/* File autogenerated by gengetopt version 2.22.6 generated with the following command: /usr/bin/gengetopt --input=options.ggo --unamed-opts --file-name=cmdline The developers of gengetopt consider the fixed text that goes in all gengetopt output files to be in the public domain: we make no copyright claims on it. */ /* If we use autoconf. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifndef FIX_UNUSED #define FIX_UNUSED(X) (void) (X) /* avoid warnings for unused params */ #endif #include #include "cmdline.h" const char *gengetopt_args_info_purpose = "Takes screenshots."; const char *gengetopt_args_info_usage = "Usage: maim [options] [file]"; const char *gengetopt_args_info_versiontext = "Copyright (C) 2014 Dalton Nell, Maim Contributors\n(https://github.com/naelstrof/maim/graphs/contributors)"; const char *gengetopt_args_info_description = "maim (Make Image) is a utility that takes screenshots of your desktop using\nimlib2. It's meant to overcome shortcomings of scrot and performs better than\nscrot in several ways."; const char *gengetopt_args_info_help[] = { " --help Print help and exit", " -V, --version Print version and exit", "Options", " --xdisplay=hostname:number.screen_number\n Sets the x display.", " -s, --select Enables user region selection. Requires slop to\n be installed. (default=off)", " -x, --x=INT Sets the x coordinate for taking an image", " -y, --y=INT Sets the y coordinate for taking an image", " -w, --w=INT Sets the width for taking an image", " -h, --h=INT Sets the height for taking an image", " -g, --geometry=WxH+X+Y Set the region to capture", " -d, --delay=FLOAT Set the amount of time to wait before taking an\n image. (default=`0.0')", " -i, --windowid=INT Set the window to capture. Defaults to the root\n window id.", " --localize Localizes given geometry to the given window.\n So \"maim -i $ID -g 100x100+0+0 --localize\"\n would screenshot the top-left 100x100 pixels\n of the given window, rather than the top-left\n 100x100 pixels of the root window.\n (default=off)", " --hidecursor Prevents the system cursor from showing up in\n screenshots. (default=off)", " -m, --mask=STRING Masks off-screen pixels so they don't show up\n in screenshots. (possible values=\"auto\",\n \"off\", \"on\" default=`auto')", "\nSlop Options", " --nokeyboard Disables the ability to cancel selections with\n the keyboard. (default=off)", " -b, --bordersize=INT Set the selection rectangle's thickness. Does\n nothing when --highlight is enabled.\n (default=`5')", " -p, --padding=INT Set the padding size of the selection. Can be\n negative. (default=`0')", " -t, --tolerance=INT How far in pixels the mouse can move after\n clicking and still be detected as a normal\n click instead of a click and drag. Setting\n this to 0 will disable window selections.\n (default=`2')", " --gracetime=FLOAT Set the amount of time before slop will check\n for keyboard cancellations in seconds.\n (default=`0.4')", " -c, --color=FLOAT,FLOAT,FLOAT,FLOAT\n Set the selection rectangle's color. Supports\n RGB or RGBA values.\n (default=`0.5,0.5,0.5,1')", " -n, --nodecorations Attempt to select child windows in order to\n avoid window decorations. (default=off)", " --min=INT Set the minimum output of width or height\n values. This is useful to avoid outputting 0.\n Setting min and max to the same value\n disables drag selections. (default=`0')", " --max=INT Set the maximum output of width or height\n values. Setting min and max to the same value\n disables drag selections. (default=`0')", " -l, --highlight Instead of outlining selections, slop\n highlights it. This is only useful when\n --color is set to a transparent color.\n (default=off)", "\nExamples\n $ # Screenshot the active window\n $ maim -i $(xdotool getactivewindow)\n\n $ # Prompt a transparent red selection to screenshot.\n $ maim -s -c 1,0,0,0.6\n\n $ # Save a dated screenshot.\n $ maim ~/$(date +%F-%T).png\n", 0 }; typedef enum {ARG_NO , ARG_FLAG , ARG_STRING , ARG_INT } cmdline_parser_arg_type; static void clear_given (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info); static void clear_args (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info); static int cmdline_parser_internal (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, struct cmdline_parser_params *params, const char *additional_error); const char *cmdline_parser_mask_values[] = {"auto", "off", "on", 0}; /*< Possible values for mask. */ static char * gengetopt_strdup (const char *s); static void clear_given (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { args_info->help_given = 0 ; args_info->version_given = 0 ; args_info->xdisplay_given = 0 ; args_info->select_given = 0 ; args_info->x_given = 0 ; args_info->y_given = 0 ; args_info->w_given = 0 ; args_info->h_given = 0 ; args_info->geometry_given = 0 ; args_info->delay_given = 0 ; args_info->windowid_given = 0 ; args_info->localize_given = 0 ; args_info->hidecursor_given = 0 ; args_info->mask_given = 0 ; args_info->nokeyboard_given = 0 ; args_info->bordersize_given = 0 ; args_info->padding_given = 0 ; args_info->tolerance_given = 0 ; args_info->gracetime_given = 0 ; args_info->color_given = 0 ; args_info->nodecorations_given = 0 ; args_info->min_given = 0 ; args_info->max_given = 0 ; args_info->highlight_given = 0 ; } static void clear_args (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { FIX_UNUSED (args_info); args_info->xdisplay_arg = NULL; args_info->xdisplay_orig = NULL; args_info->select_flag = 0; args_info->x_orig = NULL; args_info->y_orig = NULL; args_info->w_orig = NULL; args_info->h_orig = NULL; args_info->geometry_arg = NULL; args_info->geometry_orig = NULL; args_info->delay_arg = gengetopt_strdup ("0.0"); args_info->delay_orig = NULL; args_info->windowid_orig = NULL; args_info->localize_flag = 0; args_info->hidecursor_flag = 0; args_info->mask_arg = gengetopt_strdup ("auto"); args_info->mask_orig = NULL; args_info->nokeyboard_flag = 0; args_info->bordersize_arg = 5; args_info->bordersize_orig = NULL; args_info->padding_arg = 0; args_info->padding_orig = NULL; args_info->tolerance_arg = 2; args_info->tolerance_orig = NULL; args_info->gracetime_arg = gengetopt_strdup ("0.4"); args_info->gracetime_orig = NULL; args_info->color_arg = gengetopt_strdup ("0.5,0.5,0.5,1"); args_info->color_orig = NULL; args_info->nodecorations_flag = 0; args_info->min_arg = 0; args_info->min_orig = NULL; args_info->max_arg = 0; args_info->max_orig = NULL; args_info->highlight_flag = 0; } static void init_args_info(struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { args_info->help_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[0] ; args_info->version_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[1] ; args_info->xdisplay_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[3] ; args_info->select_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[4] ; args_info->x_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[5] ; args_info->y_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[6] ; args_info->w_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[7] ; args_info->h_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[8] ; args_info->geometry_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[9] ; args_info->delay_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[10] ; args_info->windowid_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[11] ; args_info->localize_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[12] ; args_info->hidecursor_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[13] ; args_info->mask_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[14] ; args_info->nokeyboard_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[16] ; args_info->bordersize_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[17] ; args_info->padding_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[18] ; args_info->tolerance_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[19] ; args_info->gracetime_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[20] ; args_info->color_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[21] ; args_info->nodecorations_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[22] ; args_info->min_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[23] ; args_info->max_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[24] ; args_info->highlight_help = gengetopt_args_info_help[25] ; } void cmdline_parser_print_version (void) { printf ("%s %s\n", (strlen(CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE_NAME) ? CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE_NAME : CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE), CMDLINE_PARSER_VERSION); if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_versiontext) > 0) printf("\n%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_versiontext); } static void print_help_common(void) { cmdline_parser_print_version (); if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_purpose) > 0) printf("\n%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_purpose); if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_usage) > 0) printf("\n%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_usage); printf("\n"); if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_description) > 0) printf("%s\n\n", gengetopt_args_info_description); } void cmdline_parser_print_help (void) { int i = 0; print_help_common(); while (gengetopt_args_info_help[i]) printf("%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_help[i++]); } void cmdline_parser_init (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { clear_given (args_info); clear_args (args_info); init_args_info (args_info); args_info->inputs = 0; args_info->inputs_num = 0; } void cmdline_parser_params_init(struct cmdline_parser_params *params) { if (params) { params->override = 0; params->initialize = 1; params->check_required = 1; params->check_ambiguity = 0; params->print_errors = 1; } } struct cmdline_parser_params * cmdline_parser_params_create(void) { struct cmdline_parser_params *params = (struct cmdline_parser_params *)malloc(sizeof(struct cmdline_parser_params)); cmdline_parser_params_init(params); return params; } static void free_string_field (char **s) { if (*s) { free (*s); *s = 0; } } static void cmdline_parser_release (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { unsigned int i; free_string_field (&(args_info->xdisplay_arg)); free_string_field (&(args_info->xdisplay_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->x_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->y_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->w_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->h_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->geometry_arg)); free_string_field (&(args_info->geometry_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->delay_arg)); free_string_field (&(args_info->delay_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->windowid_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->mask_arg)); free_string_field (&(args_info->mask_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->bordersize_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->padding_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->tolerance_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->gracetime_arg)); free_string_field (&(args_info->gracetime_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->color_arg)); free_string_field (&(args_info->color_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->min_orig)); free_string_field (&(args_info->max_orig)); for (i = 0; i < args_info->inputs_num; ++i) free (args_info->inputs [i]); if (args_info->inputs_num) free (args_info->inputs); clear_given (args_info); } /** * @param val the value to check * @param values the possible values * @return the index of the matched value: * -1 if no value matched, * -2 if more than one value has matched */ static int check_possible_values(const char *val, const char *values[]) { int i, found, last; size_t len; if (!val) /* otherwise strlen() crashes below */ return -1; /* -1 means no argument for the option */ found = last = 0; for (i = 0, len = strlen(val); values[i]; ++i) { if (strncmp(val, values[i], len) == 0) { ++found; last = i; if (strlen(values[i]) == len) return i; /* exact macth no need to check more */ } } if (found == 1) /* one match: OK */ return last; return (found ? -2 : -1); /* return many values or none matched */ } static void write_into_file(FILE *outfile, const char *opt, const char *arg, const char *values[]) { int found = -1; if (arg) { if (values) { found = check_possible_values(arg, values); } if (found >= 0) fprintf(outfile, "%s=\"%s\" # %s\n", opt, arg, values[found]); else fprintf(outfile, "%s=\"%s\"\n", opt, arg); } else { fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", opt); } } int cmdline_parser_dump(FILE *outfile, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { int i = 0; if (!outfile) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot dump options to stream\n", CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (args_info->help_given) write_into_file(outfile, "help", 0, 0 ); if (args_info->version_given) write_into_file(outfile, "version", 0, 0 ); if (args_info->xdisplay_given) write_into_file(outfile, "xdisplay", args_info->xdisplay_orig, 0); if (args_info->select_given) write_into_file(outfile, "select", 0, 0 ); if (args_info->x_given) write_into_file(outfile, "x", args_info->x_orig, 0); if (args_info->y_given) write_into_file(outfile, "y", args_info->y_orig, 0); if (args_info->w_given) write_into_file(outfile, "w", args_info->w_orig, 0); if (args_info->h_given) write_into_file(outfile, "h", args_info->h_orig, 0); if (args_info->geometry_given) write_into_file(outfile, "geometry", args_info->geometry_orig, 0); if (args_info->delay_given) write_into_file(outfile, "delay", args_info->delay_orig, 0); if (args_info->windowid_given) write_into_file(outfile, "windowid", args_info->windowid_orig, 0); if (args_info->localize_given) write_into_file(outfile, "localize", 0, 0 ); if (args_info->hidecursor_given) write_into_file(outfile, "hidecursor", 0, 0 ); if (args_info->mask_given) write_into_file(outfile, "mask", args_info->mask_orig, cmdline_parser_mask_values); if (args_info->nokeyboard_given) write_into_file(outfile, "nokeyboard", 0, 0 ); if (args_info->bordersize_given) write_into_file(outfile, "bordersize", args_info->bordersize_orig, 0); if (args_info->padding_given) write_into_file(outfile, "padding", args_info->padding_orig, 0); if (args_info->tolerance_given) write_into_file(outfile, "tolerance", args_info->tolerance_orig, 0); if (args_info->gracetime_given) write_into_file(outfile, "gracetime", args_info->gracetime_orig, 0); if (args_info->color_given) write_into_file(outfile, "color", args_info->color_orig, 0); if (args_info->nodecorations_given) write_into_file(outfile, "nodecorations", 0, 0 ); if (args_info->min_given) write_into_file(outfile, "min", args_info->min_orig, 0); if (args_info->max_given) write_into_file(outfile, "max", args_info->max_orig, 0); if (args_info->highlight_given) write_into_file(outfile, "highlight", 0, 0 ); i = EXIT_SUCCESS; return i; } int cmdline_parser_file_save(const char *filename, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { FILE *outfile; int i = 0; outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!outfile) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open file for writing: %s\n", CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE, filename); return EXIT_FAILURE; } i = cmdline_parser_dump(outfile, args_info); fclose (outfile); return i; } void cmdline_parser_free (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { cmdline_parser_release (args_info); } /** @brief replacement of strdup, which is not standard */ char * gengetopt_strdup (const char *s) { char *result = 0; if (!s) return result; result = (char*)malloc(strlen(s) + 1); if (result == (char*)0) return (char*)0; strcpy(result, s); return result; } int cmdline_parser (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info) { return cmdline_parser2 (argc, argv, args_info, 0, 1, 1); } int cmdline_parser_ext (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, struct cmdline_parser_params *params) { int result; result = cmdline_parser_internal (argc, argv, args_info, params, 0); if (result == EXIT_FAILURE) { cmdline_parser_free (args_info); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } return result; } int cmdline_parser2 (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, int override, int initialize, int check_required) { int result; struct cmdline_parser_params params; params.override = override; params.initialize = initialize; params.check_required = check_required; params.check_ambiguity = 0; params.print_errors = 1; result = cmdline_parser_internal (argc, argv, args_info, ¶ms, 0); if (result == EXIT_FAILURE) { cmdline_parser_free (args_info); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } return result; } int cmdline_parser_required (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, const char *prog_name) { FIX_UNUSED (args_info); FIX_UNUSED (prog_name); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static char *package_name = 0; /** * @brief updates an option * @param field the generic pointer to the field to update * @param orig_field the pointer to the orig field * @param field_given the pointer to the number of occurrence of this option * @param prev_given the pointer to the number of occurrence already seen * @param value the argument for this option (if null no arg was specified) * @param possible_values the possible values for this option (if specified) * @param default_value the default value (in case the option only accepts fixed values) * @param arg_type the type of this option * @param check_ambiguity @see cmdline_parser_params.check_ambiguity * @param override @see cmdline_parser_params.override * @param no_free whether to free a possible previous value * @param multiple_option whether this is a multiple option * @param long_opt the corresponding long option * @param short_opt the corresponding short option (or '-' if none) * @param additional_error possible further error specification */ static int update_arg(void *field, char **orig_field, unsigned int *field_given, unsigned int *prev_given, char *value, const char *possible_values[], const char *default_value, cmdline_parser_arg_type arg_type, int check_ambiguity, int override, int no_free, int multiple_option, const char *long_opt, char short_opt, const char *additional_error) { char *stop_char = 0; const char *val = value; int found; char **string_field; FIX_UNUSED (field); stop_char = 0; found = 0; if (!multiple_option && prev_given && (*prev_given || (check_ambiguity && *field_given))) { if (short_opt != '-') fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--%s' (`-%c') option given more than once%s\n", package_name, long_opt, short_opt, (additional_error ? additional_error : "")); else fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--%s' option given more than once%s\n", package_name, long_opt, (additional_error ? additional_error : "")); return 1; /* failure */ } if (possible_values && (found = check_possible_values((value ? value : default_value), possible_values)) < 0) { if (short_opt != '-') fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s argument, \"%s\", for option `--%s' (`-%c')%s\n", package_name, (found == -2) ? "ambiguous" : "invalid", value, long_opt, short_opt, (additional_error ? additional_error : "")); else fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s argument, \"%s\", for option `--%s'%s\n", package_name, (found == -2) ? "ambiguous" : "invalid", value, long_opt, (additional_error ? additional_error : "")); return 1; /* failure */ } if (field_given && *field_given && ! override) return 0; if (prev_given) (*prev_given)++; if (field_given) (*field_given)++; if (possible_values) val = possible_values[found]; switch(arg_type) { case ARG_FLAG: *((int *)field) = !*((int *)field); break; case ARG_INT: if (val) *((int *)field) = strtol (val, &stop_char, 0); break; case ARG_STRING: if (val) { string_field = (char **)field; if (!no_free && *string_field) free (*string_field); /* free previous string */ *string_field = gengetopt_strdup (val); } break; default: break; }; /* check numeric conversion */ switch(arg_type) { case ARG_INT: if (val && !(stop_char && *stop_char == '\0')) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid numeric value: %s\n", package_name, val); return 1; /* failure */ } break; default: ; }; /* store the original value */ switch(arg_type) { case ARG_NO: case ARG_FLAG: break; default: if (value && orig_field) { if (no_free) { *orig_field = value; } else { if (*orig_field) free (*orig_field); /* free previous string */ *orig_field = gengetopt_strdup (value); } } }; return 0; /* OK */ } int cmdline_parser_internal ( int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, struct cmdline_parser_params *params, const char *additional_error) { int c; /* Character of the parsed option. */ int error_occurred = 0; struct gengetopt_args_info local_args_info; int override; int initialize; int check_required; int check_ambiguity; package_name = argv[0]; override = params->override; initialize = params->initialize; check_required = params->check_required; check_ambiguity = params->check_ambiguity; if (initialize) cmdline_parser_init (args_info); cmdline_parser_init (&local_args_info); optarg = 0; optind = 0; opterr = params->print_errors; optopt = '?'; while (1) { int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "help", 0, NULL, 0 }, { "version", 0, NULL, 'V' }, { "xdisplay", 1, NULL, 0 }, { "select", 0, NULL, 's' }, { "x", 1, NULL, 'x' }, { "y", 1, NULL, 'y' }, { "w", 1, NULL, 'w' }, { "h", 1, NULL, 'h' }, { "geometry", 1, NULL, 'g' }, { "delay", 1, NULL, 'd' }, { "windowid", 1, NULL, 'i' }, { "localize", 0, NULL, 0 }, { "hidecursor", 0, NULL, 0 }, { "mask", 1, NULL, 'm' }, { "nokeyboard", 0, NULL, 0 }, { "bordersize", 1, NULL, 'b' }, { "padding", 1, NULL, 'p' }, { "tolerance", 1, NULL, 't' }, { "gracetime", 1, NULL, 0 }, { "color", 1, NULL, 'c' }, { "nodecorations", 0, NULL, 'n' }, { "min", 1, NULL, 0 }, { "max", 1, NULL, 0 }, { "highlight", 0, NULL, 'l' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "Vsx:y:w:h:g:d:i:m:b:p:t:c:nl", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; /* Exit from `while (1)' loop. */ switch (c) { case 'V': /* Print version and exit. */ cmdline_parser_print_version (); cmdline_parser_free (&local_args_info); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); case 's': /* Enables user region selection. Requires slop to be installed.. */ if (update_arg((void *)&(args_info->select_flag), 0, &(args_info->select_given), &(local_args_info.select_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_FLAG, check_ambiguity, override, 1, 0, "select", 's', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'x': /* Sets the x coordinate for taking an image. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->x_arg), &(args_info->x_orig), &(args_info->x_given), &(local_args_info.x_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "x", 'x', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'y': /* Sets the y coordinate for taking an image. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->y_arg), &(args_info->y_orig), &(args_info->y_given), &(local_args_info.y_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "y", 'y', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'w': /* Sets the width for taking an image. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->w_arg), &(args_info->w_orig), &(args_info->w_given), &(local_args_info.w_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "w", 'w', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'h': /* Sets the height for taking an image. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->h_arg), &(args_info->h_orig), &(args_info->h_given), &(local_args_info.h_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "h", 'h', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'g': /* Set the region to capture. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->geometry_arg), &(args_info->geometry_orig), &(args_info->geometry_given), &(local_args_info.geometry_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "geometry", 'g', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'd': /* Set the amount of time to wait before taking an image.. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->delay_arg), &(args_info->delay_orig), &(args_info->delay_given), &(local_args_info.delay_given), optarg, 0, "0.0", ARG_STRING, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "delay", 'd', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'i': /* Set the window to capture. Defaults to the root window id.. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->windowid_arg), &(args_info->windowid_orig), &(args_info->windowid_given), &(local_args_info.windowid_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "windowid", 'i', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'm': /* Masks off-screen pixels so they don't show up in screenshots.. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->mask_arg), &(args_info->mask_orig), &(args_info->mask_given), &(local_args_info.mask_given), optarg, cmdline_parser_mask_values, "auto", ARG_STRING, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "mask", 'm', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'b': /* Set the selection rectangle's thickness. Does nothing when --highlight is enabled.. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->bordersize_arg), &(args_info->bordersize_orig), &(args_info->bordersize_given), &(local_args_info.bordersize_given), optarg, 0, "5", ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "bordersize", 'b', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'p': /* Set the padding size of the selection. Can be negative.. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->padding_arg), &(args_info->padding_orig), &(args_info->padding_given), &(local_args_info.padding_given), optarg, 0, "0", ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "padding", 'p', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 't': /* How far in pixels the mouse can move after clicking and still be detected as a normal click instead of a click and drag. Setting this to 0 will disable window selections.. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->tolerance_arg), &(args_info->tolerance_orig), &(args_info->tolerance_given), &(local_args_info.tolerance_given), optarg, 0, "2", ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "tolerance", 't', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'c': /* Set the selection rectangle's color. Supports RGB or RGBA values.. */ if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->color_arg), &(args_info->color_orig), &(args_info->color_given), &(local_args_info.color_given), optarg, 0, "0.5,0.5,0.5,1", ARG_STRING, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "color", 'c', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'n': /* Attempt to select child windows in order to avoid window decorations.. */ if (update_arg((void *)&(args_info->nodecorations_flag), 0, &(args_info->nodecorations_given), &(local_args_info.nodecorations_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_FLAG, check_ambiguity, override, 1, 0, "nodecorations", 'n', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 'l': /* Instead of outlining selections, slop highlights it. This is only useful when --color is set to a transparent color.. */ if (update_arg((void *)&(args_info->highlight_flag), 0, &(args_info->highlight_given), &(local_args_info.highlight_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_FLAG, check_ambiguity, override, 1, 0, "highlight", 'l', additional_error)) goto failure; break; case 0: /* Long option with no short option */ if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "help") == 0) { cmdline_parser_print_help (); cmdline_parser_free (&local_args_info); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Sets the x display.. */ if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "xdisplay") == 0) { if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->xdisplay_arg), &(args_info->xdisplay_orig), &(args_info->xdisplay_given), &(local_args_info.xdisplay_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "xdisplay", '-', additional_error)) goto failure; } /* Localizes given geometry to the given window. So \"maim -i $ID -g 100x100+0+0 --localize\" would screenshot the top-left 100x100 pixels of the given window, rather than the top-left 100x100 pixels of the root window.. */ else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "localize") == 0) { if (update_arg((void *)&(args_info->localize_flag), 0, &(args_info->localize_given), &(local_args_info.localize_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_FLAG, check_ambiguity, override, 1, 0, "localize", '-', additional_error)) goto failure; } /* Prevents the system cursor from showing up in screenshots.. */ else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "hidecursor") == 0) { if (update_arg((void *)&(args_info->hidecursor_flag), 0, &(args_info->hidecursor_given), &(local_args_info.hidecursor_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_FLAG, check_ambiguity, override, 1, 0, "hidecursor", '-', additional_error)) goto failure; } /* Disables the ability to cancel selections with the keyboard.. */ else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "nokeyboard") == 0) { if (update_arg((void *)&(args_info->nokeyboard_flag), 0, &(args_info->nokeyboard_given), &(local_args_info.nokeyboard_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_FLAG, check_ambiguity, override, 1, 0, "nokeyboard", '-', additional_error)) goto failure; } /* Set the amount of time before slop will check for keyboard cancellations in seconds.. */ else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "gracetime") == 0) { if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->gracetime_arg), &(args_info->gracetime_orig), &(args_info->gracetime_given), &(local_args_info.gracetime_given), optarg, 0, "0.4", ARG_STRING, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "gracetime", '-', additional_error)) goto failure; } /* Set the minimum output of width or height values. This is useful to avoid outputting 0. Setting min and max to the same value disables drag selections.. */ else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "min") == 0) { if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->min_arg), &(args_info->min_orig), &(args_info->min_given), &(local_args_info.min_given), optarg, 0, "0", ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "min", '-', additional_error)) goto failure; } /* Set the maximum output of width or height values. Setting min and max to the same value disables drag selections.. */ else if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "max") == 0) { if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->max_arg), &(args_info->max_orig), &(args_info->max_given), &(local_args_info.max_given), optarg, 0, "0", ARG_INT, check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0, "max", '-', additional_error)) goto failure; } break; case '?': /* Invalid option. */ /* `getopt_long' already printed an error message. */ goto failure; default: /* bug: option not considered. */ fprintf (stderr, "%s: option unknown: %c%s\n", CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE, c, (additional_error ? additional_error : "")); abort (); } /* switch */ } /* while */ cmdline_parser_release (&local_args_info); if ( error_occurred ) return (EXIT_FAILURE); if (optind < argc) { int i = 0 ; int found_prog_name = 0; /* whether program name, i.e., argv[0], is in the remaining args (this may happen with some implementations of getopt, but surely not with the one included by gengetopt) */ i = optind; while (i < argc) if (argv[i++] == argv[0]) { found_prog_name = 1; break; } i = 0; args_info->inputs_num = argc - optind - found_prog_name; args_info->inputs = (char **)(malloc ((args_info->inputs_num)*sizeof(char *))) ; while (optind < argc) if (argv[optind++] != argv[0]) args_info->inputs[ i++ ] = gengetopt_strdup (argv[optind-1]) ; } return 0; failure: cmdline_parser_release (&local_args_info); return (EXIT_FAILURE); }