/* * libmowgli: A collection of useful routines for programming. * list.c: Linked lists. * * Copyright (c) 2007 William Pitcock * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "mowgli.h" static mowgli_heap_t *mowgli_node_heap; static mowgli_heap_t *mowgli_list_heap; void mowgli_node_bootstrap(void) { mowgli_node_heap = mowgli_heap_create(sizeof(mowgli_node_t), 1024, BH_NOW); mowgli_list_heap = mowgli_heap_create(sizeof(mowgli_list_t), 64, BH_NOW); if (mowgli_node_heap == NULL || mowgli_list_heap == NULL) { mowgli_log("heap allocator failure."); abort(); } } /* creates a new node */ mowgli_node_t *mowgli_node_create(void) { mowgli_node_t *n; /* allocate it */ n = mowgli_heap_alloc(mowgli_node_heap); /* initialize */ n->next = n->prev = n->data = NULL; /* return a pointer to the new node */ return n; } /* frees a node */ void mowgli_node_free(mowgli_node_t *n) { return_if_fail(n != NULL); /* free it */ mowgli_heap_free(mowgli_node_heap, n); } /* adds a node to the end of a list */ void mowgli_node_add(void *data, mowgli_node_t *n, mowgli_list_t *l) { mowgli_node_t *tn; return_if_fail(n != NULL); return_if_fail(l != NULL); n->next = n->prev = NULL; n->data = data; /* first node? */ if (l->head == NULL) { l->head = n; l->tail = n; l->count++; return; } /* use the cached tail. */ tn = l->tail; /* set the our `prev' to the last node */ n->prev = tn; /* set the last node's `next' to us */ n->prev->next = n; /* set the list's `tail' to us */ l->tail = n; /* up the count */ l->count++; } /* adds a node to the head of a list */ void mowgli_node_add_head(void *data, mowgli_node_t *n, mowgli_list_t *l) { mowgli_node_t *tn; return_if_fail(n != NULL); return_if_fail(l != NULL); n->next = n->prev = NULL; n->data = data; /* first node? */ if (!l->head) { l->head = n; l->tail = n; l->count++; return; } tn = l->head; n->next = tn; tn->prev = n; l->head = n; l->count++; } /* adds a node to a list before another node, or to the end */ void mowgli_node_add_before(void *data, mowgli_node_t *n, mowgli_list_t *l, mowgli_node_t *before) { return_if_fail(n != NULL); return_if_fail(l != NULL); if (before == NULL) mowgli_node_add(data, n, l); else if (before == l->head) mowgli_node_add_head(data, n, l); else { n->data = data; n->prev = before->prev; n->next = before; before->prev = n; if (n->prev != NULL) n->prev->next = n; l->count++; } } /* adds a node to a list after another node, or to the end */ void mowgli_node_add_after(void *data, mowgli_node_t *n, mowgli_list_t *l, mowgli_node_t *before) { return_if_fail(n != NULL); return_if_fail(l != NULL); if (before == NULL || before->next == NULL) mowgli_node_add(data, n, l); else { n->data = data; n->prev = before; n->next = before->next; before->next = n; n->next->prev = n; l->count++; } } /* retrieves a node at `position` position. */ mowgli_node_t *mowgli_node_nth(mowgli_list_t *l, size_t pos) { size_t iter; mowgli_node_t *n; return_val_if_fail(l != NULL, NULL); /* locate the proper position. */ if (pos < MOWGLI_LIST_LENGTH(l) / 2) for (iter = 0, n = l->head; iter != pos && n != NULL; iter++, n = n->next); else for (iter = MOWGLI_LIST_LENGTH(l) - 1, n = l->tail; iter != pos && n != NULL; iter--, n = n->prev); return n; } /* returns the data from node at `position` position, or NULL. */ void *mowgli_node_nth_data(mowgli_list_t *l, size_t pos) { mowgli_node_t *n; return_val_if_fail(l != NULL, NULL); n = mowgli_node_nth(l, pos); if (n == NULL) return NULL; return n->data; } /* inserts a node at `position` position. */ void mowgli_node_insert(void *data, mowgli_node_t *n, mowgli_list_t *l, size_t pos) { mowgli_node_t *tn; return_if_fail(n != NULL); return_if_fail(l != NULL); /* locate the proper position. */ tn = mowgli_node_nth(l, pos); mowgli_node_add_before(data, n, l, tn); } /* retrieves the index position of a node in a list. */ ssize_t mowgli_node_index(mowgli_node_t *n, mowgli_list_t *l) { ssize_t iter; mowgli_node_t *tn; return_val_if_fail(n != NULL, -1); return_val_if_fail(l != NULL, -1); /* locate the proper position. */ for (iter = 0, tn = l->head; tn != n && tn != NULL; iter++, tn = tn->next); return iter < (ssize_t) MOWGLI_LIST_LENGTH(l) ? iter : -1; } /* deletes a link between a node and a list. */ void mowgli_node_delete(mowgli_node_t *n, mowgli_list_t *l) { return_if_fail(n != NULL); return_if_fail(l != NULL); /* are we the head? */ if (!n->prev) l->head = n->next; else n->prev->next = n->next; /* are we the tail? */ if (!n->next) l->tail = n->prev; else n->next->prev = n->prev; /* down the count */ l->count--; } /* finds a node by `data' */ mowgli_node_t *mowgli_node_find(void *data, mowgli_list_t *l) { mowgli_node_t *n; return_val_if_fail(l != NULL, NULL); MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH(n, l->head) if (n->data == data) return n; return NULL; } /* moves a node from one list to another. */ void mowgli_node_move(mowgli_node_t *m, mowgli_list_t *oldlist, mowgli_list_t *newlist) { return_if_fail(m != NULL); return_if_fail(oldlist != NULL); return_if_fail(newlist != NULL); /* Assumption: If m->next == NULL, then list->tail == m * and: If m->prev == NULL, then list->head == m */ if (m->next != NULL) m->next->prev = m->prev; else oldlist->tail = m->prev; if (m->prev != NULL) m->prev->next = m->next; else oldlist->head = m->next; m->prev = NULL; m->next = newlist->head; if (newlist->head != NULL) newlist->head->prev = m; else if (newlist->tail == NULL) newlist->tail = m; newlist->head = m; oldlist->count--; newlist->count++; } /* creates a new list. */ mowgli_list_t *mowgli_list_create(void) { mowgli_list_t *out = mowgli_heap_alloc(mowgli_list_heap); return out; } /* frees a created list. */ void mowgli_list_free(mowgli_list_t *l) { mowgli_heap_free(mowgli_list_heap, l); } /* concatenates two lists together. */ void mowgli_list_concat(mowgli_list_t *l, mowgli_list_t *l2) { return_if_fail(l != NULL); return_if_fail(l2 != NULL); if (l->tail != NULL) l->tail->next = l2->head; if (l->tail->next != NULL) l->tail->next->prev = l->tail; l->tail = l2->tail; l->count += l2->count; /* clear out l2 as it is no longer needed. */ l2->head = l2->tail = NULL; l2->count = 0; } /* reverse a list -- O(n)! */ void mowgli_list_reverse(mowgli_list_t *l) { mowgli_node_t *n, *tn; return_if_fail(l != NULL); MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n, tn, l->head) { mowgli_node_t *tn2 = n->next; n->next = n->prev; n->prev = tn2; } tn = l->head; l->head = l->tail; l->tail = tn; } /* sorts a list -- O(n ^ 2) most likely, i don't want to think about it. --nenolod */ void mowgli_list_sort(mowgli_list_t *l, mowgli_list_comparator_t comp, void *opaque) { mowgli_node_t *n, *tn, *n2, *tn2; return_if_fail(l != NULL); return_if_fail(comp != NULL); MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n, tn, l->head) { MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n2, tn2, l->head) { int result; int i, i2; if (n == n2) continue; i = mowgli_node_index(n, l); i2 = mowgli_node_index(n2, l); if ((result = comp(n, n2, opaque)) == 0) continue; else if (result < 0 && i > i2) { mowgli_node_delete(n, l); mowgli_node_add_before(n->data, n, l, n2); } else if (result > 0 && i < i2) { mowgli_node_delete(n, l); mowgli_node_add_after(n->data, n, l, n2); } } } }