# Contributing to Zonemaster::LDNS Contribution to this repository is welcome. Contribution can be either an issue report or a code or a documentation update. Also see the information in the [main README][Zonemaster/Zonemaster README] in the main Zonemaster respository. ## Issue First search for a similar issue in the [issues list]. If a relevant issue is found, add your information as a comment. If no relevant issue is found, create [a new issue][create issue]. Give as many details as you have and describe, if possible, how the issue can be reproduced. ## Pull request If you would like to contribute an update, first please look for issues and open [pull requests] that are about the same thing. If nothing relevant is found or you have a different solution, create [a new pull request][create pull request]. Creating a pull request assumes that you have your proposal in a fork repository. When you create a pull request, please always start with the `develop` branch and create the pull request against the same branch. [issues list]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster-ldns/issues [create issue]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster-ldns/issues/new [pull requests]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster-ldns/pulls [create pull request]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster-ldns/compare [Zonemaster/Zonemaster README]: https://github.com/zonemaster/zonemaster#readme