diff options
-rw-r--r--t/images/MRC.mrcbin0 -> 2560 bytes
53 files changed, 3213 insertions, 1189 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 16922a81..9cfb964b 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -7,6 +7,27 @@ RSS feed:
Note: The most recent production release is Version 12.16. (Other versions are
considered development releases, and are not uploaded to MetaCPAN.)
+Apr. 22, 2021 - Version 12.25
+ - JPEG XL support is now official
+ - Added read support for Medical Research Council (MRC) image files
+ - Added ability to write a number of 3gp tags in video files
+ - Added a new Sony PictureProfile value (thanks Jos Roost)
+ - Added a new Sony LensType (thanks LibRaw)
+ - Added a new Nikon LensID (thanks Niels Kristian Bech Jensen)
+ - Added a new Canon LensType
+ - Decode more GPS information from Blackvue dashcam videos
+ - Decode a couple of new NikonSettings tags (thanks Warren Hatch)
+ - Decode a few new RIFF tags
+ - Improved Validate option to add minor warning if standard XMP is missing
+ xpacket wrapper
+ - Avoid decoding some large arrays in DNG images to improve performance unless
+ the -m option is used
+ - Patched bug that could give runtime warning when trying to write an empty
+ XMP structure
+ - Fixed decoding of ImageWidth/Height for JPEG XL images
+ - Fixed problem were Microsoft Xtra tags couldn't be deleted
Apr. 13, 2021 - Version 12.24
- Added a new PhaseOne RawFormat value (thanks LibRaw)
@@ -16,7 +37,7 @@ Apr. 13, 2021 - Version 12.24
- Updated acdsee.config in distribution (thanks StarGeek)
- Recognize AutoCAD DXF files
- More work on experimental JUMBF read support
- - More work on experimental JXL read/write support
+ - More work on experimental JPEG XL read/write support
Apr. 1, 2021 - Version 12.23
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index e944f5a1..f54f326c 100644
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ config_files/acdsee.config
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ html/TagNames/MOI.html
@@ -326,6 +328,7 @@ lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -601,6 +604,9 @@ t/JSON_2.out
@@ -647,6 +653,8 @@ t/MOI.t
@@ -760,6 +768,7 @@ t/QuickTime_13.out
@@ -1002,6 +1011,7 @@ t/images/InDesign.indd
@@ -1013,6 +1023,7 @@ t/images/MIE.mie
diff --git a/META.json b/META.json
index f59bd9cd..7c948c52 100644
--- a/META.json
+++ b/META.json
@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@
"release_status" : "stable",
- "version" : "12.24",
+ "version" : "12.25",
"x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 4.02"
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index c874781e..82f09938 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ recommends:
Time::HiRes: 0
perl: 5.004
-version: 12.24
+version: 12.25
x_serialization_backend: 'JSON::PP version 4.02'
diff --git a/README b/README
index bad3817d..da3a32f6 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -14,47 +14,47 @@ supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):
File Types
- 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r
- 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w
- 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
- 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
- A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r
- AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
- AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w
- AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r
- ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r
- AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
- AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
- AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r
- APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w
- ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r
- ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
- ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r
- AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r
- AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w
- AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
- BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
- BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r
- BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r
- CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r
- COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r
- CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
- CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r
- CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r
- CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w
- CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
- CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r
- CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r
- DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r
- DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r
- DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r
- DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
- DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r
- DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
- DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
- DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
- DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
- DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |
+ 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r
+ 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r
+ 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w
+ 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
+ A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
+ AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r
+ AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
+ AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w
+ ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r
+ AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r
+ AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
+ AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
+ APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r
+ ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w
+ ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r
+ ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
+ AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r
+ AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r
+ AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w
+ BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
+ BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
+ BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r
+ CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r
+ COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r
+ CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r
+ CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
+ CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r
+ CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r
+ CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w
+ CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
+ CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r
+ DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r
+ DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r
+ DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r
+ DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r
+ DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
+ DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r
+ DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
+ DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
+ DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
+ DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
Meta Information
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ your home directory, then you would type the following commands in a
terminal window to extract and run ExifTool:
cd ~/Desktop
- gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-12.24.tar.gz | tar -xf -
- cd Image-ExifTool-12.24
+ gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-12.25.tar.gz | tar -xf -
+ cd Image-ExifTool-12.25
./exiftool t/images/ExifTool.jpg
Note: These commands extract meta information from one of the test images.
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ distribution package:
age.config - Calculate Age of person in photo
bibble.config - Definitions for writing Bibble XMP tags
convert_regions.config - Convert between MWG, MP and IPTC regions
+ cuepointlist.config - Extract cue points and labels as a list
depthmap.config - Extract Google DepthMap images
example.config - General example showing config features
fotoware.config - Definitions for writing Fotoware XMP tags
diff --git a/config_files/cuepointlist.config b/config_files/cuepointlist.config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21bc75c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config_files/cuepointlist.config
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# File: cuepointlist.config
+# Description: ExifTool config file to generate list of cue points and labels
+# in WAV audio files
+# Usage: exiftool -config cuepointlist.config -cuepointlist -b FILE
+# Requires: ExifTool version 12.25 or later
+# Revisions: 2021-04-20 - P. Harvey Created
+%Image::ExifTool::UserDefined = (
+ 'Image::ExifTool::Composite' => {
+ CuePointList => {
+ Require => {
+ 0 => 'CuePoints',
+ 1 => 'SampleRate',
+ },
+ Desire => {
+ 2 => 'CuePointLabel',
+ 3 => 'CuePointNotes',
+ 4 => 'LabeledText',
+ },
+ ValueConv => q{
+ SetByteOrder('II');
+ my (%lbl, %rgn, %rtyp, %rlbl, %note, $pos, $i);
+ # get labels if available
+ for ($i=1; defined $val[2]; ++$i) {
+ $lbl{$1} = $2 if $val[2] =~ /^(\d+) (.*)/ and length $2;
+ $val[2] = $self->GetValue("CuePointLabel ($i)");
+ }
+ # get notes if available
+ for ($i=1; defined $val[3]; ++$i) {
+ $note{$1} = $2 if $val[3] =~ /^(\d+) (.*)/ and length $2;
+ $val[3] = $self->GetValue("CuePointNotes ($i)");
+ }
+ # get regions if available
+ for ($i=1; defined $val[4]; ++$i) {
+ if ($val[4] =~ /^(\d+) (\d+) '(.*)' \d+ \d+ \d+ \d+ (.*)/) {
+ $rgn{$1} = $2;
+ $rtyp{$1} = $3;
+ $rlbl{$1} = $4;
+ }
+ $val[4] = $self->GetValue("LabeledText ($i)");
+ }
+ my $buff = "Cue\tStart\tEnd\tLabel\tPurpose\tText\tNotes\n";
+ for ($pos=4; $pos+24<=length(${$val[0]}); $pos+=24) {
+ my $n = Get32u($val[0], $pos);
+ my $start = Get32u($val[0], $pos + 4);
+ my (@lbl, $lbl);
+ push @lbl, $lbl{$n} if defined $lbl{$n};
+ push @lbl, $rlbl{$n} if defined $rlbl{$n};
+ push @lbl, '-', $note{$n} if defined $note{$n};
+ my $lbl = join ' ', @lbl;
+ $buff .= sprintf("%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
+ $n, $start/$val[1], ($start+($rgn{$n}||0))/$val[1],
+ defined($lbl{$n}) ? $lbl{$n} : '',
+ defined($rtyp{$n}) ? $rtyp{$n} : '',
+ defined($rlbl{$n}) ? $rlbl{$n} : '',
+ defined($note{$n}) ? $note{$n} : '');
+ }
+ return $buff;
+ },
+ },
+ },
+1; # end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/exiftool b/exiftool
index f6a4caea..da76e2e4 100755
--- a/exiftool
+++ b/exiftool
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use strict;
require 5.004;
-my $version = '12.24';
+my $version = '12.25';
# add our 'lib' directory to the include list BEFORE 'use Image::ExifTool'
my $exeDir;
@@ -4469,47 +4469,47 @@ supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):
File Types
- 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r
- 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w
- 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
- 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
- A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r
- AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
- AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w
- AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r
- ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r
- AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
- AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
- AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r
- APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w
- ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r
- ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
- ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r
- AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r
- AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w
- AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
- BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
- BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r
- BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r
- CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r
- COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r
- CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
- CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r
- CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r
- CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w
- CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
- CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r
- CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r
- DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r
- DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r
- DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r
- DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
- DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r
- DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
- DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
- DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
- DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
- DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |
+ 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r
+ 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r
+ 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w
+ 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
+ A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
+ AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r
+ AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
+ AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w
+ ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r
+ AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r
+ AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
+ AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
+ APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r
+ ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w
+ ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r
+ ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
+ AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r
+ AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r
+ AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w
+ BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
+ BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
+ BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r
+ CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r
+ COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r
+ CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r
+ CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
+ CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r
+ CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r
+ CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w
+ CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
+ CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r
+ DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r
+ DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r
+ DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r
+ DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r
+ DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
+ DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r
+ DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
+ DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
+ DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
+ DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
Meta Information
@@ -5393,7 +5393,7 @@ with this command:
produces output like this:
- -- Generated by ExifTool 12.24 --
+ -- Generated by ExifTool 12.25 --
File: a.jpg - 2003:10:31 15:44:19
(f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 100)
File: b.jpg - 2006:05:23 11:57:38
diff --git a/html/ExifTool.html b/html/ExifTool.html
index 3b71f3b8..19777eda 100644
--- a/html/ExifTool.html
+++ b/html/ExifTool.html
@@ -380,6 +380,8 @@ while processing the image</td></tr>
my $exifTool = <b>new</b> Image::ExifTool;
+<p>One ExifTool object may be used to process many files, so creating multiple
+ExifTool objects usually is not necessary.</p>
<p>Note that ExifTool uses AUTOLOAD to load non-member methods, so any class
using Image::ExifTool as a base class must define an AUTOLOAD which calls
Image::ExifTool::DoAutoLoad(). ie)</p>
diff --git a/html/ExifTool.pdf b/html/ExifTool.pdf
index 82f1a631..dcc0d05a 100644
--- a/html/ExifTool.pdf
+++ b/html/ExifTool.pdf
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 1)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 1)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
(EXIFTOOL\(1\) User Contributed Perl Documentation EXIFTOOL\(1\))Tj
@@ -135,33 +135,33 @@ T*
0 -1.1 TD
( ------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------)Tj
-( 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r)Tj
+( 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r)Tj
-( 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w)Tj
+( 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r)Tj
-( 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r)Tj
+( 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w)Tj
-( 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r)Tj
+( 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r)Tj
-( A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r)Tj
+( A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r)Tj
-( AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w)Tj
+( AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r)Tj
-( AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w)Tj
+( AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w)Tj
-( AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r)Tj
+( AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w)Tj
-( ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r)Tj
+( ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r)Tj
-( AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r)Tj
+( AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r)Tj
-( AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r)Tj
+( AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r)Tj
-( AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r)Tj
+( AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r)Tj
-( APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w)Tj
+( APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r)Tj
-( ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r)Tj
+( ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w)Tj
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ endobj
9 0 obj
-/Length 5298
+/Length 5306
@@ -189,62 +189,62 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 2)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 2)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w)Tj
+( ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
-( ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r)Tj
+( ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w)Tj
-( AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r)Tj
+( AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r)Tj
-( AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w)Tj
+( AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r)Tj
-( AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w)Tj
+( AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w)Tj
-( BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r)Tj
+( BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w)Tj
-( BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r)Tj
+( BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r)Tj
-( BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r)Tj
+( BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r)Tj
-( CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r)Tj
+( CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r)Tj
-( COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r)Tj
+( COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r)Tj
-( CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c)Tj
+( CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r)Tj
-( CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r)Tj
+( CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c)Tj
-( CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r)Tj
+( CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r)Tj
-( CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w)Tj
+( CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r)Tj
-( CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r)Tj
+( CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w)Tj
-( CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r)Tj
+( CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r)Tj
-( CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r)Tj
+( CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r)Tj
-( DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r)Tj
+( DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r)Tj
-( DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r)Tj
+( DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r)Tj
-( DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r)Tj
+( DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r)Tj
-( DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w)Tj
+( DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r)Tj
-( DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r)Tj
+( DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w)Tj
-( DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r)Tj
+( DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r)Tj
-( DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r)Tj
+( DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r)Tj
-( DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c)Tj
+( DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r)Tj
-( DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r)Tj
+( DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c)Tj
-( DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |)Tj
+( DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Meta Information)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ endobj
12 0 obj
-/Length 4674
+/Length 4706
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 3)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 3)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( be exported with the ":Public" export list.)Tj
@@ -441,6 +441,10 @@ T*
0 -2.2 TD
( $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;)Tj
+( One ExifTool object may be used to process many files, so creating)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( multiple ExifTool objects usually is not necessary.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( Note that ExifTool uses AUTOLOAD to load non-member methods, so any)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( class using Image::ExifTool as a base class must define an AUTOLOAD)Tj
@@ -588,10 +592,6 @@ T*
( Below is an explanation of how the "ImageInfo" function arguments)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( are interpreted:)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( ExifTool ref)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( "ImageInfo" may be called with an ExifTool object if desired.)Tj
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ endobj
15 0 obj
-/Length 4877
+/Length 4732
@@ -619,11 +619,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 4)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 4)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
-0 -1.6333 TD
-( Advantages of using the object-oriented form are that options)Tj
+0 -2.7333 TD
+( ExifTool ref)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( "ImageInfo" may be called with an ExifTool object if desired.)Tj
+( Advantages of using the object-oriented form are that options)Tj
( may be set before calling "ImageInfo", and the object may be)Tj
( used afterward to access member functions. Must be the first)Tj
@@ -737,12 +741,6 @@ T*
( information.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( There will be 1:1 correspondence between the requested tags and)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( the returned tag keys only if the "Duplicates" option is 0 and)Tj
-( "Sort" is 'Input'. \(With "Duplicates" enabled, there may be)Tj
-( more entries in the returned list of tag keys, and with other)Tj
@@ -760,7 +758,7 @@ endobj
18 0 obj
-/Length 4661
+/Length 4432
@@ -770,11 +768,17 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 5)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 5)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( "Sort" settings the entries may not be in the same order as)Tj
+( the returned tag keys only if the "Duplicates" option is 0 and)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( "Sort" is 'Input'. \(With "Duplicates" enabled, there may be)Tj
+( more entries in the returned list of tag keys, and with other)Tj
+( "Sort" settings the entries may not be in the same order as)Tj
( requested.\) If a requested tag doesn't exist, a tag key is)Tj
( still generated, but the tag value is undefined.)Tj
@@ -892,7 +896,36 @@ T*
( Perl wide characters are not used. See "CHARACTER ENCODINGS" for)Tj
( details about the encodings. By default, most returned values are)Tj
+19 0 obj
+/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ]
+/Font <<
+/TT2 4 0 R
+/TT4 5 0 R
+/ExtGState <<
+/GS1 6 0 R
+21 0 obj
+/Length 4207
+/TT2 1 Tf
+10 0 0 10 29 806.3333 Tm
+0 g
+/GS1 gs
+0 Tc
+0 Tw
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 6)Tj
+/TT4 1 Tf
+0 -1.6333 TD
( encoded in UTF-8. For these, _)Tj
24.6 0 TD
@@ -938,36 +971,7 @@ T*
(\) may be used to)Tj
-36.6 -1.1 TD
( convert to a sequence of logical Perl characters.)Tj
-19 0 obj
-/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ]
-/Font <<
-/TT2 4 0 R
-/TT4 5 0 R
-/ExtGState <<
-/GS1 6 0 R
-21 0 obj
-/Length 3828
-/TT2 1 Tf
-10 0 0 10 29 806.3333 Tm
-0 g
-/GS1 gs
-0 Tc
-0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 6)Tj
-/TT4 1 Tf
-0 -1.6333 TD
+0 -2.2 TD
( As well as tags representing information extracted from the image,)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( the following Extra tags generated by ExifTool may be returned:)Tj
@@ -1083,10 +1087,6 @@ T*
( Flag to extract some directories \(mentioned in the ExifTool tag)Tj
( name documentation\) as a block. Setting this to a value of 2)Tj
-( also prevents parsing the block to extract tags contained)Tj
-( within.)Tj
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ endobj
24 0 obj
-/Length 4742
+/Length 4699
@@ -1114,9 +1114,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 7)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 7)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( also prevents parsing the block to extract tags contained)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( within.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( ByteOrder)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( The byte order for newly created EXIF segments when writing.)Tj
@@ -1236,10 +1240,6 @@ T*
( CharsetIPTC)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( Fallback internal IPTC character set to assume if IPTC)Tj
-( information contains no CodedCharacterSet tag. Possible values)Tj
-( are the same as the "Charset" option. Default is 'Latin'.)Tj
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ endobj
27 0 obj
-/Length 4413
+/Length 4512
@@ -1267,9 +1267,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 8)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 8)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( information contains no CodedCharacterSet tag. Possible values)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( are the same as the "Charset" option. Default is 'Latin'.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( Note that this option affects some types of information when)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( reading/writing the file and other types when getting/setting)Tj
@@ -1383,10 +1387,6 @@ T*
( Note: To avoid loss of precision, the default coordinate)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( format is different when copying tags with)Tj
-( "SetNewValuesFromFile".)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( DateFormat)Tj
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ endobj
30 0 obj
-/Length 4970
+/Length 4801
@@ -1414,11 +1414,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 9)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 9)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( Format for printing date/time values. See "strftime" in the)Tj
+( "SetNewValuesFromFile".)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( DateFormat)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( Format for printing date/time values. See "strftime" in the)Tj
( POSIX package for details about the format string. If date can)Tj
( not be converted, value is left unchanged unless the StrictDate)Tj
@@ -1536,12 +1540,6 @@ T*
( also avoid extracting any EXIF MakerNote information, and will)Tj
( stop parsing at the IDAT chunk of PNG images. \(By the PNG)Tj
-( specification, metadata is allowed after IDAT, but ExifTool)Tj
-( always writes it before because some utilities will ignore it)Tj
-( otherwise.\) When set to 3 or higher, only pseudo system tags)Tj
@@ -1559,7 +1557,7 @@ endobj
33 0 obj
-/Length 4500
+/Length 4631
@@ -1569,11 +1567,17 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 10)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 10)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( and FileType are generated. For 3, the file header is read to)Tj
+( specification, metadata is allowed after IDAT, but ExifTool)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( always writes it before because some utilities will ignore it)Tj
+( otherwise.\) When set to 3 or higher, only pseudo system tags)Tj
+( and FileType are generated. For 3, the file header is read to)Tj
( provide an educated guess at FileType. For 4, the file is not)Tj
( read at all and FileType is determined based on the file's)Tj
@@ -1687,10 +1691,6 @@ T*
( ignored if the number of acquired satellites is less than this.)Tj
( Default is undef.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( GeoSpeedRef)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( Reference units for writing GPSSpeed when geotagging:)Tj
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ endobj
36 0 obj
-/Length 4721
+/Length 4588
@@ -1718,9 +1718,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 11)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 11)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( GeoSpeedRef)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( Reference units for writing GPSSpeed when geotagging:)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( 'K', 'k' or 'km/h' - km/h)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( 'M', 'm' or 'mph' - mph)Tj
@@ -1878,12 +1882,6 @@ T*
( list.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( ListJoin)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( Separator used to join the PrintConv value of multi-item List-)Tj
-( type tags into a single string. If not defined, multi-item)Tj
-( lists are returned as a list reference. Does not affect)Tj
@@ -1901,7 +1899,7 @@ endobj
41 0 obj
-/Length 4308
+/Length 4478
@@ -1911,9 +1909,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 12)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 12)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( Separator used to join the PrintConv value of multi-item List-)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( type tags into a single string. If not defined, multi-item)Tj
+( lists are returned as a list reference. Does not affect)Tj
( ValueConv values. Default is ', '.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( ListSplit)Tj
@@ -2025,10 +2029,6 @@ T*
( autodetection of incorrect time-zero offsets in QuickTime)Tj
( date/time values, and enforces a time zero of 1904 as per the)Tj
-( QuickTime specification.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( RequestAll)Tj
@@ -2046,7 +2046,7 @@ endobj
44 0 obj
-/Length 4459
+/Length 4396
@@ -2056,11 +2056,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 13)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 13)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( Flag to request all tags to be extracted. This causes some)Tj
+( QuickTime specification.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( RequestAll)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( Flag to request all tags to be extracted. This causes some)Tj
( tags to be generated which normally would not be unless)Tj
( specifically requested \(by passing the tag name to "ImageInfo")Tj
@@ -2170,10 +2174,6 @@ T*
( the DateFormat option set, the value is written only if)Tj
( POSIX::strptime or Time::Piece is available and can)Tj
-( successfully convert the value.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( For PNG CreationTime, a setting of 1 has the additional effect)Tj
@@ -2191,7 +2191,7 @@ endobj
47 0 obj
-/Length 4325
+/Length 4255
@@ -2201,11 +2201,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 14)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 14)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( of causing the date/time to be reformatted according to PNG 1.2)Tj
+( successfully convert the value.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( For PNG CreationTime, a setting of 1 has the additional effect)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( of causing the date/time to be reformatted according to PNG 1.2)Tj
( recommendation \(RFC-1123\) when writing, and a warning to be)Tj
( issued for any non-standard value when reading \(but note that)Tj
@@ -2325,12 +2329,6 @@ T*
( names\).)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Validate)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( Flag to perform extra validation metadata checks when reading,)Tj
-( causing extra warnings to be generated if problems are found.)Tj
-( Default is undef.)Tj
@@ -2348,7 +2346,7 @@ endobj
50 0 obj
-/Length 4218
+/Length 4192
@@ -2358,9 +2356,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 15)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 15)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
-0 -2.7333 TD
+0 -1.6333 TD
+( Flag to perform extra validation metadata checks when reading,)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( causing extra warnings to be generated if problems are found.)Tj
+( Default is undef.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( Verbose)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( Print verbose messages to file specified by TextOut option.)Tj
@@ -2510,12 +2514,6 @@ T*
( Composite, ExtendedXMP, ExtractEmbedded, FastScan, FixBase,)Tj
( HtmlDump, HtmlDumpBase, IgnoreMinorErrors, Lang, LargeFileSupport,)Tj
-( MakerNotes, MDItemTags, NoPDFList, Password, QuickTimeUTC \(enforced)Tj
-( 1904 time zero\), RequestAll, RequestTags, SaveFormat, SavePath,)Tj
-( ScanForXMP, Struct, TextOut, Unknown, Verbose, XAttrTags and)Tj
@@ -2533,7 +2531,7 @@ endobj
53 0 obj
-/Length 4168
+/Length 4291
@@ -2543,9 +2541,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 16)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 16)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( MakerNotes, MDItemTags, NoPDFList, Password, QuickTimeUTC \(enforced)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( 1904 time zero\), RequestAll, RequestTags, SaveFormat, SavePath,)Tj
+( ScanForXMP, Struct, TextOut, Unknown, Verbose, XAttrTags and)Tj
( XMPAutoConv.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Return Value:)Tj
@@ -2679,10 +2683,6 @@ T*
( # create XMP data file from scratch)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( $exifTool->WriteInfo\(undef, $dstfile, 'XMP'\);)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( # overwrite file \(you do have backups, right?\))Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( $exifTool->WriteInfo\($srcfile\);)Tj
@@ -2700,7 +2700,7 @@ endobj
56 0 obj
-/Length 4009
+/Length 3972
@@ -2710,9 +2710,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 17)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 17)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -2.7333 TD
+( # overwrite file \(you do have backups, right?\))Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( $exifTool->WriteInfo\($srcfile\);)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( Inputs:)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( 0\) ExifTool object reference)Tj
@@ -2832,10 +2836,6 @@ T*
( Inputs:)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( 0\) ExifTool object reference)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( 1\) [optional] Information hash reference or tag list reference)Tj
-( 2\) [optional] Sort order \('Input', 'File', 'Tag', 'Descr' or)Tj
@@ -2853,7 +2853,7 @@ endobj
59 0 obj
-/Length 4352
+/Length 4344
@@ -2863,9 +2863,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 18)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 18)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( 1\) [optional] Information hash reference or tag list reference)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( 2\) [optional] Sort order \('Input', 'File', 'Tag', 'Descr' or)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
( 'Group#'\))Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( 3\) [optional] Secondary sort order \('File', 'Tag' or 'Descr'\))Tj
@@ -3039,10 +3043,6 @@ T*
( ValueConv value is always a list reference. But in list context,)Tj
( "GetValue" always returns the list itself.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( Note that "GetValue" requires a case-sensitive tag key as an argument.)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( To retrieve tag information based on a case-insensitive tag name \(with)Tj
@@ -3060,7 +3060,7 @@ endobj
62 0 obj
-/Length 3961
+/Length 4040
@@ -3070,9 +3070,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 19)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 19)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
-0 -1.6333 TD
+0 -2.7333 TD
+( Note that "GetValue" requires a case-sensitive tag key as an argument.)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( To retrieve tag information based on a case-insensitive tag name \(with)Tj
( an optional group specifier\), use "GetInfo" instead.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( # PrintConv example)Tj
@@ -3202,10 +3206,6 @@ T*
( For list-type tags \(like Keywords\), either call repeatedly with the)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( same tag name for each value, or call with a reference to the list of)Tj
-( values.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( # set a new value for a tag \(errors go to STDERR\))Tj
@@ -3223,7 +3223,7 @@ endobj
65 0 obj
-/Length 4027
+/Length 3872
@@ -3233,9 +3233,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 20)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 20)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( values.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( # set a new value for a tag \(errors go to STDERR\))Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
( $success = $exifTool->SetNewValue\($tag, $value\);)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( # set a new value and capture any error message)Tj
@@ -3335,12 +3339,6 @@ T*
( 0\) ExifTool object reference)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( 1\) [optional] Tag key or tag name, or undef to clear all new)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( values. The tag name may be prefixed by one or more family 0, 1 or)Tj
-( 2 group names with optional leading family numbers, separated by)Tj
-( colons \(eg. 'EXIF:Artist', 'XMP:Time:*'\), which is equivalent to)Tj
@@ -3358,7 +3356,7 @@ endobj
68 0 obj
-/Length 4639
+/Length 4657
@@ -3368,11 +3366,17 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 21)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 21)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( using a Group option argument. Also, a '#' may be appended to the)Tj
+( values. The tag name may be prefixed by one or more family 0, 1 or)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( 2 group names with optional leading family numbers, separated by)Tj
+( colons \(eg. 'EXIF:Artist', 'XMP:Time:*'\), which is equivalent to)Tj
+( using a Group option argument. Also, a '#' may be appended to the)Tj
( tag name \(eg. 'EXIF:Orientation#'\), with the same effect as setting)Tj
( Type to 'ValueConv'. Wildcards \('*' and '?'\) may be used in the)Tj
@@ -3484,12 +3488,6 @@ T*
( Bit mask for tag protection levels to write. Bit 0x01 allows)Tj
( writing of 'unsafe' tags \(ie. tags not copied automatically via)Tj
-( "SetNewValuesFromFile"\). Bit 0x02 allows writing of)Tj
-( 'protected' tags, and should only be used internally by)Tj
-( ExifTool. See Image::ExifTool::TagNames, for a list of tag)Tj
@@ -3507,7 +3505,7 @@ endobj
72 0 obj
-/Length 4593
+/Length 4759
@@ -3517,9 +3515,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 22)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 22)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( "SetNewValuesFromFile"\). Bit 0x02 allows writing of)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( 'protected' tags, and should only be used internally by)Tj
+( ExifTool. See Image::ExifTool::TagNames, for a list of tag)Tj
( names indicating 'unsafe' and 'protected' tags. Default is 0.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( ProtectSaved)Tj
@@ -3693,10 +3697,6 @@ T*
( $rawVal = $exifTool->GetNewValue\($tag\);)Tj
( @rawVals = $exifTool->GetNewValue\($tag\);)Tj
-( Inputs:)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( 0\) ExifTool object reference)Tj
@@ -3714,7 +3714,7 @@ endobj
75 0 obj
-/Length 4656
+/Length 4486
@@ -3724,9 +3724,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 23)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 23)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( Inputs:)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( 0\) ExifTool object reference)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( 1\) Tag name \(case sensitive, may be prefixed by family 0, 1 or 7)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( group names, separated by colons\))Tj
@@ -3870,12 +3874,6 @@ T*
( 'XMP:*'\). A special feature allows tag names of the form)Tj
( 'DSTTAG<SRCTAG' \(or 'SRCTAG>DSTTAG'\) to be specified to copy)Tj
-( information to a tag with a different name or a specified group.)Tj
-( Both 'SRCTAG' and 'DSTTAG' may contain wildcards and/or be prefixed)Tj
-( by a group name \(eg. 'fileModifyDate<modifyDate' or 'xmp:*<*'\),)Tj
@@ -3893,7 +3891,7 @@ endobj
78 0 obj
-/Length 4480
+/Length 4580
@@ -3903,11 +3901,17 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 24)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 24)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( and/or suffixed by a '#' to disable print conversion. Copied tags)Tj
+( information to a tag with a different name or a specified group.)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( Both 'SRCTAG' and 'DSTTAG' may contain wildcards and/or be prefixed)Tj
+( by a group name \(eg. 'fileModifyDate<modifyDate' or 'xmp:*<*'\),)Tj
+( and/or suffixed by a '#' to disable print conversion. Copied tags)Tj
( may also be added or deleted from a list with arguments of the form)Tj
( 'DSTTAG+<SRCTAG' or 'DSTTAG-<SRCTAG'. Tags are evaluated in order,)Tj
@@ -4015,10 +4019,6 @@ T*
( it is usually desirable to preserve the original groups by)Tj
( specifying '*:*' for the tags to set.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( The "Duplicates" option is always in effect for tags extracted from)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( the source file using this routine.)Tj
@@ -4036,7 +4036,7 @@ endobj
81 0 obj
-/Length 4371
+/Length 4386
@@ -4046,9 +4046,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 25)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 25)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( The "Duplicates" option is always in effect for tags extracted from)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( the source file using this routine.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( The "Struct" option is enabled by default for tags extracted by)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( this routine. This allows the hierarchy of complex structures to)Tj
@@ -4266,10 +4270,6 @@ T*
( 'FileCreateDate')Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Return Value:)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( 1 if the time was changed, 0 if nothing was done, or -1 if there)Tj
-( was an error setting the time.)Tj
@@ -4287,7 +4287,7 @@ endobj
84 0 obj
-/Length 4104
+/Length 4164
@@ -4297,9 +4297,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 26)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 26)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( 1 if the time was changed, 0 if nothing was done, or -1 if there)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( was an error setting the time.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( Notes:)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( Equivalent to, but more efficient than calling "WriteInfo" when)Tj
@@ -4471,10 +4475,6 @@ T*
-8.4 -1.1 TD
( Get current group priority list.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( @groups = $exifTool->GetNewGroups\(\);)Tj
-( Inputs:)Tj
@@ -4492,7 +4492,7 @@ endobj
87 0 obj
-/Length 3733
+/Length 3587
@@ -4502,9 +4502,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 27)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 27)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( @groups = $exifTool->GetNewGroups\(\);)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( Inputs:)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
( 0\) ExifTool object reference)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Return Values:)Tj
@@ -4660,12 +4664,6 @@ T*
( Group name \(or '' if tag has no group\). If no group family is)Tj
( specified, "GetGroup" returns the name of the group in family 0)Tj
-( when called in scalar context, or the names of groups for all)Tj
-( families in list context. Returns a string of group names)Tj
-( separated by colons if the input group family contains a colon.)Tj
@@ -4683,7 +4681,7 @@ endobj
90 0 obj
-/Length 5021
+/Length 5092
@@ -4693,11 +4691,17 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 28)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 28)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( The string is simplified to remove a leading 'Main:' and adjacent)Tj
+( when called in scalar context, or the names of groups for all)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( families in list context. Returns a string of group names)Tj
+( separated by colons if the input group family contains a colon.)Tj
+( The string is simplified to remove a leading 'Main:' and adjacent)Tj
( identical group names unless the family string begins with a colon.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Notes:)Tj
@@ -4811,10 +4815,6 @@ T*
( numerical ID's may be in hex or decimal, and non-numerical ID's may)Tj
( or may not have characters other than [-_A-Za-z0-9] converted to)Tj
-( hex. Note that unlike other group names, the tag ID's of family 7)Tj
-( group names are case sensitive \(but the leading "ID-" is not\).)Tj
@@ -4832,7 +4832,7 @@ endobj
93 0 obj
-/Length 4380
+/Length 4492
@@ -4842,11 +4842,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 29)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 29)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( See "GetAllGroups [static]" for complete lists of group names.)Tj
+( hex. Note that unlike other group names, the tag ID's of family 7)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( group names are case sensitive \(but the leading "ID-" is not\).)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
+( See "GetAllGroups [static]" for complete lists of group names.)Tj
( G)Tj
1.8 0 TD
@@ -5072,10 +5076,6 @@ T*
-13.8 -1.1 TD
( Get a list of shortcut tags.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( Inputs:)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( \(none\))Tj
@@ -5093,7 +5093,7 @@ endobj
96 0 obj
-/Length 4886
+/Length 4698
@@ -5103,9 +5103,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 30)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 30)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( Inputs:)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( \(none\))Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( Return Values:)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( List of shortcut tags \(as defined in Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts\).)Tj
@@ -5331,12 +5335,6 @@ T*
( Ducky, EPPIM, EXE, EXIF, ExifIFD, ExifTool, FITS, FLAC, FLIR, File,)Tj
( Flash, FlashPix, Font, FotoStation, FujiFilm, FujiIFD, GE, GIF,)Tj
-( GIMP, GPS, GeoTiff, GlobParamIFD, GoPro, GraphConv, H264, HP, HTC,)Tj
-( HTML, HTML-dc, HTML-ncc, HTML-office, HTML-prod, HTML-vw96, HTTP-)Tj
-( equiv, ICC-chrm, ICC-clrt, ICC-header, ICC-meas, ICC-meta, ICC-)Tj
@@ -5354,7 +5352,7 @@ endobj
99 0 obj
-/Length 4812
+/Length 5010
@@ -5364,11 +5362,17 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 31)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 31)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( view, ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile#, ID3, ID3v1, ID3v1_Enh, ID3v2_2,)Tj
+( GIMP, GPS, GeoTiff, GlobParamIFD, GoPro, GraphConv, H264, HP, HTC,)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( HTML, HTML-dc, HTML-ncc, HTML-office, HTML-prod, HTML-vw96, HTTP-)Tj
+( equiv, ICC-chrm, ICC-clrt, ICC-header, ICC-meas, ICC-meta, ICC-)Tj
+( view, ICC_Profile, ICC_Profile#, ID3, ID3v1, ID3v1_Enh, ID3v2_2,)Tj
( ID3v2_3, ID3v2_4, IFD0, IFD1, IPTC, IPTC#, ISO, ITC, Insta360,)Tj
@@ -5526,10 +5530,6 @@ T*
( Get list of all deletable group names.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( @delGroups = Image::ExifTool::GetDeleteGroups\(\);)Tj
-( Inputs:)Tj
-0 -1.1 TD
-( None.)Tj
@@ -5547,7 +5547,7 @@ endobj
103 0 obj
-/Length 4896
+/Length 4607
@@ -5557,9 +5557,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 32)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 32)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( Inputs:)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( None.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
( Return Values:)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( A list of deletable group names in alphabetical order. The current)Tj
@@ -5735,7 +5739,36 @@ T*
( True if ExifTool supports writing files of this type \(based on the)Tj
( file extension\).)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
+104 0 obj
+/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ]
+/Font <<
+/TT2 4 0 R
+/TT4 5 0 R
+/ExtGState <<
+/GS1 6 0 R
+106 0 obj
+/Length 4913
+/TT2 1 Tf
+10 0 0 10 29 806.3333 Tm
+0 g
+/GS1 gs
+0 Tc
+0 Tw
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 33)Tj
+/TT4 1 Tf
+0 -1.6333 TD
( C)Tj
1.8 0 TD
@@ -5773,38 +5806,9 @@ T*
-12 -1.1 TD
( Can the specified file be created?)Tj
-104 0 obj
-/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ]
-/Font <<
-/TT2 4 0 R
-/TT4 5 0 R
-/ExtGState <<
-/GS1 6 0 R
-106 0 obj
-/Length 4690
-/TT2 1 Tf
-10 0 0 10 29 806.3333 Tm
-0 g
-/GS1 gs
-0 Tc
-0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 33)Tj
-/TT4 1 Tf
-0 -1.6333 TD
-( my $creatable = Image::ExifTool::CanCreate\($filename\);)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
+( my $creatable = Image::ExifTool::CanCreate\($filename\);)Tj
( Inputs:)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( 0\) File name or extension)Tj
@@ -6000,10 +6004,6 @@ T*
( appropriate for the system. In Windows this also has the effect of)Tj
( activating Unicode filename support via the special Windows wide-)Tj
-( character i/o routines if Win32API::File is available.)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( Internal Character Sets:)Tj
@@ -6021,7 +6021,7 @@ endobj
109 0 obj
-/Length 5396
+/Length 5369
@@ -6031,11 +6031,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 34)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 34)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( The encodings used to store strings in the various metadata)Tj
+( character i/o routines if Win32API::File is available.)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( Internal Character Sets:)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
+( The encodings used to store strings in the various metadata)Tj
( formats. These encodings may be changed for certain types of)Tj
( metadata via the "CharsetEXIF", "CharsetID3", "CharsetIPTC",)Tj
@@ -6209,10 +6213,6 @@ T*
( changes the internal IPTC encoding to UTF-8 \(from Windows Latin1 unless)Tj
( CodedCharacterSet was already 'UTF8'\):)Tj
-0 -2.2 TD
-( exiftool -tagsfromfile @ -iptc:all -codedcharacterset=utf8 a.jpg)Tj
-( or from Windows Latin2 \(cp1250\) to UTF-8:)Tj
@@ -6230,7 +6230,7 @@ endobj
112 0 obj
-/Length 4692
+/Length 4598
@@ -6240,9 +6240,13 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 35)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 35)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
-0 -2.7333 TD
+0 -1.6333 TD
+( exiftool -tagsfromfile @ -iptc:all -codedcharacterset=utf8 a.jpg)Tj
+0 -2.2 TD
+( or from Windows Latin2 \(cp1250\) to UTF-8:)Tj
( exiftool -tagsfromfile @ -iptc:all -codedcharacterset=utf8 \\)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( -charset iptc=latin2 a.jpg)Tj
@@ -6414,12 +6418,6 @@ T*
-6.6 -1.1 TD
( Some Photoshop resource names are stored as Pascal strings with unknown)Tj
-( encoding. By default, ExifTool assumes MacRoman encoding and converts)Tj
-( this to UTF-8, but the internal and external character sets may be)Tj
-( specified with the "CharsetPhotoshop" and "Charset" options)Tj
@@ -6437,7 +6435,7 @@ endobj
115 0 obj
-/Length 5257
+/Length 5504
@@ -6447,9 +6445,15 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- Image::ExifTool 12.24 -- 36)Tj
+( -- Image::ExifTool 12.25 -- 36)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
+( encoding. By default, ExifTool assumes MacRoman encoding and converts)Tj
+0 -1.1 TD
+( this to UTF-8, but the internal and external character sets may be)Tj
+( specified with the "CharsetPhotoshop" and "Charset" options)Tj
( respectively.)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Q)Tj
@@ -6862,7 +6866,7 @@ T*
0.6 0 TD
-27 -4.4 TD
-(perl v5.18.4 2021-04-13 EXIFTOOL\(1\))Tj
+(perl v5.18.4 2021-04-22 EXIFTOOL\(1\))Tj
@@ -7298,8 +7302,8 @@ endobj
121 0 obj
-/CreationDate (D:20210413110922-04'00')
-/ModDate (D:20210413110922-04'00')
+/CreationDate (D:20210422145338-04'00')
+/ModDate (D:20210422145338-04'00')
/Producer (Apple pstopdf)
@@ -7313,135 +7317,135 @@ endobj
0 123
0000000000 65535 f
-0000170479 00000 n
+0000170718 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
0000004112 00000 n
-0000169480 00000 n
-0000169881 00000 n
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-0000170559 00000 n
+0000169719 00000 n
+0000170120 00000 n
+0000169184 00000 n
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0000004218 00000 n
-0000009568 00000 n
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-0000009675 00000 n
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-0000019439 00000 n
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-0000037723 00000 n
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-0000052394 00000 n
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-0000061481 00000 n
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-0000066073 00000 n
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-0000070451 00000 n
-0000074672 00000 n
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-0000074779 00000 n
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-0000078948 00000 n
-0000083353 00000 n
-0000171976 00000 n
-0000083460 00000 n
-0000087474 00000 n
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-0000087581 00000 n
-0000091661 00000 n
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-0000096567 00000 n
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-0000123357 00000 n
-0000172732 00000 n
-0000123464 00000 n
-0000128538 00000 n
-0000172816 00000 n
-0000128645 00000 n
-0000133078 00000 n
-0000172900 00000 n
-0000133185 00000 n
-0000138124 00000 n
-0000172984 00000 n
-0000138231 00000 n
-0000143096 00000 n
-0000173992 00000 n
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-0000143204 00000 n
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-0000173158 00000 n
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-0000158672 00000 n
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-0000168837 00000 n
-0000169085 00000 n
-0000169288 00000 n
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-0000174213 00000 n
-0000174337 00000 n
+0000009576 00000 n
+0000170879 00000 n
+0000009683 00000 n
+0000014442 00000 n
+0000170962 00000 n
+0000014549 00000 n
+0000019334 00000 n
+0000171045 00000 n
+0000019441 00000 n
+0000023926 00000 n
+0000171128 00000 n
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+0000028293 00000 n
+0000171211 00000 n
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+0000037824 00000 n
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+0000037931 00000 n
+0000042785 00000 n
+0000171460 00000 n
+0000042892 00000 n
+0000047576 00000 n
+0000171543 00000 n
+0000047683 00000 n
+0000052324 00000 n
+0000174346 00000 n
+0000173955 00000 n
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+0000070285 00000 n
+0000171963 00000 n
+0000070392 00000 n
+0000074736 00000 n
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+0000074843 00000 n
+0000078868 00000 n
+0000172131 00000 n
+0000078975 00000 n
+0000083372 00000 n
+0000172215 00000 n
+0000083479 00000 n
+0000087572 00000 n
+0000172299 00000 n
+0000087679 00000 n
+0000091604 00000 n
+0000172383 00000 n
+0000091711 00000 n
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+0000172467 00000 n
+0000096528 00000 n
+0000101340 00000 n
+0000172551 00000 n
+0000101447 00000 n
+0000105986 00000 n
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+0000110726 00000 n
+0000172719 00000 n
+0000110833 00000 n
+0000115272 00000 n
+0000172803 00000 n
+0000115379 00000 n
+0000119596 00000 n
+0000172887 00000 n
+0000119703 00000 n
+0000123343 00000 n
+0000172971 00000 n
+0000123450 00000 n
+0000128595 00000 n
+0000173055 00000 n
+0000128702 00000 n
+0000133247 00000 n
+0000173139 00000 n
+0000133354 00000 n
+0000138105 00000 n
+0000173223 00000 n
+0000138212 00000 n
+0000143275 00000 n
+0000174231 00000 n
+0000173309 00000 n
+0000143383 00000 n
+0000148044 00000 n
+0000173397 00000 n
+0000148152 00000 n
+0000153119 00000 n
+0000173485 00000 n
+0000153227 00000 n
+0000158650 00000 n
+0000173573 00000 n
+0000158758 00000 n
+0000163410 00000 n
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+0000169076 00000 n
+0000169324 00000 n
+0000169527 00000 n
+0000173749 00000 n
+0000173778 00000 n
+0000174452 00000 n
+0000174576 00000 n
/Size 123
/Root 122 0 R
/Info 121 0 R
-/ID [<560ec6fe6e5440771a95f440aabbe0e8><560ec6fe6e5440771a95f440aabbe0e8>]
+/ID [<6f1fa4f957abd6d4edd957a2bc3331b3><6f1fa4f957abd6d4edd957a2bc3331b3>]
diff --git a/html/Shift.pdf b/html/Shift.pdf
index 5c2a3dbe..3f717de8 100644
--- a/html/Shift.pdf
+++ b/html/Shift.pdf
@@ -593,8 +593,8 @@ endobj
16 0 obj
-/CreationDate (D:20210413110922-04'00')
-/ModDate (D:20210413110922-04'00')
+/CreationDate (D:20210422145339-04'00')
+/ModDate (D:20210422145339-04'00')
/Producer (Apple pstopdf)
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ trailer
/Size 18
/Root 17 0 R
/Info 16 0 R
-/ID [<aaba228f321479095b428dfe7ef65dcb><aaba228f321479095b428dfe7ef65dcb>]
+/ID [<8e19456eaff63821249a7d1d603df2f5><8e19456eaff63821249a7d1d603df2f5>]
diff --git a/html/TagNames/Canon.html b/html/TagNames/Canon.html
index 311bfbef..47cd0152 100644
--- a/html/TagNames/Canon.html
+++ b/html/TagNames/Canon.html
@@ -1731,7 +1731,8 @@ attempting to identify the specific lens model.</p>
</tr><tr><td>252.1</td><td>= Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM + 1.4x</td>
</tr><tr><td>253</td><td>= Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM + 2x</td>
</tr><tr><td>253.1</td><td>= Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM + 2x</td>
-</tr><tr><td>254</td><td>= Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM</td>
+</tr><tr><td>254</td><td>= Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM or Tamron Lens</td>
+</tr><tr><td>254.1</td><td>= Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD 1:1 Macro (F017)</td>
</tr><tr><td>255</td><td>= Sigma 24-105mm f/4 DG OS HSM | A or Other Lens</td>
</tr><tr><td>255.1</td><td>= Sigma 180mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM APO Macro</td>
</tr><tr><td>255.2</td><td>= Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD</td>
@@ -11105,7 +11106,7 @@ SX280, and CR3 images from cameras such as the EOS M50.</p>
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
-<br><i>Last revised Mar 17, 2021</i>
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
<p class=lf><a href='index.html'>&lt;-- ExifTool Tag Names</a></p>
diff --git a/html/TagNames/MRC.html b/html/TagNames/MRC.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b888513a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/TagNames/MRC.html
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<!-- (this file generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup) -->
+<title>MRC Tags</title>
+<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='style.css' title='Style'>
+<h2 class=top>MRC Tags</h2>
+<p>Tags extracted from Medical Research Council (MRC) format imaging files.
+See <a href=""></a> for the specification.</p>
+<table class=frame><tr><td>
+<table class=inner cellspacing=1>
+<tr class=h><th>Index4</th><th>Tag Name</th>
+<th>Writable</th><th>Values / <span class=n>Notes</span></th></tr>
+<td class=r title='0 = 0x0'>0</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='1 = 0x1'>1</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='2 = 0x2'>2</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(number of sections. Use ExtractEmbedded option to extract metadata for all
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='3 = 0x3'>3</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><table class=cols><tr>
+ <td>0 = 8-bit signed integer
+ <br>1 = 16-bit signed integer
+ <br>2 = 32-bit signed real
+ <br>3 = complex 16-bit integer
+ <br>4 = complex 32-bit real
+ <br>6 = 16-bit unsigned integer</td></tr></table>
+<td class=r title='4 = 0x4'>4</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='7 = 0x7'>7</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='10 = 0xa'>10</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(cell size in angstroms)</span></span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='11 = 0xb'>11</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='12 = 0xc'>12</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='13 = 0xd'>13</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='14 = 0xe'>14</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='15 = 0xf'>15</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='16 = 0x10'>16</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = X
+ <br>2 = Y
+ <br>3 = Z</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='17 = 0x11'>17</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = X
+ <br>2 = Y
+ <br>3 = Z</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='18 = 0x12'>18</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = X
+ <br>2 = Y
+ <br>3 = Z</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='19 = 0x13'>19</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='20 = 0x14'>20</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='21 = 0x15'>21</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='22 = 0x16'>22</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='23 = 0x17'>23</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='26 = 0x1a'>26</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='27 = 0x1b'>27</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='49 = 0x31'>49</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='53 = 0x35'>53</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='54 = 0x36'>54</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='55 = 0x37'>55</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='56 = 0x38'>56</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='76 = 0x4c'>76</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='96 = 0x60'>96</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='116 = 0x74'>116</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='136 = 0x88'>136</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='156 = 0x9c'>156</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='176 = 0xb0'>176</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='196 = 0xc4'>196</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='216 = 0xd8'>216</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='236 = 0xec'>236</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<h2><a name='FEI12'>MRC FEI12 Tags</a></h2>
+<p>Tags extracted from FEI1 and FEI2 extended headers.</p>
+<table class=frame><tr><td>
+<table class=inner cellspacing=1>
+<tr class=h><th>Index1</th><th>Tag Name</th>
+<th>Writable</th><th>Values / <span class=n>Notes</span></th></tr>
+<td class=r title='0 = 0x0'>0</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='4 = 0x4'>4</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='8 = 0x8'>8</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='12 = 0xc'>12</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='20 = 0x14'>20</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='36 = 0x24'>36</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='52 = 0x34'>52</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='68 = 0x44'>68</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='84 = 0x54'>84</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(volts)</span></span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='92 = 0x5c'>92</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(electrons/m2)</span></span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='100 = 0x64'>100</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='108 = 0x6c'>108</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='116 = 0x74'>116</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='124 = 0x7c'>124</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='132 = 0x84'>132</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='140 = 0x8c'>140</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='148 = 0x94'>148</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='156 = 0x9c'>156</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='164 = 0xa4'>164</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='220 = 0xdc'>220</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='228 = 0xe4'>228</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='236 = 0xec'>236</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='244 = 0xf4'>244</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = TEM
+ <br>2 = STEM</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='248 = 0xf8'>248</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = Diffraction
+ <br>2 = Imaging</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='252 = 0xfc'>252</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='268 = 0x10c'>268</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='284 = 0x11c'>284</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = Nano
+ <br>2 = Micro</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='288 = 0x120'>288</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='289 = 0x121'>289</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='297 = 0x129'>297</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='301 = 0x12d'>301</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='309 = 0x135'>309</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='313 = 0x139'>313</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='321 = 0x141'>321</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='329 = 0x149'>329</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='337 = 0x151'>337</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='353 = 0x161'>353</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='354 = 0x162'>354</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='355 = 0x163'>355</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='363 = 0x16b'>363</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='371 = 0x173'>371</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='379 = 0x17b'>379</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='387 = 0x183'>387</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='395 = 0x18b'>395</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='403 = 0x193'>403</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='411 = 0x19b'>411</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='419 = 0x1a3'>419</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='427 = 0x1ab'>427</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='431 = 0x1af'>431</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='435 = 0x1b3'>435</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='451 = 0x1c3'>451</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='455 = 0x1c7'>455</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='459 = 0x1cb'>459</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='463 = 0x1cf'>463</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='467 = 0x1d3'>467</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='468 = 0x1d4'>468</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='472 = 0x1d8'>472</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='473 = 0x1d9'>473</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='490 = 0x1ea'>490</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='518 = 0x206'>518</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='519 = 0x207'>519</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='535 = 0x217'>535</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='543 = 0x21f'>543</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='571 = 0x23b'>571</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='579 = 0x243'>579</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='587 = 0x24b'>587</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='591 = 0x24f'>591</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='595 = 0x253'>595</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='599 = 0x257'>599</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='603 = 0x25b'>603</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='611 = 0x263'>611</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='619 = 0x26b'>619</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='635 = 0x27b'>635</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='643 = 0x283'>643</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='651 = 0x28b'>651</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='655 = 0x28f'>655</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = No
+ <br>1 = Yes</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='656 = 0x290'>656</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='660 = 0x294'>660</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='664 = 0x298'>664</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='668 = 0x29c'>668</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='748 = 0x2ec'>748</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='752 = 0x2f0'>752</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='760 = 0x2f8'>760</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='768 = 0x300'>768</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='776 = 0x308'>776</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='784 = 0x310'>784</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='792 = 0x318'>792</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = Other
+ <br>1 = Raster
+ <br>2 = Serpentine</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='796 = 0x31c'>796</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='804 = 0x324'>804</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='820 = 0x334'>820</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='828 = 0x33c'>828</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='836 = 0x344'>836</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='844 = 0x34c'>844</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='852 = 0x354'>852</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='856 = 0x358'>856</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='860 = 0x35c'>860</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='868 = 0x364'>868</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='872 = 0x368'>872</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
+<p class=lf><a href='index.html'>&lt;-- ExifTool Tag Names</a></p>
diff --git a/html/TagNames/Nikon.html b/html/TagNames/Nikon.html
index b18a9c55..ce46abbb 100644
--- a/html/TagNames/Nikon.html
+++ b/html/TagNames/Nikon.html
@@ -6936,7 +6936,8 @@ used to specify the lens for ExifTool to choose in these cases (see the
</tr><tr><td>'07 36 3D 5F 2C 3C 03 00'</td><td>= Cosina AF Zoom 28-80mm F3.5-5.6 MC Macro</td>
</tr><tr><td>'07 3E 30 43 2D 35 03 00'</td><td>= Soligor AF Zoom 19-35mm 1:3.5-4.5 MC</td>
</tr><tr><td>'07 40 2F 44 2C 34 03 02'</td><td>= Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10)</td>
-</tr><tr><td>'07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02'</td><td>= Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10)</td>
+</tr><tr><td>'07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02.1'</td><td>= Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10)</td>
+</tr><tr><td>'07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02.2'</td><td>= Voigtlander Ultragon 19-35mm F3.5-4.5 VMV</td>
</tr><tr><td>'07 40 3C 5C 2C 35 03 00'</td><td>= Tokina AF 270 II (AF 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5)</td>
</tr><tr><td>'07 40 3C 62 2C 34 03 00'</td><td>= AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5</td>
</tr><tr><td>'07 46 2B 44 24 30 03 02'</td><td>= Tamron SP AF 17-35mm f/2.8-4 Di LD Aspherical (IF) (A05)</td>
@@ -7425,7 +7426,7 @@ used to specify the lens for ExifTool to choose in these cases (see the
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
-<br><i>Last revised Feb 23, 2021</i>
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
<p class=lf><a href='index.html'>&lt;-- ExifTool Tag Names</a></p>
diff --git a/html/TagNames/NikonSettings.html b/html/TagNames/NikonSettings.html
index 622e37fa..9c976357 100644
--- a/html/TagNames/NikonSettings.html
+++ b/html/TagNames/NikonSettings.html
@@ -2494,11 +2494,24 @@ Unknown only to reduce the volume of the normal output.</p>
<br>9 = Auto (People)
<br>10 = Auto (Animals)</td></tr></table>
+<tr class=b>
+<td title='0x0170 = 368'>0x0170</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = Off
+ <br>2 = On</span></td></tr>
+<td title='0x0174 = 372'>0x0174</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>1 = Normal
+ <br>2 = High
+ <br>3 = Very High</span></td></tr>
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
-<br><i>Last revised Feb 9, 2021</i>
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
<p class=lf><a href='index.html'>&lt;-- ExifTool Tag Names</a></p>
diff --git a/html/TagNames/QuickTime.html b/html/TagNames/QuickTime.html
index 31437a64..d3bbe05d 100644
--- a/html/TagNames/QuickTime.html
+++ b/html/TagNames/QuickTime.html
@@ -7418,8 +7418,8 @@ symbol in these tag ID&#39;s for the Ricoh Theta Z1 and maybe other models)</spa
-<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=c title=' / = Avoid'>undef/</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(string in the form &quot;Entity=XXXX Index=### XXXXX&quot;, used in 3gp videos)</span></span></td></tr>
<tr class=b>
@@ -7505,12 +7505,13 @@ containing this tag, but perhaps only if it is missing a time zone)</span></span
<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(not writable because Apple doesn&#39;t follow the 3gp specification)</span></span></td></tr>
-<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=c title=' / = Avoid'>undef/</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(string in the form &quot;XXXXX Role=XXX Lat=XXX Lon=XXX Alt=XXX Body=XXX
+Notes=XXX&quot;, used in 3gp videos)</span></span></td></tr>
<tr class=b>
@@ -7584,8 +7585,8 @@ containing this tag, but perhaps only if it is missing a time zone)</span></span
<tr class=b>
-<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=c title=' / = Avoid'>undef/</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(string in the form &quot;Entity=XXXX Criteria=XXXX XXXXX&quot;, used in 3gp videos)</span></span></td></tr>
@@ -7634,8 +7635,8 @@ containing this tag, but perhaps only if it is missing a time zone)</span></span
-<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=c title=' / = Avoid'>undef/</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(used in 3gp videos)</span></span></td></tr>
<tr class=b>
@@ -7656,8 +7657,8 @@ yaw, pitch and roll angles in degrees)</span></span></td></tr>
-<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=c title=' / = Avoid'>undef/</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(used in 3gp videos)</span></span></td></tr>
<tr class=b>
@@ -8750,7 +8751,7 @@ yaw, pitch and roll angles in degrees)</span></span></td></tr>
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
-<br><i>Last revised Apr 1, 2021</i>
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
<p class=lf><a href='index.html'>&lt;-- ExifTool Tag Names</a></p>
diff --git a/html/TagNames/RIFF.html b/html/TagNames/RIFF.html
index a99f4b88..d96ea2a4 100644
--- a/html/TagNames/RIFF.html
+++ b/html/TagNames/RIFF.html
@@ -99,133 +99,164 @@ sub-documents, but the Duration is calculated for the full video.</p>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#Tdat'>RIFF Tdat Tags</a></td></tr>
+<td class=c>-</td>
+<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html'>RIFF Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#Exif'>RIFF Exif Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#Hdrl'>RIFF Hdrl Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='Pentax.html#AVI'>Pentax AVI Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='Nikon.html#AVI'>Nikon AVI Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='Pentax.html#AVI'>Pentax AVI Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='QuickTime.html#Stream'>QuickTime Stream Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='QuickTime.html#Stream'>QuickTime Stream Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td>'VP8 '</td>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#VP8'>RIFF VP8 Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#VP8L'>RIFF VP8L Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#VP8X'>RIFF VP8X Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td>'XMP '</td>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='XMP.html'>XMP Tags</a>
<br><span class='n s'>(WebP files)</span></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='XMP.html'>XMP Tags</a>
<br><span class='n s'>(AVI and WAV files)</span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='XMP.html#XML'>XMP XML Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#BroadcastExt'>RIFF BroadcastExt Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td>'cue '</td>
<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(config_files/cutepointlist.config from full distribution will decode this
+and generate a list of cue points with labels)</span></span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#DS64'>RIFF DS64 Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
<td>'fmt '</td>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#AudioFormat'>RIFF AudioFormat Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='QuickTime.html#Stream'>QuickTime Stream Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='QuickTime.html#Stream'>QuickTime Stream Tags</a></td></tr>
-<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='XMP.html#XML'>XMP XML Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=c>-</td>
+<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#Instrument'>RIFF Instrument Tags</a></td></tr>
-<td class=c>-</td>
-<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#Label'>RIFF Label Tags</a></td></tr>
+<td class=c>no</td>
<tr class=b>
<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(CuePointID Length Purpose Country Language Dialect Codepage Text)</span></span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=c>no</td>
<td class=c>-</td>
<td>--&gt; <a href='Olympus.html#WAV'>Olympus WAV Tags</a></td></tr>
<tr class=b>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=c>-</td>
+<td>--&gt; <a href='RIFF.html#Sampler'>RIFF Sampler Tags</a></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
<td class=c>-</td>
@@ -1469,7 +1500,50 @@ container specification.</p>
-<h2><a name='Label'>RIFF Label Tags</a></h2>
+<h2><a name='Instrument'>RIFF Instrument Tags</a></h2>
+<table class=frame><tr><td>
+<table class=inner cellspacing=1>
+<tr class=h><th>Index1</th><th>Tag Name</th>
+<th>Writable</th><th>Values / <span class=n>Notes</span></th></tr>
+<td class=r title='0 = 0x0'>0</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='1 = 0x1'>1</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='2 = 0x2'>2</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='3 = 0x3'>3</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='4 = 0x4'>4</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='5 = 0x5'>5</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='6 = 0x6'>6</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<h2><a name='Sampler'>RIFF Sampler Tags</a></h2>
<table class=frame><tr><td>
<table class=inner cellspacing=1>
@@ -1477,12 +1551,56 @@ container specification.</p>
<th>Writable</th><th>Values / <span class=n>Notes</span></th></tr>
<td class=r title='0 = 0x0'>0</td>
<td class=c>no</td>
<tr class=b>
<td class=r title='1 = 0x1'>1</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='2 = 0x2'>2</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='3 = 0x3'>3</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='4 = 0x4'>4</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='5 = 0x5'>5</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s>0 = none
+ <br>24 = 24 fps
+ <br>25 = 25 fps
+ <br>29 = 29 fps
+ <br>30 = 30 fps</span></td></tr>
+<td class=r title='6 = 0x6'>6</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(HH:MM:SS:FF)</span></span></td></tr>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='7 = 0x7'>7</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<td class=r title='8 = 0x8'>8</td>
+<td class=c>no</td>
+<tr class=b>
+<td class=r title='9 = 0x9'>9</td>
<td class=c>no</td>
@@ -1529,7 +1647,7 @@ Extracted only if the ExtractEmbedded option is used.</p>
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
-<br><i>Last revised Jan 18, 2021</i>
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
<p class=lf><a href='index.html'>&lt;-- ExifTool Tag Names</a></p>
diff --git a/html/TagNames/Sony.html b/html/TagNames/Sony.html
index bb39d71c..0e39b43b 100644
--- a/html/TagNames/Sony.html
+++ b/html/TagNames/Sony.html
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ toward magenta)</span></span></td></tr>
<td title='0x2037 = 8247'>0x2037</td>
<td class=c>no</td>
+<td><span class=s><span class=n>(width and height of FocusFrame, centered on FocusLocation)</span></span></td></tr>
<tr class=b>
<td title='0x2039 = 8249'>0x2039</td>
@@ -4869,6 +4869,7 @@ multi-frame noise reduction)</span></span></td></tr>
</tr><tr><td>32859</td><td>= Sony FE 20mm F1.8 G</td>
</tr><tr><td>32860</td><td>= Sony FE 12-24mm F2.8 GM</td>
</tr><tr><td>32862</td><td>= Sony FE 50mm F1.2 GM</td>
+</tr><tr><td>32863</td><td>= Sony FE 14mm F1.8 GM</td>
</tr><tr><td>32864</td><td>= Sony FE 28-60mm F4-5.6</td>
</tr><tr><td>32865</td><td>= Sony FE 35mm F1.4 GM</td>
</tr><tr><td>32866</td><td>= Sony FE 24mm F2.8 G</td>
@@ -5319,6 +5320,7 @@ rotation -- the width is always the longer dimension.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -5348,6 +5350,7 @@ rotation -- the width is always the longer dimension.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -5719,6 +5722,7 @@ option is used.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -5748,6 +5752,7 @@ option is used.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -5951,6 +5956,7 @@ option is used.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -5980,6 +5986,7 @@ option is used.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6169,6 +6176,7 @@ not valid for panorama images.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6198,6 +6206,7 @@ not valid for panorama images.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6391,6 +6400,7 @@ WX300, but not for panorama images.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6420,6 +6430,7 @@ WX300, but not for panorama images.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6664,6 +6675,7 @@ WX300, but not for panorama images.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6693,6 +6705,7 @@ WX300, but not for panorama images.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6882,6 +6895,7 @@ ILCE-7/7R/7S/7M2/5000/5100/6000/QX1, ILCA-68/77M2.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -6911,6 +6925,7 @@ ILCE-7/7R/7S/7M2/5000/5100/6000/QX1, ILCA-68/77M2.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -7146,6 +7161,7 @@ ILCE-6300/6500/7RM2/7SM2, ILCA-99M2.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -7175,6 +7191,7 @@ ILCE-6300/6500/7RM2/7SM2, ILCA-99M2.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -7415,6 +7432,7 @@ RX100M5A/RX100M7/HX99.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -7444,6 +7462,7 @@ RX100M5A/RX100M7/HX99.</p>
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -11034,6 +11053,7 @@ ILCE-7/7M2/7M3/7R/7RM2/7RM3/7RM4/7S/7SM2/9/9M2/5000/5100/6000/6100/6300/
<br>33 = Gamma HLG2 (PP10)
<br>34 = Gamma HLG3
<br>37 = FL
+ <br>38 = VV2
<br>39 = IN
<br>40 = SH</td></tr></table>
@@ -11755,7 +11775,7 @@ some models when the <a href="../ExifTool.html#ExtractEmbedded">ExtractEmbedded<
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
-<br><i>Last revised Apr 13, 2021</i>
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
<p class=lf><a href='index.html'>&lt;-- ExifTool Tag Names</a></p>
diff --git a/html/TagNames/index.html b/html/TagNames/index.html
index 14cd2554..98b24f5c 100644
--- a/html/TagNames/index.html
+++ b/html/TagNames/index.html
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<h2 class=top>ExifTool Tag Names</h2>
The tables listed below give the names of all tags recognized by ExifTool.
-They contain a total of 24118 tags, with 15614 unique tag names.
+They contain a total of 24273 tags, with 15738 unique tag names.
<table width='100%' class=frame><tr><td>
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ They contain a total of 24118 tags, with 15614 unique tag names.
<a href='DPX.html'>DPX</a><br>
<a href='OpenEXR.html'>OpenEXR</a><br>
<a href='ZISRAW.html'>ZISRAW</a><br>
+<a href='MRC.html'>MRC</a><br>
<a href='MIFF.html'>MIFF</a><br>
<a href='PCX.html'>PCX</a><br>
<a href='PGF.html'>PGF</a><br>
@@ -107,8 +108,8 @@ They contain a total of 24118 tags, with 15614 unique tag names.
<a href='ITC.html'>ITC</a><br>
<a href='FLAC.html'>FLAC</a><br>
<a href='Ogg.html'>Ogg</a><br>
-<a href='Vorbis.html'>Vorbis</a><br>
-<a href='Opus.html'>Opus</a></td><td width='16%'>
+<a href='Vorbis.html'>Vorbis</a></td><td width='16%'>
+<a href='Opus.html'>Opus</a><br>
<a href='Theora.html'>Theora</a><br>
<a href='APE.html'>APE</a><br>
<a href='Audible.html'>Audible</a><br>
@@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ They contain a total of 24118 tags, with 15614 unique tag names.
<a href='ASF.html'>ASF</a><br>
<a href='WTV.html'>WTV</a><br>
<a href='DICOM.html'>DICOM</a><br>
-<a href='FITS.html'>FITS</a><br>
-<a href='HTML.html'>HTML</a></td><td width='16%'>
+<a href='FITS.html'>FITS</a></td><td width='16%'>
+<a href='HTML.html'>HTML</a><br>
<a href='Palm.html'>Palm</a><br>
<a href='Torrent.html'>Torrent</a><br>
<a href='EXE.html'>EXE</a><br>
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ ExifTool. A big thanks to everyone who has helped with this so far!)</i>
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
<br><i>Created Feb 15, 2005</i>
-<br><i>Last revised Apr 13, 2021</i>
+<br><i>Last revised Apr 22, 2021</i>
<p class=lf><a href='../index.html'>&lt;-- Back to ExifTool home page</a></p>
diff --git a/html/exiftool_pod.html b/html/exiftool_pod.html
index e52652e2..77e06cdd 100644
--- a/html/exiftool_pod.html
+++ b/html/exiftool_pod.html
@@ -100,47 +100,47 @@
<pre><code> File Types
- 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r
- 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w
- 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
- 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
- A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r
- AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
- AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w
- AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r
- ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r
- AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
- AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
- AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r
- APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w
- ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r
- ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
- ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r
- AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r
- AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w
- AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
- BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
- BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r
- BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r
- CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r
- COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r
- CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
- CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r
- CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r
- CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w
- CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
- CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r
- CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r
- DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r
- DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r
- DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r
- DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
- DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r
- DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
- DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
- DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
- DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
- DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |
+ 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r
+ 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r
+ 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w
+ 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
+ A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
+ AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r
+ AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
+ AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w
+ ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r
+ AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r
+ AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
+ AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
+ APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r
+ ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w
+ ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r
+ ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
+ AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r
+ AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r
+ AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w
+ BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
+ BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
+ BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r
+ CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r
+ COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r
+ CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r
+ CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
+ CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r
+ CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r
+ CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w
+ CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
+ CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r
+ DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r
+ DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r
+ DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r
+ DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r
+ DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
+ DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r
+ DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
+ DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
+ DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
+ DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
Meta Information
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
<p>produces output like this:</p>
-<pre><code> -- Generated by ExifTool 12.24 --
+<pre><code> -- Generated by ExifTool 12.25 --
File: a.jpg - 2003:10:31 15:44:19
(f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 100)
File: b.jpg - 2006:05:23 11:57:38
diff --git a/html/exiftool_pod.pdf b/html/exiftool_pod.pdf
index 8448225c..5c382116 100644
--- a/html/exiftool_pod.pdf
+++ b/html/exiftool_pod.pdf
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 1)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 1)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
(EXIFTOOL\(1\) User Contributed Perl Documentation EXIFTOOL\(1\))Tj
@@ -577,39 +577,39 @@ T*
0 -1.1 TD
( ------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------)Tj
-( 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r)Tj
+( 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r)Tj
-( 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w)Tj
+( 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r)Tj
-( 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r)Tj
+( 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w)Tj
-( 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r)Tj
+( 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r)Tj
-( A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r)Tj
+( A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r)Tj
-( AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w)Tj
+( AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r)Tj
-( AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w)Tj
+( AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w)Tj
-( AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r)Tj
+( AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w)Tj
-( ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r)Tj
+( ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r)Tj
-( AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r)Tj
+( AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r)Tj
-( AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r)Tj
+( AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r)Tj
-( AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r)Tj
+( AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r)Tj
-( APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w)Tj
+( APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r)Tj
-( ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r)Tj
+( ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w)Tj
-( ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w)Tj
+( ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r)Tj
-( ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r)Tj
+( ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w)Tj
-( AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r)Tj
+( AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r)Tj
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ endobj
9 0 obj
-/Length 5402
+/Length 5410
@@ -637,56 +637,56 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 2)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 2)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
-( AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w)Tj
+( AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
-( AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w)Tj
+( AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w)Tj
-( BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r)Tj
+( BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w)Tj
-( BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r)Tj
+( BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r)Tj
-( BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r)Tj
+( BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r)Tj
-( CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r)Tj
+( CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r)Tj
-( COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r)Tj
+( COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r)Tj
-( CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c)Tj
+( CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r)Tj
-( CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r)Tj
+( CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c)Tj
-( CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r)Tj
+( CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r)Tj
-( CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w)Tj
+( CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r)Tj
-( CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r)Tj
+( CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w)Tj
-( CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r)Tj
+( CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r)Tj
-( CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r)Tj
+( CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r)Tj
-( DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r)Tj
+( DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r)Tj
-( DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r)Tj
+( DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r)Tj
-( DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r)Tj
+( DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r)Tj
-( DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w)Tj
+( DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r)Tj
-( DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r)Tj
+( DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w)Tj
-( DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r)Tj
+( DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r)Tj
-( DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r)Tj
+( DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r)Tj
-( DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c)Tj
+( DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r)Tj
-( DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r)Tj
+( DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c)Tj
-( DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |)Tj
+( DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r)Tj
0 -2.2 TD
( Meta Information)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 3)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 3)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( -charset [[TYPE=]CHARSET] Specify encoding for special characters)Tj
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 4)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 4)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( -globalTimeShift SHIFT Shift all formatted date/time values)Tj
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 5)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 5)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( the -)Tj
@@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 6)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 6)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( deletable Time tags except those in the EXIF. This difference)Tj
@@ -2052,7 +2052,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 7)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 7)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( specified for each copied tag. With this feature, information may)Tj
@@ -2539,7 +2539,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 8)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 8)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( groups of tags from a file containing redundant information, it)Tj
@@ -3042,7 +3042,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 9)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 9)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( "unsafe". For instance, the FileName and Directory tags are)Tj
@@ -3463,7 +3463,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 10)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 10)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( Vietnam cp1258 Windows Vietnamese)Tj
@@ -3748,7 +3748,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 11)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 11)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( names, the duplicate tags are only included in the CSV output if)Tj
@@ -4221,7 +4221,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 12)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 12)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( option, a dash \("-"\) is printed for the value of any missing tag,)Tj
@@ -4838,7 +4838,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 13)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 13)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( UTF-8 regardless of any -)Tj
@@ -5227,7 +5227,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 14)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 14)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -2.7333 TD
( push @INC, 'lib';)Tj
@@ -5492,7 +5492,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 15)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 15)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( A section is defined as a group of consecutive files with the same)Tj
@@ -5525,7 +5525,7 @@ T*
( produces output like this:)Tj
-( -- Generated by ExifTool 12.24 --)Tj
+( -- Generated by ExifTool 12.25 --)Tj
0 -1.1 TD
( File: a.jpg - 2003:10:31 15:44:19)Tj
@@ -5871,7 +5871,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 16)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 16)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( to column-align values.)Tj
@@ -6414,7 +6414,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 17)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 17)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( the source file extension \(including the '.'\) with the specified)Tj
@@ -6645,7 +6645,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 18)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 18)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( For %d and %D, the field width/position specifiers may be applied)Tj
@@ -6876,7 +6876,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 19)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 19)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( the output file \(based on the format of the data\). The %g code)Tj
@@ -7383,7 +7383,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 20)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 20)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( -)Tj
@@ -7884,7 +7884,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 21)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 21)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( that exiftool will automatically fix the offsets for images which)Tj
@@ -8441,7 +8441,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 22)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 22)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( character to disable print conversion. The expression $GROUP:all)Tj
@@ -8756,7 +8756,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 23)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 23)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( with minor errors and disables some validation checks which could)Tj
@@ -9311,7 +9311,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 24)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 24)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( necessary.)Tj
@@ -9886,7 +9886,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 25)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 25)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( to tags with numerical tag ID's, and causes tag names like)Tj
@@ -10267,7 +10267,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 26)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 26)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( used to prevent the command window from closing when run as a)Tj
@@ -10872,7 +10872,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 27)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 27)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( they are supported by the destination metadata format\):)Tj
@@ -11239,7 +11239,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 28)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 28)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( -)Tj
@@ -11906,7 +11906,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 29)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 29)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( -)Tj
@@ -12539,7 +12539,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 30)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 30)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( per line \(see the -)Tj
@@ -13096,7 +13096,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 31)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 31)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( with spaces translated to underlines, and multiple consecutive)Tj
@@ -13295,7 +13295,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 32)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 32)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( valid ExifTool character set, preferably "UTF8" \(see the -)Tj
@@ -13804,7 +13804,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 33)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 33)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( quotes as below around arguments containing special characters.)Tj
@@ -13941,7 +13941,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 34)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 34)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -2.7333 TD
( exiftool -icc_profile -b -w icc image.jpg)Tj
@@ -14108,7 +14108,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 35)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 35)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( exiftool -r -XMP-crss:all= DIR)Tj
@@ -14275,7 +14275,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 36)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 36)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( Copy the values of all writable tags from "src.cr2" to "dst.jpg",)Tj
@@ -14444,7 +14444,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 37)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 37)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( Recursively rewrite all "JPG" images in "dir" with information)Tj
@@ -14691,7 +14691,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 38)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 38)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( exiftool -o . '-Directory<DateTimeOriginal' -d %Y/%m/%d dir)Tj
@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@ BT
/GS1 gs
0 Tc
0 Tw
-( -- ExifTool 12.24 -- 39)Tj
+( -- ExifTool 12.25 -- 39)Tj
/TT4 1 Tf
0 -1.6333 TD
( exiftool -xmp:geotag=track.log a.jpg)Tj
@@ -15243,7 +15243,7 @@ T*
0.6 0 TD
-19.2 -4.4 TD
-(perl v5.18.4 2021-04-13 EXIFTOOL\(1\))Tj
+(perl v5.18.4 2021-04-22 EXIFTOOL\(1\))Tj
@@ -15703,8 +15703,8 @@ endobj
130 0 obj
-/CreationDate (D:20210413110921-04'00')
-/ModDate (D:20210413110921-04'00')
+/CreationDate (D:20210422145337-04'00')
+/ModDate (D:20210422145337-04'00')
/Producer (Apple pstopdf)
@@ -15718,144 +15718,144 @@ endobj
0 132
0000000000 65535 f
-0000263482 00000 n
+0000263490 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
0000007982 00000 n
-0000262493 00000 n
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0000008088 00000 n
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-0000220349 00000 n
-0000267259 00000 n
-0000266073 00000 n
-0000220457 00000 n
-0000227663 00000 n
-0000266161 00000 n
-0000227771 00000 n
-0000231879 00000 n
-0000266249 00000 n
-0000231987 00000 n
-0000236363 00000 n
-0000266337 00000 n
-0000236471 00000 n
-0000240812 00000 n
-0000266425 00000 n
-0000240920 00000 n
-0000245721 00000 n
-0000266513 00000 n
-0000245829 00000 n
-0000251306 00000 n
-0000266601 00000 n
-0000251414 00000 n
-0000256192 00000 n
-0000266689 00000 n
-0000256300 00000 n
-0000261850 00000 n
-0000262098 00000 n
-0000262301 00000 n
-0000266777 00000 n
-0000266806 00000 n
-0000267504 00000 n
-0000267628 00000 n
+0000013550 00000 n
+0000263651 00000 n
+0000013657 00000 n
+0000019020 00000 n
+0000263734 00000 n
+0000019127 00000 n
+0000025099 00000 n
+0000263817 00000 n
+0000025206 00000 n
+0000031671 00000 n
+0000263900 00000 n
+0000031778 00000 n
+0000039186 00000 n
+0000263983 00000 n
+0000039293 00000 n
+0000047026 00000 n
+0000264066 00000 n
+0000047133 00000 n
+0000054583 00000 n
+0000264149 00000 n
+0000054690 00000 n
+0000061635 00000 n
+0000264232 00000 n
+0000061742 00000 n
+0000067796 00000 n
+0000264315 00000 n
+0000067903 00000 n
+0000075367 00000 n
+0000267406 00000 n
+0000266991 00000 n
+0000264399 00000 n
+0000075474 00000 n
+0000084430 00000 n
+0000264483 00000 n
+0000084537 00000 n
+0000090991 00000 n
+0000264567 00000 n
+0000091098 00000 n
+0000096218 00000 n
+0000264651 00000 n
+0000096325 00000 n
+0000102435 00000 n
+0000264735 00000 n
+0000102542 00000 n
+0000110590 00000 n
+0000264819 00000 n
+0000110697 00000 n
+0000115901 00000 n
+0000264903 00000 n
+0000116008 00000 n
+0000121674 00000 n
+0000264987 00000 n
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+0000129510 00000 n
+0000265071 00000 n
+0000129617 00000 n
+0000137366 00000 n
+0000265155 00000 n
+0000137473 00000 n
+0000145867 00000 n
+0000267129 00000 n
+0000265239 00000 n
+0000145974 00000 n
+0000152035 00000 n
+0000265323 00000 n
+0000152142 00000 n
+0000160429 00000 n
+0000265407 00000 n
+0000160536 00000 n
+0000168659 00000 n
+0000265491 00000 n
+0000168766 00000 n
+0000174954 00000 n
+0000265575 00000 n
+0000175061 00000 n
+0000183694 00000 n
+0000265659 00000 n
+0000183801 00000 n
+0000190097 00000 n
+0000265743 00000 n
+0000190204 00000 n
+0000199002 00000 n
+0000265827 00000 n
+0000199109 00000 n
+0000207685 00000 n
+0000265911 00000 n
+0000207792 00000 n
+0000215822 00000 n
+0000265995 00000 n
+0000215929 00000 n
+0000220357 00000 n
+0000267267 00000 n
+0000266081 00000 n
+0000220465 00000 n
+0000227671 00000 n
+0000266169 00000 n
+0000227779 00000 n
+0000231887 00000 n
+0000266257 00000 n
+0000231995 00000 n
+0000236371 00000 n
+0000266345 00000 n
+0000236479 00000 n
+0000240820 00000 n
+0000266433 00000 n
+0000240928 00000 n
+0000245729 00000 n
+0000266521 00000 n
+0000245837 00000 n
+0000251314 00000 n
+0000266609 00000 n
+0000251422 00000 n
+0000256200 00000 n
+0000266697 00000 n
+0000256308 00000 n
+0000261858 00000 n
+0000262106 00000 n
+0000262309 00000 n
+0000266785 00000 n
+0000266814 00000 n
+0000267512 00000 n
+0000267636 00000 n
/Size 132
/Root 131 0 R
/Info 130 0 R
-/ID [<88f6ccfb20ef49d8fb5d8a90914f5aa9><88f6ccfb20ef49d8fb5d8a90914f5aa9>]
+/ID [<b3d1dc5ae4b0d68c4a17df38172d68bb><b3d1dc5ae4b0d68c4a17df38172d68bb>]
diff --git a/html/history.html b/html/history.html
index ae5b647f..24533f51 100644
--- a/html/history.html
+++ b/html/history.html
@@ -17,6 +17,28 @@ considered development releases, and are not uploaded to <a href="https://metacp
<!-- Use line width of 80 -->
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<a name='v12.25'><b>Apr. 22, 2021 - Version 12.25</b></a>
+<li>JPEG XL support is now official
+<li>Added read support for Medical Research Council (MRC) image files
+<li>Added ability to write a number of 3gp tags in video files
+<li>Added a new Sony PictureProfile value (thanks Jos Roost)
+<li>Added a new Sony LensType (thanks LibRaw)
+<li>Added a new Nikon LensID (thanks Niels Kristian Bech Jensen)
+<li>Added a new Canon LensType
+<li>Decode more GPS information from Blackvue dashcam videos
+<li>Decode a couple of new NikonSettings tags (thanks Warren Hatch)
+<li>Decode a few new RIFF tags
+<li>Improved Validate option to add minor warning if standard XMP is missing
+ xpacket wrapper
+<li>Avoid decoding some large arrays in DNG images to improve performance unless
+ the -m option is used
+<li>Patched bug that could give runtime warning when trying to write an empty
+ XMP structure
+<li>Fixed decoding of ImageWidth/Height for JPEG XL images
+<li>Fixed problem were Microsoft Xtra tags couldn't be deleted
<a name='v12.24'><b>Apr. 13, 2021 - Version 12.24</b></a>
<li>Added a new PhaseOne RawFormat value (thanks LibRaw)
@@ -26,7 +48,7 @@ considered development releases, and are not uploaded to <a href="https://metacp
<li>Updated acdsee.config in distribution (thanks StarGeek)
<li>Recognize AutoCAD DXF files
<li>More work on experimental JUMBF read support
-<li>More work on experimental JXL read/write support
+<li>More work on experimental JPEG XL read/write support
<a name='v12.23'><b>Apr. 1, 2021 - Version 12.23</b></a>
diff --git a/html/index.html b/html/index.html
index 725aca3c..b90b9068 100644
--- a/html/index.html
+++ b/html/index.html
@@ -39,7 +39,13 @@ table.links th.rt { border-right: 0 }
table.dl { border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse }
table.dl td { padding: .4em .8em } { margin: 0 0 .35em 0 }
-span.sup { font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: normal; position: relative; top: -.4em; }
+table.sticky { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0 }
+table.sticky th { position: sticky; top: 0; background: #ddd; z-index: 1; border-top: 1px solid gray;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid gray; border-right: 1px solid gray }
+table.sticky td { border-bottom: 1px solid gray; border-right: 1px solid gray }
+table.sticky th:first-child,
+table.sticky td:first-child { border-left: 1px solid gray}
+span.sup { font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: normal; position: relative; top: -.4em }
@@ -81,9 +87,9 @@ span.sup { font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: normal; position: relative; top
<blockquote><table class='dl lg'><tr><td><b>
-<a href="">
-Download Version 12.24</a> (4.7 MB) -
-<a href="history.html">Apr. 13, 2021</a></b></td></tr></table></blockquote>
+<a href="">
+Download Version 12.25</a> (4.7 MB) -
+<a href="history.html">Apr. 22, 2021</a></b></td></tr></table></blockquote>
<p><b>ExifTool is a platform-independent <a href="ExifTool.html">Perl
library</a> plus a <a href="exiftool_pod.html">command-line application</a> for
@@ -136,8 +142,8 @@ distribution above.)</i></p>
<blockquote><table class='dl lg'><tr><td><b>
<a name="alone">Windows Executable:</a>
-<a href="">
-</a> (6.4 MB)</b></td></tr></table></blockquote>
+<a href="">
+</a> (6.4 MB)</b></td></tr></table></blockquote>
<p><b>The stand-alone Windows executable</b> does not require Perl. Just
download and un-zip the archive then double-click on
@@ -155,7 +161,7 @@ if you have any problems/comments with this version.)</i></p>
<blockquote><table class='dl lg'><tr><td><b>
MacOS Package:
<a href="">
- ExifTool-12.24.dmg</a> (3.0 MB)</b></td></tr></table></blockquote>
+ ExifTool-12.25.dmg</a> (3.0 MB)</b></td></tr></table></blockquote>
<p><b>The MacOS package</b> installs the ExifTool command-line application and
libraries in /usr/local/bin. After installing, type "<code>exiftool</code>" in a
@@ -280,7 +286,7 @@ suck the last bit of metadata out of whatever image file you throw at it!"</i> -
<p>ExifTool can <b>R</b>ead, <b>W</b>rite and/or <b>C</b>reate files in the following formats.
Also listed are the support levels for EXIF, IPTC, XMP, ICC_Profile and other metadata types
for each file format.</p>
-<blockquote class=s><table class='norm tight sm bm'>
+<blockquote class=s><table class='sticky tight sm bm'>
<tr><th>File Type</th><th>Support</th><th>Description</th><th><a href="TagNames/EXIF.html">EXIF</a></th><th><a href="TagNames/IPTC.html">IPTC</a></th><th><a href="TagNames/XMP.html">XMP</a></th><th><a href="TagNames/ICC_Profile.html">ICC</a><span class=sup>1</span></th><th>Other</th></tr>
<tr><td>360</td><td>R/W</td><td>GoPro 360 video (<a href="TagNames/QuickTime.html">QuickTime</a>-based)</td><td>R/W<span class=sup>3</span></td><td>R/W<span class=sup>3</span></td><td>R/W/C</td><td>-</td><td>R/W/C <a href="TagNames/QuickTime.html">QuickTime</a>, R <a href="TagNames/GoPro.html#GPMF">GoPro</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>3FR</td><td>R</td><td>Hasselblad RAW (<a href="TagNames/EXIF.html">TIFF</a>-based)</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>-</td></tr>
@@ -368,8 +374,7 @@ for each file format.</p>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/Jpeg2000.html">JP2, JPF, JPM, JPX</a></td><td>R/W</td><td>JPEG 2000 image [Compound/Extended]</td><td>R/W/C<span class=sup>3</span></td><td>R/W/C<span class=sup>3</span></td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R</td><td>R/W/C <a href="TagNames/Jpeg2000.html">Jpeg2000</a>, R <a href="TagNames/Photoshop.html">Photoshop</a><span class=sup>3</span></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/JPEG.html">JPEG, JPG, JPE</a></td><td>R/W</td><td>Joint Photographic Experts Group image</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td><a href="#JPEG">Supported JPEG Meta Information</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/JSON.html">JSON</a></td><td>R</td><td>JavaScript Object Notation</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>R <a href="TagNames/JSON.html">JSON</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>JXL</td><td>R/W</td><td>JPEG XL in ISO BMFF container</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>-</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
-<tr><td>JXL</td><td>R</td><td>JPEG XL Codestream</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
+<tr><td>JXL</td><td>R/W</td><td>JPEG XL (codestream and ISO BMFF)</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>-</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td>K25</td><td>R</td><td>Kodak DC25 RAW (<a href="TagNames/EXIF.html">TIFF</a>-based)</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>-</td></tr>
<tr><td>KDC</td><td>R</td><td>Kodak Digital Camera RAW (<a href="TagNames/EXIF.html">TIFF</a>-based)</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>R</td><td>R <a href="TagNames/Kodak.html">Kodak</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/iWork.html">KEY, KTH</a></td><td>R</td><td>Apple iWork '09 Keynote presentation/Theme</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>R <a href="TagNames/iWork.html">XML</a> <a href="TagNames/ZIP.html">ZIP</a></td></tr>
@@ -397,6 +402,7 @@ for each file format.</p>
<tr><td>MPO</td><td>R/W</td><td>Extended Multi-Picture format (<a href="TagNames/JPEG.html">JPEG</a> with <a href="TagNames/MPF.html">MPF</a> extensions)</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td><a href="#JPEG">Supported JPEG Meta Information</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/QuickTime.html">MQV</a></td><td>R/W</td><td>Sony Mobile QuickTime Video</td><td>R/W<span class=sup>3</span></td><td>R/W<span class=sup>3</span></td><td>R/W/C</td><td>-</td><td>R/W/C <a href="TagNames/QuickTime.html">QuickTime</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/MinoltaRaw.html">MRW</a></td><td>R/W</td><td>Minolta RAW</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W <a href="TagNames/MinoltaRaw.html">MinoltaRaw</a> <a href="TagNames/Minolta.html">Minolta</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="TagNames/MRC.html">MRC</a></td><td>R</td><td>Medical Research Council</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>R <a href="TagNames/MRC.html">MRC</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/MXF.html">MXF</a></td><td>R</td><td>Material Exchange Format</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>R <a href="TagNames/MXF.html">MXF</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>NEF</td><td>R/W</td><td>Nikon (RAW) Electronic Format (<a href="TagNames/EXIF.html">TIFF</a>-based)</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W/C</td><td>R/W <a href="TagNames/Nikon.html">Nikon</a> <a href="TagNames/NikonCapture.html">NikonCapture</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="TagNames/iWork.html">NMBTEMPLATE</a></td><td>R</td><td>Apple iWork '09 Numbers Template</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td><td>R <a href="TagNames/iWork.html">XML</a> <a href="TagNames/ZIP.html">ZIP</a></td></tr>
@@ -1383,7 +1389,7 @@ three droplets to extract information [exiftool must be installed] (thanks to Ro
<li><a href=",5262.0.html">ExifToolWrapper</a>: .NET wrapper for ExifTool (using C#)</li>
<li><a href="">MiniExiftool</a>: Ruby library wrapper for ExifTool</li>
<li><a href="">exiftoolr</a>: Ruby wrapper for ExifTool</li>
-<li><a href="">pyexiftool</a>: Python wrapper for ExifTool</li>
+<li><a href="">pyexiftool</a>: Python wrapper for ExifTool</li>
<li><a href="">PyExifInfo</a>: Another Python wrapper for ExifTool</li>
<li><a href="">PHPExiftool</a>: PHP wrapper for ExifTool (in development)</li>
<li><a href=",5381.0.html">ExifTool_PHP_StayOpen</a>: ExifTool PHP fast processing script using -stayOpen and Gearman</li>
diff --git a/html/install.html b/html/install.html
index fc49abba..18fc3bf9 100644
--- a/html/install.html
+++ b/html/install.html
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ documentation or some other files of the full distribution.</p>
<h3>Stand-Alone Executable</h3>
<li><b>Download</b> the <b>Windows Executable</b> from the <a href="index.html">ExifTool home page</a>.
-<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code></code>".)</span></li>
+<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code></code>".)</span></li>
<li><b>Extract "<code>exiftool(-k).exe</code>"</b> from the
"<code>.zip</code>" file, and place it <b>on your Desktop</b>.
-<br><span class=lt>(Double-click on "<code></code>" to open
+<br><span class=lt>(Double-click on "<code></code>" to open
the archive, then drag "<code>exiftool(-k).exe</code>" to your Desktop.)</span></li>
<p>You can now double-click on "<code>exiftool(-k).exe</code>" to read the
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ can be downloaded from
<a href=""></a>.)</p>
<li><b>Download</b> the <b>Image-ExifTool distribution</b> from the <a href="index.html">ExifTool home page</a>
-<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>Image-ExifTool-12.24.tar.gz</code>".)</span></li>
+<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>Image-ExifTool-12.25.tar.gz</code>".)</span></li>
<li><b>Extract the ExifTool files</b> from the archive.
<br><span class=lt>(The archive is a gzipped tar file, and can be opened with
various Windows utilities, including WinZip.)</span></li>
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ in the MacOS package. Both versions run natively on PPC and Intel Macs.</p>
<h3>MacOS Package</h3>
<li><b>Download</b> the <b>ExifTool MacOS Package</b> from the <a href="index.html">ExifTool home page</a>.
-<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>ExifTool-12.24.dmg</code>".)</span></li>
+<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>ExifTool-12.25.dmg</code>".)</span></li>
<li><b>Install</b> as a normal <b>MacOS package</b>.
<br><span class=lt>(Open the disk image, double-click on the install package, and follow the instructions.
See the second item in the Notes section below if you are stopped with an "unidentified developer" message.)
@@ -167,12 +167,12 @@ See the second item in the Notes section below if you are stopped with an "unide
<li><b>Download</b> the <b>Image-ExifTool distribution</b> from the <a href="index.html">ExifTool home page</a>
to your Desktop.
-<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>Image-ExifTool-12.24.tar.gz</code>".)</span></li>
+<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>Image-ExifTool-12.25.tar.gz</code>".)</span></li>
<li><b>Launch</b> the <b>Terminal</b> application from the Utilities folder in your Applications folder.</li>
<li>In the Terminal window, <b>type the following</b>:
<pre class='code'> cd ~/Desktop
- tar -xzf Image-ExifTool-12.24.tar.gz
- cd Image-ExifTool-12.24
+ tar -xzf Image-ExifTool-12.25.tar.gz
+ cd Image-ExifTool-12.25
sudo cp -r exiftool lib /usr/local/bin
<span class=lt>(Note: The last step above will require you to enter your
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ your Perl version. If both sets of libraries exist, /usr/local/bin/lib takes
precedence for exiftool, but /Library/Perl/#.#.# is the default for any other
Perl scripts.</li>
<li>In MacOS 10.8 or later, you may see this message when you try to open the install package:
-<blockquote class=red>"ExifTool-12.24.pkg" can't be opened because it is from an
+<blockquote class=red>"ExifTool-12.25.pkg" can't be opened because it is from an
unidentified developer.</blockquote> The solution is to control-click on the pkg
then select "Open" from the pop-up menu instead of just double-clicking. An alternative
is to lower the security settings by changing "Allow applications downloaded from" to
@@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ have the wrong "<code>lib</code>" folder.</li>
<li><b>Download</b> the <b>Image-ExifTool distribution</b> from the <a href="index.html">ExifTool home page</a>
-<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>Image-ExifTool-12.24.tar.gz</code>".)</span></li>
+<br><span class=lt>(The file you download should be named "<code>Image-ExifTool-12.25.tar.gz</code>".)</span></li>
<li><b>Unpack the distribution</b> and <b>make it your current directory</b> by typing:
<pre class='code'> cd <i>&lt;your download directory&gt;</i>
- gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-12.24.tar.gz | tar -xf -
- cd Image-ExifTool-12.24
+ gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-12.25.tar.gz | tar -xf -
+ cd Image-ExifTool-12.25
<span class=lt>(At this point you may run exiftool by typing
"<code>./exiftool <i>&lt;image file name&gt;</i></code>".)</span></li>
diff --git a/lib/Image/ b/lib/Image/
index 9f3aedfa..310186ee 100644
--- a/lib/Image/
+++ b/lib/Image/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use vars qw($VERSION $RELEASE @ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $AUTOLOAD @fileTypes
%mimeType $swapBytes $swapWords $currentByteOrder %unpackStd
%jpegMarker %specialTags %fileTypeLookup $testLen $exePath);
-$VERSION = '12.24';
+$VERSION = '12.25';
$RELEASE = '';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@@ -138,18 +138,18 @@ sub ReadValue($$$;$$$);
@loadAllTables = qw(
PhotoMechanic Exif GeoTiff CanonRaw KyoceraRaw Lytro MinoltaRaw PanasonicRaw
SigmaRaw JPEG GIMP Jpeg2000 GIF BMP BMP::OS2 BMP::Extra BPG BPG::Extensions
- PDF PostScript Photoshop::Header Photoshop::Layers Photoshop::ImageData
- FujiFilm::RAF FujiFilm::IFD Samsung::Trailer Sony::SRF2 Sony::SR2SubIFD
- Sony::PMP ITC ID3 ID3::Lyrics3 FLAC Ogg Vorbis APE APE::NewHeader
- APE::OldHeader Audible MPC MPEG::Audio MPEG::Video MPEG::Xing M2TS QuickTime
- QuickTime::ImageFile QuickTime::Stream QuickTime::Tags360Fly Matroska MOI
- MXF DV Flash Flash::FLV Real::Media Real::Audio Real::Metafile Red RIFF AIFF
- EXE::CHM LNK Font VCard Text VCard::VCalendar RSRC Rawzor ZIP ZIP::GZIP
- FlashPix::DocTable
+ PhotoCD Radiance PDF PostScript Photoshop::Header Photoshop::Layers
+ Photoshop::ImageData FujiFilm::RAF FujiFilm::IFD Samsung::Trailer Sony::SRF2
+ Sony::SR2SubIFD Sony::PMP ITC ID3 ID3::Lyrics3 FLAC Ogg Vorbis APE
+ APE::NewHeader APE::OldHeader Audible MPC MPEG::Audio MPEG::Video MPEG::Xing
+ M2TS QuickTime QuickTime::ImageFile QuickTime::Stream QuickTime::Tags360Fly
+ Matroska MOI MXF DV Flash Flash::FLV Real::Media Real::Audio Real::Metafile
+ Palm::EXTH Torrent EXE EXE::PEVersion EXE::PEString EXE::MachO EXE::PEF
+ EXE::ELF EXE::AR EXE::CHM LNK Font VCard Text VCard::VCalendar RSRC Rawzor
+ MacOS::MDItem FlashPix::DocTable
# alphabetical list of current Lang modules
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ $defaultLang = 'en'; # default language
# file types that we can write (edit)
@@ -396,6 +396,7 @@ my %createTypes = map { $_ => 1 } qw(XMP ICC MIE VRD DR4 EXIF EXV);
MPG => 'MPEG',
MPO => ['JPEG', 'Extended Multi-Picture format'],
MQV => ['MOV', 'Sony Mobile Quicktime Video'],
+ MRC => ['MRC', 'Medical Research Council image'],
MRW => ['MRW', 'Minolta RAW format'],
MTS => 'M2TS',
MXF => ['MXF', 'Material Exchange Format'],
@@ -681,6 +682,7 @@ my %fileDescription = (
MP4 => 'video/mp4',
MPC => 'audio/x-musepack',
MPEG => 'video/mpeg',
+ MRC => 'image/x-mrc',
MRW => 'image/x-minolta-mrw',
MXF => 'application/mxf',
NEF => 'image/x-nikon-nef',
@@ -920,6 +922,7 @@ $testLen = 1024; # number of bytes to read when testing for magic number
MPC => '(MP\+|ID3)',
MOI => 'V6',
MPEG => '\0\0\x01[\xb0-\xbf]',
+ MRC => '.{64}[\x01\x02\x03]\0\0\0[\x01\x02\x03]\0\0\0[\x01\x02\x03]\0\0\0.{132}MAP[\0 ](\x44\x44|\x44\x41|\x11\x11)\0\0',
MRW => '\0MR[MI]',
MXF => '\x06\x0e\x2b\x34\x02\x05\x01\x01\x0d\x01\x02', # (not tested if extension recognized)
OGG => '(OggS|ID3)',
@@ -7831,7 +7834,8 @@ sub GetTagInfo($$$;$$$)
if ($$tagInfo{Unknown} and not $$self{OPTIONS}{Unknown} and
- not $$self{OPTIONS}{Verbose} and not $$self{HTML_DUMP})
+ not $$self{OPTIONS}{Verbose} and not $$self{OPTIONS}{Validate} and
+ not $$self{HTML_DUMP})
# don't return Unknown tags unless that option is set
return undef;
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool.pod b/lib/Image/ExifTool.pod
index ebf3d071..97ea7e46 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool.pod
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool.pod
@@ -65,47 +65,47 @@ supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):
File Types
- 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r
- 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w
- 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
- 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
- A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r
- AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
- AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w
- AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r
- ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r
- AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
- AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
- AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r
- APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w
- ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r
- ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
- ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r
- AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r
- AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w
- AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
- BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
- BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r
- BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r
- CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r
- COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r
- CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
- CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r
- CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r
- CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w
- CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
- CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r
- CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r
- DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r
- DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r
- DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r
- DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
- DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r
- DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
- DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
- DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
- DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
- DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |
+ 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r
+ 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r
+ 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w
+ 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
+ A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
+ AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r
+ AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
+ AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w
+ ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r
+ AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r
+ AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
+ AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
+ APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r
+ ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w
+ ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r
+ ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
+ AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r
+ AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r
+ AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w
+ BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
+ BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
+ BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r
+ CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r
+ COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r
+ CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r
+ CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
+ CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r
+ CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r
+ CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w
+ CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
+ CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r
+ DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r
+ DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r
+ DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r
+ DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r
+ DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
+ DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r
+ DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
+ DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
+ DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
+ DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
Meta Information
@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@ Creates a new ExifTool object.
$exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
+One ExifTool object may be used to process many files, so creating multiple
+ExifTool objects usually is not necessary.
Note that ExifTool uses AUTOLOAD to load non-member methods, so any class
using Image::ExifTool as a base class must define an AUTOLOAD which calls
Image::ExifTool::DoAutoLoad(). eg)
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 09e8461c..a9147d09 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ sub ProcessCTMD($$$);
sub ProcessExifInfo($$$);
sub SwapWords($);
-$VERSION = '4.46';
+$VERSION = '4.47';
# Note: Removed 'USM' from 'L' lenses since it is redundant - PH
# (or is it? Ref 32 shows 5 non-USM L-type lenses)
@@ -473,7 +473,8 @@ $VERSION = '4.46';
253 => 'Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM + 2x', #PH (NC)
253.1 => 'Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM + 2x', #PH (NC)
# 253.2 => 'Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 (A025) + 2x', #forum9367
- 254 => 'Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM', #42
+ 254 => 'Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM or Tamron Lens', #42
+ 254.1 => 'Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD 1:1 Macro (F017)', #PH
255 => 'Sigma 24-105mm f/4 DG OS HSM | A or Other Lens', #50
255.1 => 'Sigma 180mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM APO Macro', #50
255.2 => 'Tamron SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD', #exiv issue 1202 (A009)
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index e6257525..230b05f4 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD @formatSize @formatName %formatNumber %intFormat
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::MakerNotes;
-$VERSION = '4.33';
+$VERSION = '4.34';
sub ProcessExif($$$);
sub WriteExif($$$);
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ my %utf8StringConv = (
my %longBin = (
ValueConv => 'length($val) > 64 ? \$val : $val',
ValueConvInv => '$val',
+ LongBinary => 1, # flag to avoid decoding values of a large array
# PrintConv for SampleFormat (0x153)
@@ -3618,11 +3619,11 @@ my %opcodeInfo = (
0xc6fc => {
Name => 'ProfileToneCurve',
+ %longBin,
Writable => 'float',
WriteGroup => 'IFD0',
Count => -1,
Protected => 1,
- Binary => 1,
0xc6fd => {
Name => 'ProfileEmbedPolicy',
@@ -3747,11 +3748,11 @@ my %opcodeInfo = (
0xc726 => {
Name => 'ProfileLookTableData',
+ %longBin,
Writable => 'float',
WriteGroup => 'IFD0',
Count => -1,
Protected => 1,
- Binary => 1,
0xc740 => { Name => 'OpcodeList1', %opcodeInfo }, # DNG 1.3
0xc741 => { Name => 'OpcodeList2', %opcodeInfo }, # DNG 1.3
@@ -6172,15 +6173,23 @@ sub ProcessExif($$$)
# (avoids long delays when processing some corrupted files)
if ($count > 100000 and $formatStr !~ /^(undef|string|binary)$/) {
my $tagName = $tagInfo ? $$tagInfo{Name} : sprintf('tag 0x%.4x', $tagID);
+ # (count of 196608 is typical for ColorMap)
if ($tagName ne 'TransferFunction' or $count != 196608) {
my $minor = $count > 2000000 ? 0 : 2;
next if $et->Warn("Ignoring $dirName $tagName with excessive count", $minor);
- # convert according to specified format
- $val = ReadValue($valueDataPt,$valuePtr,$formatStr,$count,$readSize,\$rational);
- # re-code if necessary
- $val = $et->Decode($val, $strEnc) if $strEnc and $formatStr eq 'string' and defined $val;
+ if ($count > 500 and $formatStr !~ /^(undef|string|binary)$/ and
+ (not $tagInfo or $$tagInfo{LongBinary}) and not $$et{OPTIONS}{IgnoreMinorErrors})
+ {
+ $et->WarnOnce('Not decoding some large array(s). Ignore minor errors to decode', 2);
+ $val = "(large array of $count $formatStr values)";
+ } else {
+ # convert according to specified format
+ $val = ReadValue($valueDataPt,$valuePtr,$formatStr,$count,$readSize,\$rational);
+ # re-code if necessary
+ $val = $et->Decode($val, $strEnc) if $strEnc and $formatStr eq 'string' and defined $val;
+ }
if ($verbose) {
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index ba141244..1438a5d6 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
-$VERSION = '1.28';
+$VERSION = '1.29';
sub ProcessJpeg2000Box($$$);
sub ProcessJUMD($$$);
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ my %jumbfTypes = (
# stuff seen in JPEG XL images:
- # jbrd - JXL Brotli Compressed Data?
+ # jbrd - JPEG Bitstream Reconstruction Data (allows lossless conversion back to original JPG)
jxlc => {
Name => 'JXLCodestream',
Format => 'undef',
@@ -1034,16 +1034,18 @@ sub GetBits($$)
my ($a, $n) = @_;
my $v = 0;
+ my $bit = 1;
my $i;
while ($n--) {
for ($i=0; $i<@$a; ++$i) {
- my $set = $$a[$i] & 0x80000000;
- $$a[$i] <<= 1;
+ # consume bits LSB first
+ my $set = $$a[$i] & 1;
+ $$a[$i] >>= 1;
if ($i) {
- $$a[$i-1] |= 1 if $set;
+ $$a[$i-1] |= 0x80 if $set;
} else {
- $v <<= 1;
- $v |= 1 if $set;
+ $v |= $bit if $set;
+ $bit <<= 1;
@@ -1062,11 +1064,7 @@ sub ProcessJXLCodestream($$)
my $tmp = $$dataPt . ("\0" x 14);
$dataPt = \$tmp;
- # Note: I have a test ISO BMFF JXL image with EXIF that shows y=130, x=200
- # but the codestream decodes as y=128, x=254, so I'm not sure this is correct...
- # 200x130 image should be (binary) 0 00 010000001 000 00 011000111
- # JXL codestream is 0 00 010000000 010 (01000111010000001)
- my @a = unpack 'x2N3', $$dataPt;
+ my @a = unpack 'x2C12', $$dataPt;
my ($x, $y);
my $small = GetBits(\@a, 1);
if ($small) {
@@ -1183,7 +1181,6 @@ sub ProcessJXL($$)
# add metadata to empty ISO BMFF container
$$dirInfo{RAF} = new File::RandomAccess(\$buff);
} else {
- $et->Warn('JPEG XL codestream support is currently experimental',1);
$et->SetFileType('JXL Codestream','image/jxl', 'jxl');
return ProcessJXLCodestream($et, \$hdr);
@@ -1191,7 +1188,6 @@ sub ProcessJXL($$)
return 0;
$raf->Seek(0,0) or $et->Error('Seek error'), return 0;
- $et->Warn('JPEG XL support is currently experimental',1);
my $success = ProcessJP2($et, $dirInfo);
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e184e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# File:
+# Description: Read MRC (Medical Research Council) image files
+# Revisions: 2021-04-21 - P. Harvey Created
+# References: 1)
+# 2)
+# 3)
+# Notes: The header is basically identical to the older CCP4 file format
+package Image::ExifTool::MRC;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
+$VERSION = '1.00';
+my %bool = (
+ Format => 'int8u',
+ PrintConv => { 0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes' }
+%Image::ExifTool::MRC::Main = (
+ PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
+ GROUPS => { 0 => 'File', 1 => 'File', 2 => 'Image' },
+ VARS => { NO_LOOKUP => 1 }, # omit tags from lookup
+ FORMAT => 'int32u',
+ NOTES => q{
+ Tags extracted from Medical Research Council (MRC) format imaging files.
+ See L<> for the specification.
+ },
+ 0 => 'ImageWidth',
+ 1 => 'ImageHeight',
+ 2 => {
+ Name => 'ImageDepth',
+ Notes => q{
+ number of sections. Use ExtractEmbedded option to extract metadata for all
+ sections
+ },
+ RawConv => '$$self{ImageDepth} = $val',
+ },
+ 3 => {
+ Name => 'ImageMode',
+ PrintConv => {
+ 0 => '8-bit signed integer',
+ 1 => '16-bit signed integer',
+ 2 => '32-bit signed real',
+ 3 => 'complex 16-bit integer',
+ 4 => 'complex 32-bit real',
+ 6 => '16-bit unsigned integer',
+ },
+ },
+ 4 => { Name => 'StartPoint', Format => 'int32u[3]' },
+ 7 => { Name => 'GridSize', Format => 'int32u[3]' },
+ 10 => { Name => 'CellWidth', Format => 'float', Notes => 'cell size in angstroms' },
+ 11 => { Name => 'CellHeight',Format => 'float' },
+ 12 => { Name => 'CellDepth', Format => 'float' },
+ 13 => { Name => 'CellAlpha', Format => 'float' },
+ 14 => { Name => 'CellBeta', Format => 'float' },
+ 15 => { Name => 'CellGamma', Format => 'float' },
+ 16 => { Name => 'ImageWidthAxis', PrintConv => { 1 => 'X', 2 => 'Y', 3 => 'Z' } },
+ 17 => { Name => 'ImageHeightAxis', PrintConv => { 1 => 'X', 2 => 'Y', 3 => 'Z' } },
+ 18 => { Name => 'ImageDepthAxis', PrintConv => { 1 => 'X', 2 => 'Y', 3 => 'Z' } },
+ 19 => { Name => 'DensityMin', Format => 'float' },
+ 20 => { Name => 'DensityMax', Format => 'float' },
+ 21 => { Name => 'DensityMean',Format => 'float' },
+ 22 => 'SpaceGroupNumber',
+ 23 => { Name => 'ExtendedHeaderSize', RawConv => '$$self{ExtendedHeaderSize} = $val' },
+ 26 => { Name => 'ExtendedHeaderType', Format => 'string[4]', RawConv => '$$self{ExtendedHeaderType} = $val' },
+ 27 => 'MRCVersion',
+ 49 => { Name => 'Origin', Format => 'float[3]' },
+ 53 => { Name => 'MachineStamp', Format => 'int8u[4]', PrintConv => 'sprintf("0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x 0x%.2x",split " ", $val)' },
+ 54 => { Name => 'RMSDeviation', Format => 'float' },
+ 55 => { Name => 'NumberOfLabels', RawConv => '$$self{NLab} = $val' },
+ 56 => { Name => 'Label0', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 0' },
+ 76 => { Name => 'Label1', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 1' },
+ 96 => { Name => 'Label2', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 2' },
+ 116 => { Name => 'Label3', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 3' },
+ 136 => { Name => 'Label4', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 4' },
+ 156 => { Name => 'Label5', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 5' },
+ 176 => { Name => 'Label6', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 6' },
+ 196 => { Name => 'Label7', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 7' },
+ 216 => { Name => 'Label8', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 8' },
+ 236 => { Name => 'Label9', Format => 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{NLab} > 9' },
+%Image::ExifTool::MRC::FEI12 = (
+ PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
+ GROUPS => { 0 => 'File', 1 => 'File', 2 => 'Image' },
+ VARS => { NO_LOOKUP => 1 }, # omit tags from lookup (way too many!)
+ NOTES => 'Tags extracted from FEI1 and FEI2 extended headers.',
+ 0 => { Name => 'MetadataSize', Format => 'int32u', RawConv => '$$self{MetadataSize} = $val' },
+ 4 => { Name => 'MetadataVersion', Format => 'int32u' },
+ 8 => {
+ Name => 'Bitmask1',
+ Format => 'int32u',
+ RawConv => '$$self{BitM} = $val',
+ PrintConv => 'sprintf("0x%.8x", $val)',
+ },
+ 12 => {
+ Name => 'TimeStamp',
+ Format => 'double',
+ Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x01',
+ Groups => { 2 => 'Time'},
+ # shift from days since Dec 30, 1899 to Unix epoch of Jan 1, 1970
+ # (my sample looks like local time, although it should be UTC)
+ ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime(($val-25569)*24*3600)',
+ PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
+ },
+ 20 => { Name => 'MicroscopeType', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x02' },
+ 36 => { Name => 'MicroscopeID', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x04' },
+ 52 => { Name => 'Application', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x08' },
+ 68 => { Name => 'AppVersion', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10' },
+ 84 => { Name => 'HighTension', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x20', Notes => 'volts' },
+ 92 => { Name => 'Dose', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40', Notes => 'electrons/m2' },
+ 100 => { Name => 'AlphaTilt', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80' },
+ 108 => { Name => 'BetaTilt', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x100' },
+ 116 => { Name => 'XStage', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x200' },
+ 124 => { Name => 'YStage', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x400' },
+ 132 => { Name => 'ZStage', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x800' },
+ 140 => { Name => 'TiltAxisAngle', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x1000' },
+ 148 => { Name => 'DualAxisRot', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x2000' },
+ 156 => { Name => 'PixelSizeX', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x4000' },
+ 164 => { Name => 'PixelSizeY', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x8000' },
+ 220 => { Name => 'Defocus', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x400000' },
+ 228 => { Name => 'STEMDefocus', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x800000' },
+ 236 => { Name => 'AppliedDefocus', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x1000000' },
+ 244 => { Name => 'InstrumentMode', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x2000000', PrintConv => { 1 => 'TEM', 2 => 'STEM' } },
+ 248 => { Name => 'ProjectionMode', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x4000000', PrintConv => { 1 => 'Diffraction', 2 => 'Imaging' } },
+ 252 => { Name => 'ObjectiveLens', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x8000000' },
+ 268 => { Name => 'HighMagnificationMode', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10000000' },
+ 284 => { Name => 'ProbeMode', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x20000000', PrintConv => { 1 => 'Nano', 2 => 'Micro' } },
+ 288 => { Name => 'EFTEMOn', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40000000' },
+ 289 => { Name => 'Magnification', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80000000' },
+ 297 => {
+ Name => 'Bitmask2',
+ Format => 'int32u',
+ RawConv => '$$self{BitM} = $val',
+ PrintConv => 'sprintf("0x%.8x", $val)',
+ },
+ 301 => { Name => 'CameraLength', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x01' },
+ 309 => { Name => 'SpotIndex', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x02' },
+ 313 => { Name => 'IlluminationArea',Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x04' },
+ 321 => { Name => 'Intensity', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x08' },
+ 329 => { Name => 'ConvergenceAngle',Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10' },
+ 337 => { Name => 'IlluminationMode',Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x20' },
+ 353 => { Name => 'WideConvergenceAngleRange', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40' },
+ 354 => { Name => 'SlitInserted', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80' },
+ 355 => { Name => 'SlitWidth', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x100' },
+ 363 => { Name => 'AccelVoltOffset', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x200' },
+ 371 => { Name => 'DriftTubeVolt', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x400' },
+ 379 => { Name => 'EnergyShift', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x800' },
+ 387 => { Name => 'ShiftOffsetX', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x1000' },
+ 395 => { Name => 'ShiftOffsetY', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x2000' },
+ 403 => { Name => 'ShiftX', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x4000' },
+ 411 => { Name => 'ShiftY', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x8000' },
+ 419 => { Name => 'IntegrationTime', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10000' },
+ 427 => { Name => 'BinningWidth', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x20000' },
+ 431 => { Name => 'BinningHeight', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40000' },
+ 435 => { Name => 'CameraName', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80000' },
+ 451 => { Name => 'ReadoutAreaLeft', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x100000' },
+ 455 => { Name => 'ReadoutAreaTop', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x200000' },
+ 459 => { Name => 'ReadoutAreaRight',Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x400000' },
+ 463 => { Name => 'ReadoutAreaBottom',Format=> 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x800000' },
+ 467 => { Name => 'CetaNoiseReduct', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x1000000' },
+ 468 => { Name => 'CetaFramesSummed',Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x2000000' },
+ 472 => { Name => 'DirectDetElectronCounting', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x4000000' },
+ 473 => { Name => 'DirectDetAlignFrames', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x8000000' },
+ 490 => {
+ Name => 'Bitmask3',
+ Format => 'int32u',
+ RawConv => '$$self{BitM} = $val',
+ PrintConv => 'sprintf("0x%.8x", $val)',
+ },
+ 518 => { Name => 'PhasePlate', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40' },
+ 519 => { Name => 'STEMDetectorName',Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80' },
+ 535 => { Name => 'Gain', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x100' },
+ 543 => { Name => 'Offset', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x200' },
+ 571 => { Name => 'DwellTime', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x8000' },
+ 579 => { Name => 'FrameTime', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10000' },
+ 587 => { Name => 'ScanSizeLeft', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x20000' },
+ 591 => { Name => 'ScanSizeTop', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40000' },
+ 595 => { Name => 'ScanSizeRight', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80000' },
+ 599 => { Name => 'ScanSizeBottom', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x100000' },
+ 603 => { Name => 'FullScanFOV_X', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x200000' },
+ 611 => { Name => 'FullScanFOV_Y', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x400000' },
+ 619 => { Name => 'Element', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x800000' },
+ 635 => { Name => 'EnergyIntervalLower', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x1000000' },
+ 643 => { Name => 'EnergyIntervalHigher',Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x2000000' },
+ 651 => { Name => 'Method', Format=> 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x4000000' },
+ 655 => { Name => 'IsDoseFraction', %bool, Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x8000000' },
+ 656 => { Name => 'FractionNumber', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10000000' },
+ 660 => { Name => 'StartFrame', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x20000000' },
+ 664 => { Name => 'EndFrame', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40000000' },
+ 668 => { Name =>'InputStackFilename',Format=> 'string[80]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80000000' },
+ 748 => {
+ Name => 'Bitmask4',
+ Format => 'int32u',
+ RawConv => '$$self{BitM} = $val',
+ PrintConv => 'sprintf("0x%.8x", $val)',
+ },
+ 752 => { Name => 'AlphaTiltMin', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x01' },
+ 760 => { Name => 'AlphaTiltMax', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x02' },
+# FEI2 header starts here
+ 768 => { Name => 'ScanRotation', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x04' },
+ 776 => { Name => 'DiffractionPatternRotation',Format=>'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x08' },
+ 784 => { Name => 'ImageRotation', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10' },
+ 792 => { Name => 'ScanModeEnumeration',Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x20', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Other', 1 => 'Raster', 2 => 'Serpentine' } },
+ 796 => {
+ Name => 'AcquisitionTimeStamp',
+ Format => 'int64u',
+ Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x40',
+ Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
+ # microseconds since 1970 UTC
+ ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val / 1e6, 1, 6)',
+ PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
+ },
+ 804 => { Name => 'DetectorCommercialName', Format => 'string[16]', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x80' },
+ 820 => { Name => 'StartTiltAngle', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x100' },
+ 828 => { Name => 'EndTiltAngle', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x200' },
+ 836 => { Name => 'TiltPerImage', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x400' },
+ 844 => { Name => 'TitlSpeed', Format => 'double', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x800' },
+ 852 => { Name => 'BeamCenterX', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x1000' },
+ 856 => { Name => 'BeamCenterY', Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x2000' },
+ 860 => {
+ Name => 'CFEGFlashTimeStamp',
+ Format => 'int64u',
+ Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x4000',
+ Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
+ ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val / 1e6, 1, 6)',
+ PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
+ },
+ 868 => { Name => 'PhasePlatePosition',Format => 'int32u', Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x8000' },
+ 872 => { Name => 'ObjectiveAperture', Format=>'string[16]',Condition => '$$self{BitM} & 0x10000' },
+# Extract metadata from a MRC image
+# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo reference
+# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid MRC file
+sub ProcessMRC($$)
+ my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_;
+ my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
+ my ($buff, $tagTablePtr, $i);
+ # verify this is a valid MRC file
+ return 0 unless $raf->Read($buff, 1024) == 1024;
+ # validate axes, "MAP" file type and machine stamp
+ return 0 unless $buff =~ /^.{64}[\x01\x02\x03]\0\0\0[\x01\x02\x03]\0\0\0[\x01\x02\x03]\0\0\0.{132}MAP[\0 ](\x44\x44|\x44\x41|\x11\x11)\0\0/s;
+ $et->SetFileType();
+ SetByteOrder('II');
+ my %dirInfo = (
+ DataPt => \$buff,
+ DirStart => 0,
+ DirLen => length($buff),
+ );
+ $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::MRC::Main');
+ $et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
+ # (I don't have any samples with extended headers for testing, so these are not yet decoded)
+ if ($$et{ExtendedHeaderSize} and $$et{ExtendedHeaderType} =~ /^FEI[12]/) {
+ unless ($raf->Read($buff,4)==4 and $raf->Seek(-4,1)) { # read metadata size
+ $et->Warn('Error reading extended header');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $size = Get32u(\$buff, 0);
+ if ($size * $$et{ImageDepth} > $$et{ExtendedHeaderSize}) {
+ $et->Warn('Corrupted extended header');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $dirInfo{DirLen} = $size;
+ $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::MRC::FEI12');
+ for ($i=0; ;) {
+ $dirInfo{DataPos} = $raf->Tell();
+ $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size or $et->Warn("Error reading extended header $i"), last;
+ $et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
+ last if ++$i >= $$et{ImageDepth};
+ unless ($$et{OPTIONS}{ExtractEmbedded}) {
+ $et->Warn('Use the ExtractEmbedded option to read metadata for all frames',1);
+ last;
+ }
+ $$et{DOC_NUM} = ++$$et{DOC_COUNT};
+ }
+ delete $$et{DOC_NUM};
+ }
+ return 1;
+1; # end
+=head1 NAME
+Image::ExifTool::MRC - Read MRC meta information
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This module is used by Image::ExifTool
+This module contains definitions required by Image::ExifTool to read
+metadata from Medical Research Council (MRC) images.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright 2003-2021, Phil Harvey (philharvey66 at
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=over 4
+=item L<>
+=item L<>
+=item L<>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/MRC Tags>,
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 5de05129..abd43d87 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::XMP;
-$VERSION = '1.22';
+$VERSION = '1.23';
sub ProcessXtra($$$);
sub WriteXtra($$$);
@@ -989,11 +989,11 @@ sub WriteXtra($$$)
last; # (it was a cheap goto)
if ($done{$tag}) {
+ $changed = 1;
# write changed values
my $buff = WriteXtraValue($et, $$newTags{$tag}, \@newVals);
if (length $buff) {
$newData .= Set32u(8+length($tag)+length($buff)) . Set32u(length($tag)) . $tag . $buff;
- $changed = 1;
} else {
# nothing changed; just copy over
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index f4b3aa7a..834d4890 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::Exif;
use Image::ExifTool::GPS;
-$VERSION = '3.94';
+$VERSION = '3.95';
sub LensIDConv($$$);
sub ProcessNikonAVI($$$);
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ sub GetAFPointGrid($$;$);
'F0 3F 2D 8A 2C 40 DF 0E' => 'Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD (B008)',
'E0 40 2D 98 2C 41 DF 4E' => 'Tamron 18-400mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC HLD (B028)', # (removed AF designation, ref 37)
'07 40 2F 44 2C 34 03 02' => 'Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10)',
- '07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02' => 'Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10)',
+ '07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02.1' => 'Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 (A10)',
'00 49 30 48 22 2B 00 02' => 'Tamron SP AF 20-40mm f/2.7-3.5 (166D)',
'0E 4A 31 48 23 2D 0E 02' => 'Tamron SP AF 20-40mm f/2.7-3.5 (166D)',
'FE 48 37 5C 24 24 DF 0E' => 'Tamron SP 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD (A007)', #24
@@ -656,6 +656,7 @@ sub GetAFPointGrid($$;$);
'00 54 48 48 18 18 00 00' => 'Voigtlander Ultron 40mm F2 SLII Aspherical',
'00 54 55 55 0C 0C 00 00' => 'Voigtlander Nokton 58mm F1.4 SLII',
'00 40 64 64 2C 2C 00 00' => 'Voigtlander APO-Lanthar 90mm F3.5 SLII Close Focus',
+ '07 40 30 45 2D 35 03 02.2' => 'Voigtlander Ultragon 19-35mm F3.5-4.5 VMV', #NJ
'00 40 2D 2D 2C 2C 00 00' => 'Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 3.5/18 ZF.2',
'00 48 27 27 24 24 00 00' => 'Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/15 ZF.2', #MykytaKozlov
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 69f6fde3..f2194e80 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
-$VERSION = '1.02';
+$VERSION = '1.03';
sub ProcessNikonSettings($$$);
@@ -1919,6 +1919,15 @@ my %infoD6 = (
10 => 'Auto (Animals)',
+ 0x170 => { Name => 'PreferSubSelectorCenter', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSf13 (D6 firmware v1.2.0)
+ 0x174 => { # CSa17-d (D6 firmware v1.2.0)
+ Name => 'FocusPointSelectionSpeed',
+ PrintConv => {
+ 1 => 'Normal',
+ 2 => 'High',
+ 3 => 'Very High',
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 89464d70..f09418ee 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::Exif;
use Image::ExifTool::GPS;
-$VERSION = '2.62';
+$VERSION = '2.63';
sub ProcessMOV($$;$);
sub ProcessKeys($$$);
@@ -1581,36 +1581,29 @@ my %eeBox2 = (
coll => { Name => 'CollectionName', %langText3gp }, #17
rtng => {
Name => 'Rating',
+ Writable => 'undef',
+ Avoid => 1,
# (4-byte flags, 4-char entity, 4-char criteria, 2-byte lang, string)
- RawConv => q{
- return '<err>' unless length $val >= 14;
- my $str = 'Entity=' . substr($val,4,4) . ' Criteria=' . substr($val,8,4);
- $str =~ tr/\0-\x1f\x7f-\xff//d; # remove unprintable characters
- my $lang = Image::ExifTool::QuickTime::UnpackLang(Get16u(\$val, 12));
- $lang = $lang ? "($lang) " : '';
- $val = substr($val, 14);
- $val = $self->Decode($val, 'UCS2') if $val =~ /^\xfe\xff/;
- return $lang . $str . ' ' . $val;
- },
+ IText => 14, # (14 bytes before string)
+ Notes => 'string in the form "Entity=XXXX Criteria=XXXX XXXXX", used in 3gp videos',
+ ValueConv => '$val=~s/^(.{4})(.{4})/Entity=$1 Criteria=$2 /i; $val',
+ ValueConvInv => '$val=~s/Entity=(.{4}) Criteria=(.{4}) ?/$1$2/i; $val',
clsf => {
Name => 'Classification',
+ Writable => 'undef',
+ Avoid => 1,
# (4-byte flags, 4-char entity, 2-byte index, 2-byte lang, string)
- RawConv => q{
- return '<err>' unless length $val >= 12;
- my $str = 'Entity=' . substr($val,4,4) . ' Index=' . Get16u(\$val,8);
- $str =~ tr/\0-\x1f\x7f-\xff//d; # remove unprintable characters
- my $lang = Image::ExifTool::QuickTime::UnpackLang(Get16u(\$val, 10));
- $lang = $lang ? "($lang) " : '';
- $val = substr($val, 12);
- $val = $self->Decode($val, 'UCS2') if $val =~ /^\xfe\xff/;
- return $lang . $str . ' ' . $val;
- },
+ IText => 12,
+ Notes => 'string in the form "Entity=XXXX Index=### XXXXX", used in 3gp videos',
+ ValueConv => '$val=~s/^(.{4})(.{2})/"Entity=$1 Index=".unpack("n",$2)." "/ie; $val',
+ ValueConvInv => '$val=~s/Entity=(.{4}) Index=(\d+) ?/$1.pack("n",$2)/ie; $val',
kywd => {
Name => 'Keywords',
# (4 byte flags, 2-byte lang, 1-byte count, count x pascal strings, ref 17)
- # (but I have also seen a simple string written by iPhone)
+ # (but I have also seen a simple string written by iPhone, so don't make writable yet)
+ Notes => "not writable because Apple doesn't follow the 3gp specification",
RawConv => q{
my $sep = $self->Options('ListSep');
return join($sep, split /\0+/, $val) unless $val =~ /^\0/; # (iPhone)
@@ -1635,20 +1628,24 @@ my %eeBox2 = (
loci => {
Name => 'LocationInformation',
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
+ Writable => 'undef',
+ IText => 6,
+ Avoid => 1,
+ NoDecode => 1, # (we'll decode the data ourself)
+ Notes => q{
+ string in the form "XXXXX Role=XXX Lat=XXX Lon=XXX Alt=XXX Body=XXX
+ Notes=XXX", used in 3gp videos
+ },
# (4-byte flags, 2-byte lang, location string, 1-byte role, 4-byte fixed longitude,
# 4-byte fixed latitude, 4-byte fixed altitude, body string, notes string)
RawConv => q{
- return '<err>' unless length $val >= 6;
- my $lang = Image::ExifTool::QuickTime::UnpackLang(Get16u(\$val, 4));
- $lang = $lang ? "($lang) " : '';
- $val = substr($val, 6);
my $str;
if ($val =~ /^\xfe\xff/) {
$val =~ s/^(\xfe\xff(.{2})*?)\0\0//s or return '<err>';
$str = $self->Decode($1, 'UCS2');
} else {
$val =~ s/^(.*?)\0//s or return '<err>';
- $str = $1;
+ $str = $self->Decode($1, 'UTF8');
$str = '(none)' unless length $str;
return '<err>' if length $val < 13;
@@ -1663,27 +1660,52 @@ my %eeBox2 = (
if ($val =~ s/^(\xfe\xff(.{2})*?)\0\0//s) {
$str .= ' Body=' . $self->Decode($1, 'UCS2');
} elsif ($val =~ s/^(.*?)\0//s) {
- $str .= " Body=$1";
+ $str .= ' Body=' . $self->Decode($1, 'UTF8');
if ($val =~ s/^(\xfe\xff(.{2})*?)\0\0//s) {
$str .= ' Notes=' . $self->Decode($1, 'UCS2');
} elsif ($val =~ s/^(.*?)\0//s) {
- $str .= " Notes=$1";
+ $str .= ' Notes=' . $self->Decode($1, 'UTF8');
- return $lang . $str;
+ return $str;
+ },
+ RawConvInv => q{
+ my ($role, $lat, $lon, $alt, $body, $note);
+ $lat = $1 if $val =~ s/ Lat=([-+]?[.\d]+)//i;
+ $lon = $1 if $val =~ s/ Lon=([-+]?[.\d]+)//i;
+ $alt = $1 if $val =~ s/ Alt=([-+]?[.\d]+)//i;
+ $note = $val =~ s/ Notes=(.*)//i ? $1 : '';
+ $body = $val =~ s/ Body=(.*)//i ? $1 : '';
+ $role = $val =~ s/ Role=(.*)//i ? $1 : '';
+ $val = '' if $val eq '(none)';
+ $role = {shooting=>0,real=>1,fictional=>2}->{lc $role} || 0;
+ return $self->Encode($val, 'UTF8') . "\0" . Set8u($role) .
+ SetFixed32s(defined $lon ? $lon : 999) .
+ SetFixed32s(defined $lat ? $lat : 999) .
+ SetFixed32s(defined $alt ? $alt : 0) .
+ $self->Encode($body) . "\0" .
+ $self->Encode($note) . "\0";
yrrc => {
Name => 'Year',
+ Writable => 'undef',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
- RawConv => 'length($val) >= 6 ? Get16u(\$val,4) : "<err>"',
+ Avoid => 1,
+ Notes => 'used in 3gp videos',
+ ValueConv => 'length($val) >= 6 ? unpack("x4n",$val) : "<err>"',
+ ValueConvInv => 'pack("Nn",0,$val)',
urat => { #17
Name => 'UserRating',
- RawConv => q{
+ Writable => 'undef',
+ Notes => 'used in 3gp videos',
+ Avoid => 1,
+ ValueConv => q{
return '<err>' unless length $val >= 8;
- return Get8u(\$val, 7);
+ unpack('x7C', $val);
+ ValueConvInv => 'pack("N2",0,$val)',
# tsel - TrackSelection (ref 17)
# Apple tags (ref 16[dead] -- see ref 25 instead)
@@ -9394,9 +9416,9 @@ ItemID: foreach $id (keys %$items) {
for (;;) {
my ($len, $lang);
- if ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} == 6) {
- last if $pos + 6 > $size;
- $pos += 4;
+ if ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} >= 6) {
+ last if $pos + $$tagInfo{IText} > $size;
+ $pos += $$tagInfo{IText} - 2;
$lang = unpack("x${pos}n", $val);
$pos += 2;
$len = $size - $pos;
@@ -9416,7 +9438,7 @@ ItemID: foreach $id (keys %$items) {
# ignore any empty entries (or null padding) after the first
next if not $len and $pos;
my $str = substr($val, $pos, $len);
- my $langInfo;
+ my ($langInfo, $enc);
if (($lang < 0x400 or $lang == 0x7fff) and $str !~ /^\xfe\xff/) {
# this is a Macintosh language code
# a language code of 0 is Macintosh english, so treat as default
@@ -9433,15 +9455,22 @@ ItemID: foreach $id (keys %$items) {
# the spec says only "Macintosh text encoding", but
# allow this to be configured by the user
- $str = $et->Decode($str, $charsetQuickTime);
+ $enc = $charsetQuickTime;
} else {
# convert language code to ASCII (ignore read-only bit)
$lang = UnpackLang($lang);
# may be either UTF-8 or UTF-16BE
- my $enc = $str=~s/^\xfe\xff// ? 'UTF16' : 'UTF8';
+ $enc = $str=~s/^\xfe\xff// ? 'UTF16' : 'UTF8';
+ }
+ unless ($$tagInfo{NoDecode}) {
$str = $et->Decode($str, $enc);
+ $str =~ s/\0+$//; # remove any trailing nulls (eg. 3gp tags)
+ }
+ if ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} > 6) {
+ my $n = $$tagInfo{IText} - 6;
+ # add back extra bytes (eg. 'rtng' box)
+ $str = substr($val, $pos-$n-2, $n) . $str;
- $str =~ s/\0+$//; # remove any trailing nulls (eg. 3gp tags)
$langInfo = GetLangInfoQT($et, $tagInfo, $lang) if $lang;
$et->FoundTag($langInfo || $tagInfo, $str);
$pos += $len;
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 417c6c3d..0d3ebb8a 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -2274,37 +2274,59 @@ sub ProcessNMEA($$$)
my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTbl) = @_;
my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
- my $rtnVal;
- # parse only RMC sentence (with leading timestamp) for now
- while ($$dataPt =~ /(?:\[(\d+)\])?\$[A-Z]{2}RMC,(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+(\.\d*)?),A?,(\d+\.\d+),([NS]),(\d+\.\d+),([EW]),(\d*\.?\d*),(\d*\.?\d*),(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+)/g) {
- $rtnVal = 1;
- my $tc = $1; # milliseconds since 1970 (local time)
- my ($lat,$latRef,$lon,$lonRef) = ($6,$7,$8,$9);
- my $yr = $14 + ($14 >= 70 ? 1900 : 2000);
- my ($mon,$day,$hr,$min,$sec) = ($13,$12,$2,$3,$4);
- my ($spd, $trk);
- $spd = $10 * $knotsToKph if length $10;
- $trk = $11 if length $11;
- # lat/long are in DDDMM.MMMM format
- my $deg = int($lat / 100);
- $lat = $deg + ($lat - $deg * 100) / 60;
- $deg = int($lon / 100);
- $lon = $deg + ($lon - $deg * 100) / 60;
- $sec = '0' . $sec unless $sec =~ /^\d{2}/; # pad integer part of seconds to 2 digits
- my $time = sprintf('%.4d:%.2d:%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%sZ',$yr,$mon,$day,$hr,$min,$sec);
- my $sampleTime;
- $sampleTime = ($tc - $$et{StartTime}) / 1000 if $tc and $$et{StartTime};
- FoundSomething($et, $tagTbl, $sampleTime);
- $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSDateTime => $time);
- $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSLatitude => $lat * ($latRef eq 'S' ? -1 : 1));
- $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSLongitude => $lon * ($lonRef eq 'W' ? -1 : 1));
- if (defined $spd) {
- $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSSpeed => $spd);
- $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSSpeedRef => 'K');
+ my ($rtnVal, %fix);
+ # parse only RMC and GGA sentence [with leading timecode] for now
+ for (;;) {
+ my ($tc, $type, $tim);
+ if ($$dataPt =~ /(?:\[(\d+)\])?\$[A-Z]{2}(RMC|GGA),(\d{2}\d{2}\d+(\.\d*)?),/g) {
+ ($tc, $type, $tim) = ($1, $2, $3);
- if (defined $trk) {
- $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSTrack => $trk);
- $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSTrackRef => 'T');
+ # write out last fix now if complete
+ # (use the GPS timestamps because they may be different for the same timecode)
+ if ($fix{tim} and (not $tim or $fix{tim} != $tim)) {
+ if ($fix{dat} and defined $fix{lat} and defined $fix{lon}) {
+ my $sampleTime;
+ $sampleTime = ($fix{tc} - $$et{StartTime}) / 1000 if $fix{tc} and $$et{StartTime};
+ FoundSomething($et, $tagTbl, $sampleTime);
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSDateTime => $fix{dat});
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSLatitude => $fix{lat});
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSLongitude => $fix{lon});
+ if (defined $fix{spd}) {
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSSpeed => $fix{spd} * $knotsToKph);
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSSpeedRef => 'K');
+ }
+ if (defined $fix{trk}) {
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSTrack => $fix{trk});
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSTrackRef => 'T');
+ }
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSAltitude => $fix{alt}) if defined $fix{alt};
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSSatellites => $fix{nsats}+0) if defined $fix{nsats};
+ $et->HandleTag($tagTbl, GPSDOP => $fix{hdop}) if defined $fix{hdop};
+ }
+ undef %fix;
+ }
+ $fix{tim} = $tim or last;
+ my $pos = pos($$dataPt);
+ pos($$dataPt) = $pos - length($tim) - 1; # rewind to re-parse time
+ # (parsing of NMEA strings copied from
+ if ($type eq 'RMC' and
+ $$dataPt =~ /\G(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+(\.\d*)?),A?,(\d*?)(\d{1,2}\.\d+),([NS]),(\d*?)(\d{1,2}\.\d+),([EW]),(\d*\.?\d*),(\d*\.?\d*),(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+)/g)
+ {
+ my $year = $15 + ($15 >= 70 ? 1900 : 2000);
+ $fix{tc} = $tc; # use timecode of RMC sentence
+ $fix{dat} = sprintf('%.4d:%.2d:%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%sZ',$year,$14,$13,$1,$2,$3);
+ $fix{lat} = (($5 || 0) + $6/60) * ($7 eq 'N' ? 1 : -1);
+ $fix{lon} = (($8 || 0) + $9/60) * ($10 eq 'E' ? 1 : -1);
+ $fix{spd} = $11 if length $11;
+ $fix{trk} = $12 if length $12;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'GGA' and
+ $$dataPt =~ /\G(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+(\.\d*)?),(\d*?)(\d{1,2}\.\d+),([NS]),(\d*?)(\d{1,2}\.\d+),([EW]),[1-6]?,(\d+)?,(\.\d+|\d+\.?\d*)?,(-?\d+\.?\d*)?,M?/g)
+ {
+ $fix{lat} = (($5 || 0) + $6/60) * ($7 eq 'N' ? 1 : -1);
+ $fix{lon} = (($8 || 0) + $9/60) * ($10 eq 'E' ? 1 : -1);
+ @fix{qw(nsats hdop alt)} = ($11,$12,$13);
+ } else {
+ pos($$dataPt) = $pos; # continue searching from our last match
delete $$et{DOC_NUM};
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 8b0169bd..3f040f45 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
# 13)
# 14)
# 15)
+# 16)
package Image::ExifTool::RIFF;
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
-$VERSION = '1.57';
+$VERSION = '1.58';
sub ConvertTimecode($);
sub ProcessSGLT($$$);
@@ -354,9 +355,35 @@ my %code2charset = (
SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::RIFF::DS64' },
list => 'ListType', #15
- labl => { #15
- Name => 'Label',
- SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::RIFF::Label' },
+ labl => { #16 (in 'adtl' chunk)
+ Name => 'CuePointLabel',
+ Priority => 0, # (so they are stored in sequence)
+ ValueConv => 'my $str=substr($val,4); $str=~s/\0+$//; unpack("V",$val) . " " . $str',
+ },
+ note => { #16 (in 'adtl' chunk)
+ Name => 'CuePointNote',
+ Priority => 0, # (so they are stored in sequence)
+ ValueConv => 'my $str=substr($val,4); $str=~s/\0+$//; unpack("V",$val) . " " . $str',
+ },
+ ltxt => { #16 (in 'adtl' chunk)
+ Name => 'LabeledText',
+ Notes => 'CuePointID Length Purpose Country Language Dialect Codepage Text',
+ Priority => 0, # (so they are stored in sequence)
+ ValueConv => q{
+ my @a = unpack('VVa4vvvv', $val);
+ $a[2] = "'$a[2]'";
+ my $txt = substr($val, 18);
+ $txt =~ s/\0+$//; # remove null terminator
+ return join(' ', @a, $txt);
+ },
+ },
+ smpl => { #16
+ Name => 'Sampler',
+ SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::RIFF::Sampler' },
+ },
+ inst => { #16
+ Name => 'Instrument',
+ SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::RIFF::Instrument' },
Name => 'Info',
@@ -396,6 +423,10 @@ my %code2charset = (
ProcessProc => \&Image::ExifTool::RIFF::ProcessChunks,
+ LIST_adtl => { #PH (ref 16, forum12387)
+ Name => 'AssociatedDataList',
+ SubDirectory => { TagTable => 'Image::ExifTool::RIFF::Main' },
+ },
# seen LIST_JUNK
JUNK => [
@@ -466,10 +497,15 @@ my %code2charset = (
Name => 'NumberOfSamples',
RawConv => 'Get32u(\$val, 0)',
- 'cue ' => {
+ 'cue '=> {
Name => 'CuePoints',
Binary => 1,
+ Notes => q{
+ config_files/cutepointlist.config from full distribution will decode this
+ and generate a list of cue points with labels
+ },
+ plst => { Name => 'Playlist', Binary => 1 }, #16
afsp => { },
IDIT => {
Name => 'DateTimeOriginal',
@@ -704,16 +740,52 @@ my %code2charset = (
# very unlikely, support for these is not yet implemented)
-# cue point labels (ref 15)
-%Image::ExifTool::RIFF::Label = (
+# Sampler chunk (ref 16)
+%Image::ExifTool::RIFF::Sampler = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Audio' },
FORMAT => 'int32u',
- 0 => 'LabelID',
- 1 => {
- Name => 'LabelText',
- Format => 'string[$size-4]',
+ 0 => 'Manufacturer',
+ 1 => 'Product',
+ 2 => 'SamplePeriod',
+ 3 => 'MIDIUnityNote',
+ 4 => 'MIDIPitchFraction',
+ 5 => {
+ Name => 'SMPTEFormat',
+ PrintConv => {
+ 0 => 'none',
+ 24 => '24 fps',
+ 25 => '25 fps',
+ 29 => '29 fps',
+ 30 => '30 fps',
+ },
+ 6 => {
+ Name => 'SMPTEOffset',
+ Notes => 'HH:MM:SS:FF',
+ ValueConv => q{
+ my $str = sprintf('%.8x', $val);
+ $str =~ s/(..)(..)(..)(..)/$1:$2:$3:$4/;
+ return $str;
+ },
+ },
+ 7 => 'NumSampleLoops',
+ 8 => 'SamplerDataLen',
+ 9 => { Name => 'SamplerData', Format => 'undef[$size-40]', Binary => 1 },
+# Instrument chunk (ref 16)
+%Image::ExifTool::RIFF::Instrument = (
+ PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
+ GROUPS => { 2 => 'Audio' },
+ FORMAT => 'int8s',
+ 0 => 'UnshiftedNote',
+ 1 => 'FineTune',
+ 2 => 'Gain',
+ 3 => 'LowNote',
+ 4 => 'HighNote',
+ 5 => 'LowVelocity',
+ 6 => 'HighVelocity',
# Sub chunks of INFO LIST chunk
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 0962b88c..9c2baf79 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::Exif;
use Image::ExifTool::Minolta;
-$VERSION = '3.40';
+$VERSION = '3.41';
sub ProcessSRF($$$);
sub ProcessSR2($$$);
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ sub PrintInvLensSpec($;$$);
32859 => 'Sony FE 20mm F1.8 G', #IB/JR
32860 => 'Sony FE 12-24mm F2.8 GM', #JR/IB
32862 => 'Sony FE 50mm F1.2 GM', #IB/JR
+ 32863 => 'Sony FE 14mm F1.8 GM', #IB
32864 => 'Sony FE 28-60mm F4-5.6', #JR
32865 => 'Sony FE 35mm F1.4 GM', #IB/JR
32866 => 'Sony FE 24mm F2.8 G', #IB
@@ -1552,6 +1553,7 @@ my %hidUnk = ( Hidden => 1, Unknown => 1 );
Name => 'FocusFrameSize',
Format => 'int16u',
Count => '3',
+ Notes => 'width and height of FocusFrame, centered on FocusLocation',
PrintConv => q{
my @a = split ' ', $val;
return $a[2] ? sprintf('%3dx%3d', $a[0], $a[1]) : 'n/a';
@@ -6127,6 +6129,7 @@ my %pictureProfile2010 = (
33 => 'Gamma HLG2 (PP10)', #14
34 => 'Gamma HLG3', #IB
37 => 'FL',
+ 38 => 'VV2',
39 => 'IN',
40 => 'SH',
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 767d349d..d8c400cb 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -1456,6 +1456,7 @@ my %tagLookup = (
'clarity' => { 225 => 0x35, 226 => 0x3d, 411 => 0x2036, 468 => 'Clarity', 470 => 'Clarity' },
'clarity2012' => { 468 => 'Clarity2012', 470 => 'Clarity2012' },
'claritycontrol' => { 346 => 0x96 },
+ 'classification' => { 371 => 'clsf' },
'classifystate' => { 129 => 0xe1 },
'clearretouch' => { 311 => 0x7c },
'clearretouchvalue' => { 311 => 0xa3 },
@@ -3639,6 +3640,7 @@ my %tagLookup = (
'locationcreatedsublocation' => { 480 => [\'LocationCreated','LocationCreatedSublocation'] },
'locationcreatedworldregion' => { 480 => [\'LocationCreated','LocationCreatedWorldRegion'] },
'locationdate' => { 365 => '' },
+ 'locationinformation' => { 371 => 'loci' },
'locationinfoversion' => { 221 => 0x0 },
'locationname' => { 365 => '', 385 => 0x31 },
'locationnote' => { 365 => 'location.note' },
@@ -4878,7 +4880,7 @@ my %tagLookup = (
'rads' => { 371 => 'rads' },
'rangefinder' => { 276 => '4.1', 277 => '5.1', 278 => '5.1' },
'rasterizedcaption' => { 129 => 0x7d },
- 'rating' => { 117 => 0x4746, 125 => 0x1431, 357 => 0xdf, 363 => 'rtng', 411 => 0x2002, 463 => 'rating', 472 => 'rating', 480 => 'Rating', 484 => 'rating', 492 => 'Rating' },
+ 'rating' => { 117 => 0x4746, 125 => 0x1431, 357 => 0xdf, 363 => 'rtng', 371 => 'rtng', 411 => 0x2002, 463 => 'rating', 472 => 'rating', 480 => 'Rating', 484 => 'rating', 492 => 'Rating' },
'ratingpercent' => { 117 => 0x4749, 175 => 'Rating', 363 => 'rate', 492 => 'RatingPercent' },
'ratingregion' => { 480 => [\'Rating','RatingRatingRegion'] },
'ratingregioncity' => { 480 => [\'Rating','RatingRatingRegionCity'] },
@@ -6003,7 +6005,7 @@ my %tagLookup = (
'userfields' => { 461 => 'UserFields' },
'userlabel' => { 372 => 0x2b, 373 => 0x5a, 374 => 0x68 },
'userprofile' => { 306 => 0x302, 310 => 0x34c, 313 => 0x3038 },
- 'userrating' => { 365 => 'rating.user' },
+ 'userrating' => { 365 => 'rating.user', 371 => 'urat' },
'usmlenselectronicmf' => { 2 => 0x7, 81 => 0x7, 82 => 0x501 },
'uspsnumber' => { 484 => 'uspsNumber' },
'utmeasting' => { 165 => 'Easting' },
@@ -6405,7 +6407,7 @@ my %tagLookup = (
'ycbcrcoefficients' => { 117 => 0x211, 490 => 'YCbCrCoefficients' },
'ycbcrpositioning' => { 117 => 0x213, 490 => 'YCbCrPositioning' },
'ycbcrsubsampling' => { 117 => 0x212, 490 => 'YCbCrSubSampling' },
- 'year' => { 363 => 'yrrc', 365 => 'year' },
+ 'year' => { 363 => 'yrrc', 365 => 'year', 371 => 'yrrc' },
'yearcreated' => { 137 => 0x10, 146 => 0xc },
'yellowhsl' => { 101 => 0x20912 },
'yield' => { 486 => 'yield' },
@@ -6621,6 +6623,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'aspectratioy' => 1,
'assistantsname' => 1,
'assistantsphone' => 1,
+ 'associateddatalist' => 1,
'associatedimagefile' => 1,
'association' => 1,
'assumeddisplaysize' => 1,
@@ -7163,7 +7166,6 @@ my %tagExists = (
'cip3side' => 1,
'circleofconfusion' => 1,
'class' => 1,
- 'classification' => 1,
'cleanaperture' => 1,
'cleanaperturedimensions' => 1,
'cleanapertureheight' => 1,
@@ -7448,6 +7450,8 @@ my %tagExists = (
'ctmd' => 1,
'cubemapproj' => 1,
'cuepoint' => 1,
+ 'cuepointlabel' => 1,
+ 'cuepointnote' => 1,
'cuepoints' => 1,
'cuesheet' => 1,
'currentbitrate' => 1,
@@ -8048,6 +8052,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'filterserialnumber' => 1,
'finalflushsequence' => 1,
'finalframeblocks' => 1,
+ 'finetune' => 1,
'finishedfileprocessingrequest' => 1,
'finishipaversion' => 1,
'finishipfversion' => 1,
@@ -8132,6 +8137,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'focuspeakinglevel' => 1,
'focuspointbrightness' => 1,
'focuspointpersistence' => 1,
+ 'focuspointselectionspeed' => 1,
'focuspos' => 1,
'focussettings' => 1,
'folder' => 1,
@@ -8391,6 +8397,8 @@ my %tagExists = (
'highisomode' => 1,
'highlightdata' => 1,
'highlightendpoints' => 1,
+ 'highnote' => 1,
+ 'highvelocity' => 1,
'hintformat' => 1,
'hintheader' => 1,
'hintinfo' => 1,
@@ -8772,8 +8780,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'label1' => 1,
'label2' => 1,
'label3' => 1,
- 'labelid' => 1,
- 'labeltext' => 1,
+ 'labeledtext' => 1,
'lamebitrate' => 1,
'lameheader' => 1,
'lamelowpassfilter' => 1,
@@ -8948,7 +8955,6 @@ my %tagExists = (
'localeindicator' => 1,
'localpositionned' => 1,
'locationinfo' => 1,
- 'locationinformation' => 1,
'lockedpropertylist' => 1,
'locks' => 1,
'loglintable' => 1,
@@ -8973,6 +8979,8 @@ my %tagExists = (
'lookuptable' => 1,
'lotus' => 1,
'lowlightaf' => 1,
+ 'lownote' => 1,
+ 'lowvelocity' => 1,
'lr' => 1,
'lslv' => 1,
'lucasjunk' => 1,
@@ -9266,7 +9274,9 @@ my %tagExists = (
'middlename' => 1,
'midicontrol' => 1,
'midicontrolversion' => 1,
+ 'midipitchfraction' => 1,
'midisong' => 1,
+ 'midiunitynote' => 1,
'mie' => 1,
'mileage' => 1,
'mimeencoding' => 1,
@@ -9470,6 +9480,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'numproperties' => 1,
'numrules' => 1,
'numsampleframes' => 1,
+ 'numsampleloops' => 1,
'numslices' => 1,
'numstreams' => 1,
'numtemporallayers' => 1,
@@ -9811,6 +9822,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'playbackflickup' => 1,
'playbackflickuprating' => 1,
'playcounter' => 1,
+ 'playlist' => 1,
'playlistdelay' => 1,
'playlistindex' => 1,
'plus' => 1,
@@ -9841,6 +9853,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'preferredrate' => 1,
'preferredsubfamily' => 1,
'preferredvolume' => 1,
+ 'prefersubselectorcenter' => 1,
'preroll' => 1,
'presentationformat' => 1,
'presentationtarget' => 1,
@@ -10280,7 +10293,11 @@ my %tagExists = (
'sampleformat' => 1,
'samplegroupdescription' => 1,
'samplepaddingbits' => 1,
+ 'sampleperiod' => 1,
+ 'sampler' => 1,
'samplerate2' => 1,
+ 'samplerdata' => 1,
+ 'samplerdatalen' => 1,
'samplesize' => 1,
'samplesizes' => 1,
'sampletable' => 1,
@@ -10514,6 +10531,8 @@ my %tagExists = (
'slideshow' => 1,
'smaxsamplevalue' => 1,
'sminsamplevalue' => 1,
+ 'smpteformat' => 1,
+ 'smpteoffset' => 1,
'snapshotid' => 1,
'snapshotname' => 1,
'soctemperature' => 1,
@@ -10993,6 +11012,7 @@ my %tagExists = (
'unknowntemperature1' => 1,
'unknowntemperature2' => 1,
'unsharpdata' => 1,
+ 'unshiftednote' => 1,
'untitled0' => 1,
'untitled1' => 1,
'untitled2' => 1,
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/TagNames.pod b/lib/Image/ExifTool/TagNames.pod
index f1e52e1c..a012f776 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/TagNames.pod
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/TagNames.pod
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ meta information extracted from or written to a file.
The tables listed below give the names of all tags recognized by ExifTool.
-They contain a total of 24118 tags, with 15614 unique tag names.
+They contain a total of 24273 tags, with 15738 unique tag names.
B<Tag ID>, B<Index#> or B<Sequence> is given in the first column of each
table. A B<Tag ID> is the computer-readable equivalent of a tag name, and
@@ -6101,6 +6101,8 @@ Unknown only to reduce the volume of the normal output.
0x016b LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideLPeople? no
0x016c LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideLAnimals? no
0x016e AFAreaMode no
+ 0x0170 PreferSubSelectorCenter no
+ 0x0174 FocusPointSelectionSpeed no
=head2 Canon Tags
@@ -24426,6 +24428,155 @@ files.
48 PrimaryFileGUID no
64 FileGUID no
+=head2 MRC Tags
+Tags extracted from Medical Research Council (MRC) format imaging files.
+See L<> for the specification.
+ Index4 Tag Name Writable
+ ------ -------- --------
+ 0 ImageWidth no
+ 1 ImageHeight no
+ 2 ImageDepth no
+ 3 ImageMode no
+ 4 StartPoint no
+ 7 GridSize no
+ 10 CellWidth no
+ 11 CellHeight no
+ 12 CellDepth no
+ 13 CellAlpha no
+ 14 CellBeta no
+ 15 CellGamma no
+ 16 ImageWidthAxis no
+ 17 ImageHeightAxis no
+ 18 ImageDepthAxis no
+ 19 DensityMin no
+ 20 DensityMax no
+ 21 DensityMean no
+ 22 SpaceGroupNumber no
+ 23 ExtendedHeaderSize no
+ 26 ExtendedHeaderType no
+ 27 MRCVersion no
+ 49 Origin no
+ 53 MachineStamp no
+ 54 RMSDeviation no
+ 55 NumberOfLabels no
+ 56 Label0 no
+ 76 Label1 no
+ 96 Label2 no
+ 116 Label3 no
+ 136 Label4 no
+ 156 Label5 no
+ 176 Label6 no
+ 196 Label7 no
+ 216 Label8 no
+ 236 Label9 no
+=head3 MRC FEI12 Tags
+Tags extracted from FEI1 and FEI2 extended headers.
+ Index1 Tag Name Writable
+ ------ -------- --------
+ 0 MetadataSize no
+ 4 MetadataVersion no
+ 8 Bitmask1 no
+ 12 TimeStamp no
+ 20 MicroscopeType no
+ 36 MicroscopeID no
+ 52 Application no
+ 68 AppVersion no
+ 84 HighTension no
+ 92 Dose no
+ 100 AlphaTilt no
+ 108 BetaTilt no
+ 116 XStage no
+ 124 YStage no
+ 132 ZStage no
+ 140 TiltAxisAngle no
+ 148 DualAxisRot no
+ 156 PixelSizeX no
+ 164 PixelSizeY no
+ 220 Defocus no
+ 228 STEMDefocus no
+ 236 AppliedDefocus no
+ 244 InstrumentMode no
+ 248 ProjectionMode no
+ 252 ObjectiveLens no
+ 268 HighMagnificationMode no
+ 284 ProbeMode no
+ 288 EFTEMOn no
+ 289 Magnification no
+ 297 Bitmask2 no
+ 301 CameraLength no
+ 309 SpotIndex no
+ 313 IlluminationArea no
+ 321 Intensity no
+ 329 ConvergenceAngle no
+ 337 IlluminationMode no
+ 353 WideConvergenceAngleRange no
+ 354 SlitInserted no
+ 355 SlitWidth no
+ 363 AccelVoltOffset no
+ 371 DriftTubeVolt no
+ 379 EnergyShift no
+ 387 ShiftOffsetX no
+ 395 ShiftOffsetY no
+ 403 ShiftX no
+ 411 ShiftY no
+ 419 IntegrationTime no
+ 427 BinningWidth no
+ 431 BinningHeight no
+ 435 CameraName no
+ 451 ReadoutAreaLeft no
+ 455 ReadoutAreaTop no
+ 459 ReadoutAreaRight no
+ 463 ReadoutAreaBottom no
+ 467 CetaNoiseReduct no
+ 468 CetaFramesSummed no
+ 472 DirectDetElectronCounting no
+ 473 DirectDetAlignFrames no
+ 490 Bitmask3 no
+ 518 PhasePlate no
+ 519 STEMDetectorName no
+ 535 Gain no
+ 543 Offset no
+ 571 DwellTime no
+ 579 FrameTime no
+ 587 ScanSizeLeft no
+ 591 ScanSizeTop no
+ 595 ScanSizeRight no
+ 599 ScanSizeBottom no
+ 603 FullScanFOV_X no
+ 611 FullScanFOV_Y no
+ 619 Element no
+ 635 EnergyIntervalLower no
+ 643 EnergyIntervalHigher no
+ 651 Method no
+ 655 IsDoseFraction no
+ 656 FractionNumber no
+ 660 StartFrame no
+ 664 EndFrame no
+ 668 InputStackFilename no
+ 748 Bitmask4 no
+ 752 AlphaTiltMin no
+ 760 AlphaTiltMax no
+ 768 ScanRotation no
+ 776 DiffractionPatternRotation no
+ 784 ImageRotation no
+ 792 ScanModeEnumeration no
+ 796 AcquisitionTimeStamp no
+ 804 DetectorCommercialName no
+ 820 StartTiltAngle no
+ 828 EndTiltAngle no
+ 836 TiltPerImage no
+ 844 TitlSpeed no
+ 852 BeamCenterX no
+ 856 BeamCenterY no
+ 860 CFEGFlashTimeStamp no
+ 868 PhasePlatePosition no
+ 872 ObjectiveAperture no
=head2 MIFF Tags
The MIFF (Magick Image File Format) format allows aribrary tag names to be
@@ -27030,7 +27181,7 @@ the config file.
'chpl' ChapterList no
'clfn' ClipFileName string
'clid' ClipID string
- 'clsf' Classification no
+ 'clsf' Classification undef/
'cmid' CameraID string
'cmnm' Model string/
'coll' CollectionName string/
@@ -27048,7 +27199,7 @@ the config file.
'infu' InfoURL string
'kgtt' TrackType string
'kywd' Keywords no
- 'loci' LocationInformation no
+ 'loci' LocationInformation undef/
'lrcu' LyricsURI string
'lvlm' LevelMeter? rational64s
'manu' Make no
@@ -27063,7 +27214,7 @@ the config file.
'rads' Rads? rational64s
'reel' ReelName string
'roll' Roll rational64s/
- 'rtng' Rating no
+ 'rtng' Rating undef/
'scen' Scene string
'scrn' OlympusPreview Olympus scrn
'shot' ShotName string
@@ -27076,12 +27227,12 @@ the config file.
ThumbnailPNG string
UnknownThumbnail string
'titl' Title string/
- 'urat' UserRating no
+ 'urat' UserRating undef/
'uuid' GarminSoftware string
UUID-Unknown? no
'vndr' Vendor string
'vrot' AccelerometerData no
- 'yrrc' Year no
+ 'yrrc' Year undef/
"\xa9ART" Artist string
"\xa9TIM" StartTimecode string
"\xa9TSC" StartTimeScale string
@@ -29889,6 +30040,7 @@ sub-documents, but the Duration is calculated for the full video.
'LIST_INF0' Info RIFF Info
'LIST_Tdat' Tdat RIFF Tdat
+ 'LIST_adtl' AssociatedDataList RIFF
'LIST_exif' Exif RIFF Exif
'LIST_hdrl' Hdrl RIFF Hdrl
'LIST_hydt' PentaxData Pentax AVI
@@ -29911,9 +30063,14 @@ sub-documents, but the Duration is calculated for the full video.
'gps0' GPSTrack QuickTime Stream
'gsen' GSensor QuickTime Stream
- 'labl' Label RIFF Label
+ 'inst' Instrument RIFF Instrument
+ 'labl' CuePointLabel no
'list' ListType no
+ 'ltxt' LabeledText no
+ 'note' CuePointNote no
'olym' Olym Olympus WAV
+ 'plst' Playlist no
+ 'smpl' Sampler RIFF Sampler
'tx_USER' UserText RIFF UserText
'tx_Unknown' Text no
@@ -30210,12 +30367,32 @@ L<> for the specification.
1 DataSize64 no
2 NumberOfSamples64 no
-=head3 RIFF Label Tags
+=head3 RIFF Instrument Tags
+ Index1 Tag Name Writable
+ ------ -------- --------
+ 0 UnshiftedNote no
+ 1 FineTune no
+ 2 Gain no
+ 3 LowNote no
+ 4 HighNote no
+ 5 LowVelocity no
+ 6 HighVelocity no
+=head3 RIFF Sampler Tags
Index4 Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
- 0 LabelID no
- 1 LabelText no
+ 0 Manufacturer no
+ 1 Product no
+ 2 SamplePeriod no
+ 3 MIDIUnityNote no
+ 4 MIDIPitchFraction no
+ 5 SMPTEFormat no
+ 6 SMPTEOffset no
+ 7 NumSampleLoops no
+ 8 SamplerDataLen no
+ 9 SamplerData no
=head3 RIFF UserText Tags
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 87c575ef..a325552e 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -1232,10 +1232,14 @@ sub WriteQuickTime($$$)
} elsif ($format) {
$val = ReadValue(\$buff, 0, $format, undef, $size);
} elsif (($tag =~ /^\xa9/ or $$tagInfo{IText}) and $size >= ($$tagInfo{IText} || 4)) {
- if ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} == 6) {
- $lang = unpack('x4n', $buff);
- $len = $size - 6;
- $val = substr($buff, 6, $len);
+ my $hdr;
+ if ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} >= 6) {
+ my $iText = $$tagInfo{IText};
+ my $pos = $iText - 2;
+ $lang = unpack("x${pos}n", $buff);
+ $hdr = substr($buff,4,$iText-6);
+ $len = $size - $iText;
+ $val = substr($buff, $iText, $len);
} else {
($len, $lang) = unpack('nn', $buff);
$len -= 4 if 4 + $len > $size; # (see for explanation)
@@ -1243,14 +1247,18 @@ sub WriteQuickTime($$$)
$val = substr($buff, 4, $len);
$lang or $lang = $undLang; # treat both 0 and 'und' as 'und'
+ my $enc;
if ($lang < 0x400 and $val !~ /^\xfe\xff/) {
$charsetQuickTime = $et->Options('CharsetQuickTime');
- $val = $et->Decode($val, $charsetQuickTime);
+ $enc = $charsetQuickTime;
} else {
- my $enc = $val=~s/^\xfe\xff// ? 'UTF16' : 'UTF8';
+ $enc = $val=~s/^\xfe\xff// ? 'UTF16' : 'UTF8';
+ }
+ unless ($$tagInfo{NoDecode}) {
$val = $et->Decode($val, $enc);
+ $val =~ s/\0+$//; # remove trailing nulls if they exist
- $val =~ s/\0+$//; # remove trailing nulls if they exist
+ $val = $hdr . $val if defined $hdr;
my $langCode = UnpackLang($lang, 1);
$langInfo = GetLangInfo($tagInfo, $langCode);
$nvHash = $et->GetNewValueHash($langInfo);
@@ -1267,6 +1275,9 @@ sub WriteQuickTime($$$)
} else {
$val = $buff;
+ if ($tag =~ /^\xa9/ or $$tagInfo{IText}) {
+ $et->Warn("Corrupted $$tagInfo{Name} value");
+ }
if ($nvHash and defined $val) {
if ($et->IsOverwriting($nvHash, $val)) {
@@ -1279,12 +1290,23 @@ sub WriteQuickTime($$$)
$et->VerboseValue("+ $grp:$$langInfo{Name}", $newData);
# add back necessary header and encode as necessary
if (defined $lang) {
- $newData = $et->Encode($newData, $lang < 0x400 ? $charsetQuickTime : 'UTF8');
+ my $iText = $$tagInfo{IText} || 0;
+ my $hdr;
+ if ($iText > 6) {
+ $newData .= ' 'x($iText-6) if length($newData) < $iText-6;
+ $hdr = substr($newData, 0, $iText-6);
+ $newData = substr($newData, $iText-6);
+ }
+ unless ($$tagInfo{NoDecode}) {
+ $newData = $et->Encode($newData, $lang < 0x400 ? $charsetQuickTime : 'UTF8');
+ }
my $wLang = $lang eq $undLang ? 0 : $lang;
- if ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} == 6) {
+ if ($iText < 6) {
+ $newData = pack('nn', length($newData), $wLang) . $newData;
+ } elsif ($iText == 6) {
$newData = pack('Nn', 0, $wLang) . $newData . "\0";
} else {
- $newData = pack('nn', length($newData), $wLang) . $newData;
+ $newData = "\0\0\0\0" . $hdr . pack('n', $wLang) . $newData . "\0";
} elsif (not $format or $format =~ /^string/ and
not $$tagInfo{Binary} and not $$tagInfo{ValueConv})
@@ -1443,9 +1465,12 @@ sub WriteQuickTime($$$)
my $grp = $et->GetGroup($tagInfo,1);
$et->Warn("Can't use country code for $grp:$$tagInfo{Name}");
- } elsif ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} == 6) {
+ } elsif ($$tagInfo{IText} and $$tagInfo{IText} >= 6) {
# add 6-byte langText header and trailing null
- $newVal = pack('Nn',0,$lang) . $newVal . "\0";
+ # (with extra junk before language code if IText > 6)
+ my $n = $$tagInfo{IText} - 6;
+ $newVal .= ' ' x $n if length($newVal) < $n;
+ $newVal = "\0\0\0\0" . substr($newVal,0,$n) . pack('n',0,$lang) . substr($newVal,$n) . "\0";
} else {
# add IText header
$newVal = pack('nn',length($newVal),$lang) . $newVal;
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 2fee0b33..23694612 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ sub ConformPathToNamespace($$)
my $prop;
foreach $prop (@propList) {
my ($ns, $tag) = $prop =~ /(.+?):(.*)/;
- next if $$nsUsed{$ns};
+ next if not defined $ns or $$nsUsed{$ns};
my $uri = $nsURI{$ns};
unless ($uri) {
warn "No URI for namespace prefix $ns!\n";
@@ -1417,7 +1417,11 @@ sub WriteXMP($$;$)
my $uri = $nsUsed{$1};
unless ($uri) {
$uri = $nsURI{$1}; # we must have added a namespace
- $uri or $xmpErr = "Undefined XMP namespace: $1", next;
+ unless ($uri) {
+ # (namespace may be empty if trying to write empty XMP structure, forum12384)
+ $xmpErr = "Undefined XMP namespace: $1" if length $uri;
+ next;
+ }
$nsNew{$1} = $uri;
# need a new description if any new namespaces
diff --git a/lib/Image/ExifTool/ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
index 2fcced23..970151ec 100644
--- a/lib/Image/ExifTool/
+++ b/lib/Image/ExifTool/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ use Image::ExifTool::Exif;
use Image::ExifTool::GPS;
require Exporter;
-$VERSION = '3.40';
+$VERSION = '3.41';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(EscapeXML UnescapeXML);
@@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ sub ConvertRational($);
sub ConvertRationalList($);
sub WriteGSpherical($$$);
+# standard path locations for XMP in major file types
+my %stdPath = (
+ PSD => 'PSD-XMP',
# lookup for translating to ExifTool namespaces (and family 1 group names)
%stdXlatNS = (
# shorten ugly namespace prefixes
@@ -3844,6 +3851,7 @@ sub ProcessXMP($$;$)
my ($buff, $fmt, $hasXMP, $isXML, $isRDF, $isSVG);
my $rtnVal = 0;
my $bom = 0;
+ my $path = $et->MetadataPath();
# namespaces and prefixes currently in effect while parsing the file,
# and lookup to translate brain-dead-Microsoft-Photo-software prefixes
@@ -3861,11 +3869,7 @@ sub ProcessXMP($$;$)
(($$dirInfo{DirName} || '') eq 'XMP' or $$et{FILE_TYPE} eq 'XMP'))
$$et{XmpValidate} = { } if $$et{OPTIONS}{Validate};
- my $path = $et->MetadataPath();
- my $nonStd;
- if ($$et{FILE_TYPE} =~ /^(JPEG|TIFF|PSD)$/ and $path !~ /^(JPEG-APP1-XMP|TIFF-IFD0-XMP|PSD-XMP)$/) {
- $nonStd = 1;
- }
+ my $nonStd = ($stdPath{$$et{FILE_TYPE}} and $path ne $stdPath{$$et{FILE_TYPE}});
if ($nonStd and $Image::ExifTool::MWG::strict) {
$et->Warn("Ignored non-standard XMP at $path");
return 1;
@@ -4125,6 +4129,13 @@ sub ProcessXMP($$;$)
defined $fmt or $et->Warn('XMP character encoding error');
+ # warn if standard XMP is missing xpacket wrapper
+ if ($$et{XMP_NO_XPACKET} and $$et{OPTIONS}{Validate} and
+ $stdPath{$$et{FILE_TYPE}} and $path eq $stdPath{$$et{FILE_TYPE}} and
+ not $$dirInfo{IsExtended} and not $$et{DOC_NUM})
+ {
+ $et->Warn('XMP is missing xpacket wrapper', 1);
+ }
if ($fmt) {
# trim if necessary to avoid converting non-UTF data
if ($dirStart or $dirEnd != length($$dataPt)) {
diff --git a/perl-Image-ExifTool.spec b/perl-Image-ExifTool.spec
index 2c9491e4..aefadd01 100644
--- a/perl-Image-ExifTool.spec
+++ b/perl-Image-ExifTool.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Summary: perl module for image data extraction
Name: perl-Image-ExifTool
-Version: 12.24
+Version: 12.25
Release: 1
License: Artistic/GPL
Group: Development/Libraries/Perl
@@ -22,47 +22,47 @@ supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):
File Types
- 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r
- 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w
- 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
- 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
- A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r
- AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
- AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w
- AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r
- ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r
- AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
- AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
- AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r
- APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w
- ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r
- ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
- ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r
- AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r
- AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w
- AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
- BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
- BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r
- BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r
- CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r
- COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r
- CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
- CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r
- CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r
- CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w
- CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
- CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r
- CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r
- DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r
- DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r
- DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r
- DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
- DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r
- DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
- DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
- DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
- DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
- DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |
+ 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r
+ 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r
+ 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w
+ 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
+ A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
+ AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r
+ AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
+ AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w
+ ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r
+ AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r
+ AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
+ AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
+ APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r
+ ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w
+ ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r
+ ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
+ AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r
+ AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r
+ AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w
+ BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
+ BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
+ BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r
+ CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r
+ COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r
+ CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r
+ CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
+ CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r
+ CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r
+ CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w
+ CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
+ CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r
+ DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r
+ DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r
+ DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r
+ DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r
+ DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
+ DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r
+ DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
+ DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
+ DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
+ DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
Meta Information
diff --git a/pp_build_exe.args b/pp_build_exe.args
index b0faaf04..ff955f5a 100644
--- a/pp_build_exe.args
+++ b/pp_build_exe.args
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
# 10) Copy zip archive to web servers.
# 11) Update zip file version in link and text of html/index.html.
--T exiftool-12.23
-##"--info=Build Date=2021:04:01 14:01:49-04:00"
+-T exiftool-12.25
+##"--info=Build Date=2021:04:22 14:33:15-04:00"
##"--info=Bundled Perl Version=ActivePerl 5.24.0"
##"--info=LegalCopyright=Copyright (c) 2003-2021, Phil Harvey"
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@
-M Image::ExifTool::MPC
-M Image::ExifTool::MPEG
-M Image::ExifTool::MPF
+-M Image::ExifTool::MRC
-M Image::ExifTool::MWG
-M Image::ExifTool::MXF
-M Image::ExifTool::Nikon
diff --git a/t/JXL.t b/t/JXL.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ab3ad6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/JXL.t
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Before "make install", this script should be runnable with "make test".
+# After "make install" it should work as "perl t/Jpeg2000.t".
+ $| = 1; print "1..3\n"; $Image::ExifTool::configFile = '';
+ require './t/'; t::TestLib->import();
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+# test 1: Load the module(s)
+use Image::ExifTool 'ImageInfo';
+use Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000;
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+my $testname = 'JXL';
+my $testnum = 1;
+# test 2: Extract information from JXL.jxl
+ ++$testnum;
+ my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
+ my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo('t/images/JXL.jxl', '-system:all');
+ print 'not ' unless check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum);
+ print "ok $testnum\n";
+# test 3: Write some new information
+ ++$testnum;
+ my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
+ my $testfile = "t/${testname}_${testnum}_failed.jxl";
+ unlink $testfile;
+ my @writeInfo = (
+ [ 'XMP:Subject' => 'test subject' ],
+ [ 'EXIF:Artist' => 'test artist' ],
+ );
+ $exifTool->Options(IgnoreMinorErrors => 1);
+ $exifTool->SetNewValue(@$_) foreach @writeInfo;
+ my $ok = writeInfo($exifTool, 't/images/JXL.jxl', $testfile, undef, 1);
+ my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($testfile, '-system:all');
+ if (check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum) and $ok) {
+ unlink $testfile;
+ } else {
+ print 'not ';
+ }
+ print "ok $testnum\n";
+# end
diff --git a/t/JXL_2.out b/t/JXL_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..130a9970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/JXL_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[ExifTool, ExifTool, ExifTool] ExifToolVersion - ExifTool Version Number: 12.25
+[File, File, Other] FileType - File Type: JXL Codestream
+[File, File, Other] FileTypeExtension - File Type Extension: jxl
+[File, File, Other] MIMEType - MIME Type: image/jxl
+[File, File, Image] ImageWidth - Image Width: 200
+[File, File, Image] ImageHeight - Image Height: 130
+[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-ImageSize - Image Size: 200x130
+[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-Megapixels - Megapixels: 0.026
diff --git a/t/JXL_3.out b/t/JXL_3.out
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b905fcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/JXL_3.out
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+[ExifTool, ExifTool, ExifTool] ExifToolVersion - ExifTool Version Number: 12.25
+[File, File, Other] FileType - File Type: JXL
+[File, File, Other] FileTypeExtension - File Type Extension: jxl
+[File, File, Other] MIMEType - MIME Type: image/jxl
+[File, File, Image] ExifByteOrder - Exif Byte Order: Big-endian (Motorola, MM)
+[File, File, Image] ImageWidth - Image Width: 200
+[File, File, Image] ImageHeight - Image Height: 130
+[Jpeg2000, Jpeg2000, Video] 0 - Major Brand: JPEG XL Image (.JXL)
+[Jpeg2000, Jpeg2000, Video] 1 - Minor Version: 0.0.0
+[Jpeg2000, Jpeg2000, Video] 2 - Compatible Brands: jxl
+[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 282 - X Resolution: 72
+[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 283 - Y Resolution: 72
+[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 296 - Resolution Unit: inches
+[EXIF, IFD0, Author] 315 - Artist: test artist
+[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 531 - Y Cb Cr Positioning: Centered
+[XMP, XMP-x, Document] xmptk - XMP Toolkit: Image::ExifTool 12.25
+[XMP, XMP-dc, Image] subject - Subject: test subject
+[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-ImageSize - Image Size: 200x130
+[Composite, Composite, Image] Exif-Megapixels - Megapixels: 0.026
diff --git a/t/MRC.t b/t/MRC.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..330c70f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/MRC.t
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Before "make install", this script should be runnable with "make test".
+# After "make install" it should work as "perl t/MRC.t".
+ $| = 1; print "1..2\n"; $Image::ExifTool::configFile = '';
+ require './t/'; t::TestLib->import();
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+# test 1: Load the module(s)
+use Image::ExifTool 'ImageInfo';
+use Image::ExifTool::MRC;
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+my $testname = 'MRC';
+my $testnum = 1;
+# test 2: Extract information from MRC.mrc
+ ++$testnum;
+ my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
+ $exifTool->Options(ExtractEmbedded => 1);
+ my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo('t/images/MRC.mrc');
+ print 'not ' unless check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum, undef, 3);
+ print "ok $testnum\n";
+# end
diff --git a/t/MRC_2.out b/t/MRC_2.out
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61df9cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/MRC_2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+[ExifTool, ExifTool, ExifTool, Main] ExifToolVersion - ExifTool Version Number: 12.25
+[File, System, Other, Main] FileName - File Name: MRC.mrc
+[File, System, Other, Main] Directory - Directory: t/images
+[File, System, Other, Main] FileSize - File Size: 2.5 KiB
+[File, System, Time, Main] FileModifyDate - File Modification Date/Time: 2021:04:22 09:31:39-04:00
+[File, System, Time, Main] FileAccessDate - File Access Date/Time: 2021:04:22 09:49:10-04:00
+[File, System, Time, Main] FileInodeChangeDate - File Inode Change Date/Time: 2021:04:22 09:42:59-04:00
+[File, System, Other, Main] FilePermissions - File Permissions: -rw-r--r--
+[File, File, Other, Main] FileType - File Type: MRC
+[File, File, Other, Main] FileTypeExtension - File Type Extension: mrc
+[File, File, Other, Main] MIMEType - MIME Type: image/x-mrc
+[File, File, Image, Main] 0 - Image Width: 4096
+[File, File, Image, Main] 1 - Image Height: 4096
+[File, File, Image, Main] 2 - Image Depth: 2
+[File, File, Image, Main] 3 - Image Mode: 16-bit unsigned integer
+[File, File, Image, Main] 4 - Start Point: 0 0 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 7 - Grid Size: 4096 4096 2
+[File, File, Image, Main] 10 - Cell Width: 15289.4248046875
+[File, File, Image, Main] 11 - Cell Height: 15289.4248046875
+[File, File, Image, Main] 12 - Cell Depth: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 13 - Cell Alpha: 90
+[File, File, Image, Main] 14 - Cell Beta: 90
+[File, File, Image, Main] 15 - Cell Gamma: 90
+[File, File, Image, Main] 16 - Image Width Axis: X
+[File, File, Image, Main] 17 - Image Height Axis: Y
+[File, File, Image, Main] 18 - Image Depth Axis: Z
+[File, File, Image, Main] 19 - Density Min: 1958
+[File, File, Image, Main] 20 - Density Max: 5662
+[File, File, Image, Main] 21 - Density Mean: 3155.2578125
+[File, File, Image, Main] 22 - Space Group Number: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 23 - Extended Header Size: 1536
+[File, File, Image, Main] 26 - Extended Header Type: FEI1
+[File, File, Image, Main] 27 - MRC Version: 20140
+[File, File, Image, Main] 49 - Origin: 0 0 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 53 - Machine Stamp: 0x44 0x44 0x00 0x00
+[File, File, Image, Main] 54 - RMS Deviation: -1
+[File, File, Image, Main] 55 - Number Of Labels: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 0 - Metadata Size: 768
+[File, File, Image, Main] 4 - Metadata Version: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 8 - Bitmask 1: 0xffffffff
+[File, File, Time, Main] 12 - Time Stamp: 2020:10:21 13:54:27
+[File, File, Image, Main] 20 - Microscope Type: TALOS-D5197
+[File, File, Image, Main] 36 - Microscope ID: 6419
+[File, File, Image, Main] 52 - Application: Tomography
+[File, File, Image, Main] 68 - App Version:
+[File, File, Image, Main] 84 - High Tension: 200000
+[File, File, Image, Main] 92 - Dose: 3.51360899930879e+20
+[File, File, Image, Main] 100 - Alpha Tilt: -64.0024700625157
+[File, File, Image, Main] 108 - Beta Tilt: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 116 - X Stage: -8.8173405e-05
+[File, File, Image, Main] 124 - Y Stage: -2.8139594e-05
+[File, File, Image, Main] 132 - Z Stage: 3.536763e-05
+[File, File, Image, Main] 140 - Tilt Axis Angle: -0.847676487969243
+[File, File, Image, Main] 148 - Dual Axis Rot: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 156 - Pixel Size X: 3.73276964893421e-10
+[File, File, Image, Main] 164 - Pixel Size Y: 3.73276964893421e-10
+[File, File, Image, Main] 220 - Defocus: -1.5e-06
+[File, File, Image, Main] 228 - STEM Defocus: -1.5e-06
+[File, File, Image, Main] 236 - Applied Defocus: -1.5e-06
+[File, File, Image, Main] 244 - Instrument Mode: TEM
+[File, File, Image, Main] 248 - Projection Mode: Imaging
+[File, File, Image, Main] 252 - Objective Lens: HM
+[File, File, Image, Main] 268 - High Magnification Mode: SA
+[File, File, Image, Main] 284 - Probe Mode: Nano
+[File, File, Image, Main] 288 - EFTEM On: No
+[File, File, Image, Main] 289 - Magnification: 28000
+[File, File, Image, Main] 297 - Bitmask 2: 0x0cfff01f
+[File, File, Image, Main] 301 - Camera Length: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 309 - Spot Index: 7
+[File, File, Image, Main] 313 - Illumination Area: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Main] 321 - Intensity: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Main] 329 - Convergence Angle: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 387 - Shift Offset X: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 395 - Shift Offset Y: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 403 - Shift X: -0.00204008771106601
+[File, File, Image, Main] 411 - Shift Y: 0.009031618013978
+[File, File, Image, Main] 419 - Integration Time: 0.299076
+[File, File, Image, Main] 427 - Binning Width: 1
+[File, File, Image, Main] 431 - Binning Height: 1
+[File, File, Image, Main] 435 - Camera Name: BM-Falcon
+[File, File, Image, Main] 451 - Readout Area Left: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 455 - Readout Area Top: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 459 - Readout Area Right: 4096
+[File, File, Image, Main] 463 - Readout Area Bottom: 4096
+[File, File, Image, Main] 472 - Direct Det Electron Counting: No
+[File, File, Image, Main] 473 - Direct Det Align Frames: No
+[File, File, Image, Main] 490 - Bitmask 3: 0x007e8040
+[File, File, Image, Main] 518 - Phase Plate: Yes
+[File, File, Image, Main] 571 - Dwell Time: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 587 - Scan Size Left: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 591 - Scan Size Top: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 595 - Scan Size Right: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 599 - Scan Size Bottom: 0
+[File, File, Image, Main] 603 - Full Scan FOV X: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Main] 611 - Full Scan FOV Y: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Main] 748 - Bitmask 4: 0x00000000
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 0 - Metadata Size: 768
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 4 - Metadata Version: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 8 - Bitmask 1: 0xffffffff
+[File, File, Time, Doc1] 12 - Time Stamp: 2020:10:21 13:55:19
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 20 - Microscope Type: TALOS-D5197
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 36 - Microscope ID: 6419
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 52 - Application: Tomography
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 68 - App Version:
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 84 - High Tension: 200000
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 92 - Dose: 3.56817464869021e+20
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 100 - Alpha Tilt: -62.0036705832692
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 108 - Beta Tilt: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 116 - X Stage: -8.8182495e-05
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 124 - Y Stage: -2.8140608e-05
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 132 - Z Stage: 3.536763e-05
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 140 - Tilt Axis Angle: -0.847676487969243
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 148 - Dual Axis Rot: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 156 - Pixel Size X: 3.73276964893421e-10
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 164 - Pixel Size Y: 3.73276964893421e-10
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 220 - Defocus: -2.81146426624101e-06
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 228 - STEM Defocus: -2.81146426624101e-06
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 236 - Applied Defocus: -1.5e-06
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 244 - Instrument Mode: TEM
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 248 - Projection Mode: Imaging
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 252 - Objective Lens: HM
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 268 - High Magnification Mode: SA
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 284 - Probe Mode: Nano
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 288 - EFTEM On: No
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 289 - Magnification: 28000
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 297 - Bitmask 2: 0x0cfff01f
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 301 - Camera Length: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 309 - Spot Index: 7
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 313 - Illumination Area: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 321 - Intensity: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 329 - Convergence Angle: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 387 - Shift Offset X: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 395 - Shift Offset Y: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 403 - Shift X: -0.00886260531842709
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 411 - Shift Y: 0.00178224826231599
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 419 - Integration Time: 0.299076
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 427 - Binning Width: 1
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 431 - Binning Height: 1
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 435 - Camera Name: BM-Falcon
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 451 - Readout Area Left: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 455 - Readout Area Top: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 459 - Readout Area Right: 4096
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 463 - Readout Area Bottom: 4096
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 472 - Direct Det Electron Counting: No
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 473 - Direct Det Align Frames: No
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 490 - Bitmask 3: 0x007e8040
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 518 - Phase Plate: Yes
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 571 - Dwell Time: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 587 - Scan Size Left: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 591 - Scan Size Top: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 595 - Scan Size Right: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 599 - Scan Size Bottom: 0
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 603 - Full Scan FOV X: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 611 - Full Scan FOV Y: 0.473917752802174
+[File, File, Image, Doc1] 748 - Bitmask 4: 0x00000000
+[Composite, Composite, Image, Main] Exif-ImageSize - Image Size: 4096x4096
+[Composite, Composite, Image, Main] Exif-Megapixels - Megapixels: 16.8
diff --git a/t/QuickTime.t b/t/QuickTime.t
index ac11aac2..a23e1d9b 100644
--- a/t/QuickTime.t
+++ b/t/QuickTime.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# After "make install" it should work as "perl t/QuickTime.t".
- $| = 1; print "1..16\n"; $Image::ExifTool::configFile = '';
+ $| = 1; print "1..17\n"; $Image::ExifTool::configFile = '';
require './t/'; t::TestLib->import();
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
@@ -216,19 +216,24 @@ my $testnum = 1;
# test 16: Write some Microsoft Xtra tags
- my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
- $exifTool->SetNewValue('Microsoft:Director' => 'dir1');
- $exifTool->SetNewValue('Microsoft:Director' => 'dir2');
- $exifTool->SetNewValue('Microsoft:SharedUserRating' => 75);
- my $testfile = "t/${testname}_${testnum}";
- unlink $testfile;
- my $rtnVal = $exifTool->WriteInfo('t/images/', $testfile);
- my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($testfile, 'Microsoft:all');
- if (check($exifTool, $info, $testname, $testnum)) {
- unlink $testfile;
- } else {
- print 'not ';
- }
+ my @writeInfo = (
+ ['Microsoft:Director' => 'dir1'],
+ ['Microsoft:Director' => 'dir2'],
+ ['Microsoft:SharedUserRating' => 75],
+ );
+ my @extract = ('Microsoft:all');
+ print 'not ' unless writeCheck(\@writeInfo, $testname, $testnum, 't/images/', \@extract);
+ print "ok $testnum\n";
+# test 17: Write some 3gp tags
+ ++$testnum;
+ my @writeInfo = (
+ ['UserData:LocationInformation' => 'test comment role=Shooting lat=1.2 lon=-2.3 alt=100 body=earth notes=a note'],
+ ['UserData:Rating' => 'entity=ABCD criteria=1234 a rating'],
+ );
+ print 'not ' unless writeCheck(\@writeInfo, $testname, $testnum, 't/images/', 1);
print "ok $testnum\n";
diff --git a/t/QuickTime_17.out b/t/QuickTime_17.out
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..064587c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/QuickTime_17.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[QuickTime, UserData, Location] loci - Location Information: test comment Role=shooting Lat=1.20000 Lon=-2.30000 Alt=100.00 Body=earth Notes=a note
+[QuickTime, UserData, Video] rtng - Rating: Entity=ABCD Criteria=1234 a rating
diff --git a/t/images/JXL.jxl b/t/images/JXL.jxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26b9f41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/images/JXL.jxl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<dummy jxl data> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t/images/MRC.mrc b/t/images/MRC.mrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1795ee2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/images/MRC.mrc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/windows_exiftool b/windows_exiftool
index a90dae76..54e7bc8c 100755
--- a/windows_exiftool
+++ b/windows_exiftool
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use strict;
require 5.004;
-my $version = '12.24';
+my $version = '12.25';
# add our 'lib' directory to the include list BEFORE 'use Image::ExifTool'
my $exeDir;
@@ -4480,47 +4480,47 @@ DESCRIPTION
File Types
- 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | O r | RAR r
- 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | ODP r | RAW r/w
- 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
- 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
- A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | OFR r | RTF r
- AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
- AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGV r | RWL r/w
- AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | ONP r | RWZ r
- ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | OPUS r | RM r
- AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
- AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
- AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | OTF r | SO r
- APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | PAC r | SR2 r/w
- ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAGES r | SRF r
- ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
- ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PCD r | SVG r
- AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCX r | SWF r
- AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PDB r | THM r/w
- AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
- BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
- BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PFA r | TTC r
- BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFB r | TTF r
- CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFM r | TXT r
- COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PGF r | VCF r
- CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
- CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PLIST r | VSD r
- CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PICT r | WAV r
- CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PMP r | WDP r/w
- CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
- CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PPM r/w | WEBM r
- CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPT r | WMA r
- DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPTX r | WMV r
- DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PS r/w | WTV r
- DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PSB r/w | WV r
- DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
- DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSP r | XCF r
- DJVU r | IND r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
- DLL r | INSP r/w | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
- DNG r/w | INSV r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
- DOC r | INX r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
- DOCX r | ISO r | NUMBERS r | RAM r |
+ 360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r
+ 3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r
+ 3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w
+ 3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r
+ A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r
+ AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r
+ AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w
+ AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w
+ ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r
+ AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r
+ AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r
+ AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r
+ APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r
+ ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w
+ ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r
+ ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w
+ AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r
+ AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r
+ AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w
+ BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w
+ BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r
+ BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r
+ CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r
+ COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r
+ CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r
+ CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c
+ CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r
+ CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r
+ CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w
+ CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r
+ CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r
+ DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r
+ DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r
+ DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r
+ DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r
+ DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w
+ DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r
+ DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r
+ DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r
+ DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c
+ DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r
Meta Information
@@ -5417,7 +5417,7 @@ OPTIONS
produces output like this:
- -- Generated by ExifTool 12.24 --
+ -- Generated by ExifTool 12.25 --
File: a.jpg - 2003:10:31 15:44:19
(f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 100)
File: b.jpg - 2006:05:23 11:57:38