package Test::Manifest; use strict; use warnings; =encoding utf8 =head1 The build file for Test::Manifest This build file is a modulino; it works as both a build script and a module. To build the distribution, run this file normally: % perl Makefile.PL But, it's more interesting than that. You can load it with C and call C to get the data structure it passes to C: my $package = require '/path/to/Makefile.PL'; my $arguments = $package->arguments; Note that C-ing a file makes an entry in C<%INC> for exactly that name. If you try to C another file with the same name, even from a different path, C thinks it has already loaded the file. As such, I recommend you always require the full path to the file. The return value of the C is a package name (in this case, the name of the main module. Use that to call the C method. Even if this distribution needs a higher version of Perl, this bit only needs v5.8. You can play with the data structure with a primitive Perl. =cut use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); my $module = __PACKAGE__; ( my $dist = $module ) =~ s/::/-/g; my $github = ''; my $main_file = catfile( 'lib', split /::/, "$" ); my %WriteMakefile = ( 'MIN_PERL_VERSION' => 5.008, 'NAME' => $module, 'AUTHOR' => 'brian d foy ', 'ABSTRACT_FROM' => $main_file, 'VERSION_FROM' => $main_file, 'LICENSE' => 'artistic_2', 'CONFIGURE_REQUIRES' => { 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.64', 'File::Spec::Functions' => '0', }, 'BUILD_REQUIRES' => { }, 'TEST_REQUIRES' => { 'Test::More' => '1', 'File::Temp' => '0', }, 'PREREQ_PM' => { 'File::Spec::Functions' => '0', 'Test::Harness' => '0', 'File::Spec' => '0', }, 'META_MERGE' => { 'meta-spec' => { version => 2 }, resources => { repository => { type => 'git', url => $github, web => $github, }, bugtracker => { web => "$github/issues", }, homepage => $github, }, }, clean => { FILES => "$dist-*" }, ); sub arguments { \%WriteMakefile } do_it() unless caller; sub do_it { require File::Spec; my $MM ='ExtUtils::MakeMaker'; my $MM_version = eval{ "$MM " . $WriteMakefile{'CONFIGURE_REQUIRES'}{'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'} } || "$MM 6.64"; eval "use $MM_version; 1" or die "Could not load $MM_version: $@"; eval "use Test::Manifest 1.21" if -e File::Spec->catfile( qw(t test_manifest) ); my $arguments = arguments(); my $minimum_perl = $arguments->{MIN_PERL_VERSION} || '5.008'; eval "require $minimum_perl;" or die $@; WriteMakefile( %$arguments ); } no warnings; __PACKAGE__;