path: root/lib/Tangence/
diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2018-06-23 21:11:32 +0200
committerAndrej Shadura <>2018-06-23 21:11:32 +0200
commit02ad7d8bff8429e056d0f65ac06779d3d57e42c0 (patch)
treea7979562b811f9a3226a9329f560d25ef76a807d /lib/Tangence/
Import original source of Tangence 0.24
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Tangence/')
1 files changed, 1053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Tangence/ b/lib/Tangence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3bb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tangence/
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2010-2016 --
+package Tangence::ObjectProxy;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.24';
+use Carp;
+use Tangence::Constants;
+use Tangence::Types;
+use Scalar::Util qw( weaken );
+=head1 NAME
+C<Tangence::ObjectProxy> - proxy for a C<Tangence> object in a
+Instances in this class act as a proxy for an object in the
+L<Tangence::Server>, allowing methods to be called, events to be subscribed
+to, and properties to be watched.
+These objects are not directly constructed by calling the C<new> class method;
+instead they are returned by methods on L<Tangence::Client>, or by methods on
+other C<Tangence::ObjectProxy> instances. Ultimately every object proxy that a
+client uses will come from either the proxy to the registry, or the root
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $self = bless {
+ client => $args{client},
+ id => $args{id},
+ class => $args{class},
+ on_error => $args{on_error},
+ }, $class;
+ # An ObjectProxy is useless after its connection disappears
+ weaken( $self->{client} );
+ return $self;
+sub destroy
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{destroyed} = 1;
+ foreach my $cb ( @{ $self->{subscriptions}->{destroy} } ) {
+ $cb->();
+ }
+ undef %$self;
+ $self->{destroyed} = 1;
+=head1 METHODS
+The following methods documented with a trailing call to C<< ->get >> return
+L<Future> instances.
+use overload '""' => \&STRING;
+ my $self = shift;
+ return "Tangence::ObjectProxy[id=$self->{id}]";
+=head2 id
+ $id = $proxy->id
+Returns the object ID for the C<Tangence> object being proxied for.
+sub id
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{id};
+=head2 classname
+ $classname = $proxy->classname
+Returns the name of the class of the C<Tangence> object being proxied for.
+sub classname
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{class}->name;
+=head2 class
+ $class = $proxyobj->class
+Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Class> object representing the class of this
+sub class
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{class};
+=head2 can_method
+ $method = $proxy->can_method( $name )
+Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Method> object representing the named method, or
+C<undef> if no such method exists.
+sub can_method
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->class->method( @_ );
+=head2 can_event
+ $event = $proxy->can_event( $name )
+Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Event> object representing the named event, or
+C<undef> if no such event exists.
+sub can_event
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->class->event( @_ );
+=head2 can_property
+ $property = $proxy->can_property( $name )
+Returns the L<Tangence::Meta::Property> object representing the named
+property, or C<undef> if no such property exists.
+sub can_property
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->class->property( @_ );
+# Don't want to call it "isa"
+sub proxy_isa
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( @_ ) {
+ my ( $class ) = @_;
+ return !! grep { $_->name eq $class } $self->{class}, $self->{class}->superclasses;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->{class}, $self->{class}->superclasses
+ }
+sub grab
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $smashdata ) = @_;
+ foreach my $property ( keys %{ $smashdata } ) {
+ my $value = $smashdata->{$property};
+ my $dim = $self->can_property( $property )->dimension;
+ if( $dim == DIM_OBJSET ) {
+ # Comes across in a LIST. We need to map id => obj
+ $value = { map { $_->id => $_ } @$value };
+ }
+ my $prop = $self->{props}->{$property} ||= {};
+ $prop->{cache} = $value;
+ }
+=head2 call_method
+ $result = $proxy->call_method( $mname, @args )->get
+Calls the given method on the server object, passing in the given arguments.
+Returns a L<Future> that will yield the method's result.
+sub call_method
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $method, @args ) = @_;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->call_method in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ my $mdef = $self->can_method( $method )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have a method $method";
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ my $request = Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_CALL )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $method );
+ my @argtypes = $mdef->argtypes;
+ $argtypes[$_]->pack_value( $request, $args[$_] ) for 0..$#argtypes;
+ $client->request(
+ request => $request,
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_RESULT ) {
+ my $result = $mdef->ret ? $mdef->ret->unpack_value( $message )
+ : undef;
+ Future->done( $result );
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+=head2 subscribe_event
+ $proxy->subscribe_event( $event, %callbacks )->get
+Subscribes to the given event on the server object, installing a callback
+function which will be invoked whenever the event is fired.
+Takes the following named callbacks:
+=over 8
+=item on_fire => CODE
+Callback function to invoke whenever the event is fired
+ $on_fire->( @args )
+The returned C<Future> it is guaranteed to be completed before any invocation
+of the C<on_fire> event handler.
+sub subscribe_event
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $event, %args ) = @_;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->subscribe_event in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ ref( my $callback = delete $args{on_fire} ) eq "CODE"
+ or croak "Expected 'on_fire' as a CODE ref";
+ $self->can_event( $event )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have an event $event";
+ if( my $cbs = $self->{subscriptions}->{$event} ) {
+ push @$cbs, $callback;
+ return Future->done;
+ }
+ my @cbs = ( $callback );
+ $self->{subscriptions}->{$event} = \@cbs;
+ return Future->done if $event eq "destroy"; # This is automatically handled
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ $client->request(
+ request => Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_SUBSCRIBE )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $event ),
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_SUBSCRIBED ) {
+ Future->done;
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+sub handle_request_EVENT
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $event = $message->unpack_str();
+ my $edef = $self->can_event( $event ) or return;
+ my @args = map { $_->unpack_value( $message ) } $edef->argtypes;
+ if( my $cbs = $self->{subscriptions}->{$event} ) {
+ foreach my $cb ( @$cbs ) { $cb->( @args ) }
+ }
+=head2 unsubscribe_event
+ $proxy->unsubscribe_event( $event )
+Removes an event subscription on the given event on the server object that was
+previously installed using C<subscribe_event>.
+sub unsubscribe_event
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $event ) = @_;
+ $self->can_event( $event )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have an event $event";
+ return if $event eq "destroy"; # This is automatically handled
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ $client->request(
+ request => Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $event ),
+ on_response => sub {},
+ );
+=head2 get_property
+ $value = $proxy->get_property( $prop )->get
+Requests the current value of the property from the server object.
+sub get_property
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $property ) = @_;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->get_property in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ my $pdef = $self->can_property( $property )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have a property $property";
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ $client->request(
+ request => Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_GETPROP )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $property ),
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_RESULT ) {
+ my $value = $pdef->overall_type->unpack_value( $message );
+ Future->done( $value );
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+=head2 get_property_element
+ $value = $proxy->get_property_element( $property, $index_or_key )->get
+Requests the current value of an element of the property from the server
+sub get_property_element
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $property, $index_or_key ) = @_;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->get_property_element in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ my $pdef = $self->can_property( $property )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have a property $property";
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ $client->_ver_can_getpropelem or croak "Server is too old to support MSG_GETPROPELEM";
+ my $request = Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_GETPROPELEM )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $property );
+ if( $pdef->dimension == DIM_HASH ) {
+ $request->pack_str( $index_or_key );
+ }
+ elsif( $pdef->dimension == DIM_ARRAY or $pdef->dimension == DIM_QUEUE ) {
+ $request->pack_int( $index_or_key );
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Cannot get_property_element of a non hash, array or queue";
+ }
+ $client->request(
+ request => $request,
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_RESULT ) {
+ my $value = $pdef->type->unpack_value( $message );
+ Future->done( $value );
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+=head2 prop
+ $value = $proxy->prop( $property )
+Returns the locally-cached value of a smashed property. If the named property
+is not a smashed property, an exception is thrown.
+sub prop
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $property ) = @_;
+ if( exists $self->{props}->{$property}->{cache} ) {
+ return $self->{props}->{$property}->{cache};
+ }
+ croak "$self does not have a cached property '$property'";
+=head2 set_property
+ $proxy->set_property( $prop, $value )->get
+Sets the value of the property in the server object.
+sub set_property
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $property, $value ) = @_;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->set_property in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ my $pdef = $self->can_property( $property )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have a property $property";
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ my $request = Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_SETPROP )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $property );
+ $pdef->type->pack_value( $request, $value ),
+ $client->request(
+ request => $request,
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_OK ) {
+ Future->done;
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+=head2 watch_property
+ $proxy->watch_property( $property, %callbacks )->get
+=head2 watch_property_with_initial
+ $proxy->watch_property_with_initial( $property, %callbacks )->get
+Watches the given property on the server object, installing callback functions
+which will be invoked whenever the property value changes. The latter form
+additionally ensures that the server will send the current value of the
+property as an initial update to the C<on_set> event, atomically when it
+installs the update watches.
+Takes the following named arguments:
+=over 8
+=item on_updated => CODE
+Optional. Callback function to invoke whenever the property value changes.
+ $on_updated->( $new_value )
+If not provided, then individual handlers for individual change types must be
+The set of callback functions that are required depends on the type of the
+property. These are documented in the C<watch_property> method of
+sub _watchcbs_from_args
+ my ( $pdef, %args ) = @_;
+ my $callbacks = {};
+ my $on_updated = delete $args{on_updated};
+ if( $on_updated ) {
+ ref $on_updated eq "CODE" or croak "Expected 'on_updated' to be a CODE ref";
+ $callbacks->{on_updated} = $on_updated;
+ }
+ foreach my $name ( @{ CHANGETYPES->{$pdef->dimension} } ) {
+ # All of these become optional if 'on_updated' is supplied
+ next if $on_updated and not exists $args{$name};
+ ref( $callbacks->{$name} = delete $args{$name} ) eq "CODE"
+ or croak "Expected '$name' as a CODE ref";
+ }
+ return $callbacks;
+sub watch_property { shift->_watch_property( shift, 0, @_ ) }
+sub watch_property_with_initial { shift->_watch_property( shift, 1, @_ ) }
+sub _watch_property
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $property, $want_initial, %args ) = @_;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->watch_property in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ my $pdef = $self->can_property( $property )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have a property $property";
+ my $callbacks = _watchcbs_from_args( $pdef, %args );
+ # Smashed properties behave differently
+ my $smash = $pdef->smashed;
+ if( my $cbs = $self->{props}->{$property}->{cbs} ) {
+ if( $want_initial and !$smash ) {
+ return $self->get_property( $property )
+ ->then( sub {
+ $callbacks->{on_set} and $callbacks->{on_set}->( $_[0] );
+ $callbacks->{on_updated} and $callbacks->{on_updated}->( $_[0] );
+ push @$cbs, $callbacks;
+ Future->done;
+ });
+ }
+ elsif( $want_initial and $smash ) {
+ my $cache = $self->{props}->{$property}->{cache};
+ $callbacks->{on_set} and $callbacks->{on_set}->( $cache );
+ $callbacks->{on_updated} and $callbacks->{on_updated}->( $cache );
+ push @$cbs, $callbacks;
+ return Future->done;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @$cbs, $callbacks;
+ return Future->done;
+ }
+ die "UNREACHED";
+ }
+ $self->{props}->{$property}->{cbs} = [ $callbacks ];
+ if( $smash ) {
+ if( $want_initial ) {
+ my $cache = $self->{props}->{$property}->{cache};
+ $callbacks->{on_set} and $callbacks->{on_set}->( $cache );
+ $callbacks->{on_updated} and $callbacks->{on_updated}->( $cache );
+ }
+ return Future->done;
+ }
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ my $request = Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_WATCH )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $property )
+ ->pack_bool( $want_initial );
+ $client->request(
+ request => $request,
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_WATCHING ) {
+ Future->done;
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+=head2 watch_property_with_cursor
+ ( $cursor, $first_idx, $last_idx ) =
+ $proxy->watch_property_with_cursor( $property, $from, %callbacks )->get
+A variant of C<watch_property> that installs a watch on the given property of
+the server object, and additionally returns an cursor object that can be used
+to lazily fetch the values stored in it.
+The C<$from> value indicates which end of the queue the cursor should start
+from; C<CUSR_FIRST> to start at index 0, or C<CUSR_LAST> to start at the
+highest-numbered index. The cursor is created atomically with installing the
+sub watch_property_with_iter
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->watch_property_with_iter in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ return $self->watch_property_with_cursor( @_ );
+sub watch_property_with_cursor
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $property, $from, %args ) = @_;
+ if( $from eq "first" ) {
+ $from = CUSR_FIRST;
+ }
+ elsif( $from eq "last" ) {
+ $from = CUSR_LAST;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Unrecognised 'from' value $from";
+ }
+ my $pdef = $self->can_property( $property )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have a property $property";
+ my $callbacks = _watchcbs_from_args( $pdef, %args );
+ # Smashed properties behave differently
+ my $smashed = $pdef->smashed;
+ if( my $cbs = $self->{props}->{$property}->{cbs} ) {
+ die "TODO: need to synthesize a second cursor";
+ }
+ $self->{props}->{$property}->{cbs} = [ $callbacks ];
+ if( $smashed ) {
+ die "TODO: need to synthesize an cursor";
+ }
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ $client->_ver_can_cursor or croak "Server is too old to support MSG_WATCH_CUSR";
+ $pdef->dimension == DIM_QUEUE or croak "Can only iterate on queue-dimension properties";
+ $client->request(
+ request => Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_WATCH_CUSR )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $property )
+ ->pack_int( $from ),
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_WATCHING_CUSR ) {
+ my $cursor_id = $message->unpack_int();
+ my $first_idx = $message->unpack_int();
+ my $last_idx = $message->unpack_int();
+ my $cursor = Tangence::ObjectProxy::_Cursor->new( $self, $cursor_id, $pdef->type );
+ Future->done( $cursor, $first_idx, $last_idx );
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+sub handle_request_UPDATE
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $prop = $message->unpack_str();
+ my $how = TYPE_U8->unpack_value( $message );
+ my $pdef = $self->can_property( $prop ) or return;
+ my $type = $pdef->type;
+ my $dim = $pdef->dimension;
+ my $p = $self->{props}->{$prop} ||= {};
+ my $dimname = DIMNAMES->[$dim];
+ if( my $code = $self->can( "_update_property_$dimname" ) ) {
+ $code->( $self, $p, $type, $how, $message );
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Unrecognised property dimension $dim for $prop";
+ }
+ $_->{on_updated} and $_->{on_updated}->( $p->{cache} ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+sub _update_property_scalar
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $p, $type, $how, $message ) = @_;
+ if( $how == CHANGE_SET ) {
+ my $value = $type->unpack_value( $message );
+ $p->{cache} = $value;
+ $_->{on_set} and $_->{on_set}->( $p->{cache} ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Change type $how is not valid for a scalar property";
+ }
+sub _update_property_hash
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $p, $type, $how, $message ) = @_;
+ if( $how == CHANGE_SET ) {
+ my $value = Tangence::Type->new( dict => $type )->unpack_value( $message );
+ $p->{cache} = $value;
+ $_->{on_set} and $_->{on_set}->( $p->{cache} ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_ADD ) {
+ my $key = $message->unpack_str();
+ my $value = $type->unpack_value( $message );
+ $p->{cache}->{$key} = $value;
+ $_->{on_add} and $_->{on_add}->( $key, $value ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_DEL ) {
+ my $key = $message->unpack_str();
+ delete $p->{cache}->{$key};
+ $_->{on_del} and $_->{on_del}->( $key ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Change type $how is not valid for a hash property";
+ }
+sub _update_property_queue
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $p, $type, $how, $message ) = @_;
+ if( $how == CHANGE_SET ) {
+ my $value = Tangence::Type->new( list => $type )->unpack_value( $message );
+ $p->{cache} = $value;
+ $_->{on_set} and $_->{on_set}->( $p->{cache} ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_PUSH ) {
+ my @value = $message->unpack_all_sametype( $type );
+ push @{ $p->{cache} }, @value;
+ $_->{on_push} and $_->{on_push}->( @value ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_SHIFT ) {
+ my $count = $message->unpack_int();
+ splice @{ $p->{cache} }, 0, $count, ();
+ $_->{on_shift} and $_->{on_shift}->( $count ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Change type $how is not valid for a queue property";
+ }
+sub _update_property_array
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $p, $type, $how, $message ) = @_;
+ if( $how == CHANGE_SET ) {
+ my $value = Tangence::Type->new( list => $type )->unpack_value( $message );
+ $p->{cache} = $value;
+ $_->{on_set} and $_->{on_set}->( $p->{cache} ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_PUSH ) {
+ my @value = $message->unpack_all_sametype( $type );
+ push @{ $p->{cache} }, @value;
+ $_->{on_push} and $_->{on_push}->( @value ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_SHIFT ) {
+ my $count = $message->unpack_int();
+ splice @{ $p->{cache} }, 0, $count, ();
+ $_->{on_shift} and $_->{on_shift}->( $count ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_SPLICE ) {
+ my $start = $message->unpack_int();
+ my $count = $message->unpack_int();
+ my @value = $message->unpack_all_sametype( $type );
+ splice @{ $p->{cache} }, $start, $count, @value;
+ $_->{on_splice} and $_->{on_splice}->( $start, $count, @value ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_MOVE ) {
+ my $index = $message->unpack_int();
+ my $delta = $message->unpack_int();
+ # it turns out that exchanging neighbours is quicker by list assignment,
+ # but other times it's generally best to use splice() to extract then
+ # insert
+ if( abs($delta) == 1 ) {
+ @{$p->{cache}}[$index,$index+$delta] = @{$p->{cache}}[$index+$delta,$index];
+ }
+ else {
+ my $elem = splice @{ $p->{cache} }, $index, 1, ();
+ splice @{ $p->{cache} }, $index + $delta, 0, ( $elem );
+ }
+ $_->{on_move} and $_->{on_move}->( $index, $delta ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Change type $how is not valid for an array property";
+ }
+sub _update_property_objset
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $p, $type, $how, $message ) = @_;
+ if( $how == CHANGE_SET ) {
+ # Comes across in a LIST. We need to map id => obj
+ my $objects = Tangence::Type->new( list => $type )->unpack_value( $message );
+ $p->{cache} = { map { $_->id => $_ } @$objects };
+ $_->{on_set} and $_->{on_set}->( $p->{cache} ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_ADD ) {
+ # Comes as object only
+ my $obj = $type->unpack_value( $message );
+ $p->{cache}->{$obj->id} = $obj;
+ $_->{on_add} and $_->{on_add}->( $obj ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ elsif( $how == CHANGE_DEL ) {
+ # Comes as ID number only
+ my $id = $message->unpack_int();
+ delete $p->{cache}->{$id};
+ $_->{on_del} and $_->{on_del}->( $id ) for @{ $p->{cbs} };
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Change type $how is not valid for an objset property";
+ }
+=head2 unwatch_property
+ $proxy->unwatch_property( $property )
+Removes a property watches on the given property on the server object that was
+previously installed using C<watch_property>.
+sub unwatch_property
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $property ) = @_;
+ $self->can_property( $property )
+ or croak "Class ".$self->classname." does not have a property $property";
+ # TODO: mark cursors as destroyed and invalid
+ delete $self->{props}->{$property};
+ my $client = $self->{client};
+ $client->request(
+ request => Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_UNWATCH )
+ ->pack_int( $self->id )
+ ->pack_str( $property ),
+ on_response => sub {},
+ );
+package # hide from index
+ Tangence::ObjectProxy::_Cursor;
+use Carp;
+use Tangence::Constants;
+The following methods are availilable on the property cursor objects returned
+by the C<watch_property_with_cursor> method.
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless [ @_ ], $class;
+sub obj { shift->[0] }
+sub id { shift->[1] }
+sub client { shift->obj->{client} }
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless $self->obj and my $id = $self->id and my $client = $self->client;
+ $client->request(
+ request => Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_CUSR_DESTROY )
+ ->pack_int( $id ),
+ on_response => sub {},
+ );
+=head2 next_forward
+ ( $index, @more ) = $cursor->next_forward( $count )->get
+=head2 next_backward
+ ( $index, @more ) = $cursor->next_backward( $count )->get
+Requests the next items from the cursor. C<next_forward> moves forwards
+towards higher-numbered indices, and C<next_backward> moves backwards towards
+lower-numbered indices. If C<$count> is unspecified, a default of 1 will
+The returned future wil yield the index of the first element returned, and the
+new elements. Note that there may be fewer elements returned than were
+requested, if the end of the queue was reached. Specifically, there will be no
+new elements if the cursor is already at the end.
+sub next_forward
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_next( CUSR_FWD, @_ );
+sub next_backward
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_next( CUSR_BACK, @_ );
+sub _next
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $direction, $count ) = @_;
+ # Detect void-context legacy uses
+ defined wantarray or
+ croak "->next_forward/backward in void context no longer useful - it now returns a Future";
+ my $obj = $self->obj;
+ my $id = $self->id;
+ my $element_type = $self->[2];
+ my $client = $self->client;
+ $client->request(
+ request => Tangence::Message->new( $client, MSG_CUSR_NEXT )
+ ->pack_int( $id )
+ ->pack_int( $direction )
+ ->pack_int( $count || 1 ),
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ my $code = $message->code;
+ if( $code == MSG_CUSR_RESULT ) {
+ Future->done(
+ $message->unpack_int(),
+ $message->unpack_all_sametype( $element_type ),
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ Future->fail( "Unexpected response code $code", tangence => );
+ }
+ });
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>