path: root/radsecproxy.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* fixed syslog url syntax, updated example config and manpagevenaas2007-06-13
* fixed one possibly serious IPv6 related bugvenaas2007-06-05
* tiny bug fixvenaas2007-06-03
* tiny improvement of configuration codevenaas2007-06-01
* completely changed TLS configurationvenaas2007-06-01
* logs version info at startupvenaas2007-05-31
* improved config parsing of commentsvenaas2007-05-30
* allow optional trailing / after regexpvenaas2007-05-30
* added reject supportvenaas2007-05-29
* removed some old backwards compatible config stuff (clients.conf/servers.conf)venaas2007-05-29
* removed some old backwards compatible config stuff (clients.conf/servers.conf)venaas2007-05-29
* support quoting of values, realm matching literal or regexp with / prefixing ...venaas2007-05-29
* added strtokenquote() to replace strtok to enable quoting of valuesvenaas2007-05-24
* initialising some additional variables to avoid silly compiler warningsvenaas2007-05-24
* improved debug output, and removed a small probably needless delayvenaas2007-05-24
* improved debug outputvenaas2007-05-23
* removed TODOvenaas2007-05-23
* better status-server debug outputvenaas2007-05-23
* finished status-server codevenaas2007-05-23
* simplified some codevenaas2007-05-23
* slight regexp example changevenaas2007-05-23
* now uses regexp for realms including warnings that will be removed latervenaas2007-05-23
* added sending of statusserver and some missing free and unlock in some error ...venaas2007-05-22
* fixed harmless expiry timer issuevenaas2007-05-22
* cleaned up msmppe codevenaas2007-05-21
* cleaned up some code with new macrosvenaas2007-05-21
* made sure that go through all msmpp attributesvenaas2007-05-20
* added -v versionvenaas2007-05-20
* added debugging to regexp codevenaas2007-05-15
* added regexp code, not used by defaultvenaas2007-05-15
* fixed bug in id2servervenaas2007-05-15
* updated config examples and READMEvenaas2007-05-15
* supports new server and realm config methods as well as argument for config f...venaas2007-05-14
* supports new client config methodvenaas2007-05-14
* new configuration codevenaas2007-05-11
* more debug infovenaas2007-05-11
* added recrypt functionsvenaas2007-05-11
* cleaned up some attribute parsing codevenaas2007-05-11
* cleaned up some attribute parsing codevenaas2007-05-10
* 4 debug levels, 3 defaultvenaas2007-05-09
* Some more debug outputvenaas2007-05-09
* Detach as default, options for foreground and debug levelvenaas2007-05-07
* added logging to file and syslog (need to add support for specifying facility)venaas2007-05-04
* using debug() some more placesvenaas2007-05-03
* using debug() some more placesvenaas2007-05-03
* using debug() in getconfig()venaas2007-05-03
* removed out commented codevenaas2007-05-03
* using debug functions in main()venaas2007-05-03
* updated copyrightvenaas2007-05-03
* fixed clientwr timer bug, started implementing status servervenaas2007-02-16