path: root/lib/bottompanel/messages.tcl
diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:29 +0200
committerAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:29 +0200
commit5b8466f7fae0e071c0f4eda13051c93313910028 (patch)
tree7061957f770e5e245ba00666dad912a2d44e7fdc /lib/bottompanel/messages.tcl
Import Upstream version 1.3.7
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bottompanel/messages.tcl')
1 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bottompanel/messages.tcl b/lib/bottompanel/messages.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..51c96ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bottompanel/messages.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Implements messages text for the bottom panel of the project tab
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Messages {
+ common set_shortcuts {} ;# Currently set shortcut bindigs for messages text
+ common shortcuts_cat {messages} ;# Key shortcut categories related to messages text
+ # Normal font for messages text
+ common messages_normal_font [font create \
+ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \
+ -size -12]
+ # Bold font for messages text
+ common messages_bold_font [font create \
+ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \
+ -size -12 \
+ -weight bold]
+ # Definition of popup menu for messages text
+ {command {Select all} {Ctrl+A} 0 "select_all_messages_text"
+ {} "Select all text in this TextBox"}
+ {command {Copy} {Ctrl+C} 0 "copy_messages_text"
+ {editcopy} "Copy selected text into clipboard"}
+ {command {Clear} {$messages:clear_mess} 1 "clear_messages_text"
+ {editdelete} "Clear all messages"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Find} {$messages:mess_find} 0 "messages_text_find_dialog"
+ {find} {}}
+ {command {Find next} {$messages:mess_find_n} 5 "messages_text_find_next"
+ {down0} {}}
+ {command {Find previous} {$messages:mess_find_p} 8 "messages_text_find_prev"
+ {up0} {}}
+ }
+ private variable main_frame ;# Widget: Main frame
+ private variable messages_text ;# Widget: text widget
+ private variable menu {} ;# Widget: popup menu
+ private variable hyperlink_line_start ;# TextIndex: Active hyperlink line start index
+ # Variables related to object initialization
+ private variable parent ;# Widget: parent widget
+ private variable gui_initialized 0 ;# Bool: GUI initialized
+ # Variables related to search bar
+ private variable search_frame ;# Widget: Search bar frame
+ private variable last_find_index {} ;# String: Index of last found occurence of the search string
+ private variable search_string ;# String: Search string
+ private variable search_string_length ;# Int: Length of the search string
+ private variable search_entry ;# Widget: Search bar entry box
+ private variable search_find_next ;# Widget: Button "Next"
+ private variable search_find_prev ;# Widget: Button "Prev"
+ constructor {} {
+ }
+ destructor {
+ # Remove status bar help for popup menus
+ if {$menu != {}} {
+ menu_Sbar_remove $menu
+ }
+ }
+ ## Prepare object for creating its GUI
+ # @parm Widget _parent - GUI parent widget
+ # @return void
+ public method PrepareMessages {_parent} {
+ set parent $_parent
+ set gui_initialized 0
+ }
+ ## Inform this tab than it has became active
+ # @return void
+ public method MessagesTabRaised {} {
+ focus $messages_text
+ }
+ ## Create GUI of messages tab
+ # @return void
+ public method CreateMessagesGUI {} {
+ if {$gui_initialized} {return}
+ set gui_initialized 1
+ ## Create GUI of main frame
+ set main_frame [frame $parent.main_frame]
+ # Create messages text and its scrollbar
+ set messages_text [text $main_frame.messages_text \
+ -state disabled -cursor xterm \
+ -yscrollcommand "$main_frame.msg_text_scrl set" \
+ -font $messages_normal_font -wrap word \
+ -tabstyle wordprocessor \
+ ]
+ set messages_text_scrl [ttk::scrollbar $main_frame.msg_text_scrl \
+ -command "$messages_text yview" -orient vertical \
+ ]
+ # Text tags for messages text
+ $messages_text tag configure error \
+ -foreground #FF0000 \
+ -underline 1 \
+ -font $messages_bold_font
+ $messages_text tag configure error_nu \
+ -foreground #FF0000 \
+ -underline 0 \
+ -font $messages_bold_font
+ $messages_text tag configure warning \
+ -foreground #FF8800 \
+ -underline 1 \
+ -font $messages_bold_font
+ $messages_text tag configure warning_nu \
+ -foreground #FF8800 \
+ -underline 0 \
+ -font $messages_bold_font
+ $messages_text tag configure successful \
+ -foreground #00DD00 \
+ -font $messages_bold_font
+ $messages_text tag configure hyper_link_over \
+ -foreground #0055FF -underline 0 \
+ -font $messages_bold_font
+ $messages_text tag raise hyper_link_over
+ $messages_text tag bind error <ButtonPress-1> "$this messages_text_anchor %x %y"
+ $messages_text tag bind error <Enter> "$this messages_text_hyperlink_enter %x %y"
+ $messages_text tag bind error <Leave> "$this messages_text_hyperlink_leave"
+ $messages_text tag bind error <Motion> "$this messages_text_hyperlink_motion %x %y"
+ $messages_text tag bind warning <ButtonPress-1> "$this messages_text_anchor %x %y"
+ $messages_text tag bind warning <Enter> "$this messages_text_hyperlink_enter %x %y"
+ $messages_text tag bind warning <Leave> "$this messages_text_hyperlink_leave"
+ $messages_text tag bind warning <Motion> "$this messages_text_hyperlink_motion %x %y"
+ # Popup menu for messages text
+ set menu $messages_text.messages_text_menu
+ messages_text_makePopupMenu
+ # Bindings for messages text
+ bind $messages_text <ButtonPress-1> "focus $messages_text"
+ bind $messages_text <Control-a> "$this select_all_messages_text"
+ bind $messages_text <ButtonRelease-3> "tk_popup $menu %X %Y; break"
+ bind $messages_text <Key-Menu> "$this messages_text_key_menu; break"
+ # Pack parts of main frame
+ pack $messages_text -fill both -expand 1 -side left
+ pack $messages_text_scrl -fill y -side right
+ pack $main_frame -fill both -expand 1
+ ## Create GUI components in search bar frame
+ set search_frame [frame $parent.search_frame]
+ # Search entry box
+ set search_entry [ttk::entry $search_frame.entry \
+ -width 30 \
+ -validate all \
+ -validatecommand "$this messages_text_search %P" \
+ ]
+ bind $search_entry <Key-Escape> "$this messages_text_hide_find_dialog"
+ # Button: "Next"
+ set search_find_next [ttk::button $search_frame.find_next_but \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::down0 \
+ -style Flat.TButton \
+ -command "$this messages_text_find_next" \
+ -state disabled \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $search_frame.find_next_but \
+ -text [mc "Find next occurence of search string"]
+ # Button: "Prev"
+ set search_find_prev [ttk::button $search_frame.find_prev_but \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::up0 \
+ -style Flat.TButton \
+ -command "$this messages_text_find_prev" \
+ -state disabled \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $search_frame.find_prev_but \
+ -text [mc "Find previous occurence of search string"]
+ # Button: "Close"
+ pack [ttk::button $search_frame.close_but \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \
+ -style Flat.TButton \
+ -command "$this messages_text_hide_find_dialog" \
+ ] -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $search_frame.close_but \
+ -text [mc "Hide search bar"]
+ # Separator
+ pack [ttk::separator $search_frame.sep \
+ -orient vertical \
+ ] -fill y -padx 5 -side left -pady 2
+ # Label: "Find"
+ pack [label $search_frame.find_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Find:"] \
+ ] -side left
+ # Pack entry and buttons next and prev
+ pack $search_entry -side left
+ pack $search_find_next -side left -padx 5
+ pack $search_find_prev -side left
+ # Checkbutton: "Match case"
+ pack [checkbutton $search_frame.match_case_chb \
+ -text [mc "Match case"] \
+ -variable ::Todo::match_case \
+ -command "$this messages_text_perform_search 1 1.0" \
+ ] -side left -padx 5
+ messages_text_shortcuts_reevaluate
+ unset parent
+ }
+ ## Select all text in messages text
+ # @return void
+ public method select_all_messages_text {} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateMessagesGUI}
+ $messages_text tag add sel 1.0 end
+ }
+ ## Copy selected text in messages text into clipboard
+ # @return void
+ public method copy_messages_text {} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateMessagesGUI}
+ clipboard clear
+ if {[llength [$messages_text tag nextrange sel 1.0]]} {
+ clipboard append [$messages_text get sel.first sel.last]
+ } {
+ clipboard append [$messages_text get 1.0 end]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create bindings for defined key shortcuts for messages text
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_shortcuts_reevaluate {} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateMessagesGUI}
+ # Unset previous configuration
+ foreach key $set_shortcuts {
+ bind $messages_text <$key> {}
+ }
+ set set_shortcuts {}
+ # Iterate over shortcuts definition
+ foreach block ${::SHORTCUTS_LIST} {
+ # Determinate category
+ set category [lindex $block 0]
+ if {[lsearch $shortcuts_cat $category] == -1} {continue}
+ # Determinate definition list and its length
+ set block [lreplace $block 0 2]
+ set len [llength $block]
+ # Iterate over definition list and create bindings
+ for {set i 0; set j 1} {$i < $len} {incr i 2; incr j 2} {
+ # Determinate key sequence
+ set key [lindex $block $i]
+ if {[catch {
+ set key $::SHORTCUTS_DB($category:$key)
+ }]} then {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$key == {}} {continue}
+ # Create and register new binding
+ lappend set_shortcuts $key
+ set cmd [subst [lindex $block [list $j 1]]]
+ append cmd {;break}
+ bind $messages_text <$key> $cmd
+ bind $search_entry <$key> $cmd
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Define popup menu for messages text
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_makePopupMenu {} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {return}
+ if {[winfo exists $menu]} {
+ destroy $menu
+ }
+ menuFactory $MESSAGESMENU $menu 0 "$this " 0 {}
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find next"] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find previous"] -state disabled
+ }
+ ## Handles event: 'Menu' on messages text -- invoke popup menu
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_key_menu {} {
+ $messages_text see insert
+ set bbox [$messages_text bbox [$messages_text index insert]]
+ tk_popup $menu \
+ [expr {[winfo rootx $messages_text] + [lindex $bbox 0] + 10}] \
+ [expr {[winfo rooty $messages_text] + [lindex $bbox 1] + 10}]
+ }
+ ## Clear all content of messages text
+ # @return void
+ public method clear_messages_text {} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateMessagesGUI}
+ $messages_text configure -state normal
+ $messages_text delete 0.0 end
+ $messages_text configure -state disabled
+ }
+ ## Goto line (in editor) which is somehow related to some tag in messages text
+ # @parm int x - relative x coordinate in messages text widget
+ # @parm int y - relative y coordinate in messages text widget
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_anchor {x y} {
+ # Determinate line number for editor
+ set idx [$messages_text index @$x,$y]
+ set line [$messages_text get "$idx linestart" "$idx lineend"]
+ # Focus on editor and goto that line
+ # Message from As31 assembler
+ if {[regexp {^(Error)|(Warning)\, line \d+} $line line]} {
+ if {![regexp {\d+$} $line lineNum]} {
+ set lineNum 0
+ }
+ if {$lineNum} {
+ $this editor_procedure {} focus_in {}
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $lineNum
+ }
+ # Message from ASEM-51 assembler
+ } elseif {[regexp {^([^\(\)]+\(\d+(\,\d+)?\)\: \w+)} $line line]} {
+ if {![regexp {\(\d+(\,\d+)?\):} $line lineNum]} {
+ set lineNum 0
+ } {
+ set lineNum [string range $lineNum 1 end-2]
+ set lineNum [lindex [split $lineNum {,}] 0]
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^.+\(\d+(\,\d+)?\):} $line target_filename]} {
+ set target_filename [regsub {\(\d+(\,\d+)?\):$} $target_filename {}]
+ set current_filename [lindex [$this editor_procedure {} getFileName {}] 1]
+ if {$target_filename != $current_filename} {
+ if {![$this fucus_specific_editor $target_filename 0]} {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$lineNum} {
+ $this editor_procedure {} focus_in {}
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto "$lineNum"
+ }
+ # GNU error message (from SDCC or ASL)
+ } elseif {[regexp {\:\d+\:} $line linenum]} {
+ if {[regexp {[^\:]+\:} $line target_filename]} {
+ set target_filename [string trim [string range $target_filename 0 {end-1}]]
+ set current_filename [lindex [$this editor_procedure {} getFileName {}] 1]
+ if {$target_filename != $current_filename} {
+ if {![$this fucus_specific_editor $target_filename 0]} {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set linenum [string trim $linenum {:}]
+ $this editor_procedure {} focus_in {}
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $linenum
+ # Message from MCU8051IDE assembler
+ } elseif {[regexp {at \d+ in [^\:]+\:} $line line]} {
+ if {[regexp { in [^\:]+\:} $line target_filename]} {
+ set target_filename [string trim [string range $target_filename 4 {end-1}] "\""]
+ set current_filename [lindex [$this editor_procedure {} getFileName {}] 1]
+ if {$target_filename != $current_filename} {
+ if {![$this fucus_specific_editor $target_filename 0]} {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ regexp {\d+} $line lineNum
+ $this editor_procedure {} focus_in {}
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $lineNum
+ }
+ }
+ ## Append text at the end of messages text
+ # @parm String txt - Text to append
+ # @return Bool - True if error occured
+ public method messages_text_append {txt} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateMessagesGUI}
+ # Enable the messages text widget
+ $messages_text configure -state normal
+ set ern 0 ;# The text is some error, but text should not be underlined and linked to certain line
+ set err 0 ;# The text is some error
+ set war 0 ;# The text is some warning which points to specific line in source code
+ set warn 0 ;# The text is some warning
+ set suc 0 ;# The text is success message
+ foreach text [split $txt "\n"] {
+ set ern 0
+ set err 0
+ set war 0
+ set warn 0
+ set suc 0
+ # Determinate number of the last line in the widget
+ set row [expr {int([$messages_text index end]) - 1}]
+ ## Determinate what kind of text will be inserted
+ # check for error which points to specific line in source code
+ if {[regexp {^(\|EL\|.*)|^(Compilation error at \d+ in [^\:]+\:)|^(Syntax error at \d+ in [^\:]+\:)|^(Error at\s+\d+ in [^\:]+\:)|^(.+:\d+: .*error.*)|^(.+\(\d+(\,\d+)?\): \w+.*)|^(Error\, line \d+)} $text error]} {
+ set len [string length $error]
+ set err 1
+ # check for an error
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(\|EN\|.*)|^(File access error:)|^(FAILED)|^(Compilation FAILED)|^(Pre-processing FAILED !)|^(Error:)|(^@@@@@ .+ @@@@@$)|(^.*returned errorcode.*)|^(Cannot open input file)|^(Cannot open file)|^(Errors in pass1, assembly aborted)|^(Errors in pass2, assembly aborted)} $text error]} {
+ set len [string length $error]
+ set ern 1
+ # check for warning which points to specific line in source code
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(\|WL\|.*)|^(Notice at \d+ in [^\:]+\:)|^(Warning at \d+ in [^\:]+\:)|^(.+:\d+: warning.*)|^(Warning\, line \d+)} $text warning]} {
+ set len [string length $warning]
+ set war 1
+ # check for a warning
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(\|WN\|.*)|^(.*: Warning:.*)|^(Warning:)} $text warning]} {
+ set len [string length $warning]
+ set warn 1
+ # check for success
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(\|SN\|.*)|^((Dec|C)ompilation successful)|(Successful)|(Starting compiler ...)} $text success]} {
+ set len [string length $success]
+ set suc 1
+ # check for error which points to specific line in source code
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(\|EL\|.*)|^(.+:\d+: .*)} $text error]} {
+ set len [string length $error]
+ set err 1
+ }
+ regsub {^(\|[EWS][LN]\|)} $text {} text
+ # Insert specified text
+ $messages_text insert end $text
+ $messages_text insert end "\n"
+ # Insert appropriate text tags
+ if {$err || $ern || $war || $warn || $suc} {
+ # Insert error tag
+ if {$ern} {
+ set tag {error_nu}
+ # Insert error tag
+ } elseif {$err} {
+ set tag {error}
+ # Insert warning tag
+ } elseif {$warn} {
+ set tag {warning_nu}
+ # Insert warning tag
+ } elseif {$war} {
+ set tag {warning}
+ # Insert success tag
+ } elseif {$suc} {
+ set tag successful
+ }
+ $messages_text tag add $tag $row.0 $row.$len
+ }
+ }
+ $messages_text see end
+ $messages_text configure -state disabled
+ return [expr {$err || $ern}]
+ }
+ ## Hide search bar
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_hide_find_dialog {} {
+ if {[winfo ismapped $search_frame]} {
+ pack forget $search_frame
+ }
+ }
+ ## Show search bar
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_find_dialog {} {
+ if {![winfo ismapped $search_frame]} {
+ pack $search_frame -before $main_frame -side top -anchor w
+ $search_entry delete 0 end
+ focus -force $search_entry
+ } {
+ focus -force $search_entry
+ }
+ }
+ ## Search for the given string within the text
+ # @parm String string - Text to find
+ # @return Bool - Always 1
+ public method messages_text_search {string} {
+ if {$string == {}} {
+ $search_entry configure -style TEntry
+ $search_find_next configure -state disabled
+ $search_find_prev configure -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find next"] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find previous"] -state disabled
+ return 1
+ }
+ set search_string $string
+ messages_text_perform_search 1 1.0
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Perform search for $search_string in the text widget
+ # @parm Bool forw__back - 1 == Search forwards; 0 == Search backard
+ # @parm String from - Start index
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_perform_search {forw__back from} {
+ if {$search_string == {}} {return}
+ if {$forw__back} {
+ set direction {-forwards}
+ } {
+ set direction {-backwards}
+ }
+ if {${::Todo::match_case}} {
+ set last_find_index [$messages_text search $direction -- $search_string $from]
+ } {
+ set last_find_index [$messages_text search $direction -nocase -- $search_string $from]
+ }
+ if {$last_find_index == {}} {
+ $search_entry configure -style StringNotFound.TEntry
+ $search_find_next configure -state disabled
+ $search_find_prev configure -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find next"] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find previous"] -state disabled
+ } {
+ $search_entry configure -style StringFound.TEntry
+ $search_find_next configure -state normal
+ $search_find_prev configure -state normal
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find next"] -state normal
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Find previous"] -state normal
+ set search_string_length [string length $search_string]
+ $messages_text see $last_find_index
+ catch {
+ $messages_text tag remove sel 0.0 end
+ }
+ $messages_text tag add sel $last_find_index $last_find_index+${search_string_length}c
+ }
+ }
+ ## Find next occurence of the search string
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_find_next {} {
+ if {![winfo ismapped $search_frame]} {
+ pack $search_frame -before $main_frame -side top -anchor w
+ }
+ if {$last_find_index == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ messages_text_perform_search 1 $last_find_index+${search_string_length}c
+ }
+ ## Find previous occurence of the search string
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_find_prev {} {
+ if {![winfo ismapped $search_frame]} {
+ pack $search_frame -before $main_frame -side top -anchor w
+ }
+ if {$last_find_index == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ messages_text_perform_search 0 $last_find_index
+ }
+ ## Enter hyperlink
+ # @parm Int x - Relative pointer position
+ # @parm Int x - Relative pointer position
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_hyperlink_enter {x y} {
+ set hyperlink_line_start [$messages_text index [list @$x,$y linestart]]
+ hyperlink_active
+ }
+ ## Leave hyperlink
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_hyperlink_leave {} {
+ $messages_text config -cursor xterm
+ $messages_text tag remove hyper_link_over 0.0 end
+ }
+ ## Enter pointer motion
+ # @parm Int x - Relative pointer position
+ # @parm Int x - Relative pointer position
+ # @return void
+ public method messages_text_hyperlink_motion {x y} {
+ set line_start [$messages_text index [list @$x,$y linestart]]
+ if {$hyperlink_line_start == $line_start} {
+ return
+ }
+ set hyperlink_line_start $line_start
+ $messages_text tag remove hyper_link_over 0.0 end
+ hyperlink_active
+ }
+ ## Highlight hyperlink on line $hyperlink_line_start
+ # @return void
+ private method hyperlink_active {} {
+ set range [$messages_text tag nextrange error $hyperlink_line_start [list $hyperlink_line_start lineend]]
+ if {![llength $range]} {
+ set range [$messages_text tag nextrange warning $hyperlink_line_start [list $hyperlink_line_start lineend]]
+ }
+ if {![llength $range]} {
+ return
+ }
+ $messages_text config -cursor hand2
+ $messages_text tag add hyper_link_over [lindex $range 0] [lindex $range 1]
+ }