Compiling the library in Windows ================================ DISCLAIMER: these notes are not very reliable, as they're based on some very simple tests, without much knowledge of the Windows operating system. 1) Using MinGW/MSYS Everything goes as in standard *nix systems (you should probably change the default installation location with the --prefix option in `configure'). With the default options, the `configure' sctipt produces a DLL. If you want to build a static library, you should pass the options --disable-shared and --disable-declspec to `configure', and make sure you define the preprocessor LQR_DISABLE_DECLSPEC whenever you want to compile/link against the static library. 2) Using MS Visual C++ The library compiles with `Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express edition' and `Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition'. Follow these steps: a) Create a new project (suggested name: `liblqr-1-0') *) In the 2008 edition, create an empty DLL project with the default setup (choose Console Application then Advanced Settings -> DLL + Empty Project). The suggested name is liblr-1-0 *) In the 2010 edition, choose Empty project b) Copy the `lqr' directory in the project directory you have created c) Add all the source files within the `lqr' directory to the project (right-click -> Add -> Existing item...) d) Go to Project -> Properties in the menu. This opens a dialog. At the top, set "Configuration:" to "All Configurations". Then, go to "Configuration Properties" and set the options as follows: *) [2010 edition only] General -> Configuration Type: Dynamic Library *) C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories: add the directory `lqr' and its parent, and also the directory where all the necessary glib-2.0 headers are found (usually, there are 2 of those, one ends with `include\glib-2.0', another with `lib\glib-2.0\include') *) C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions: add LQR_EXPORTS to the list *) C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compile As: Compile as C Code (it also works otherwise, but this option seems to make sense given that the library is ANSI C) *) Linker -> General -> Version: set version number *) Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories: add the directory where glib-2.0.lib is found *) Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies: add glib-2.0.lib When you build the project, it should produce the library liblqr-1-0.lib and liblqr-1-0.dll files (assuming your project is called `liblqr-1-0').