#!/usr/bin/perl # # web500.pl - Full featured LDAP directory SEARCH, MODIFY, DELETE, ADD # Web Interface, with Authentication. # # Author: Clayton Donley, Motorola # # Other Credits: # - textarea feature - Douglas Gray Stevens # Requires the CGI and Net::LDAPapi Modules use CGI qw(:standard :html3); use Net::LDAPapi; # Set to Local LDAP Server and Base DN $LDAP_SERVER = "localhost"; $LDAP_BASEDN = "o=Org,c=US"; # Set this to the name of the CGI on your web server $LDAPCGI_NAME = "/cgi-bin/web500.pl"; # This is the displayed title... $LDAPCGI_TITLE = "Directory Search and Update"; # If set to 0, new passwords will be stored PLAIN TEXT $LDAPCGI_CRYPT_PASS = 1; # This is the address that supports your LDAP server $LDAPCGI_HELP_MAIL = "help\@myorg.com"; # Do you allow users to change their own password? $LDAPCGI_ALLOW_CHPASS = 1; # Do you allow users to upload JPEG photos? $LDAPCGI_ALLOW_JPEGUL = 1; # Do you want to display Netscape VCARD Entries? $LDAPCGI_DISPLAY_VCARD = 0; # This is the default DN and PASSWORD to bind to the LDAP server when # a user hasn't authenticated. %ldap_default_auth = ( "dn", "", "pass", "", ); # %fields - Attribute Table used by all forms # Format: "Field Name" => ["Description",length,max_length,multiple,rows] # Field Name - Lower Case Attribute Name # Description - Name to display to the User # length - Length of Field on Screen # max_length - Maximum Length of Input # multiple - 1 to allow multiple values, 0 for single value # rows - Number of Rows to allow for entry. %fields = ( "cn" => ["Name",20,40,1,1], "givenname" => ["First Name",20,40,0,1], "sn" => ["Last Name",20,40,0,1], "uid" => ["UniqueID",10,15,0,1], "departmentnumber" => ["Department Number",10,25,0,1], "telephonenumber" => ["Telephone Number",30,50,1,1], "facsimiletelephonenumber" => ["Fax Number", 30,50,0,1], "pager" => ["Pager Number", 30,50,0,1], "mobile" => ["Mobile Number", 30,50,0,1], "labeleduri" => ["WWW Home Page", 40,100,0,1], "title" => ["Title", 40,100,0,1], "employeenumber" => ["Employee Number",10,25,0,1], "l" => ["City",30,50,0,1], "mail" => ["Email Address", 25,70,0,1], "postaladdress" => ["Postal Address", 30,200,0,5], ); # When searching for users, only obtain the following fields @searchuser_attributes = ("cn","givenname","sn","uid","telephonenumber", "facsimiletelephonenumber","mobile","pager","labeleduri","title","mail", "postaladdress","employeenumber","l","departmentnumber","jpegphoto"); @searchuser_onattr = ("cn","telephonenumber","uid", "postaladdress","mail", "title","departmentnumber","l"); # When adding users, the following attributes may be specified @adduser_attributes = ("givenname","sn","uid","departmentnumber","mail", "telephonenumber","facsimiletelephonenumber","pager","mobile","labeleduri", "title","employeenumber"); # When adding users, the following attributes MUST be given @adduser_required = ("sn","mail"); # When modifying users, the following attributes can be modified. @modifyuser_attributes = ("departmentnumber","telephonenumber","mail", "facsimiletelephonenumber","pager","mobile","labeleduri","title", "employeenumber","l","postaladdress"); # When displaying Organizations and Localities below the current point, use # this search filter. $DOWN_FILTER = "(|(objectclass=organization)(objectclass=organizationalunit)(objectclass=locality))"; # A List of Location or Organization Names that can be used to map people to # Certain parts of the Directory Tree. # Also used by the 'assign_next_uid' routine to assign UserIDs when doing # directory additions. You can replace that function with your own method # of assigning UIDs. %location = ( "Finance" => ["ou=Finance,o=Org,c=US","a","/usr/web/logs/nextid.fin"], "HR" => ["ou=HR, o=Org, c=US","b","/usr/web/logs/nextid.hr"], "IS" => ["ou=IS, o=Org, c=US","c","/usr/web/logs/nextid.is"], ); # @default_person_objectclass is the objectclasses assigned to new users @default_person_objectclass = ("top","person","organizationalperson","inetorgperson"); # $op will contain our current operation $op = param('op'); # $searchfor will contain YES if we've performed a search... $searchfor = param('searchfor'); # # Operations Requiring no LDAP Access, Binding, or Access Control # # Show the Authentication Screen &authenticate if $op =~ /authenticate/; # # Retrieve our Authentication Cookie and put it into our ldap_auth # hash. If there is no cookie, we use the default. # if (!cookie('ldap_auth_cookie')) { %ldap_auth = %ldap_default_auth; } else { %ldap_auth = cookie('ldap_auth_cookie'); } # # Open Our Connection to the LDAP Server...Only place in the whole program. # We use this $ld as the handle for all LDAP access. # $ld = ldap_open($LDAP_SERVER,LDAP_PORT); # # If these were passed, we have sent new authorization credentials. # Put these into our ldap_auth structure, or reset the structure to # the defaults if the word CLEAR is the UID. # if (param('ldap_myuid') && param('ldap_mypass')) { $ldap_myuid = param('ldap_myuid'); if ($ldap_myuid eq "CLEAR") { $ldap_auth{'pass'} = $ldap_default_auth{'pass'}; $ldap_auth{'dn'} = $ldap_default_auth{'dn'}; } else { $ldap_auth{'pass'} = param('ldap_mypass'); # Since the person supplied a UID, not the DN, we lookup the DN $ldap_auth{'dn'} = &get_my_dn($ldap_myuid); } } # # We now bind to the server using the specified DN and Password # if (ldap_simple_bind_s($ld,$ldap_auth{'dn'},$ldap_auth{'pass'}) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_bad_auth; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } # # Lets now build a cookie with our authentication information. The # cookie will expire if the browser does not reconnect (and thus resubmit # a new cookie) within the hour. # $ldap_auth_cookie = cookie( -name => 'ldap_auth_cookie', -value => \%ldap_auth, -path => $LDAPCGI_NAME, -expires => '+4h'); # # These two functions return NON-HTML mime-types, so we will go there # directly if necessary rather than send headers and such. # &view_jpegphoto if $op =~ /viewjpeg/; &view_vcard if $op =~ /viewvcard/; # # Print the headers and jump to the necessary operation # &print_html_headers; &print_options; &adduser_entry if $op =~ /adduser/; &moduser_entry if $op =~ /moduser/; &deluser_entry if $op =~ /deluser/; &viewuser_entry if $op =~ /viewuser/ || $op =~ /View Selected/; &searchuser_results if $op =~ /searchresult/ || $searchfor =~ /yes/; &help_screen if $op =~ /help/; # By default, display the search screen... &searchuser_entry; # We should NEVER get here, but I've left an unbind and an exit just # in case. All of the above subroutines should do EXITs, not RETURNs. ldap_unbind($ld); exit; #### # get_my_dn - Takes UID as argument and returns a matching DN #### sub get_my_dn { my ($uid) = @_; my $dn; if (ldap_simple_bind_s($ld,"","") != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_bad_auth; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } $filter = "(uid=$uid)"; if (ldap_search_s($ld,$LDAP_BASEDN,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,$filter, ["uid"],1,$result) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } $ent = ldap_first_entry($ld,$result); if ($ent == 0) { &print_bad_auth; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } $dn = ldap_get_dn($ld,$ent); } #### # print_bottom - Print bottom information #### sub print_bottom { print "Comments and Suggestions to:", "
\n",p; print "
$LDAPCGI_TITLE\n",br, "Written by Clayton Donley <", "donley\@cig.mot.com>\n",br, "Copyright © 1998 by Clayton Donley\n",br, "All Rights Reserved.
\n"; return; } #### # print_options - Print Top Options #### sub print_options { local $Flag; $Flag=0; print "
[SEARCH]"; if ($ldap_auth{'dn'} eq $ldap_default_auth{'dn'}) { print "[LOGIN] "; $Flag=1; } else { print "[LOGOUT] "; print "[CHANGE PASSWORD/INFO] "; print "[ADD] "; } print "[HELP]
",p; if ($Flag) { print "NOTE: Please LOGIN before you change password and other information.

"; } return; } #### # searchuser_entry - The main search screen #### sub searchuser_entry { # If 'my_base_dn' is passed, use it, otherwise use the default if (param('my_base_dn')) { $my_base_dn = param('my_base_dn'); } else { $my_base_dn = $LDAP_BASEDN; } # Get rid of extra spaces after commas. This probably isn't the # safest way to do this, but should be okay for now. $my_base_dn =~ s/,\s/,/g; # Now make sure that anything passed contains our default BASEDN, otherwise # 'my_base_dn' may not be useful. if ($my_base_dn !~ /$LDAP_BASEDN$/) { $my_base_dn = $LDAP_BASEDN; } # Splits the DN into segments. Netscape makes this easy with ldap_explode_dn, # but I have to do it manually because none of the other SDKs support it. # We're building a hash with all the levels above our own for use in the # popup_menu. @splitbase = split(/,/,$my_base_dn); @splitdefault = split(/,/,$LDAP_BASEDN); for ($count = 0; $count <= $#splitbase; $count++) { for ($base_count = $count; $base_count <= $#splitbase; $base_count++) { if ($count != $base_count) { $base_vals[$count] = $base_vals[$count] . ","; } $base_vals[$count] = $base_vals[$count] . $splitbase[$base_count]; } $shortname = $splitbase[$count]; $shortname =~ s/^.*=//; $basename{$base_vals[$count]} = $shortname; } # We don't want people to be able to go higher than the default level. $#base_vals = $#base_vals - $#splitdefault; # Now print the form with the query and the popup containing higher # levels within the LDAP tree. print "Current Search Base: $my_base_dn", start_form, hidden('op','searchresult'), hidden('searchfor','yes'), "Move Up To: ",popup_menu('my_base_dn',\@base_vals,$base_vals[0],\%basename),p; foreach $searchattr (@searchuser_onattr) { print textfield(-name=>"searchfor_$searchattr",-size=>50), $fields{$searchattr}[0],"\n",br; } print p,submit('Search'),reset('Reset'), end_form,p,"\n"; # This search will find all the organizations and localities one level below # our current level. This allows people to navigate downwards. if (ldap_search_s($ld,$my_base_dn,LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL,$DOWN_FILTER,[],1,$result) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } print h3("Move Down To:\n"); print "\n",hr; &print_bottom; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } sub searchuser_results { $filter = ""; $noattrs = 0; foreach $searchattr (@searchuser_onattr) { if (param("searchfor_$searchattr")) { $noattrs++; $filter = $filter . "($searchattr=*" . param("searchfor_$searchattr") . "*)"; } } if ($filter ne "") { if ($noattrs > 1) { $fullfilter = "(&$filter)"; } else { $fullfilter = $filter; } } else { &searchuser_entry; } $my_base_dn = param('my_base_dn'); if (ldap_search_s($ld,$my_base_dn,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,$fullfilter,[],0,$result) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { ldap_perror($ld,"Search"); &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } print h3("Results: Search of $my_base_dn for $fullfilter"); # We're going to display the results in a table so that they line-up # nicely. print start_form,"\n"; print "\n"; $entrycount = 0; # This for loop cycles through all the entries. for ($ent = ldap_first_entry($ld,$result); $ent != 0; $ent = ldap_next_entry($ld,$ent)) { $entrycount = $entrycount + 1; $fulldn = ldap_get_dn($ld,$ent); $realdn = $fulldn; # Once again, we're going to escape special characters $fulldn =~ s/ /%20/g; $fulldn =~ s/=/%3D/g; # In a later version I'll make these defined at the beginning, but # these are the fields for the short listing. @cn = ldap_get_values($ld,$ent,"cn"); @l = ldap_get_values($ld,$ent,"l"); @mail = ldap_get_values($ld,$ent,"mail"); @labeleduri = ldap_get_values($ld,$ent,"labeleduri"); @jpegphoto = ldap_get_values($ld,$ent,"jpegphoto"); # Each listing has a checkbox with the value of the person's DN print ""; # If the person has a 'labeleduri' field, make the person's CN a hyperlink # to their WWW page. if ($#labeleduri >= 0) { print ""; } else { print ""; } print ""; # If the person has a registered EMAIL address, display it and make it # a 'mailto' URL. if ($#mail >= 0) { print ""; } else { print ""; } # Allow full details of the user to be viewed. print ""; # Only display Modify and Delete options if we have authenticated. if ($ldap_auth{'dn'} ne $ldap_default_auth{'dn'}) { print ""; print ""; } # If we are displaying Netscape VCARDs, display that option. if ($LDAPCGI_DISPLAY_VCARD) { print ""; } # If the person has a Jpeg Photo, give an option to display it. if ($#jpegphoto >= 0) { print ""; } print "\n"; } print "
",checkbox('selectdn',0,$realdn,$entrycount),"$cn[0]$cn[0]$l[0]$mail[0]View AllModifyDeleteView VcardView Photo
\n",p; if ($entrycount == 0) { print "No Matches\n",end_form,hr; } else { print submit("op","View Selected"),end_form,hr; } &print_bottom; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } #### # Modify User #### sub moduser_entry { if ($ldap_auth{'dn'} eq $ldap_default_auth{'dn'}) { print "Please Authenticate."; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } if (param('selectdn')) { $selectdn = param('selectdn'); } else { $selectdn = $ldap_auth{'dn'}; } print "Modifying: $selectdn",br; if (param('gomodifyit')) { &gomodifyit; } if (ldap_search_s($ld,$selectdn,LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,"objectclass=*",[],0,$result) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } $ent = ldap_first_entry($ld,$result); if ($ent == 0) { print "User Not Found...\n",p; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } # Cycle through all attributes and place their values in a hash. for ($attr = ldap_first_attribute($ld,$ent,$ber); $attr; $attr = ldap_next_attribute($ld,$ent,$ber)) { @vals = ldap_get_values($ld,$ent,$attr); $record{$attr} = [ @vals ]; } # Draw up the Web Form print start_multipart_form, hidden('op','moduser'), hidden('selectdn',$selectdn), hidden('gomodifyit','yes'); print hr,""; # Password is a Special Case. Since it needs special processing, we # do not include it in %fields and thus request it separately. print " \n"; print " \n"; print "
New Password:",password_field('pass'),"
New Password (again):",password_field('pass2'),"

\n"; # Now cycle through all keys in %fields and construct the form for each # attribute to be modified through this page. foreach $key (@modifyuser_attributes) { $count = 0; for $value ( @{$record{$key}} ) { if ($count == 0) { print " "; } else { print " "; } # Sun 24-Aug-1997; Douglas Gray Stephens # Add option for textarea if ($fields{$key}[4]>1) { print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } print hidden("$key.$count.orig",$value); $count++; } if ($fields{$key}[3] == 1 || $count == 0) { # Sun 24-Aug-1997; Douglas Gray Stephens # Add option for textarea if ($count == 0) { print " "; } else { print " "; } if ($fields{$key}[4]>1) { print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } } print hidden($key,$count); } if ($LDAPCGI_ALLOW_JPEGUL) { print " \n"; print " "; } print "
" . $fields{$key}[0] . ":
" . $fields{$key}[0] . ":
Upload Photo (JPEG)", filefield('jpegphoto','',35,256),"
(Enter 'REMOVE' to delete current image)
",hr,submit('Modify Entry'), end_form,hr; &print_bottom; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } #### # gomodifyit - Routine to actually do the User Modification #### sub gomodifyit { print hr; foreach $key (@modifyuser_attributes) { $change = 0; @vals = (); $realcount = 0; for ($count = 0; $count <= param($key); $count++) { if (param("$key.$count") ne "") { $vals[$realcount] = param("$key.$count"); $realcount++; } if (param("$key.$count.orig") ne param("$key.$count")) { $change = 1; } } if ($change == 1) { if ($#vals < 0) { $ldapmod{$key} = ""; } else { $ldapmod{$key} = [ @vals ]; } } } if ($LDAPCGI_ALLOW_CHPASS) { $pass = param("pass"); $pass2 = param("pass2"); if ($pass ne "") { if ($pass eq $pass2) { if ($LDAPCGI_CRYPT_PASS) { $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15))); $salt = ""; for ($i = 0; $i <2; $i++) { $saltno = int rand length($chars); $mychar = substr($chars,$saltno,1); $salt = $salt . $mychar; } $encpass = crypt $pass, $salt; $ldapmod{'userpassword'} = "{CRYPT}" . $encpass; } else { $ldapmod{'userpassword'} = $pass; } if ($ldap_auth{'dn'} eq $selectdn) { print "NOTICE: You must Re-Authenticate to", " make other modifications.",p; } } else { print "WARNING: Passwords did NOT match (not changed)!",p; } } } if ($LDAPCGI_ALLOW_JPEGUL) { if (($filename = param('jpegphoto'))) { if ($filename =~ /^remove$/i) { $ldapmod{'jpegphoto'} = ""; } else { $jpegimg = ""; while (read($filename,$buffer,1024)) { $jpegimg = $jpegimg . $buffer; } $ldapmod{'jpegphoto'} = {"rb",[$jpegimg]}; } } } if (ldap_modify_s($ld,$selectdn,\%ldapmod) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } &post_modify_routine; print "Entry Modified...\n"; return; } #### # Add User #### sub adduser_entry { if ($ldap_auth{'dn'} eq $ldap_default_auth{'dn'}) { print "Please Authenticate."; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } if (param('addit')) { &add_one_user; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } @locations = sort keys %location; print start_form, hidden('op','adduser'), hidden('addit','yes'), hr, "", "\n", "\n", "
Password (again):",password_field('pass2'),"
",hr,""; foreach $key (@adduser_attributes) { print " "; if ($fields{$key}[4] > 1) { print " \n"; } else { print " \n"; } } print "
" . $fields{$key}[0] . ":",textarea("$key","",$fields{$key}[4],$fields{$key}[1],"","wrap=virtual"),"
Location:",radio_group('l',[@locations],$locations[0],'true'); print "
",hr,submit('Add'),reset('Reset'),end_form,hr; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } #### # Routine to Add One User #### sub add_one_user { if (length(param('pass')) < 6) { print "Password must be at least 6 characters in length.\n"; return; } if (param('pass') ne param('pass2')) { print "Passwords did not match, please try again.\n"; return; } $pass = param('pass'); if ($LDAPCGI_CRYPT_PASS) { $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; srand(time()^($$+($$<<15))); $salt = ""; for ($i = 0; $i <2; $i++) { $saltno = int rand length($chars); $mychar = substr($chars,$saltno,1); $salt = $salt . $mychar; } $encpass = crypt $pass, $salt; $ldapmod{'userpassword'} = "{CRYPT}" . $encpass; } else { $ldapmod{'userpassword'} = $pass; } foreach $key (@adduser_attributes) { if (param($key) ne "") { $ldapmod{$key} = param($key); } } foreach $key (@adduser_required) { if ($ldapmod{$key} eq "") { print "Missing Required Field: $key\n",p; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } } $ldapmod{'objectclass'} = [ @default_person_objectclass ]; $l = param('l'); $ldapmod{'l'} = $l; if ($ldapmod{'uid'} eq "") { $ldapmod{'uid'} = &assign_next_uid($l); } &verify_unique; $cn = $ldapmod{'givenname'} . " " . $ldapmod{'sn'}; $uid = $ldapmod{'uid'}; $long_cn = $cn . "-" . $uid; $ldapmod{'cn'} = [ ($long_cn, $cn) ]; $add_dn = "cn=" . $long_cn . "," . $location{$l}[0]; if (ldap_add_s($ld,$add_dn,\%ldapmod) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } &post_add_routine; print "Entry Added...\n",p; print "DN: $add_dn\n",br; print "UID: $uid\n",p; return; } sub assign_next_uid { my ($loc) = $_; open(READNEXTID,$location{$l}[2]); $nextid = ; close (READNEXTID); chop $nextid; $uid = $location{$l}[1] . $nextid; open(WRITENEXTID,">$location{$l}[2]"); print WRITENEXTID $nextid+1 . "\n"; close(WRITENEXTID); return $uid; } #### # Delete User #### sub deluser_entry { $selectdn = param('selectdn'); if ($selectdn eq "") { print "Nothing to Delete.\n"; return; } print h3("Delete User: $selectdn"); if (!param('confirm')) { print start_form, hidden('op','deluser'), hidden('confirm','yes'), hidden('selectdn',$selectdn), "WARNING! This will PERMANENTLY remove the entry for:\n",p, $selectdn,p, "Please confirm or click BACK on your browser to cancel.\n",p, submit('Confirm'), end_form; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } if (ldap_delete_s($ld,$selectdn) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } &post_delete_routine; print "DELETED!\n",p,hr; &print_bottom; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } #### # Display Full User Entry #### sub viewuser_entry { @selectdn = param('selectdn'); foreach $currentdn (@selectdn) { if (ldap_search_s($ld,$currentdn,LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,"(objectclass=*)", \@searchuser_attributes,0,$results) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } $ent = ldap_first_entry($ld,$results); print h3("$currentdn"); print "\n"; for ($attr = ldap_first_attribute($ld,$ent,$ber); $attr ne ""; $attr = ldap_next_attribute($ld,$ent,$ber)) { if ($attr eq "jpegphoto") { $fulldn = $currentdn; $fulldn =~ s/ /%20/g; $fulldn =~ s/=/%3D/g; print "\n"; } else { @vals = ldap_get_values($ld,$ent,$attr); print ""; if ($fields{$attr}) { print ""; } else { print ""; } for ($count = 0; $count <= $#vals; $count++) { if ($attr eq "mail") { print ""; } elsif ($attr eq "labeleduri") { print ""; } else { $vals[$count] =~ s/\n/
/g; print ""; } } print "\n"; } } print "
\n",hr; } &print_bottom; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } #### # Display jpegPhoto #### sub view_jpegphoto { # Print the image/jpeg Header print header('image/jpeg'); # $selectdn is our currently selected DN. $selectdn = param('selectdn'); # We perform a search for the 'jpegphoto' attribute. if (ldap_search_s($ld,$selectdn,LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,"objectclass=*", ['jpegphoto'],0,$result) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { &print_error; ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } # Only one entry should match. $ent = ldap_first_entry($ld,$result); # We use ldap_get_values_len, since jpegphoto is binary. @pics = ldap_get_values_len($ld,$ent,"jpegphoto"); # Print the picture data to STDOUT if it exists. if ($#pics >= 0) { print $pics[0]; } ldap_unbind($ld); exit; } #### # Print Authentication Form #### sub authenticate { print header; print start_html; print h2("Directory Authentication"); # Print the Authentication Form print start_form(-action=>"$LDAPCGI_NAME"), "Login: ",textfield('ldap_myuid'),p, "Password: ",password_field('ldap_mypass'),p, submit('Login'), end_form,hr; &print_bottom; exit; } #### # Print Basic HTML Headers, including Authentication Cookie #### sub print_html_headers { # Notice that we print the Cookie containing the authentication information. print header(-cookie=> $ldap_auth_cookie); print start_html($LDAPCGI_TITLE),h1($LDAPCGI_TITLE); # If the person has authenticated, let them know we know who they are. if ($ldap_auth{'dn'} ne $ldap_default_auth{'dn'}) { @splitdn = split(/,/,$ldap_auth{'dn'}); $name = $splitdn[0]; $name =~ s/.*=//; print "Welcome, $name!",hr; } } #### # Print the LDAP Error Message #### sub print_error { # ldap_get_lderrno is a Netscape SDK call, but I've made a dummy version # for the PERL module, as we need some way to get the numerical error code. $lderr = ldap_get_lderrno($ld,$blah1,$blah2); $errmsg = ldap_err2string($lderr); print p,"\nError: $errmsg\n",p,hr; &print_bottom; return; } sub help_screen { print "Online Help is Net Yet Implemented.",p,hr; &print_bottom; exit; } sub print_bad_auth { print header; print start_html("Login/Password Incorrect"); print h1("Login/Password Incorrect"); print "Please Authenticate again.\n",p,hr; &print_bottom; return; } ###### # post_*_routine is used for any actions you want to perform after doing # any of these functions. Useful for email/logging and synchronization # purposes that you may have. ###### sub post_add_routine { return; } sub post_modify_routine { return; } sub post_delete_routine { return; }