#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Test::HexString; use Test::Refcount; use Tangence::Constants; use Tangence::Types; use lib "."; use t::Conversation; $Tangence::Message::SORT_HASH_KEYS = 1; my $client = TestClient->new(); # Initialisation { is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{INIT}, 'client stream initially contains MSG_INIT' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{INITED} ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{GETROOT} . $C2S{GETREGISTRY}, 'client stream contains MSG_GETROOT and MSG_GETREGISTRY' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{GETROOT} ); $client->send_message( $S2C{GETREGISTRY} ); } my $objproxy = $client->rootobj; my $bagproxy; # Methods { my $mdef = $objproxy->can_method( "method" ); ok( defined $mdef, 'defined $mdef' ); is( $mdef->name, "method", '$mdef->name' ); is_deeply( [ $mdef->argtypes ], [ TYPE_INT, TYPE_STR ], '$mdef->argtypes' ); is( $mdef->ret, TYPE_STR, '$mdef->ret' ); my $f = $objproxy->call_method( method => 10, "hello" ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{CALL}, 'client stream contains MSG_CALL' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{CALL} ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f ready after MSG_RESULT' ); is( scalar $f->get, "10/hello", 'result of call_method()' ); $f = $objproxy->call_method( noreturn => ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{CALL_NORETURN}, 'client stream contains MSG_CALL for void-returning method' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{CALL_NORETURN} ); ok( exception { $objproxy->call_method( no_such_method => 123 ) }, 'Calling no_such_method fails in proxy' ); } # Events { my $edef = $objproxy->can_event( "event" ); ok( defined $edef, 'defined $edef' ); is( $edef->name, "event", '$edef->event' ); is_deeply( [ $edef->argtypes ], [ TYPE_INT, TYPE_STR ], '$edef->argtypes' ); my $event_i; my $event_s; my $f = $objproxy->subscribe_event( "event", on_fire => sub { ( $event_i, $event_s ) = @_; }, ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{SUBSCRIBE}, 'client stream contains MSG_SUBSCRIBE' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{SUBSCRIBED} ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f is ready after MSG_SUBSCRIBED' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{EVENT} ); $client->recv_message; # MSG_OK is( $event_i, 20, '$event_i after subscribed event' ); $objproxy->unsubscribe_event( "event" ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{UNSUBSCRIBE}, 'client stream contains MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE' ); $client->send_message( $MSG_OK ); ok( exception { $objproxy->subscribe_event( "no_such_event", on_fire => sub {}, ); }, 'Subscribing to no_such_event fails in proxy' ); } # Properties get/set { my $pdef = $objproxy->can_property( "scalar" ); ok( defined $pdef, 'defined $pdef' ); is( $pdef->name, "scalar", '$pdef->name' ); is( $pdef->dimension, DIM_SCALAR, '$pdef->dimension' ); is( $pdef->type, TYPE_INT, '$pdef->type' ); is( $objproxy->prop( "s_scalar" ), 456, 'Smashed property initially set in proxy' ); my $f = $objproxy->get_property( "scalar" ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{GETPROP}, 'client stream contains MSG_GETPROP' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{GETPROP_123} ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f is ready after MSG_RESULT' ); is( scalar $f->get, 123, '$f->get after get_property' ); $f = $objproxy->get_property_element( "hash", "two" ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{GETPROPELEM_HASH}, 'client stream contains MSG_GETPROPELEM' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{GETPROPELEM_HASH} ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f is ready after MSG_RESULT' ); is( scalar $f->get, 2, '$f->get after get_property_element hash key' ); $f = $objproxy->get_property_element( "array", 1 ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{GETPROPELEM_ARRAY}, 'client stream contains MSG_GETPROPELEM' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{GETPROPELEM_ARRAY} ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f is ready after MSG_RESULT' ); is( scalar $f->get, 2, '$f->get after get_property_element array index' ); $f = $objproxy->set_property( "scalar", 135 ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{SETPROP}, 'client stream contains MSG_SETPROP' ); $client->send_message( $MSG_OK ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f is ready after set_property' ); } # Properties watch { my $value; my $f = $objproxy->watch_property( "scalar", on_set => sub { $value = shift }, ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{WATCH}, 'client stream contains MSG_WATCH' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{WATCHING} ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f is ready after watch_property' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{UPDATE_SCALAR_147} ); is( $value, 147, '$value after watch_property/set_prop_scalar' ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $MSG_OK, 'client stream contains MSG_OK' ); my $valuechanged = 0; my $secondvalue; $f = $objproxy->watch_property_with_initial( "scalar", on_set => sub { $secondvalue = shift; $valuechanged = 1 }, ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{GETPROP}, 'client stream contains MSG_GETPROP' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{GETPROP_147} ); is( $secondvalue, 147, '$secondvalue after watch_property with want_initial' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{UPDATE_SCALAR_159} ); is( $value, 159, '$value after second MSG_UPDATE' ); is( $valuechanged, 1, '$valuechanged is true after second MSG_UPDATE' ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $MSG_OK, 'client stream contains MSG_OK' ); $objproxy->unwatch_property( "scalar" ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{UNWATCH}, 'client stream contains MSG_UNWATCH' ); $client->send_message( $MSG_OK ); ok( exception { $objproxy->get_property( "no_such_property" ) }, 'Getting no_such_property fails in proxy' ); } # Cursors { my @value; my $f = $objproxy->watch_property_with_cursor( "queue", "first", on_set => sub { @value = @_ }, on_push => sub { push @value, @_ }, on_shift => sub { shift @value for 1 .. shift }, ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{WATCH_ITER}, 'client stream contains MSG_WATCH_ITER' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{WATCHING_ITER} ); ok( $f->is_ready, '$f is ready after MSG_WATCHING_ITER' ); my ( $cursor, $first_idx, $last_idx ) = $f->get; is( $first_idx, 0, '$first_idx after MSG_WATCHING_ITER' ); is( $last_idx, 2, '$last_idx after MSG_WATCHING_ITER' ); $f = $cursor->next_forward; is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{ITER_NEXT_1}, 'client stream contains MSG_ITER_NEXT' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{ITER_NEXT_1} ); my ( $idx, @more ) = $f->get; is( $idx, 0, 'next_forward starts at element 0' ); is_deeply( \@more, [ 1 ], 'next_forward yielded 1 element' ); undef @more; $f = $cursor->next_forward( 5 ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{ITER_NEXT_5}, 'client stream contains MSG_ITER_NEXT' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{ITER_NEXT_5} ); ( $idx, @more ) = $f->get; is( $idx, 1, 'next_forward starts at element 1' ); is_deeply( \@more, [ 2, 3 ], 'next_forward yielded 2 elements' ); undef @more; $f = $cursor->next_backward; is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{ITER_NEXT_BACK}, 'client stream contains MSG_ITER_NEXT' ); $client->send_message( $S2C{ITER_NEXT_BACK} ); ( $idx, @more ) = $f->get; is( $idx, 2, 'next_backward starts at element 2' ); is_deeply( \@more, [ 3 ], 'next_forward yielded 1 element' ); undef $f; undef $cursor; is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $C2S{ITER_DESTROY}, 'client stream contains MSG_ITER_DESTROY' ); $client->send_message( $MSG_OK ); } # Smashed Properties { my $value; my $f = $objproxy->watch_property_with_initial( "s_scalar", on_set => sub { $value = shift }, ); ok( $f->is_ready, 'watch_property on smashed prop is synchronous' ); is( $value, 456, 'watch_property on smashed prop gives initial value' ); undef $value; $client->send_message( $S2C{UPDATE_S_SCALAR_468} ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $MSG_OK, 'client stream contains MSG_OK after smashed prop UPDATE' ); is( $value, 468, 'smashed prop update succeeds' ); } # Test object destruction { my $proxy_destroyed = 0; $objproxy->subscribe_event( "destroy", on_fire => sub { $proxy_destroyed = 1 }, )->get; $client->send_message( $S2C{DESTROY} ); is_hexstr( $client->recv_message, $MSG_OK, 'client stream contains MSG_OK after MSG_DESTROY' ); is( $proxy_destroyed, 1, 'proxy gets destroyed' ); } is_oneref( $client, '$client has refcount 1 before shutdown' ); undef $client; is_oneref( $objproxy, '$objproxy has refcount 1 before shutdown' ); done_testing; package TestClient; use strict; use base qw( Tangence::Client ); sub new { my $self = bless { written => "" }, shift; $self->identity( "testscript" ); $self->on_error( sub { die "Test failed early - $_[0]" } ); $self->tangence_connected(); return $self; } sub tangence_write { my $self = shift; $self->{written} .= $_[0]; } sub send_message { my $self = shift; my ( $message ) = @_; $self->tangence_readfrom( $message ); length($message) == 0 or die "Client failed to read the whole message"; } sub recv_message { my $self = shift; my $message = $self->{written}; $self->{written} = ""; return $message; }