#!/usr/bin/perl -w #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: windows_exiftool # # Description: exiftool version for Windows EXE bundle # # Revisions: Nov. 12/03 - P. Harvey Created # (See html/history.html for revision history) # # References: ATV - Alexander Vonk, private communication #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use strict; require 5.004; my $version = '10.18'; # add our 'lib' directory to the include list BEFORE 'use Image::ExifTool' my $exeDir; BEGIN { # get exe directory $exeDir = ($0 =~ /(.*)[\\\/]/) ? $1 : '.'; # add lib directory at start of include path unshift @INC, "$exeDir/lib"; # load or disable config file if specified if (@ARGV and lc($ARGV[0]) eq '-config') { shift; $Image::ExifTool::configFile = shift; } } use Image::ExifTool qw{:Public}; # function prototypes sub SigInt(); sub SigCont(); sub Cleanup(); sub GetImageInfo($$); sub SetImageInfo($$$); sub DoHardLink($$$$); sub CleanXML($); sub EncodeXML($); sub FormatXML($$$); sub EscapeJSON($;$); sub FormatJSON($$$); sub PrintCSV(); sub AddGroups($$$$); sub ConvertBinary($); sub IsEqual($$); sub Infile($;$); sub AddSetTagsFile($;$); sub DoSetFromFile($$$); sub CleanFilename($); sub ProcessFiles($;$); sub ScanDir($$;$); sub FindFileWindows($$); sub FileNotFound($); sub PreserveTime(); sub AbsPath($); sub SuggestedExtension($$$); sub LoadPrintFormat($); sub FilenameSPrintf($;$@); sub NextUnusedFilename($;$$); sub CreateDirectory($); sub OpenOutputFile($;@); sub AcceptFile($); sub SlurpFile($$); sub ReadStayOpen($); sub PrintTagList($@); sub PrintErrors($$$); sub Help(); $SIG{INT} = 'SigInt'; # do cleanup on Ctrl-C $SIG{CONT} = 'SigCont'; # (allows break-out of delays) END { Cleanup(); } # declare all static file-scope variables my @commonArgs; # arguments common to all commands my @csvFiles; # list of files when reading with CSV option my @csvTags; # order of tags for first file with CSV option (lower case) my @delFiles; # list of files to delete my @dynamicFiles; # list of -tagsFromFile files with dynamic names and -TAG<=FMT pairs my @exclude; # list of excluded tags my (@echo3, @echo4);# stdout and stderr echo after processing is complete my @files; # list of files and directories to scan my @moreArgs; # more arguments to process after -stay_open -@ my @newValues; # list of new tag values to set my @requestTags; # tags to request (for -p or -if option arguments) my @srcFmt; # source file name format strings my @tags; # list of tags to extract my %appended; # list of files appended to my %created; # list of files we created my %csvTags; # lookup for all found tags with CSV option (lower case keys) my %database; # lookup for database information based on file name my %filterExt; # lookup for filtered extensions my %ignore; # directory names to ignore my %preserveTime; # preserved timestamps for files my %printFmt; # the contents of the print format file my %setTags; # hash of list references for tags to set from files my %setTagsList; # list of other tag lists for multiple -tagsFromFile from the same file my %usedFileName; # lookup for file names we already used in TestName feature my %utf8FileName; # lookup for file names that are UTF-8 encoded my %warnedOnce; # lookup for once-only warnings my %wext; # -W extensions to write my $allGroup; # show group name for all tags my $argFormat; # use exiftool argument-format output my $binaryOutput; # flag for binary output (undef or 1, or 0 for binary XML/PHP) my $binaryStdout; # flag set if we output binary to stdout my $comma; # flag set if we need a comma in JSON output my $condition; # conditional processing of files my $count; # count of files scanned my $countBad; # count of files with errors my $countBadCr; # count files not created due to errors my $countBadLink; # count bad links my $countBadWr; # count write errors my $countCopyWr; # count of files copied without being changed my $countDir; # count of directories scanned my $countFailed; # count files that failed condition my $countGoodCr; # count files created OK my $countGoodWr; # count files written OK my $countLink; # count number of links created my $countNewDir; # count of directories created my $countSameWr; # count files written OK but not changed my $critical; # flag for critical operations (disable CTRL-C) my $csv; # flag for CSV option (set to "CSV", or maybe "JSON" when writing) my $csvAdd; # flag to add CSV information to existing lists my $csvSaveCount; # save counter for last CSV file loaded my $deleteOrig; # 0=restore original files, 1=delete originals, 2=delete w/o asking my $disableOutput; # flag to disable normal output my $doSetFileName; # flag set if FileName may be written my $doUnzip; # flag to extract info from .gz and .bz2 files my $escapeHTML; # flag to escape printed values for html my $evalWarning; # warning from eval my $executeID; # -execute ID number my $fileHeader; # header to print to output file (or console, once) my $fileTrailer; # trailer for output file my $filtered; # flag indicating file was filtered by name my $filterFlag; # file filter flag (0x01=deny extensions, 0x02=allow extensions) my $fixLen; # flag to fix description lengths when writing alternate languages my $forcePrint; # string to use for missing tag values (undef to not print them) my $helped; # flag to avoid printing help if no tags specified my $html; # flag for html-formatted output (2=html dump) my $interrupted; # flag set if CTRL-C is pressed during a critical process my $isWriting; # flag set if we are writing tags my $joinLists; # flag set to join list values into a single string my $json; # flag for JSON/PHP output format (1=JSON, 2=PHP) my $langOpt; # language option my $listItem; # item number for extracting single item from a list my $listSep; # list item separator (', ' by default) my $mt; # main ExifTool object my $multiFile; # non-zero if we are scanning multiple files my $outFormat; # -1=Canon format, 0=same-line, 1=tag names, 2=values only my $outOpt; # output file or directory name my $overwriteOrig; # flag to overwrite original file (1=overwrite, 2=in place) my $pause; # pause before returning my $preserveTime; # flag to preserve times of updated files (2=preserve FileCreateDate only) my $progress; # progress count my $progressMax; # total number of files to process my $progStr; # progress message string my $quiet; # flag to disable printing of informational messages / warnings my $rafStdin; # File::RandomAccess for stdin (if necessary to rewind) my $recurse; # recurse into subdirectories (2=also hidden directories) my $rtnVal; # command return value (0=success) my $saveCount; # count the number of times we will/did call SaveNewValues() my $scanWritable; # flag to process only writable file types my $seqFileNum; # sequential file number used for %C my $showGroup; # number of group to show (may be zero or '') my $showTagID; # non-zero to show tag ID's my $stayOpenBuff='';# buffer for -stay_open file my $stayOpenFile; # name of the current -stay_open argfile my $structOpt; # output structured XMP information (JSON and XML output only) my $tabFormat; # non-zero for tab output format my $tagOut; # flag for separate text output file for each tag my $textOut; # extension for text output file (or undef for no output) my $textOverwrite; # flag to overwrite existing text output file (2=append, 3=over+append) my $tmpFile; # temporary file to delete on exit my $tmpText; # temporary text file my $utf8; # flag set if we are using UTF-8 encoding my $validFile; # flag indicating we processed a valid file my $verbose; # verbose setting my $vout; # verbose output file reference (\*STDOUT or \*STDERR) my $xml; # flag for XML-formatted output # flag to keep the input -@ argfile open: # 0 = normal behaviour # 1 = received "-stay_open true" and waiting for argfile to keep open # 2 = currently reading from STAYOPEN argfile # 3 = waiting for -@ to switch to a new STAYOPEN argfile my $stayOpen = 0; # lookup for O/S names which may use a backslash as a directory separator # (ref File::Spec of PathTools-3.2701) my %hasBackslash = ( MSWin32 => 1, os2 => 1, dos => 1, NetWare => 1, symbian => 1, cygwin => 1 ); # lookup for O/S names which use CR/LF newlines my $isCRLF = { MSWin32 => 1, os2 => 1, dos => 1 }->{$^O}; # lookup for JSON characters that we escape specially my %jsonChar = ( '"'=>'"', '\\'=>'\\', "\t"=>'t', "\n"=>'n', "\r"=>'r' ); # options requiring additional arguments # (used only to skip over these arguments when reading -stay_open ARGFILE) my %optArgs = ( '-tagsfromfile' => 1, '-addtagsfromfile' => 1, '-alltagsfromfile' => 1, '-@' => 1, '-api' => 1, '-c' => 1, '-coordformat' => 1, '-charset' => 0, # (optional arg; OK because arg cannot begin with "-") '-config' => 1, '-d' => 1, '-dateformat' => 1, '-D' => 0, # necessary to avoid matching lower-case equivalent '-echo' => 1, '-echo1' => 1, '-echo2' => 1, '-echo3' => 1, '-echo4' => 1, '-ext' => 1, '--ext' => 1, '-extension' => 1, '--extension' => 1, '-fileorder' => 1, '-geotag' => 1, '-globaltimeshift' => 1, '-i' => 1, '-ignore' => 1, '-if' => 1, '-lang' => 0, # (optional arg; cannot begin with "-") '-listitem' => 1, '-o' => 1, '-out' => 1, '-p' => 1, '-printformat' => 1, '-P' => 0, '-password' => 1, '-require' => 1, '-sep' => 1, '-separator' => 1, '-srcfile' => 1, '-stay_open' => 1, '-use' => 1, '-userparam' => 1, '-w' => 1, '-w!' => 1, '-w+' => 1, '-w+!' => 1, '-w!+' => 1, '-textout' => 1, '-textout!' => 1, '-textout+' => 1, '-textout+!' => 1, '-textout!+' => 1, '-tagout' => 1, '-tagout!' => 1, '-tagout+' => 1, '-tagout+!' => 1, '-tagout!+' => 1, '-wext' => 1, '-wm' => 1, '-x' => 1, '-exclude' => 1, '-X' => 0, ); # exit routine sub Exit { if ($pause) { if (eval { require Term::ReadKey }) { print STDERR "-- press any key --"; Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('cbreak'); Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0); Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(0); print STDERR "\b \b" x 20; } else { print STDERR "-- press RETURN --\n"; ; } } exit shift; } # my warning and error routines (NEVER say "die"!) sub Warn { if ($quiet < 2 or $_[0] =~ /^Error/) { my $oldWarn = $SIG{'__WARN__'}; delete $SIG{'__WARN__'}; warn(@_); $SIG{'__WARN__'} = $oldWarn if defined $oldWarn; } } sub Error { Warn @_; $rtnVal = 1; } sub WarnOnce($) { Warn(@_) and $warnedOnce{$_[0]} = 1 unless $warnedOnce{$_[0]}; } # define signal handlers and cleanup routine sub SigInt() { $critical and $interrupted = 1, return; Cleanup(); exit 1; } sub SigCont() { } sub Cleanup() { $mt->Unlink($tmpFile) if defined $tmpFile; $mt->Unlink($tmpText) if defined $tmpText; undef $tmpFile; undef $tmpText; PreserveTime() if %preserveTime; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # main script # # add arguments embedded in filename if ($0 =~ /\(([^\\\/]+)\)(.exe|.pl)?$/i) { my $argstr = $1; # divide into separate quoted or whitespace-delineated arguments my (@args, $arg, $quote); while ($argstr =~ /(\s*)(\S+)/g) { $arg = $quote ? "$arg$1" : ''; # include quoted white space in arg my $a = $2; for (;;) { my $q = $quote || q{['"]}; # look for current (or any) quote $a =~ /(.*?)($q)/gs or last; # get string up to quote $quote = $quote ? undef : $2; # define next quote char for search $arg .= $1; # add to this argument $a = substr($a, pos($a)); # done parsing up to current position } $arg .= $a; # add unquoted part of string push @args, $arg unless $quote; # save in argument list } unshift @ARGV, @args; # add before other command-line arguments } # isolate arguments common to all commands if (grep /^-common_args$/i, @ARGV) { my (@newArgs, $common); foreach (@ARGV) { if (/^-common_args$/i) { $common = 1; } elsif ($common) { push @commonArgs, $_; } else { push @newArgs, $_; } } @ARGV = @newArgs if $common; } #.............................................................................. # loop over sets of command-line arguments separated by "-execute" Command: for (;;) { @echo3 and print STDOUT join("\n", @echo3), "\n"; @echo4 and print STDERR join("\n", @echo4), "\n"; $rafStdin->Close() if $rafStdin; undef $rafStdin; # exit Command loop now if we are all done processing commands last unless @ARGV or not defined $rtnVal or $stayOpen >= 2 or @commonArgs; # attempt to restore text mode for STDOUT if necessary if ($binaryStdout) { binmode(STDOUT,':crlf') if $] >= 5.006 and $isCRLF; $binaryStdout = 0; } # flush console and print "{ready}" message if -stay_open is in effect if ($stayOpen >= 2) { if ($quiet) { # flush output if possible eval { require IO::Handle } and STDERR->flush(), STDOUT->flush(); } else { eval { require IO::Handle } and STDERR->flush(); my $id = defined $executeID ? $executeID : ''; my $save = $|; $| = 1; # turn on output autoflush for stdout print "{ready$id}\n"; $| = $save; # restore original autoflush setting } } $rtnVal = 0 unless defined $rtnVal; # initialize necessary static file-scope variables # (not done: @commonArgs, @moreArgs, $critical, $binaryStdout, $helped, # $interrupted, $mt, $pause, $rtnVal, $stayOpen, $stayOpenBuff, $stayOpenFile) undef @csvFiles; undef @csvTags; undef @delFiles; undef @dynamicFiles; undef @echo3; undef @echo4; undef @exclude; undef @files; undef @newValues; undef @srcFmt; undef @tags; undef %appended; undef %created; undef %csvTags; undef %database; undef %filterExt; undef %ignore; undef %printFmt; undef %preserveTime; undef %setTags; undef %setTagsList; undef %usedFileName; undef %utf8FileName; undef %warnedOnce; undef %wext; undef $allGroup; undef $argFormat; undef $binaryOutput; undef $comma; undef $condition; undef $csv; undef $csvAdd; undef $deleteOrig; undef $disableOutput; undef $doSetFileName; undef $doUnzip; undef $escapeHTML; undef $evalWarning; undef $executeID; undef $fileHeader; undef $fileTrailer; undef $filtered; undef $fixLen; undef $forcePrint; undef $joinLists; undef $langOpt; undef $listItem; undef $multiFile; undef $outOpt; undef $preserveTime; undef $progress; undef $progressMax; undef $recurse; undef $scanWritable; undef $showGroup; undef $showTagID; undef $structOpt; undef $tagOut; undef $textOut; undef $textOverwrite; undef $tmpFile; undef $tmpText; undef $validFile; undef $verbose; $count = 0; $countBad = 0; $countBadCr = 0; $countBadLink = 0; $countBadWr = 0; $countCopyWr = 0; $countDir = 0; $countFailed = 0; $countGoodCr = 0; $countGoodWr = 0; $countLink = 0; $countNewDir = 0; $countSameWr = 0; $csvSaveCount = 0; $filterFlag = 0; $html = 0; $isWriting = 0; $json = 0; $listSep = ', '; $outFormat = 0; $overwriteOrig = 0; $progStr = ''; $quiet = 0; $saveCount = 0; $seqFileNum = 0; $tabFormat = 0; $utf8 = 1; $vout = \*STDOUT; $xml = 0; # define local variables used only in this command loop my @fileOrder; # tags to use for ordering of input files my %excludeGrp; # hash of tags excluded by group my $addGeotime; # automatically added geotime argument my $allInGroup; # flag to show all tags in a group my $doGlob; # flag set to do filename wildcard expansion my $escapeXML; # flag to escape printed values for xml my $setTagsFile; # filename for last TagsFromFile option my $sortOpt; # sort option is used my $srcStdin; # one of the source files is STDIN my $useMWG; # flag set if we are using any MWG tag my ($argsLeft, @nextPass, $badCmd); my $pass = 0; # for Windows, use globbing for wildcard expansion if available - MK/20061010 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and eval { require File::Glob }) { # override the core glob forcing case insensitivity import File::Glob qw(:globally :nocase); $doGlob = 1; } $mt = new Image::ExifTool; # create ExifTool object # don't extract duplicates by default unless set by UserDefined::Options $mt->Options(Duplicates => 0) unless %Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Options and defined $Image::ExifTool::UserDefined::Options{Duplicates}; # default is to join lists if the List option was set in the config file $joinLists = 1 if defined $mt->Options('List') and not $mt->Options('List'); # preserve FileCreateDate if possible if (not $preserveTime and $^O eq 'MSWin32') { $preserveTime = 2 if eval { require Win32::API } and eval { require Win32API::File }; } # parse command-line options in 2 passes... # pass 1: set all of our ExifTool options # pass 2: print all of our help and informational output (-list, -ver, etc) for (;;) { # execute the command now if no more arguments or -execute is used if (not @ARGV or $ARGV[0] =~ /^-execute(\d*)$/i) { if (@ARGV) { $executeID = $1; # save -execute number for "{ready}" response $helped = 1; # don't show help if we used -execute $badCmd and shift, next Command; } elsif ($stayOpen >= 2) { ReadStayOpen(\@ARGV); # read more arguments from -stay_open file next; } elsif ($badCmd) { next Command; } if ($pass == 0) { # insert common arguments now if not done already if (@commonArgs and not defined $argsLeft) { # count the number of arguments remaining for subsequent commands $argsLeft = scalar(@ARGV) + scalar(@moreArgs); unshift @ARGV, @commonArgs; # all done with commonArgs if this is the end of the command undef @commonArgs unless $argsLeft; next; } # check if we have more arguments now than we did before we processed # the common arguments. If so, then we have an infinite processing loop if (defined $argsLeft and $argsLeft < scalar(@ARGV) + scalar(@moreArgs)) { Warn "Ignoring -common_args from $ARGV[0] onwards to avoid infinite recursion\n"; while ($argsLeft < scalar(@ARGV) + scalar(@moreArgs)) { @ARGV and shift(@ARGV), next; shift @moreArgs; } } # require MWG module if used in any argument # (note: this also covers the -p option because these tags were added to @tags) $useMWG = 1 if not $useMWG and grep /^mwg:/i, @tags; if ($useMWG) { require Image::ExifTool::MWG; Image::ExifTool::MWG::Load(); } } if (@nextPass) { # process arguments which were deferred to the next pass unshift @ARGV, @nextPass; undef @nextPass; ++$pass; next; } @ARGV and shift; # remove -execute from argument list last; # process the command now } $_ = shift; next if $badCmd; # flush remaining arguments if aborting this command if (s/^(-|\xe2\x88\x92)//) { # allow funny dashes (nroff dash bug for cut-n-paste from pod) s/^\xe2\x88\x92/-/; # translate double-dash too my $a = lc $_; if (/^list([wfrdx]|wf|g(\d*))?$/i) { $pass or push @nextPass, "-$_"; my $type = lc($1 || ''); if (not $type or $type eq 'w' or $type eq 'x') { my $group; if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /^(-|\xe2\x88\x92)(.+):(all|\*)$/i) { if ($pass == 0) { $useMWG = 1 if lc($2) eq 'mwg'; push @nextPass, shift; next; } $group = $2; shift; $group =~ /IFD/i and Warn("Can't list tags for specific IFD\n"), next; $group =~ /^(all|\*)$/ and undef $group; } else { $pass or next; } $helped = 1; if ($type eq 'x') { require Image::ExifTool::TagInfoXML; my %opts; $opts{Flags} = 1 if defined $forcePrint; $opts{NoDesc} = 1 if $outFormat > 0; $opts{Lang} = $langOpt; Image::ExifTool::TagInfoXML::Write(undef, $group, %opts); next; } my $wr = ($type eq 'w'); my $msg = ($wr ? 'Writable' : 'Available') . ($group ? " $group" : '') . ' tags'; PrintTagList($msg, $wr ? GetWritableTags($group) : GetAllTags($group)); # also print shortcuts if listing all tags next if $group or $wr; my @tagList = GetShortcuts(); PrintTagList('Command-line shortcuts', @tagList) if @tagList; next; } $pass or next; $helped = 1; if ($type eq 'wf') { my @wf; CanWrite($_) and push @wf, $_ foreach GetFileType(); PrintTagList('Writable file extensions', @wf); } elsif ($type eq 'f') { PrintTagList('Supported file extensions', GetFileType()); } elsif ($type eq 'r') { PrintTagList('Recognized file extensions', GetFileType(undef, 0)); } elsif ($type eq 'd') { PrintTagList('Deletable groups', GetDeleteGroups()); } else { # 'g(\d*)' # list all groups in specified family my $family = $2 || 0; PrintTagList("Groups in family $family", GetAllGroups($family)); } next; } if ($a eq 'ver') { $pass or push(@nextPass,'-ver'), next; my $libVer = $Image::ExifTool::VERSION; my $str = $libVer eq $version ? '' : " [Warning: Library version is $libVer]"; print("$version$str$Image::ExifTool::RELEASE\n"); $helped = 1; next; } if (/^(all|add)?tagsfromfile(=.*)?$/i) { $setTagsFile = $2 ? substr($2,1) : (@ARGV ? shift : ''); if ($setTagsFile eq '') { Error("File must be specified for -tagsFromFile option\n"); $badCmd = 1; next; } # create necessary lists, etc for this new -tagsFromFile file AddSetTagsFile($setTagsFile, { Replace => ($1 and lc($1) eq 'add') ? 0 : 1 } ); next; } if ($a eq '@') { my $argFile = shift or Error("Expecting filename for -\@ option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; # switch to new ARGFILE if using chained -stay_open options if ($stayOpen == 1) { # defer remaining arguments until we close this argfile @moreArgs = @ARGV; undef @ARGV; } elsif ($stayOpen == 3) { if ($stayOpenFile and $stayOpenFile ne '-' and $argFile eq $stayOpenFile) { # don't allow user to switch to the same -stay_open argfile # because it will result in endless recursion $stayOpen = 2; Warn "Ignoring request to switch to the same -stay_open ARGFILE ($argFile)\n"; next; } close STAYOPEN; $stayOpen = 1; # switch to this -stay_open file } my $fp = ($stayOpen == 1 ? \*STAYOPEN : \*ARGFILE); unless ($mt->Open($fp, $argFile)) { unless ($argFile !~ /^\// and $mt->Open($fp, "$exeDir/$argFile")) { Error "Error opening arg file $argFile\n"; $badCmd = 1; next } } if ($stayOpen == 1) { $stayOpenFile = $argFile; # remember the name of the file we have open $stayOpenBuff = ''; # initialize buffer for reading this file $stayOpen = 2; $helped = 1; ReadStayOpen(\@ARGV); next; } my (@newArgs, $didBOM); foreach () { # filter Byte Order Mark if it exists from start of UTF-8 text file unless ($didBOM) { s/^\xef\xbb\xbf//; $didBOM = 1; } s/^\s+//; s/[\x0d\x0a]+$//s; # remove leading white space and trailing newline # remove white space before, and single space after '=', '+=', '-=' or '<=' s/^(-[-:\w]+#?)\s*([-+<]?=) ?/$1$2/; push @newArgs, $_ unless $_ eq '' or /^#/; } close ARGFILE; unshift @ARGV, @newArgs; next; } /^(-?)(a|duplicates)$/i and $mt->Options(Duplicates => ($1 ? 0 : 1)), next; if ($a eq 'api') { my $opt = shift; defined $opt or Error("Expected OPT[=VAL] argument for -api option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; my $val = ($opt =~ s/=(.*)//s) ? $1 : 1; $mt->Options($opt => (length($val) ? $val : undef)); # update $forcePrint in case MissingTagValue was changed $forcePrint = $mt->Options('MissingTagValue') if defined $forcePrint; next; } /^arg(s|format)$/i and $argFormat = 1, next; /^b(inary)?$/i and $mt->Options(Binary => 1, NoPDFList => 1), $binaryOutput = 1, next; if (/^c(oordFormat)?$/i) { my $fmt = shift; $fmt or Error("Expecting coordinate format for -c option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $mt->Options('CoordFormat', $fmt); next; } if ($a eq 'charset') { my $charset = (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] !~ /^(-|\xe2\x88\x92)/) ? shift : undef; if (not $charset) { $pass or push(@nextPass, '-charset'), next; my %charsets; $charsets{$_} = 1 foreach values %Image::ExifTool::charsetName; PrintTagList('Available character sets', sort keys %charsets); $helped = 1; } elsif ($charset !~ s/^(\w+)=// or lc($1) eq 'exiftool') { $mt->Options(Charset => $charset); $utf8 = ($mt->Options('Charset') eq 'UTF8'); } else { # set internal encoding of specified metadata type my $type = { id3 => 'ID3', iptc => 'IPTC', exif => 'EXIF', filename => 'FileName', photoshop => 'Photoshop', quicktime => 'QuickTime' }->{lc $1}; $type or Warn("Unknown type for -charset option: $1\n"), next; $mt->Options("Charset$type" => $charset); } next; } /^config$/i and Warn("Ignored -config option (not first on command line)\n"), shift, next; if (/^csv(\+?=.*)?/i) { my $csvFile = $1; # must process on 2nd pass so -f and -charset options are available unless ($pass) { push @nextPass, "-$_"; if ($csvFile) { push @newValues, { SaveCount => ++$saveCount }; # marker to save new values now $csvSaveCount = $saveCount; } next; } if ($csvFile) { $csvFile =~ s/^(\+?=)//; $csvAdd = 2 if $1 eq '+='; $vout = \*STDERR if $srcStdin; $verbose and print $vout "Reading CSV file $csvFile\n"; my $msg; if ($mt->Open(\*CSVFILE, $csvFile)) { binmode CSVFILE; require Image::ExifTool::Import; $msg = Image::ExifTool::Import::ReadCSV(\*CSVFILE, \%database, $forcePrint); close(CSVFILE); } else { $msg = "Error opening CSV file '$csvFile'"; } $msg and Warn("$msg\n"); $isWriting = 1; } $csv = 'CSV'; next; } if (/^d$/ or $a eq 'dateformat') { my $fmt = shift; $fmt or Error("Expecting date format for -d option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $mt->Options('DateFormat', $fmt); next; } (/^D$/ or $a eq 'decimal') and $showTagID = 'D', next; /^delete_original(!?)$/i and $deleteOrig = ($1 ? 2 : 1), next; (/^e$/ or $a eq '-composite') and $mt->Options(Composite => 0), next; (/^-e$/ or $a eq 'composite') and $mt->Options(Composite => 1), next; (/^E$/ or $a eq 'escapehtml') and require Image::ExifTool::HTML and $escapeHTML = 1, next; ($a eq 'ex' or $a eq 'escapexml') and $escapeXML = 1, next; if (/^echo(\d)?$/i) { my $n = $1 || 1; my $arg = shift; next unless defined $arg; $n > 4 and Warn("Invalid -echo number\n"), next; if ($n > 2) { $n == 3 ? push(@echo3, $arg) : push(@echo4, $arg); } else { print {$n==2 ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT} $arg, "\n"; } $helped = 1; next; } if (/^(ee|extractembedded)$/i) { $mt->Options(ExtractEmbedded => 1); $mt->Options(Duplicates => 1); next; } # (-execute handled at top of loop) if (/^-?ext(ension)?$/i) { my $ext = shift; defined $ext or Error("Expecting extension for -ext option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $ext =~ s/^\.//; # remove leading '.' if it exists my $flag = /^-/ ? 0 : 1; $filterFlag |= (0x01 << $flag); $filterExt{uc($ext)} = $flag; next; } if (/^f$/ or $a eq 'forceprint') { $forcePrint = $mt->Options('MissingTagValue'); unless (defined $forcePrint) { $forcePrint = '-'; $mt->Options(MissingTagValue => '-'); } next; } if (/^F([-+]?\d*)$/ or /^fixbase([-+]?\d*)$/i) { $mt->Options(FixBase => $1); next; } if (/^fast(\d*)$/i) { $mt->Options(FastScan => (length $1 ? $1 : 1)); next; } if ($a eq 'fileorder') { push @fileOrder, shift if @ARGV; next; } $a eq 'globaltimeshift' and $mt->Options(GlobalTimeShift => shift), next; if (/^(g)(roupHeadings|roupNames)?([\d:]*)$/i) { $showGroup = $3 || 0; $allGroup = ($2 ? lc($2) eq 'roupnames' : $1 eq 'G'); $mt->Options(SavePath => 1) if $showGroup =~ /\b5\b/; next; } if ($a eq 'geotag') { my $trkfile = shift; unless ($pass) { # defer to next pass so the filename charset is available push @nextPass, '-geotag', $trkfile; next; } $trkfile or Error("Expecting file name for -geotag option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; # allow wildcards in filename if ($trkfile =~ /[*?]/) { # CORE::glob() splits on white space, so use File::Glob if possible my @trks; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and eval { require Win32::FindFile }) { # ("-charset filename=UTF8" must be set for this to work with Unicode file names) @trks = FindFileWindows($mt, $trkfile); } elsif (eval { require File::Glob }) { @trks = File::Glob::bsd_glob($trkfile); } else { @trks = glob($trkfile); } @trks or Error("No matching file found for -geotag option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; push @newValues, 'geotag='.shift(@trks) while @trks > 1; $trkfile = pop(@trks); } $_ = "geotag=$trkfile"; # (fall through!) } if (/^h$/ or $a eq 'htmlformat') { require Image::ExifTool::HTML; $html = $escapeHTML = 1; $json = $xml = 0; next; } (/^H$/ or $a eq 'hex') and $showTagID = 'H', next; if (/^htmldump([-+]?\d+)?$/i) { $verbose = ($verbose || 0) + 1; $html = 2; $mt->Options(HtmlDumpBase => $1) if defined $1; next; } if (/^i(gnore)?$/i) { my $dir = shift; defined $dir or Error("Expecting directory name for -i option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $ignore{$dir} = 1; next; } if ($a eq 'if') { my $cond = shift; defined $cond or Error("Expecting expression for -if option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $useMWG = 1 if $cond =~ /\$\{?mwg:/i; # add to list of requested tags push @requestTags, $cond =~ /\$\{?((?:[-\w]+:)*[-\w?*]+)/g; if (defined $condition) { $condition .= " and ($cond)"; } else { $condition = "($cond)"; } next; } if (/^j(son)?(\+?=.*)?$/i) { if ($2) { # must process on 2nd pass because we need -f and -charset options unless ($pass) { push @nextPass, "-$_"; push @newValues, { SaveCount => ++$saveCount }; # marker to save new values now $csvSaveCount = $saveCount; next; } my $jsonFile = $2; $jsonFile =~ s/^(\+?=)//; $csvAdd = 2 if $1 eq '+='; $vout = \*STDERR if $srcStdin; $verbose and print $vout "Reading JSON file $jsonFile\n"; my $chset = $mt->Options('Charset'); my $msg; if ($mt->Open(\*JSONFILE, $jsonFile)) { binmode JSONFILE; require Image::ExifTool::Import; $msg = Image::ExifTool::Import::ReadJSON(\*JSONFILE, \%database, $forcePrint, $chset); close(JSONFILE); } else { $msg = "Error opening JSON file '$jsonFile'"; } $msg and Warn("$msg\n"); $isWriting = 1; $csv = 'JSON'; } else { $json = 1; $html = $xml = 0; $mt->Options(Duplicates => 1); require Image::ExifTool::XMP; # for FixUTF8() } next; } /^(k|pause)$/i and $pause = 1, next; (/^l$/ or $a eq 'long') and --$outFormat, next; (/^L$/ or $a eq 'latin') and $utf8 = 0, $mt->Options(Charset => 'Latin'), next; if ($a eq 'lang') { $langOpt = (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) ? shift : undef; if ($langOpt) { # make lower case and use underline as a separator (eg. 'en_ca') $langOpt =~ tr/-A-Z/_a-z/; $mt->Options(Lang => $langOpt); next if $langOpt eq $mt->Options('Lang'); } else { $pass or push(@nextPass, '-lang'), next; } my $langs = "Available languages:\n"; $langs .= " $_ - $Image::ExifTool::langName{$_}\n" foreach @Image::ExifTool::langs; $langs =~ tr/_/-/; # display dashes instead of underlines in language codes $langs = $mt->Decode($langs, 'UTF8'); $langs = Image::ExifTool::HTML::EscapeHTML($langs) if $escapeHTML; $langOpt and Error("Invalid or unsupported language '$langOpt'.\n$langs"), $badCmd=1, next; print $langs; $helped = 1; next; } if ($a eq 'listitem') { my $li = shift; defined $li and Image::ExifTool::IsInt($li) or Warn("Expecting integer for -listItem option\n"), next; $mt->Options(ListItem => $li); $listItem = $li; next; } /^(m|ignoreminorerrors)$/i and $mt->Options(IgnoreMinorErrors => 1), next; /^(n|-printconv)$/i and $mt->Options(PrintConv => 0), next; /^(-n|printconv)$/i and $mt->Options(PrintConv => 1), next; if (/^o(ut)?$/i) { $outOpt = shift; defined $outOpt or Error("Expected output file or directory name for -o option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; CleanFilename($outOpt); # verbose messages go to STDERR of output is to console $vout = \*STDERR if $vout =~ /^-(\.\w+)?$/; next; } /^overwrite_original$/i and $overwriteOrig = 1, next; /^overwrite_original_in_place$/i and $overwriteOrig = 2, next; if (/^p$/ or $a eq 'printformat') { my $fmt = shift; if ($pass) { LoadPrintFormat($fmt); } else { # defer to next pass so the filename charset is available push @nextPass, '-p', $fmt; } next; } (/^P$/ or $a eq 'preserve') and $preserveTime = 1, next; /^password$/i and $mt->Options(Password => shift), next; if ($a eq 'progress') { $progress = 0; $verbose = 0 unless defined $verbose; next; } /^q(uiet)?$/i and ++$quiet, next; /^r(ecurse)?(\.?)$/i and $recurse = ($2 ? 2 : 1), next; if ($a eq 'require') { # undocumented, added in version 8.65 my $ver = shift; unless (defined $ver and Image::ExifTool::IsFloat($ver)) { Error("Expecting version number for -require option\n"); $badCmd = 1; next; } unless ($Image::ExifTool::VERSION >= $ver) { Error("Requires ExifTool version $ver or later\n"); $badCmd = 1; } next; } /^restore_original$/i and $deleteOrig = 0, next; (/^S$/ or $a eq 'veryshort') and $outFormat+=2, next; /^s(hort)?(\d*)$/i and $outFormat = $2 eq '' ? $outFormat + 1 : $2, next; /^scanforxmp$/i and $mt->Options(ScanForXMP => 1), next; if (/^sep(arator)?$/i) { $listSep = shift; defined $listSep or Error("Expecting list item separator for -sep option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $mt->Options(ListSep => $listSep); $joinLists = 1; # also split when writing values my $listSplit = quotemeta $listSep; # a space in the string matches zero or more whitespace characters $listSplit =~ s/(\\ )+/\\s\*/g; # but a single space alone matches one or more whitespace characters $listSplit = '\\s+' if $listSplit eq '\\s*'; $mt->Options(ListSplit => $listSplit); next; } /^(-)?sort$/i and $sortOpt = $1 ? 0 : 1, next; if ($a eq 'srcfile') { @ARGV or Warn("Expecting FMT for -srcfile option\n"), next; push @srcFmt, shift; next; } if ($a eq 'stay_open') { my $arg = shift; defined $arg or Warn("Expecting argument for -stay_open option\n"), next; if ($arg =~ /^(1|true)$/i) { if (not $stayOpen) { $stayOpen = 1; } elsif ($stayOpen == 2) { $stayOpen = 3; # chained -stay_open options } else { Warn "-stay_open already active\n"; } } elsif ($arg =~ /^(0|false)$/i) { if ($stayOpen >= 2) { # close -stay_open argfile and process arguments up to this point close STAYOPEN; push @ARGV, @moreArgs; undef @moreArgs; } elsif (not $stayOpen) { Warn("-stay_open wasn't active\n"); } $stayOpen = 0; } else { Warn "Invalid argument for -stay_open\n"; } next; } if (/^(-)?struct$/i) { $structOpt = $1 ? 0 : 1; $mt->Options(Struct => $structOpt); # require XMPStruct in case we need to serialize a structure require 'Image/ExifTool/XMPStruct.pl' if $structOpt; next; } /^t(ab)?$/ and $tabFormat = 1, next; if (/^T$/ or $a eq 'table') { $tabFormat = 1; $outFormat+=2; ++$quiet; $forcePrint = $mt->Options('MissingTagValue'); unless (defined $forcePrint) { $forcePrint = '-'; $mt->Options(MissingTagValue => '-'); } next; } if (/^(u)(nknown(2)?)?$/i) { my $inc = ($3 or (not $2 and $1 eq 'U')) ? 2 : 1; $mt->Options(Unknown => $mt->Options('Unknown') + $inc); next; } if ($a eq 'use') { my $module = shift; $module or Error("Expecting module name for -use option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; lc $module eq 'mwg' and $useMWG = 1, next; $module =~ /[^\w:]/ and Error("Invalid module name: $module\n"), $badCmd=1, next; local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] }; unless (eval "require Image::ExifTool::$module" or eval "require $module" or eval "require '$module'") { Error("Error using module $module\n"); $badCmd = 1; } next; } if ($a eq 'userparam') { my $opt = shift; defined $opt or Error("Expected parameter for -userParam option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $opt =~ /=/ or $opt .= '=1'; $mt->Options(UserParam => $opt); next; } if (/^v(erbose)?(\d*)$/i) { $verbose = ($2 eq '') ? ($verbose || 0) + 1 : $2; next; } if (/^(w|textout|tagout)([!+]*)$/i) { $textOut = shift || Warn("Expecting output extension for -$_ option\n"); my ($t1, $t2) = ($1, $2); $textOverwrite = 0; $textOverwrite += 1 if $t2 =~ /!/; # overwrite $textOverwrite += 2 if $t2 =~ /\+/; # append if ($t1 ne 'W' and lc($t1) ne 'tagout') { undef $tagOut; } elsif ($textOverwrite >= 2 and $textOut !~ /%[-+]?\d*[.:]?\d*[lu]?[tgs]/) { $tagOut = 0; # append tags to one file } else { $tagOut = 1; # separate file for each tag } next; } if (/^(-?)(wext|tagoutext)$/i) { my $ext = shift; defined $ext or Error("Expecting extension for -wext option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; my $flag = 1; $1 and $wext{'*'} = 1, $flag = -1; $ext =~ s/^\.//; $wext{lc $ext} = $flag; next; } if ($a eq 'wm' or $a eq 'writemode') { my $wm = shift; defined $wm or Error("Expecting argument for -$_ option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $wm =~ /^[wcg]*$/i or Error("Invalid argument for -$_ option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $mt->Options(WriteMode => $wm); next; } if (/^x$/ or $a eq 'exclude') { my $tag = shift; defined $tag or Error("Expecting tag name for -x option\n"), $badCmd=1, next; $tag =~ s/\ball\b/\*/ig; # replace 'all' with '*' in tag names if ($setTagsFile) { push @{$setTags{$setTagsFile}}, "-$tag"; } else { push @exclude, $tag; } next; } (/^X$/ or $a eq 'xmlformat') and $xml = 1, $html = $json = 0, $mt->Options(Duplicates => 1), next; if (/^php$/i) { $json = 2; $html = $xml = 0; $mt->Options(Duplicates=>1); next; } /^z(ip)?$/i and $doUnzip = 1, $mt->Options(Compress => 1, Compact => 1), next; $_ eq '' and push(@files, '-'), $srcStdin = 1, next; # read STDIN length $_ eq 1 and $_ ne '*' and Error("Unknown option -$_\n"), $badCmd=1, next; if (/^[^<]+( ++$saveCount }; } push @newValues, $_; if (/^mwg:/i) { $useMWG = 1; } elsif (/^([-\w]+:)*(filename|directory)\b/i) { $doSetFileName = 1; } elsif (/^([-\w]+:)*(geotag|geotime)\b/i) { if (lc $2 eq 'geotag') { if ((not defined $addGeotime or $addGeotime) and length $val) { $addGeotime = ($1 || '') . 'Geotime)/; if ($setTagsFile) { push @{$setTags{$setTagsFile}}, $_; if (/>/) { $useMWG = 1 if /^(.*>\s*)?mwg:/si; if (/\b(filename|directory)#?$/i) { $doSetFileName = 1; } elsif (/\bgeotime#?$/i) { $addGeotime = ''; } } else { $useMWG = 1 if /^([^<]+<\s*(.*\$\{?)?)?mwg:/si; if (/^([-\w]+:)*(filename|directory)\b/i) { $doSetFileName = 1; } elsif (/^([-\w]+:)*geotime\b/i) { $addGeotime = ''; } } } elsif (/^-(.*)/) { push @exclude, $1; } else { push @tags, $_; } } } else { unless ($pass) { # defer to next pass so the filename charset is available push @nextPass, $_; next; } if ($doGlob and /[*?]/) { if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and eval { require Win32::FindFile }) { push @files, FindFileWindows($mt, $_); } else { # glob each filespec if necessary - MK/20061010 push @files, File::Glob::bsd_glob($_); } $doGlob = 2; } else { push @files, $_; $srcStdin = 1 if $_ eq '-'; } } } # set verbose output to STDERR if output could be to console $vout = \*STDERR if $srcStdin and ($isWriting or @newValues); $mt->Options(TextOut => $vout) if $vout eq \*STDERR; # change default EXIF string encoding if MWG used if ($useMWG and not defined $mt->Options('CharsetEXIF')) { $mt->Options(CharsetEXIF => 'UTF8'); } # print help unless ((@tags and not $outOpt) or @files or @newValues) { if ($doGlob and $doGlob == 2) { Warn "No matching files\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } if ($outOpt) { Warn "Nothing to write\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } Help() unless $helped; next; } # do sanity check on -delete_original and -restore_original if (defined $deleteOrig and (@newValues or @tags)) { if (not @newValues) { my $verb = $deleteOrig ? 'deleting' : 'restoring from'; Warn "Can't specify tags when $verb originals\n"; } elsif ($deleteOrig) { Warn "Can't use -delete_original when writing.\n"; Warn "Maybe you meant -overwrite_original ?\n"; } else { Warn "It makes no sense to use -restore_original when writing\n"; } $rtnVal = 1; next; } if ($overwriteOrig > 1 and $outOpt) { Warn "Can't overwrite in place when -o option is used\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } if ($tagOut and ($csv or %printFmt or $tabFormat or $xml or ($verbose and $html))) { Warn "Sorry, -W may not be combined with -csv, -htmlDump, -j, -p, -t or -X\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } if ($textOut and $csv and $csv eq 'CSV' and not $isWriting) { Warn "Sorry, -w may not be combined with -csv\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } if ($escapeHTML or $json) { # must be UTF8 for HTML conversion and JSON output $mt->Options(Charset => 'UTF8'); # use Escape option to do our HTML escaping unless XML output $mt->Options(Escape => 'HTML') if $escapeHTML and not $xml; } elsif ($escapeXML and not $xml) { $mt->Options(Escape => 'XML'); } # set sort option if ($sortOpt) { # (note that -csv sorts alphabetically by default anyway if more than 1 file) my $sort = ($outFormat > 0 or $xml or $json or $csv) ? 'Tag' : 'Descr'; $mt->Options(Sort => $sort, Sort2 => $sort); } # set up for RDF/XML, JSON and PHP output formats if ($xml) { require Image::ExifTool::XMP; # for EscapeXML() my $charset = $mt->Options('Charset'); # standard XML encoding names for supported Charset settings # (ref http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets) my %encoding = ( UTF8 => 'UTF-8', Latin => 'windows-1252', Latin2 => 'windows-1250', Cyrillic => 'windows-1251', Greek => 'windows-1253', Turkish => 'windows-1254', Hebrew => 'windows-1255', Arabic => 'windows-1256', Baltic => 'windows-1257', Vietnam => 'windows-1258', MacRoman => 'macintosh', ); # switch to UTF-8 if we don't have a standard encoding name unless ($encoding{$charset}) { $charset = 'UTF8'; $mt->Options(Charset => $charset); } # set file header/trailer for XML output $fileHeader = "\n" . "\n"; $fileTrailer = "\n"; # extract as a list unless short output format $joinLists = 1 if $outFormat > 0; $mt->Options(List => 1) unless $joinLists; $showGroup = $allGroup = 1; # always show group 1 # set binaryOutput flag to 0 or undef (0 = output encoded binary in XML) $binaryOutput = ($outFormat > 0 ? undef : 0) if $binaryOutput; $showTagID = 'D' if $tabFormat and not $showTagID; } elsif ($json) { if ($json == 1) { # JSON $fileHeader = '['; $fileTrailer = "]\n"; } else { # PHP $fileHeader = 'Array('; $fileTrailer = ");\n"; } # allow binary output in a text-mode file when -php/-json and -b used together # (this works because PHP strings are simple arrays of bytes, and CR/LF # won't be messed up in the text mode output because they are converted # to escape sequences in the strings) if ($binaryOutput) { $binaryOutput = 0; require Image::ExifTool::XMP if $json == 1; # (for EncodeBase64) } $mt->Options(List => 1) unless $joinLists; $mt->Options(Duplicates => 0) unless defined $showGroup; } elsif ($structOpt) { $mt->Options(List => 1); } else { $joinLists = 1; # join lists for all other unstructured output formats } if ($argFormat) { $outFormat = 3; $allGroup = 1 if defined $showGroup; } # change to forward slashes if necessary in all filenames (like CleanFilename) if ($hasBackslash{$^O}) { tr/\\/\// foreach @files; } # can't do anything if no file specified unless (@files) { unless ($outOpt) { if ($doGlob and $doGlob == 2) { Warn "No matching files\n"; } else { Warn "No file specified\n"; } $rtnVal = 1; next; } push @files, ''; # create file from nothing } # set Verbose and HtmlDump options if ($verbose) { $disableOutput = 1 unless @tags or @exclude or $tagOut; undef $binaryOutput unless $tagOut; # disable conflicting option if ($html) { $html = 2; # flag for html dump $mt->Options(HtmlDump => $verbose); } else { $mt->Options(Verbose => $verbose) unless $tagOut; } } elsif (defined $verbose) { # auto-flush output when -v0 is used require FileHandle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); STDERR->autoflush(1); } # validate all tags we're writing my $needSave = 1; if (@newValues) { # assume -geotime value if -geotag specified without -geotime if ($addGeotime) { AddSetTagsFile($setTagsFile = '@') unless $setTagsFile and $setTagsFile eq '@'; push @{$setTags{$setTagsFile}}, $addGeotime; $verbose and print $vout qq{Argument "-$addGeotime" is assumed\n}; } my %setTagsIndex; # add/delete option lookup my %addDelOpt = ( '+' => 'AddValue', '-' => 'DelValue', "\xe2\x88\x92" => 'DelValue' ); $saveCount = 0; foreach (@newValues) { if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') { # save new values now if we stored a "SaveCount" marker if ($$_{SaveCount}) { $saveCount = $mt->SaveNewValues(); $needSave = 0; # insert marker to load values from CSV file now if this was the CSV file push @dynamicFiles, \$csv if $$_{SaveCount} == $csvSaveCount; } next; } /(.*?)=(.*)/s or next; my ($tag, $newVal) = ($1, $2); $tag =~ s/\ball\b/\*/ig; # replace 'all' with '*' in tag names $newVal eq '' and undef $newVal; # undefined to delete tag if ($tag =~ /^(All)?TagsFromFile$/i) { defined $newVal or Error("Need file name for -tagsFromFile\n"), next Command; ++$isWriting; if ($newVal eq '@' or not defined FilenameSPrintf($newVal)) { push @dynamicFiles, $newVal; next; # set tags from dynamic file later } unless ($mt->Exists($newVal) or $newVal eq '-') { Warn "File '$newVal' does not exist for -tagsFromFile option\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next Command; } my $setTags = $setTags{$newVal}; # do we have multiple -tagsFromFile options with this file? if ($setTagsList{$newVal}) { # use the tags set in the i-th occurrence my $i = $setTagsIndex{$newVal} || 0; $setTagsIndex{$newVal} = $i + 1; $setTags = $setTagsList{$newVal}[$i] if $setTagsList{$newVal}[$i]; } # set specified tags from this file unless (DoSetFromFile($mt, $newVal, $setTags)) { $rtnVal = 1; next Command; } $needSave = 1; next; } my %opts = ( Shift => 0 ); # shift values if possible instead of adding/deleting # allow writing of 'unsafe' tags unless specified by wildcard $opts{Protected} = 1 unless $tag =~ /[?*]/; if ($tag =~ s/SetNewValue($tag, $newVal, %opts); $needSave = 1; ++$isWriting if $rtn; $wrn and Warn "Warning: $wrn\n"; } # exclude specified tags foreach (@exclude) { $mt->SetNewValue($_, undef, Replace => 2); $needSave = 1; } unless ($isWriting or $outOpt or @tags) { Warn "Nothing to do.\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } } elsif (grep /^(\*:)?\*$/, @exclude) { Warn "All tags excluded -- nothing to do.\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } if ($isWriting and @tags and not $outOpt) { my ($tg, $s) = @tags > 1 ? ("$tags[0] ...", 's') : ($tags[0], ''); Warn "Ignored superfluous tag name$s or invalid option$s: -$tg\n"; } # save current state of new values if setting values from target file # or if we may be translating to a different format $mt->SaveNewValues() if $outOpt or (@dynamicFiles and $needSave); $multiFile = 1 if @files > 1; @exclude and $mt->Options(Exclude => \@exclude); undef $binaryOutput if $html; if ($binaryOutput) { $outFormat = 99; # shortest possible output format $mt->Options(PrintConv => 0); unless ($textOut or $binaryStdout) { binmode(STDOUT); $binaryStdout = 1; $mt->Options(TextOut => ($vout = \*STDERR)); } # disable conflicting options undef $showGroup; } # sort by groups to look nicer depending on options if (defined $showGroup and not (@tags and $allGroup) and ($sortOpt or not defined $sortOpt)) { $mt->Options(Sort => "Group$showGroup"); } if (defined $textOut) { CleanFilename($textOut); # make all forward slashes # add '.' before output extension if necessary $textOut = ".$textOut" unless $textOut =~ /[.%]/ or defined $tagOut; } # determine if we should scan for only writable files if ($outOpt) { my $type = GetFileType($outOpt); if ($type) { unless (CanWrite($type)) { Warn "Can't write $type files\n"; $rtnVal = 1; next; } $scanWritable = $type unless CanCreate($type); } else { $scanWritable = 1; } $isWriting = 1; # set writing flag } elsif ($isWriting or defined $deleteOrig) { $scanWritable = 1; } # set flag to fix description lengths if necessary $fixLen = ($utf8 and $mt->Options('Lang') ne 'en' and eval { require Encode }); # sort input files if specified if (@fileOrder) { my @allFiles; ProcessFiles($mt, \@allFiles); my $sortTool = new Image::ExifTool; $sortTool->Options(PrintConv => $mt->Options('PrintConv')); $sortTool->Options(Duplicates => 0); my (%sortBy, %isFloat, @rev, $file); # save reverse sort flags push @rev, (s/^-// ? 1 : 0) foreach @fileOrder; foreach $file (@allFiles) { my @tags; my $info = $sortTool->ImageInfo(Infile($file,1), @fileOrder, \@tags); # get values of all tags (or '~' to sort last if not defined) foreach (@tags) { $_ = $$info{$_}; # put tag value into @tag list defined $_ or $_ = '~', next; $isFloat{$_} = Image::ExifTool::IsFloat($_); # pad numbers to 12 digits to keep them sequential s/(\d+)/(length($1) < 12 ? '0'x(12-length($1)) : '') . $1/eg unless $isFloat{$_}; } $sortBy{$file} = \@tags; # save tag values for each file } # sort in specified order @files = sort { my ($i, $cmp); for ($i=0; $i<@rev; ++$i) { my $u = $sortBy{$a}[$i]; my $v = $sortBy{$b}[$i]; if (not $isFloat{$u} and not $isFloat{$v}) { $cmp = $u cmp $v; # alphabetically } elsif ($isFloat{$u} and $isFloat{$v}) { $cmp = $u <=> $v; # numerically } else { $cmp = $isFloat{$u} ? -1 : 1; # numbers first } return $rev[$i] ? -$cmp : $cmp if $cmp; } return $a cmp $b; # default to sort by name } @allFiles; } elsif (defined $progress) { # expand FILE argument to count the number of files to process my @allFiles; ProcessFiles($mt, \@allFiles); @files = @allFiles; } # set file count for progress message $progressMax = scalar @files if defined $progress; # store duplicate database information under absolute path, # and translate the filename character set if necessary my @dbKeys = keys %database; if (@dbKeys) { my $enc = $mt->Options('CharsetFileName'); if ($enc) { foreach (@dbKeys) { my $f = $mt->InverseFileName($_); next if $f eq $_; $database{$f} = $database{$_}; delete $database{$_}; $_ = $f; } } if (eval { require Cwd }) { undef $evalWarning; local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] }; foreach (@dbKeys) { my $absPath = AbsPath($_); if (defined $absPath) { $database{$absPath} = $database{$_} unless $database{$absPath}; if ($verbose and $verbose > 1) { print $vout "Imported entry for '$_' (full path: '$absPath')\n"; } } } } } # process all specified files ProcessFiles($mt); if ($filtered and not $validFile) { Warn "No file with specified extension\n"; $rtnVal = 1; } # print CSV information if necessary PrintCSV() if $csv and not $isWriting; # print file trailer if necessary print $fileTrailer if $fileTrailer and not $textOut and not $fileHeader; if (defined $deleteOrig) { # print summary and delete requested files unless ($quiet) { printf "%5d directories scanned\n", $countDir if $countDir; printf "%5d directories created\n", $countNewDir if $countNewDir; printf "%5d files failed condition\n", $countFailed if $countFailed; printf "%5d image files found\n", $count; } if (@delFiles) { # verify deletion unless "-delete_original!" was specified if ($deleteOrig == 1) { printf '%5d originals will be deleted! Are you sure [y/n]? ', scalar(@delFiles); my $response = ; unless ($response =~ /^(y|yes)\s*$/i) { Warn "Originals not deleted.\n"; next; } } $countGoodWr = $mt->Unlink(@delFiles); $countBad = scalar(@delFiles) - $countGoodWr; } if ($quiet) { # no more messages } elsif ($count and not $countGoodWr and not $countBad) { printf "%5d original files found\n", $countGoodWr; } elsif ($deleteOrig) { printf "%5d original files deleted\n", $countGoodWr if $count; printf "%5d originals not deleted due to errors\n", $countBad if $countBad; } else { printf "%5d image files restored from original\n", $countGoodWr if $count; printf "%5d files not restored due to errors\n", $countBad if $countBad; } } elsif ((not $binaryStdout or $verbose) and not $quiet) { # print summary my $tot = $count + $countBad; my $totWr = $countGoodWr + $countBadWr + $countSameWr + $countCopyWr + $countGoodCr + $countBadCr; if ($countDir or $totWr or $countFailed or $tot > 1 or $textOut or $countLink or $countBadLink) { my $o = (($html or $json or $xml or %printFmt or $csv) and not $textOut) ? \*STDERR : $vout; printf($o "%5d directories scanned\n", $countDir) if $countDir; printf($o "%5d directories created\n", $countNewDir) if $countNewDir; printf($o "%5d files failed condition\n", $countFailed) if $countFailed; printf($o "%5d image files created\n", $countGoodCr) if $countGoodCr; printf($o "%5d image files updated\n", $countGoodWr) if $totWr - $countGoodCr - $countBadCr - $countCopyWr; printf($o "%5d image files unchanged\n", $countSameWr) if $countSameWr; printf($o "%5d image files %s\n", $countCopyWr, $overwriteOrig ? 'moved' : 'copied') if $countCopyWr; printf($o "%5d files weren't updated due to errors\n", $countBadWr) if $countBadWr; printf($o "%5d files weren't created due to errors\n", $countBadCr) if $countBadCr; printf($o "%5d image files read\n", $count) if $tot>1 or ($countDir and not $totWr); printf($o "%5d files could not be read\n", $countBad) if $countBad; printf($o "%5d output files created\n", scalar(keys %created)) if $textOut; printf($o "%5d output files appended\n", scalar(keys %appended)) if %appended; printf($o "%5d hard links created\n", $countLink) if $countLink or $countBadLink; printf($o "%5d hard links could not be created\n", $countBadLink) if $countBadLink; } } # set error status if we had any errors or if all files failed the "-if" condition $rtnVal = 1 if $countBadWr or $countBadCr or $countBad or ($countFailed and not $count); # last ditch effort to preserve filemodifydate PreserveTime() if %preserveTime; } # end "Command" loop ........................................................ close STAYOPEN if $stayOpen >= 2; Exit $rtnVal; # all done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get image information from EXIF data in file (or write file if writing) # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) file name sub GetImageInfo($$) { my ($et, $orig) = @_; my (@foundTags, $info, $file, $ind); # determine the name of the source file based on the original input file name if (@srcFmt) { my ($fmt, $first); foreach $fmt (@srcFmt) { $file = $fmt eq '@' ? $orig : FilenameSPrintf($fmt, $orig); # use this file if it exists $et->Exists($file) and undef($first), last; $verbose and print $vout "Source file $file does not exist\n"; $first = $file unless defined $first; } $file = $first if defined $first; } else { $file = $orig; } my $pipe = $file; if ($doUnzip) { # pipe through gzip or bzip2 if necessary if ($file =~ /\.gz$/i) { $pipe = qq{gzip -dc "$file" |}; } elsif ($file =~ /\.bz2$/i) { $pipe = qq{bzip2 -dc "$file" |}; } } # evaluate -if expression for conditional processing if (defined $condition) { unless ($file eq '-' or $et->Exists($file)) { Warn "File not found: $file\n"; FileNotFound($file); ++$countBad; return; } # catch run time errors as well as compile errors undef $evalWarning; local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] }; my %info; # extract information and build expression for evaluation my $opts = { Duplicates => 1, RequestTags => \@requestTags, Verbose => 0, HtmlDump => 0 }; # return all tags but explicitly mention tags on command line so # requested images will generate the appropriate warnings @foundTags = ('*', @tags) if @tags; $info = $et->ImageInfo(Infile($pipe,$isWriting), \@foundTags, $opts); my $cond = $et->InsertTagValues(\@foundTags, $condition, \%info); #### eval "-if" condition (%info) my $result = eval $cond; $@ and $evalWarning = $@; if ($evalWarning) { # fail condition if warning is issued undef $result; if ($verbose) { chomp $evalWarning; $evalWarning =~ s/ at \(eval .*//s; Warn "Condition: $evalWarning - $file\n"; } } unless ($result) { $verbose and print $vout "-------- $file (failed condition)$progStr\n"; ++$countFailed; return; } # can't make use of $info if verbose because we must reprocess # the file anyway to generate the verbose output undef $info if $verbose; } if (defined $deleteOrig) { print $vout "======== $file$progStr\n" if defined $verbose; ++$count; my $original = "${file}_original"; $et->Exists($original) or return; if ($deleteOrig) { $verbose and print $vout "Scheduled for deletion: $original\n"; push @delFiles, $original; } elsif ($et->Rename($original, $file)) { $verbose and print $vout "Restored from $original\n"; ++$countGoodWr; } else { Warn "Error renaming $original\n"; ++$countBad; } return; } my $lineCount = 0; my ($fp, $outfile, $append); if ($textOut and $verbose and not $tagOut) { ($fp, $outfile, $append) = OpenOutputFile($orig); $fp or ++$countBad, return; # delete file if we exit prematurely (unless appending) $tmpText = $outfile unless $append; $et->Options(TextOut => $fp); } if ($isWriting) { print $vout "======== $file$progStr\n" if defined $verbose; SetImageInfo($et, $file, $orig); $info = $et->GetInfo('Warning', 'Error'); PrintErrors($et, $info, $file); # close output text file if necessary if ($outfile) { undef $tmpText; close($fp); $et->Options(TextOut => $vout); if ($info->{Error}) { $et->Unlink($outfile); # erase bad file } elsif ($append) { $appended{$outfile} = 1 unless $created{$outfile}; } else { $created{$outfile} = 1; } } return; } # extract information from this file unless ($file eq '-' or $et->Exists($file)) { Warn "File not found: $file\n"; FileNotFound($file); $outfile and close($fp), undef($tmpText), $et->Unlink($outfile); ++$countBad; return; } # print file/progress message my $o; unless ($binaryOutput or $textOut or %printFmt or $html > 1 or $csv) { if ($html) { require Image::ExifTool::HTML; my $f = Image::ExifTool::HTML::EscapeHTML($file); print "\n"; } elsif (not ($json or $xml)) { $o = \*STDOUT if ($multiFile and not $quiet) or $progress; } } $o = \*STDERR if $progress and not $o; $o and print $o "======== $file$progStr\n"; if ($info) { # get the information we wanted if (@tags and not %printFmt) { @foundTags = @tags; $info = $et->GetInfo(\@foundTags); } } else { # request specified tags unless using print format option my $oldDups = $et->Options('Duplicates'); if (%printFmt) { $et->Options(Duplicates => 1); $et->Options(RequestTags => \@requestTags); } else { @foundTags = @tags; } # extract the information $info = $et->ImageInfo(Infile($pipe), \@foundTags); $et->Options(Duplicates => $oldDups); } # all done now if we already wrote output text file (eg. verbose option) if ($fp) { if ($outfile) { $et->Options(TextOut => \*STDOUT); undef $tmpText; if ($info->{Error}) { close($fp); $et->Unlink($outfile); # erase bad file } else { ++$lineCount; # output text file (likely) is not empty } } if ($info->{Error}) { Warn "Error: $info->{Error} - $file\n"; ++$countBad; return; } } # print warnings to stderr if using binary output # (because we are likely ignoring them and piping stdout to file) # or if there is none of the requested information available if ($binaryOutput or not %$info) { my $errs = $et->GetInfo('Warning', 'Error'); PrintErrors($et, $errs, $file) and $rtnVal = 1; } elsif ($et->GetValue('Error')) { $rtnVal = 1; } # open output file (or stdout if no output file) if not done already unless ($outfile or $tagOut) { ($fp, $outfile, $append) = OpenOutputFile($orig); $fp or ++$countBad, return; $tmpText = $outfile unless $append; } # print the results for this file if (%printFmt) { # output using print format file (-p) option my ($type, $doc, $grp); undef $fileTrailer; # repeat for each embedded document if necessary my $lastDoc = $et->Options('ExtractEmbedded') ? $$et{DOC_COUNT} : 0; foreach $type ('HEAD', 'BODY', 'TAIL') { my $prf = $printFmt{$type} or next; for ($doc=0; $doc<=$lastDoc; ++$doc) { if ($lastDoc) { if ($doc) { last unless $type eq 'BODY'; # only repeat BODY lines $grp = "Doc$doc:"; } else { $grp = 'Main:'; } # change tag groups to print next document by adding "Main:" or "Doc#:" # to all tags which don't already start with a family 3 group name $prf = [ @{$printFmt{$type}} ]; s/((^|[^\$])(\$\$)*\$\{?)((?!(Main|Doc\d+):)[\w])/$1$grp$4/ig foreach @$prf; } my @lines; foreach (@$prf) { my $line = $et->InsertTagValues(\@foundTags, $_, 'Warn'); push @lines, $line if defined $line; } $lineCount += scalar @lines; if ($type eq 'TAIL') { $fileTrailer = '' unless defined $fileTrailer; $fileTrailer .= join '', @lines; } elsif (@lines) { print $fp @lines; } } } delete $printFmt{HEAD} unless $outfile; # print header only once per output file my $errs = $et->GetInfo('Warning', 'Error'); PrintErrors($et, $errs, $file); } elsif (not $disableOutput) { my ($tag, $line, %noDups, %csvInfo, $bra, $ket, $sep); if ($fp) { # print file header (only once) if ($fileHeader) { print $fp $fileHeader; undef $fileHeader unless $textOut; } if ($html) { print $fp "\n"; } elsif ($xml) { my $f = $file; CleanXML(\$f); print $fp "\nGetGroup($tag); unless ($grp1) { next unless defined $forcePrint; $grp0 = $grp1 = 'Unknown'; } next if $groups{$grp1}; # include family 0 and 1 groups in URI except for internal tags # (this will put internal tags in the "XML" group on readback) $groups{$grp1} = $grp0; push @groups, $grp1; AddGroups($$info{$tag}, $grp0, \%groups, \@groups) if ref $$info{$tag}; } foreach $grp1 (@groups) { my $grp = $groups{$grp1}; unless ($grp eq $grp1 and $grp =~ /^(ExifTool|File|Composite|Unknown)$/) { $grp .= "/$grp1"; } print $fp "\n xmlns:$grp1='http://ns.exiftool.ca/$grp/1.0/'"; } print $fp '>' if $outFormat < 1; # finish rdf:Description token unless short format $ind = $outFormat >= 0 ? ' ' : ' '; } elsif ($json) { # set delimiters for JSON or PHP output ($bra, $ket, $sep) = $json == 1 ? ('{','}',':') : ('Array(',')',' =>'); print $fp ",\n" if $comma; print $fp qq($bra\n "SourceFile"$sep ), EscapeJSON($mt->ConvertFileName($file, 1)); $comma = 1; $ind = (defined $showGroup and not $allGroup) ? ' ' : ' '; } elsif ($csv) { $database{$file} = \%csvInfo; push @csvFiles, $file; } } # suppress duplicates manually in JSON and short XML output my $noDups = ($json or ($xml and $outFormat > 0)); my $printConv = $mt->Options('PrintConv'); my $lastGroup = ''; TAG: foreach $tag (@foundTags) { my $tagName = GetTagName($tag); my ($group, $valList); # make sure this tag has a value my $val = $$info{$tag}; if (ref $val) { if (defined $binaryOutput and not $binaryOutput) { # happens with -X -b or -php -b # avoid extracting Protected binary tags (eg. data blocks) [insider information] next if $$et{TAG_INFO}{$tag}{Protected}; } $val = ConvertBinary($val); # convert SCALAR references if ($structOpt) { # serialize structure if necessary $val = Image::ExifTool::XMP::SerializeStruct($val) unless $xml or $json; } elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { if (defined $listItem) { # take only the specified item $val = $$val[$listItem]; # join arrays of simple values (with newlines for binary output) } elsif ($binaryOutput) { if ($tagOut) { $valList = $val; $val = shift @$valList; } else { $val = join "\n", @$val; } } elsif ($joinLists) { $val = join $listSep, @$val; } } } if (not defined $val) { # ignore tags that weren't found unless necessary next if $binaryOutput; if (defined $forcePrint) { $val = $forcePrint; # forced to print all tag values } elsif (not $csv) { next; } } if (defined $showGroup) { $group = $et->GetGroup($tag, $showGroup); # look ahead to see if this tag may suppress a priority tag in # the same group, and if so suppress this tag instead next if $noDups and $tag =~ /^(.*?) ?\(/ and defined $$info{$1} and $group eq $et->GetGroup($1, $showGroup); $group = 'Unknown' if not $group and ($xml or $json); if ($fp and not ($allGroup or $csv)) { if ($lastGroup ne $group) { if ($html) { my $cols = 1; ++$cols if $outFormat==0 or $outFormat==1; ++$cols if $showTagID; print $fp "\n"; } elsif ($json) { print $fp "\n $ket" if $lastGroup; print $fp ',' if $lastGroup or $comma; print $fp qq(\n "$group"$sep $bra); undef $comma; undef %noDups; # allow duplicate names in different groups } else { print $fp "---- $group ----\n"; } $lastGroup = $group; } undef $group; # undefine so we don't print it below } } ++$lineCount; # we are printing something meaningful # loop through list values when -b -W used for (;;) { if ($tagOut) { # determine suggested extension for output file my $ext = SuggestedExtension($et, \$val, $tagName); if (%wext and ($wext{$ext} || $wext{'*'} || -1) < 0) { if ($verbose and $verbose > 1) { print $vout "Not writing $ext output file for $tagName\n"; } next TAG; } my @groups = $mt->GetGroup($tag); $outfile and close($fp), undef($tmpText); # (shouldn't happen) ($fp, $outfile, $append) = OpenOutputFile($orig, $tagName, \@groups, $ext); $fp or ++$countBad, next TAG; $tmpText = $outfile unless $append; } # write binary output if ($binaryOutput) { print $fp $val; if ($tagOut) { if ($append) { $appended{$outfile} = 1 unless $created{$outfile}; } else { $created{$outfile} = 1; } close($fp); undef $tmpText; $verbose and print $vout "Wrote $tagName to $outfile\n"; undef $outfile; undef $fp; next TAG unless $valList and @$valList; $val = shift @$valList; next; # loop over values of List tag } next TAG; } last; } # save information for CSV output if ($csv) { my $t = $group ? "$group:$tagName" : $tagName; $t .= '#' if $tag =~ /#/; # add ValueConv "#" suffix if used # (tag-name case may be different if some tags don't exist # in a file, so all logic must use lower-case tag names) my $lcTag = lc $t; # override existing entry only if top priority next if defined $csvInfo{$lcTag} and $tag =~ /\(/; $csvInfo{$lcTag} = $val; if (defined $csvTags{$lcTag}) { # overwrite with actual extracted tag name # (note: can't check "if defined $val" here because -f may be used) $csvTags{$lcTag} = $t if defined $$info{$tag}; } else { # (don't save unextracted tag name unless -f was used) $csvTags{$lcTag} = defined($val) ? $t : ''; if (@csvFiles == 1) { push @csvTags, $lcTag; # save order of tags for first file } elsif (@csvTags) { undef @csvTags; } } next; } # get description if we need it (use tag name if $outFormat > 0) my $desc = $outFormat > 0 ? $tagName : $et->GetDescription($tag); if ($xml) { # RDF/XML output format my $tok = "$group:$tagName"; # manually un-do CR/LF conversion in Windows because output # is in text mode, which will re-convert newlines to CR/LF $isCRLF and $val =~ s/\x0d\x0a/\x0a/g; if ($outFormat > 0) { if ($structOpt and ref $val) { $val = Image::ExifTool::XMP::SerializeStruct($val); } if ($escapeHTML) { $val =~ tr/\0-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f/./; Image::ExifTool::XMP::FixUTF8(\$val) if $utf8; $val = Image::ExifTool::HTML::EscapeHTML($val); } else { CleanXML(\$val); } unless ($noDups{$tok}) { print $fp "\n $tok='$val'"; # XML does not allow duplicate attributes $noDups{$tok} = 1; } next; } my ($xtra, $valNum, $descClose); if ($showTagID) { my ($id, $lang) = $et->GetTagID($tag); if ($id =~ /^\d+$/) { $id = sprintf("0x%.4x", $id) if $showTagID eq 'H'; } else { $id = Image::ExifTool::XMP::FullEscapeXML($id); } $xtra = " et:id='$id'"; $xtra .= " xml:lang='$lang'" if $lang; } else { $xtra = ''; } if ($tabFormat) { my $table = $et->GetTableName($tag); my $index = $et->GetTagIndex($tag); $xtra .= " et:table='$table'"; $xtra .= " et:index='$index'" if defined $index; } my $lastVal = $val; for ($valNum=0; $valNum<2; ++$valNum) { $val = FormatXML($val, $ind, $group); if ($outFormat >= 0) { # normal output format (note: this will give # non-standard RDF/XML if there are any attributes) print $fp "\n <$tok$xtra$val"; last; } elsif ($valNum == 0) { CleanXML(\$desc); if ($xtra) { print $fp "\n <$tok>"; print $fp "\n "; $descClose = "\n "; } else { print $fp "\n <$tok rdf:parseType='Resource'>"; $descClose = ''; } # print tag Description print $fp "\n $desc"; if ($printConv) { # print PrintConv value print $fp "\n "; $val = $et->GetValue($tag, 'ValueConv'); $val = '' unless defined $val; # go back to print ValueConv value only if different next unless IsEqual($val, $lastVal); print $fp "$descClose\n "; last; } } # print ValueConv value print $fp "\n "; print $fp "$descClose\n "; last; } next; } elsif ($json) { # JSON or PHP output format my $tok = $allGroup ? "$group:$tagName" : $tagName; # (removed due to backward incompatibility) # $tok .= '#' if $tag =~ /#/; # add back '#' suffix if used next if $noDups{$tok}; $noDups{$tok} = 1; print $fp ',' if $comma; print $fp qq(\n$ind"$tok"$sep ); if ($showTagID or $outFormat < 0) { $val = { val => $val }; if ($showTagID) { my $id = $et->GetTagID($tag); $id = sprintf('0x%.4x', $id) if $showTagID eq 'H' and $id =~ /^\d+$/; $$val{id} = $id; } if ($outFormat < 0) { $$val{desc} = $desc; if ($printConv) { my $num = $et->GetValue($tag, 'ValueConv'); $$val{num} = $num if defined $num and not IsEqual($num, $$val{val}); } } } FormatJSON($fp, $val, $ind); $comma = 1; next; } my $id; if ($showTagID) { $id = $et->GetTagID($tag); if ($id =~ /^(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/) { # only print numeric ID's $id = sprintf("0x%.4x", $1) if $showTagID eq 'H'; } else { $id = '-'; } } # translate unprintable chars in value and remove trailing spaces $val =~ tr/\x01-\x1f\x7f/./; $val =~ s/\x00//g; $val =~ s/\s+$//; if ($html) { print $fp ""; print $fp "" if defined $group; print $fp "" if $showTagID; print $fp "" if $outFormat <= 1; print $fp "\n"; } else { my $buff = ''; if ($tabFormat) { $buff = "$group\t" if defined $group; $buff .= "$id\t" if $showTagID; if ($outFormat <= 1) { $buff .= "$desc\t$val\n"; } elsif (defined $line) { $line .= "\t$val"; } else { $line = $val; } } elsif ($outFormat < 0) { # long format $buff = "[$group] " if defined $group; $buff .= "$id " if $showTagID; $buff .= "$desc\n $val\n"; } elsif ($outFormat == 0 or $outFormat == 1) { my $wid; my $len = 0; if (defined $group) { $buff = sprintf("%-15s ", "[$group]"); $len = 16; } if ($showTagID) { $wid = ($showTagID eq 'D') ? 5 : 6; $len += $wid + 1; ($wid = $len - length($buff) - 1) < 1 and $wid = 1; $buff .= sprintf "%${wid}s ", $id; } $wid = 32 - (length($buff) - $len); # pad description to a constant length # (get actual character length when using alternate languages # because these descriptions may contain UTF8-encoded characters) my $padLen = $wid - length($fixLen ? Encode::decode_utf8($desc) : $desc); $padLen = 0 if $padLen < 0; $buff .= $desc . (' ' x $padLen) . ": $val\n"; } elsif ($outFormat == 2) { $buff = "[$group] " if defined $group; $buff .= "$id " if $showTagID; $buff .= "$tagName: $val\n"; } elsif ($argFormat) { $buff = '-'; $buff .= "$group:" if defined $group; $tagName .= '#' if $tag =~ /#/; # add '#' suffix if used $buff .= "$tagName=$val\n"; } else { $buff = "$group " if defined $group; $buff .= "$id " if $showTagID; $buff .= "$val\n"; } print $fp $buff; } if ($tagOut) { if ($append) { $appended{$outfile} = 1 unless $created{$outfile}; } else { $created{$outfile} = 1; } close($fp); undef $tmpText; $verbose and print $vout "Wrote $tagName to $outfile\n"; undef $outfile; undef $fp; } } if ($fp) { if ($html) { print $fp "
\n"; } elsif ($xml) { # close rdf:Description element print $fp $outFormat < 1 ? "\n\n" : "/>\n"; } elsif ($json) { print $fp "\n $ket" if $lastGroup; print $fp "\n$ket"; $comma = 1; } elsif ($tabFormat and $outFormat > 1) { print $fp "$line\n" if defined $line; } } } if ($outfile) { print $fp $fileTrailer if $fileTrailer; # write file trailer close($fp); undef $tmpText; if ($lineCount) { if ($append) { $appended{$outfile} = 1 unless $created{$outfile}; } else { $created{$outfile} = 1; } } else { $et->Unlink($outfile) unless $append; # don't keep empty output files } undef $comma; } ++$count; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set information in file # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) source file name # 2) original source file name ('' to create from scratch) # Returns: true on success sub SetImageInfo($$$) { my ($et, $file, $orig) = @_; my ($outfile, $restored, $isTemporary, $isStdout, $outType, $tagsFromSrc, $hardLink, $testName); my $infile = $file; # save infile in case we change it again undef $tmpFile; # make sure this isn't defined # clear any existing errors or warnings since we check these on return delete $$et{VALUE}{Error}; delete $$et{VALUE}{Warning}; # first, try to determine our output file name so we can return quickly # if it already exists (note: this test must be delayed until after we # set tags from dynamic files if writing FileName or Directory) if (defined $outOpt) { if ($outOpt =~ /^-(\.\w+)?$/) { # allow output file type to be specified with "-o -.EXT" $outType = GetFileType($outOpt) if $1; $outfile = '-'; $isStdout = 1; } else { $outfile = FilenameSPrintf($outOpt, $orig); if ($outfile eq '') { Warn "Can't create file with zero-length name from $orig\n"; ++$countBadCr; return 0; } } if (not $isStdout and ($et->IsDirectory($outfile) or $outfile =~ /\/$/)) { $outfile .= '/' unless $outfile =~ /\/$/; my $name = $file; $name =~ s/^.*\///s; # remove directory name $outfile .= $name; } else { my $srcType = GetFileType($file) || ''; $outType or $outType = GetFileType($outfile); if ($outType and ($srcType ne $outType or $outType eq 'ICC') and $file ne '-') { unless (CanCreate($outType)) { my $what = $srcType ? 'other types' : 'scratch'; WarnOnce "Error: Can't create $outType files from $what\n"; ++$countBadCr; return 0; } if ($file ne '') { # restore previous new values unless done already $et->RestoreNewValues() unless $restored; $restored = 1; # translate to this type by setting specified tags from file my @setTags = @tags; foreach (@exclude) { push @setTags, "-$_"; } # force some tags to be copied for certain file types my %forceCopy = ( ICC => 'ICC_Profile', VRD => 'CanonVRD', DR4 => 'CanonDR4', ); push @setTags, $forceCopy{$outType} if $forceCopy{$outType}; # assume "-tagsFromFile @" unless -tagsFromFile already specified # (%setTags won't be empty if -tagsFromFile used) if (not %setTags or (@setTags and not $setTags{'@'})) { return 0 unless DoSetFromFile($et, $file, \@setTags); } elsif (@setTags) { # add orphaned tags to existing "-tagsFromFile @" for this file only push @setTags, @{$setTags{'@'}}; $tagsFromSrc = \@setTags; } # all done with source file -- create from meta information alone $file = ''; } } } unless ($isStdout) { $outfile = NextUnusedFilename($outfile); if ($et->Exists($outfile) and not $doSetFileName) { Warn "Error: '$outfile' already exists - $infile\n"; ++$countBadWr; return 0; } } } elsif ($file eq '-') { $isStdout = 1; } # set tags from destination file if required if (@dynamicFiles) { # restore previous values if necessary $et->RestoreNewValues() unless $restored; my ($dyFile, %setTagsIndex); foreach $dyFile (@dynamicFiles) { if (not ref $dyFile) { my ($fromFile, $setTags); if ($dyFile eq '@') { $fromFile = $orig; $setTags = $tagsFromSrc || $setTags{$dyFile}; } else { $fromFile = FilenameSPrintf($dyFile, $orig); ++$countBadWr, return 0 unless defined $fromFile; $setTags = $setTags{$dyFile}; } # do we have multiple -tagsFromFile options with this file? if ($setTagsList{$dyFile}) { # use the tags set in the i-th occurrence my $i = $setTagsIndex{$dyFile} || 0; $setTagsIndex{$dyFile} = $i + 1; $setTags = $setTagsList{$dyFile}[$i] if $setTagsList{$dyFile}[$i]; } # set new values values from file return 0 unless DoSetFromFile($et, $fromFile, $setTags); } elsif (ref $dyFile eq 'ARRAY') { # a dynamic file containing a simple tag value my $fname = FilenameSPrintf($$dyFile[1], $orig); my ($buff, $rtn, $wrn); my $opts = $$dyFile[2]; if (defined $fname and SlurpFile($fname, \$buff)) { $verbose and print $vout "Reading $$dyFile[0] from $fname\n"; ($rtn, $wrn) = $mt->SetNewValue($$dyFile[0], $buff, %$opts); $wrn and Warn "$wrn\n"; } # remove this tag if we couldn't set it properly $rtn or $mt->SetNewValue($$dyFile[0], undef, Replace => 2, ProtectSaved => $$opts{ProtectSaved}); next; } elsif (ref $dyFile eq 'SCALAR') { # set new values from CSV database my ($f, $found, $tag); undef $evalWarning; local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] }; # read tags for SourceFile '*' plus the specific file foreach $f ('*', $file) { my $csvInfo = $database{$f}; unless ($csvInfo) { next if $f eq '*'; # check absolute path my $absPath = AbsPath($f); next unless defined $absPath and $csvInfo = $database{$absPath}; } $found = 1; $verbose and print $vout "Setting new values from $csv database\n"; foreach $tag (sort keys %$csvInfo) { next if $tag =~ /\b(SourceFile|Directory|FileName)$/i; # don't write these my ($rtn, $wrn) = $mt->SetNewValue($tag, $$csvInfo{$tag}, Protected => 1, AddValue => $csvAdd, ProtectSaved => $csvSaveCount); $wrn and Warn "$wrn\n" if $verbose; } } unless ($found) { Warn("No SourceFile '$file' in imported $csv database\n"); my $absPath = AbsPath($file); Warn("(full path: '$absPath')\n") if defined $absPath and $absPath ne $file; return 0; } } } } if ($isStdout) { # write to STDOUT $outfile = \*STDOUT; unless ($binaryStdout) { binmode(STDOUT); $binaryStdout = 1; } } else { # get name of hard link if we are creating one $hardLink = $et->GetNewValues('HardLink'); $testName = $et->GetNewValues('TestName'); $hardLink = FilenameSPrintf($hardLink, $orig) if defined $hardLink; if (defined $testName) { $testName = FilenameSPrintf($testName, $orig); $testName = Image::ExifTool::GetNewFileName($file, $testName) if $file ne ''; } # determine what our output file name should be my $newFileName = $et->GetNewValues('FileName'); my $newDir = $et->GetNewValues('Directory'); if (defined $newFileName or defined $newDir or ($doSetFileName and defined $outfile)) { if ($newFileName) { $newFileName = FilenameSPrintf($newFileName, $orig); if (defined $outfile) { $outfile = Image::ExifTool::GetNewFileName($file, $outfile) if $file ne ''; $outfile = Image::ExifTool::GetNewFileName($outfile, $newFileName); } elsif ($file ne '') { $outfile = Image::ExifTool::GetNewFileName($file, $newFileName); } } if ($newDir) { $newDir = FilenameSPrintf($newDir, $orig); $outfile = Image::ExifTool::GetNewFileName(defined $outfile ? $outfile : $file, $newDir); } $outfile = NextUnusedFilename($outfile, $infile); if ($et->Exists($outfile)) { if ($infile ne $outfile) { Warn "Error: '$outfile' already exists - $infile\n"; ++$countBadWr; return 0; } undef $outfile; # not changing the file name after all } } if (defined $outfile) { $verbose and print $vout "'$infile' --> '$outfile'\n"; # create output directory if necessary CreateDirectory($outfile); # set temporary file (automatically erased on abnormal exit) $tmpFile = $outfile if defined $outOpt; } unless (defined $tmpFile) { # count the number of tags and pseudo-tags we are writing my ($numSet, $numPseudo) = $et->CountNewValues(); if ($et->Exists($file)) { unless ($numSet) { # no need to write if no tags set print $vout "Nothing changed in $file\n" if defined $verbose; ++$countSameWr; return 1; } } elsif (CanCreate($file)) { if ($numSet == $numPseudo) { # no need to write if no real tags Warn("Error: Nothing to write - $file\n"); ++$countBadWr; return 0; } unless (defined $outfile) { # create file from scratch $outfile = $file; $file = ''; } } else { # file doesn't exist, and we can't create it Warn("Error: File not found - $file\n"); FileNotFound($file); ++$countBadWr; return 0; } # quickly rename file and/or set file date if this is all we are doing if ($numSet == $numPseudo) { my $r1 = $et->SetFileModifyDate($file,undef,'FileCreateDate'); my $r2 = $et->SetFileModifyDate($file); my $r3 = $et->SetFilePermissions($file); my $r4 = 0; $r4 = $et->SetFileName($file, $outfile) if defined $outfile; if ($r1 > 0 or $r2 > 0 or $r3 > 0 or $r4 > 0) { ++$countGoodWr; } elsif ($r1 < 0 or $r2 < 0 or $r3 < 0 or $r4 < 0) { ++$countBadWr; return 0; } else { ++$countSameWr; } if (defined $hardLink or defined $testName) { my $src = (defined $outfile and $r4 > 0) ? $outfile : $file; DoHardLink($et, $src, $hardLink, $testName); } return 1; } unless (defined $outfile) { # write to a truly temporary file $outfile = "${file}_exiftool_tmp"; if ($et->Exists($outfile)) { Warn("Error: Temporary file already exists: $outfile\n"); ++$countBadWr; return 0; } $isTemporary = 1; } # new output file is temporary until we know it has been written properly $tmpFile = $outfile; } } # rewrite the file my $success = $et->WriteInfo(Infile($file), $outfile, $outType); # create hard link if specified if ($success and (defined $hardLink or defined $testName)) { my $src = defined $outfile ? $outfile : $file; DoHardLink($et, $src, $hardLink, $testName); } # get file time if preserving it my ($aTime, $mTime, $cTime, $doPreserve); $doPreserve = $preserveTime unless $file eq ''; if ($doPreserve and $success) { ($aTime, $mTime, $cTime) = $et->GetFileTime($file); # don't override date/time values written by the user undef $cTime if $$et{WRITTEN}{FileCreateDate}; if ($$et{WRITTEN}{FileModifyDate} or $doPreserve == 2) { if (defined $cTime) { undef $aTime; # only preserve FileCreateDate undef $mTime; } else { undef $doPreserve; # (nothing to preserve) } } } if ($success == 1) { # preserve the original file times if (defined $tmpFile) { if ($et->Exists($file)) { $et->SetFileTime($tmpFile, $aTime, $mTime, $cTime) if $doPreserve; if ($isTemporary) { # preserve original file attributes if possible $et->CopyFileAttrs($file, $outfile); # move original out of the way my $original = "${file}_original"; if (not $overwriteOrig and not $et->Exists($original)) { # rename the file and check again to be sure the file doesn't exist # (in case, say, the filesystem truncated the file extension) if (not $et->Rename($file, $original) or $et->Exists($file)) { Error "Error renaming $file\n"; return 0; } } if ($overwriteOrig > 1) { # copy temporary file over top of original to preserve attributes my ($err, $buff); my $newFile = $tmpFile; $et->Open(\*NEW_FILE, $newFile) or Error("Error opening $newFile\n"), return 0; binmode(NEW_FILE); #.......................................................... # temporarily disable CTRL-C during this critical operation $critical = 1; undef $tmpFile; # handle deletion of temporary file ourself if ($et->Open(\*ORIG_FILE, $file, '>')) { binmode(ORIG_FILE); while (read(NEW_FILE, $buff, 65536)) { print ORIG_FILE $buff or $err = 1; } close(NEW_FILE); close(ORIG_FILE) or $err = 1; if ($err) { Warn "Couldn't overwrite in place - $file\n"; unless ($et->Rename($newFile, $file) or ($et->Unlink($file) and $et->Rename($newFile, $file))) { Error("Error renaming $newFile to $file\n"), return 0; } } else { $et->SetFileModifyDate($file, $cTime, 'FileCreateDate', 1); $et->SetFileModifyDate($file, $mTime, 'FileModifyDate', 1); $et->Unlink($newFile); if ($doPreserve) { $et->SetFileTime($file, $aTime, $mTime, $cTime); # save time to set it later again to patch OS X 10.6 bug $preserveTime{$file} = [ $aTime, $mTime, $cTime ]; } } ++$countGoodWr; } else { close(NEW_FILE); Warn "Error opening $file for writing\n"; $et->Unlink($newFile); ++$countBadWr; } undef $critical; # end critical section SigInt() if $interrupted; # issue delayed SIGINT if necessary #.......................................................... # simply rename temporary file to replace original # (if we didn't already rename it to add "_original") } elsif ($et->Rename($tmpFile, $file)) { ++$countGoodWr; } else { my $newFile = $tmpFile; undef $tmpFile; # (avoid deleting file if we get interrupted) # unlink may fail if already renamed or no permission if (not $et->Unlink($file)) { Warn "Error renaming temporary file to $file\n"; $et->Unlink($newFile); ++$countBadWr; # try renaming again now that the target has been deleted } elsif (not $et->Rename($newFile, $file)) { Warn "Error renaming temporary file to $file\n"; # (don't delete tmp file now because it is all we have left) ++$countBadWr; } else { ++$countGoodWr; } } } elsif ($overwriteOrig) { # erase original file $et->Unlink($file) or Warn "Error erasing original $file\n"; ++$countGoodWr; } else { ++$countGoodCr; } } else { # this file was created from scratch, not edited ++$countGoodCr; } } else { ++$countGoodWr; } } elsif ($success) { if ($isTemporary) { # just erase the temporary file since no changes were made $et->Unlink($tmpFile); ++$countSameWr; } else { $et->SetFileTime($outfile, $aTime, $mTime, $cTime) if $doPreserve; if ($overwriteOrig) { $et->Unlink($file) or Warn "Error erasing original $file\n"; } ++$countCopyWr; } print $vout "Nothing changed in $file\n" if defined $verbose; } else { $et->Unlink($tmpFile) if defined $tmpFile; ++$countBadWr; } undef $tmpFile; return $success; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Make hard link and handle TestName if specified # Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) source file name, 2) HardLink name, 3) TestFile name sub DoHardLink($$$$) { my ($et, $src, $hardLink, $testName) = @_; if (defined $hardLink) { $hardLink = NextUnusedFilename($hardLink); if ($et->SetFileName($src, $hardLink, 'Link') > 0) { ++$countLink; } else { ++$countBadLink; } } if (defined $testName) { $testName = NextUnusedFilename($testName, undef, 1); if ($usedFileName{$testName}) { $et->Warn("File '$testName' would exist"); } elsif ($et->SetFileName($src, $testName, 'Test') == 1) { $usedFileName{$testName} = 1; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Clean string for XML (also removes invalid control chars and malformed UTF-8) # Inputs: 0) string ref # Returns: nothing, but input string is escaped sub CleanXML($) { my $strPt = shift; # translate control characters that are invalid in XML $$strPt =~ tr/\0-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f/./; # fix malformed UTF-8 characters Image::ExifTool::XMP::FixUTF8($strPt) if $utf8; # escape necessary characters for XML $$strPt = Image::ExifTool::XMP::EscapeXML($$strPt); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Encode string for XML # Inputs: 0) string ref # Returns: encoding used (and input string is translated) sub EncodeXML($) { my $strPt = shift; if ($$strPt =~ /[\0-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]/ or ($utf8 and Image::ExifTool::XMP::IsUTF8($strPt) < 0)) { # encode binary data and non-UTF8 with special characters as base64 $$strPt = Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($$strPt); return 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#base64Binary'; #ATV } elsif ($escapeHTML) { $$strPt = Image::ExifTool::HTML::EscapeHTML($$strPt); } else { $$strPt = Image::ExifTool::XMP::EscapeXML($$strPt); } return ''; # not encoded } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Format value for XML output # Inputs: 0) value, 1) indentation, 2) group # Returns: formatted value sub FormatXML($$$) { local $_; my ($val, $ind, $grp) = @_; my $gt = '>'; if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { # convert ARRAY into an rdf:Bag my $val2 = "\n$ind "; foreach (@$val) { $val2 .= "\n$ind "; } $val = "$val2\n$ind \n$ind"; } elsif (ref $val eq 'HASH') { $gt = " rdf:parseType='Resource'>"; my $val2 = ''; foreach (sort keys %$val) { # (some variable-namespace XML structure fields may have a different group) my $tok = /:/ ? $_ : ($grp . ':' . $_); $val2 .= "\n$ind <$tok" . FormatXML($$val{$_}, "$ind ", $grp) . ""; } $val = "$val2\n$ind"; } else { # (note: SCALAR reference should have already been converted) my $enc = EncodeXML(\$val); $gt = " rdf:datatype='$enc'>\n" if $enc; #ATV } return $gt . $val; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Escape string for JSON or PHP # Inputs: 0) string, 1) flag to force numbers to be quoted too # Returns: Escaped string (quoted if necessary) sub EscapeJSON($;$) { my ($str, $quote) = @_; unless ($quote) { # JSON boolean (true or false) return lc($str) if $str =~ /^(true|false)$/i and $json < 2; # JSON/PHP number (see json.org for numerical format) # return $str if $str =~ /^-?(\d|[1-9]\d+)(\.\d+)?(e[-+]?\d+)?$/i; # (these big numbers caused problems for some JSON parsers, so be more conservative) return $str if $str =~ /^-?(\d|[1-9]\d{1,14})(\.\d{1,16})?(e[-+]?\d{1,3})?$/i; } # encode JSON string as Base64 if necessary if ($json < 2 and defined $binaryOutput and Image::ExifTool::XMP::IsUTF8(\$str) < 0) { return '"base64:' . Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($str, 1) . '"'; } # escape special characters $str =~ s/(["\t\n\r\\])/\\$jsonChar{$1}/sg; if ($json < 2) { # JSON # escape other control characters with \u $str =~ s/([\0-\x1f])/sprintf("\\u%.4X",ord $1)/sge; # JSON strings must be valid UTF8 Image::ExifTool::XMP::FixUTF8(\$str) if $utf8; } else { # PHP # must escape "$" too for PHP $str =~ s/\$/\\\$/sg; # escape other control characters with \x $str =~ s/([\0-\x1f])/sprintf("\\x%.2X",ord $1)/sge; } return '"' . $str . '"'; # return the quoted string } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print JSON or PHP value # Inputs: 0) file reference, 1) value, 2) indentation sub FormatJSON($$$) { local $_; my ($fp, $val, $ind) = @_; my $comma; if (not ref $val) { print $fp EscapeJSON($val); } elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { if ($joinLists and not ref $$val[0]) { print $fp EscapeJSON(join $listSep, @$val); } else { my ($bra, $ket) = $json == 1 ? ('[',']') : ('Array(',')'); print $fp $bra; foreach (@$val) { print $fp ',' if $comma; FormatJSON($fp, $_, $ind); $comma = 1, } print $fp $ket, } } elsif (ref $val eq 'HASH') { my ($bra, $ket, $sep) = $json == 1 ? ('{','}',':') : ('Array(',')',' =>'); print $fp $bra; foreach (sort keys %$val) { print $fp ',' if $comma; print $fp qq(\n$ind "$_"$sep ); # hack to force decimal id's to be printed as strings with -H if ($showTagID and $_ eq 'id' and $showTagID eq 'H' and $$val{$_} =~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) { print $fp qq{"$$val{$_}"}; } else { FormatJSON($fp, $$val{$_}, "$ind "); } $comma = 1, } print $fp "\n$ind$ket", } else { # (note: SCALAR reference should have already been converted) print $fp '""'; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Format value for CSV file # Inputs: value # Returns: value quoted if necessary sub FormatCSV($) { my $val = shift; # currently, the value may contain NULL characters. It is unclear # whether or not this is valid CSV, but some readers may not like it. # (if this becomes a problem, in the future values may need to be truncated at # the first NULL character, but this would disable the use of CSV for binary data) $val = qq{"$val"} if $val =~ s/"/""/g or $val =~ /(^\s+|\s+$)/ or $val =~ /[,\n\r]/; return $val; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print accumulated CSV information sub PrintCSV() { my ($file, $lcTag, @tags); @csvTags or @csvTags = sort keys %csvTags; # make a list of tags actually found foreach $lcTag (@csvTags) { push @tags, $csvTags{$lcTag} if $csvTags{$lcTag}; } print join(',', 'SourceFile', @tags), "\n"; my $empty = defined($forcePrint) ? $forcePrint : ''; foreach $file (@csvFiles) { my @vals = (FormatCSV($mt->ConvertFileName($file))); # start with full file name my $csvInfo = $database{$file}; foreach $lcTag (@csvTags) { next unless $csvTags{$lcTag}; my $val = $$csvInfo{$lcTag}; defined $val or push(@vals,$empty), next; push @vals, FormatCSV($val); } print join(',', @vals), "\n"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add tag groups from structure fields to a list # Inputs: 0) tag value, 1) parent group, 2) group hash ref, 3) group list ref sub AddGroups($$$$) { my ($val, $grp, $groupHash, $groupList) = @_; my ($key, $val2); if (ref $val eq 'HASH') { foreach $key (sort keys %$val) { if ($key =~ /(.*?):/ and not $$groupHash{$1}) { $$groupHash{$1} = $grp; push @$groupList, $1; } AddGroups($$val{$key}, $grp, $groupHash, $groupList) if ref $$val{$key}; } } elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { foreach $val2 (@$val) { AddGroups($val2, $grp, $groupHash, $groupList) if ref $val2; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convert binary data (SCALAR references) for printing # Inputs: 0) object reference # Returns: converted object sub ConvertBinary($) { my $obj = shift; my ($key, $val); if (ref $obj eq 'HASH') { foreach $key (keys %$obj) { $$obj{$key} = ConvertBinary($$obj{$key}) if ref $$obj{$key}; } } elsif (ref $obj eq 'ARRAY') { foreach $val (@$obj) { $val = ConvertBinary($val) if ref $val; } } elsif (ref $obj eq 'SCALAR') { # (binaryOutput flag is set to 0 for binary mode of XML/PHP/JSON output formats) if (defined $binaryOutput) { $obj = $$obj; # encode in base64 if necessary if ($json == 1 and ($obj =~ /[^\x09\x0a\x0d\x20-\x7e\x80-\xf7]/ or Image::ExifTool::XMP::IsUTF8(\$obj) < 0)) { $obj = 'base64:' . Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($obj, 1); } } else { # (-b is not valid for HTML output) my $bOpt = $html ? '' : ', use -b option to extract'; if ($$obj =~ /^Binary data \d+ bytes$/) { $obj = "($$obj$bOpt)"; } else { $obj = '(Binary data ' . length($$obj) . " bytes$bOpt)"; } } } return $obj; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compare two tag values to see if they are equal # Inputs: 0) value1, 1) value2 # Returns: true if they are equal sub IsEqual($$) { return 1 if ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' or $_[0] eq $_[1]; return 0 if ref $_[0] ne 'ARRAY' or ref $_[1] ne 'ARRAY' or @{$_[0]} ne @{$_[1]}; # test all elements of an array my $i = 0; for ($i=0; $i ++$saveCount }, "TagsFromFile=$setFile"; # add option to protect the tags which are assigned after this # (this is the mechanism by which the command-line order-of-operations is preserved) $opts or $opts = { }; $$opts{ProtectSaved} = $saveCount; push @{$setTags{$setFile}}, $opts; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get input file name or reference for calls to the ExifTool API # Inputs: 0) file name ('-' for STDIN), 1) flag to buffer STDIN # Returns: file name, or RAF reference for buffering STDIN sub Infile($;$) { my ($file, $bufferStdin) = @_; if ($file eq '-' and ($bufferStdin or $rafStdin)) { if ($rafStdin) { $rafStdin->Seek(0); # rewind } elsif (open RAF_STDIN, '-') { $rafStdin = new File::RandomAccess(\*RAF_STDIN); $rafStdin->BinMode(); } return $rafStdin if $rafStdin; } return $file; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set new values from file # Inputs: 0) exiftool ref, 1) filename, 2) reference to list of values to set # Returns: 0 on error (and increments $countBadWr) sub DoSetFromFile($$$) { local $_; my ($et, $file, $setTags) = @_; $verbose and print $vout "Setting new values from $file\n"; my $info = $et->SetNewValuesFromFile(Infile($file,1), @$setTags); my $numSet = scalar(keys %$info); if ($$info{Error}) { # delete all error and warning tags my @warns = grep /^(Error|Warning)\b/, keys %$info; $numSet -= scalar(@warns); # issue a warning for the main error only if we were able to set some tags if (keys(%$info) > @warns) { my $err = $$info{Error}; delete $$info{$_} foreach @warns; $$info{Warning} = $err; } } elsif ($$info{Warning}) { my $warns = 1; ++$warns while $$info{"Warning ($warns)"}; $numSet -= $warns; } PrintErrors($et, $info, $file) and ++$countBadWr, return 0; Warn "Warning: No writable tags set from $file\n" unless $numSet; return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Translate backslashes to forward slashes in filename if necessary # Inputs: 0) Filename # Returns: nothing, but changes filename if necessary sub CleanFilename($) { $_[0] =~ tr/\\/\// if $hasBackslash{$^O}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check for valid UTF-8 of a file name # Inputs: 0) string, 1) original encoding # Returns: 0=plain ASCII, 1=valid UTF-8, -1=invalid UTF-8 (and print warning) sub CheckUTF8($$) { my ($file, $enc) = @_; my $isUTF8 = 0; if ($file =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) { require Image::ExifTool::XMP; $isUTF8 = Image::ExifTool::XMP::IsUTF8(\$file); if ($isUTF8 < 0) { if ($enc) { Warn("Invalid filename encoding for $file\n"); } else { WarnOnce(qq{FileName encoding not specified. Use "-charset FileName=CHARSET"\n}); } } } return $isUTF8; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Process files in our @files list # Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) list ref to just return full file names sub ProcessFiles($;$) { my ($et, $list) = @_; my $enc = $et->Options('CharsetFileName'); my $file; foreach $file (@files) { $et->Options(CharsetFileName => 'UTF8') if $utf8FileName{$file}; if (defined $progressMax) { ++$progress; $progStr = " [$progress/$progressMax]"; } if ($mt->IsDirectory($file)) { $multiFile = $validFile = 1; ScanDir($mt, $file, $list); } elsif ($filterFlag and not AcceptFile($file)) { if ($mt->Exists($file)) { $filtered = 1; $verbose and print $vout "-------- $file (wrong extension)$progStr\n"; } else { Warn "File not found: $file\n"; FileNotFound($file); $rtnVal = 1; } } else { $validFile = 1; if ($list) { push(@$list, $file); } else { GetImageInfo($et, $file); } } $et->Options(CharsetFileName => $enc) if $utf8FileName{$file}; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Scan directory for image files # Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) directory name, 2) list ref to return file names sub ScanDir($$;$) { local $_; my ($et, $dir, $list) = @_; my (@fileList, $done, $file, $utf8Name); my $enc = $et->Options('CharsetFileName'); # recode as UTF-8 if necessary if ($enc) { unless ($enc eq 'UTF8') { $dir = $et->Decode($dir, $enc, undef, 'UTF8'); $et->Options(CharsetFileName => 'UTF8'); # now using UTF8 } $utf8Name = 1; } return if $ignore{$dir}; # use Win32::FindFile on Windows if available # (ReadDir will croak if there is a wildcard, so check for this) if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $dir !~ /[*?]/) { local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] };; if (CheckUTF8($dir, $enc) >= 0) { if (eval { require Win32::FindFile }) { @fileList = Win32::FindFile::ReadDir($dir); $_ = $_->cFileName foreach @fileList; $et->Options(CharsetFileName => 'UTF8'); # now using UTF8 $utf8Name = 1; # ReadDir returns UTF-8 file names $done = 1; } else { $done = 0; } } } unless ($done) { # use standard perl library routines to read directory opendir(DIR_HANDLE, $dir) or Warn("Error opening directory $dir\n"), return; @fileList = readdir(DIR_HANDLE); closedir(DIR_HANDLE); if (defined $done) { # issue warning if some names would have required Win32::FindFile foreach $file ($dir, @fileList) { next unless $file =~ /[\?\x80-\xff]/; WarnOnce("Install Win32::FindFile to support Windows Unicode file names in directories\n"); last; } } } $dir =~ /\/$/ or $dir .= '/'; # make sure directory name ends with '/' foreach $file (@fileList) { my $path = "$dir$file"; if ($et->IsDirectory($path)) { next unless $recurse; # ignore directories starting with "." by default next if $file =~ /^\./ and ($recurse == 1 or $file eq '.' or $file eq '..'); next if $ignore{$file} or ($ignore{SYMLINKS} and -l $path); ScanDir($et, $path, $list); next; } # apply rules from -ext options my $accepted; if ($filterFlag) { $accepted = AcceptFile($file) or next; # must be specifically accepted to bypass selection logic $accepted &= 0x01; } unless ($accepted) { # read/write this file if it is a supported type if ($scanWritable) { if ($scanWritable eq '1') { next unless CanWrite($file); } else { my $type = GetFileType($file); next unless defined $type and $type eq $scanWritable; } } elsif (not GetFileType($file)) { next unless $doUnzip; next unless $file =~ /\.(gz|bz2)$/i; } } if ($list) { push(@$list, $path); $utf8FileName{$path} = 1 if $utf8Name; } else { GetImageInfo($et, $path); } } ++$countDir; $et->Options(CharsetFileName => $enc); # restore original setting } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find files with wildcard expression on Windows # Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) file name with wildcards # Returns: list of matching file names # Notes: # 1) Win32::FindFile must already be loaded # 2) Sets flag in %utf8FileName for each file found sub FindFileWindows($$) { my ($et, $wildfile) = @_; # recode file name as UTF-8 if necessary my $enc = $et->Options('CharsetFileName'); $wildfile = $et->Decode($wildfile, $enc, undef, 'UTF8') if $enc and $enc ne 'UTF8'; $wildfile =~ tr/\\/\//; # use forward slashes my ($dir, $wildname) = ($wildfile =~ m{(.*/)(.*)}) ? ($1, $2) : ('', $wildfile); if ($dir =~ /[*?]/) { Warn "Wildcards don't work in the directory specification\n"; return (); } CheckUTF8($wildfile, $enc) >= 0 or return (); local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0] };; my @names = Win32::FindFile::FindFile($wildfile) or return (); # (apparently this isn't always sorted, so do a case-insensitive sort here) @names = sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } @names; my ($rname, $nm, @files); # replace "\?" with ".", and "\*" with ".*" for regular expression ($rname = quotemeta $wildname) =~ s/\\\?/./g; $rname =~ s/\\\*/.*/g; foreach $nm (@names) { $nm = $nm->cFileName; # make sure that FindFile behaves # (otherwise "*.jpg" matches things like "a.jpg_original"!) next unless $nm =~ /^$rname$/i; next if $nm eq '.' or $nm eq '..'; # don't match "." and ".." my $file = "$dir$nm"; # add back directory name push @files, $file; $utf8FileName{$file} = 1; # flag this file name as UTF-8 encoded } return @files; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Handle missing file on the command line # Inputs: 0) file name sub FileNotFound($) { my $file = shift; if ($file =~ /^(DIR|FILE)$/) { my $type = { DIR => 'directory', FILE => 'file' }->{$file}; Warn qq{You were meant to enter any valid $type name, not "$file" literally.\n}; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Patch for OS X 10.6 to preserve file modify date # (this probably isn't a 100% fix, but it may solve a majority of the cases) sub PreserveTime() { local $_; $mt->SetFileTime($_, @{$preserveTime{$_}}) foreach keys %preserveTime; undef %preserveTime; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Return absolute path for a file # Inputs: 0) file name # Returns: absolute path string, or undef if path could not be determined # Note: Warnings should be suppressed when calling this routine sub AbsPath($) { my $file = shift; my $path; if (defined $file and eval { require Cwd }) { $path = eval { Cwd::abs_path($file) }; # make the delimiters and case consistent # (abs_path is very inconsistent about what it returns in Windows) if (defined $path and $hasBackslash{$^O}) { $path =~ tr/\\/\//; $path = lc $path; } } return $path; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add print format entry # Inputs: 0) expression string sub AddPrintFormat($) { my $expr = shift; my $type; if ($expr =~ /^#/) { $expr =~ s/^#\[(HEAD|BODY|TAIL)\]// or return; # ignore comments $type = $1; } else { $type = 'BODY'; } $printFmt{$type} or $printFmt{$type} = [ ]; push @{$printFmt{$type}}, $expr; # add to list of requested tags push @requestTags, $expr =~ /\$\{?((?:[-\w]+:)*[-\w?*]+)/g; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get suggested file extension based on tag value for binary output # Inputs: 0) data ref # Returns: file extension (lower case), or 'dat' if unknown sub SuggestedExtension($$$) { my ($et, $valPt, $tag) = @_; my $ext; if (not $binaryOutput) { $ext = 'txt'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^\xff\xd8\xff/) { $ext = 'jpg'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^(\0\0\0\x0cjP( |\x1a\x1a)\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a|\xff\x4f\xff\x51\0)/) { $ext = 'jp2'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^(\x89P|\x8aM|\x8bJ)NG\r\n\x1a\n/) { $ext = 'png'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^GIF8[79]a/) { $ext = 'gif'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^<\?xpacket/ or $tag eq 'XMP') { $ext = 'xmp'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^<\?xml/ or $tag eq 'XML') { $ext = 'xml'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^RIFF....WAVE/s) { $ext = 'wav'; } elsif ($tag eq 'OriginalRawFileData' and defined($ext = $et->GetValue('OriginalRawFileName'))) { $ext =~ s/^.*\.//s; $ext = $ext ? lc($ext) : 'raw'; } elsif ($tag eq 'EXIF') { $ext = 'exif'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^(MM\0\x2a|II\x2a\0)/) { $ext = 'tiff'; } elsif ($$valPt !~ /^.{0,4096}\0/s) { $ext = 'txt'; } elsif ($$valPt =~ /^BM/) { $ext = 'bmp'; } else { $ext = 'dat'; } return $ext; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load print format file # Inputs: 0) file name # - saves lines of file to %printFmt list # - adds tag names to @tags list sub LoadPrintFormat($) { my $arg = shift; if (not defined $arg) { Error "Must specify file or expression for -p option\n"; } elsif ($arg !~ /\n/ and -f $arg and $mt->Open(\*FMT_FILE, $arg)) { foreach () { AddPrintFormat($_); } close(FMT_FILE); } else { AddPrintFormat($arg . "\n"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # A sort of sprintf for filenames # Inputs: 0) format string (%d=dir, %f=file name, %e=ext), # 1) source filename or undef to test format string # 2-4) [%t %g %s only] tag name, ref to array of group names, suggested extension # Returns: new filename or undef on error (or if no file and fmt contains token) sub FilenameSPrintf($;$@) { my ($fmt, $file, @extra) = @_; local $_; # return format string straight away if no tokens return $fmt unless $fmt =~ /%[-+]?\d*[.:]?\d*[lu]?[dDfFeEtgs]/; return undef unless defined $file; CleanFilename($file); # make sure we are using forward slashes # split filename into directory, file, extension my %part; @part{qw(d f E)} = ($file =~ /^(.*?)([^\/]*?)(\.[^.\/]*)?$/); defined $part{f} or Warn("Error: Bad pattern match for file $file\n"), return undef; if ($part{E}) { $part{e} = substr($part{E}, 1); } else { @part{qw(e E)} = ('', ''); } $part{F} = $part{f} . $part{E}; ($part{D} = $part{d}) =~ s{/+$}{}; @part{qw(t g s)} = @extra; my ($filename, $pos) = ('', 0); while ($fmt =~ /(%([-+]?)(\d*)([.:]?)(\d*)([lu]?)([dDfFeEtgs]))/g) { $filename .= substr($fmt, $pos, pos($fmt) - $pos - length($1)); $pos = pos($fmt); my ($sign, $wid, $dot, $skip, $mod, $code) = ($2, $3, $4, $5 || 0, $6, $7); my (@path, $part, $len, $groups); if (lc $code eq 'd' and $dot and $dot eq ':') { # field width applies to directory levels instead of characters @path = split '/', $part{$code}; $len = scalar @path; } else { if ($code eq 'g') { $groups = $part{g} || [ ] unless defined $groups; $fmt =~ /\G(\d?)/g; # look for %g1, %g2, etc $part{g} = $$groups[$1 || 0]; $pos = pos($fmt); } $part{$code} = '' unless defined $part{$code}; $len = length $part{$code}; } next unless $skip < $len; $wid = $len - $skip if $wid eq '' or $wid + $skip > $len; $skip = $len - $wid - $skip if $sign eq '-'; if (@path) { $part = join('/', @path[$skip..($skip+$wid-1)]); $part .= '/' unless $code eq 'D'; } else { $part = substr($part{$code}, $skip, $wid); } $part = ($mod eq 'u') ? uc($part) : lc($part) if $mod; $filename .= $part; } $filename .= substr($fmt, $pos); # add rest of file name # remove double slashes (except at beginning to allow Windows UNC paths) $filename =~ s{(?!^)//}{/}g; return $filename; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convert number to alphabetical index: a, b, c, ... z, aa, ab ... # Inputs: 0) number # Returns: alphabetical index string sub Num2Alpha($) { my $num = shift; my $alpha = chr(97 + ($num % 26)); while ($num >= 26) { $num = int($num / 26) - 1; $alpha = chr(97 + ($num % 26)) . $alpha; } return $alpha; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Expand '%c' and '%C' codes if filename to get next unused file name # Inputs: 0) file name format string, 1) filename ok to use even if it exists # 2) dry run (won't really be renaming file) # Returns: new file name sub NextUnusedFilename($;$$) { my ($fmt, $okfile, $dryRun) = @_; return $fmt unless $fmt =~ /%[-+]?\d*\.?\d*[lun]?[cC]/; my %sep = ( '-' => '-', '+' => '_' ); my ($copy, $alpha) = (0, 'a'); for (;;) { my ($filename, $pos) = ('', 0); while ($fmt =~ /(%([-+]?)(\d*)(\.?)(\d*)([lun]?)([cC]))/g) { $filename .= substr($fmt, $pos, pos($fmt) - $pos - length($1)); $pos = pos($fmt); my ($sign, $wid, $dec, $wid2, $mod, $tok) = ($2, $3 || 0, $4, $5 || 0, $6, $7); if ($tok eq 'C') { $seqFileNum = $wid if $wid and not $seqFileNum; $wid = $wid2; } else { next unless $dec or $copy; $wid = $wid2 if $wid < $wid2; } # add dash or underline separator if '-' or '+' specified $filename .= $sep{$sign} if $sign; if ($mod and $mod ne 'n') { my $a = $tok eq 'C' ? Num2Alpha($seqFileNum++) : $alpha; my $str = ($wid and $wid > length $a) ? 'a' x ($wid - length($a)) : ''; $str .= $a; $str = uc $str if $mod eq 'u'; $filename .= $str; } else { my $c = $tok eq 'C' ? $seqFileNum++ : $copy; my $num = $c + ($mod ? 1 : 0); $filename .= $wid ? sprintf("%.${wid}d",$num) : $num; } } $filename .= substr($fmt, $pos); # add rest of file name # return now with filename unless file exists return $filename unless $mt->Exists($filename) or $usedFileName{$filename}; return $filename if defined $okfile and $filename eq $okfile; ++$copy; ++$alpha; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create directory for specified file # Inputs: 0) complete file name including path # Returns: true if a directory was created my $k32CreateDir; sub CreateDirectory($) { my $file = shift; my ($dir, $created); ($dir = $file) =~ s/[^\/]*$//; # remove filename from path specification if ($dir and not $mt->IsDirectory($dir)) { my @parts = split /\//, $dir; $dir = ''; foreach (@parts) { $dir .= $_; if (length $dir and not $mt->IsDirectory($dir) and # don't try to create a network drive root directory not ($hasBackslash{$^O} and $dir =~ m{^//[^/]*$})) { my $success; # create directory since it doesn't exist my $d2 = $dir; # (must make a copy in case EncodeFileName recodes it) if ($mt->EncodeFileName($d2)) { # handle Windows Unicode directory names unless (eval { require Win32::API }) { Error('Install Win32::API to create directories with Unicode names'); return 0; } unless ($k32CreateDir) { $k32CreateDir = new Win32::API('KERNEL32', 'CreateDirectoryW', 'PP', 'I'); } $success = $k32CreateDir->Call($d2, 0) if $k32CreateDir; } else { $success = mkdir($d2, 0777); } $success or Error("Error creating directory $dir\n"), return 0; $verbose and print $vout "Created directory $dir\n"; $created = 1; } $dir .= '/'; } } ++$countNewDir if $created; return $created; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Open output text file # Inputs: 0) file name format string, 1-N) extra arguments for FilenameSPrintf # Returns: 0) file reference (or undef on error), 1) file name if opened, 2) append flag # Notes: returns reference to STDOUT and no file name if no textOut file needed sub OpenOutputFile($;@) { my ($file, @args) = @_; my ($fp, $outfile, $append); if ($textOut) { $outfile = $file; CleanFilename($outfile); if ($textOut =~ /%[-+]?\d*[.:]?\d*[lun]?[dDfFeEtgscC]/ or defined $tagOut) { # make filename from printf-like $textOut $outfile = FilenameSPrintf($textOut, $file, @args); return () unless defined $outfile; $outfile = NextUnusedFilename($outfile); CreateDirectory($outfile); # create directory if necessary } else { $outfile =~ s/\.[^.\/]*$//; # remove extension if it exists $outfile .= $textOut; } my $mode = '>'; if ($mt->Exists($outfile)) { unless ($textOverwrite) { Warn "Output file $outfile already exists for $file\n"; return (); } if ($textOverwrite == 2 or ($textOverwrite == 3 and $created{$outfile})) { $mode = '>>'; $append = 1; } } unless ($mt->Open(\*OUTFILE, $outfile, $mode)) { my $what = $mode eq '>' ? 'creating' : 'appending to'; Error("Error $what $outfile\n"); return (); } binmode(OUTFILE) if $binaryOutput; $fp = \*OUTFILE; } else { $fp = \*STDOUT; } return($fp, $outfile, $append); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Filter files based on extension # Inputs: 0) file name # Returns: 0 = rejected, 1 = specifically accepted, 2 = accepted by default # Notes: This routine should only be called if $filterFlag is set sub AcceptFile($) { my $file = shift; my $ext = ($file =~ /^.*\.(.+)$/s) ? uc($1) : ''; return $filterExt{$ext} if defined $filterExt{$ext}; return $filterExt{'*'} if defined $filterExt{'*'}; return 0 if $filterFlag & 0x02; # reject if accepting specific extensions return 2; # accept by default } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Slurp file into buffer # Inputs: 0) file name, 1) buffer reference # Returns: 1 on success sub SlurpFile($$) { my ($file, $buffPt) = @_; $mt->Open(\*INFILE, $file) or Warn("Error opening file $file\n"), return 0; binmode(INFILE); my $bsize = 1024 * 1024; my $num = read(INFILE, $$buffPt, $bsize); unless (defined $num) { close(INFILE); Warn("Error reading $file\n"); return 0; } my $bmax = 64 * $bsize; while ($num == $bsize) { $bsize *= 2 if $bsize < $bmax; my $buff; $num = read(INFILE, $buff, $bsize); last unless $num; $$buffPt .= $buff; } close(INFILE); return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read arguments from -stay_open argfile # Inputs: 0) argument list ref # Notes: blocks until -execute, -stay_open or -@ option is available # (or until there was an error reading from the file) sub ReadStayOpen($) { my $args = shift; my (@newArgs, $processArgs, $result, $optArgs); my $lastOpt = ''; my $unparsed = length $stayOpenBuff; for (;;) { if ($unparsed) { # parse data already read from argfile $result = $unparsed; undef $unparsed; } else { # read more data from argfile # - this read may block (which is good) if reading from a pipe $result = sysread(STAYOPEN, $stayOpenBuff, 65536, length($stayOpenBuff)); } if ($result) { my $pos = 0; while ($stayOpenBuff =~ /\n/g) { my $len = pos($stayOpenBuff) - $pos; my $arg = substr($stayOpenBuff, $pos, $len); $pos += $len; $arg =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading white space $arg =~ s/[\x0d\x0a]+$//s; # remove trailing newline # remove white space before, and single space after '=', '+=', '-=' or '<=' $arg =~ s/^(-[-:\w]+#?)\s*([-+<]?=) ?/$1$2/; next if $arg eq '' or $arg =~ /^#/; # ignore empty/comment lines push @newArgs, $arg; if ($optArgs) { # this is an argument for the last option undef $optArgs; next unless $lastOpt eq '-stay_open' or $lastOpt eq '-@'; } else { $optArgs = $optArgs{$arg}; $lastOpt = lc $arg; $optArgs = $optArgs{$lastOpt} unless defined $optArgs; next unless $lastOpt =~ /^-execute\d*$/; } $processArgs = 1; last; # process arguments up to this point } next unless $pos; # nothing to do if we didn't read any arguments # keep unprocessed data in buffer $stayOpenBuff = substr($stayOpenBuff, $pos); if ($processArgs) { # process new arguments after -execute or -stay_open option unshift @$args, @newArgs; last; } } elsif ($result == 0) { # sysread() didn't block (eg. when reading from a file), # so wait for a short time (1/100 sec) then try again # Note: may break out of this early if SIGCONT is received select(undef,undef,undef,0.01); } else { Warn "Error reading from ARGFILE\n"; close STAYOPEN; $stayOpen = 0; last; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print list of tags # Inputs: 0) message, 1-N) list of tag names sub PrintTagList($@) { my $msg = shift; print $msg, ":\n" unless $quiet; my $tag; if ($outFormat < 0 and $msg =~ /file extensions$/ and @_) { foreach $tag (@_) { printf(" %-11s %s\n", $tag, GetFileType($tag, 1)); } return; } print ' '; my $len = 1; foreach $tag (@_) { my $taglen = length($tag); if ($len + $taglen > 78) { print "\n "; $len = 1; } print " $tag"; $len += $taglen + 1; } @_ or print ' [empty list]'; print "\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print warnings and errors from info hash # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) info hash, 2) file name # Returns: true if there was an Error sub PrintErrors($$$) { my ($et, $info, $file) = @_; my ($tag, $key); foreach $tag (qw(Warning Error)) { next unless $$info{$tag}; my @keys = ( $tag ); push @keys, sort(grep /^$tag /, keys %$info) if $et->Options('Duplicates'); foreach $key (@keys) { Warn "$tag: $info->{$key} - $file\n"; } } return $$info{Error}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Print help documentation sub Help() { my $help = <<'__HELP__'; NAME exiftool - Read and write meta information in files RUNNING IN WINDOWS Drag and drop files or folders onto the exiftool executable to display meta information, or rename to "exiftool.exe" and run from the command line to access all exiftool features. This stand-alone Windows version allows simple command-line options to be added to the name of the executable (in brackets and separated by spaces at the end of the name), providing a mechanism to use options when launched via the mouse. For example, changing the executable name to "exiftool(-a -u -g1 -w txt).exe" gives a drag-and-drop utility which generates sidecar ".txt" files with detailed meta information. As shipped, the -k option is added to cause exiftool to pause before terminating (keeping the command window open). Options may also be added to the "Target" property of a Windows shortcut to the executable. SYNOPSIS exiftool [*OPTIONS*] [-*TAG*...] [--*TAG*...] *FILE*... exiftool [*OPTIONS*] -*TAG*[+-<]=[*VALUE*]... *FILE*... exiftool [*OPTIONS*] -tagsFromFile *SRCFILE* [-*SRCTAG*[>*DSTTAG*]...] *FILE*... exiftool [ -ver | -list[w|f|r|wf|g[*NUM*]|d|x] ] For specific examples, see the EXAMPLES sections below. This documentation is displayed if exiftool is run without an input *FILE* when one is expected. DESCRIPTION A command-line interface to Image::ExifTool, used for reading and writing meta information in a variety of file types. *FILE* is one or more source file names, directory names, or "-" for the standard input. Metadata is read from source files and printed in readable form to the console (or written to output text files with -w). To write or delete metadata, tag values are assigned using the -*TAG*=[*VALUE*] syntax, or the -geotag option. To copy or move metadata, the -tagsFromFile feature is used. By default the original files are preserved with "_original" appended to their names -- be sure to verify that the new files are OK before erasing the originals. Once in write mode, exiftool will ignore any read-specific options. Note: If *FILE* is a directory name then only supported file types in the directory are processed (in write mode only writable types are processed). However, files may be specified by name, or the -ext option may be used to force processing of files with any extension. Hidden files in the directory are also processed. Adding the -r option causes subdirectories to be processed recursively, but those with names beginning with "." are skipped unless -r. is used. Below is a list of file types and meta information formats currently supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create): File Types ------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------ 3FR r | DV r | K25 r | OFR r | RSRC r 3G2 r/w | DVB r/w | KDC r | OGG r | RTF r 3GP r/w | DYLIB r | KEY r | OGV r | RW2 r/w A r | EIP r | LA r | ORF r/w | RWL r/w AA r | EPS r/w | LFP r | OTF r | RWZ r AAX r/w | EPUB r | LNK r | PAC r | RM r ACR r | ERF r/w | M2TS r | PAGES r | SEQ r AFM r | EXE r | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SO r AI r/w | EXIF r/w/c | MEF r/w | PCD r | SR2 r/w AIFF r | EXR r | MIE r/w/c | PDB r | SRF r APE r | EXV r/w/c | MIFF r | PDF r/w | SRW r/w ARW r/w | F4A/V r/w | MKA r | PEF r/w | SVG r ASF r | FFF r/w | MKS r | PFA r | SWF r AVI r | FLA r | MKV r | PFB r | THM r/w AZW r | FLAC r | MNG r/w | PFM r | TIFF r/w BMP r | FLV r | MOBI r | PGF r | TORRENT r BTF r | FPF r | MODD r | PGM r/w | TTC r CHM r | FPX r | MOI r | PLIST r | TTF r COS r | GIF r/w | MOS r/w | PICT r | VCF r CR2 r/w | GZ r | MOV r/w | PMP r | VRD r/w/c CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MP3 r | PNG r/w | VSD r CS1 r/w | HDR r | MP4 r/w | PPM r/w | WAV r DCM r | HTML r | MPC r | PPT r | WDP r/w DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPG r | PPTX r | WEBP r DCR r | ICS r | MPO r/w | PS r/w | WEBM r DFONT r | IDML r | MQV r/w | PSB r/w | WMA r DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MRW r/w | PSD r/w | WMV r DJVU r | IND r/w | MXF r | PSP r | WV r DLL r | INX r | NEF r/w | QTIF r/w | X3F r/w DNG r/w | ISO r | NRW r/w | RA r | XCF r DOC r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAF r/w | XLS r DOCX r | J2C r | O r | RAM r | XLSX r DPX r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAR r | XMP r/w/c DR4 r/w/c | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RAW r/w | ZIP r DSS r | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RIFF r | Meta Information ----------------------+----------------------+--------------------- EXIF r/w/c | CIFF r/w | Ricoh RMETA r GPS r/w/c | AFCP r/w | Picture Info r IPTC r/w/c | Kodak Meta r/w | Adobe APP14 r XMP r/w/c | FotoStation r/w | MPF r MakerNotes r/w/c | PhotoMechanic r/w | Stim r Photoshop IRB r/w/c | JPEG 2000 r | DPX r ICC Profile r/w/c | DICOM r | APE r MIE r/w/c | Flash r | Vorbis r JFIF r/w/c | FlashPix r | SPIFF r Ducky APP12 r/w/c | QuickTime r | DjVu r PDF r/w/c | Matroska r | M2TS r PNG r/w/c | MXF r | PE/COFF r Canon VRD r/w/c | PrintIM r | AVCHD r Nikon Capture r/w/c | FLAC r | ZIP r GeoTIFF r/w/c | ID3 r | (and more) OPTIONS Case is not significant for any command-line option (including tag and group names), except for single-character options when the corresponding upper-case option exists. Many single-character options have equivalent long-name versions (shown in brackets), and some options have inverses which are invoked with a leading double-dash. Unrecognized options are interpreted as tag names (for this reason, multiple single-character options may NOT be combined into one argument). Contrary to standard practice, options may appear after source file names on the exiftool command line. Option Summary Tag operations -TAG or --TAG Extract or exclude specified tag -TAG[+-]=[VALUE] Write new value for tag -TAG[+-]<=DATFILE Write tag value from contents of file -TAG[+-]*SRCTAG*" on the command line after -tagsFromFile, and causes the value of *SRCTAG* to be copied from *SRCFILE* and written to *DSTTAG* in *FILE*. Note that this argument must be quoted to prevent shell redirection, and there is no "=" sign as when assigning new values. Source and/or destination tags may be prefixed by a group name and/or suffixed by "#". Wildcards are allowed in both the source and destination tag names. A destination group and/or tag name of "All" or "*" writes to the same family 1 group and/or tag name as the source. If no destination group is specified, the information is written to the preferred group. Whitespace around the ">" or "<" is ignored. As a convenience, "-tagsFromFile @" is assumed for any redirected tags which are specified without a prior -tagsFromFile option. Copied tags may also be added or deleted from a list with arguments of the form "-*SRCTAG*+<*DSTTAG*" or "-*SRCTAG*-<*DSTTAG*". An extension of the redirection feature allows strings involving tag names to be used on the right hand side of the "<" symbol with the syntax "-*DSTTAG*<*STR*", where tag names in *STR* are prefixed with a "$" symbol. See the -p option for more details about this syntax. Strings starting with a "=" sign must insert a single space after the "<" to avoid confusion with the "<=" operator which sets the tag value from the contents of a file. A single space at the start of the string is removed if it exists, but all other whitespace in the string is preserved. See note 8 below about using shortcuts or wildcards with the redirection feature. See "COPYING EXAMPLES" for examples using -tagsFromFile. Notes: 1) Some tags (generally tags which may affect the appearance of the image) are considered "unsafe" to write, and are only copied if specified explicitly (ie. no wildcards). See the tag name documentation for more details about "unsafe" tags. 2) Be aware of the difference between excluding a tag from being copied (--*TAG*), and deleting a tag (-*TAG*=). Excluding a tag prevents it from being copied to the destination image, but deleting will remove a pre-existing tag from the image. 3) The maker note information is copied as a block, so it isn't affected like other information by subsequent tag assignments on the command line. Also, since the PreviewImage referenced from the maker notes may be rather large, it is not copied, and must be transferred separately if desired. 4) The order of operations is to copy all specified tags at the point of the -tagsFromFile option in the command line. Any tag assignment to the right of the -tagsFromFile option is made after all tags are copied. For example, new tag values are set in the order One, Two, Three then Four with this command: exiftool -One=1 -tagsFromFile s.jpg -Two -Four=4 -Three d.jpg This is significant in the case where an overlap exists between the copied and assigned tags because later operations may override earlier ones. 5) The normal behaviour of copied tags differs subtly from that of assigned tags for list-type tags. When copying to a list, each copied tag overrides any previous operations on the list. While this avoids duplicate list items when copying groups of tags from a file containing redundant information, it also prevents values of different tags from being copied into the same list when this is the intent. So a -addTagsFromFile option is provided which allows copying of multiple tags into the same list. eg) exiftool -addtagsfromfile @ "-subject out.args exiftool -@ out.args dst.jpg Note: Be careful when copying information with this technique since it is easy to write tags which are normally considered "unsafe". For instance, the FileName and Directory tags are excluded in the example above to avoid renaming and moving the destination file. Also note that the second command above will produce warning messages for any tags which are not writable. As well, the -sep option should be used when reading back to maintain separate list items, and the -struct option may be used when extracting to preserve structured XMP information. -b (-binary) Output requested metadata in binary format without tag names or descriptions. This option is mainly used for extracting embedded images or other binary data, but it may also be useful for some text strings since control characters (such as newlines) are not replaced by '.' as they are in the default output. List items are separated by a newline when extracted with the -b option. May be combined with "-j", "-php" or "-X" to extract binary data in JSON, PHP or XML format. -c *FMT* (-coordFormat) Set the print format for GPS coordinates. *FMT* uses the same syntax as the "printf" format string. The specifiers correspond to degrees, minutes and seconds in that order, but minutes and seconds are optional. For example, the following table gives the output for the same coordinate using various formats: FMT Output ------------------- ------------------ "%d deg %d' %.2f"\" 54 deg 59' 22.80" (default for reading) "%d %d %.8f" 54 59 22.80000000 (default for copying) "%d deg %.4f min" 54 deg 59.3800 min "%.6f degrees" 54.989667 degrees Notes: 1) To avoid loss of precision, the default coordinate format is different when copying tags using the -tagsFromFile option. 2) If the hemisphere is known, a reference direction (N, S, E or W) is appended to each printed coordinate, but adding a "+" to the format specifier (eg. "%+.6f") prints a signed coordinate instead. 3) This print formatting may be disabled with the -n option to extract coordinates as signed decimal degrees. -charset [[*TYPE*=]*CHARSET*] If *TYPE* is "ExifTool" or not specified, this option sets the ExifTool character encoding for output tag values when reading and input values when writing. The default ExifTool encoding is "UTF8". If no *CHARSET* is given, a list of available character sets is returned. Valid *CHARSET* values are: CHARSET Alias(es) Description ---------- --------------- ---------------------------------- UTF8 cp65001, UTF-8 UTF-8 characters (default) Latin cp1252, Latin1 Windows Latin1 (West European) Latin2 cp1250 Windows Latin2 (Central European) Cyrillic cp1251, Russian Windows Cyrillic Greek cp1253 Windows Greek Turkish cp1254 Windows Turkish Hebrew cp1255 Windows Hebrew Arabic cp1256 Windows Arabic Baltic cp1257 Windows Baltic Vietnam cp1258 Windows Vietnamese Thai cp874 Windows Thai MacRoman cp10000, Roman Macintosh Roman MacLatin2 cp10029 Macintosh Latin2 (Central Europe) MacCyrillic cp10007 Macintosh Cyrillic MacGreek cp10006 Macintosh Greek MacTurkish cp10081 Macintosh Turkish MacRomanian cp10010 Macintosh Romanian MacIceland cp10079 Macintosh Icelandic MacCroatian cp10082 Macintosh Croatian *TYPE* may be "FileName" to specify the encoding of file names on the command line (ie. *FILE* arguments). In Windows, this triggers use of wide-character i/o routines, thus providing support for Unicode file names. See the "WINDOWS UNICODE FILE NAMES" section below for details. Other values of *TYPE* listed below are used to specify the internal encoding of various meta information formats. TYPE Description Default --------- ------------------------------------------- ------- EXIF Internal encoding of EXIF "ASCII" strings (none) ID3 Internal encoding of ID3v1 information Latin IPTC Internal IPTC encoding to assume when Latin IPTC:CodedCharacterSet is not defined Photoshop Internal encoding of Photoshop IRB strings Latin QuickTime Internal encoding of QuickTime strings MacRoman See for more information about coded character sets. -csv[=*CSVFILE*] Export information in CSV format, or import information if *CSVFILE* is specified. When importing, the CSV file must be in exactly the same format as the exported file. The first row of the *CSVFILE* must be the ExifTool tag names (with optional group names) for each column of the file, and values must be separated by commas. A special "SourceFile" column specifies the files associated with each row of information (and a SourceFile of "*" may be used to define default tags to be imported for all files). The following examples demonstrate basic use of this option: # generate CSV file with common tags from all images in a directory exiftool -common -csv dir > out.csv # update metadata for all images in a directory from CSV file exiftool -csv=a.csv dir Empty values are ignored when importing. Also, FileName and Directory columns are ignored if they exist (ie. ExifTool will not attempt to write these tags with a CSV import). To force a tag to be deleted, use the -f option and set the value to "-" in the CSV file (or to the MissingTagValue if this API option was used). Multiple databases may be imported in a single command. When exporting a CSV file, the -g or -G option to add group names to the tag headings. If the -a option is used to allow duplicate tag names, the duplicate tags are only included in the CSV output if the column headings are unique. Adding the -G4 option ensures a unique column heading for each tag. When exporting specific tags, the CSV columns are arranged in the same order as the specified tags provided the column headings exactly match the specified tag names, otherwise the columns are sorted in alphabetical order. When importing from a CSV file, only files specified on the command line are processed. Any extra entries in the CSV file are ignored. List-type tags are stored as simple strings in a CSV file, but the -sep option may be used to split them back into separate items when importing. Special feature: -csv+=*CSVFILE* may be used to add items to existing lists. This affects only list-type tags. Also applies to the -j option. Note that this option is fundamentally different than all other output format options because it requires information from all input files to be buffered in memory before the output is written. This may result in excessive memory usage when processing a very large number of files with a single command. Also, it makes this option incompatible with the -w option. -d *FMT* (-dateFormat) Set the format for date/time tag values. The specifics of the *FMT* syntax are system dependent -- consult the "strftime" man page on your system for details. The default format is equivalent to "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S". This option has no effect on date-only or time-only tags and ignores timezone information if present. Only one -d option may be used per command. The inverse operation (ie. un-formatting a date/time value) is currently not applied when writing a date/time tag. -D (-decimal) Show tag ID number in decimal when extracting information. -E, -ex (-escapeHTML, -escapeXML) Escape characters in output values for HTML (-E) or XML (-ex). For HTML, all characters with Unicode code points above U+007F are escaped as well as the following 5 characters: & (&) ' (') " (") > (>) and < (<). For XML, only these 5 characters are escaped. The -E option is implied with -h, and -ex is implied with -X. The inverse conversion is applied when writing tags. -f (-forcePrint) Force printing of tags even if their values are not found. This option only applies when specific tags are requested on the command line (ie. not with wildcards or by "-all"). With this option, a dash ("-") is printed for the value of any missing tag, but the dash may be changed via the API MissingTagValue option. May also be used to add a 'flags' attribute to the -listx output, or to allow tags to be deleted when writing with the -csv=*CSVFILE* feature. -g[*NUM*][:*NUM*...] (-groupHeadings) Organize output by tag group. *NUM* specifies a group family number, and may be 0 (general location), 1 (specific location), 2 (category), 3 (document number) or 4 (instance number). Multiple families may be specified by separating them with colons. By default the resulting group name is simplified by removing any leading "Main:" and collapsing adjacent identical group names, but this can be avoided by placing a colon before the first family number (eg. -g:3:1). If *NUM* is not specified, -g0 is assumed. Use the -listg option to list group names for a specified family. -G[*NUM*][:*NUM*...] (-groupNames) Same as -g but print group name for each tag. -h (-htmlFormat) Use HTML table formatting for output. Implies the -E option. The formatting options -D, -H, -g, -G, -l and -s may be used in combination with -h to influence the HTML format. -H (-hex) Show tag ID number in hexadecimal when extracting information. -htmlDump[*OFFSET*] Generate a dynamic web page containing a hex dump of the EXIF information. This can be a very powerful tool for low-level analysis of EXIF information. The -htmlDump option is also invoked if the -v and -h options are used together. The verbose level controls the maximum length of the blocks dumped. An *OFFSET* may be given to specify the base for displayed offsets. If not provided, the EXIF/TIFF base offset is used. Use -htmlDump0 for absolute offsets. Currently only EXIF/TIFF and JPEG information is dumped, but the -u option can be used to give a raw hex dump of other file formats. -j[=*JSONFILE*] (-json) Use JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatting for console output, or import JSON file if *JSONFILE* is specified. This option may be combined with -g to organize the output into objects by group, or -G to add group names to each tag. List-type tags with multiple items are output as JSON arrays unless -sep is used. By default XMP structures are flattened into individual tags in the JSON output, but the original structure may be preserved with the -struct option (this also causes all list-type XMP tags to be output as JSON arrays, otherwise single-item lists are output as simple strings). The -a option is implied if the -g or -G options are used, otherwise it is ignored and duplicate tags are suppressed. Adding the -D or -H option changes tag values to JSON objects with "val" and "id" fields, and adding -l adds a "desc" field, and a "num" field if the numerical value is different from the converted "val". The -b option may be added to output binary data, encoded in base64 if necessary (indicated by "base64:" as the first 7 bytes of the value). The JSON output is UTF-8 regardless of any -L or -charset option setting, but the UTF-8 validation is disabled if a character set other than UTF-8 is specified. If *JSONFILE* is specified, the file is imported and the tag definitions from the file are used to set tag values on a per-file basis. The special "SourceFile" entry in each JSON object associates the information with a specific target file. An object with a missing SourceFile or a SourceFile of "*" defines default tags for all target files. The imported JSON file must have the same format as the exported JSON files with the exception that the -g option is not compatible with the import file format (use -G instead). Additionally, tag names in the input JSON file may be suffixed with a "#" to disable print conversion. Unlike CSV import, empty values are not ignored, and will cause an empty value to be written if supported by the specific metadata type. Tags are deleted by using the -f option and setting the tag value to "-" (or to the MissingTagValue setting if this API option was used). Importing with -j+=*JSONFILE* causes new values to be added to existing lists. -l (-long) Use long 2-line Canon-style output format. Adds a description and unconverted value (if it is different from the converted value) to the XML, JSON or PHP output when -X, -j or -php is used. May also be combined with -listf, -listr or -listwf to add descriptions of the file types. -L (-latin) Use Windows Latin1 encoding (cp1252) for output tag values instead of the default UTF-8. When writing, -L specifies that input text values are Latin1 instead of UTF-8. Equivalent to "-charset latin". -lang [*LANG*] Set current language for tag descriptions and converted values. *LANG* is "de", "fr", "ja", etc. Use -lang with no other arguments to get a list of available languages. The default language is "en" if -lang is not specified. Note that tag/group names are always English, independent of the -lang setting, and translation of warning/error messages has not yet been implemented. May also be combined with -listx to output descriptions in one language only. By default, ExifTool uses UTF-8 encoding for special characters, but the the -L or -charset option may be used to invoke other encodings. Currently, the language support is not complete, but users are welcome to help improve this by submitting their own translations. To submit a set of translations, first use the -listx option and redirect the output to a file to generate an XML tag database, then add entries for other languages, zip this file, and email it to phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca for inclusion in ExifTool. -listItem *INDEX* For list-type tags, this causes only the item with the specified index to be extracted. *INDEX* is 0 for the first item in the list. Negative indices may also be used to reference items from the end of the list. Has no effect on single-valued tags. Also applies to tag values when copying, and in -if conditions. -n (--printConv) Read and write values as numbers instead of words. By default, extracted values are converted to a more human-readable format for printing, but the -n option disables this print conversion for all tags. For example: > exiftool -Orientation -S a.jpg Orientation: Rotate 90 CW > exiftool -Orientation -S -n a.jpg Orientation: 6 The print conversion may also be disabled on a per-tag basis by suffixing the tag name with a "#" character: > exiftool -Orientation# -Orientation -S a.jpg Orientation: 6 Orientation: Rotate 90 CW These techniques may also be used to disable the inverse print conversion when writing. For example, the following commands all have the same effect: > exiftool -Orientation='Rotate 90 CW' a.jpg > exiftool -Orientation=6 -n a.jpg > exiftool -Orientation#=6 a.jpg -p *FMTFILE* or *STR* (-printFormat) Print output in the format specified by the given file or string (and ignore other format options). Tag names in the format file or string begin with a "$" symbol and may contain a leading group names and/or a trailing "#". Case is not significant. Braces "{}" may be used around the tag name to separate it from subsequent text. Use $$ to represent a "$" symbol, and $/ for a newline. Multiple -p options may be used, each contributing a line of text to the output. Lines beginning with "#[HEAD]" and "#[TAIL]" are output only for the first and last processed files respectively. Lines beginning with "#[BODY]" and lines not beginning with "#" are output for each processed file. Other lines beginning with "#" are ignored. For example, this format file: # this is a comment line #[HEAD]-- Generated by ExifTool $exifToolVersion -- File: $FileName - $DateTimeOriginal (f/$Aperture, ${ShutterSpeed}s, ISO $EXIF:ISO) #[TAIL]-- end -- with this command: exiftool -p test.fmt a.jpg b.jpg produces output like this: -- Generated by ExifTool 10.18 -- File: a.jpg - 2003:10:31 15:44:19 (f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 100) File: b.jpg - 2006:05:23 11:57:38 (f/8.0, 1/13s, ISO 100) -- end -- When -ee (-extractEmbedded) is combined with -p, embedded documents are effectively processed as separate input files. If a specified tag does not exist, a minor warning is issued and the line with the missing tag is not printed. However, the -f option may be used to set the value of missing tags to '-' (but this may be configured via the MissingTagValue API option), or the -m option may be used to ignore minor warnings and leave the missing values empty. An advanced formatting feature allows an arbitrary Perl expression to be applied to the value of any tag by placing it inside the braces after a semicolon following the tag name. The expression has access to the value of this tag through the default input variable ($_), and the full API through the current ExifTool object ($self). It may contain any valid Perl code, including translation ("tr///") and substitution ("s///") operations, but note that braces within the expression must be balanced. The example below prints the camera Make with spaces translated to underlines, and multiple consecutive underlines replaced by a single underline: exiftool -p "${make;tr/ /_/;s/__+/_/g}" image.jpg A default expression of "tr(/\\?*:|"<>\0)()d" is assumed if the expression is empty. This removes the characters / \ ? * : | < > and null from the printed value. (These characters are illegal in Windows file names, so this feature is useful if tag values are used in file names.) -php Format output as a PHP Array. The -g, -G, -D, -H, -l, -sep and -struct options combine with -php, and duplicate tags are handled in the same way as with the -json option. As well, the -b option may be added to output binary data. Here is a simple example showing how this could be used in a PHP script: -s[*NUM*] (-short) Short output format. Prints tag names instead of descriptions. Add *NUM* or up to 3 -s options for even shorter formats: -s1 or -s - print tag names instead of descriptions -s2 or -s -s - no extra spaces to column-align values -s3 or -s -s -s - print values only (no tag names) Also effective when combined with -t, -h, -X or -listx options. -S (-veryShort) Very short format. The same as -s2 or two -s options. Tag names are printed instead of descriptions, and no extra spaces are added to column-align values. -sep *STR* (-separator) Specify separator string for items in list-type tags. When reading, the default is to join list items with ", ". When writing, this option causes values assigned to list-type tags to be split into individual items at each substring matching *STR* (otherwise they are not split by default). Space characters in *STR* match zero or more whitespace characters in the value. Note that an empty separator ("") is allowed, and will join items with no separator when reading, or split the value into individual characters when writing. -sort, --sort Sort output by tag description, or by tag name if the -s option is used. When sorting by description, the sort order will depend on the -lang option setting. Without the -sort option, tags appear in the order they were specified on the command line, or if not specified, the order they were extracted from the file. By default, tags are organized by groups when combined with the -g or -G option, but this grouping may be disabled with --sort. -struct, --struct Output structured XMP information instead of flattening to individual tags. This option works well when combined with the XML (-X) and JSON (-j) output formats. For other output formats, the structures are serialized into the same format as when writing structured information (see for details). When copying, structured tags are copied by default unless --struct is used to disable this feature (although flattened tags may still be copied by specifying them individually unless -struct is used). These options have no effect when assigning new values since both flattened and structured tags may always be used when writing. -t (-tab) Output a tab-delimited list of description/values (useful for database import). May be combined with -s to print tag names instead of descriptions, or -S to print tag values only, tab-delimited on a single line. The -t option may also be used to add tag table information to the -X option output. -T (-table) Output tag values in table form. Equivalent to -t -S -q -f. -v[*NUM*] (-verbose) Print verbose messages. *NUM* specifies the level of verbosity in the range 0-5, with higher numbers being more verbose. If *NUM* is not given, then each -v option increases the level of verbosity by 1. With any level greater than 0, most other options are ignored and normal console output is suppressed unless specific tags are extracted. Using -v0 causes the console output buffer to be flushed after each line (which may be useful to avoid delays when piping exiftool output), and prints the name of each processed file when writing. Also see the -progress option. -w[+|!] *EXT* or *FMT* (-textOut) Write console output to files with names ending in *EXT*, one for each source file. The output file name is obtained by replacing the source file extension (including the '.') with the specified extension (and a '.' is added to the start of *EXT* if it doesn't already contain one). Alternatively, a *FMT* string may be used to give more control over the output file name and directory. In the format string, %d, %f and %e represent the directory, filename and extension of the source file, and %c represents a copy number which is automatically incremented if the file already exists. %d includes the trailing '/' if necessary, but %e does not include the leading '.'. For example: -w %d%f.txt # same effect as "-w txt" -w dir/%f_%e.out # write files to "dir" as "FILE_EXT.out" -w dir2/%d%f.txt # write to "dir2", keeping dir structure -w a%c.txt # write to "a.txt" or "a1.txt" or "a2.txt"... Existing files will not be overwritten unless an exclamation point is added to the option name (ie. -w! or -textOut!), or a plus sign to append to the existing file (ie. -w+ or -textOut+). Both may be used (ie. -w+! or -textOut+!) to overwrite output files that didn't exist before the command was run, and append the output from multiple source files. For example, to write one output file for all source files in each directory: exiftool -filename -createdate -T -w+! %d/out.txt -r DIR Capitalized format codes %D, %F, %E and %C provide slightly different alternatives to the lower case versions. %D does not include the trailing '/', %F is the full filename including extension, %E includes the leading '.', and %C increments the count for each processed file (see below). Notes: 1) In a Windows BAT file the "%" character is represented by "%%", so an argument like "%d%f.txt" is written as "%%d%%f.txt". 2) If the argument for -w does not contain a valid format code (eg. %f), then it is interpreted as a file extension. It is not possible to specify a simple filename as an argument -- creating a single output file from multiple source files is typically done by shell redirection, ie) exiftool FILE1 FILE2 ... > out.txt But if necessary, an empty format code may be used to force the argument to be interpreted as a format string, and the same result may be obtained without the use of shell redirection: exiftool -w+! %0fout.txt FILE1 FILE2 ... Advanced features: A substring of the original file name, directory or extension may be taken by specifying a field width immediately following the '%' character. If the width is negative, the substring is taken from the end. The substring position (characters to ignore at the start or end of the string) may be given by a second optional value after a decimal point. For example: Input File Name Format Specifier Output File Name ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Picture-123.jpg %7f.txt Picture.txt Picture-123.jpg %-.4f.out Picture.out Picture-123.jpg %7f.%-3f Picture.123 Picture-123a.jpg Meta%-3.1f.txt Meta123.txt For %d and %D, the field width/position specifiers may be applied to the directory levels instead of substring position by using a colon instead of a decimal point in the format specifier. For example: Source Dir Format Result Notes ------------ ------ ---------- ------------------ pics/2012/02 %2:d pics/2012/ take top 2 levels pics/2012/02 %-:1d pics/2012/ up one directory level pics/2012/02 %:1d 2012/02/ ignore top level pics/2012/02 %1:1d 2012/ take 1 level after top pics/2012/02 %-1:D 02 bottom level folder name /Users/phil %:2d phil/ ignore top 2 levels (Note that the root directory counts as one level when an absolute path is used as in the last example above.) For %c, these modifiers have a different effects. If a field width is given, the copy number is padded with zeros to the specified width. A leading '-' adds a dash before the copy number, and a '+' adds an underline. By default, the copy number is omitted from the first file of a given name, but this can be changed by adding a decimal point to the modifier. For example: -w A%-cZ.txt # AZ.txt, A-1Z.txt, A-2Z.txt ... -w B%5c.txt # B.txt, B00001.txt, B00002.txt ... -w C%.c.txt # C0.txt, C1.txt, C2.txt ... -w D%-.c.txt # D-0.txt, D-1.txt, D-2.txt ... -w E%-.4c.txt # E-0000.txt, E-0001.txt, E-0002.txt ... -w F%-.4nc.txt # F-0001.txt, F-0002.txt, F-0003.txt ... -w G%+c.txt # G.txt, G_1.txt G_2.txt ... -w H%-lc.txt # H.txt, H-b.txt, H-c.txt ... -w I.%.3uc.txt # I.AAA.txt, I.AAB.txt, I.AAC.txt ... A special feature allows the copy number to be incremented for each processed file by using %C (upper case) instead of %c. This allows a sequential number to be added to output file names, even if the names are different. For %C, a copy number of zero is not omitted as it is with %c. The number before the decimal place gives the starting index, the number after the decimal place gives the field width. The following examples show the output filenames when used with the command "exiftool rose.jpg star.jpg jet.jpg ...": -w %C%f.txt # 0rose.txt, 1star.txt, 2jet.txt -w %f-%10C.txt # rose-10.txt, star-11.txt, jet-12.txt -w %.3C-%f.txt # 000-rose.txt, 001-star.txt, 002-jet.txt -w %57.4C%f.txt # 0057rose.txt, 0058star.txt, 0059jet.txt All format codes may be modified by 'l' or 'u' to specify lower or upper case respectively (ie. %le for a lower case file extension). When used to modify %c or %C, the numbers are changed to an alphabetical base (see example H above). Also, %c may be modified by 'n' to count using natural numbers starting from 1, instead of 0 (see example F above). This same *FMT* syntax is used with the -o and -tagsFromFile options, although %c is only valid for output file names. -W[!|+] *FMT* (-tagOut) This enhanced version of the -w option allows a separate output file to be created for each extracted tag. The differences between -W and -w are as follows: 1) With -W, a new output file is created for each extracted tag. 2) -W supports three additional format codes: %t, %g and %s represent the tag name, group name, and suggested extension for the output file (based on the format of the data). The %g code may be followed by a single digit to specify the group family number (eg. %g1), otherwise family 0 is assumed. The substring width/position/case specifiers may be used with these format codes in exactly the same way as with %f and %e. 3) The argument for -W is interpreted as a file name if it contains no format codes. (For -w, this would be a file extension.) This change allows a simple file name to be specified, which, when combined with the append feature, provides a method to write metadata from multiple source files to a single output file without the need for shell redirection. 4) Adding the -v option to -W generates a list of the tags and output file names instead of giving a verbose dump of the entire file. (Unless appending all output to one file for each source file by using -W+ with an output file *FMT* that does not contain %t, $g or %s.) 5) Individual list items are stored in separate files when -W is combined with -b, but note that for separate files to be created %c must be used in *FMT* to give the files unique names. -Wext *EXT*, --Wext *EXT* (-tagOutExt) This option is used to specify the type of output file(s) written by the -W option. An output file is written only if the suggested extension matches *EXT*. Multiple -Wext options may be used to write more than one type of file. Use --Wext to write all but the specified type(s). -X (-xmlFormat) Use ExifTool-specific RDF/XML formatting for console output. Implies the -a option, so duplicate tags are extracted. The formatting options -b, -D, -H, -l, -s, -sep, -struct and -t may be used in combination with -X to affect the output, but note that the tag ID (-D, -H and -t), binary data (-b) and structured output (-struct) options are not effective for the short output (-s). Another restriction of -s is that only one tag with a given group and name may appear in the output. Note that the tag ID options (-D, -H and -t) will produce non-standard RDF/XML unless the -l option is also used. By default, -X outputs flattened tags, so -struct should be added if required to preserve XMP structures. List-type tags with multiple values are formatted as an RDF Bag, but they are combined into a single string when -s or -sep is used. Using -L changes the XML encoding from "UTF-8" to "windows-1252". Other -charset settings change the encoding only if there is a corresponding standard XML character set. The -b option causes binary data values to be written, encoded in base64 if necessary. The -t option adds tag table information to the output (table "name", decimal tag "id", and "index" for cases where multiple conditional tags exist with the same ID). Note: This output is NOT the same as XMP because it uses dynamically-generated property names corresponding to the ExifTool tag names, and not the standard XMP properties. To write XMP instead, use the -o option with an XMP extension for the output file. Processing control -a, --a (-duplicates, --duplicates) Allow (-a) or suppress (--a) duplicate tag names to be extracted. By default, duplicate tags are suppressed unless the -ee or -X options are used or the Duplicates option is enabled in the configuration file. -e (--composite) Extract existing tags only -- don't calculate composite tags. -ee (-extractEmbedded) Extract information from embedded documents in EPS files, embedded EPS information and JPEG and Jpeg2000 images in PDF files, embedded MPF images in JPEG and MPO files, streaming metadata in AVCHD videos, and the resource fork of Mac OS files. Implies the -a option. Use -g3 or -G3 to identify the originating document for extracted information. Embedded documents containing sub-documents are indicated with dashes in the family 3 group name. (eg. "Doc2-3" is the 3rd sub-document of the 2nd embedded document.) Note that this option may increase processing time substantially, especially for PDF files with many embedded images. -ext *EXT*, --ext *EXT* (-extension) Process only files with (-ext) or without (--ext) a specified extension. There may be multiple -ext and --ext options. EXT may begin with a leading '.', and case is not significant. "*" may be used to process files with any extension (or none at all), as in the last three examples: exiftool -ext .JPG DIR # process only JPG files exiftool --ext cr2 --ext dng DIR # supported files but CR2/DNG exiftool -ext "*" DIR # process all files exiftool -ext "*" --ext xml DIR # process all but XML files exiftool -ext "*" --ext . DIR # all but those with no ext Using this option has two main advantages over specifying "*.*EXT*" on the command line: 1) It applies to files in subdirectories when combined with the -r option. 2) The -ext option is case-insensitive, which is useful when processing files on case-sensitive filesystems. -F[*OFFSET*] (-fixBase) Fix the base for maker notes offsets. A common problem with some image editors is that offsets in the maker notes are not adjusted properly when the file is modified. This may cause the wrong values to be extracted for some maker note entries when reading the edited file. This option allows an integer *OFFSET* to be specified for adjusting the maker notes base offset. If no *OFFSET* is given, ExifTool takes its best guess at the correct base. Note that exiftool will automatically fix the offsets for images which store original offset information (eg. newer Canon models). Offsets are fixed permanently if -F is used when writing EXIF to an image. eg) exiftool -F -exif:resolutionunit=inches image.jpg -fast[*NUM*] Increase speed of extracting information from JPEG images. With this option, ExifTool will not scan to the end of a JPEG image to check for an AFCP or PreviewImage trailer, or past the first comment in GIF images or the audio/video data in WAV/AVI files to search for additional metadata. These speed benefits are small when reading images directly from disk, but can be substantial if piping images through a network connection. For more substantial speed benefits, -fast2 also causes exiftool to avoid extracting any EXIF MakerNote information. -fast3 avoids processing the file entirely, and returns only an initial guess at FileType and the pseudo System tags. -fileOrder [-]*TAG* Set file processing order according to the sorted value of the specified *TAG*. For example, to process files in order of date: exiftool -fileOrder DateTimeOriginal DIR Additional -fileOrder options may be added for secondary sort keys. Numbers are sorted numerically, and all other values are sorted alphabetically. The sort order may be reversed by prefixing the tag name with a "-" (eg. "-fileOrder -createdate"). Print conversion of the sorted values is disabled with the -n option, or a "#" appended to the tag name. Other formatting options (eg. -d) have no effect on the sorted values. Note that the -fileOrder option has a large performance impact since it involves an additional processing pass of each file. -i *DIR* (-ignore) Ignore specified directory name. *DIR* may be either an individual folder name, or a full path. If a full path is specified, it must match the Directory tag exactly to be ignored. Use multiple -i options to ignore more than one directory name. A special *DIR* value of "SYMLINKS" (case sensitive) may be specified to ignore symbolic links when the -r option is used. -if *EXPR* Specify a condition to be evaluated before processing each *FILE*. *EXPR* is a Perl-like logic expression containing tag names prefixed by "$" symbols. It is evaluated with the tags from each *FILE* in turn, and the file is processed only if the expression returns true. Unlike Perl variable names, tag names are not case sensitive and may contain a hyphen. As well, tag names may have a leading group names separated by colons, and/or a trailing "#" character to disable print conversion. The expression $GROUP:all evaluates to 1 if any tag exists in the specified "GROUP", or 0 otherwise (see note 2 below). When multiple -if options are used, all conditions must be satisfied to process the file. Returns an exit status of 1 if all files fail the condition. Below are a few examples: # extract shutterspeed from all Canon images in a directory exiftool -shutterspeed -if "$make eq 'Canon'" dir # add one hour to all images created on or after Apr. 2, 2006 exiftool -alldates+=1 -if "$CreateDate ge '2006:04:02'" dir # set EXIF ISO value if possible, unless it is set already exiftool "-exif:iso nef.txt exiftool -@ nef.txt -srcfile %d%f.xmp ... 5) The -a option has no effect on the evaluation of the expression, and the values of duplicate tags are accessible only by specifying a group name (such as a family 4 instance number, eg. $Copy1:TAG, $Copy2:TAG, etc). -m (-ignoreMinorErrors) Ignore minor errors and warnings. This enables writing to files with minor errors and disables some validation checks which could result in minor warnings. Generally, minor errors/warnings indicate a problem which usually won't result in loss of metadata if ignored. However, there are exceptions, so ExifTool leaves it up to you to make the final decision. Minor errors and warnings are indicated by "[minor]" at the start of the message. Warnings which affect processing when ignored are indicated by "[Minor]" (with a capital "M"). -o *OUTFILE* or *FMT* (-out) Set the output file or directory name when writing information. Without this option, when any "real" tags are written the original file is renamed to "FILE_original" and output is written to *FILE*. When writing only FileName and/or Directory "pseudo" tags, -o causes the file to be copied instead of moved, but directories specified for either of these tags take precedence over that specified by the -o option. *OUTFILE* may be "-" to write to stdout. The output file name may also be specified using a *FMT* string in which %d, %f and %e represent the directory, file name and extension of *FILE*. Also, %c may be used to add a copy number. See the -w option for *FMT* string examples. The output file is taken to be a directory name if it already exists as a directory or if the name ends with '/'. Output directories are created if necessary. Existing files will not be overwritten. Combining the -overwrite_original option with -o causes the original source file to be erased after the output file is successfully written. A special feature of this option allows the creation of certain types of files from scratch, or with the metadata from another type of file. The following file types may be created using this technique: XMP, EXIF, EXV, MIE, ICC/ICM, VRD, DR4 The output file type is determined by the extension of *OUTFILE* (specified as "-.EXT" when writing to stdout). The output file is then created from a combination of information in *FILE* (as if the -tagsFromFile option was used), and tag values assigned on the command line. If no *FILE* is specified, the output file may be created from scratch using only tags assigned on the command line. -overwrite_original Overwrite the original *FILE* (instead of preserving it by adding "_original" to the file name) when writing information to an image. Caution: This option should only be used if you already have separate backup copies of your image files. The overwrite is implemented by renaming a temporary file to replace the original. This deletes the original file and replaces it with the edited version in a single operation. When combined with -o, this option causes the original file to be deleted if the output file was successfully written (ie. the file is moved instead of copied). -overwrite_original_in_place Similar to -overwrite_original except that an extra step is added to allow the original file attributes to be preserved. For example, on a Mac this causes the original file creation date, type, creator, label color, icon, Finder tags and hard links to the file to be preserved (but note that the Mac OS resource fork is always preserved unless specifically deleted with "-rsrc:all="). This is implemented by opening the original file in update mode and replacing its data with a copy of a temporary file before deleting the temporary. The extra step results in slower performance, so the -overwrite_original option should be used instead unless necessary. -P (-preserve) Preserve the filesystem modification date/time of the original file ("FileModifyDate") when writing. Note that some filesystems store a creation date ("FileCreateDate") which is not affected by this option. This creation date is preserved only on Windows systems where Win32API::File and Win32::API are available. For other systems, the -overwrite_original_in_place option may be used if necessary to preserve the creation date. This option is superseded by writing FileModifyDate (and FileCreateDate) manually. -password *PASSWD* Specify password to allow processing of password-protected PDF documents. If a password is required but not given, a warning is issued and the document is not processed. This option is ignored if a password is not required. -progress Show file progress count in messages. The progress count appears in brackets after the name of each processed file, and gives the current file number and the total number of files to be processed. Implies the -v0 option, which prints the name of each processed file when writing. When combined with the -if option, the total count includes all files before the condition is applied, but files that fail the condition will not have their names printed. -q (-quiet) Quiet processing. One -q suppresses normal informational messages, and a second -q suppresses warnings as well. Error messages can not be suppressed, although minor errors may be downgraded to warnings with the -m option, which may then be suppressed with "-q -q". -r[.] (-recurse) Recursively process files in subdirectories. Only meaningful if *FILE* is a directory name. Subdirectories with names beginning with "." are not processed unless "." is added to the option name (ie. -r. or -recurse.). By default, exiftool will also follow symbolic links to directories if supported by the system, but this may be disabled with "-i SYMLINKS" (see the -i option for details). -scanForXMP Scan all files (even unsupported formats) for XMP information unless found already. When combined with the -fast option, only unsupported file types are scanned. Warning: It can be time consuming to scan large files. -u (-unknown) Extract values of unknown tags. Add another -u to also extract unknown information from binary data blocks. This option applies to tags with numerical tag ID's, and causes tag names like "Exif_0xc5d9" to be generated for unknown information. It has no effect on information types which have human-readable tag ID's (such as XMP), since unknown tags are extracted automatically from these formats. -U (-unknown2) Extract values of unknown tags as well as unknown information from some binary data blocks. This is the same as two -u options. -wm *MODE* (-writeMode) Set mode for writing/creating tags. *MODE* is a string of one or more characters from the list below. Write mode is "wcg" unless otherwise specified. w - Write existing tags c - Create new tags g - create new Groups as necessary For example, use "-wm cg" to only create new tags (and avoid editing existing ones). The level of the group is the SubDirectory level in the metadata structure. For XMP or IPTC this is the full XMP/IPTC block (the family 0 group), but for EXIF this is the individual IFD (the family 1 group). -z (-zip) When reading, causes information to be extracted from .gz and .bz2 compressed images. (Only one image per archive. Requires gzip and bzip2 to be installed on the system.) When writing, causes compressed information to be written if supported by the metadata format. (eg. PNG supports compressed textual metadata.) This option also disables the recommended padding in embedded XMP, saving 2424 bytes when writing XMP in a file. Other options -@ *ARGFILE* Read command-line arguments from the specified file. The file contains one argument per line (NOT one option per line -- some options require additional arguments, and all arguments must be placed on separate lines). Blank lines and lines beginning with "#" are ignored. Normal shell processing of arguments is not performed, which among other things means that arguments should not be quoted and spaces are treated as any other character. *ARGFILE* may exist relative to either the current directory or the exiftool directory unless an absolute pathname is given. For example, the following *ARGFILE* will set the value of Copyright to "Copyright YYYY, Phil Harvey", where "YYYY" is the year of CreateDate: -d %Y -copyright for details), so placing them in a UTF-8 encoded -@ argfile is recommended if possible. When a directory name is provided, the file name encoding need not be specified (unless the directory name contains special characters), and ExifTool will automatically use wide-character routines to scan the directory. The filename character set applies to the *FILE* arguments as well as filename arguments of -@, -geotag, -o, -p, -srcfile, -tagsFromFile, -csv=, -j= and -*TAG*<=. However, it does not apply to the -config filename, which always uses the system character set. The "-charset filename=" option must come before the -@ option to be effective, but the order doesn't matter with respect to other options. Notes: 1) FileName and Directory tag values still use the same encoding as other tag values, and are converted to/from the filename character set when writing/reading if specified. 2) Unicode support is not yet implemented for other Windows-based systems like Cygwin. 3) See "WRITING READ-ONLY FILES" below for a note about editing read-only files with Unicode names. WRITING READ-ONLY FILES In general, ExifTool may be used to write metadata to read-only files provided that the user has write permission in the directory. However, there are two cases where file write permission is also required: 1) When using the -overwrite_original_in_place option. 2) On Windows if the file has Unicode characters in its name, and a) the -overwrite_original option is used, or b) the "_original" backup already exists. READING EXAMPLES exiftool -a -u -g1 a.jpg Print all meta information in an image, including duplicate and unknown tags, sorted by group (for family 1). exiftool -common dir Print common meta information for all images in "dir". "-common" is a shortcut tag representing common EXIF meta information. exiftool -T -createdate -aperture -shutterspeed -iso dir > out.txt List specified meta information in tab-delimited column form for all images in "dir" to an output text file named "out.txt". exiftool -s -ImageSize -ExposureTime b.jpg Print ImageSize and ExposureTime tag names and values. exiftool -l -canon c.jpg d.jpg Print standard Canon information from two image files. exiftool -r -w .txt -common pictures Recursively extract common meta information from files in "pictures" directory, writing text output to ".txt" files with the same names. exiftool -b -ThumbnailImage image.jpg > thumbnail.jpg Save thumbnail image from "image.jpg" to a file called "thumbnail.jpg". exiftool -b -JpgFromRaw -w _JFR.JPG -ext NEF -r . Recursively extract JPG image from all Nikon NEF files in the current directory, adding "_JFR.JPG" for the name of the output JPG files. exiftool -a -b -W %d%f_%t%-c.%s -preview:all dir Extract all types of preview images (ThumbnailImage, PreviewImage, JpgFromRaw, etc.) from files in directory "dir", adding the tag name to the output preview image file names. exiftool -d "%r %a, %B %e, %Y" -DateTimeOriginal -S -s -ext jpg . Print formatted date/time for all JPG files in the current directory. exiftool -IFD1:XResolution -IFD1:YResolution image.jpg Extract image resolution from EXIF IFD1 information (thumbnail image IFD). exiftool "-*resolution*" image.jpg Extract all tags with names containing the word "Resolution" from an image. exiftool -xmp:author:all -a image.jpg Extract all author-related XMP information from an image. exiftool -xmp -b a.jpg > out.xmp Extract complete XMP data record intact from "a.jpg" and write it to "out.xmp" using the special "XMP" tag (see the Extra tags in Image::ExifTool::TagNames). exiftool -p "$filename has date $dateTimeOriginal" -q -f dir Print one line of output containing the file name and DateTimeOriginal for each image in directory "dir". exiftool -ee -p "$gpslatitude, $gpslongitude, $gpstimestamp" a.m2ts Extract all GPS positions from an AVCHD video. exiftool -icc_profile -b -w icc image.jpg Save complete ICC_Profile from an image to an output file with the same name and an extension of ".icc". exiftool -htmldump -w tmp/%f_%e.html t/images Generate HTML pages from a hex dump of EXIF information in all images from the "t/images" directory. The output HTML files are written to the "tmp" directory (which is created if it didn't exist), with names of the form "FILENAME_EXT.html". exiftool -a -b -ee -embeddedimage -W Image_%.3g3.%s file.pdf Extract embedded JPG and JP2 images from a PDF file. The output images will have file names like "Image_#.jpg" or "Image_#.jp2", where "#" is the ExifTool family 3 embedded document number for the image. WRITING EXAMPLES Note that quotes are necessary around arguments which contain certain special characters such as ">", "<" or any white space. These quoting techniques are shell dependent, but the examples below will work in the Windows CMD shell. exiftool -Comment="This is a new comment" dst.jpg Write new comment to a JPG image (replaces any existing comment). exiftool -comment= -o newdir -ext jpg . Remove comment from all JPG images in the current directory, writing the modified images to a new directory. exiftool -keywords=EXIF -keywords=editor dst.jpg Replace existing keyword list with two new keywords ("EXIF" and "editor"). exiftool -Keywords+=word -o newfile.jpg src.jpg Copy a source image to a new file, and add a keyword ("word") to the current list of keywords. exiftool -exposurecompensation+=-0.5 a.jpg Decrement the value of ExposureCompensation by 0.5 EV. Note that += with a negative value is used for decrementing because the -= operator is used for conditional deletion (see next example). exiftool -credit-=xxx dir Delete Credit information from all files in a directory where the Credit value was "xxx". exiftool -xmp:description-de="kühl" -E dst.jpg Write alternate language for XMP:Description, using HTML character escaping to input special characters. exiftool -all= dst.jpg Delete all meta information from an image. Note: You should NOT do this to RAW images (except DNG) since proprietary RAW image formats often contain information in the makernotes that is necessary for converting the image. exiftool -all= -comment="lonely" dst.jpg Delete all meta information from an image and add a comment back in. (Note that the order is important: -comment="lonely" -all= would also delete the new comment.) exiftool -all= --jfif:all dst.jpg Delete all meta information except JFIF group from an image. exiftool -Photoshop:All= dst.jpg Delete Photoshop meta information from an image (note that the Photoshop information also includes IPTC). exiftool -r -XMP-crss:all= DIR Recursively delete all XMP-crss information from images in a directory. exiftool "-ThumbnailImage<=thumb.jpg" dst.jpg Set the thumbnail image from specified file (Note: The quotes are necessary to prevent shell redirection). exiftool "-JpgFromRaw<=%d%f_JFR.JPG" -ext NEF -r . Recursively write JPEG images with filenames ending in "_JFR.JPG" to the JpgFromRaw tag of like-named files with extension ".NEF" in the current directory. (This is the inverse of the "-JpgFromRaw" command of the "READING EXAMPLES" section above.) exiftool -DateTimeOriginal-="0:0:0 1:30:0" dir Adjust original date/time of all images in directory "dir" by subtracting one hour and 30 minutes. (This is equivalent to "-DateTimeOriginal-=1.5". See Image::ExifTool::Shift.pl for details.) exiftool -createdate+=3 -modifydate+=3 a.jpg b.jpg Add 3 hours to the CreateDate and ModifyDate timestamps of two images. exiftool -AllDates+=1:30 -if "$make eq 'Canon'" dir Shift the values of DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate and ModifyDate forward by 1 hour and 30 minutes for all Canon images in a directory. (The AllDates tag is provided as a shortcut for these three tags, allowing them to be accessed via a single tag.) exiftool -xmp:city=Kingston image1.jpg image2.nef Write a tag to the XMP group of two images. (Without the "xmp:" this tag would get written to the IPTC group since "City" exists in both, and IPTC is preferred by default.) exiftool -LightSource-="Unknown (0)" dst.tiff Delete "LightSource" tag only if it is unknown with a value of 0. exiftool -whitebalance-=auto -WhiteBalance=tung dst.jpg Set "WhiteBalance" to "Tungsten" only if it was previously "Auto". exiftool -comment-= -comment="new comment" a.jpg Write a new comment only if the image doesn't have one already. exiftool -o %d%f.xmp dir Create XMP meta information data files for all images in "dir". exiftool -o test.xmp -owner=Phil -title="XMP File" Create an XMP data file only from tags defined on the command line. exiftool "-ICC_Profile<=%d%f.icc" image.jpg Write ICC_Profile to an image from a ".icc" file of the same name. exiftool -hierarchicalkeywords="{keyword=one,children={keyword=B}}" Write structured XMP information. See for more details. exiftool -trailer:all= image.jpg Delete any trailer found after the end of image (EOI) in a JPEG file. A number of digital cameras store a large PreviewImage after the JPEG EOI, and the file size may be reduced significantly by deleting this trailer. See the JPEG Tags documentation for a list of recognized JPEG trailers. COPYING EXAMPLES These examples demonstrate the ability to copy tag values between files. exiftool -tagsFromFile src.cr2 dst.jpg Copy the values of all writable tags from "src.cr2" to "dst.jpg", writing the information to same-named tags in the preferred groups. exiftool -TagsFromFile src.jpg -all:all dst.jpg Copy the values of all writable tags from "src.jpg" to "dst.jpg", preserving the original tag groups. exiftool -all= -tagsfromfile src.jpg -exif:all dst.jpg Erase all meta information from "dst.jpg" image, then copy EXIF tags from "src.jpg". exiftool -exif:all= -tagsfromfile @ -all:all -unsafe bad.jpg Rebuild all EXIF meta information from scratch in an image. This technique can be used in JPEG images to repair corrupted EXIF information which otherwise could not be written due to errors. The "Unsafe" tag is a shortcut for unsafe EXIF tags in JPEG images which are not normally copied. See the tag name documentation for more details about unsafe tags. exiftool -Tagsfromfile a.jpg out.xmp Copy meta information from "a.jpg" to an XMP data file. If the XMP data file "out.xmp" already exists, it will be updated with the new information. Otherwise the XMP data file will be created. Only XMP, ICC and MIE files may be created like this (other file types may be edited but not created). See "WRITING EXAMPLES" above for another technique to generate XMP files. exiftool -tagsFromFile a.jpg -XMP:All= -ThumbnailImage= -m b.jpg Copy all meta information from "a.jpg" to "b.jpg", deleting all XMP information and the thumbnail image from the destination. exiftool -TagsFromFile src.jpg -title -author=Phil dst.jpg Copy title from one image to another and set a new author name. exiftool -TagsFromFile a.jpg -ISO -TagsFromFile b.jpg -comment dst.jpg Copy ISO from one image and Comment from another image to a destination image. exiftool -tagsfromfile src.jpg -exif:all --subifd:all dst.jpg Copy only the EXIF information from one image to another, excluding SubIFD tags. exiftool "-FileModifyDate for additional documentation and examples. exiftool -filename=new.jpg dir/old.jpg Rename "old.jpg" to "new.jpg" in directory "dir". exiftool -directory=%e dir Move all files from directory "dir" into directories named by the original file extensions. exiftool "-Directory for additional documentation. exiftool -geotag track.log a.jpg Geotag an image ("a.jpg") from position information in a GPS track log ("track.log"). Since the "Geotime" tag is not specified, the value of DateTimeOriginal is used for geotagging. Local system time is assumed unless DateTimeOriginal contains a timezone. exiftool -geotag t.log -geotime="2009:04:02 13:41:12-05:00" a.jpg Geotag an image with the GPS position for a specific time. (Note that the "Geotag" tag must be assigned before "Geotime" for the GPS data to be available when "Geotime" is set.) exiftool -geotag log.gpx "-xmp:geotime out.gpx Generate a GPX track log from all images in directory "dir". This example uses the "gpx.fmt" file included in the full ExifTool distribution package and assumes that the images in "dir" have all been previously geotagged. PIPING EXAMPLES type a.jpg | exiftool - Extract information from stdin. exiftool image.jpg -thumbnailimage -b | exiftool - Extract information from an embedded thumbnail image. type a.jpg | exiftool -iptc:keywords+=fantastic - > b.jpg Add an IPTC keyword in a pipeline, saving output to a new file. curl -s http://a.domain.com/bigfile.jpg | exiftool -fast - Extract information from an image over the internet using the cURL utility. The -fast option prevents exiftool from scanning for trailer information, so only the meta information header is transferred. exiftool a.jpg -thumbnailimage -b | exiftool -comment=wow - | exiftool a.jpg "-thumbnailimage<=-" Add a comment to an embedded thumbnail image. (Why anyone would want to do this I don't know, but I've included this as an example to illustrate the flexibility of ExifTool.) DIAGNOSTICS The exiftool application exits with a status of 0 on success, or 1 if an error occurred or if all files failed the -if condition (for any of the commands if -execute was used). AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2016, Phil Harvey This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Image::ExifTool(3pm), Image::ExifTool::TagNames(3pm), Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts(3pm), Image::ExifTool::Shift.pl __HELP__ my $dir = $ENV{PAR_TEMP}; if ($dir) { $dir =~ s/[^\\\/]*$//; } else { $dir = $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP} || '/tmp'; } $tmpFile = "$dir/exiftool_doc.txt"; # try backslashes first if it seems we may be running in cmd.exe $tmpFile =~ tr/\//\\/ if $ENV{ComSpec} or $tmpFile =~ /\\/; unless (open(TEMP, ">$tmpFile")) { $tmpFile =~ tr/\/\\/\\\//; # try the other slash unless (open(TEMP, ">$tmpFile")) { warn "Error creating temp file $tmpFile\n"; warn "So ExifTool can't print the help documentation.\n"; undef $tmpFile; return; } } print TEMP $help; close TEMP; system(qq{more < "$tmpFile"}) and warn "Error running more $tmpFile\n"; unlink $tmpFile; undef $tmpFile; } # end