/* Copyright 2010-2013 NORDUnet A/S. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for licensing information. */ #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "conn.h" #include "event.h" #include "packet.h" #include "tcp.h" int conn_user_dispatch_p (const struct rs_connection *conn) { assert (conn); return (conn->callbacks.connected_cb || conn->callbacks.disconnected_cb || conn->callbacks.received_cb || conn->callbacks.sent_cb); } int conn_activate_timeout (struct rs_connection *conn) { assert (conn); assert (conn->tev); assert (conn->evb); if (conn->timeout.tv_sec || conn->timeout.tv_usec) { rs_debug (("%s: activating timer: %d.%d\n", __func__, conn->timeout.tv_sec, conn->timeout.tv_usec)); if (evtimer_add (conn->tev, &conn->timeout)) return rs_err_conn_push_fl (conn, RSE_EVENT, __FILE__, __LINE__, "evtimer_add: %d", errno); } return RSE_OK; } int conn_type_tls (const struct rs_connection *conn) { return conn->realm->type == RS_CONN_TYPE_TLS || conn->realm->type == RS_CONN_TYPE_DTLS; } int conn_cred_psk (const struct rs_connection *conn) { return conn->realm->transport_cred && conn->realm->transport_cred->type == RS_CRED_TLS_PSK; } /* Public functions. */ int rs_conn_create (struct rs_context *ctx, struct rs_connection **conn, const char *config) { struct rs_connection *c; c = (struct rs_connection *) malloc (sizeof(struct rs_connection)); if (!c) return rs_err_ctx_push_fl (ctx, RSE_NOMEM, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); memset (c, 0, sizeof(struct rs_connection)); c->ctx = ctx; c->fd = -1; if (config) { struct rs_realm *r = rs_conf_find_realm (ctx, config); if (r) { struct rs_peer *p; c->realm = r; c->peers = r->peers; /* FIXME: Copy instead? */ for (p = c->peers; p; p = p->next) p->conn = c; c->timeout.tv_sec = r->timeout; c->tryagain = r->retries; } else { c->realm = rs_malloc (ctx, sizeof (struct rs_realm)); if (!c->realm) return rs_err_ctx_push_fl (ctx, RSE_NOMEM, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); memset (c->realm, 0, sizeof (struct rs_realm)); } } if (conn) *conn = c; return RSE_OK; } void rs_conn_set_type (struct rs_connection *conn, rs_conn_type_t type) { assert (conn); assert (conn->realm); conn->realm->type = type; } int rs_conn_add_listener (struct rs_connection *conn, rs_conn_type_t type, const char *hostname, int port) { return rs_err_conn_push_fl (conn, RSE_NOSYS, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); } int rs_conn_disconnect (struct rs_connection *conn) { int err = 0; assert (conn); if (conn->is_connected) event_on_disconnect (conn); if (conn->bev) { bufferevent_free (conn->bev); conn->bev = NULL; } if (conn->rev) { event_free (conn->rev); conn->rev = NULL; } if (conn->wev) { event_free (conn->wev); conn->wev = NULL; } err = evutil_closesocket (conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; return err; } int rs_conn_destroy (struct rs_connection *conn) { int err = 0; assert (conn); /* NOTE: conn->realm is owned by context. */ /* NOTE: conn->peers is owned by context. */ if (conn->is_connected) err = rs_conn_disconnect (conn); #if defined (RS_ENABLE_TLS) if (conn->tls_ssl) /* FIXME: Free SSL strucxt in rs_conn_disconnect? */ SSL_free (conn->tls_ssl); if (conn->tls_ctx) SSL_CTX_free (conn->tls_ctx); #endif if (conn->tev) event_free (conn->tev); if (conn->bev) bufferevent_free (conn->bev); if (conn->rev) event_free (conn->rev); if (conn->wev) event_free (conn->wev); if (conn->evb) event_base_free (conn->evb); rs_free (conn->ctx, conn); return err; } int rs_conn_set_eventbase (struct rs_connection *conn, struct event_base *eb) { return rs_err_conn_push_fl (conn, RSE_NOSYS, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); } void rs_conn_set_callbacks (struct rs_connection *conn, struct rs_conn_callbacks *cb) { assert (conn); memcpy (&conn->callbacks, cb, sizeof (conn->callbacks)); } void rs_conn_del_callbacks (struct rs_connection *conn) { assert (conn); memset (&conn->callbacks, 0, sizeof (conn->callbacks)); } struct rs_conn_callbacks * rs_conn_get_callbacks(struct rs_connection *conn) { assert (conn); return &conn->callbacks; } int rs_conn_select_peer (struct rs_connection *conn, const char *name) { return rs_err_conn_push_fl (conn, RSE_NOSYS, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); } int rs_conn_get_current_peer (struct rs_connection *conn, const char *name, size_t buflen) { return rs_err_conn_push_fl (conn, RSE_NOSYS, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); } int rs_conn_fd (struct rs_connection *conn) { assert (conn); assert (conn->active_peer); return conn->fd; } static void _rcb (struct rs_packet *packet, void *user_data) { struct rs_packet *pkt = (struct rs_packet *) user_data; assert (pkt); assert (pkt->conn); pkt->flags |= RS_PACKET_RECEIVED; if (pkt->conn->bev) bufferevent_disable (pkt->conn->bev, EV_WRITE|EV_READ); else event_del (pkt->conn->rev); } int rs_conn_receive_packet (struct rs_connection *conn, struct rs_packet *req_msg, struct rs_packet **pkt_out) { int err = 0; struct rs_packet *pkt = NULL; assert (conn); assert (conn->realm); assert (!conn_user_dispatch_p (conn)); /* Blocking mode only. */ if (rs_packet_create (conn, &pkt)) return -1; assert (conn->evb); assert (conn->fd >= 0); conn->callbacks.received_cb = _rcb; conn->user_data = pkt; pkt->flags &= ~RS_PACKET_RECEIVED; if (conn->bev) /* TCP. */ { bufferevent_setwatermark (conn->bev, EV_READ, RS_HEADER_LEN, 0); bufferevent_setcb (conn->bev, tcp_read_cb, NULL, tcp_event_cb, pkt); bufferevent_enable (conn->bev, EV_READ); } else /* UDP. */ { /* Put fresh packet in user_data for the callback and enable the read event. */ event_assign (conn->rev, conn->evb, event_get_fd (conn->rev), EV_READ, event_get_callback (conn->rev), pkt); err = event_add (conn->rev, NULL); if (err < 0) return rs_err_conn_push_fl (pkt->conn, RSE_EVENT, __FILE__, __LINE__, "event_add: %s", evutil_gai_strerror (err)); /* Activate retransmission timer. */ conn_activate_timeout (pkt->conn); } rs_debug (("%s: entering event loop\n", __func__)); err = event_base_dispatch (conn->evb); conn->callbacks.received_cb = NULL; if (err < 0) return rs_err_conn_push_fl (pkt->conn, RSE_EVENT, __FILE__, __LINE__, "event_base_dispatch: %s", evutil_gai_strerror (err)); rs_debug (("%s: event loop done\n", __func__)); if ((pkt->flags & RS_PACKET_RECEIVED) != 0) { /* If the caller passed a request, check the response. */ if (req_msg) err = packet_verify_response (pkt->conn, pkt, req_msg); /* If the response was OK and the caller wants it, hand it over, else free it. */ if (err == RSE_OK && pkt_out) *pkt_out = pkt; else rs_packet_destroy (pkt); } else err = rs_err_conn_peek_code (pkt->conn); return err; } void rs_conn_set_timeout(struct rs_connection *conn, struct timeval *tv) { assert (conn); assert (tv); conn->timeout = *tv; }