//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library // Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org) // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. // In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, // subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; // you must not claim that you wrote the original software. // If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment // in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, // and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Headers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { sf::Mutex idMutex; sf::Mutex maximumSizeMutex; // Thread-safe unique identifier generator, // is used for states cache (see RenderTarget) sf::Uint64 getUniqueId() { sf::Lock lock(idMutex); static sf::Uint64 id = 1; // start at 1, zero is "no texture" return id++; } } namespace sf { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Texture::Texture() : m_size (0, 0), m_actualSize (0, 0), m_texture (0), m_isSmooth (false), m_sRgb (false), m_isRepeated (false), m_pixelsFlipped(false), m_fboAttachment(false), m_hasMipmap (false), m_cacheId (getUniqueId()) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Texture::Texture(const Texture& copy) : m_size (0, 0), m_actualSize (0, 0), m_texture (0), m_isSmooth (copy.m_isSmooth), m_sRgb (copy.m_sRgb), m_isRepeated (copy.m_isRepeated), m_pixelsFlipped(false), m_fboAttachment(false), m_hasMipmap (false), m_cacheId (getUniqueId()) { if (copy.m_texture) { if (create(copy.getSize().x, copy.getSize().y)) { update(copy); // Force an OpenGL flush, so that the texture will appear updated // in all contexts immediately (solves problems in multi-threaded apps) glCheck(glFlush()); } else { err() << "Failed to copy texture, failed to create new texture" << std::endl; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Texture::~Texture() { // Destroy the OpenGL texture if (m_texture) { TransientContextLock lock; GLuint texture = static_cast(m_texture); glCheck(glDeleteTextures(1, &texture)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::create(unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { // Check if texture parameters are valid before creating it if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) { err() << "Failed to create texture, invalid size (" << width << "x" << height << ")" << std::endl; return false; } TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that extensions are initialized priv::ensureExtensionsInit(); // Compute the internal texture dimensions depending on NPOT textures support Vector2u actualSize(getValidSize(width), getValidSize(height)); // Check the maximum texture size unsigned int maxSize = getMaximumSize(); if ((actualSize.x > maxSize) || (actualSize.y > maxSize)) { err() << "Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high " << "(" << actualSize.x << "x" << actualSize.y << ", " << "maximum is " << maxSize << "x" << maxSize << ")" << std::endl; return false; } // All the validity checks passed, we can store the new texture settings m_size.x = width; m_size.y = height; m_actualSize = actualSize; m_pixelsFlipped = false; m_fboAttachment = false; // Create the OpenGL texture if it doesn't exist yet if (!m_texture) { GLuint texture; glCheck(glGenTextures(1, &texture)); m_texture = static_cast(texture); } // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; static bool textureEdgeClamp = GLEXT_texture_edge_clamp || GLEXT_EXT_texture_edge_clamp; if (!m_isRepeated && !textureEdgeClamp) { static bool warned = false; if (!warned) { err() << "OpenGL extension SGIS_texture_edge_clamp unavailable" << std::endl; err() << "Artifacts may occur along texture edges" << std::endl; err() << "Ensure that hardware acceleration is enabled if available" << std::endl; warned = true; } } static bool textureSrgb = GLEXT_texture_sRGB; if (m_sRgb && !textureSrgb) { static bool warned = false; if (!warned) { #ifndef SFML_OPENGL_ES err() << "OpenGL extension EXT_texture_sRGB unavailable" << std::endl; #else err() << "OpenGL ES extension EXT_sRGB unavailable" << std::endl; #endif err() << "Automatic sRGB to linear conversion disabled" << std::endl; warned = true; } m_sRgb = false; } // Initialize the texture glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, (m_sRgb ? GLEXT_GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 : GL_RGBA), m_actualSize.x, m_actualSize.y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, m_isRepeated ? GL_REPEAT : (textureEdgeClamp ? GLEXT_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE : GLEXT_GL_CLAMP))); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, m_isRepeated ? GL_REPEAT : (textureEdgeClamp ? GLEXT_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE : GLEXT_GL_CLAMP))); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); m_cacheId = getUniqueId(); m_hasMipmap = false; return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::loadFromFile(const std::string& filename, const IntRect& area) { Image image; return image.loadFromFile(filename) && loadFromImage(image, area); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::loadFromMemory(const void* data, std::size_t size, const IntRect& area) { Image image; return image.loadFromMemory(data, size) && loadFromImage(image, area); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::loadFromStream(InputStream& stream, const IntRect& area) { Image image; return image.loadFromStream(stream) && loadFromImage(image, area); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::loadFromImage(const Image& image, const IntRect& area) { // Retrieve the image size int width = static_cast(image.getSize().x); int height = static_cast(image.getSize().y); // Load the entire image if the source area is either empty or contains the whole image if (area.width == 0 || (area.height == 0) || ((area.left <= 0) && (area.top <= 0) && (area.width >= width) && (area.height >= height))) { // Load the entire image if (create(image.getSize().x, image.getSize().y)) { update(image); return true; } else { return false; } } else { // Load a sub-area of the image // Adjust the rectangle to the size of the image IntRect rectangle = area; if (rectangle.left < 0) rectangle.left = 0; if (rectangle.top < 0) rectangle.top = 0; if (rectangle.left + rectangle.width > width) rectangle.width = width - rectangle.left; if (rectangle.top + rectangle.height > height) rectangle.height = height - rectangle.top; // Create the texture and upload the pixels if (create(rectangle.width, rectangle.height)) { TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; // Copy the pixels to the texture, row by row const Uint8* pixels = image.getPixelsPtr() + 4 * (rectangle.left + (width * rectangle.top)); glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); for (int i = 0; i < rectangle.height; ++i) { glCheck(glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, i, rectangle.width, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels)); pixels += 4 * width; } glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); m_hasMipmap = false; // Force an OpenGL flush, so that the texture will appear updated // in all contexts immediately (solves problems in multi-threaded apps) glCheck(glFlush()); return true; } else { return false; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vector2u Texture::getSize() const { return m_size; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Image Texture::copyToImage() const { // Easy case: empty texture if (!m_texture) return Image(); TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; // Create an array of pixels std::vector pixels(m_size.x * m_size.y * 4); #ifdef SFML_OPENGL_ES // OpenGL ES doesn't have the glGetTexImage function, the only way to read // from a texture is to bind it to a FBO and use glReadPixels GLuint frameBuffer = 0; glCheck(GLEXT_glGenFramebuffers(1, &frameBuffer)); if (frameBuffer) { GLint previousFrameBuffer; glCheck(glGetIntegerv(GLEXT_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &previousFrameBuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glBindFramebuffer(GLEXT_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glFramebufferTexture2D(GLEXT_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLEXT_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture, 0)); glCheck(glReadPixels(0, 0, m_size.x, m_size.y, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &pixels[0])); glCheck(GLEXT_glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &frameBuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glBindFramebuffer(GLEXT_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, previousFrameBuffer)); } #else if ((m_size == m_actualSize) && !m_pixelsFlipped) { // Texture is not padded nor flipped, we can use a direct copy glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &pixels[0])); } else { // Texture is either padded or flipped, we have to use a slower algorithm // All the pixels will first be copied to a temporary array std::vector allPixels(m_actualSize.x * m_actualSize.y * 4); glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &allPixels[0])); // Then we copy the useful pixels from the temporary array to the final one const Uint8* src = &allPixels[0]; Uint8* dst = &pixels[0]; int srcPitch = m_actualSize.x * 4; int dstPitch = m_size.x * 4; // Handle the case where source pixels are flipped vertically if (m_pixelsFlipped) { src += srcPitch * (m_size.y - 1); srcPitch = -srcPitch; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_size.y; ++i) { std::memcpy(dst, src, dstPitch); src += srcPitch; dst += dstPitch; } } #endif // SFML_OPENGL_ES // Create the image Image image; image.create(m_size.x, m_size.y, &pixels[0]); return image; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Uint8* pixels) { // Update the whole texture update(pixels, m_size.x, m_size.y, 0, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Uint8* pixels, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { assert(x + width <= m_size.x); assert(y + height <= m_size.y); if (pixels && m_texture) { TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; // Copy pixels from the given array to the texture glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); m_hasMipmap = false; m_pixelsFlipped = false; m_cacheId = getUniqueId(); // Force an OpenGL flush, so that the texture data will appear updated // in all contexts immediately (solves problems in multi-threaded apps) glCheck(glFlush()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Texture& texture) { // Update the whole texture update(texture, 0, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Texture& texture, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { assert(x + texture.m_size.x <= m_size.x); assert(y + texture.m_size.y <= m_size.y); if (!m_texture || !texture.m_texture) return; #ifndef SFML_OPENGL_ES { TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that extensions are initialized priv::ensureExtensionsInit(); } if (GLEXT_framebuffer_object && GLEXT_framebuffer_blit) { TransientContextLock lock; // Save the current bindings so we can restore them after we are done GLint readFramebuffer = 0; GLint drawFramebuffer = 0; glCheck(glGetIntegerv(GLEXT_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &readFramebuffer)); glCheck(glGetIntegerv(GLEXT_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &drawFramebuffer)); // Create the framebuffers GLuint sourceFrameBuffer = 0; GLuint destFrameBuffer = 0; glCheck(GLEXT_glGenFramebuffers(1, &sourceFrameBuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glGenFramebuffers(1, &destFrameBuffer)); if (!sourceFrameBuffer || !destFrameBuffer) { err() << "Cannot copy texture, failed to create a frame buffer object" << std::endl; return; } // Link the source texture to the source frame buffer glCheck(GLEXT_glBindFramebuffer(GLEXT_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, sourceFrameBuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glFramebufferTexture2D(GLEXT_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, GLEXT_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.m_texture, 0)); // Link the destination texture to the destination frame buffer glCheck(GLEXT_glBindFramebuffer(GLEXT_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, destFrameBuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glFramebufferTexture2D(GLEXT_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GLEXT_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture, 0)); // A final check, just to be sure... GLenum sourceStatus; glCheck(sourceStatus = GLEXT_glCheckFramebufferStatus(GLEXT_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER)); GLenum destStatus; glCheck(destStatus = GLEXT_glCheckFramebufferStatus(GLEXT_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER)); if ((sourceStatus == GLEXT_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) && (destStatus == GLEXT_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)) { // Blit the texture contents from the source to the destination texture glCheck(GLEXT_glBlitFramebuffer( 0, texture.m_pixelsFlipped ? texture.m_size.y : 0, texture.m_size.x, texture.m_pixelsFlipped ? 0 : texture.m_size.y, // Source rectangle, flip y if source is flipped x, y, x + texture.m_size.x, y + texture.m_size.y, // Destination rectangle GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST )); } else { err() << "Cannot copy texture, failed to link texture to frame buffer" << std::endl; } // Restore previously bound framebuffers glCheck(GLEXT_glBindFramebuffer(GLEXT_GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, readFramebuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glBindFramebuffer(GLEXT_GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, drawFramebuffer)); // Delete the framebuffers glCheck(GLEXT_glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &sourceFrameBuffer)); glCheck(GLEXT_glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &destFrameBuffer)); // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; // Set the parameters of this texture glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); m_hasMipmap = false; m_pixelsFlipped = false; m_cacheId = getUniqueId(); // Force an OpenGL flush, so that the texture data will appear updated // in all contexts immediately (solves problems in multi-threaded apps) glCheck(glFlush()); return; } #endif // SFML_OPENGL_ES update(texture.copyToImage(), x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Image& image) { // Update the whole texture update(image.getPixelsPtr(), image.getSize().x, image.getSize().y, 0, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Image& image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { update(image.getPixelsPtr(), image.getSize().x, image.getSize().y, x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Window& window) { update(window, 0, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::update(const Window& window, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { assert(x + window.getSize().x <= m_size.x); assert(y + window.getSize().y <= m_size.y); if (m_texture && window.setActive(true)) { TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; // Copy pixels from the back-buffer to the texture glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, 0, 0, window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); m_hasMipmap = false; m_pixelsFlipped = true; m_cacheId = getUniqueId(); // Force an OpenGL flush, so that the texture will appear updated // in all contexts immediately (solves problems in multi-threaded apps) glCheck(glFlush()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::setSmooth(bool smooth) { if (smooth != m_isSmooth) { m_isSmooth = smooth; if (m_texture) { TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); if (m_hasMipmap) { glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR)); } else { glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::isSmooth() const { return m_isSmooth; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::setSrgb(bool sRgb) { m_sRgb = sRgb; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::isSrgb() const { return m_sRgb; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::setRepeated(bool repeated) { if (repeated != m_isRepeated) { m_isRepeated = repeated; if (m_texture) { TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; static bool textureEdgeClamp = GLEXT_texture_edge_clamp || GLEXT_EXT_texture_edge_clamp; if (!m_isRepeated && !textureEdgeClamp) { static bool warned = false; if (!warned) { err() << "OpenGL extension SGIS_texture_edge_clamp unavailable" << std::endl; err() << "Artifacts may occur along texture edges" << std::endl; err() << "Ensure that hardware acceleration is enabled if available" << std::endl; warned = true; } } glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, m_isRepeated ? GL_REPEAT : (textureEdgeClamp ? GLEXT_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE : GLEXT_GL_CLAMP))); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, m_isRepeated ? GL_REPEAT : (textureEdgeClamp ? GLEXT_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE : GLEXT_GL_CLAMP))); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::isRepeated() const { return m_isRepeated; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Texture::generateMipmap() { if (!m_texture) return false; TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that extensions are initialized priv::ensureExtensionsInit(); if (!GLEXT_framebuffer_object) return false; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(GLEXT_glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR)); m_hasMipmap = true; return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::invalidateMipmap() { if (!m_hasMipmap) return; TransientContextLock lock; // Make sure that the current texture binding will be preserved priv::TextureSaver save; glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture)); glCheck(glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, m_isSmooth ? GL_LINEAR : GL_NEAREST)); m_hasMipmap = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::bind(const Texture* texture, CoordinateType coordinateType) { TransientContextLock lock; if (texture && texture->m_texture) { // Bind the texture glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture->m_texture)); // Check if we need to define a special texture matrix if ((coordinateType == Pixels) || texture->m_pixelsFlipped) { GLfloat matrix[16] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}; // If non-normalized coordinates (= pixels) are requested, we need to // setup scale factors that convert the range [0 .. size] to [0 .. 1] if (coordinateType == Pixels) { matrix[0] = 1.f / texture->m_actualSize.x; matrix[5] = 1.f / texture->m_actualSize.y; } // If pixels are flipped we must invert the Y axis if (texture->m_pixelsFlipped) { matrix[5] = -matrix[5]; matrix[13] = static_cast(texture->m_size.y) / texture->m_actualSize.y; } // Load the matrix glCheck(glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE)); glCheck(glLoadMatrixf(matrix)); // Go back to model-view mode (sf::RenderTarget relies on it) glCheck(glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)); } } else { // Bind no texture glCheck(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)); // Reset the texture matrix glCheck(glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE)); glCheck(glLoadIdentity()); // Go back to model-view mode (sf::RenderTarget relies on it) glCheck(glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int Texture::getMaximumSize() { Lock lock(maximumSizeMutex); static bool checked = false; static GLint size = 0; if (!checked) { checked = true; TransientContextLock lock; glCheck(glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &size)); } return static_cast(size); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Texture& Texture::operator =(const Texture& right) { Texture temp(right); swap(temp); return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Texture::swap(Texture& right) { std::swap(m_size, right.m_size); std::swap(m_actualSize, right.m_actualSize); std::swap(m_texture, right.m_texture); std::swap(m_isSmooth, right.m_isSmooth); std::swap(m_sRgb, right.m_sRgb); std::swap(m_isRepeated, right.m_isRepeated); std::swap(m_pixelsFlipped, right.m_pixelsFlipped); std::swap(m_fboAttachment, right.m_fboAttachment); std::swap(m_hasMipmap, right.m_hasMipmap); m_cacheId = getUniqueId(); right.m_cacheId = getUniqueId(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int Texture::getNativeHandle() const { return m_texture; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int Texture::getValidSize(unsigned int size) { if (GLEXT_texture_non_power_of_two) { // If hardware supports NPOT textures, then just return the unmodified size return size; } else { // If hardware doesn't support NPOT textures, we calculate the nearest power of two unsigned int powerOfTwo = 1; while (powerOfTwo < size) powerOfTwo *= 2; return powerOfTwo; } } } // namespace sf