use inc::Module::Install; use Devel::CheckLib; use Getopt::Long; use File::Spec::Functions; BEGIN { if ( $Module::Install::AUTHOR ) { use Module::Install::XSUtil; } } name 'Zonemaster-LDNS'; all_from 'lib/Zonemaster/'; repository ''; bugtracker ''; =head1 Optional features =over =item --[no-]ed25519 Enable (or disable) support for Ed25519 in both openssl and ldns. Enabled by default. =item --[no-]idn Enable (or disable) support for converting IDN labels in U-label format (with non-ASCII Unicode characters) to the same IDN labels in A-label format (encoded in ASCII). Enabled by default. =item --[no-]internal-ldns When enabled, an included version of ldns is statically linked into Zonemaster::LDNS. When disabled, libldns is dynamically linked just like other dependencies. Enabled by default. =item --[no-]randomize Experimental. Randomizes the capitalization of returned domain names. Disabled by default. =item --prefix-openssl=PATH Search for OpenSSL headers and libraries in PATH. The LDNS script will look for an "include" and a "lib" folder. =item --openssl-inc=PATH Search for OpenSSL include in PATH. The PATH is passed to the LDNS compiler via the CFLAGS variable. =item --openssl-lib=PATH Search for OpenSSL library in PATH. The PATH is passed to the LDNS compiler via the LDFLAGS variable. =item --libidn-inc=PATH Search for Libidn include in PATH. =item --libidn-lib=PATH Search for Libidn library in PATH. =item --ldns-inc=PATH Search for LDNS include in PATH. =item --ldns-lib=PATH Search for LDNS library in PATH. =item --debug Enable debug mode, more verbose output. =back =cut my $opt_ed25519 = 1; my $opt_idn = 1; my $opt_internal_ldns = 1; my $opt_randomize = 0; my $opt_debug = 0; my $opt_assets = { openssl => { prefix => "", inc => "", lib => "" }, ldns => { inc => "", lib => "" }, libidn => { inc => "", lib => "" } }; GetOptions( 'ed25519!' => \$opt_ed25519, 'idn!' => \$opt_idn, 'internal-ldns!' => \$opt_internal_ldns, 'randomize!' => \$opt_randomize, 'debug!' => \$opt_debug, 'prefix-openssl=s' => \$$opt_assets{openssl}{prefix}, 'openssl-inc=s' => \$$opt_assets{openssl}{inc}, 'openssl-lib=s' => \$$opt_assets{openssl}{lib}, 'libidn-inc=s' => \$$opt_assets{libidn}{inc}, 'libidn-lib=s' => \$$opt_assets{libidn}{lib}, 'ldns-inc=s' => \$$opt_assets{ldns}{inc}, 'ldns-lib=s' => \$$opt_assets{ldns}{lib}, ); configure_requires 'Devel::CheckLib'; configure_requires 'Module::Install' => 1.19; configure_requires 'Module::Install::XSUtil'; test_requires 'JSON::PP'; test_requires 'Test::Fatal'; test_requires 'Test::More' => 1.302015; use_ppport 3.19; cc_include_paths 'include'; cc_src_paths 'src'; my %assert_lib_args = ( openssl => {}, libidn => {}, ldns => {} ); sub custom_assets { my ( $href ) = @_; # $href = { key => "openssl", lib => "crypto", name => "OpenSSL" } my $key = $$href{key}; my $name = $$href{name}; my $lib = $$href{lib}; my $input_prefix = $$opt_assets{$key}{prefix}; my $input_inc = $$opt_assets{$key}{inc}; my $input_lib = $$opt_assets{$key}{lib}; my $custom_lib = ( $input_prefix or $input_inc or $input_lib ); if ( $custom_lib ) { my $incpath = ""; my $libpath = ""; if ( $input_prefix ) { print "Custom prefix for $name: $input_prefix\n"; $incpath = "$input_prefix/include"; $libpath = "$input_prefix/lib"; } if ( $input_inc ) { print "Custom include directory for $name: $input_inc\n"; $incpath = "$input_inc"; } if ( $input_lib ) { print "Custom library directory for $name: $input_lib\n"; $libpath = "$input_lib"; } cc_include_paths "$incpath"; cc_libs "-L$libpath", "$lib"; $assert_lib_args{$key}{incpath} = "$incpath"; $assert_lib_args{$key}{libpath} = "$libpath"; } else { cc_libs "$lib"; } } # OpenSSL custom_assets( { name => "OpenSSL", lib => "crypto", key => "openssl" } ); cc_assert_lib( debug => $opt_debug, lib => 'crypto', header => 'openssl/crypto.h', function => 'if(SSLeay()) return 0; else return 1;', %{ $assert_lib_args{openssl} }, ); if ( $opt_ed25519 ) { print "Feature Ed25519 enabled\n"; cc_assert_lib( debug => $opt_debug, lib => 'crypto', header => 'openssl/evp.h', function => 'EVP_PKEY_ED25519; return 0;', %{ $assert_lib_args{openssl} }, ); } else { print "Feature Ed25519 disabled\n"; } # LDNS and NSID my $ldns_has_nsid; if ( $opt_internal_ldns ) { print "Feature internal ldns enabled\n"; cc_libs '-Lldns/lib'; cc_include_paths 'ldns'; $ldns_has_nsid = 1; } else { print "Feature internal ldns disabled\n"; custom_assets( { name => "LDNS", lib => "ldns", key => "ldns" } ); if ( $opt_ed25519 ) { cc_assert_lib( debug => $opt_debug, lib => 'ldns', header => 'ldns/ldns.h', %{ $assert_lib_args{ldns} }, ccflags => '-DUSE_ED25519', function => 'if(LDNS_ED25519) return 0; else return 1;' ); } # NSID feature requires LDNS version >= 1.8.2 $ldns_has_nsid = check_lib( debug => $opt_debug, lib => 'ldns', header => 'ldns/util.h', %{ $assert_lib_args{ldns} }, function => 'if ( LDNS_REVISION >= ((1<<16)|(8<<8)|(2)) ) return 0; else return 1;' ); } if ( $ldns_has_nsid ) { print "Feature NSID enabled\n"; cc_define '-DNSID_SUPPORT'; } else { print "Feature NSID disabled\n"; } # Libidn if ( $opt_idn ) { print "Feature idn enabled\n"; custom_assets( { name => "Libidn", lib => "idn2", key => "libidn" } ); check_lib_or_exit( debug => $opt_debug, lib => 'idn2', header => 'idn2.h', %{ $assert_lib_args{libidn} }, function => 'return IDN2_OK;' ); cc_define '-DWE_CAN_HAZ_IDN'; } else { print "Feature idn disabled\n"; } # Internals if ( $opt_randomize ) { print "Feature randomized capitalization enabled\n"; cc_define '-DRANDOMIZE'; } else { print "Feature randomized capitalization disabled\n"; } sub MY::postamble { my $contributors_make = <<'END_CONTRIBUTORS'; CONTRIBUTORS.txt: @( \ echo "This module is based on the ldns library from NLnet Labs " ; \ echo ; \ echo "Contributors to this module:" ; \ git shortlog -sne | cut -b8- \ ) >| CONTRIBUTORS.txt END_CONTRIBUTORS my $docker_make = <<'END_DOCKER'; docker-build: docker build --tag zonemaster/ldns:local --build-arg version=$(VERSION) . docker-tag-version: docker tag zonemaster/ldns:local zonemaster/ldns:$(VERSION) docker-tag-latest: docker tag zonemaster/ldns:local zonemaster/ldns:latest END_DOCKER my $configure_flags_make = <<'END_CONFIGURE_FLAGS'; CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-ldns-config --disable-dane END_CONFIGURE_FLAGS my $openssl_make = <MM::test_via_harness(@_); s/\bPERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 +//g; return $_; } sub MY::test_via_script { local $_ = shift()->MM::test_via_script(@_); s/\bPERL_DL_NON_LAZY=1 +//g; return $_; } WriteAll;