#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; BEGIN { plan skip_all => "Not used on MSWin32" if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ); use_ok 'MCE::Channel'; use_ok 'MCE::Channel::MutexFast'; } my $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'MutexFast', mp => 1 ); is $chnl->impl, 'MutexFast', 'implementation name'; # send recv { $chnl->send('a string'); is $chnl->recv, 'a string', 'send recv scalar'; $chnl->send(''); is $chnl->recv, '', 'send recv blank string'; $chnl->send(undef); is $chnl->recv, '', 'send recv undef stringified'; } # send recv_nb { $chnl->send('a string'); is $chnl->recv_nb, 'a string', 'send recv_nb scalar'; $chnl->send(''); is $chnl->recv_nb, '', 'send recv_nb blank string'; $chnl->send(undef); is $chnl->recv_nb, '', 'send recv_nb undef stringified'; } # send2 recv2 { $chnl->send2('a string'); is $chnl->recv2, 'a string', 'send2 recv2 scalar'; $chnl->send2(''); is $chnl->recv2, '', 'send2 recv2 blank string'; $chnl->send2(undef); is $chnl->recv2, '', 'send2 recv2 undef stringified'; } # send2 recv2_nb { $chnl->send2('a string'); is $chnl->recv2_nb, 'a string', 'send2 recv2_nb scalar'; $chnl->send2(''); is $chnl->recv2_nb, '', 'send2 recv2_nb blank string'; $chnl->send2(undef); is $chnl->recv2_nb, '', 'send2 recv2_nb undef stringified'; } # enqueue dequeue { $chnl->enqueue('a string'); is $chnl->dequeue, 'a string', 'enqueue dequeue scalar'; $chnl->enqueue(qw/ a list of items /); is scalar( my $item1 = $chnl->dequeue ), 'a', 'enqueue dequeue item1'; is scalar( my $item2 = $chnl->dequeue ), 'list', 'enqueue dequeue item2'; is scalar( my $item3 = $chnl->dequeue ), 'of', 'enqueue dequeue item3'; is scalar( my $item4 = $chnl->dequeue ), 'items', 'enqueue dequeue item4'; $chnl->enqueue(''); is $chnl->dequeue, '', 'enqueue dequeue blank string'; $chnl->enqueue(undef); is $chnl->dequeue, '', 'enqueue dequeue undef stringified'; $chnl->enqueue(qw/ a b c /); is join( '', $chnl->dequeue(3) ), 'abc', 'enqueue dequeue count'; } # enqueue dequeue_nb { $chnl->enqueue('a string'); is $chnl->dequeue_nb, 'a string', 'enqueue dequeue_nb scalar'; $chnl->enqueue(qw/ a list of items /); is scalar( my $item1 = $chnl->dequeue_nb ), 'a', 'enqueue dequeue_nb item1'; is scalar( my $item2 = $chnl->dequeue_nb ), 'list', 'enqueue dequeue_nb item2'; is scalar( my $item3 = $chnl->dequeue_nb ), 'of', 'enqueue dequeue_nb item3'; is scalar( my $item4 = $chnl->dequeue_nb ), 'items', 'enqueue dequeue_nb item4'; $chnl->enqueue(''); is $chnl->dequeue_nb, '', 'enqueue dequeue_nb blank string'; $chnl->enqueue(undef); is $chnl->dequeue_nb, '', 'enqueue dequeue_nb undef stringified'; $chnl->enqueue(qw/ a b c /); is join( '', $chnl->dequeue_nb(3) ), 'abc', 'enqueue dequeue_nb count'; } # end { $chnl->enqueue("item $_") for 1 .. 2; $chnl->end; for my $method (qw/ send enqueue /) { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { is $_[0], "WARNING: ($method) called on a channel that has been 'end'ed\n", "channel ended, $method"; }; $chnl->$method("item"); } is $chnl->dequeue_nb, 'item 1', 'channel ended, dequeue_nb item 1'; is $chnl->dequeue_nb, 'item 2', 'channel ended, dequeue_nb item 2'; } done_testing;