# ZMQ::FFI [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/zeromq/perlzmq.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/zeromq/perlzmq) ## version agnostic Perl bindings for ØMQ using ffi ## ZMQ::FFI exposes a high level, transparent, OO interface to zeromq independent of the underlying libzmq version. Where semantics differ, it will dispatch to the appropriate backend for you. As it uses ffi, there is no dependency on XS or compilation. ZMQ::FFI is implemented using [FFI::Platypus](https://github.com/plicease/FFI-Platypus). ### EXAMPLES ### #### send/recv #### ```perl use 5.012; use ZMQ::FFI qw(ZMQ_REQ ZMQ_REP); my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$"; my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new(); my $s1 = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_REQ); $s1->connect($endpoint); my $s2 = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_REP); $s2->bind($endpoint); $s1->send('ohhai'); say $s2->recv(); # ohhai ``` #### pub/sub #### ```perl use 5.012; use ZMQ::FFI qw(ZMQ_PUB ZMQ_SUB); use Time::HiRes q(usleep); my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$"; my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new(); my $s = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_SUB); my $p = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_PUB); $s->connect($endpoint); $p->bind($endpoint); # all topics { $s->subscribe(''); until ($s->has_pollin) { # compensate for slow subscriber usleep 100_000; $p->send('ohhai'); } say $s->recv(); # ohhai $s->unsubscribe(''); } # specific topics { $s->subscribe('topic1'); $s->subscribe('topic2'); until ($s->has_pollin) { usleep 100_000; $p->send('topic1 ohhai'); $p->send('topic2 ohhai'); } while ($s->has_pollin) { say join ' ', $s->recv(); # topic1 ohhai # topic2 ohhai } } ``` #### multipart #### ```perl use 5.012; use ZMQ::FFI qw(ZMQ_DEALER ZMQ_ROUTER); my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$"; my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new(); my $d = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_DEALER); $d->set_identity('dealer'); my $r = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_ROUTER); $d->connect($endpoint); $r->bind($endpoint); $d->send_multipart([qw(ABC DEF GHI)]); say join ' ', $r->recv_multipart; # dealer ABC DEF GHI ``` #### nonblocking #### ```perl use 5.012; use ZMQ::FFI qw(ZMQ_PUSH ZMQ_PULL); use AnyEvent; use EV; my $endpoint = "ipc://zmq-ffi-$$"; my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new(); my @messages = qw(foo bar baz); my $pull = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_PULL); $pull->bind($endpoint); my $fd = $pull->get_fd(); my $recv = 0; my $w = AE::io $fd, 0, sub { while ( $pull->has_pollin ) { say $pull->recv(); # foo, bar, baz $recv++; if ($recv == 3) { EV::break(); } } }; my $push = $ctx->socket(ZMQ_PUSH); $push->connect($endpoint); my $sent = 0; my $t; $t = AE::timer 0, .1, sub { $push->send($messages[$sent]); $sent++; if ($sent == 3) { undef $t; } }; EV::run(); ``` #### specifying versions #### ```perl use ZMQ::FFI; # 2.x context my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new( soname => 'libzmq.so.1' ); my ($major, $minor, $patch) = $ctx->version; # 3.x context my $ctx = ZMQ::FFI->new( soname => 'libzmq.so.3' ); my ($major, $minor, $patch) = $ctx->version; ``` ### INSTALL ### cpanm -v ZMQ::FFI ### BUILD ### A docker image is provided with a pre-configured testing environment. To test the module: ./docker-run dzil test To build a dist tarball: ./docker-run dzil build To clean build artifacts: ./docker-run dzil clean Tests will run against every stable version of zeromq as well as master. If you would like an interactive shell inside the container run `./docker-shell` If you would prefer a native local setup refer to the Dockerfile and translate the setup steps accordingly for your distribution/platform (I personally use the docker container, and this is also how tests run under Travis). ### DOCUMENTATION ### https://metacpan.org/module/ZMQ::FFI