#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import os import shutil import socket import subprocess from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from initdutils import load_lsbinstall_info, save_lsbinstall_info # These keep getting revised... *sigh* objecttypes = ( #'init', 'profile', 'service', 'inet', # XXX - reenable when implemented #'crontab', #'man' ) def installed_message(objectname): print(objectname, 'is installed') def handle_generic_install(options, args, location, showinstloc=False): filename = args[0] basename = os.path.basename(filename) instloc = os.path.join(location, basename) package = args.package filemap = load_lsbinstall_info() fileinfo = filemap.get((package, filename)) if options.check: if fileinfo and os.path.exists(fileinfo): installed_message(fileinfo) return else: sys.exit(1) elif options.remove: if os.path.exists(fileinfo): try: os.unlink(fileinfo) except OSError as why: print('Removal of %s failed: %s' % ( instloc, str(why)), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Remove it from the database, even if it was previously removed del filemap[(package, filename)] save_lsbinstall_info(filemap) return if os.path.exists(instloc) and options.package: instloc = os.path.join(location, '%s.%s' % (options.package, basename)) if os.path.exists(instloc): print('Unable to install %s: %s exists' % ( filename, instloc), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(location): try: os.makedirs(location) except OSError as why: print('Unable to create %s to install %s: %s' % ( location, filename, str(why)), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: shutil.copy2(filename, instloc) except (IOError, os.error) as why: print('Installation of %s as %s failed: %s' % ( filename, instloc, str(why)), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if showinstloc: print(instloc) filemap[(package, filename)] = instloc save_lsbinstall_info(filemap) def handle_service(options, args): # LSB says we don't actually have to remove these things... if options.remove: sys.exit(0) pkg = options.package or '' try: pproto = args[0] port, proto = pproto.split('/', 1) port = int(port) except ValueError: print('You must specify a port/protocol pair as the first argument.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) if options.check: try: serv = socket.getservbyport(port, proto) except socket.error: sys.exit(1) print('%d/%s corresponds to service %s' % (port, proto, serv)) return sname = args[1] saliases = args[2:] try: serv = socket.getservbyport(port, proto) except socket.error: serv = None if serv: # Editing existing service fpin = open('/etc/services') fpout = NamedTemporaryFile('w', prefix='services-', dir='/etc') newfname = fpout.name for line in fpin: line = line.rstrip() if not line.startswith('#'): lcomment = '' if '#' in line: line, lcomment = line.split('#', 1) bits = line.split(None, 2) lname, lpproto = bits[:2] laliases = [] if len(bits) > 2: laliases = bits[2].split() lport, lproto = lpproto.split('/') lport = int(lport) if lport == port and lproto == proto: # We've found the right line if name != lname: aliases += [name] for a in aliases: if a != lname and a not in laliases: laliases += [a] elif name == lname or name in laliases: # name shows up, but in wrong protocol/port print('Conflict between specified addition and /etc/services; aborting.', file=sys.stderr) fpout.close() os.unlink(newfname) sys.exit(1) endbits = '' if laliases: endbits = ' '.join(laliases) + ' ' if lcomment: endbits += '#'+lcomment line = '%15s %15s %s' % lname, lpproto, endbits line = line.rstrip() print(line, file=fpout) fpin.close() fpout.close() # Make sure /etc/services is always available shutil.copy2('/etc/services', '/etc/services~') os.rename(newfname, '/etc/services') return fp = open('/etc/services', 'a') print('%15s %15s %s # Added by lsbinstall for %s' % ( sname, pproto, ' '.join(saliases), pkg), file=fp) fp.close() def handle_inet(options, args, parser): cmd = 'update-inetd --group LSB ' alist = list(args[0].split(':')) if len(alist) < 2: parser.error("The operand must include a service and protocol.") return if not alist[1]: alist[1] = 'tcp' if options.remove: parts = r'%s\s+.*\s+%s\s+.*' % (re.escape(alist[0], alist[1])) cmd += '--remove '+subprocess.mkarg(parts) elif options.check: return else: if len(alist) != 6: parser.error('The operand must have six colon-separated arguments.') return newalist = [alist[0], alist[2], alist[1]] + alist[3:] cmd += '--add '+subprocess.mkarg('\t'.join(newalist)) os.system(cmd) pass def handle_man(options, args): # Try to figure out the man page section section = 1 location = '/usr/local/share/man/man%d/' % section handle_generic_install(options, args, location) def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser('usage: %prog [-r|-c] -t TYPE arguments...') parser.add_option('-c', '--check', dest="check", default=False, action="store_true", help='check whether or not an ' 'object of this type is already installed') parser.add_option('-r', '--remove', action="store_true", dest="remove", default=False, help='remove the named object') parser.add_option('-t', '--type', dest="type", type='choice', default=None, choices=objecttypes, help='type of object to be ' 'installed: one of %s' % ', '.join(objecttypes) ) parser.add_option('-p', '--package', dest="package", default=None, help='LSB package to operate on') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.error('You must specify at least one argument.') elif (options.remove or options.check) and len(args) > 1: parser.error('You may only specify one argument with --check or ' '--remove.') if not options.type: parser.error('You must specify an object type.') if not options.package and options.type not in ['service']: parser.error('You must specify a package with %s objects.' % options.type) if options.type == 'init': if len(args) > 1: parser.error('Only one argument supported for %s' % options.type) handle_generic_install(options, args, '/etc/init.d', showinstloc=True) elif options.type == 'profile': if len(args) > 1: parser.error('Only one argument supported for %s' % options.type) # profile.d does nothing on Debian... sigh handle_generic_install(options, args, '/etc/profile.d') elif options.type == 'service': if len(args) < 2 and not (options.remove or options.check): parser.error('You must specify at least two arguments when adding a service entry.') elif len(args) != 1 and (options.remove or options.check): parser.error('You must specify one argument when removing or checking a service entry.') handle_service(options, args) elif options.type == 'inet': handle_inet(options, args, parser) elif options.type == 'crontab': if len(args) > 1: parser.error('Only one argument supported for %s' % options.type) handle_generic_install(options, args, '/etc/cron.d') elif options.type == 'man': if len(args) > 1: parser.error('Only one argument supported for %s' % options.type) handle_man(options, args) else: print('Unsupported type %s' % options.type, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()