=== Configure, build and install GNU ZRTP 1.4.x === After uninstalling the prevoius version you can build and install the new version. Building and installation of the GNU ZRTP 1.1.0 uses the usual triplet of ''./configure; make; sudo make install''. By default GNU ZRTP install its files into the ''/usr/local'' hierarchy. Don't forget to run ''/sbin/ldconfig'' if you use the ''make install''. Some distributions may offer GNU ZRTP packets and it is usally much simpler and more safe to use the preconfigured packets than to build the software from the source. Don't forget to install the ''developer'' packets if you plan to develop or if you already developed own application that use GNU ZRTP. If you need to re-create the ''configure'' and the Makefiles then just use your system's ''autoreconf'' command to re-create these files. No specific reconfiguration script is necessary. After installation of GNU ZRTP you need to adapt your applications and re-compile and re-build them.