/* This class maps the ZRTP C calls to ZRTP C++ methods. Copyright (C) 2010 Werner Dittmann This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int32_t zrtp_initZidFile(const char* zidFilename); ZrtpContext* zrtp_CreateWrapper() { ZrtpContext* zc = new ZrtpContext; zc->configure = 0; zc->zrtpEngine = 0; zc->zrtpCallback = 0; return zc; } void zrtp_initializeZrtpEngine(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, zrtp_Callbacks *cb, const char* id, const char* zidFilename, void* userData, int32_t mitmMode) { std::string clientIdString(id); zrtpContext->zrtpCallback = new ZrtpCallbackWrapper(cb, zrtpContext); zrtpContext->userData = userData; if (zrtpContext->configure == 0) { zrtpContext->configure = new ZrtpConfigure(); zrtpContext->configure->setStandardConfig(); } // Initialize ZID file (cache) and get my own ZID zrtp_initZidFile(zidFilename); ZIDFile* zf = ZIDFile::getInstance(); const unsigned char* myZid = zf->getZid(); zrtpContext->zrtpEngine = new ZRtp((uint8_t*)myZid, zrtpContext->zrtpCallback, clientIdString, zrtpContext->configure, mitmMode == 0 ? false : true); } void zrtp_DestroyWrapper(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext == NULL) return; delete zrtpContext->zrtpEngine; zrtpContext->zrtpEngine = NULL; delete zrtpContext->zrtpCallback; zrtpContext->zrtpCallback = NULL; delete zrtpContext->configure; zrtpContext->configure = NULL; delete zrtpContext; } static int32_t zrtp_initZidFile(const char* zidFilename) { ZIDFile* zf = ZIDFile::getInstance(); if (!zf->isOpen()) { std::string fname; if (zidFilename == NULL) { char *home = getenv("HOME"); std::string baseDir = (home != NULL) ? (std::string(home) + std::string("/.")) : std::string("."); fname = baseDir + std::string("GNUccRTP.zid"); zidFilename = fname.c_str(); } return zf->open((char *)zidFilename); } return 0; } int32_t zrtp_CheckCksum(uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t temp, uint32_t crc) { return zrtpCheckCksum(buffer, temp, crc); } uint32_t zrtp_GenerateCksum(uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t temp) { return zrtpGenerateCksum(buffer, temp); } uint32_t zrtp_EndCksum(uint32_t crc) { return zrtpEndCksum(crc); } /* * Applications use the following methods to control ZRTP, for example * to enable ZRTP, set flags etc. */ void zrtp_startZrtpEngine(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->startZrtpEngine(); } void zrtp_stopZrtpEngine(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->stopZrtp(); } void zrtp_processZrtpMessage(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, uint8_t *extHeader, uint32_t peerSSRC) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->processZrtpMessage(extHeader, peerSSRC); } void zrtp_processTimeout(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->processTimeout(); } //int32_t zrtp_handleGoClear(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, uint8_t *extHeader) //{ // if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) // return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->handleGoClear(extHeader) ? 1 : 0; // // return 0; //} void zrtp_setAuxSecret(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, uint8_t* data, int32_t length) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->setAuxSecret(data, length); } int32_t zrtp_inState(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, int32_t state) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->inState(state) ? 1 : 0; return 0; } void zrtp_SASVerified(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->SASVerified(); } void zrtp_resetSASVerified(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->resetSASVerified(); } char* zrtp_getHelloHash(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { std::string ret; if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) ret = zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getHelloHash(); else return NULL; if (ret.size() == 0) return NULL; char* retval = (char*)malloc(ret.size()+1); strcpy(retval, ret.c_str()); return retval; } char* zrtp_getPeerHelloHash(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { std::string ret; if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) ret = zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getPeerHelloHash(); else return NULL; if (ret.size() == 0) return NULL; char* retval = (char*)malloc(ret.size()+1); strcpy(retval, ret.c_str()); return retval; } char* zrtp_getMultiStrParams(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, int32_t *length) { std::string ret; *length = 0; if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) ret = zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getMultiStrParams(); else return NULL; if (ret.size() == 0) return NULL; *length = ret.size(); char* retval = (char*) malloc(ret.size()); ret.copy(retval, ret.size(), 0); return retval; } void zrtp_setMultiStrParams(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, char* parameters, int32_t length) { if (!zrtpContext || !zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return; if (parameters == NULL) return; std::string str(""); str.assign(parameters, length); // set chars (bytes) to the string zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->setMultiStrParams(str); } int32_t zrtp_isMultiStream(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->isMultiStream() ? 1 : 0; return 0; } int32_t zrtp_isMultiStreamAvailable(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->isMultiStreamAvailable() ? 1 : 0; return 0; } void zrtp_acceptEnrollment(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, int32_t accepted) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->acceptEnrollment(accepted == 0 ? false : true); } int32_t zrtp_isEnrollmentMode(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->isEnrollmentMode() ? 1 : 0; return 0; } void zrtp_setEnrollmentMode(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, int32_t enrollmentMode) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->setEnrollmentMode(enrollmentMode == 0 ? false : true); } int32_t isPeerEnrolled(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->isPeerEnrolled() ? 1 : 0; return 0; } int32_t zrtp_sendSASRelayPacket(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, uint8_t* sh, char* render) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) { std::string rn(render); return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->sendSASRelayPacket(sh, rn) ? 1 : 0; } return 0; } const char* zrtp_getSasType(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) { std::string rn = zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getSasType(); return rn.c_str(); } return NULL; } uint8_t* zrtp_getSasHash(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getSasHash(); return NULL; } int32_t zrtp_setSignatureData(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, uint8_t* data, int32_t length) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->setSignatureData(data, length) ? 1 : 0; return 0; } const uint8_t* zrtp_getSignatureData(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getSignatureData(); return 0; } int32_t zrtp_getSignatureLength(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getSignatureLength(); return 0; } void zrtp_conf2AckSecure(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->conf2AckSecure(); } int32_t zrtp_getPeerZid(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, uint8_t* data) { if (data == NULL) return 0; if (zrtpContext && zrtpContext->zrtpEngine) return zrtpContext->zrtpEngine->getPeerZid(data); return 0; } /* * The following methods wrap the ZRTP Configure functions */ int32_t zrtp_InitializeConfig (ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { zrtpContext->configure = new ZrtpConfigure(); return 1; } static EnumBase* getEnumBase(zrtp_AlgoTypes type) { switch(type) { case zrtp_HashAlgorithm: return &zrtpHashes; break; case zrtp_CipherAlgorithm: return &zrtpSymCiphers; break; case zrtp_PubKeyAlgorithm: return &zrtpPubKeys; break; case zrtp_SasType: return &zrtpSasTypes; break; case zrtp_AuthLength: return &zrtpAuthLengths; break; default: return NULL; } } char** zrtp_getAlgorithmNames(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, Zrtp_AlgoTypes type) { std::list* names = NULL; EnumBase* base = getEnumBase(type); if (!base) return NULL; names = base->getAllNames(); int size = base->getSize(); char** cNames = new char* [size+1]; cNames[size] = NULL; std::list::iterator b = names->begin(); std::list::iterator e = names->end(); for (int i = 0; b != e; b++, i++) { cNames[i] = new char [(*b).size()+1]; strcpy(cNames[i], (*b).c_str()); } return cNames; } void zrtp_freeAlgorithmNames(char** names) { if (!names) return; for (char** cp = names; *cp; cp++) delete *cp; delete names; } void zrtp_setStandardConfig(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { zrtpContext->configure->setStandardConfig(); } void zrtp_setMandatoryOnly(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { zrtpContext->configure->setMandatoryOnly(); } int32_t zrtp_addAlgo(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, zrtp_AlgoTypes algoType, const char* algo) { EnumBase* base = getEnumBase(algoType); AlgorithmEnum& a = base->getByName(algo); return zrtpContext->configure->addAlgo((AlgoTypes)algoType, a); } int32_t zrtp_addAlgoAt(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, zrtp_AlgoTypes algoType, const char* algo, int32_t index) { EnumBase* base = getEnumBase(algoType); AlgorithmEnum& a = base->getByName(algo); return zrtpContext->configure->addAlgoAt((AlgoTypes)algoType, a, index); } int32_t zrtp_removeAlgo(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, zrtp_AlgoTypes algoType, const char* algo) { EnumBase* base = getEnumBase(algoType); AlgorithmEnum& a = base->getByName(algo); return zrtpContext->configure->removeAlgo((AlgoTypes)algoType, a); } int32_t zrtp_getNumConfiguredAlgos(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, zrtp_AlgoTypes algoType) { return zrtpContext->configure->getNumConfiguredAlgos((AlgoTypes)algoType); } const char* zrtp_getAlgoAt(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, Zrtp_AlgoTypes algoType, int32_t index) { AlgorithmEnum& a = zrtpContext->configure->getAlgoAt((AlgoTypes)algoType, index); return a.getName(); } int32_t zrtp_containsAlgo(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, Zrtp_AlgoTypes algoType, const char* algo) { EnumBase* base = getEnumBase(algoType); AlgorithmEnum& a = base->getByName(algo); return zrtpContext->configure->containsAlgo((AlgoTypes)algoType, a) ? 1 : 0; } void zrtp_setTrustedMitM(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, int32_t yesNo) { zrtpContext->configure->setTrustedMitM(yesNo ? true : false); } int32_t zrtp_isTrustedMitM(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { return zrtpContext->configure->isTrustedMitM() ? 1 : 0; } void zrtp_setSasSignature(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext, int32_t yesNo) { zrtpContext->configure->setSasSignature(yesNo ? true : false); } int32_t zrtp_isSasSignature(ZrtpContext* zrtpContext) { return zrtpContext->configure->isSasSignature() ? 1 : 0; }