The m2300w Driver and Ghostscript ================================= The m2300w driver requires that Ghostscript is installed on the system (as /usr/bin/gs), and the correct operation of the driver heavily depends on the correct functioning of Ghostscript. Basically, the m2300w driver is supposed to work with different versions of Ghostscript: * GNU Ghostscript 7.xx * ESP Ghostscript 7.xx * AFPL Ghostscript 8.xx * and likely also with several other ones However, the color matching of the m2300w driver is based on CIE-based color rendering and PostScript level 3 color management features, which seem to work best with AFPL Ghostscript 8.xx. For printing of images, gs 8.xx also gives better color rendering, with e.g. less banding artifacts in color gradients. We've also encountered a few PostScript documents, which did not print correctly in conjunction with our driver framwork and gs 7.xx (due to an apparent bug in gs 7.xx), but which did work fine with gs 8.xx. But you shouldn't overestimate the latter problem, since every Ghostscript version is buggy, and gs 8.xx may have different bugs. We'll also attempt to find a workaround for this problem. Current Linux distributions usually include either GNU Ghostscript 7.xx or ESP Ghostscript 7.xx. The apparent reason why they do not include gs 8.xx yet, seems to be that AFPL Ghostscript 8.xx is not distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL, but under the terms of the AFPL license , which does not fit with the business models of Linux vendors. The AFPL license basically grants free usage, but limits redistribution. AFPL Ghostscript 8.xx is available from The drawback is, you need to compile it from the sources. If you are an experienced Linux guru, this won't be a problem for you. But if you are a Linux newbie and/or don't feel able to compile and install AFPL Ghostscript 8.xx yourself without help, then rather live with the ghostscript version that comes with your Linux distribution and DON'T consider upgrading ghostscript. Binary RPMs of AFPL Ghostscript 8.xx For the convenience of all m2300w users who do not want or do not have the know-how to build ghostscript from the sources, we have built a binary RPM package of AFPL Ghostscript 8.xx which we distribute below under the terms of the Aladdin Free Public License . Don't download the package, if you don't agree with the licensing terms. This RPM package was built on SuSE Linux 8.1, but it will likely also work with other Linux distributions which support packages in RPM format. It is considered as "goodie" and is not part of the m2300w driver. If the package works for you, then your're lucky, otherwise just don't use it and compile and install ghostscript 8.xx yourself, or live with the ghostscript version of your Linux distribution. The m2300w-ghostscript package only contains Ghostscript 8.xx, but it does not contain any fonts. Therefore you always need to install the ghostscript packages from your Linux distributions in additition to m2300w-ghostscript. If the m2300w-ghostscript package is installed, then the m2300w driver still executes /usr/bin/gs (from the Linux distribution) in order to locate the installed fonts, and then runs /usr/share/m2300w/gs/bin/gs to "rip" the PostScript documents. RPM Download: * ======================== !!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !!! ======================== Ghostscript is not part of the m2300w driver, but a separate product. In fact, it is a very complex product. It is maintained at Please understand, that we cannot and DO NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR GHOSTSCRIPT. So please don't ask the m2300w team for help if you e.g. attempt to build ghostscript from the sources and run into problems. Sorry for this inconvenience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last updated: 2004-06-29