path: root/lib/compiler/codelisting.tcl
diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:29 +0200
committerAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:29 +0200
commit5b8466f7fae0e071c0f4eda13051c93313910028 (patch)
tree7061957f770e5e245ba00666dad912a2d44e7fdc /lib/compiler/codelisting.tcl
Import Upstream version 1.3.7
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/codelisting.tcl')
1 files changed, 1169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/codelisting.tcl b/lib/compiler/codelisting.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1940dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/codelisting.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1169 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Hepler namespace to generate code listing.
+# This code is part of compiler (see 'compiler.tcl' and 'assembler.tcl').
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace eval CodeListing {
+ ## Resulting LST code
+ # format: {lineNum address opcode value includeLevel macroLevel {lineContent}}
+ variable lst {}
+ variable Enabled 1 ;# Bool: LIST/NOLIST flag
+ variable pageNum ;# Page number
+ variable pageLines ;# Number of lines at the current page
+ variable header {} ;# Title string
+ variable errors_count 0 ;# Number of errors
+ variable warnings_count 0 ;# Number of warnings
+ variable symbol_table {} ;# Table of symbolic names
+ variable error_summary {} ;# Error summmary string
+ variable new_sync_map {} ;# Tempotary Map of lines in code listing
+ variable sync_map {} ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable tmp_lst {} ;# Tempotary LST code
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ ## Format resulting code listing
+ # @access public
+ # @return String - code listing
+ proc getListing {} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ variable error_summary ;# Error summmary string
+ variable errors_count ;# Number of errors
+ variable warnings_count ;# Number of warnings
+ variable symbol_table ;# Table of symbolic names
+ variable header ;# Title string
+ variable pageNum ;# Page number
+ variable pageLines ;# Number of lines at the current page
+ # Initialize NS variables
+ set pageNum 1
+ set pageLines 0
+ # Validate compiler settings
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::PAGELENGTH} < 5} {
+ set Compiler::Settings::PAGELENGTH 5
+ } elseif {${Compiler::Settings::PAGELENGTH} == 0} {
+ set Compiler::Settings::PAGING 0
+ }
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH} < 68} {
+ set Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH 68
+ } elseif {${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH} == 0} {
+ set Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH 116
+ }
+ # Create page header
+ set header ${Compiler::Settings::INPUT_FILE_NAME}
+ set len [string length ${Compiler::Settings::INPUT_FILE_NAME}]
+ if {$len < 15} {
+ append header [string repeat { } [expr {15 - $len}]]
+ }
+ append header { } ${Compiler::Settings::TITLE}
+ set len [string length $header]
+ incr len 23
+ # Adjust page header width
+ if {$len > ${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH}} {
+ set header [string range $header 0 [expr {${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH} - 24}]]
+ append header {... }
+ } elseif {$len < ${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH}} {
+ set len [expr {${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH} - $len}]
+ append header [string repeat { } $len]
+ }
+ # Create date
+ set len [string length ${Compiler::Settings::DATE}]
+ if {$len > 10} {
+ set Compiler::Settings::DATE [string range 0 7 ${Compiler::Settings::DATE}]
+ append Compiler::Settings::DATE {...}
+ } elseif {$len < 10} {
+ set len [expr {10 - $len}]
+ append Compiler::Settings::DATE [string repeat { } $len]
+ }
+ append header ${Compiler::Settings::DATE} { PAGE}
+ # Create error summary and symbol table
+ create_error_summary
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::SYMBOLS}} {
+ create_symbol_table
+ }
+ # Create code listing text
+ format_listing
+ append lst "\nASSEMBLY COMPLETE"
+ # Append final result
+ if {$errors_count == 1} {
+ append lst ", 1 ERROR FOUND"
+ } elseif {$errors_count > 1} {
+ append lst ", $errors_count ERRORS FOUND"
+ } {
+ append lst ", NO ERRORS FOUND"
+ }
+ if {$warnings_count == 1} {
+ append lst ", 1 WARNING"
+ } elseif {$warnings_count > 1} {
+ append lst ", $warnings_count WARNINGS"
+ } {
+ append lst ", NO WARNINGS"
+ }
+ # Create final result
+ append lst "\n"
+ # Error summary
+ if {($errors_count != 0) || ($warnings_count != 0)} {
+ append lst "\n\n"
+ append lst $error_summary
+ }
+ # Symbol table
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::SYMBOLS}} {
+ append lst "\n\n"
+ append lst $symbol_table
+ }
+ # restore special characters
+ regsub -all {\\\\} $lst "\\" lst
+ regsub -all {\\\{} $lst "\{" lst
+ regsub -all {\\\}} $lst "\}" lst
+ regsub -all {\\\"} $lst "\"" lst
+ # Return result
+ return $lst
+ }
+ ## Directive LIST
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - index where the directive occured
+ # @return void
+ proc directive_list {idx} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::_list} != 0} {return}
+ # Adjust code listing
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ increment_sync_map $idx 1
+ set lst [linsert $lst $idx {LIST}]
+ }
+ ## Directive NOLIST
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - index where the directive occured
+ # @return void
+ proc directive_nolist {idx} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::_list} != 0} {return}
+ # Adjust code listing
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ incr idx
+ increment_sync_map $idx 1
+ set lst [linsert $lst $idx {NOLIST}]
+ }
+ ## Debuging procedure
+ # Write current content of the code listing to stdout (max. 501 lines)
+ # @access public
+ # @return void
+ proc write_lst {} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lst {
+ puts "$idx:\t$line"
+ incr idx
+ if {$idx > 500} {break}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Initialize code listing
+ # Should be called on preprocessor start up
+ # @access public
+ # @parm String data - input source code
+ # @return void
+ proc create_listing {data} {
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable error_summary ;# Error summmary string
+ variable symbol_table ;# Table of symbolic names
+ variable Enabled ;# Bool: LIST/NOLIST flag
+ # Reset NS variables
+ set lst {}
+ set Enabled 1
+ set sync_map {}
+ set symbol_table {}
+ set error_summary {}
+ # Initialize code listing list
+ set idx -1
+ foreach line $data {
+ incr idx
+ lappend lst [list {} {} {} 0 0 [lindex $line 2]]
+ lappend sync_map $idx
+ }
+ }
+ ## Import table of symbolic names from preprocessor
+ # @access public
+ # @return void
+ proc import_symbolic_names {} {
+ variable symbol_table ;# Table of symbolic names
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::SYMBOLS}} {return}
+ # Iterate over definition ists and write them to the table
+ foreach def_list {
+ defined_BIT defined_CODE defined_DATA defined_IDATA
+ defined_XDATA defined_LABEL defined_EQU defined_EQU_SPEC
+ } val_array {
+ const_BIT const_CODE const_DATA const_IDATA
+ const_XDATA labels const_EQU const_EQU_SPEC
+ } type {
+ } char {
+ B C D I
+ X C N S
+ } {
+ # Get list of defined names
+ set def_list [subst "\$PreProcessor::$def_list"]
+ # Write defined names to the table
+ foreach var $def_list {
+ set value [subst "\$PreProcessor::${val_array}($var)"]
+ # Handle special constants
+ if {$char == {S}} {
+ lappend symbol_table [list \
+ [string toupper $var] \
+ $char \
+ $type \
+ [string toupper $value] \
+ 1 0]
+ # Other constants ...
+ } {
+ lappend symbol_table [list \
+ [string toupper $var] \
+ $char \
+ $type \
+ [get_4hex $value] \
+ 1 0]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Write defined variables (directive "SET")
+ foreach var ${PreProcessor::defined_SET} {
+ set value [lindex $PreProcessor::const_SET($var) {end 1}]
+ lappend symbol_table [list [string toupper $var] { } NUMB [get_4hex $value] 1 1]
+ }
+ # Write defined special variables (directive "SET")
+ foreach var ${PreProcessor::defined_SET_SPEC} {
+ set value [lindex $PreProcessor::const_SET_SPEC($var) {end 1}]
+ lappend symbol_table [list [string toupper $var] {S} SPEC [string toupper $value] 1 1]
+ }
+ # Sort table of symbols by names
+ set symbol_table [lsort -index 0 $symbol_table]
+ }
+ ## Set flag used to 1 for symbol writen in table of symbols
+ # @access public
+ # @parm String symbolic_name - Symbol name
+ # @parm String type - Symbol type
+ # @return Bool - result
+ proc symbol_used {symbolic_name type} {
+ variable symbol_table ;# Table of symbolic names
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::SYMBOLS}} {return}
+ # Find the specified symbol in the table
+ set symbolic_name [string toupper $symbolic_name]
+ set idx -1
+ foreach var $symbol_table {
+ incr idx
+ # Symbol found -> set flag used
+ if {[lindex $var 0] == $symbolic_name} {
+ lset symbol_table [list $idx 4] 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ # Symbol not found -> failed
+ return 0
+ }
+ ## Write error message to the code listing
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Index where the error occured
+ # @parm String info - Error message
+ # @return void
+ proc Error {idx info} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Adjust index
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ if {$idx == {}} {
+ puts stderr "Compiler internal failure 0 -- code listing will not be complete"
+ return
+ }
+ incr idx
+ increment_sync_map $idx 1
+ # Write the message
+ set lst [linsert $lst $idx [list {****} "ERROR: $info"]]
+ }
+ ## Write warning message to the code listing
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Index where the warning occured
+ # @parm String info - Warning message
+ # @return void
+ proc Warning {idx info} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Adjust index
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ if {$idx == {}} {
+ puts stderr "Compiler internal failure 4 -- code listing will not be complete"
+ return
+ }
+ incr idx
+ increment_sync_map $idx 1
+ # Write the message
+ set lst [linsert $lst $idx [list {****} "WARNING: $info"]]
+ }
+ ## Directive "$EJECT"
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @return void
+ proc directive_eject {idx} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Adjust index
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ if {$idx == {}} {
+ puts stderr "Compiler internal failure 5 -- code listing will not be complete"
+ return
+ }
+ incr idx 2
+ increment_sync_map $idx 1
+ # Write the message
+ set lst [linsert $lst $idx EJECT]
+ }
+ ## Directive "DB"
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @parm List values - Hexadecimal values (eg. '{FA 4 5 2D C'})
+ # @return void
+ proc db {idx values} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Determinate original values
+ set sub_idx [getIdx $idx]
+ if {$sub_idx != {}} {
+ set new_values [lindex $lst [list $sub_idx 1]]
+ } {
+ set new_values {}
+ }
+ # Adjust list of values
+ foreach val $values {
+ if {![string is digit -strict $val]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set val [string trimleft $val 0]
+ if {$val == {}} {
+ set val {00}
+ } else {
+ set val [format %X $val]
+ if {[string length $val] == 1} {
+ set val "0$val"
+ }
+ }
+ append new_values $val
+ }
+ # Set OP code for the current line
+ set_opcode $idx $new_values
+ }
+ ## Expansion of macro instruction
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @parm String macro_code - Code of the macro instruction
+ # @return void
+ proc macro {idx macro_code} {
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable tmp_lst ;# Tempotary LST code
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Create empty space in code listing
+ insert_lines $idx [llength $macro_code]
+ # Determinate target index
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ # Initialize auxiliary code listing list
+ set tmp_lst {}
+ # Adjust Macro expansion level and Inclusion level
+ set IncLevel [lindex $lst "$idx 3"]
+ set MacLevel [lindex $lst "$idx 4"]
+ if {![regexp {^\d+$} $MacLevel]} {
+ puts stderr "Compiler internal failure 1 -- code listing will not be complete"
+ return
+ }
+ incr MacLevel
+ # Adjust code of macro instruction
+ foreach line $macro_code {
+ lappend tmp_lst [list {} {} {} $IncLevel $MacLevel "\t\t$line"]
+ }
+ # Set macro expansion level
+ lset lst "$idx 4" $MacLevel
+ # Insert code of macro to the current code listing
+ incr idx
+ append tmp_lst { }
+ append tmp_lst [lrange $lst $idx end]
+ set lst [lreplace $lst $idx end]
+ append lst { }
+ append lst $tmp_lst
+ set tmp_lst {}
+ }
+ ## Adjust current code listing to the fiven code organization
+ # @access public
+ # @parm List organization - new organization (see Preprocessor)
+ # @return void
+ proc org {organization} {
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable new_sync_map ;# Tempotary Map of lines in code listing
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Reformat synchronization map
+ set new_sync_map {}
+ foreach org $organization {
+ # Local variables
+ set start [lindex $org 0] ;# Start line
+ set end [lindex $org 1] ;# End line
+ append new_sync_map { }
+ append new_sync_map [lrange $sync_map $start $end]
+ set sync_map [lreplace $sync_map $start $end]
+ }
+ if {$sync_map != {}} {
+ append new_sync_map { }
+ append new_sync_map $sync_map
+ }
+ set sync_map $new_sync_map
+ }
+ ## Set instruction OP code
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @parm String opcode - Haxadecimal OP code
+ # @return void
+ proc set_opcode {idx opcode} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Adjust code listing
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ if {$idx == {}} {return}
+ if {[catch {
+ lset lst [list $idx 1] $opcode
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "Compiler internal failure 2 -- code listing will not be complete"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set instruction address
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @parm Int addr - Instruction address
+ # @return void
+ proc set_addr {idx addr} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Adjust code listing
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ if {$idx == {}} {return}
+ if {[catch {
+ lset lst "$idx 0" [get_4hex $addr]
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "Compiler internal failure 3 -- code listing will not be complete"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ ## Directive "END"
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @return void
+ proc end_directive {idx} {
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Determinate target index
+ set lst_idx [getIdx $idx]
+ incr lst_idx
+ if {$lst_idx == {}} {return}
+ if {$lst_idx > ([llength $lst] - 1)} {return}
+ # Adjust code listing and synchronization map
+ set lst [lreplace $lst $lst_idx end]
+ set sync_map [lreplace $sync_map $idx end]
+ }
+ ## Set value for symbol definition
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @parm Int value - Symbol value
+ # @return void
+ proc set_value {idx value} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Determinate target index
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ if {$idx == {}} {return}
+ # Adjust code listing
+ lset lst "$idx 2" [get_4hex $value]
+ }
+ ## Set value for special symbol definition
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @parm Int value - Symbol value
+ # @return void
+ proc set_spec_value {idx value} {
+ # This procedure does nothing and that's what is should do ...
+ }
+ ## Directive "INCLUDE"
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @parm String data - Included source code
+ # @return void
+ proc include {idx data} {
+ variable tmp_lst ;# Tempotary LST code
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Insert empty lines for the included code
+ insert_lines $idx [expr {[llength $data] - 1}]
+ # Determinate target index
+ set idx [getIdx $idx]
+ # Adjust macro expansion level and inclusion level
+ set IncLevel [lindex $lst "$idx 3"]
+ set MacLevel [lindex $lst "$idx 4"]
+ incr IncLevel
+ # Adjust the given source code
+ set tmp_lst {}
+ foreach line $data {
+ lappend tmp_lst [list {} {} {} $IncLevel $MacLevel [lindex $line 2]]
+ }
+ # Reformat code listing
+ incr idx
+ append tmp_lst { }
+ append tmp_lst [lrange $lst $idx end]
+ incr idx -1
+ set lst [lreplace $lst $idx end]
+ append lst { }
+ append lst $tmp_lst
+ set tmp_lst {}
+ }
+ ## Line removed -- adjust synchronization map
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int idx - source index
+ # @return void
+ proc delete_line {idx} {
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ # Adjust synchronization map
+ if {[catch {
+ set sync_map [lreplace $sync_map $idx $idx]
+ }]} {
+ puts stderr "Still unresolved compiler bug. I am sorry for that, code listing will not be complete. (As far as I know there is only one bug of that kind)"
+ }
+ }
+ ## Adjust synchronization map to create spece which cannot contain anything
+ # @access public
+ # @parm Int dest_idx - Target index
+ # @parm Int len - Number of lines
+ # @return void
+ proc insert_empty_lines {dest_idx len} {
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable new_sync_map ;# Tempotary Map of lines in code listing
+ # Abort if there s nothing to insert
+ if {$len == 0} {return}
+ # Create $len empty items in sync map at index $dest_idx
+ set new_sync_map {}
+ set idx -1
+ foreach item $sync_map {
+ incr idx
+ lappend new_sync_map $item
+ if {$idx == $dest_idx} {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
+ lappend new_sync_map {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set sync_map $new_sync_map
+ }
+ ## Free reserved resources
+ # @access public
+ # @return void
+ proc free_resources {} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ set lst {}
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ ## Reformat internal listing to human readable text
+ # @access private
+ # @return void
+ proc format_listing {} {
+ variable header ;# Title string
+ variable pageNum ;# Page number
+ variable pageLines ;# Number of lines at the current page
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ variable Enabled ;# Bool: LIST/NOLIST flag
+ # Write page header
+ set result $header
+ append result { } $pageNum "\n"
+ # Initialize variables
+ set pageLines 0
+ set lineNum 0
+ # Reformat code
+ foreach line $lst {
+ incr lineNum
+ # Take case of directives "LIST" and "NOLIST"
+ if {$line == {NOLIST}} {
+ set Enabled 0
+ incr lineNum -1
+ continue
+ } elseif {$line == {LIST}} {
+ set Enabled 1
+ incr lineNum -1
+ continue
+ }
+ # Skip line if listing is disabled
+ if {!$Enabled} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Create new page if paging is enabled
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::PAGING}} {
+ incr pageLines
+ if {$pageLines > ${Compiler::Settings::PAGELENGTH}} {
+ incr pageNum
+ set pageLines 1
+ append result "\n\f" $header { } $pageNum "\n\n"
+ }
+ }
+ # Directive "$EJECT"
+ if {[lindex $line 0] == {EJECT}} {
+ incr pageNum
+ set pageLines 1
+ append result "\n\f" $header { } $pageNum "\n\n"
+ incr lineNum -1
+ # Line containing an error message
+ } elseif {[lindex $line 0] == {****}} {
+ append result "****" [lindex $line 1] "\n"
+ incr lineNum -1
+ # Normal line
+ } {
+ # Local variables
+ set addr [lindex $line 0] ;# Address field
+ set opcode [lindex $line 1] ;# Instruction OP code
+ set value [lindex $line 2] ;# Value of defined constant
+ set IncLevel [lindex $line 3] ;# Inclusion level
+ set MacLevel [lindex $line 4] ;# Macro expansion level
+ set code [lindex $line 5] ;# Source code
+ # Adjust inclusion level
+ if {$IncLevel == 0} {
+ set IncLevel { }
+ } {
+ set IncLevel "=$IncLevel"
+ if {[string length $IncLevel] == 2} {
+ append IncLevel { }
+ }
+ }
+ # Adjust macro expansion level
+ if {$MacLevel == 0} {
+ set MacLevel { }
+ } {
+ set MacLevel "+$MacLevel"
+ if {[string length $MacLevel] == 2} {
+ append MacLevel { }
+ }
+ }
+ # Adjust line number
+ set line_number $lineNum
+ set len [string length $line_number]
+ if {$len < 5} {
+ set line_number "[string repeat { } [expr {5 - $len}]]$line_number"
+ }
+ ## Create filed 0 (address + OP code // constant value)
+ set field0 {}
+ # Adjust opcode length (for continuation on the next line)
+ set opcode_len [string length $opcode]
+ if {$opcode_len > 10} {
+ set opcode_continue [string replace $opcode 0 9]
+ set opcode [string range $opcode 0 9]
+ }
+ # Only constant value
+ if {$value != {}} {
+ append field0 { } $value { }
+ # Address + OP code
+ } elseif {($opcode != {}) && ($addr != {})} {
+ if {$opcode_len < 10} {
+ append opcode [string repeat { } [expr {10 - $opcode_len}]]
+ }
+ append field0 $addr { } $opcode { }
+ # Empty
+ } else {
+ set field0 [string repeat { } 16]
+ }
+ # Composite final line
+ set line {}
+ append line $field0 { } $IncLevel { } $line_number
+ append line { } $MacLevel { } [tabs2spaces $code]
+ append result [string range $line 0 [expr ${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH} - 1]] "\n"
+ # Continue in unfinished opcode
+ if {$opcode_len > 10} {
+ incr opcode_len -10
+ for {set i 0; set j 9} {$i < $opcode_len} {incr i 10; incr j 10} {
+ append result { } [string range $opcode_continue $i $j] "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Restore characters '{' and '}'
+ regsub -all {\a} $result "\{" result
+ regsub -all {\b} $result "\}" result
+ # Remove redutant white space
+ set lst [regsub -all -line {\s+$} $result {}]
+ }
+ ## Convert tabulators to spaces
+ # @access private
+ # @parm String data - input data
+ # @return String - output data
+ proc tabs2spaces {data} {
+ set tmp {} ;# Auxiliary variable
+ while 1 {
+ # Search for 1st tabulator
+ set idx [string first "\t" $data]
+ # Tabulator not found -> return result
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ return $data
+ # 1st char
+ } elseif {$idx == 0} {
+ regsub {\t} $data { } data
+ # Somewhere else
+ } else {
+ # Determinate string before tabulator
+ incr idx -1
+ set tmp [string range $data 0 $idx]
+ # Determinate string after tabulator
+ incr idx 2
+ set data [string range $data $idx end]
+ # Determinate number of spaces
+ set len [string length $tmp]
+ set len [expr {8 - ($len % 8)}]
+ # Recomposite source string
+ append tmp [string repeat { } $len]
+ append tmp $data
+ set data $tmp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create string containing error summary
+ # Modifies content of variables:
+ # - error_summary
+ # - errors_count
+ # - warnings_count
+ # @access private
+ # @return void
+ proc create_error_summary {} {
+ variable lst ;# Resulting LST code
+ variable error_summary ;# Error summmary string
+ variable errors_count ;# Number of errors
+ variable warnings_count ;# Number of warnings
+ variable header ;# Title string
+ variable pageNum ;# Page number
+ variable pageLines ;# Number of lines at the current page
+ # Reset error counters
+ set errors_count 0
+ set warnings_count 0
+ # Initialize resulting string
+ set error_summary {}
+ # Create new page
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::PAGING}} {
+ incr pageNum
+ set pageLines 0
+ append error_summary "\n\f" $header { } $pageNum "\n\n"
+ }
+ append error_summary {ERROR SUMMARY:}
+ # Search code for errors and warnings
+ set lineNum -1
+ foreach line $lst {
+ incr lineNum
+ # Create new page if nessesary
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::PAGING}} {
+ incr pageLines
+ if {$pageLines > ${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH}} {
+ incr pageNum
+ set pageLines 1
+ append error_summary "\n\f" $header { } $pageNum "\n\n"
+ }
+ }
+ # Error/Warning found
+ if {[lindex $line 0] == {****}} {
+ if {[lindex $line {1 0}] == {ERROR:}} {
+ incr errors_count
+ } {
+ incr warnings_count
+ }
+ # Append error/warning information
+ append error_summary "\n" Line { } $lineNum {, } [lindex $line 1]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create table of symbolic names
+ # Result is stored in variable symbol_table
+ # @access private
+ # @return void
+ proc create_symbol_table {} {
+ variable symbol_table ;# Table of symbolic names
+ variable header ;# Title string
+ variable pageNum ;# Page number
+ variable pageLines ;# Number of lines at the current page
+ # Initialize resulting string
+ set result {}
+ # Create new page
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::PAGING}} {
+ incr pageNum
+ set pageLines 0
+ append result "\n\f" $header { } $pageNum "\n\n"
+ }
+ append result {SYMBOL TABLE:}
+ # Create string for paddings
+ set padding [string repeat { .} 18]
+ # Convert current table to human readable string
+ foreach var $symbol_table {
+ # Create new page if nessesary
+ if {${Compiler::Settings::PAGING}} {
+ incr pageLines
+ if {$pageLines > ${Compiler::Settings::PAGEWIDTH}} {
+ incr pageNum
+ set pageLines 1
+ append result "\n\f" $header { } $pageNum "\n\n"
+ }
+ }
+ # Local variables
+ set rd [lindex $var 5] ;# Bool: redefinable
+ set nu [lindex $var 4] ;# Bool: not used
+ set val [lindex $var 3] ;# Value
+ set name [lindex $var 0] ;# Symbolic name
+ ## Type
+ # NUMB == number
+ # ADDR == address
+ # SPEC == special value
+ set type [lindex $var 2]
+ ## Character
+ # C == code
+ # D == data
+ # B == bit
+ # X == external
+ # S == special value
+ set char [lindex $var 1]
+ # Adjust rd
+ if {$rd == 1} {
+ set rd {REDEFINABLE}
+ } {
+ set rd {}
+ }
+ # Adjust nu
+ if {$nu == 1} {
+ set nu {NOT USED}
+ } {
+ set nu { }
+ }
+ # Adjuts symbolic name
+ set len [string length $name]
+ incr len -1
+ set name [string replace $padding 0 $len $name]
+ # Composite final line
+ if {$char != {S}} {
+ set h {H}
+ } {
+ set nu { }
+ set h [string repeat { } [expr {5 - [string length $val]}]]
+ }
+ append result "\n" $name { } $char { } $type { } $val $h { } $nu { } $rd
+ }
+ append result "\n"
+ # Remove all redutant white space
+ regsub -all -line {\s+$} $result {} symbol_table
+ }
+ ## Increment values in synchronization map
+ # @access private
+ # @parm Int idx - Index where incrementation begins
+ # @parm Int value - Value to increment by
+ # @return void
+ proc increment_sync_map {idx value} {
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable new_sync_map ;# Tempotary Map of lines in code listing
+ set new_sync_map {}
+ foreach item $sync_map {
+ if {$item >= $idx} {
+ if {$item != {}} {
+ incr item $value
+ }
+ }
+ lappend new_sync_map $item
+ }
+ set sync_map $new_sync_map
+ }
+ ## Convert decimal value to four digit hexadecimal value
+ # @access private
+ # @parm Int number - number to convert
+ # @return String - result
+ proc get_4hex {number} {
+ # Convert value
+ set number [format %X $number]
+ # Adjust length
+ set len [string length $number]
+ if {$len < 4} {
+ set number "[string repeat 0 [expr {4 - $len}]]$number"
+ }
+ # Return result
+ return $number
+ }
+ ## Translate source index to target index acording to synchronization map
+ # @access private
+ # @parm Int idx - Source index
+ # @return Int - target index
+ proc getIdx {idx} {
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ set result [lindex $sync_map $idx]
+ if {$result == {}} {
+ set result 0
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ ## Adjust synchronization map to create empty space to insert something
+ # @access private
+ # @parm Int dest_idx - Target index
+ # @parm Int len - Number of lines
+ # @return void
+ proc insert_lines {dest_idx len} {
+ # Check if code listing is enabled
+ if {!${Compiler::Settings::PRINT}} {return}
+ if {$len == 0} {return}
+ variable sync_map ;# Map of lines in code listing
+ variable new_sync_map ;# Tempotary Map of lines in code listing
+ # Adjust synchronization map
+ set dest_item [lindex $sync_map $dest_idx]
+ if {$dest_item == {}} {
+ set dest_item 0
+ }
+ set new_sync_map {}
+ set idx -1
+ foreach item $sync_map {
+ incr idx
+ # Taget index
+ if {$idx == $dest_idx} {
+ if {$item == {}} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set tmp [expr {$len + $item}]
+ while {$item <= $tmp} {
+ lappend new_sync_map $item
+ incr item
+ }
+ # Empty index or too low index to be changed
+ } elseif {$item == {} || $item < $dest_item} {
+ lappend new_sync_map $item
+ # Index somewhere in the affected area
+ } else {
+ incr item $len
+ lappend new_sync_map $item
+ }
+ }
+ set sync_map $new_sync_map
+ }