use strict; use warnings; use lib 'inc'; use MyBuilder; use Config; use File::Spec::Functions qw.catdir catfile.; use File::Copy; my $version = get_version(); my $builder = MyBuilder->new( module_name => 'Text::BibTeX', license => 'perl', dist_author => [ 'Alberto Simões ', 'Greg Ward ' ], needs_compiler => 1, meta_merge => { resources => { repository => '', }, }, configure_requires => { 'Module::Build' => '0.36', 'Config::AutoConf' => '0.16', 'ExtUtils::LibBuilder' => '0.02', }, requires => { 'Scalar::Util' => '1.42', 'Unicode::Normalize' => '0', 'Encode' => '0', }, build_requires => { 'File::Copy' => '0', 'Config::AutoConf' => '0.320', 'ExtUtils::LibBuilder' => '0.02', 'Capture::Tiny' => '0.06', 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27', 'Module::Build' => '0.3603', 'Cwd' => '0', }, add_to_cleanup => [ 'Text-BibTeX-*', # NOT SURE YET 'btparse/src/bt_config.h', 'btparse/src/*.so', 'btparse/src/*.dylib', 'btparse/src/*.dll', 'btparse/src/*.o', 'xscode/*.o', 'btparse/tests/*.o', 'btparse/progs/*.o', 'btparse/progs/dumpnames', 'btparse/progs/bibparse', 'btparse/progs/biblex', 'btparse/tests/postprocess_test', 'btparse/tests/read_test', 'btparse/tests/simple_test', 'btparse/tests/macro_test', 'btparse/tests/case_test', 'btparse/tests/name_test', 'btparse/tests/purify_test', 'btparse/tests/namebug' ], ); ## HACK HACK HACK HACK my $libdir = $builder->install_destination("bin"); $libdir =~ s/\bbin\b/lib/; # ignores the lib64 hackery later my $hdrdir = undef; if ( $^O =~ /mswin32/i ) { $libdir = undef; # Find a place where we can write. my @folders = split /;/, $ENV{PATH}; my $installed = 0; my $target = "text-bibtex.$$"; while ( @folders && !$installed ) { $libdir = shift @folders; copy( "MANIFEST", catfile( $libdir, $target ) ); $installed = 1 if -f catfile( $libdir, $target ); } if ( !$installed ) { warn("Wasn't able to find a suitable place for libbtparse.dll!"); } else { print STDERR "libbtparse.dll will be installed in $libdir\n"; unlink catfile( $libdir, $target ); } } else { if ( $Config{archname} =~ /^x86_64|^ppc64|^s390x|^aarch64|^riscv64/ ) { $libdir =~ s/\bbin\b/lib64/; if ( !-d $libdir ) { my $test = $libdir; $test =~ s/lib64/lib/; $libdir = $test if -d $test; } } else { $libdir =~ s/\bbin\b/lib/; } $hdrdir = $libdir; $hdrdir =~ s!/[^/]+/?$!/include! } $builder->notes( 'btparse_version' => $version ); # # this should be increased everytime there is a non-upward compatible # change the library ABI. $builder->notes( 'btparse_api_version' => 2 ); $builder->notes( 'lib_path' => $libdir ); $builder->add_build_element('usrlib'); $builder->install_path( 'usrlib' => $libdir ); if (defined($hdrdir)) { $builder->add_build_element('usrinclude'); $builder->install_path( 'usrinclude' => $hdrdir ); } $builder->create_build_script; sub get_version { my $version = undef; open PM, "lib/Text/" or die "Cannot open 'lib/Text/' for reading: $!\n"; while () { if (m!^our\s+\$VERSION\s*=\s*'([^']+)'!) { $version = $1; last; } } close PM; die "Could not find VERSION on your .pm file. Weirdo!\n" unless $version; }