=pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 PURPOSE Complex checks between Type::Tiny and L. =head1 DEPENDENCIES MouseX::Types 0.06; skipped otherwise. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster Etobyink@cpan.orgE. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2023 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Requires { "MouseX::Types" => "0.06" }; use Test::TypeTiny; use MouseX::Types::Moose qw(Int ArrayRef); use Types::Standard -all => { -prefix => "My" }; my $union1 = Int | MyArrayRef; my $union2 = MyArrayRef | Int; isa_ok($union1, "Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint"); isa_ok($union1, "Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint"); isa_ok($union2, "Type::Tiny"); should_pass([], $union1); should_pass(2, $union1); should_fail({}, $union1); should_pass([], $union2); should_pass(2, $union2); should_fail({}, $union2); note explain($union2); my $param1 = MyArrayRef[Int]; my $param2 = ArrayRef[MyInt]; should_pass([1,2,3], $param1); should_pass([], $param1); should_fail({}, $param1); should_fail(["x"], $param1); should_pass([1,2,3], $param2); should_pass([], $param2); should_fail({}, $param2); should_fail(["x"], $param2); my $param_union = MyArrayRef[Int | ArrayRef]; should_pass([], $param_union); should_pass([1,2,3], $param_union); should_pass([[],[]], $param_union); should_pass([11,[]], $param_union); should_pass([[],11], $param_union); should_fail([1.111], $param_union); done_testing;