/* * Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.expression.spel.ast; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.asm.MethodVisitor; import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor; import org.springframework.expression.AccessException; import org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext; import org.springframework.expression.EvaluationException; import org.springframework.expression.PropertyAccessor; import org.springframework.expression.TypeConverter; import org.springframework.expression.TypedValue; import org.springframework.expression.spel.CodeFlow; import org.springframework.expression.spel.ExpressionState; import org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException; import org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelMessage; import org.springframework.expression.spel.support.ReflectivePropertyAccessor; /** * An Indexer can index into some proceeding structure to access a particular piece of it. * Supported structures are: strings / collections (lists/sets) / arrays. * * @author Andy Clement * @author Phillip Webb * @author Stephane Nicoll * @since 3.0 */ // TODO support multidimensional arrays // TODO support correct syntax for multidimensional [][][] and not [,,,] public class Indexer extends SpelNodeImpl { private static enum IndexedType {ARRAY, LIST, MAP, STRING, OBJECT} // These fields are used when the indexer is being used as a property read accessor. // If the name and target type match these cached values then the cachedReadAccessor // is used to read the property. If they do not match, the correct accessor is // discovered and then cached for later use. private String cachedReadName; private Class cachedReadTargetType; private PropertyAccessor cachedReadAccessor; // These fields are used when the indexer is being used as a property write accessor. // If the name and target type match these cached values then the cachedWriteAccessor // is used to write the property. If they do not match, the correct accessor is // discovered and then cached for later use. private String cachedWriteName; private Class cachedWriteTargetType; private PropertyAccessor cachedWriteAccessor; private IndexedType indexedType; public Indexer(int pos, SpelNodeImpl expr) { super(pos, expr); } @Override public TypedValue getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) throws EvaluationException { return getValueRef(state).getValue(); } @Override public void setValue(ExpressionState state, Object newValue) throws EvaluationException { getValueRef(state).setValue(newValue); } @Override public boolean isWritable(ExpressionState expressionState) throws SpelEvaluationException { return true; } @Override protected ValueRef getValueRef(ExpressionState state) throws EvaluationException { TypedValue context = state.getActiveContextObject(); Object targetObject = context.getValue(); TypeDescriptor targetDescriptor = context.getTypeDescriptor(); TypedValue indexValue = null; Object index = null; // This first part of the if clause prevents a 'double dereference' of // the property (SPR-5847) if (targetObject instanceof Map && (this.children[0] instanceof PropertyOrFieldReference)) { PropertyOrFieldReference reference = (PropertyOrFieldReference) this.children[0]; index = reference.getName(); indexValue = new TypedValue(index); } else { // In case the map key is unqualified, we want it evaluated against // the root object so temporarily push that on whilst evaluating the key try { state.pushActiveContextObject(state.getRootContextObject()); indexValue = this.children[0].getValueInternal(state); index = indexValue.getValue(); } finally { state.popActiveContextObject(); } } // Indexing into a Map if (targetObject instanceof Map) { Object key = index; if (targetDescriptor.getMapKeyTypeDescriptor() != null) { key = state.convertValue(key, targetDescriptor.getMapKeyTypeDescriptor()); } this.indexedType = IndexedType.MAP; return new MapIndexingValueRef(state.getTypeConverter(), (Map) targetObject, key, targetDescriptor); } if (targetObject == null) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.CANNOT_INDEX_INTO_NULL_VALUE); } // if the object is something that looks indexable by an integer, // attempt to treat the index value as a number if (targetObject.getClass().isArray() || targetObject instanceof Collection || targetObject instanceof String) { int idx = (Integer) state.convertValue(index, TypeDescriptor.valueOf(Integer.class)); if (targetObject.getClass().isArray()) { this.indexedType = IndexedType.ARRAY; return new ArrayIndexingValueRef(state.getTypeConverter(), targetObject, idx, targetDescriptor); } else if (targetObject instanceof Collection) { if (targetObject instanceof List) { this.indexedType = IndexedType.LIST; } return new CollectionIndexingValueRef((Collection) targetObject, idx, targetDescriptor, state.getTypeConverter(), state.getConfiguration().isAutoGrowCollections(), state.getConfiguration().getMaximumAutoGrowSize()); } else { this.indexedType = IndexedType.STRING; return new StringIndexingLValue((String) targetObject, idx, targetDescriptor); } } // Try and treat the index value as a property of the context object // TODO could call the conversion service to convert the value to a String if (String.class == indexValue.getTypeDescriptor().getType()) { this.indexedType = IndexedType.OBJECT; return new PropertyIndexingValueRef(targetObject, (String) indexValue.getValue(), state.getEvaluationContext(), targetDescriptor); } throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.INDEXING_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TYPE, targetDescriptor.toString()); } @Override public boolean isCompilable() { if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.ARRAY) { return (this.exitTypeDescriptor != null); } else if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.LIST) { return this.children[0].isCompilable(); } else if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.MAP) { return (this.children[0] instanceof PropertyOrFieldReference || this.children[0].isCompilable()); } else if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.OBJECT) { // If the string name is changing the accessor is clearly going to change (so compilation is not possible) if (this.cachedReadAccessor != null && (this.cachedReadAccessor instanceof ReflectivePropertyAccessor.OptimalPropertyAccessor) && (getChild(0) instanceof StringLiteral)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void generateCode(MethodVisitor mv, CodeFlow cf) { String descriptor = cf.lastDescriptor(); if (descriptor == null) { // Stack is empty, should use context object cf.loadTarget(mv); } if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.ARRAY) { int insn; if ("D".equals(this.exitTypeDescriptor)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[D"); insn = DALOAD; } else if ("F".equals(this.exitTypeDescriptor)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[F"); insn = FALOAD; } else if ("J".equals(this.exitTypeDescriptor)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[J"); insn = LALOAD; } else if ("I".equals(this.exitTypeDescriptor)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[I"); insn = IALOAD; } else if ("S".equals(this.exitTypeDescriptor)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[S"); insn = SALOAD; } else if ("B".equals(this.exitTypeDescriptor)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[B"); insn = BALOAD; } else if ("C".equals(this.exitTypeDescriptor)) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "[C"); insn = CALOAD; } else { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "["+ this.exitTypeDescriptor + (CodeFlow.isPrimitiveArray(this.exitTypeDescriptor) ? "" : ";")); //depthPlusOne(exitTypeDescriptor)+"Ljava/lang/Object;"); insn = AALOAD; } SpelNodeImpl index = this.children[0]; cf.enterCompilationScope(); index.generateCode(mv, cf); cf.exitCompilationScope(); mv.visitInsn(insn); } else if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.LIST) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "java/util/List"); cf.enterCompilationScope(); this.children[0].generateCode(mv, cf); cf.exitCompilationScope(); mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/List", "get", "(I)Ljava/lang/Object;", true); } else if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.MAP) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "java/util/Map"); // Special case when the key is an unquoted string literal that will be parsed as // a property/field reference if ((this.children[0] instanceof PropertyOrFieldReference)) { PropertyOrFieldReference reference = (PropertyOrFieldReference) this.children[0]; String mapKeyName = reference.getName(); mv.visitLdcInsn(mapKeyName); } else { cf.enterCompilationScope(); this.children[0].generateCode(mv, cf); cf.exitCompilationScope(); } mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/Map", "get", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", true); } else if (this.indexedType == IndexedType.OBJECT) { ReflectivePropertyAccessor.OptimalPropertyAccessor accessor = (ReflectivePropertyAccessor.OptimalPropertyAccessor) this.cachedReadAccessor; Member member = accessor.member; boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(member.getModifiers()); String classDesc = member.getDeclaringClass().getName().replace('.', '/'); if (!isStatic) { if (descriptor == null) { cf.loadTarget(mv); } if (descriptor == null || !classDesc.equals(descriptor.substring(1))) { mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, classDesc); } } if (member instanceof Method) { mv.visitMethodInsn((isStatic? INVOKESTATIC : INVOKEVIRTUAL), classDesc, member.getName(), CodeFlow.createSignatureDescriptor((Method) member), false); } else { mv.visitFieldInsn((isStatic ? GETSTATIC : GETFIELD), classDesc, member.getName(), CodeFlow.toJvmDescriptor(((Field) member).getType())); } } cf.pushDescriptor(this.exitTypeDescriptor); } @Override public String toStringAST() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(getChild(i).toStringAST()); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } private void setArrayElement(TypeConverter converter, Object ctx, int idx, Object newValue, Class arrayComponentType) throws EvaluationException { if (arrayComponentType == Double.TYPE) { double[] array = (double[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Double.class); } else if (arrayComponentType == Float.TYPE) { float[] array = (float[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Float.class); } else if (arrayComponentType == Long.TYPE) { long[] array = (long[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Long.class); } else if (arrayComponentType == Integer.TYPE) { int[] array = (int[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Integer.class); } else if (arrayComponentType == Short.TYPE) { short[] array = (short[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Short.class); } else if (arrayComponentType == Byte.TYPE) { byte[] array = (byte[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Byte.class); } else if (arrayComponentType == Character.TYPE) { char[] array = (char[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Character.class); } else if (arrayComponentType == Boolean.TYPE) { boolean[] array = (boolean[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, Boolean.class); } else { Object[] array = (Object[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); array[idx] = convertValue(converter, newValue, arrayComponentType); } } private Object accessArrayElement(Object ctx, int idx) throws SpelEvaluationException { Class arrayComponentType = ctx.getClass().getComponentType(); if (arrayComponentType == Double.TYPE) { double[] array = (double[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "D"; return array[idx]; } else if (arrayComponentType == Float.TYPE) { float[] array = (float[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "F"; return array[idx]; } else if (arrayComponentType == Long.TYPE) { long[] array = (long[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "J"; return array[idx]; } else if (arrayComponentType == Integer.TYPE) { int[] array = (int[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "I"; return array[idx]; } else if (arrayComponentType == Short.TYPE) { short[] array = (short[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "S"; return array[idx]; } else if (arrayComponentType == Byte.TYPE) { byte[] array = (byte[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "B"; return array[idx]; } else if (arrayComponentType == Character.TYPE) { char[] array = (char[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "C"; return array[idx]; } else if (arrayComponentType == Boolean.TYPE) { boolean[] array = (boolean[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); this.exitTypeDescriptor = "Z"; return array[idx]; } else { Object[] array = (Object[]) ctx; checkAccess(array.length, idx); Object retValue = array[idx]; this.exitTypeDescriptor = CodeFlow.toDescriptor(arrayComponentType); return retValue; } } private void checkAccess(int arrayLength, int index) throws SpelEvaluationException { if (index > arrayLength) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, arrayLength, index); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private T convertValue(TypeConverter converter, Object value, Class targetType) { return (T) converter.convertValue(value, TypeDescriptor.forObject(value), TypeDescriptor.valueOf(targetType)); } private class ArrayIndexingValueRef implements ValueRef { private final TypeConverter typeConverter; private final Object array; private final int index; private final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor; ArrayIndexingValueRef(TypeConverter typeConverter, Object array, int index, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) { this.typeConverter = typeConverter; this.array = array; this.index = index; this.typeDescriptor = typeDescriptor; } @Override public TypedValue getValue() { Object arrayElement = accessArrayElement(this.array, this.index); return new TypedValue(arrayElement, this.typeDescriptor.elementTypeDescriptor(arrayElement)); } @Override public void setValue(Object newValue) { setArrayElement(this.typeConverter, this.array, this.index, newValue, this.typeDescriptor.getElementTypeDescriptor().getType()); } @Override public boolean isWritable() { return true; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private class MapIndexingValueRef implements ValueRef { private final TypeConverter typeConverter; private final Map map; private final Object key; private final TypeDescriptor mapEntryDescriptor; public MapIndexingValueRef(TypeConverter typeConverter, Map map, Object key, TypeDescriptor mapEntryDescriptor) { this.typeConverter = typeConverter; this.map = map; this.key = key; this.mapEntryDescriptor = mapEntryDescriptor; } @Override public TypedValue getValue() { Object value = this.map.get(this.key); exitTypeDescriptor = CodeFlow.toDescriptor(Object.class); return new TypedValue(value, this.mapEntryDescriptor.getMapValueTypeDescriptor(value)); } @Override public void setValue(Object newValue) { if (this.mapEntryDescriptor.getMapValueTypeDescriptor() != null) { newValue = this.typeConverter.convertValue(newValue, TypeDescriptor.forObject(newValue), this.mapEntryDescriptor.getMapValueTypeDescriptor()); } this.map.put(this.key, newValue); } @Override public boolean isWritable() { return true; } } private class PropertyIndexingValueRef implements ValueRef { private final Object targetObject; private final String name; private final EvaluationContext evaluationContext; private final TypeDescriptor targetObjectTypeDescriptor; public PropertyIndexingValueRef(Object targetObject, String value, EvaluationContext evaluationContext, TypeDescriptor targetObjectTypeDescriptor) { this.targetObject = targetObject; this.name = value; this.evaluationContext = evaluationContext; this.targetObjectTypeDescriptor = targetObjectTypeDescriptor; } @Override public TypedValue getValue() { Class targetObjectRuntimeClass = getObjectClass(this.targetObject); try { if (Indexer.this.cachedReadName != null && Indexer.this.cachedReadName.equals(this.name) && Indexer.this.cachedReadTargetType != null && Indexer.this.cachedReadTargetType.equals(targetObjectRuntimeClass)) { // It is OK to use the cached accessor return Indexer.this.cachedReadAccessor.read(this.evaluationContext, this.targetObject, this.name); } List accessorsToTry = AstUtils.getPropertyAccessorsToTry( targetObjectRuntimeClass, this.evaluationContext.getPropertyAccessors()); if (accessorsToTry != null) { for (PropertyAccessor accessor : accessorsToTry) { if (accessor.canRead(this.evaluationContext, this.targetObject, this.name)) { if (accessor instanceof ReflectivePropertyAccessor) { accessor = ((ReflectivePropertyAccessor) accessor).createOptimalAccessor( this.evaluationContext, this.targetObject, this.name); } Indexer.this.cachedReadAccessor = accessor; Indexer.this.cachedReadName = this.name; Indexer.this.cachedReadTargetType = targetObjectRuntimeClass; if (accessor instanceof ReflectivePropertyAccessor.OptimalPropertyAccessor) { ReflectivePropertyAccessor.OptimalPropertyAccessor optimalAccessor = (ReflectivePropertyAccessor.OptimalPropertyAccessor) accessor; Member member = optimalAccessor.member; Indexer.this.exitTypeDescriptor = CodeFlow.toDescriptor(member instanceof Method ? ((Method) member).getReturnType() : ((Field) member).getType()); } return accessor.read(this.evaluationContext, this.targetObject, this.name); } } } } catch (AccessException ex) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), ex, SpelMessage.INDEXING_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TYPE, this.targetObjectTypeDescriptor.toString()); } throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.INDEXING_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TYPE, this.targetObjectTypeDescriptor.toString()); } @Override public void setValue(Object newValue) { Class contextObjectClass = getObjectClass(this.targetObject); try { if (Indexer.this.cachedWriteName != null && Indexer.this.cachedWriteName.equals(this.name) && Indexer.this.cachedWriteTargetType != null && Indexer.this.cachedWriteTargetType.equals(contextObjectClass)) { // It is OK to use the cached accessor Indexer.this.cachedWriteAccessor.write(this.evaluationContext, this.targetObject, this.name, newValue); return; } List accessorsToTry = AstUtils.getPropertyAccessorsToTry(contextObjectClass, this.evaluationContext.getPropertyAccessors()); if (accessorsToTry != null) { for (PropertyAccessor accessor : accessorsToTry) { if (accessor.canWrite(this.evaluationContext, this.targetObject, this.name)) { Indexer.this.cachedWriteName = this.name; Indexer.this.cachedWriteTargetType = contextObjectClass; Indexer.this.cachedWriteAccessor = accessor; accessor.write(this.evaluationContext, this.targetObject, this.name, newValue); return; } } } } catch (AccessException ex) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), ex, SpelMessage.EXCEPTION_DURING_PROPERTY_WRITE, this.name, ex.getMessage()); } } @Override public boolean isWritable() { return true; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private class CollectionIndexingValueRef implements ValueRef { private final Collection collection; private final int index; private final TypeDescriptor collectionEntryDescriptor; private final TypeConverter typeConverter; private final boolean growCollection; private final int maximumSize; public CollectionIndexingValueRef(Collection collection, int index, TypeDescriptor collectionEntryTypeDescriptor, TypeConverter typeConverter, boolean growCollection, int maximumSize) { this.collection = collection; this.index = index; this.collectionEntryDescriptor = collectionEntryTypeDescriptor; this.typeConverter = typeConverter; this.growCollection = growCollection; this.maximumSize = maximumSize; } @Override public TypedValue getValue() { growCollectionIfNecessary(); if (this.collection instanceof List) { Object o = ((List) this.collection).get(this.index); exitTypeDescriptor = CodeFlow.toDescriptor(Object.class); return new TypedValue(o, this.collectionEntryDescriptor.elementTypeDescriptor(o)); } int pos = 0; for (Object o : this.collection) { if (pos == this.index) { return new TypedValue(o, this.collectionEntryDescriptor.elementTypeDescriptor(o)); } pos++; } throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to find indexed element " + this.index + ": " + this.collection); } @Override public void setValue(Object newValue) { growCollectionIfNecessary(); if (this.collection instanceof List) { List list = (List) this.collection; if (this.collectionEntryDescriptor.getElementTypeDescriptor() != null) { newValue = this.typeConverter.convertValue(newValue, TypeDescriptor.forObject(newValue), this.collectionEntryDescriptor.getElementTypeDescriptor()); } list.set(this.index, newValue); } else { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.INDEXING_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TYPE, this.collectionEntryDescriptor.toString()); } } private void growCollectionIfNecessary() { if (this.index >= this.collection.size()) { if (!this.growCollection) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.COLLECTION_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, this.collection.size(), this.index); } if (this.index >= this.maximumSize) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.UNABLE_TO_GROW_COLLECTION); } if (this.collectionEntryDescriptor.getElementTypeDescriptor() == null) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.UNABLE_TO_GROW_COLLECTION_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_TYPE); } TypeDescriptor elementType = this.collectionEntryDescriptor.getElementTypeDescriptor(); try { int newElements = this.index - this.collection.size(); while (newElements >= 0) { (this.collection).add(elementType.getType().newInstance()); newElements--; } } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), ex, SpelMessage.UNABLE_TO_GROW_COLLECTION); } } } @Override public boolean isWritable() { return true; } } private class StringIndexingLValue implements ValueRef { private final String target; private final int index; private final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor; public StringIndexingLValue(String target, int index, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) { this.target = target; this.index = index; this.typeDescriptor = typeDescriptor; } @Override public TypedValue getValue() { if (this.index >= this.target.length()) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.STRING_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, this.target.length(), this.index); } return new TypedValue(String.valueOf(this.target.charAt(this.index))); } @Override public void setValue(Object newValue) { throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.INDEXING_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TYPE, this.typeDescriptor.toString()); } @Override public boolean isWritable() { return true; } } }