package Net::GitHub::V3::Repos; use Moo; our $VERSION = '1.05'; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:FAYLAND'; use Carp; use URI::Escape; use URI; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); with 'Net::GitHub::V3::Query'; sub list { my ( $self, $args ) = @_; return $self->query(_repos_arg2url($args)); } sub next_repo { my ( $self, $args ) = @_; return $self->next(_repos_arg2url($args)); } sub close_repo { my ( $self, $args ) = @_; return $self->close(_repos_arg2url($args)); } sub _repos_arg2url { my ($args) = @_; # for old unless (ref($args) eq 'HASH') { $args = { type => $args }; } my $uri = URI->new('/user/repos'); $uri->query_form($args); return $uri->as_string; } sub list_all { my ( $self, $since ) = @_; return $self->query(_all_repos_arg2url($since)); } sub next_all_repo { my ( $self, $since ) = @_; return $self->next(_all_repos_arg2url($since)); } sub close_all_repo { my ( $self, $since ) = @_; return $self->close(_all_repos_arg2url($since)); } sub _all_repos_arg2url { my ( $since ) = @_; $since ||= 'first'; my $u = '/repositories'; $u .= '?since=' . $since if $since ne 'first'; return $u; } sub list_user { my $self = shift; return $self->query($self->_user_repos_arg2url(@_)); } sub next_user_repo { my $self = shift; return $self->next($self->_user_repos_arg2url(@_)); } sub close_user_repo { my $self = shift; return $self->close($self->_user_repos_arg2url(@_)); } sub _user_repos_arg2url { my ($self, $user, $args) = @_; $user ||= $self->u; # for old unless (ref($args) eq 'HASH') { $args = { type => $args }; } my $uri = URI->new("/users/" . uri_escape($user) . "/repos"); $uri->query_form($args); return $uri->as_string; } sub list_org { my $self = shift; return $self->query($self->_org_repos_arg2url(@_)); } sub next_org_repo { my $self = shift; return $self->next($self->_org_repos_arg2url(@_)); } sub close_org_repo { my $self = shift; return $self->close($self->_org_repos_arg2url(@_)); } sub _org_repos_arg2url { my ($self, $org, $type) = @_; $type ||= 'all'; my $u = "/orgs/" . uri_escape($org) . "/repos"; $u .= '?type=' . $type if $type ne 'all'; return $u; } sub create { my ( $self, $data ) = @_; my $u = '/user/repos'; if (exists $data->{org}) { my $o = delete $data->{org}; $u = "/orgs/" . uri_escape($o) . "/repos"; } return $self->query('POST', $u, $data); } sub upload_asset { my $self = shift; unshift @_, $self->u, $self->repo if @_ < 5; my ($user, $repos, $release_id, $name, $content_type, $file_content) = @_; my $ua = $self->ua; my $url = $self->upload_url . "/repos/$user/$repos/releases/$release_id/assets?name=" . uri_escape($name); my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', $url ); $req->accept_decodable; $req->content($file_content); $req->header( 'Content-Type', $content_type ); my $res = $ua->request($req); my $data; if ($res->header('Content-Type') and $res->header('Content-Type') =~ 'application/json') { my $json = $res->decoded_content; $data = eval { $self->json->decode($json) }; unless ($data) { # We tolerate bad JSON for errors, # otherwise we just rethrow the JSON parsing problem. die unless $res->is_error; $data = { message => $res->message }; } } else { $data = { message => $res->message }; } return wantarray ? %$data : $data; } sub commits { my $self = shift; return $self->query($self->_commits_arg2url(@_)); } sub next_commit { my $self = shift; return $self->next($self->_commits_arg2url(@_)); } sub close_commit { my $self = shift; return $self->close($self->_commits_arg2url(@_)); } sub _commits_arg2url { my $self = shift; if (@_ < 2) { unshift @_, $self->repo; unshift @_, $self->u; } my ($user, $repos, $args) = @_; my $uri = URI->new("/repos/" . uri_escape($user) . "/" . uri_escape($repos) . '/commits'); $uri->query_form($args); return $uri->as_string; } sub list_deployments { my $self = shift; return $self->query($self->deployments_arg2url(@_)); } sub next_deployment { my $self = shift; return $self->next($self->deployments_arg2url(@_)); } sub close_deployment { my $self = shift; return $self->close($self->deployments_arg2url(@_)); } sub _deployments_arg2url { my $self = shift; if (@_ < 2) { unshift @_, $self->repo; unshift @_, $self->u; } my ($user, $repos, $args) = @_; my $uri = URI->new("/repos/" . uri_escape($user) . "/" . uri_escape($repos) . '/deployments'); $uri->query_form($args); return $uri->as_string; } ## build methods on fly my %__methods = ( get => { url => "/repos/%s/%s" }, update => { url => "/repos/%s/%s", method => 'PATCH', args => 1 }, contributors => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/contributors", paginate => 1 }, languages => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/languages" }, teams => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/teams", paginate => 1 }, tags => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/tags", paginate => 1 }, branches => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/branches", paginate => 1 }, branch => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/branches/%s" }, delete => { url => "/repos/%s/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, # collaborators => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators", paginate => 1 }, is_collaborator => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators/%s", check_status => 204 }, add_collaborator => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators/%s", method => 'PUT', check_status => 204 }, delete_collaborator => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/collaborators/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, # commit => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s" }, comments => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/comments", paginate => 1 }, comment => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/comments/%s" }, commit_comments => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s/comments", paginate => 1 }, create_comment => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s/comments", method => 'POST', args => 1 }, update_comment => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/comments/%s", method => 'PATCH', args => 1 }, delete_comment => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/comments/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, compare_commits => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/compare/%s...%s" }, # readme => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/readme" }, get_content => { url => "/repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path", v => 2 }, # downloads => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/downloads", paginate => 1 }, download => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/downloads/%s" }, delete_download => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/downloads/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, # releases => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases", paginate => 1 }, release => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s" }, create_release => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases", method => 'POST', args => 1 }, update_release => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s", method => 'PATCH', args => 1 }, delete_release => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, release_assets => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s/assets", paginate => 1 }, release_asset => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s/assets/%s" }, update_release_asset => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s/assets/%s", method => 'PATCH', args => 1 }, delete_release_asset => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/releases/%s/assets/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, forks => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/forks", paginate => 1 }, # keys => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/keys", paginate => 1 }, key => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/keys/%s" }, create_key => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/keys", method => 'POST', args => 1 }, update_key => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/keys/%s", method => 'PATCH', check_status => 204, args => 1 }, delete_key => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/keys/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, # watchers => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/watchers", paginate => 1 }, is_watching => { url => "/user/watched/%s/%s", is_u_repo => 1, check_status => 204 }, watch => { url => "/user/watched/%s/%s", is_u_repo => 1, method => 'PUT', check_status => 204 }, unwatch => { url => "/user/watched/%s/%s", is_u_repo => 1, method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, subscribers => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/subscribers", paginate => 1 }, subscription => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/subscription" }, is_subscribed => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/subscription", check_status => 200 }, subscribe => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/subscription", method => 'PUT', check_status => 200, args => 1 }, unsubscribe => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/subscription", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, # hooks => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/hooks", paginate => 1 }, hook => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/hooks/%s" }, delete_hook => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/hooks/%s", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, test_hook => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/hooks/%s/test", method => 'POST', check_status => 204 }, create_hook => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/hooks", method => 'POST', args => 1 }, update_hook => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/hooks/%s", method => 'PATCH', args => 1 }, # merges => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/merges", method => 'POST', args => 1 }, # list_statuses => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/statuses/%s", paginate => { name => 'status' } }, create_status => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/statuses/%s", method => 'POST', args => 1 }, # create_deployment => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/deployments", method => 'POST', args => 1 }, create_deployment_status => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/deployments/%s/statuses", method => 'POST', args => 1}, list_deployment_statuses => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/deployments/%s/statuses", method => 'GET', paginate => { name => 'deployment_status' } }, contributor_stats => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/stats/contributors", method => 'GET'}, commit_activity => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/stats/commit_activity", method => 'GET'}, code_frequency => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/stats/code_frequency", method => 'GET'}, participation => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/stats/participation", method => 'GET'}, punch_card => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/stats/punch_card", method => 'GET'}, # branch_protection => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/branches/%s/protection", method => 'GET'}, delete_branch_protection => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/branches/%s/protection", method => 'DELETE', check_status => 204 }, update_branch_protection => { url => "/repos/%s/%s/branches/%s/protection", method => 'PUT', args => 1 }, ); __build_methods(__PACKAGE__, %__methods); sub create_download { my $self = shift; if (@_ == 1) { unshift @_, $self->repo; unshift @_, $self->u; } my ($user, $repos, $download) = @_; my $file = delete $download->{file}; my $u = "/repos/" . uri_escape($user) . "/" . uri_escape($repos) . '/downloads'; my $d = $self->query('POST', $u, $download); if (defined $file) { return $self->upload_download($d, $file); } else { return $d; } } sub upload_download { my $self = shift; if (@_ < 3) { unshift @_, $self->repo; unshift @_, $self->u; } my ($user, $repos, $download, $file) = @_; # must successful on create_download return 0 unless exists $download->{s3_url}; ## POST form-data my %data = ( Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ 'key' => $download->{path}, 'acl' => $download->{acl}, 'success_action_status' => 201, 'Filename' => $download->{name}, 'AWSAccessKeyId' => $download->{accesskeyid}, 'Policy' => $download->{policy}, 'Signature' => $download->{signature}, 'Content-Type' => $download->{mime_type}, 'file' => [ $file ], ], ); my $request = POST $download->{s3_url}, %data; my $res = $self->ua->request($request); return $res->code == 201 ? 1 : 0; } ## sub create_fork { my $self = shift; if (@_ < 2) { unshift @_, $self->repo; unshift @_, $self->u; } my ($user, $repos, $org) = @_; my $u = "/repos/" . uri_escape($user) . "/" . uri_escape($repos) . '/forks'; $u .= '?org=' . $org if defined $org; return $self->query('POST', $u); } ## sub watched { my ($self, $user) = @_; my $u = $user ? '/users/' . uri_escape($user). '/watched' : '/user/watched'; return $self->query($u); } no Moo; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::GitHub::V3::Repos - GitHub Repos API =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::GitHub::V3; my $gh = Net::GitHub::V3->new; # read L to set right authentication info my $repos = $gh->repos; # set :user/:repo for simple calls $repos->set_default_user_repo('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); my @contributors = $repos->contributors; # don't need pass user and repos =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 METHODS =head3 Repos L =over 4 =item list =item list_all # All public repositories on Github my @rp = $repos->list_all; # starting at id 500 my @rp = $repos->list_all(500); =item list_user =item list_org my @rp = $repos->list; # or my $rp = $repos->list; my @rp = $repos->list({ type => 'private' sort => 'updated' }); my @rp = $repos->list_user('c9s'); my @rp = $repos->list_user('c9s', { type => 'member' }); my @rp = $repos->list_org('perlchina'); my @rp = $repos->list_org('perlchina', 'public'); =item next_repo, next_all_repo, next_user_repo, next_org_repo # Iterate over your repositories while (my $repo = $repos->next_repo) { ...; } # Iterate over all public repositories while (my $repo = $repos->next_all_repo(500)) { ...; } # Iterate over repositories of another user while (my $repo = $repos->next_user_repo('c9s')) { ...; } # Iterate over repositories of an organisation while (my $repo = $repos->next_org_repo('perlchina','public')) { ...; } =item create # create for yourself my $rp = $repos->create( { "name" => "Hello-World", "description" => "This is your first repo", "homepage" => "" } ); # create for organization my $rp = $repos->create( { "org" => "perlchina", ## the organization "name" => "Hello-World", "description" => "This is your first repo", "homepage" => "" } ); =item get my $rp = $repos->get('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); =back B 1. SET user/repos before call methods below $gh->set_default_user_repo('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); # take effects for all $gh-> $repos->set_default_user_repo('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); # only take effect to $gh->repos my @contributors = $repos->contributors; 2. If it is just for once, we can pass :user, :repo before any arguments my @contributors = $repos->contributors($user, $repo); =over 4 =item update $repos->update({ homepage => '' }); =item delete $repos->delete(); =item contributors =item languages =item teams =item tags =item contributors my @contributors = $repos->contributors; my @languages = $repos->languages; my @teams = $repos->teams; my @tags = $repos->tags; my @branches = $repos->branches; my $branch = $repos->branch('master'); while (my $contributor = $repos->next_contributor) { ...; } while (my $team = $repos->next_team) { ... ; } while (my $tags = $repos->next_tag) { ... ; } =back =head3 Repo Collaborators API L =over 4 =item collaborators =item is_collaborator =item add_collaborator =item delete_collaborator my @collaborators = $repos->collaborators; while (my $collaborator = $repos->next_collaborator) { ...; } my $is = $repos->is_collaborator('fayland'); $repos->add_collaborator('fayland'); $repos->delete_collaborator('fayland'); =back =head3 Commits API L =over 4 =item commits =item commit my @commits = $repos->commits; my @commits = $repos->commits({ author => 'fayland' }); my $commit = $repos->commit($sha); while (my $commit = $repos->next_commit({...})) { ...; } =item comments =item commit_comments =item create_comment =item comment =item update_comment =item delete_comment my @comments = $repos->comments; while (my $comment = $repos->next_comment) { ...; } my @comments = $repos->commit_comments($sha); while (my $comment = $repos->next_commit_comment($sha)) { ...; } my $comment = $repos->create_comment($sha, { "body" => "Nice change", "commit_id" => "6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e", "line" => 1, "path" => "file1.txt", "position" => 4 }); my $comment = $repos->comment($comment_id); my $comment = $repos->update_comment($comment_id, { "body" => "Nice change" }); my $st = $repos->delete_comment($comment_id); =item compare_commits my $diffs = $repos->compare_commits($base, $head); =back =head3 Forks API L =over 4 =item forks =item create_fork my @forks = $repos->forks; while (my $fork = $repos->next_fork) { ...; } my $fork = $repos->create_fork; my $fork = $repos->create_fork($org); =back =head3 Repos Deploy Keys API L =over 4 =item keys =item key =item create_key =item update_key =item delete_key my @keys = $repos->keys; while (my $key = $repos->next_key) { ...; } my $key = $repos->key($key_id); # get key $repos->create_key( { title => 'title', key => $key } ); $repos->update_key($key_id, { title => $title, key => $key }); $repos->delete_key($key_id); =back =head3 Repo Watching API L =over 4 =item watchers my @watchers = $repos->watchers; while (my $watcher = $repos->next_watcher) { ...; } =item watched my @repos = $repos->watched; # what I watched my @repos = $repos->watched('c9s'); =item is_watching my $is_watching = $repos->is_watching; my $is_watching = $repos->is_watching('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); =item watch =item unwatch my $st = $repos->watch(); my $st = $repos->watch('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); my $st = $repos->unwatch(); my $st = $repos->unwatch('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); =back =head3 Subscriptions Github changed the ideas of Watchers (stars) and Subscriptions (new watchers). The Watchers code in this module predates the terminology change, so the new Watcher methods use the GitHub 'subscription' terminology. =over 4 =item subscribers Returns a list of subscriber data hashes. =item next_subscriber Returns the next subscriber in the list, or undef if there are no more subscribers. =item is_subscribed Returns true or false if you are subscribed $repos->is_subscribed(); $repos->is_subscribed('fayland','perl-net-github'); =item subscription Returns more information about your subscription to a repo. is_subscribed is a shortcut to calling this and checking for subscribed => 1. =item subscribe Required argument telling github if you want to subscribe or if you want to ignore mentions. If you want to change from subscribed to ignores you need to unsubscribe first. $repos->subscribe('fayland','perl-net-github', { subscribed => 1 }) $repos->subscribe('fayland','perl-net-github', { ignored => 1 }) =item unsubscribe $repos->unsubscribe('fayland','perl-net-github'); =back =head3 Hooks API L =over 4 =item hooks =item next_hook =item hook =item create_hook =item update_hook =item test_hook =item delete_hook my @hooks = $repos->hooks; while (my $hook = $repos->next_hook) { ...; } my $hook = $repos->hook($hook_id); my $hook = $repos->create_hook($hook_hash); my $hook = $repos->update_hook($hook_id, $new_hook_hash); my $st = $repos->test_hook($hook_id); my $st = $repos->delete_hook($hook_id); =back =head3 Repo Merging API L =over 4 =item merges my $status = $repos->merges( { "base" => "master", "head" => "cool_feature", "commit_message" => "Shipped cool_feature!" } ); =back =head3 Repo Statuses API L =over 4 =item list_statuses $gh->set_default_user_repo('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); my @statuses = $repos->lists_statuses($sha); Or: my @statuses = $repos->list_statuses('fayland', 'perl-net-github', $sha); =item next_status while (my $status = $repos->next_status($sha)) { ...; } =item create_status $gh->set_default_user_repo('fayland', 'perl-net-github'); my %payload = { "state" => "success", "target_url" => "", "description" => "The build succeeded!", "context" => "build/status" }; my $status = $repos->create_status($sha, %payload); Or: my %payload = { "state" => "success", "target_url" => "", "description" => "The build succeeded!", "context" => "build/status" }; my $status = $repos->create_status( 'fayland', 'perl-net-github', $sha, %payload ); =back =head3 Repo Releases API L =over 4 =item releases my @releases = $repos->releases(); while (my $release = $repos->next_release) { ...; } =item release my $release = $repos->release($release_id); =item create_release my $release = $repos->create_release({ "tag_name" => "v1.0.0", "target_commitish" => "master", "name" => "v1.0.0", "body" => "Description of the release", "draft" => \1, }); =item update_release my $release = $repos->update_release($release_id, { "tag_name" => "v1.0.0", "target_commitish" => "master", "name" => "v1.0.0", "body" => "Description of the release", }); =item delete_release $repos->delete_release($release_id); =item release_assets my @release_assets = $repos->release_assets($release_id); while (my $asset = $repos->next_release_asset($release_id)) { ...; } =item upload_asset my $asset = $repos->upload_asset($release_id, $name, $content_type, $file_content); Check examples/ for a working example. =item release_asset my $release_asset = $repos->release_asset($release_id, $asset_id); =item update_release_asset my $release_asset = $repos->update_release_asset($release_id, $asset_id, { name" => "", "label" => "Mac binary" }); =item delete_release_asset my $ok = $repos->delete_release_asset($release_id, $asset_id); =back =head3 Contents API L =over 4 =item get_content Gets the contents of a file or directory in a repository. Specify the file path or directory in $path. If you omit $path, you will receive the contents of all files in the repository. my $response = $repos->get_content( $owner, $repo, $path ) or $repos->get_content( { owner => $owner, repo => $repo, path => $path }, ) or $repos->get_content( { owner => $owner, repo => $repo, path => $path }, { ref => 'feature-branch' } ) =back =head3 Repo Deployment API L =over 4 =item list_deployments my $response = $repos->list_deployments( $owner, $repo, { 'ref' => 'feature-branch', }); =item next_deployment while (my $deployment = $repos->next_deployment( $owner, $repo, { 'ref' => 'feature-branch', }) { ...; } =item create_deployment my $response = $repos->create_deployment( $owner, $repo, { "ref" => 'feature-branch', "description" => "deploying my new feature", }); =item list_deployment_statuses my $response = $repos->list_deployment_statuses( $owner, $repo, $deployment_id ); =item next_deployment_status while (my $status = next_deployment_status($o,$r,$id)) { ...; } =item create_deployment_status my $response = $repos->create_deployment_status( $owner, $repo, $deployment_id, { "state": "success", "target_url": "", "description": "Deployment finished successfully." }); =back =head3 Repo Statistics API L =over 4 =item contributor stats =item commit activity =item code frequency =item participation =item punch card my $contributor_stats = $repos->contributor_stats($owner, $repo); my $commit_activity = $repos->commit_activity($owner, $repo); my $code_freq = $repos->code_frequency($owner, $repo); my $participation = $repos->participation($owner, $repo); my $punch_card = $repos->punch_card($owner, $repo); =back =head3 Branch Protection API L =over 4 =item branch_protection my $protection = $repos->branch_protection('fayland', 'perl-net-github', 'master'); =item delete_branch_protection $repos->delete_branch_protection('fayland', 'perl-net-github', 'master'); =item update_branch_protection $repos->update_branch_protection('fayland', 'perl-net-github', 'master', { allow_deletions => \0, allow_force_pushes => \0, block_creations => \1, enforce_admins => \1, required_conversation_resolution => \1, required_linear_history => \0, required_pull_request_reviews => { dismiss_stale_reviews => \1, require_code_owner_reviews => \1, required_approving_review_count => 2, }, required_status_checks => { strict => \1, contexts => [] }, restrictions => undef, }); =back =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Refer L