diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2018-07-28 16:54:34 +0100
committerAndrej Shadura <>2018-07-28 16:54:34 +0100
commitd38ea3c6312e8075383c3e53004d53db8198446f (patch)
Import original source of Tickit-Widget-Scroller 0.23
31 files changed, 5216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build.PL b/Build.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40c370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Build;
+my $build = Module::Build->new(
+ module_name => 'Tickit::Widget::Scroller',
+ requires => {
+ 'String::Tagged' => 0,
+ 'Tickit::RenderBuffer' => '0.43', # flush_to_term
+ 'Tickit::Widget' => '0.35',
+ 'Tickit::Window' => '0.57',
+ 'Tickit::Pen' => '0.19',
+ },
+ test_requires => {
+ 'Test::More' => '0.88', # done_testing
+ 'Tickit::Test' => '0.12',
+ },
+ auto_configure_requires => 0, # Don't add M::B to configure_requires
+ license => 'perl',
+ create_makefile_pl => 'traditional',
+ create_license => 1,
+ create_readme => 1,
+ meta_merge => {
+ resources => {
+ x_IRC => "irc://",
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b9c2ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Revision history for Tickit-Widget-Scroller
+0.23 2017/05/22 13:13:40
+ * Avoid $win->clear in unit tests
+ * Fix for handling trailing linefeeds at the end of text chunks
+0.22 2016/08/08 14:11:25
+ * Updated for Tickit 0.57:
+ + Use $win->bind_event instead of $win->set_on_*
+0.21 2016/05/16 11:48:54
+ * Fix for ->shift when exposing bottom of contained content
+0.20 2016/01/06 19:48:20
+ * Updates for latest Tickit:
+ + no longer necessary to set $win->expose_after_scroll
+ * Updated module documentation style to use =head2 barenames
+0.19 2014/12/15 18:49:57
+ * Added ->pop method
+ * Have ->shift and ->pop return the item(s) they removed
+0.18 2014/04/12 14:40:45
+ * Avoid $rb->flush_to_window during unit testing; all unit tests
+ should be done directly to mockterm
+ * Text item render shouldn't care about the width of the
+ RenderBuffer, only of itself
+0.17 2014/04/04 00:00:45
+ * Use Tickit 0.32-style event structures for key/mouse events
+ * Prepare for Tickit 0.44's whole-tree RB rendering order
+0.16 2014/04/01 22:50:13
+ * Clarify documentation on behaviour of on_scrolled
+ * Use new Window expose with_rb event from Tickit 0.42
+ * Fix unit tests to work with Tickit 0.43's new ordering
+0.15 2013/11/11 20:23:05
+ * Added 'on_scrolled' event
+ * Correctly reset gravity after shrinking from oversized window
+0.14 2013/09/02 00:44:56
+ * Don't declare linecount as ->lines after all, as it breaks things
+ * Implement ->scroll_to on top of ->scroll, preparing for use via
+ Tickit::Widget::ScrollBox
+ * Update unit tests to use RenderBuffer instead of RenderContext
+0.13 2013/09/01 01:39:07
+ * Use Tickit::RenderBuffer and ->render_to_rb from
+ Tickit::Widget 0.35
+ * Have Scroller declare its actual total line height as 'lines'
+0.12 CHANGES:
+ * Updated for Tickit::Style 0.32 and Tickit::RenderContext 0.07
+0.11 CHANGES:
+ * Updated to use Tickit::Style and Tickit::RenderContext
+0.10 CHANGES:
+ * Added ->unshift operation analogous to ->push
+0.09 CHANGES:
+ * Added indicators (may require Tickit 0.24 to scroll efficiently)
+ * Added ->lines_above, ->lines_below
+ * Added count_offscreen behaviour to item2line
+0.08 CHANGES:
+ * Try to linewrap on word boundaries if possible, even during pen
+ changes
+ * Enable new expose_after_scroll behaviour
+ * Disable deprecated CLEAR_BEFORE_RENDER behaviour
+ * Fix unit tests to work correctly with new experimental
+0.07 CHANGES:
+ * Don't allow overscroll past the end of the content
+ * More unit testing of full Unicode text
+ * Handle zero-length substring chunks correctly
+0.06 CHANGES:
+ * Allow linefeeds in Text and RichText items
+0.05 CHANGES:
+ * Bugfix to item wrapping boundary condition when a word ends exactly
+ at the righthand boundary
+0.04 CHANGES:
+ * Added 'gravity' parameter to control resize behaviour
+ * Respond to mouse wheel events by scrolling 5 lines at a time
+0.03 CHANGES:
+ * Use Window->print rather than Window->penprint
+ * Handle ->item2line with no items
+ * Preserve 'at-bottom'ness while not onscreen, restore it later
+ * Use new is_display TEXT() assertions from Tickit 0.12
+0.02 CHANGES:
+ * Added Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText
+ * New API for ->item2line
+ * Handle some keybindings by default
+ * Updated for Tickit::Test 0.07
+0.01 First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a8e8e5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Paul Evans <>.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
+Terms of the Perl programming language system itself
+a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
+ later version, or
+b) the "Artistic License"
+--- The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989 ---
+This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Paul Evans <>.
+This is free software, licensed under:
+ The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989
+ Version 1, February 1989
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
+General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+You can use it for your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must tell them their rights.
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
+"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
+on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
+Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
+licensee is addressed as "you".
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+transferring a copy.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+ a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+ you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+ b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+ in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+ with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+ third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+ that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+ third parties, at your option).
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+ run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+ in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+ that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+ warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+ conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+ Public License.
+ d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+ copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+ exchange for a fee.
+Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+the other work under the scope of these terms.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+ for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+ corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+ corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+accompany that operating system.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
+copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+ 5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+and all its terms and conditions.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+ 7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
+attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
+the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
+commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+ at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
+--- The Artistic License 1.0 ---
+This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Paul Evans <>.
+This is free software, licensed under:
+ The Artistic License 1.0
+The Artistic License
+The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a Package
+may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of
+artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of
+the package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less
+customary fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications.
+ - "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright
+ Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through
+ textual modification.
+ - "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified,
+ or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright
+ Holder.
+ - "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for
+ the package.
+ - "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package.
+ - "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the basis of media
+ cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You will
+ not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the
+ computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.)
+ - "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though
+ there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that
+ recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they
+ received it.
+1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
+Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
+duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
+2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived
+from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such
+a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
+3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided that
+you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when you
+changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
+ Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or an
+ equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive site
+ such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include your
+ modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
+ b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
+ c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict with
+ standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate
+ manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly documents how it
+ differs from the Standard Version.
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable
+form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
+ together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where to
+ get the Standard Version.
+ b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of the Package
+ with your modifications.
+ c) accompany any non-standard executables with their corresponding Standard
+ Version executables, giving the non-standard executables non-standard
+ names, and clearly documenting the differences in manual pages (or
+ equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the Standard
+ Version.
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
+Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. You
+may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However, you may distribute this
+Package in aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a
+larger (possibly commercial) software distribution provided that you do not
+advertise this Package as a product of your own.
+6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as output
+from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall under the copyright
+of this Package, but belong to whomever generated them, and may be sold
+commercially, and may be aggregated with this Package.
+7. C or perl subroutines supplied by you and linked into this Package shall not
+be considered part of this Package.
+8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
+products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+The End
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7202cf5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+MANIFEST This list of files
diff --git a/META.json b/META.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b93926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.json
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ "abstract" : "a widget displaying a scrollable collection of",
+ "author" : [
+ "Paul Evans <>"
+ ],
+ "dynamic_config" : 1,
+ "generated_by" : "Module::Build version 0.422",
+ "license" : [
+ "perl_5"
+ ],
+ "meta-spec" : {
+ "url" : "",
+ "version" : "2"
+ },
+ "name" : "Tickit-Widget-Scroller",
+ "prereqs" : {
+ "runtime" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "String::Tagged" : "0",
+ "Tickit::Pen" : "0.19",
+ "Tickit::RenderBuffer" : "0.43",
+ "Tickit::Widget" : "0.35",
+ "Tickit::Window" : "0.57"
+ }
+ },
+ "test" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "Test::More" : "0.88",
+ "Tickit::Test" : "0.12"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "provides" : {
+ "Tickit::Widget::Scroller" : {
+ "file" : "lib/Tickit/Widget/",
+ "version" : "0.23"
+ },
+ "Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText" : {
+ "file" : "lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/",
+ "version" : "0.23"
+ },
+ "Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text" : {
+ "file" : "lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/",
+ "version" : "0.23"
+ }
+ },
+ "release_status" : "stable",
+ "resources" : {
+ "license" : [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "x_IRC" : "irc://"
+ },
+ "version" : "0.23",
+ "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 2.27400"
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfdba94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+abstract: 'a widget displaying a scrollable collection of'
+ - 'Paul Evans <>'
+ Test::More: '0.88'
+ Tickit::Test: '0.12'
+dynamic_config: 1
+generated_by: 'Module::Build version 0.422, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150005'
+license: perl
+ url:
+ version: '1.4'
+name: Tickit-Widget-Scroller
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller:
+ file: lib/Tickit/Widget/
+ version: '0.23'
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText:
+ file: lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/
+ version: '0.23'
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text:
+ file: lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/
+ version: '0.23'
+ String::Tagged: '0'
+ Tickit::Pen: '0.19'
+ Tickit::RenderBuffer: '0.43'
+ Tickit::Widget: '0.35'
+ Tickit::Window: '0.57'
+ IRC: irc://
+ license:
+version: '0.23'
+x_serialization_backend: 'CPAN::Meta::YAML version 0.018'
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d3a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Note: this file was auto-generated by Module::Build::Compat version 0.4220
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ 'NAME' => 'Tickit::Widget::Scroller',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Tickit/Widget/',
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => {
+ 'String::Tagged' => 0,
+ 'Tickit::Pen' => '0.19',
+ 'Tickit::RenderBuffer' => '0.43',
+ 'Tickit::Widget' => '0.35',
+ 'Tickit::Window' => '0.57'
+ },
+ 'INSTALLDIRS' => 'site',
+ 'EXE_FILES' => [],
+ 'PL_FILES' => {}
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe5bb82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller - a widget displaying a scrollable collection
+ of items
+ use Tickit;
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+ my $tickit = Tickit->new;
+ my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new;
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Hello world" ),
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Here are some lines" ),
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "<Line $_>" ) } 1 .. 50,
+ );
+ $tickit->set_root_widget( $scroller );
+ $tickit->run
+ This class provides a widget which displays a scrollable list of items.
+ The view of the items is scrollable, able to display only a part of the
+ list.
+ A Scroller widget stores a list of instances implementing the
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item interface.
+ The default style pen is used as the widget pen.
+ The following style pen prefixes are used:
+ indicator => PEN
+ The pen used for the scroll position indicators at the top or bottom
+ of the display
+ The following keys are bound
+ * Down
+ Scroll one line down
+ * Up
+ Scroll one line up
+ * PageDown
+ Scroll half a window down
+ * PageUp
+ Scroll half a window up
+ * Ctrl-Home
+ Scroll to the top
+ * Ctrl-End
+ Scroll to the bottom
+ new
+ $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new( %args )
+ Constructs a new Tickit::Widget::Scroller object. The new object will
+ start with an empty list of items.
+ Takes the following named arguments:
+ gravity => STRING
+ Optional. If given the value bottom, resize events and the push
+ method will attempt to preserve the item at the bottom of the screen.
+ Otherwise, will preserve the top.
+ gen_top_indicator => CODE
+ gen_bottom_indicator => CODE
+ Optional. Generator functions for the top and bottom indicators. See
+ also set_gen_top_indicator and set_gen_bottom_indicator.
+ on_scrolled
+ set_on_scrolled
+ $on_scrolled = $scroller->on_scrolled
+ $scroller->set_on_scrolled( $on_scrolled )
+ Return or set the CODE reference to be called when the scroll position
+ is adjusted.
+ $on_scrolled->( $scroller, $delta )
+ This is invoked by the scroll method, including the scroll_to,
+ scroll_to_top and scroll_to_bottom. In normal cases it will be given
+ the delta offset that scroll itself was invoked with, though this may
+ be clipped if this would scroll past the beginning or end of the
+ display.
+ push
+ $scroller->push( @items )
+ Append the given items to the end of the list.
+ If the Scroller is already at the tail (that is, the last line of the
+ last item is on display) and the gravity mode is bottom, the newly
+ added items will be displayed, possibly by scrolling downward if
+ required. While the scroller isn't adjusted by using any of the scroll
+ methods, it will remain following the tail of the items, scrolling
+ itself downwards as more are added.
+ unshift
+ $scroller->unshift( @items )
+ Prepend the given items to the beginning of the list.
+ If the Scroller is already at the head (that is, the first line of the
+ first item is on display) and the gravity mode is top, the newly added
+ items will be displayed, possibly by scrolling upward if required.
+ While the scroller isn't adjusted by using any of the scroll methods,
+ it will remain following the head of the items, scrolling itself
+ upwards as more are added.
+ shift
+ @items = $scroller->shift( $count )
+ Remove the given number of items from the start of the list and returns
+ them.
+ If any of the items are on display, the Scroller will be scrolled
+ upwards an amount sufficient to close the gap, ensuring the first
+ remaining item is now at the top of the display.
+ The returned items may be re-used by adding them back into the scroller
+ again either by push or unshift, or may be discarded.
+ pop
+ @items = $scroller->pop( $count )
+ Remove the given number of items from the end of the list and returns
+ them.
+ If any of the items are on display, the Scroller will be scrolled
+ downwards an amount sufficient to close the gap, ensuring the last
+ remaining item is now at the bottom of the display.
+ The returned items may be re-used by adding them back into the scroller
+ again either by push or unshift, or may be discarded.
+ scroll
+ $scroller->scroll( $delta )
+ Move the display up or down by the given $delta amount; with positive
+ moving down. This will be a physical count of displayed lines; if some
+ items occupy multiple lines, then fewer items may be scrolled than
+ lines.
+ scroll_to
+ $scroller->scroll_to( $line, $itemidx, $itemline )
+ Moves the display up or down so that display line $line contains line
+ $itemline of item $itemidx. Any of these counts may be negative to
+ count backwards from the display lines, items, or lines within the
+ item.
+ scroll_to_top
+ $scroller->scroll_to_top( $itemidx, $itemline )
+ Shortcut for scroll_to to set the top line of display; where $line is
+ 0. If $itemline is undefined, it will be passed as 0. If $itemidx is
+ also undefined, it will be passed as 0. Calling this method with no
+ arguments, therefore scrolls to the very top of the display.
+ scroll_to_bottom
+ $scroller->scroll_to_bottom( $itemidx, $itemline )
+ Shortcut for scroll_to to set the bottom line of display; where $line
+ is -1. If $itemline is undefined, it will be passed as -1. If $itemidx
+ is also undefined, it will be passed as -1. Calling this method with no
+ arguments, therefore scrolls to the very bottom of the display.
+ line2item
+ $itemidx = $scroller->line2item( $line )
+ ( $itemidx, $itemline ) = $scroller->line2item( $line )
+ Returns the item index currently on display at the given line of the
+ window. In list context, also returns the line number within item. If
+ no window has been set, or there is no item on display at that line,
+ undef or an empty list are returned. $line may be negative to count
+ backward from the last line on display; the last line taking -1.
+ item2line
+ $line = $scroller->item2line( $itemidx, $itemline )
+ ( $line, $offscreen ) = $scroller->item2line( $itemidx, $itemline, $count_offscreen )
+ Returns the display line in the window of the given line of the item at
+ the given index. $itemidx may be given negative, to count backwards
+ from the last item. $itemline may be negative to count backward from
+ the last line of the item.
+ In list context, also returns a value describing the offscreen nature
+ of the item. For items fully on display, this value is undef. If the
+ given line of the given item is not on display because it is scrolled
+ off either the top or bottom of the window, this value will be either
+ "above" or "below" respectively. If $count_offscreen is true, then the
+ returned $line value will always be defined, even if the item line is
+ offscreen. This will be negative for items "above", and a value equal
+ or greater than the number of lines in the scroller's window for items
+ "below".
+ lines_above
+ $count = $scroller->lines_above
+ Returns the number of lines of content above the scrolled display.
+ lines_below
+ $count = $scroller->lines_below
+ Returns the number of lines of content below the scrolled display.
+ set_gen_top_indicator
+ set_gen_bottom_indicator
+ $scroller->set_gen_top_indicator( $method )
+ $scroller->set_gen_bottom_indicator( $method )
+ Accessors for the generators for the top and bottom indicator text. If
+ set, each should be a CODE reference or method name on the scroller
+ which will be invoked after any operation that changes the contents of
+ the window, such as scrolling or adding or removing items. It should
+ return a text string which, if defined and non-empty, will be displayed
+ in an indicator window. This will be a small one-line window displayed
+ at the top right or bottom right corner of the Scroller's window.
+ $text = $scroller->$method()
+ The ability to pass method names allows subclasses to easily implement
+ custom logic as methods without having to capture a closure.
+ update_indicators
+ $scroller->update_indicators
+ Calls any defined generators for indicator text, and updates the
+ indicator windows with the returned text. This may be useful if the
+ functions would return different text now.
+ * Abstract away the "item storage model" out of the actual widget.
+ Implement more storage models, such as database-driven ones.. more
+ dynamic.
+ * Keybindings
+ Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70be7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Tickit;
+use Tickit::Widget::VBox;
+use Tickit::Widget::Entry;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText;
+use String::Tagged;
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new( gravity => "bottom" );
+for my $i ( 0 .. 100 ) {
+ my $text = String::Tagged->new( "<Rand $i>: " );
+ for ( 0 .. rand( 30 ) + 3 ) {
+ $text->append_tagged( chr( rand( 26 ) + 0x40 ) x ( rand( 10 ) + 5 ),
+ fg => int( rand( 7 ) + 1 ),
+ b => rand > 0.8,
+ u => rand > 0.8,
+ i => rand > 0.8,
+ );
+ $text->append( " " );
+ }
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText->new( $text, indent => 4 ),
+ );
+my $entry = Tickit::Widget::Entry->new(
+ on_enter => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "You wrote: $line" )
+ );
+ $self->set_text( "" );
+ },
+ fg => 0,
+ bg => 2,
+my $tickit = Tickit->new;
+my $vbox = Tickit::Widget::VBox->new;
+$vbox->add( $scroller, expand => 1 );
+$vbox->add( $entry );
+$tickit->set_root_widget( $vbox );
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ceb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Tickit;
+use Tickit::Widget::VBox;
+use Tickit::Widget::Entry;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "bottom",
+ gen_top_indicator => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lines = $self->lines_above or return;
+ return sprintf "+ %d more", $lines;
+ },
+ gen_bottom_indicator => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lines = $self->lines_below or return;
+ return sprintf "+ %d more", $lines;
+ },
+for my $i ( 0 .. 100 ) {
+ my $text = "<Rand $i>: ";
+ for ( 0 .. rand( 30 ) + 3 ) {
+ $text .= chr( rand( 26 ) + 0x40 ) x ( rand( 10 ) + 5 );
+ $text .= " ";
+ }
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( $text, indent => 4 ),
+ );
+my $entry = Tickit::Widget::Entry->new(
+ on_enter => sub {
+ my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "You wrote: $line" )
+ );
+ $self->set_text( "" );
+ },
+ fg => 0,
+ bg => 2,
+my $tickit = Tickit->new;
+my $vbox = Tickit::Widget::VBox->new;
+$vbox->add( $scroller, expand => 1 );
+$vbox->add( $entry );
+$tickit->set_root_widget( $vbox );
diff --git a/lib/Tickit/Widget/ b/lib/Tickit/Widget/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63c5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tickit/Widget/
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2011-2016 --
+package Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw( Tickit::Widget );
+use Tickit::Style;
+Tickit::Widget->VERSION( '0.35' );
+Tickit::Window->VERSION( '0.57' ); # ->bind_event
+use Tickit::Window;
+use Tickit::Utils qw( textwidth );
+use Tickit::RenderBuffer;
+our $VERSION = '0.23';
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller> - a widget displaying a scrollable collection of
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Tickit;
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+ my $tickit = Tickit->new;
+ my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new;
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Hello world" ),
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Here are some lines" ),
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "<Line $_>" ) } 1 .. 50,
+ );
+ $tickit->set_root_widget( $scroller );
+ $tickit->run
+This class provides a widget which displays a scrollable list of items. The
+view of the items is scrollable, able to display only a part of the list.
+A Scroller widget stores a list of instances implementing the
+C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item> interface.
+=head1 STYLE
+The default style pen is used as the widget pen.
+The following style pen prefixes are used:
+=over 4
+=item indicator => PEN
+The pen used for the scroll position indicators at the top or bottom of the
+style_definition base =>
+ indicator_rv => 1;
+use constant WIDGET_PEN_FROM_STYLE => 1;
+The following keys are bound
+=over 2
+=item * Down
+Scroll one line down
+=item * Up
+Scroll one line up
+=item * PageDown
+Scroll half a window down
+=item * PageUp
+Scroll half a window up
+=item * Ctrl-Home
+Scroll to the top
+=item * Ctrl-End
+Scroll to the bottom
+=head2 new
+ $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new( %args )
+Constructs a new C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller> object. The new object will start
+with an empty list of items.
+Takes the following named arguments:
+=over 8
+=item gravity => STRING
+Optional. If given the value C<bottom>, resize events and the C<push> method
+will attempt to preserve the item at the bottom of the screen. Otherwise, will
+preserve the top.
+=item gen_top_indicator => CODE
+=item gen_bottom_indicator => CODE
+Optional. Generator functions for the top and bottom indicators. See also
+C<set_gen_top_indicator> and C<set_gen_bottom_indicator>.
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $gravity = delete $args{gravity} || "top";
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %args );
+ # We're going to cache window height because we need pre-resize height
+ # during resize event
+ $self->{window_lines} = undef;
+ $self->{items} = [];
+ $self->{start_item} = 0;
+ $self->{start_partial} = 0;
+ $self->{gravity_bottom} = $gravity eq "bottom";
+ $self->set_on_scrolled( $args{on_scrolled} ) if $args{on_scrolled};
+ $self->set_gen_top_indicator( $args{gen_top_indicator} );
+ $self->set_gen_bottom_indicator( $args{gen_bottom_indicator} );
+ return $self;
+=head1 METHODS
+sub cols { 1 }
+sub lines { 1 }
+sub _item
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $idx ) = @_;
+ return $self->{items}[$idx];
+sub _itemheight
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $idx ) = @_;
+ return $self->{itemheights}[$idx] if defined $self->{itemheights}[$idx];
+ return $self->{itemheights}[$idx] = $self->_item( $idx )->height_for_width( $self->window->cols );
+sub reshape
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $itemidx, $itemline ) = $self->line2item( $self->{gravity_bottom} ? -1 : 0 );
+ $itemline -= $self->_itemheight( $itemidx ) if $self->{gravity_bottom} and defined $itemidx;
+ $self->SUPER::reshape;
+ $self->{window_lines} = $self->window->lines;
+ if( !defined $self->{window_cols} or $self->{window_cols} != $self->window->cols ) {
+ $self->{window_cols} = $self->window->cols;
+ undef $self->{itemheights};
+ $self->resized;
+ }
+ if( defined $itemidx ) {
+ $self->scroll_to( $self->{gravity_bottom} ? -1 : 0, $itemidx, $itemline );
+ }
+ elsif( $self->{gravity_bottom} ) {
+ $self->scroll_to_bottom;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->scroll_to_top;
+ }
+ $self->update_indicators;
+sub window_lost
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::window_lost( @_ );
+ my ( $line, $offscreen ) = $self->item2line( -1, -1 );
+ $self->{pending_scroll_to_bottom} = 1 if defined $line;
+ undef $self->{window_lines};
+sub window_gained
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $win ) = @_;
+ $self->{window_lines} = $win->lines;
+ $self->SUPER::window_gained( $win );
+ if( delete $self->{pending_scroll_to_bottom} ) {
+ $self->scroll_to_bottom;
+ }
+=head2 on_scrolled
+=head2 set_on_scrolled
+ $on_scrolled = $scroller->on_scrolled
+ $scroller->set_on_scrolled( $on_scrolled )
+Return or set the CODE reference to be called when the scroll position is
+ $on_scrolled->( $scroller, $delta )
+This is invoked by the C<scroll> method, including the C<scroll_to>,
+C<scroll_to_top> and C<scroll_to_bottom>. In normal cases it will be given the
+delta offset that C<scroll> itself was invoked with, though this may be
+clipped if this would scroll past the beginning or end of the display.
+sub on_scrolled
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{on_scrolled};
+sub set_on_scrolled
+ my $self = shift;
+ ( $self->{on_scrolled} ) = @_;
+=head2 push
+ $scroller->push( @items )
+Append the given items to the end of the list.
+If the Scroller is already at the tail (that is, the last line of the last
+item is on display) and the gravity mode is C<bottom>, the newly added items
+will be displayed, possibly by scrolling downward if required. While the
+scroller isn't adjusted by using any of the C<scroll> methods, it will remain
+following the tail of the items, scrolling itself downwards as more are added.
+sub push
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ my $oldsize = @$items;
+ push @$items, @_;
+ if( my $win = $self->window and $self->window->is_visible ) {
+ my $added = 0;
+ $added += $self->_itemheight( $_ ) for $oldsize .. $#$items;
+ my $lines = $self->{window_lines};
+ my $oldlast = $oldsize ? $self->item2line( $oldsize-1, -1 ) : -1;
+ # Previous tail is on screen if $oldlast is defined and less than $lines
+ # If not, don't bother drawing or scrolling
+ return unless defined $oldlast and $oldlast < $lines;
+ my $new_start = $oldlast + 1;
+ my $new_stop = $new_start + $added;
+ if( $self->{gravity_bottom} ) {
+ # If there were enough spare lines, render them, otherwise scroll
+ if( $new_stop <= $lines ) {
+ $self->render_lines( $new_start, $new_stop );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->render_lines( $new_start, $lines ) if $new_start < $lines;
+ $self->scroll( $new_stop - $lines );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # If any new lines of content are now on display, render them
+ $new_stop = $lines if $new_stop > $lines;
+ if( $new_stop > $new_start ) {
+ $self->render_lines( $new_start, $new_stop );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->update_indicators;
+=head2 unshift
+ $scroller->unshift( @items )
+Prepend the given items to the beginning of the list.
+If the Scroller is already at the head (that is, the first line of the first
+item is on display) and the gravity mode is C<top>, the newly added items will
+be displayed, possibly by scrolling upward if required. While the scroller
+isn't adjusted by using any of the C<scroll> methods, it will remain following
+the head of the items, scrolling itself upwards as more are added.
+sub unshift :method
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ my $oldsize = @$items;
+ my $oldfirst = $oldsize ? $self->item2line( 0, 0 ) : 0;
+ my $oldlast = $oldsize ? $self->item2line( -1, -1 ) : -1;
+ unshift @$items, @_;
+ unshift @{ $self->{itemheights} }, ( undef ) x @_;
+ $self->{start_item} += @_;
+ if( my $win = $self->window and $self->window->is_visible ) {
+ my $added = 0;
+ $added += $self->_itemheight( $_ ) for 0 .. $#_;
+ # Previous head is on screen if $oldfirst is defined and non-negative
+ # If not, don't bother drawing or scrolling
+ return unless defined $oldfirst and $oldfirst >= 0;
+ my $lines = $self->{window_lines};
+ if( $self->{gravity_bottom} ) {
+ # If the display wasn't yet full, scroll it down to display any new
+ # lines that are visible
+ my $first_blank = $oldlast + 1;
+ my $scroll_delta = $lines - $first_blank;
+ $scroll_delta = $added if $scroll_delta > $added;
+ if( $oldsize ) {
+ $self->scroll( -$scroll_delta );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{start_item} = 0;
+ # TODO: if $added > $lines, need special handling
+ $self->render_lines( 0, $added );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Scroll down by the amount added
+ if( $oldsize ) {
+ $self->scroll( -$added );
+ }
+ else {
+ my $new_stop = $added;
+ $new_stop = $lines if $new_stop > $lines;
+ $self->{start_item} = 0;
+ $self->render_lines( 0, $new_stop );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->update_indicators;
+=head2 shift
+ @items = $scroller->shift( $count )
+Remove the given number of items from the start of the list and returns them.
+If any of the items are on display, the Scroller will be scrolled upwards an
+amount sufficient to close the gap, ensuring the first remaining item is now
+at the top of the display.
+The returned items may be re-used by adding them back into the scroller again
+either by C<push> or C<unshift>, or may be discarded.
+sub shift :method
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $count ) = @_;
+ defined $count or $count = 1;
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ croak '$count out of bounds' if $count <= 0;
+ croak '$count out of bounds' if $count > @$items;
+ my ( $lastline, $offscreen ) = $self->item2line( $count - 1, -1 );
+ if( defined $lastline ) {
+ $self->scroll( $lastline + 1, allow_gap => 1 );
+ # ->scroll implies $win->restore
+ }
+ my @ret = splice @$items, 0, $count;
+ splice @{ $self->{itemheights} }, 0, $count;
+ $self->{start_item} -= $count;
+ if( !defined $lastline and defined $offscreen and $offscreen eq "below" ) {
+ $self->scroll_to_top;
+ # ->scroll implies $win->restore
+ }
+ $self->update_indicators;
+ return @ret;
+=head2 pop
+ @items = $scroller->pop( $count )
+Remove the given number of items from the end of the list and returns them.
+If any of the items are on display, the Scroller will be scrolled downwards an
+amount sufficient to close the gap, ensuring the last remaining item is now at
+the bottom of the display.
+The returned items may be re-used by adding them back into the scroller again
+either by C<push> or C<unshift>, or may be discarded.
+sub pop :method
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $count ) = @_;
+ defined $count or $count = 1;
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ croak '$count out of bounds' if $count <= 0;
+ croak '$count out of bounds' if $count > @$items;
+ my ( $firstline, $offscreen ) = $self->item2line( -$count, 0 );
+ if( defined $firstline ) {
+ $self->scroll( $firstline - $self->window->lines );
+ }
+ my @ret = splice @$items, -$count, $count;
+ splice @{ $self->{itemheights} }, -$count, $count;
+ if( !defined $firstline and defined $offscreen and $offscreen eq "above" ) {
+ $self->scroll_to_bottom;
+ }
+ $self->update_indicators;
+ return @ret;
+=head2 scroll
+ $scroller->scroll( $delta )
+Move the display up or down by the given C<$delta> amount; with positive
+moving down. This will be a physical count of displayed lines; if some items
+occupy multiple lines, then fewer items may be scrolled than lines.
+sub scroll
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $delta, %opts ) = @_;
+ return unless $delta;
+ my $window = $self->window;
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ @$items or return;
+ my $itemidx = $self->{start_item};
+ my $partial = $self->{start_partial};
+ my $scroll_amount = 0;
+ if( $partial > 0 ) {
+ $delta += $partial;
+ $scroll_amount -= $partial;
+ $partial = 0;
+ }
+ while( $delta ) {
+ my $itemheight = $self->_itemheight( $itemidx );
+ if( $delta >= $itemheight ) {
+ $partial = $itemheight - 1, last if $itemidx == $#$items;
+ $delta -= $itemheight;
+ $scroll_amount += $itemheight;
+ $itemidx++;
+ }
+ elsif( $delta < 0 ) {
+ $partial = 0, last if $itemidx == 0;
+ $itemidx--;
+ $itemheight = $self->_itemheight( $itemidx );
+ $delta += $itemheight;
+ $scroll_amount -= $itemheight;
+ }
+ else {
+ $partial = $delta;
+ $scroll_amount += $delta;
+ $delta = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return if $itemidx == $self->{start_item} and
+ $partial == $self->{start_partial};
+ my $lines = $self->{window_lines};
+ if( $scroll_amount > 0 and !$opts{allow_gap} ) {
+ # We scrolled down. See if we've gone too far
+ my $line = -$partial;
+ my $idx = $itemidx;
+ while( $line < $lines && $idx < @$items ) {
+ $line += $self->_itemheight( $idx );
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ if( $line < $lines ) {
+ my $spare = $lines - $line;
+ $delta = -$spare;
+ goto REDO;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{start_item} = $itemidx;
+ $self->{start_partial} = $partial;
+ if( abs( $scroll_amount ) < $lines ) {
+ $window->scroll( $scroll_amount, 0 );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->redraw;
+ }
+ if( my $on_scrolled = $self->{on_scrolled} ) {
+ $self->$on_scrolled( $scroll_amount );
+ }
+ $self->update_indicators;
+=head2 scroll_to
+ $scroller->scroll_to( $line, $itemidx, $itemline )
+Moves the display up or down so that display line C<$line> contains line
+C<$itemline> of item C<$itemidx>. Any of these counts may be negative to count
+backwards from the display lines, items, or lines within the item.
+sub scroll_to
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $line, $itemidx, $itemline ) = @_;
+ my $window = $self->window or return;
+ my $lines = $self->{window_lines};
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ @$items or return;
+ if( $line < 0 ) {
+ $line += $lines;
+ croak '$line out of bounds' if $line < 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak '$line out of bounds' if $line >= $lines;
+ }
+ if( $itemidx < 0 ) {
+ $itemidx += @$items;
+ croak '$itemidx out of bounds' if $itemidx < 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak '$itemidx out of bounds' if $itemidx >= @$items;
+ }
+ my $itemheight = $self->_itemheight( $itemidx );
+ if( $itemline < 0 ) {
+ $itemline += $itemheight;
+ croak '$itemline out of bounds' if $itemline < 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak '$itemline out of bounds' if $itemline >= $itemheight;
+ }
+ $line -= $itemline; # now ignore itemline
+ while( $line > 0 ) {
+ if( $itemidx == 0 ) {
+ $line = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ $itemheight = $self->_itemheight( --$itemidx );
+ $line -= $itemheight;
+ }
+ $itemline = -$line; # $line = 0;
+ # Now we want $itemidx line $itemline to be on physical line 0
+ # Work out how far away that is
+ my $delta = 0;
+ my $i = $self->{start_item};
+ $delta -= $self->{start_partial};
+ while( $itemidx > $i ) {
+ $delta += $self->_itemheight( $i );
+ $i++;
+ }
+ while( $itemidx < $i ) {
+ $i--;
+ $delta -= $self->_itemheight( $i );
+ }
+ $delta += $itemline;
+ return if !$delta;
+ $self->scroll( $delta );
+=head2 scroll_to_top
+ $scroller->scroll_to_top( $itemidx, $itemline )
+Shortcut for C<scroll_to> to set the top line of display; where C<$line> is 0.
+If C<$itemline> is undefined, it will be passed as 0. If C<$itemidx> is also
+undefined, it will be passed as 0. Calling this method with no arguments,
+therefore scrolls to the very top of the display.
+sub scroll_to_top
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $itemidx, $itemline ) = @_;
+ defined $itemidx or $itemidx = 0;
+ defined $itemline or $itemline = 0;
+ $self->scroll_to( 0, $itemidx, $itemline );
+=head2 scroll_to_bottom
+ $scroller->scroll_to_bottom( $itemidx, $itemline )
+Shortcut for C<scroll_to> to set the bottom line of display; where C<$line> is
+-1. If C<$itemline> is undefined, it will be passed as -1. If C<$itemidx> is
+also undefined, it will be passed as -1. Calling this method with no
+arguments, therefore scrolls to the very bottom of the display.
+sub scroll_to_bottom
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $itemidx, $itemline ) = @_;
+ defined $itemidx or $itemidx = -1;
+ defined $itemline or $itemline = -1;
+ $self->scroll_to( -1, $itemidx, $itemline );
+=head2 line2item
+ $itemidx = $scroller->line2item( $line )
+ ( $itemidx, $itemline ) = $scroller->line2item( $line )
+Returns the item index currently on display at the given line of the window.
+In list context, also returns the line number within item. If no window has
+been set, or there is no item on display at that line, C<undef> or an empty
+list are returned. C<$line> may be negative to count backward from the last
+line on display; the last line taking C<-1>.
+sub line2item
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $line ) = @_;
+ my $window = $self->window or return;
+ my $lines = $self->{window_lines};
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ if( $line < 0 ) {
+ $line += $lines;
+ croak '$line out of bounds' if $line < 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak '$line out of bounds' if $line >= $lines;
+ }
+ my $itemidx = $self->{start_item};
+ $line += $self->{start_partial};
+ while( $itemidx < @$items ) {
+ my $itemheight = $self->_itemheight( $itemidx );
+ if( $line < $itemheight ) {
+ return $itemidx, $line if wantarray;
+ return $itemidx;
+ }
+ $line -= $itemheight;
+ $itemidx++;
+ }
+ return;
+=head2 item2line
+ $line = $scroller->item2line( $itemidx, $itemline )
+ ( $line, $offscreen ) = $scroller->item2line( $itemidx, $itemline, $count_offscreen )
+Returns the display line in the window of the given line of the item at the
+given index. C<$itemidx> may be given negative, to count backwards from the
+last item. C<$itemline> may be negative to count backward from the last line
+of the item.
+In list context, also returns a value describing the offscreen nature of the
+item. For items fully on display, this value is C<undef>. If the given line of
+the given item is not on display because it is scrolled off either the top or
+bottom of the window, this value will be either C<"above"> or C<"below">
+respectively. If C<$count_offscreen> is true, then the returned C<$line> value
+will always be defined, even if the item line is offscreen. This will be
+negative for items C<"above">, and a value equal or greater than the number of
+lines in the scroller's window for items C<"below">.
+sub item2line
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $want_itemidx, $want_itemline, $count_offscreen ) = @_;
+ my $window = $self->window or return;
+ my $lines = $self->{window_lines};
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ @$items or return;
+ if( $want_itemidx < 0 ) {
+ $want_itemidx += @$items;
+ croak '$itemidx out of bounds' if $want_itemidx < 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak '$itemidx out of bounds' if $want_itemidx >= @$items;
+ }
+ my $itemheight = $self->_itemheight( $want_itemidx );
+ defined $want_itemline or $want_itemline = 0;
+ if( $want_itemline < 0 ) {
+ $want_itemline += $itemheight;
+ croak '$itemline out of bounds' if $want_itemline < 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak '$itemline out of bounds' if $want_itemline >= $itemheight;
+ }
+ my $itemidx = $self->{start_item};
+ my $line = -$self->{start_partial};
+ if( $want_itemidx < $itemidx or
+ $want_itemidx == $itemidx and $want_itemline < $self->{start_partial} ) {
+ if( wantarray and $count_offscreen ) {
+ while( $itemidx >= 0 ) {
+ if( $want_itemidx == $itemidx ) {
+ $line += $want_itemline;
+ last;
+ }
+ $itemidx--;
+ $line -= $self->_itemheight( $itemidx );
+ }
+ return ( $line, "above" );
+ }
+ return ( undef, "above" ) if wantarray;
+ return;
+ }
+ while( $itemidx < @$items and ( $line < $lines or $count_offscreen ) ) {
+ if( $want_itemidx == $itemidx ) {
+ $line += $want_itemline;
+ last if $line >= $lines;
+ return $line;
+ }
+ $line += $self->_itemheight( $itemidx );
+ $itemidx++;
+ }
+ return ( undef, "below" ) if wantarray and !$count_offscreen;
+ return ( $line, "below" ) if wantarray and $count_offscreen;
+ return;
+=head2 lines_above
+ $count = $scroller->lines_above
+Returns the number of lines of content above the scrolled display.
+sub lines_above
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $line, $offscreen ) = $self->item2line( 0, 0, 1 );
+ return 0 unless $offscreen;
+ return -$line;
+=head2 lines_below
+ $count = $scroller->lines_below
+Returns the number of lines of content below the scrolled display.
+sub lines_below
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $line, $offscreen ) = $self->item2line( -1, -1, 1 );
+ return 0 unless $offscreen;
+ return $line - $self->window->lines + 1;
+sub render_lines
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $startline, $endline ) = @_;
+ my $win = $self->window or return;
+ $win->expose( Tickit::Rect->new(
+ top => $startline,
+ bottom => $endline,
+ left => 0,
+ right => $win->cols,
+ ) );
+sub render_to_rb
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $rb, $rect ) = @_;
+ my $win = $self->window;
+ my $cols = $win->cols;
+ my $items = $self->{items};
+ my $line = 0;
+ my $itemidx = $self->{start_item};
+ if( my $partial = $self->{start_partial} ) {
+ $line -= $partial;
+ }
+ my $startline = $rect->top;
+ my $endline = $rect->bottom;
+ while( $line < $endline and $itemidx < @$items ) {
+ my $item = $self->_item( $itemidx );
+ my $itemheight = $self->_itemheight( $itemidx );
+ my $top = $line;
+ my $firstline = ( $startline > $line ) ? $startline - $top : 0;
+ $itemidx++;
+ $line += $itemheight;
+ next if $firstline >= $itemheight;
+ $rb->save;
+ {
+ my $lastline = ( $endline < $line ) ? $endline - $top : $itemheight;
+ $rb->translate( $top, 0 );
+ $rb->clip( Tickit::Rect->new(
+ top => $firstline,
+ bottom => $lastline,
+ left => 0,
+ cols => $cols,
+ ) );
+ $item->render( $rb,
+ top => 0,
+ firstline => $firstline,
+ lastline => $lastline - 1,
+ width => $cols,
+ height => $itemheight,
+ );
+ }
+ $rb->restore;
+ }
+ while( $line < $endline ) {
+ $rb->goto( $line, 0 );
+ $rb->erase( $cols );
+ $line++;
+ }
+my %bindings = (
+ Down => sub { $_[0]->scroll( +1 ) },
+ Up => sub { $_[0]->scroll( -1 ) },
+ PageDown => sub { $_[0]->scroll( +int( $_[0]->window->lines / 2 ) ) },
+ PageUp => sub { $_[0]->scroll( -int( $_[0]->window->lines / 2 ) ) },
+ 'C-Home' => sub { $_[0]->scroll_to_top },
+ 'C-End' => sub { $_[0]->scroll_to_bottom },
+sub on_key
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $ev ) = @_;
+ if( $ev->type eq "key" and my $code = $bindings{$ev->str} ) {
+ $code->( $self );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub on_mouse
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $ev ) = @_;
+ return unless $ev->type eq "wheel";
+ $self->scroll( 5 ) if $ev->button eq "down";
+ $self->scroll( -5 ) if $ev->button eq "up";
+=head2 set_gen_top_indicator
+=head2 set_gen_bottom_indicator
+ $scroller->set_gen_top_indicator( $method )
+ $scroller->set_gen_bottom_indicator( $method )
+Accessors for the generators for the top and bottom indicator text. If set,
+each should be a CODE reference or method name on the scroller which will be
+invoked after any operation that changes the contents of the window, such as
+scrolling or adding or removing items. It should return a text string which,
+if defined and non-empty, will be displayed in an indicator window. This will
+be a small one-line window displayed at the top right or bottom right corner
+of the Scroller's window.
+ $text = $scroller->$method()
+The ability to pass method names allows subclasses to easily implement custom
+logic as methods without having to capture a closure.
+sub set_gen_top_indicator
+ my $self = shift;
+ ( $self->{gen_top_indicator} ) = @_;
+ $self->update_indicators;
+sub set_gen_bottom_indicator
+ my $self = shift;
+ ( $self->{gen_bottom_indicator} ) = @_;
+ $self->update_indicators;
+=head2 update_indicators
+ $scroller->update_indicators
+Calls any defined generators for indicator text, and updates the indicator
+windows with the returned text. This may be useful if the functions would
+return different text now.
+sub update_indicators
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $win = $self->window or return;
+ for my $edge (qw( top bottom )) {
+ my $text_field = "${edge}_indicator_text";
+ my $text = $self->{"gen_${edge}_indicator"} ? $self->${ \$self->{"gen_${edge}_indicator"} }
+ : undef;
+ $text //= "";
+ next if $text eq ( $self->{$text_field} // "" );
+ $self->{$text_field} = $text;
+ if( !length $text ) {
+ $self->{"${edge}_indicator_win"}->hide if $self->{"${edge}_indicator_win"};
+ undef $self->{"${edge}_indicator_win"};
+ next;
+ }
+ my $textwidth = textwidth $text;
+ my $line = $edge eq "top" ? 0
+ : $win->lines - 1;
+ my $floatwin;
+ if( $floatwin = $self->{"${edge}_indicator_win"} ) {
+ $floatwin->change_geometry( $line, $win->cols - $textwidth, 1, $textwidth );
+ }
+ elsif( $self->window ) {
+ $floatwin = $win->make_float( $line, $win->cols - $textwidth, 1, $textwidth );
+ $floatwin->bind_event( expose => sub {
+ my ( $win, undef, $info ) = @_;
+ $info->rb->text_at( 0, 0,
+ $self->{$text_field},
+ $self->get_style_pen( "indicator" )
+ );
+ } );
+ $self->{"${edge}_indicator_win"} = $floatwin;
+ }
+ $floatwin->expose;
+ }
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item *
+Abstract away the "item storage model" out of the actual widget. Implement
+more storage models, such as database-driven ones.. more dynamic.
+=item *
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item.pod b/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d2512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+=head1 NAME
+C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item> - interface for renderable scroller items
+Items added to a C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller> must adhere to the interface
+documented here.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 height_for_width
+ $height = $item->height_for_width( $width )
+Returns the number of screen lines the item would occupy if rendered to the
+given width.
+=head2 render
+ $item->render( $rb, %args )
+Renders the item to the given L<Tickit::RenderBuffer>. C<%args> will contain
+the following keys:
+=over 8
+=item firstline => INT
+=item lastline => INT
+The (inclusive) bounds of the line numbers to render. If these do not cover
+the entire height of the item, then they imply that clipping will occur; the
+item need draw only the lines indicated.
+These are passed for informational purposes. Item implementations are free to
+ignore this if they wish, as clipping will be performed by the RenderBuffer.
+=item top => INT
+The line of C<$rc> to consider as the top of the item. This is passed for
+legacy purposes and will always be zero. Item implementations are free to
+ignore this value, as it will now be performed using the C<translate> facility
+of the RenderBuffer.
+=item width => INT
+=item height => INT
+The width in columns and the height in lines to render the item. This will
+correspond to the most recent call to C<height_for_width>, and is passed in
+for consistency and convenience of the item's render method. This is given as
+the full dimensions of the item, which may be larger than the subset of lines
+requested by the C<firstline> and C<lastline> parameters.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/ b/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0aa318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2011-2017 --
+package Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text );
+our $VERSION = '0.23';
+use Tickit::Utils qw( textwidth );
+=head1 NAME
+C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText> - static text with render
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText;
+ use String::Tagged;
+ my $str = String::Tagged->new( "An important message" );
+ $str->apply_tag( 3, 9, b => 1 );
+ my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new;
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText->new( $str )
+ );
+This subclass of L<Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text> draws static text
+with rendering attributes, used to apply formatting. The attributes are stored
+by supplying the text in an instance of a L<String::Tagged> object.
+The recognised attributes are those of L<Tickit::Pen>, taking the same names
+and values.
+sub _build_chunks_for
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $str ) = @_;
+ my @chunks;
+ $str->iter_substr_nooverlap(
+ sub {
+ my ( $substr, %tags ) = @_;
+ my $pen = Tickit::Pen->new_from_attrs( \%tags );
+ # Don't worry if extra tags left over, they just aren't rendering attributes
+ my @lines = split m/\n/, $substr, -1 or return;
+ my $lastline = pop @lines;
+ push @chunks, [ $_, textwidth( $_ ), pen => $pen, linebreak => 1 ] for @lines;
+ push @chunks, [ $lastline, textwidth( $lastline ), pen => $pen ];
+ },
+ );
+ return @chunks;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/ b/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22408ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tickit/Widget/Scroller/Item/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2011-2017 --
+package Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.23';
+use Tickit::Utils qw( textwidth cols2chars );
+=head1 NAME
+C<Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text> - add static text to a Scroller
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+ use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+ my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new;
+ $scroller->push(
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Hello world" )
+ );
+This implementation of L<Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item> displays a simple
+static piece of text. It will be wrapped on whitespace (characters matching
+the C</\s/> regexp pattern).
+=head2 new
+ $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( $text, %opts )
+Constructs a new text item, containing the given string of text. Once
+constructed, the item is immutable.
+The following options are recognised in C<%opts>:
+=over 4
+=item indent => INT
+If the text item needs to wrap, indent the second and subsequent lines by this
+amount. Does not apply to the first line.
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my ( $text, %opts ) = @_;
+ my $self = bless {
+ lineruns => [],
+ }, $class;
+ $self->{indent} = $opts{indent} if defined $opts{indent};
+ $self->{chunks} = [ $self->_build_chunks_for( $text ) ];
+ return $self;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 chunks
+ @chunks = $item->chunks
+Returns the chunks of text displayed by this item. Each chunk is represented
+by an ARRAY reference of three fields, giving the text string, its width in
+columns, and various options
+ [ $text, $width, %opts ]
+Recognised options are:
+=over 8
+=item pen => Tickit::Pen
+Pen to render the chunk with.
+=item linebreak => BOOL
+If true, force a linebreak after this chunk; the next one starts on the
+following line.
+sub _build_chunks_for
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $text ) = @_;
+ my @lines = split m/\n/, $text, -1;
+ my $lastline = pop @lines;
+ return ( map { [ $_, textwidth( $_ ), linebreak => 1 ] } @lines ),
+ [ $lastline, textwidth( $lastline ) ];
+sub chunks
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @{ $self->{chunks} };
+sub height_for_width
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $width ) = @_;
+ $self->{width} = $width;
+ my @chunks = $self->chunks;
+ $self->{lineruns} = \my @lineruns;
+ push @lineruns, my $thisline = [];
+ my $line_remaining = $width;
+ while( @chunks ) {
+ my $chunk = shift @chunks;
+ my ( $text, $textwidth, %opts ) = @$chunk;
+ if( $textwidth <= $line_remaining ) {
+ push @$thisline, [ $text, $textwidth, $opts{pen} ];
+ $line_remaining -= $textwidth;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Split this chunk at most $line_remaining chars
+ my $eol_ch = cols2chars $text, $line_remaining;
+ if( $eol_ch < length $text && substr( $text, $eol_ch, 1 ) =~ m/\S/ ) {
+ # TODO: This surely must be possible without substr()ing a temporary
+ if( substr( $text, 0, $eol_ch ) =~ m/\S+$/ and
+ ( $-[0] > 0 or @$thisline ) ) {
+ $eol_ch = $-[0];
+ }
+ }
+ my $partial_text = substr( $text, 0, $eol_ch );
+ my $partial_chunk = [ $partial_text, textwidth( $partial_text ), $opts{pen} ];
+ push @$thisline, $partial_chunk;
+ my $bol_ch = pos $text = $eol_ch;
+ $text =~ m/\G\s+/g and $bol_ch = $+[0];
+ my $remaining_text = substr( $text, $bol_ch );
+ my $remaining_chunk = [ $remaining_text, textwidth( $remaining_text ), %opts ];
+ unshift @chunks, $remaining_chunk;
+ $line_remaining = 0;
+ }
+ if( ( $line_remaining == 0 or $opts{linebreak} ) and @chunks ) {
+ push @lineruns, $thisline = [];
+ $line_remaining = $width - ( $self->{indent} || 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ return scalar @lineruns;
+sub render
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $rb, %args ) = @_;
+ my $cols = $args{width};
+ # Rechunk if width changed
+ $self->height_for_width( $cols ) if $cols != $self->{width};
+ my $lineruns = $self->{lineruns};
+ foreach my $lineidx ( $args{firstline} .. $args{lastline} ) {
+ my $indent = ( $lineidx && $self->{indent} ) ? $self->{indent} : 0;
+ $rb->goto( $lineidx, 0 );
+ $rb->erase( $indent ) if $indent;
+ foreach my $chunk ( @{ $lineruns->[$lineidx] } ) {
+ my ( $text, $width, $chunkpen ) = @$chunk;
+ $rb->text( $text, $chunkpen );
+ }
+ $rb->erase_to( $cols );
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/t/00use.t b/t/00use.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cce1829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/00use.t
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use_ok( 'Tickit::Widget::Scroller' );
diff --git a/t/01item-text.t b/t/01item-text.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca5a5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/01item-text.t
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::RenderBuffer;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+my $term = mk_term;
+my $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "My message here" );
+isa_ok( $item, "Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text", '$item' );
+is_deeply( [ $item->chunks ],
+ [ [ "My message here", 15 ] ],
+ '$item->chunks' );
+is( $item->height_for_width( 80 ), 1, 'height_for_width 80' );
+my $rb = Tickit::RenderBuffer->new( lines => $term->lines, cols => $term->cols );
+$item->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 0, width => 80, height => 25 );
+$rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("My message here"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(65) ],
+ 'Termlog for render fullwidth' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("My message here")] ],
+ 'Display for render fullwidth' );
+ {
+ $rb->save;
+ $rb->clip( Tickit::Rect->new(
+ top => 0,
+ left => 0,
+ lines => 10,
+ cols => 12,
+ ) );
+ is( $item->height_for_width( 12 ), 2, 'height_for_width 12' );
+ $item->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 1, width => 12, height => 10 );
+ $rb->restore;
+ }
+ $rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+ flush_tickit;
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("My message "),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("here"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(8) ],
+ 'Termlog for render width 12' );
+ is_display( [ [TEXT("My message")],
+ [TEXT("here")] ],
+ 'Display for render width 12' );
+ my $indenteditem = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "My message here", indent => 4 );
+ is( $indenteditem->height_for_width( 12 ), 2, 'height_for_width 12 with indent' );
+ $indenteditem->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 1, width => 12, height => 10 );
+ $rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+ flush_tickit;
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("My message "),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(4,1),
+ PRINT("here"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(4) ],
+ 'Termlog for render width 12 with indent' );
+ is_display( [ [TEXT("My message")],
+ [TEXT(" here")] ],
+ 'Display for render width 12 with indent' );
+# Boundary condition in whitespace splitting
+ $term->clear;
+ drain_termlog;
+ my $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD" );
+ is( $item->height_for_width( 9 ), 2, 'height_for_width 2 for splitting boundary' );
+ $item->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 1, width => 9, height => 2 );
+ $rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+ flush_tickit;
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ 'Termlog for render splitting boundary' );
+ is_display( [ [TEXT("AAAA BBBB")],
+ [TEXT("CCCC DDDD")] ],
+ 'Display for render splitting boundary' );
+# Linefeeds
+ $term->clear;
+ drain_termlog;
+ my $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Some more text\nwith linefeeds" );
+ is_deeply( [ $item->chunks ],
+ [ [ "Some more text", 14, linebreak => 1 ],
+ [ "with linefeeds", 14 ] ],
+ '$item->chunks with linefeeds' );
+ is( $item->height_for_width( 80 ), 2, 'height_for_width 2 with linefeeds' );
+ $item->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 1, width => 80, height => 2 );
+ $rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+ flush_tickit;
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Some more text"),
+ ERASECH(66),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("with linefeeds"),
+ ERASECH(66) ],
+ 'Termlog for render with linefeeds' );
+ is_display( [ [TEXT("Some more text")],
+ [TEXT("with linefeeds")] ],
+ 'Display for render with linefeeds' );
+# Odd Unicode
+ use utf8;
+ $term->clear;
+ drain_termlog;
+ my $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻" );
+ is_deeply( [ $item->chunks ],
+ [ [ "(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻", 15 ] ],
+ '$item->chunks with Unicode' );
+ is( $item->height_for_width( 80 ), 1, 'height_for_width 2 with Unicode' );
+ $item->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 0, width => 80, height => 1 );
+ $rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+ flush_tickit;
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻"),
+ ERASECH(65) ],
+ 'Termlog for render with Unicode' );
+ is_display( [ [TEXT("(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻")] ],
+ 'Display for render with Unicode' );
diff --git a/t/02item-richtext.t b/t/02item-richtext.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a081465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02item-richtext.t
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test;
+use Tickit::RenderBuffer;
+use String::Tagged;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText;
+my $term = mk_term;
+my $rb = Tickit::RenderBuffer->new( lines => $term->lines, cols => $term->cols );
+my $str = String::Tagged->new( "My message here" );
+$str->apply_tag( 3, 7, b => 1 );
+$str->apply_tag( 11, 4, u => 1 );
+my $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText->new( $str );
+isa_ok( $item, "Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text", '$item' );
+is_deeply( [ $item->chunks ],
+ [ [ "My ", 3, pen => Tickit::Pen->new() ],
+ [ "message", 7, pen => Tickit::Pen->new( b => 1 ) ],
+ [ " ", 1, pen => Tickit::Pen->new() ],
+ [ "here", 4, pen => Tickit::Pen->new( u => 1 ) ] ],
+ '$item->chunks' );
+is( $item->height_for_width( 80 ), 1, 'height_for_width 80' );
+$item->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 0, width => 80, height => 25 );
+$rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("My "),
+ SETPEN(b => 1),
+ PRINT("message"),
+ PRINT(" "),
+ SETPEN(u => 1),
+ PRINT("here"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(65) ],
+ 'Termlog for render fullwidth' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("My "), TEXT("message",b=>1), BLANK(1), TEXT("here",u=>1)] ],
+ 'Display for render fullwidth' );
+# Linefeeds
+ $term->clear;
+ drain_termlog;
+ my $str = String::Tagged->new( "Another message\nwith linefeeds" );
+ $str->apply_tag( 8, 12, b => 1 );
+ my $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText->new( $str );
+ is_deeply( [ $item->chunks ],
+ [ [ "Another ", 8, pen => Tickit::Pen->new() ],
+ [ "message", 7, pen => Tickit::Pen->new( b => 1 ), linebreak => 1 ],
+ [ "with", 4, pen => Tickit::Pen->new( b => 1 ) ],
+ [ " linefeeds", 10, pen => Tickit::Pen->new() ] ],
+ '$item->chunks with linefeeds' );
+# Word wrapping on pen changes
+ $term->clear;
+ drain_termlog;
+ my $str = String::Tagged->new;
+ foreach my $colour (qw( red blue green yellow )) {
+ $str->append_tagged( $colour, fg => $colour );
+ $str->append( " " );
+ }
+ my $item = Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::RichText->new( $str );
+ is( $item->height_for_width( 18 ), 2, 'height_for_width 18 for wrapping pen change' );
+ $item->render( $rb, top => 0, firstline => 0, lastline => 1, width => 18, height => 2 );
+ $rb->flush_to_term( $term );
+ flush_tickit;
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ SETPEN(fg=>1),
+ PRINT("red"),
+ PRINT(" "),
+ SETPEN(fg=>4),
+ PRINT("blue"),
+ PRINT(" "),
+ SETPEN(fg=>2),
+ PRINT("green"),
+ PRINT(" "),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ SETPEN(fg=>3),
+ PRINT("yellow"),
+ PRINT(" "),
+ ERASECH(11) ],
+ 'Termlog for render wrapping pen change' );
+ is_display( [ [TEXT("red",fg=>1), BLANK(1), TEXT("blue",fg=>4), BLANK(1), TEXT("green",fg=>2)],
+ [TEXT("yellow",fg=>3)] ],
+ 'Display for render wrapping pen change' );
diff --git a/t/10initial.t b/t/10initial.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42d82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/10initial.t
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+my $win = mk_window;
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new;
+ok( defined $scroller, 'defined $scroller' );
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( $_ ) }
+ "The first line",
+ "Another line in the middle",
+ "The third line",
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("The first line"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(66),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Another line in the middle"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(54),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("The third line"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(66),
+ map { GOTO($_,0), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(80) } 3 .. 24 ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ "The first line",
+ "Another line in the middle",
+ "The third line" ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is( scalar $scroller->line2item( 0 ), 0, 'scalar line2item 0' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 0 ) ], [ 0, 0 ], 'line2item 0' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 1 ) ], [ 1, 0 ], 'line2item 1' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 2 ) ], [ 2, 0 ], 'line2item 2' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 3 ) ], [ ], 'line2item 3' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( -1 ) ], [ ], 'line2item -1' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( -23 ) ], [ 2, 0 ], 'line2item -23' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0 ), 0, 'item2line 0' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0, -1 ), 0, 'item2line 0, -1' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 1 ), 1, 'item2line 1' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 2 ), 2, 'item2line 2' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( -1 ), 2, 'item2line -1' );
+resize_term( 25, 20 );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("The first line"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Another line in the "),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("middle"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(14),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("The third line"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ map { GOTO($_,0), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(20) } 4 .. 24 ],
+ 'Termlog after narrowing' );
+is_display( [ "The first line",
+ "Another line in the ",
+ "middle",
+ "The third line" ],
+ 'Display after narrowing' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 0 ) ], [ 0, 0 ], 'line2item 0' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 1 ) ], [ 1, 0 ], 'line2item 1' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 2 ) ], [ 1, 1 ], 'line2item 2' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 3 ) ], [ 2, 0 ], 'line2item 3' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( 4 ) ], [ ], 'line2item 4' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( -1 ) ], [ ], 'line2item -1' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->line2item( -22 ) ], [ 2, 0 ], 'line2item -22' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0 ), 0, 'item2line 0' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0, -1 ), 0, 'item2line 0, -1' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 1 ), 1, 'item2line 1' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 1, -1 ), 2, 'item2line 1, -1' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 2 ), 3, 'item2line 2' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( -1 ), 3, 'item2line -1' );
diff --git a/t/11scroll.t b/t/11scroll.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d97fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/11scroll.t
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# Tests are simpler if the terminal is much smaller
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $win ) = mk_term_and_window lines => 5, cols => 15;
+my $scrolled_delta = 0;
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ on_scrolled => sub { $scrolled_delta += $_[1] },
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Item of text $_ which is long" ) } 1 .. 9
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 1 "),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 2 "),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 3 ") ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Item of text 1 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 2 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 3 ")] ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0, 0 ), 0, 'item2line 0, 0 initially' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0, -1 ), 1, 'item2line 0, -1 initially' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 1, 0 ), 2, 'item2line 1, 0 initially' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 1, -1 ), 3, 'item2line 1, -1 initially' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 2, 0 ), 4, 'item2line 2, 0 initially' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 2, -1 ), undef, 'item2line 2, -1 initially offscreen' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->item2line( 2, -1 ) ], [ undef, "below" ], 'list item2line 2, -1 initially below screen' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->item2line( 2, -1, 1 ) ], [ 5, "below" ], 'list item2line 2, -1 initially below screen with count_offscreen' );
+is( $scroller->lines_above, 0, 'lines_above initially' );
+is( $scroller->lines_below, 13, 'lines_below initially' );
+$scroller->scroll( +10 );
+is( $scrolled_delta, 10, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll' );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 6 "),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 7 "),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 8 ") ],
+ 'Termlog after scroll +10' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Item of text 6 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 7 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 8 ")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll +10' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0, 0 ), undef, 'item2line 0, 0 offscreen after scroll +10' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 0, -1 ), undef, 'item2line 0, -1 offscreen after scroll +10' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 5, 0 ), 0, 'item2line 5, 0 after scroll +10' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 5, -1 ), 1, 'item2line 5, -1 after scroll +10' );
+is( $scroller->item2line( 8, 0 ), undef, 'item2line 8, 0 offscreen after scroll +10' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->item2line( 0, 0 ) ], [ undef, "above" ], 'list item2line 0, 0 above screen after scroll +10' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->item2line( 0, 0, 1 ) ], [ -10, "above" ], 'list item2line 0, 0 above screen after scroll +10 with count_offscreen' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->item2line( 8, 0 ) ], [ undef, "below" ], 'list item2line 8, 0 below screen after scroll +10' );
+is_deeply( [ $scroller->item2line( 8, 0, 1 ) ], [ 6, "below" ], 'list item2line 8, 0 below screen after scroll +10 with count_offscreen' );
+is( $scroller->lines_above, 10, 'lines_above after scroll +10' );
+is( $scroller->lines_below, 3, 'lines_below after scroll +10' );
+$scroller->scroll( -1 );
+is( $scrolled_delta, 9, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll -1' );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,5,15, -1,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(2) ],
+ 'Termlog after scroll -1' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 6 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 7 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll -1' );
+is( $scroller->lines_above, 9, 'lines_above after scroll -1' );
+is( $scroller->lines_below, 4, 'lines_below after scroll -1' );
+$scroller->scroll( +1 );
+is( $scrolled_delta, 10, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll +1' );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,5,15, +1,0),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 8 ") ],
+ 'Termlog after scroll +1' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Item of text 6 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 7 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 8 ")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll +1' );
+$scroller->scroll( -10 );
+is( $scrolled_delta, 0, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll -10' );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 1 "),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 2 "),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 3 ") ],
+ 'Termlog after scroll -10' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Item of text 1 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 2 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 3 ")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll -10' );
+is( $scrolled_delta, 13, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll_to_bottom' );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 8 "),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 9 "),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(2) ],
+ 'Termlog after scroll_to_bottom' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 8 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 9 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_bottom' );
+is( $scrolled_delta, 0, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll_to_top' );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 1 "),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 2 "),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 3 ") ],
+ 'Termlog after scroll_to_top' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Item of text 1 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 2 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 3 ")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_top' );
+$scroller->scroll_to( 2, 4, 0 ); # About halfway
+is( $scrolled_delta, 6, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll_to halfway' );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 4 "),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 5 "),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 6 ") ],
+ 'Termlog after scroll_to middle' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Item of text 4 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 5 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 6 ")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to middle' );
+$scroller->scroll( +5 );
+ my $pre_scroll_delta = $scrolled_delta;
+ $scroller->scroll( +5 ); # over the end
+ is( $scrolled_delta - $pre_scroll_delta, 2, 'on_scroll given actual delta, not requested' );
+ is( $scrolled_delta, 13, '$scrolled_delta after ->scroll +5 over the end' );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,5,15, +2,0),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Item of text 9 "),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("which is long"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(2) ],
+ 'Termlog down past the end' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 8 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 9 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll down past the end' );
+$scroller->scroll( -2 );
+$scroller->scroll( -2 );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,5,15, -2,0),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,5,15, -2,0),
+ GOTO(0,0), SETPEN, PRINT("which is long"), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(2),
+ GOTO(1,0), SETPEN, PRINT("Item of text 6 "),
+ GOTO(2,0), SETPEN, PRINT("which is long"), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(2),
+ GOTO(3,0), SETPEN, PRINT("Item of text 7 "), ],
+ 'Termlog after ->scroll(-2) x 2' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 6 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 7 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")] ],
+ 'Display after ->scroll(-2) x 2' );
+$scroller->scroll( +2 );
+$scroller->scroll( +2 );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,5,15, +2,0),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,5,15, +2,0),
+ GOTO(1,0), SETPEN, PRINT("Item of text 8 "),
+ GOTO(2,0), SETPEN, PRINT("which is long"), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(2),
+ GOTO(3,0), SETPEN, PRINT("Item of text 9 "),
+ GOTO(4,0), SETPEN, PRINT("which is long"), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(2), ],
+ 'Termlog after ->scroll(+2) x 2' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 8 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")],
+ [TEXT("Item of text 9 ")],
+ [TEXT("which is long")] ],
+ 'Display after ->scroll(+2) x 2' );
+is( $scrolled_delta, 13, '$scrolled_delta before EOF' );
diff --git a/t/12resize-bottom.t b/t/12resize-bottom.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b2634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/12resize-bottom.t
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 5, 40 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "bottom",
+$scroller->push( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line of content at line $_" ) ) for 1 .. 10;
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+$scroller->scroll( +3 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5",
+ "A line of content at line 6",
+ "A line of content at line 7",
+ "A line of content at line 8", ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+$win->resize( 7, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 2",
+ "A line of content at line 3",
+ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5",
+ "A line of content at line 6",
+ "A line of content at line 7",
+ "A line of content at line 8", ],
+ 'Display after resize more lines' );
+$win->resize( 5, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5",
+ "A line of content at line 6",
+ "A line of content at line 7",
+ "A line of content at line 8", ],
+ 'Display after resize fewer lines' );
+$win->resize( 5, 20 );
+is_display( [ "line 6",
+ "A line of content at",
+ "line 7",
+ "A line of content at",
+ "line 8", ],
+ 'Display after resize fewer columns' );
+$win->resize( 15, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 1",
+ "A line of content at line 2",
+ "A line of content at line 3",
+ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5",
+ "A line of content at line 6",
+ "A line of content at line 7",
+ "A line of content at line 8",
+ "A line of content at line 9",
+ "A line of content at line 10" ],
+ 'Display after resize too big' );
+$win->resize( 5, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 6",
+ "A line of content at line 7",
+ "A line of content at line 8",
+ "A line of content at line 9",
+ "A line of content at line 10" ],
+ 'Display after shrink from resize too big' );
diff --git a/t/12resize-top.t b/t/12resize-top.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f32438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/12resize-top.t
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 5, 40 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "top",
+$scroller->push( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line of content at line $_" ) ) for 1 .. 10;
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 1",
+ "A line of content at line 2",
+ "A line of content at line 3",
+ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5", ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+$win->resize( 7, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 1",
+ "A line of content at line 2",
+ "A line of content at line 3",
+ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5",
+ "A line of content at line 6",
+ "A line of content at line 7", ],
+ 'Display after resize more lines' );
+$win->resize( 5, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 1",
+ "A line of content at line 2",
+ "A line of content at line 3",
+ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5", ],
+ 'Display after resize fewer lines' );
+$win->resize( 5, 20 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at",
+ "line 1",
+ "A line of content at",
+ "line 2",
+ "A line of content at", ],
+ 'Display after resize fewer columns' );
+$win->resize( 15, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 1",
+ "A line of content at line 2",
+ "A line of content at line 3",
+ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5",
+ "A line of content at line 6",
+ "A line of content at line 7",
+ "A line of content at line 8",
+ "A line of content at line 9",
+ "A line of content at line 10" ],
+ 'Display after resize too big' );
+$win->resize( 5, 40 );
+is_display( [ "A line of content at line 1",
+ "A line of content at line 2",
+ "A line of content at line 3",
+ "A line of content at line 4",
+ "A line of content at line 5" ],
+ 'Display after shrink from resize too big' );
diff --git a/t/20push-bottom.t b/t/20push-bottom.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4185ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/20push-bottom.t
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "bottom",
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_,0), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(20) } 0 .. 5 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line of text" ),
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("A line of text"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after push' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after push' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push' );
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 1 .. 4,
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 1"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 2"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 3"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 4"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after push 4' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")] ],
+ 'Display after push 4' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push 4' );
+$scroller->push( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "An item of text that wraps" ) );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, 1,0),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("An item of text that"),
+ GOTO(5,0),
+ PRINT("wraps"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(15),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after push wrapping' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")],
+ [TEXT("wraps")] ],
+ 'Display after push wrapping' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push wrapping' );
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 5 .. 10,
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Another line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 10")] ],
+ 'Display after push 6' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push 6' );
+$scroller->set_window( undef );
+$scroller->push( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line while offscreen" ) );
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Another line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 10")],
+ [TEXT("A line while ")],
+ [TEXT("offscreen")] ],
+ 'Display after push while offscreen' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push while offscreen' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_top' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push scroll_to_top' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Unseen line" ),
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after push at head' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")] ],
+ 'Display after push at head' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push at head' );
diff --git a/t/20push-top.t b/t/20push-top.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b900c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/20push-top.t
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "top",
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_,0), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(20) } 0 .. 5 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line of text" ),
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("A line of text"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after push' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after push' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push' );
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 1 .. 4,
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 1"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 2"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 3"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 4"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after push 4' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")] ],
+ 'Display after push 4' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push 4' );
+$scroller->push( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "An item of text that wraps" ) );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(5,0),
+ PRINT("An item of text that"),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after push scroll' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")] ],
+ 'Display after push scroll' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push scroll' );
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 5 .. 10,
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog after push 6' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")] ],
+ 'Display after push 6' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push 6' );
+$scroller->set_window( undef );
+$scroller->push( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line while offscreen" ) );
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")] ],
+ 'Display after push while offscreen' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_top' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push scroll_to_top' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Unseen line" ),
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after push at head' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("An item of text that")] ],
+ 'Display after push at head' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after push at head' );
diff --git a/t/21shift-bottom.t b/t/21shift-bottom.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ef5a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/21shift-bottom.t
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "bottom",
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Existing line $_" ),
+) for 1 .. 20;
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_-1,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line $_"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(5) } 1 .. 6 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")] ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, 1,0),
+ GOTO(5,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 7"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after shift' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")] ],
+ 'Display after shift' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after shift' );
+$scroller->shift( 3 );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, 3,0),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 8"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 9"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(5,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 10"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after shift 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 10")] ],
+ 'Display after shift 3' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after shift 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 20")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_bottom' );
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after shift at bottom' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 20")] ],
+ 'Display unchanged after shift at bottom' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 11")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_top' );
+$scroller->shift( 6 );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_-12,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line $_"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(4) } 12 .. 17 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after shift 6 at top' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 12")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 13")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 14")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")] ],
+ 'Display after shift 6 at top' );
+$scroller->shift( 4 );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 20")] ],
+ 'Display after shift to expose bottom' );
diff --git a/t/21shift-top.t b/t/21shift-top.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f40ebe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/21shift-top.t
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "top",
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Existing line $_" ),
+) for 1 .. 20;
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_-1,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line $_"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(5) } 1 .. 6 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 1")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")] ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+my ( $item ) = $scroller->shift;
+isa_ok( $item, "Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text" );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, 1,0),
+ GOTO(5,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 7"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after shift' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")] ],
+ 'Display after shift' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after shift' );
+$scroller->shift( 3 );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, 3,0),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 8"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(4,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 9"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(5,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 10"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after shift 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 10")] ],
+ 'Display after shift 3' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after shift 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 20")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_bottom' );
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after shift at bottom' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 20")] ],
+ 'Display unchanged after shift at bottom' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 11")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_top' );
+$scroller->shift( 6 );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_-12,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line $_"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(4) } 12 .. 17 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after shift 6 at top' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 12")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 13")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 14")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")] ],
+ 'Display after shift 6 at top' );
diff --git a/t/22unshift-bottom.t b/t/22unshift-bottom.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e56a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/22unshift-bottom.t
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "bottom",
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_,0), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(20) } 0 .. 5 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line of text" ),
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("A line of text"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after unshift' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift' );
+$scroller->unshift( reverse
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 1 .. 4,
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -4,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 4"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 3"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 2"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 1"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after unshift 4' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift 4' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift 4' );
+$scroller->unshift( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "An item of text that wraps" ) );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -1,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("wraps"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(15),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after unshift scroll' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift scroll' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift scroll' );
+$scroller->unshift( reverse
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 5 .. 10,
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog after unshift 6' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift 6' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift 6' );
+$scroller->set_window( undef );
+$scroller->unshift( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line while offscreen" ) );
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift while offscreen' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_bottom' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift scroll_to_bottom' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Unseen line" ),
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after unshift at head' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift at head' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift at head' );
diff --git a/t/22unshift-top.t b/t/22unshift-top.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe302f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/22unshift-top.t
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "top",
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO($_,0), SETBG(undef), ERASECH(20) } 0 .. 5 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line of text" ),
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("A line of text"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after unshift' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift' );
+$scroller->unshift( reverse
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 1 .. 4,
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -4,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 4"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 3"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 2"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(3,0),
+ PRINT("Another line 1"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after unshift 4' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift 4' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift 4' );
+$scroller->unshift( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "An item of text that wraps" ) );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -2,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("An item of text that"),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("wraps"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(15),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after unshift wrapping' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("An item of text that")],
+ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift wrapping' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift wrapping' );
+$scroller->unshift( reverse
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Another line $_" ) } 5 .. 10,
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Another line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 5")], ],
+ 'Display after unshift 6' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift 6' );
+$scroller->set_window( undef );
+$scroller->unshift( Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "A line while offscreen" ) );
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Another line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 5")], ],
+ 'Display after unshift while offscreen' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift while offscreen' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_bottom' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after scroll_to_bottom' );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Unseen line" ),
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after unshift at tail' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("wraps")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Another line 1")],
+ [TEXT("A line of text")] ],
+ 'Display after unshift at tail' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after unshift at tail' );
diff --git a/t/23pop-bottom.t b/t/23pop-bottom.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9da224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/23pop-bottom.t
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "bottom",
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Existing line $_" ),
+) for 1 .. 20;
+is_termlog( [ ( map { SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -1,0) } 1 .. 5, ),
+ ( map { GOTO(6-$_,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line $_"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(5) } reverse 1 .. 6 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 1")] ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+my ( $item ) = $scroller->pop;
+isa_ok( $item, "Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text" );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -1,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 7"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after pop' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 2")] ],
+ 'Display after pop' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after pop' );
+$scroller->pop( 3 );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -3,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 10"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 9"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 8"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after pop 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")] ],
+ 'Display after pop 3' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after pop 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 20")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_top' );
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after pop at top' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 20")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")] ],
+ 'Display unchanged after pop at top' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 11")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_bottom' );
+$scroller->pop( 6 );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO(17-$_,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line $_"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(4) } reverse 12 .. 17 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after pop 6 at bottom' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 14")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 13")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 12")] ],
+ 'Display after pop 6 at bottom' );
diff --git a/t/23pop-top.t b/t/23pop-top.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e1e2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/23pop-top.t
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test 0.12;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# TODO: mk_window once Tickit::Test can take a size there too
+my ( $term, $rootwin ) = mk_term_and_window cols => 20, lines => 8;
+my $win = $rootwin->make_sub( 0, 0, 6, 20 );
+$rootwin->focus( 7, 0 );
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gravity => "top",
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+ Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Existing line $_" ),
+) for 1 .. 20;
+is_termlog( [ ( map { SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -1,0) } 1 .. 19 ),
+ ( map { GOTO($_,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line " . ( 6 - $_ )),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(5) } 0 .. 5 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 2")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 1")] ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position intially' );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -1,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 7"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after pop' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 4")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 3")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 2")] ],
+ 'Display after pop' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after pop' );
+$scroller->pop( 3 );
+is_termlog( [ SETBG(undef),
+ SCROLLRECT(0,0,6,20, -3,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 10"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(1,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 9"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(2,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line 8"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after pop 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 5")] ],
+ 'Display after pop 3' );
+is_cursorpos( 7, 0, 'Cursor position after pop 3' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 20")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_top' );
+is_termlog( [],
+ 'Termlog empty after pop at top' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 20")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")] ],
+ 'Display unchanged after pop at top' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 11")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 10")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 9")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 8")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 7")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 6")] ],
+ 'Display after scroll_to_bottom' );
+$scroller->pop( 6 );
+is_termlog( [ ( map { GOTO(17-$_,0),
+ PRINT("Existing line $_"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(4) } reverse 12 .. 17 ),
+ GOTO(7,0) ],
+ 'Termlog after pop 6 at bottom' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 14")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 13")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 12")] ],
+ 'Display after pop 6 at bottom' );
+$scroller->pop( 4 );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Existing line 20")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 19")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 18")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 17")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 16")],
+ [TEXT("Existing line 15")] ],
+ 'Display after pop to expose top' );
diff --git a/t/30indicator.t b/t/30indicator.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a7502e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/30indicator.t
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Tickit::Test;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller;
+use Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text;
+# These tests depend on the new Window rendering behaviour added in Tickit 0.43
+# but the actual functionallity will work fine before that
+eval { require Tickit::Window; Tickit::Window->VERSION( '0.43' ) }
+ or plan skip_all => "Tickit::Window older than 0.43; these tests won't work";
+my $win = mk_window;
+my $scroller = Tickit::Widget::Scroller->new(
+ gen_top_indicator => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # TODO: This is a fragile API, needs fixing
+ return sprintf "-- Start{%d/%d} items{%d} --",
+ $self->{start_item}, $self->{start_partial}, scalar @{ $self->{items} };
+ },
+ map { Tickit::Widget::Scroller::Item::Text->new( "Line $_ of content" ) } 1 .. 50
+$scroller->set_window( $win );
+# At Tickit::Window 0.44, rendering is done in one go.
+if( $Tickit::Window::VERSION >= '0.44' ) {
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Line 1 of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(37,1),
+ SETPEN(rv=>1),
+ PRINT("-- Start{0/0} items{50} --"),
+ ( map { GOTO($_-1,0),
+ PRINT("Line $_ of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(64-length $_), } 2 .. 25 ) ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+else {
+ is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Line 1 of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(37),
+ ( map { GOTO($_-1,0),
+ PRINT("Line $_ of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(64-length $_), } 2 .. 25 ),
+ GOTO(0,54),
+ SETPEN(rv=>1),
+ PRINT("-- Start{0/0} items{50} --") ],
+ 'Termlog initially' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Line 1 of content" . (" "x37)), TEXT("-- Start{0/0} items{50} --",rv=>1) ],
+ map { "Line $_ of content" } 2 .. 25 ],
+ 'Display initially' );
+$scroller->scroll( 2 );
+if( $Tickit::Window::VERSION >= '0.44' ) {
+ is_termlog( [ SETPEN,
+ SCROLLRECT(1,0,24,80,2,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Line 3 of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(37,1),
+ SETPEN(rv=>1),
+ PRINT("-- Start{2/0} items{50} --"),
+ ( map { GOTO($_-3,0),
+ PRINT("Line $_ of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(64-length $_), } 26 .. 27 ) ],
+ 'Termlog after ->scroll' );
+else {
+ is_termlog( [ SETPEN,
+ SCROLLRECT(1,0,24,80,2,0),
+ GOTO(0,0),
+ PRINT("Line 3 of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(37),
+ GOTO(0,54),
+ SETPEN(rv=>1),
+ PRINT("-- Start{2/0} items{50} --"),
+ ( map { GOTO($_-3,0),
+ PRINT("Line $_ of content"),
+ SETBG(undef),
+ ERASECH(64-length $_), } 26 .. 27 ) ],
+ 'Termlog after ->scroll' );
+is_display( [ [TEXT("Line 3 of content" . (" "x37)), TEXT("-- Start{2/0} items{50} --",rv=>1) ],
+ map { "Line $_ of content" } 4 .. 27 ],
+ 'Display after ->scroll' );
+$scroller->set_gen_top_indicator( undef );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(0,54),
+ ERASECH(26) ],
+ 'Termlog after removing top indicator' );
+is_display( [ map { "Line $_ of content" } 3 .. 27 ],
+ 'Display after removing top indicator' );
+$scroller->set_gen_bottom_indicator( sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ defined $self->item2line( -1, -1 ) ? undef : "-- more --"
+} );
+is_termlog( [ GOTO(24,70),
+ SETPEN(rv=>1),
+ PRINT("-- more --") ],
+ 'Termlog after setting bottom indicator' );
+is_display( [ ( map { "Line $_ of content" } 3 .. 26 ),
+ [TEXT("Line 27 of content" . (" "x52)), TEXT("-- more --",rv=>1) ] ],
+ 'Display after setting bottom indicator' );
diff --git a/t/99pod.t b/t/99pod.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb319fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/99pod.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;