use 5.008001; use utf8; use strict; use warnings; use Config; use English qw( $OSNAME -no_match_vars ); use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use File::Basename (); use File::Spec; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use Symbol qw(gensym); use Text::Wrap; # According to, the ideal # behaviour to exhibit when a prerequisite does not exist is to use exit code 0 # to ensure smoke testers stop immediately without reporting a FAIL; in all # other environments, we want to fail more loudly use constant { MISSING_PREREQ => ( $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} ? 0 : 1 ), UNSUPPORTED_LIBSSL => ( $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} ? 0 : 1 ), }; # Error messages displayed with alert() will be this many columns wide use constant ALERT_WIDTH => 78; # Define this to one if you want to link the openssl libraries statically into # the Net-SSLeay loadable object on Windows my $win_link_statically = 0; my $tests = prompt( "Do you want to run external tests?\n". "These tests *will* *fail* if you do not have network connectivity.", 'n', ) =~ /^y/i ? 't/*/*.t t/*/*/*.t' : 't/local/*.t t/handle/local/*.t'; my %eumm_args = ( NAME => 'Net::SSLeay', ABSTRACT => 'Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL', LICENSE => 'artistic_2', AUTHOR => [ 'Sampo Kellomaki ', 'Florian Ragwitz ', 'Mike McCauley ', 'Tuure Vartiainen ', 'Chris Novakovic ', 'Heikki Vatiainen ' ], VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Net/', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.8.1', CONFIGURE_REQUIRES => { 'English' => '0', 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '0', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '0', 'Text::Wrap' => '0', 'constant' => '0', }, TEST_REQUIRES => { 'Carp' => '0', 'Config' => '0', 'Cwd' => '0', 'English' => '0', 'File::Basename' => '0', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '0', 'Scalar::Util' => '0', 'SelectSaver' => '0', 'Socket' => '0', 'Storable' => '0', 'Test::Builder' => '0', 'Test::More' => '0.60_01', 'base' => '0', }, PREREQ_PM => { 'MIME::Base64' => '0', }, test => { TESTS => $tests }, clean => { FILES => join ' ', map fixpath($_), qw( makecert.out makecert.err sslecho.log tcpecho.log t/local/ptr_cast_test examples/cert.pem examples/key.pem examples/key.pem.e examples/*.0 ) }, META_MERGE => { "meta-spec" => { version => 2 }, dynamic_config => 0, resources => { repository => { type => 'git', url => 'git://', web => '', }, bugtracker => { web => '', }, }, no_index => { directory => [ qw(helper_script examples) ] }, prereqs => { develop => { requires => { 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '1.00', 'Test::Kwalitee' => '1.00', }, }, }, }, ssleay(), ); # CCFLAGS is used internally by Makefile.PL to define various C preprocessor # macros (as opposed to DEFINE, which is user-facing). $eumm_args{CCFLAGS} = $Config{ccflags}; # Expose the current Perl version to the C preprocessor. This is used in # SSLeay.xs before perl.h is included (and therefore before its PERL_VERSION_* # macros are available). add_ccflag( $eumm_args{CCFLAGS}, "-DNET_SSLEAY_PERL_VERSION=" . $] * 1e6 ); # Suppress deprecation warnings during compilation. # add_ccflag( $eumm_args{CCFLAGS}, '-DOPENSSL_API_COMPAT=908' ); # See if integers are only 32 bits long. If they are, add a flag to # CCFLAGS. Since OpenSSL 1.1.0, a growing number of APIs are using 64 # bit integers. This causes a problem if Perl is compiled without 64 # bit integers. # # Note: 32bit integers are treated as the non-default case. When you # use this define, do it so that 64bit case is the default whenever # possible. This is safer for future library and Net::SSLeay releases. if ( !defined $Config{use64bitint} || $Config{use64bitint} ne 'define' ) { add_ccflag( $eumm_args{CCFLAGS}, '-DNET_SSLEAY_32BIT_INT_PERL' ); } # This can go when EU::MM older than 6.58 are gone $eumm_args{AUTHOR} = join(', ', @{$eumm_args{AUTHOR}}) unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.58); }; # This can go when EU::MM older than 6.64 are gone delete $eumm_args{TEST_REQUIRES} unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.64); }; WriteMakefile(%eumm_args); sub MY::postamble { <<"MAKE"; SSLeay$Config{'obj_ext'} : constants.c MAKE } # Prepends the C compiler flag in the second parameter to the string of compiler # flags in the first parameter. sub add_ccflag { substr $_[0], 0, 0, $_[1] . ( length $_[0] ? ' ' : '' ); } sub ssleay { my $prefix = find_openssl_prefix(); my $exec = find_openssl_exec($prefix); unless (defined $exec && -x $exec) { print <{inc_path} ) { my $detail = 'The libssl header files are required to build Net-SSLeay, but ' . 'they are missing from ' . $prefix . '. They would typically ' . 'reside in ' . catfile( $prefix, 'include', 'openssl' ) . '.'; if ( $OSNAME eq 'linux' ) { $detail .= "\n\n" . 'If you are using the version of OpenSSL/LibreSSL packaged ' . 'by your Linux distribution, you may need to install the ' . 'corresponding "development" package via your package ' . 'manager (e.g. libssl-dev for OpenSSL on Debian and Ubuntu, ' . 'or openssl-devel for OpenSSL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ' . 'and Fedora).'; } alert( 'Could not find libssl headers', $detail ); exit MISSING_PREREQ; } check_openssl_version($prefix, $exec); my %args = ( CCCDLFLAGS => $opts->{cccdlflags}, OPTIMIZE => $opts->{optimize}, INC => qq{-I"$opts->{inc_path}"}, LIBS => join(' ', (map '-L'.maybe_quote($_), @{$opts->{lib_paths}}), (map {"-l$_"} @{$opts->{lib_links}})), ); # From HMBRAND to handle multple version of OPENSSL installed if (my $lp = join " " => map '-L'.maybe_quote($_), @{$opts->{lib_paths} || []}) { ($args{uc $_} = $Config{$_}) =~ s/-L/$lp -L/ for qw(lddlflags ldflags); } %args; } sub maybe_quote { $_[0] =~ / / ? qq{"$_[0]"} : $_[0] } sub ssleay_get_build_opts { my ($prefix) = @_; my $opts = { lib_links => [], cccdlflags => '', }; my @try_includes = ( 'include' => sub { 1 }, 'inc32' => sub { $OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' }, ); while ( !defined $opts->{inc_path} && defined( my $dir = shift @try_includes ) && defined( my $cond = shift @try_includes ) ) { if ( $cond->() && (-f "$prefix/$dir/openssl/ssl.h" || -f "$prefix/$dir/ssl.h")) { $opts->{inc_path} = "$prefix/$dir"; } } # Directory order matters. With macOS Monterey a poisoned dylib is # returned if the directory exists without the desired # library. See GH-329 for more information. With Strawberry Perl # 5.26 and later the paths must be in different order or the link # phase fails. my @try_lib_paths = ( ["$prefix/lib64", "$prefix/lib", "$prefix/out32dll", $prefix] => sub {$OSNAME eq 'darwin' }, [$prefix, "$prefix/lib64", "$prefix/lib", "$prefix/out32dll"] => sub { 1 }, ); while ( !defined $opts->{lib_paths} && defined( my $dirs = shift @try_lib_paths ) && defined( my $cond = shift @try_lib_paths ) ) { if ( $cond->() ) { foreach my $dir (@{$dirs}) { push @{$opts->{lib_paths}}, $dir if -d $dir; } } } print <{lib_paths} }, "$prefix/lib/VC/static" if -d "$prefix/lib/VC/static"; push @{ $opts->{lib_paths} }, "$prefix/lib/VC/x86/MT" if -d "$prefix/lib/VC/x86/MT"; # Shining Light 32bit OpenSSL 3.2.0 push @{ $opts->{lib_paths} }, "$prefix/lib/VC/x64/MT" if -d "$prefix/lib/VC/x64/MT"; # Shining Light 64bit OpenSSL 3.2.0 } else { push @{ $opts->{lib_paths} }, "$prefix/lib/VC" if -d "$prefix/lib/VC"; push @{ $opts->{lib_paths} }, "$prefix/lib/VC/x86/MD" if -d "$prefix/lib/VC/x86/MD"; # Shining Light 32bit OpenSSL 3.2.0 push @{ $opts->{lib_paths} }, "$prefix/lib/VC/x64/MD" if -d "$prefix/lib/VC/x64/MD"; # Shining Light 64bit OpenSSL 3.2.0 } my $found = 0; my @pairs = (); # Library names depend on the compiler @pairs = (['eay32','ssl32'],['crypto.dll','ssl.dll'],['crypto','ssl']) if $Config{cc} =~ /gcc/; @pairs = (['libeay32','ssleay32'],['libeay32MD','ssleay32MD'],['libeay32MT','ssleay32MT'],['libcrypto','libssl'],['crypto','ssl']) if $Config{cc} =~ /cl/; FOUND: for my $dir (@{$opts->{lib_paths}}) { for my $p (@pairs) { $found = 1 if ($Config{cc} =~ /gcc/ && -f "$dir/lib$p->[0].a" && -f "$dir/lib$p->[1].a"); $found = 1 if ($Config{cc} =~ /cl/ && -f "$dir/$p->[0].lib" && -f "$dir/$p->[1].lib"); if ($found) { $opts->{lib_links} = [$p->[0], $p->[1], 'crypt32']; # Some systems need this system lib crypt32 too $opts->{lib_paths} = [$dir]; last FOUND; } } } if (!$found) { #fallback to the old behaviour push @{ $opts->{lib_links} }, qw( libeay32MD ssleay32MD libeay32 ssleay32 libssl32 crypt32); } } elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { if (-r 'sslroot:[000000]openssl.cnf') { # source install @{ $opts->{lib_paths} } = 'SSLLIB'; @{ $opts->{lib_links} } = qw( ssl_libssl32.olb ssl_libcrypto32.olb ); } elsif (-r 'ssl111$root:[000000]openssl.cnf') { # VSI SSL111 install @{ $opts->{lib_paths} } = 'SYS$SHARE'; @{ $opts->{lib_links} } = qw( SSL111$LIBSSL_SHR32 SSL111$LIBCRYPTO_SHR32 ); } elsif (-r 'ssl1$root:[000000]openssl.cnf') { # VSI or HPE SSL1 install @{ $opts->{lib_paths} } = 'SYS$SHARE'; @{ $opts->{lib_links} } = qw( SSL1$LIBSSL_SHR32 SSL1$LIBCRYPTO_SHR32 ); } elsif (-r 'ssl$root:[000000]openssl.cnf') { # HP install @{ $opts->{lib_paths} } = 'SYS$SHARE'; @{ $opts->{lib_links} } = qw( SSL$LIBSSL_SHR32 SSL$LIBCRYPTO_SHR32 ); } @{ $opts->{lib_links} } = map { $_ =~ s/32\b//g } @{ $opts->{lib_links} } if $Config{use64bitall}; } else { push @{ $opts->{lib_links} }, qw( ssl crypto ); if (($Config{cc} =~ /aCC/i) && $^O eq 'hpux') { print "*** Enabling HPUX aCC options (+e)\n"; $opts->{optimize} = '+e -O2 -g'; } if ( (($Config{ccname} || $Config{cc}) eq 'gcc') && ($Config{cccdlflags} =~ /-fpic/) ) { print "*** Enabling gcc -fPIC optimization\n"; $opts->{cccdlflags} .= '-fPIC'; } } return $opts; } my $other_try = 0; my @nopath; sub check_no_path { # On OS/2 it would be typically on default paths my $p; if (not($other_try++) and $] >= 5.008001) { use ExtUtils::MM; my $mm = MM->new(); my ($list) = $mm->ext("-lssl"); return unless $list =~ /-lssl\b/; for $p (split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}) { @nopath = ("$p/openssl$Config{_exe}", # exe name '.') # dummy lib path if -x "$p/openssl$Config{_exe}" } } @nopath; } sub find_openssl_prefix { my ($dir) = @_; if (defined $ENV{OPENSSL_PREFIX}) { return $ENV{OPENSSL_PREFIX}; } my @guesses = ( '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/openssl/bin/openssl' => '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/openssl', # LinuxBrew openssl '/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl/bin/openssl' => '/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl', # macOS ARM homebrew '/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl' => '/usr/local/opt/openssl', # OSX homebrew openssl '/usr/local/bin/openssl' => '/usr/local', # OSX homebrew openssl '/opt/local/bin/openssl' => '/opt/local', # Macports openssl '/usr/bin/openssl' => '/usr', '/usr/sbin/openssl' => '/usr', '/opt/ssl/bin/openssl' => '/opt/ssl', '/opt/ssl/sbin/openssl' => '/opt/ssl', '/usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl' => '/usr/local/ssl', '/usr/local/openssl/bin/openssl' => '/usr/local/openssl', '/apps/openssl/std/bin/openssl' => '/apps/openssl/std', '/usr/sfw/bin/openssl' => '/usr/sfw', # Open Solaris 'C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl.exe' => 'C:\OpenSSL', 'C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.exe' => 'C:\OpenSSL-Win32', 'C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.exe' => 'C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32', # Shining Light 32bit OpenSSL 1.1.1w, 3.0.12, 3.1.4 and 3.2.0 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe' => 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64', # Shining Light 64bit OpenSSL 1.1.1w, 3.0.12, 3.1.4 and 3.2.0 $Config{prefix} . '\bin\openssl.exe' => $Config{prefix}, # strawberry perl $Config{prefix} . '\..\c\bin\openssl.exe' => $Config{prefix} . '\..\c', # strawberry perl '/sslexe/openssl.exe' => '/sslroot', # VMS, '/ssl111$exe/openssl.exe' => '/ssl111$root',# VMS, VSI install '/ssl1$exe/openssl.exe' => '/ssl1$root',# VMS, VSI or HPE install '/ssl$exe/openssl.exe' => '/ssl$root', # VMS, HP install $Config{prefix} . '/bin/openssl' => $Config{prefix}, # Custom prefix, e.g. Termux ); while (my $k = shift @guesses and my $v = shift @guesses) { if ( -x $k ) { return $v; } } (undef, $dir) = check_no_path() and return $dir; return; } sub find_openssl_exec { my ($prefix) = @_; my $exe_path; for my $subdir (qw( bin sbin out32dll x86_64_exe ia64_exe alpha_exe )) { my $path = File::Spec->catfile($prefix, $subdir, "openssl$Config{_exe}"); if ( -x $path ) { return $path; } } ($prefix) = check_no_path() and return $prefix; return; } sub check_openssl_version { my ($prefix, $exec) = @_; my ( $output, $libssl, $major, $minor, $letter ); { my $pipe = gensym(); open($pipe, qq{"$exec" version |}) or die "Could not execute $exec"; $output = <$pipe>; chomp $output; close $pipe; if ( ($major, $minor, $letter) = $output =~ /^OpenSSL\s+(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)([a-z]?)/ ) { print "*** Found OpenSSL-${major}.${minor}${letter} installed in $prefix\n"; $libssl = 'openssl'; } elsif ( ($major, $minor) = $output =~ /^LibreSSL\s+(\d+\.\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?/ ) { # LibreSSL 2.0.x releases only identify themselves as "LibreSSL 2.0", # with no patch release number if ( !defined $minor ) { $minor = "x"; } print "*** Found LibreSSL-${major}.${minor} installed in $prefix\n"; $libssl = 'libressl'; } else { die < 1) { print <catdir(''); $text =~ s{\b/}{$sep}g; return $text; } sub alert { my ( $err, $detail ) = @_; local $Text::Wrap::columns = ALERT_WIDTH - 4; print "\n"; print '*' x ALERT_WIDTH, "\n"; print '* ', uc($err), ' ' x ( ALERT_WIDTH - length($err) - 4 ), ' *', "\n"; print '*', ' ' x ( ALERT_WIDTH - 2 ), '*', "\n"; for ( split /\n/, Text::Wrap::wrap( '', '', $detail ) ) { print '* ', $_, ' ' x ( ALERT_WIDTH - length($_) - 4 ), ' *', "\n"; } print '*' x ALERT_WIDTH, "\n"; }