDNCriterias[i],buf); if(strstr(buf1,buf)){ certFound=TRUE; }else{ certFound=FALSE; break; } } // did we find ? if(!certFound){ X509_free(x509); continue; } }//if(useSubDN){ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1); // did we find ? if(certFound){ certCounter++; if(certCounter==1){ certFirst->pCert=x509; continue; } certIt = malloc(sizeof(CertItem)); RETURN_IF_BAD_ALLOC(certIt); // memset(certIt,0,sizeof(certIt)); <-- Andrus: fills with zeros only first 32 bits memset(certIt,0,sizeof(CertItem)); certIt->pCert=x509; certCurrent->nextItem=certIt; certCurrent=certIt; }else{ X509_free(x509); continue; } }//while(pCertt=CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hCertStore,pCert)) *numberOfCerts=certCounter; if( certCounter<1 ){ retCode = ERR_CSP_CERT_FOUND; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } break; }//while(TRUE){ /////******************** close and free objects *********************************** if(pCert) {CertFreeCertificateContext(pCert); } if(hCertStore) {CertCloseStore(hCertStore,CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG);hCertStore=0;} return retCode; /////******************************************************************************* } //========================================================== // removes all spaces and tabs and makes all characters uppercase //========================================================== void prepareString(const char * strIN,char * strOUT){ int len=0; int i=0; int tempLen=0; len=strlen(strIN); if(len==0){ return; } for (;i0x60 && strIN[i]<0x7B ){ strOUT[tempLen++] = (strIN[i]-0x20); }else { strOUT[tempLen++] = strIN[i]; } } } //===================================================================== // reads certificate from system store // IN CertSearchStore *sS - search criterias // OUT x509 certificate //===================================================================== int GetCertificateFromStore(const CertSearchStore *sS, X509 **cert){ int retCode=ERR_OK; int retCode1=ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_SEARCH; // Unknown search type int retCode2=ERR_CSP_OPEN_STORE; // Can not open system store int retCode3=ERR_CSP_CERT_FOUND; // Certificate not found from store, probably cetificate not registered int retCode4=ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH; // search type Sub DN but mismatch of parameters int retCode5=ERR_PKCS_CERT_DECODE; int i=0; X509 *x509; BOOL certFound=FALSE; BOOL useKeyInfo=FALSE; BOOL useSerial=FALSE; BOOL useSubDN=FALSE; BOOL useIssDN=FALSE; HCERTSTORE hCertStore = NULL; CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO* pKeyInfo; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert=NULL; char defaultName[]="My"; char* storeName; char buf[3000]; char buf1[3000]; long tmpSerial; int err=0; DigiDocMemBuf mbuf1; mbuf1.pMem = 0; mbuf1.nLen = 0; //--------------------------------- // TODO: it's just a test - remove it //--------------------------------- /* char* pSelArr[] = {"Good reader", "Better reader", "The best reader", NULL}; int iRes = runDigiDocDialogUnit(pSelArr, "Please select smartcard reader:"); if (iRes != -1) { // handle picked element char resultAsText[128]; //sprintf(resultAsText, "Selected item with index=%d", iRes); MessageBox(NULL, resultAsText, "DigiDoc", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { // if possible, handle Cancel operation } */ //--------------------------------- // End of TODO //--------------------------------- if((sS->searchType&(CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SERIAL|CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SUBJECT_DN|CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_ISSUER_DN|CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_KEY_INFO)) == 0) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_SEARCH); if((sS->searchType&CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_KEY_INFO) != 0){ useKeyInfo=TRUE; pKeyInfo=sS->publicKeyInfo; if(pKeyInfo==NULL){ SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); } } if((sS->searchType&CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SERIAL) != 0){ useSerial=TRUE; } if((sS->searchType&CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_SUBJECT_DN) != 0){ useSubDN=TRUE; if(sS->numberOfSubDNCriterias<1) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); if (sS->subDNCriterias == NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); for(i=0;inumberOfSubDNCriterias;i++){ if(sS->subDNCriterias[i]==NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); } } if((sS->searchType&CERT_STORE_SEARCH_BY_ISSUER_DN) != 0){ useIssDN=TRUE; if(sS->numberOfIssDNCriterias<1) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); if (sS->issDNCriterias == NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); for(i=0;inumberOfIssDNCriterias;i++){ if(sS->issDNCriterias[i]==NULL) SET_LAST_ERROR_RETURN_CODE(ERR_INCORRECT_CERT_SEARCH); } } if(sS->storeName!=NULL){ storeName=sS->storeName; }else{ storeName=&defaultName[0]; } /////******************** start task *********************************** while(TRUE){ hCertStore=CertOpenSystemStore(0,storeName); if(!hCertStore){ retCode = ERR_CSP_OPEN_STORE; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } if(useKeyInfo){ pCert=CertFindCertificateInStore(hCertStore,X509_ASN_ENCODING|PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING,0,CERT_FIND_PUBLIC_KEY,pKeyInfo,NULL ); if(pCert){ //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&x509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); certFound=TRUE; //memcpy(cert,x509,sizeof(x509)); //X509_free(x509); *cert=x509; break; } }//if(useSerial){ while( pCert= CertEnumCertificatesInStore( hCertStore,pCert)){ //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&x509,pCert->pbCertEncoded,pCert->cbCertEncoded); RETURN_IF_NOT(x509 != NULL, ERR_PKCS_CERT_DECODE); if(useSerial){ //AA-Viimase minuti jama //ReadCertSerialNumber(&tmpSerial,x509); ReadCertSerialNumber(buf,sizeof(buf),x509); tmpSerial = atol(buf); if(tmpSerial == sS->certSerial){ certFound=TRUE; }else{ certFound=FALSE; X509_free(x509); continue; } }//if(useSerial){ if(useIssDN){ int len=0; X509_NAME * x509name; x509name = X509_get_issuer_name(x509); len=sizeof(buf); memset(buf,0,len); memset(buf1,0,sizeof(buf1)); //AM 26.09.08 //X509_NAME_oneline(x509name,buf,len); err = ddocCertGetIssuerDN(x509, &mbuf1); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); len=strlen((char*)mbuf1.pMem); prepareString((char*)mbuf1.pMem,buf1); for(i=0;inumberOfIssDNCriterias;i++){ memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); prepareString(sS->issDNCriterias[i],buf); if(strstr(buf1,buf)){ certFound=TRUE; }else{ certFound=FALSE; X509_free(x509); break; } } if(!certFound){ X509_free(x509); continue; } }//if(useIssDN){ if(useSubDN){ int len=0; X509_NAME * x509name; x509name = X509_get_subject_name(x509); len=sizeof(buf); memset(buf,0,len); memset(buf1,0,sizeof(buf1)); //AM 26.09.08 //X509_NAME_oneline(x509name,buf,len); err = ddocCertGetSubjectDN(x509, &mbuf1); RETURN_IF_NOT(err == ERR_OK, err); len=strlen((char*)mbuf1.pMem); prepareString((char*)mbuf1.pMem,buf1); for(i=0;inumberOfSubDNCriterias;i++){ memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); prepareString(sS->subDNCriterias[i],buf); if(strstr(buf1,buf)){ certFound=TRUE; }else{ certFound=FALSE; break; } } // did we find ? if(!certFound){ X509_free(x509); continue; } }//if(useSubDN){ ddocMemBuf_free(&mbuf1); // did we find ? if(certFound){ break; }else{ X509_free(x509); continue; } }//while(pCertt=CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hCertStore,pCert)) if( certFound ){ //memcpy(cert,x509,sizeof(x509)); //X509_free(x509); *cert=x509; }else{ retCode=ERR_CSP_CERT_FOUND; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } break; }//while(TRUE){ /////******************** close and free objects *********************************** if(pCert) {CertFreeCertificateContext(pCert); } if(hCertStore) {CertCloseStore(hCertStore,CERT_CLOSE_STORE_FORCE_FLAG);hCertStore=0;} return retCode; /////******************************************************************************* } //======================================================= //Asks and returns key name or NULL if can not be found. //Key name must be freed. Name will be like "AUT_VIISAKAS,VILLU,19901012020" //IN cProvider - crypto provider name, "EstEID Card CSP" in // EstID's case. //======================================================= LPBYTE getDefaultKeyName(CSProvider * cCSP){ BOOL fRes; HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0; LPBYTE pbContName = NULL;//string, key name to be stored DWORD dwContName; if(cCSP==NULL){ cCSP=getCurrentCSProvider(TRUE); } if(cCSP==NULL){ return NULL; } if(cCSP->rsa_full){ fRes = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv,NULL,cCSP->CSPName, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0); }else{ fRes = CryptAcquireContext(&hProv,NULL,cCSP->CSPName, PROV_RSA_SIG, 0); } if (RCRYPT_FAILED(fRes)){ return NULL; } // asks keypair name, in auth case it is AUT_ // first size and the the keyname itself fRes = CryptGetProvParam(hProv,PP_CONTAINER,NULL,&dwContName,0); if (RCRYPT_FAILED(fRes)){ return NULL; } //pbContName =(LPBYTE) LocalAlloc(0,dwContName); pbContName =(LPBYTE) malloc(dwContName); if(pbContName != NULL ){ fRes = CryptGetProvParam(hProv,PP_CONTAINER,pbContName,&dwContName,0); } //in pbContName-s there is now ASCII string fRes = CryptReleaseContext(hProv,0); if (RCRYPT_FAILED(fRes)){ return NULL; } hProv =0; return pbContName; } //======================================================================== // Returns issuer certificate context //======================================================================== const CERT_CONTEXT * findCertFromStore(const CERT_CONTEXT *cert, const char *storeName) { HCERTSTORE hCertStore = NULL; const CERT_CONTEXT *issuer = NULL; DWORD flag=CERT_STORE_SIGNATURE_FLAG; hCertStore=CertOpenSystemStore(0,storeName); if(!hCertStore){ return NULL; } issuer = CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore(hCertStore,cert,NULL,&flag); CertCloseStore(hCertStore,0); return issuer; } //========================================================================= X509 * findIssuerCertificatefromStore(X509 *x509) { const CERT_CONTEXT *cert = NULL; const CERT_CONTEXT *issuer = NULL; char * storeNames[] = {"CA","Root","My"}; unsigned char certBlob[5000]; int i, certBlobLen = sizeof(certBlob); X509 *x509issuer = NULL; RETURN_OBJ_IF_NULL(x509, NULL); //encode( memset(certBlob,0,sizeof(certBlob)); encodeCert(x509,(char *)certBlob,&certBlobLen); cert = CertCreateCertificateContext(X509_ASN_ENCODING|PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING,certBlob,certBlobLen); if(cert == NULL){ return NULL; } for( i=0;i<3;i++){ issuer=findCertFromStore(cert,storeNames[i]); if(issuer){ break; } } if(issuer){ //AA100204 ddocDecodeX509Data(&x509issuer,issuer->pbCertEncoded,issuer->cbCertEncoded); CertFreeCertificateContext(issuer); } CertFreeCertificateContext(cert); return x509issuer; } //===================================================================== // hashes and signes data with EstId card, returns also public_key_blob // which can be used in order to verify signature // IN dataToBeSigned - source data buffer // IN dataLen - how many bytes will be read from source buffer // OUT pbKeyBlob - public key buffer( corresponding private key was used to sign. // OUT pbKeyBlobLen - public key length in buffer // OUT hash - output data buffer for hash // OUT hashLen - data length in output buffer // OUT hashedSignature - output data buffer for hashed and signed data // OUT sigLen - data length in output buffer // IN szPin - PIN2 [optional] //===================================================================== int GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP( char *psKeyName, char *psCSPName, const char * dataToBeSigned,unsigned long dataLen, unsigned char *pbKeyBlob, unsigned long *pbKeyBlobLen, unsigned char *hash, unsigned long *hashLen, unsigned char * hashedSignature,unsigned long * sigLen, const char* szPin) { int retCode=ERR_OK, l1; HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0; HCRYPTHASH sha1 = 0; HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert=NULL; BOOL fRes; DWORD dwRes; char *p1 = 0; ddocDebug(3, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "key: %s csp: %s, pin-len: %d", psKeyName, psCSPName, (szPin ? strlen(szPin) : 0)); // debug ddocDebug(3, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "data to sign: \'%s\' len: %d tlen: %d", dataToBeSigned, dataLen, strlen(dataToBeSigned)); //////******************** start task ************************************* while(TRUE){ // //sprintf(sTemp,"CSP=%s \nCON=%s\n%d",psCSPName,psKeyName,DigiCrypt_FindContext_GetCSPType(psCSPName)); //MessageBox(NULL,sTemp,"TEST",MB_OK); // fRes=CryptAcquireContext(&hProv,psKeyName,psCSPName,DigiCrypt_FindContext_GetCSPType(psCSPName),0);//CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT); ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "CryptAcquireContext: \'%s\' rc: %d", psKeyName, fRes); if(fRes==FALSE){ dwRes = GetLastError(); ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "error in CryptAcquireContext: %ld hex: %x", dwRes, dwRes); retCode=ERR_CSP_NO_CARD_DATA; break; } fRes=CryptCreateHash(hProv,CALG_SHA1,0,0,&sha1); if(fRes==FALSE){ ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "CryptCreateHash RC (bool): %d", (int)fRes); retCode=ERR_CSP_NO_HASH_START; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } // start hash fRes=CryptHashData(sha1,dataToBeSigned,dataLen,0); if(fRes==FALSE){ retCode=ERR_CSP_NO_HASH; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } if(hash!=NULL){ ddocDebug(3, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "caling CryptGetHashParam hash: %s len: %ld", hash, *hashLen); fRes=CryptGetHashParam(sha1,HP_HASHVAL, hash,hashLen ,0); if(fRes==FALSE){ ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "CryptGetHashParam RC (bool): %d", (int)fRes); retCode=ERR_CSP_NO_HASH_RESULT; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } // debug l1 = *hashLen * 2 + 10; p1 = (char*)malloc(l1); if(p1) { memset(p1, 0, l1); encode((const byte*)hash, *hashLen, (byte*)p1, &l1); ddocDebug(3, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "hash: %s len: %d", p1, l1); free(p1); p1 = 0; } } if(hashedSignature != NULL) { //use by standard way is not allways possible -- AT_SIGNATURE -- main thing is that cert is ok nor the keyspec //instead of that we should use CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey function. But then we must change basic context of this function. //workaround -- we try with both keyspecs // set PIN2 for signing if possible if(szPin && strlen(szPin)) { ddocDebug(3, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "Setting PIN len: %d", strlen(szPin)); fRes = CryptSetProvParam(hProv, PP_SIGNATURE_PIN, (const BYTE*)szPin, 0 ); ddocDebug(3, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "PIN setting: %d", fRes); } fRes=CryptSignHash(sha1,AT_SIGNATURE ,NULL,0, hashedSignature,sigLen); if(fRes==FALSE) { dwRes = GetLastError(); //try again with keyspec AT_KEYEXCHANGE if(dwRes==0x8009000d) // wrong keyspec { fRes=CryptSignHash(sha1,AT_KEYEXCHANGE ,NULL,0, NULL,sigLen); //*sigLen should be 128... this can be avoided whi fRes=CryptSignHash(sha1,AT_KEYEXCHANGE ,NULL,0, hashedSignature,sigLen); if(fRes==FALSE) { dwRes = GetLastError(); ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "error in CryptSignHash: %ld", dwRes); retCode=ERR_CSP_SIGN; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } } else if(dwRes == 0x8010006e) { ddocDebug(2, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "user cancelled signing"); retCode=ERR_CSP_USER_CANCEL; SET_LAST_ERROR(ERR_CSP_USER_CANCEL); break; } else { ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "error in signing: %uld hex: %x", dwRes, dwRes); retCode=ERR_CSP_SIGN; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } } } else ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "hashed signature is NULL"); // we must switsh end and begining // because windows uses little-endian but verification // assumes big-endian reverseArray(hashedSignature, *sigLen); if(pbKeyBlob!=NULL){ fRes=CryptGetUserKey(hProv,AT_KEYEXCHANGE,&hKey); if(fRes==FALSE){ ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "error in CryptGetUserKey"); retCode=ERR_CSP_OPEN_KEY; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } fRes=CryptExportKey(hKey,0,PUBLICKEYBLOB,0,pbKeyBlob,pbKeyBlobLen); if(fRes==FALSE){ ddocDebug(1, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "error in CryptExportKey"); retCode=ERR_CSP_READ_KEY; SET_LAST_ERROR(retCode); break; } } break; }//while(TRUE) ///********************** free objects ************************************ if(hKey){ CryptDestroyKey(hKey);hKey=0; } if(sha1){ CryptDestroyHash(sha1);sha1= 0; } if(hProv){ CryptReleaseContext(hProv,0); } ddocDebug(3, "GetSignedHashWithKeyAndCSP", "end of signing RC: %d", retCode); return retCode; /////******************************************************************************* } //=============================================================== // This function is used to change order in a massive. Last byte // becomes first and so on. // IN/OUT array - massive to be changed // IN arrayLen - array's length //=============================================================== void reverseArray(unsigned char *array, unsigned long arrayLen) { int ri, rj; unsigned char t; for (ri = 0, rj = arrayLen - 1; ri < rj; ++ri, --rj) { t = array[ri]; array[ri] = array[rj]; array[rj] = t; } } #endif