# t/42_looselips.t use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use File::Spec; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Test::More tests => 20; use_ok( 'ExtUtils::ModuleMaker' ); use_ok( 'ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local' ); use_ok( 'ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary', qw( prepare_mockdirs basic_file_and_directory_tests read_file_string ) ); { my ($home_dir, $personal_defaults_dir) = prepare_mockdirs(); local $ENV{HOME} = $home_dir; my ($tdir, $filetext, $license); $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); ok(chdir $tdir, 'changed to temp directory for testing'); my ($mod); my $testmod = 'Beta'; my @components = ( 'Alpha', $testmod ); my $module_name = join('::' => @components); my $dist_name = join('-' => @components); ok( $mod = ExtUtils::ModuleMaker->new( NAME => $module_name, COMPACT => 1, LICENSE => 'looselips', COPYRIGHT_YEAR => 1899, AUTHOR => "J E Keenan", ORGANIZATION => "The World Wide Webby", ), "call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker->new for $dist_name" ); ok($mod->complete_build(), "build files for Alpha::$testmod"); basic_file_and_directory_tests($dist_name); $filetext = read_file_string(File::Spec->catfile($dist_name, 'LICENSE')); ok($filetext, 'Able to read LICENSE'); like($filetext, qr/Copyright \(c\) 1899 The World Wide Webby\. All rights reserved\./, "correct copyright year and organization" ); ok($license = $mod->get_license(), "license retrieved"); like($license, qr/^={69}\s+={69}.*?={69}\s+={69}.*?={69}\s+={69}/s, "formatting for license and copyright found as expected" ); } my $self = ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local->interact(); isa_ok($self, 'ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local');