path: root/lib/configdialogs/editor_config.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/configdialogs/editor_config.tcl')
1 files changed, 2148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/configdialogs/editor_config.tcl b/lib/configdialogs/editor_config.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd51a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/configdialogs/editor_config.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,2148 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Implements editor configuration dialog
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace eval editor {
+ variable dialog_opened 0 ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ variable row 0 ;# General purpose variable (some row somewhere)
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable button_index 0 ;# Button index (for creating many buttons)
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ variable autocompletion_turned_on 0
+ # Notebook related
+ variable nb ;# Widget: Notebook itself
+ variable editor_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Editor"
+ variable general_tab ;# Widget: Tab "General"
+ variable colors_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Colors"
+ variable fonts_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Fonts"
+ variable highlight_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"
+ variable highlight_tab_asm ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Assembler"
+ variable highlight_tab_C ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"C language"
+ variable highlight_tab_lst ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Code listing"
+ ## Tab "Editor"
+ ## Int: Editor to use
+ # 0 - Native editor
+ # 1 - Vim
+ # 2 - Emacs
+ # 3 - Nano
+ # 4 - dav
+ # 5 - le
+ variable editor_to_use
+ # Tab "General"
+ variable default_encoding ;# Default encoding for opening files
+ variable default_eol ;# Default EOL character
+ variable intentation_mode ;# Editor indentation mode
+ variable spaces_no_tabs ;# Bool: Use spaces instead of tabs
+ variable number_of_spaces ;# Int: Number of spaces to use instead of tab
+ variable autosave ;# Int: Autosave interval in minutes (0 == disabled)
+ variable auto_brackets ;# Automaticaly insert oposite brackets, quotes, etc.
+ variable hg_trailing_sp ;# Bool: Highlight trailing space
+ variable auto_completion ;# Bool: Enable popup-based completion
+ variable cline_completion ;# Bool: Enable popup-based completion for command line
+ variable avaliable_encodings {
+ utf-8 iso8859-1 iso8859-2
+ iso8859-3 iso8859-4 iso8859-5
+ iso8859-6 iso8859-7 iso8859-8
+ iso8859-9 iso8859-10 iso8859-13
+ iso8859-14 iso8859-15 iso8859-16
+ cp1250 cp1251 cp1252
+ cp1253 cp1254 cp1255
+ cp1256 cp1257 cp1258
+ }
+ # Tab "Colors"
+ variable color_normal_text ;# RGB: Editor backgound color
+ variable color_selected_text ;# RGB: Backgound color for selected text
+ variable color_current_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for current line
+ variable color_bookmark ;# RGB: Backgound color for bookmarks
+ variable color_breakpoint ;# RGB: Backgound color for breakpoints
+ variable color_simulator_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for simulator line
+ variable color_error_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for line containing an error
+ variable color_trailing_space ;# RGB: Backgound color for trailing space
+ variable color_iconBorder_bg ;# RGB: Backgound color for icon border
+ variable color_lineNumbers_bg ;# RGB: Backgound color for line numbers
+ variable color_lineNumbers_fg ;# RGB: Foregound color for line numbers
+ # Tab "Fonts"
+ variable sample_text ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable sample_text_size ;# Font size
+ variable sample_text_family ;# Font family
+ ## Tab "Assembler syntax highlight"
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable list_of_tags_asm ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ # List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor position in sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_asm
+ ## Tab "C" syntax highlight"
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable list_of_tags_C ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_C ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ # List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor position in sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_C
+ ## Tab "LST" syntax highlight"
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ variable list_of_tags_lst ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ # List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor position in sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_lst
+ ## Create the dialog
+ # @parm String = {} - Tab to raise on start up
+ # @return void
+ proc mkDialog args {
+ variable nb ;# Widget: Notebook itself
+ variable editor_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Editor"
+ variable general_tab ;# Widget: Tab "General"
+ variable colors_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Colors"
+ variable fonts_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Fonts"
+ variable highlight_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"
+ variable highlight_tab_asm ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Assembler"
+ variable highlight_tab_C ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"C language"
+ variable highlight_tab_lst ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Code listing"
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ variable editor_to_use ;# Int: Prefred editor
+ variable sample_text ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable sample_text_size ;# Font size
+ variable sample_text_family ;# Font family
+ variable row ;# General purpose variable (some row somewhere)
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ variable button_index ;# Button index (for creating many buttons)
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ set button_index 0
+ # Destroy dialog windows if it is already opened
+ if {$dialog_opened} {
+ destroy .editor_config_dialog
+ }
+ set dialog_opened 1
+ set changed 0
+ set anything_modified 0
+ # Get settings from the program
+ getSettings
+ # Create toplevel window
+ set win [toplevel .editor_config_dialog -class {Configuration dialog} -bg {#EEEEEE}]
+ # Create window header
+ label $win.header_label \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::32::configure \
+ -text [mc "Editor configuration"] \
+ -font [font create -size -20]
+ # Create notebook
+ set nb [ttk::notebook $win.nb]
+ bind $nb <<NotebookTabChanged>> {after idle {
+ set tab_index [%W index [%W select]]
+ if {[lsearch ${::configDialogs::editor::tab_created_so_far} $tab_index] == -1} {
+ lappend ::configDialogs::editor::tab_created_so_far $tab_index
+ ::configDialogs::editor::create_tab \
+ [lindex \
+ [list editor general colors fonts highlight] \
+ $tab_index \
+ ]
+ } else { ;# External editors are not available on Microsoft Windows
+ ::configDialogs::editor::create_tab \
+ [lindex \
+ [list general colors fonts highlight] \
+ $tab_index \
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }}
+ set ::configDialogs::editor::tab_created_so_far [list]
+ # Create Tab "Editor"
+ if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# External editors are not available on Microsoft Windows
+ set editor_tab [frame $nb.editor_tab]
+ $nb add $editor_tab -text [mc "Editor"]
+ }
+ # Create Tab "General"
+ set general_tab [frame $nb.general_tab]
+ $nb add $general_tab -text [mc "General"]
+ # Create Tab "Colors"
+ set colors_tab [frame $nb.colors_tab]
+ $nb add $colors_tab -text [mc "Colors"]
+ # Create Tab "Fonts"
+ set fonts_tab [frame $nb.fonts_tab]
+ $nb add $fonts_tab -text [mc "Fonts"]
+ # Create Tab "Highlight"
+ set highlight_tab [frame $nb.highlight_tab]
+ $nb add $highlight_tab -text [mc "Syntax highlight"]
+ #
+ ## Finalize
+ #
+ if {[string length $args]} {
+ if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# External editors are not available on Microsoft Windows
+ $nb select [lindex [$nb tabs] \
+ [lsearch [list {Editor} {General} {Colors} {Fonts} {Highlight}] $args]]
+ } {
+ $nb select [lindex [$nb tabs] \
+ [lsearch [list {General} {Colors} {Fonts} {Highlight}] $args]]
+ }
+ } {
+ if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# External editors are not available on Microsoft Windows
+ if {$editor_to_use} {
+ foreach tab [list $highlight_tab $general_tab] {
+ $nb tab $tab -state disabled
+ }
+ $nb select $editor_tab
+ } {
+ $nb select $general_tab
+ }
+ } {
+ $nb select $general_tab
+ }
+ }
+ # Create button frame at the bottom
+ set but_frame [frame $win.button_frame]
+ # Button "Apply"
+ set apply_button [ttk::button $but_frame.but_apply \
+ -text [mc "Apply"] \
+ -state disabled \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \
+ -command {::configDialogs::editor::APPLY} \
+ ]
+ pack $apply_button -side left
+ # Button "Ok"
+ pack [ttk::button $but_frame.but_ok \
+ -text [mc "Ok"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \
+ -command {::configDialogs::editor::OK} \
+ ] -side right
+ # Button "Cancel"
+ pack [ttk::button $but_frame.but_cancel \
+ -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \
+ -command {::configDialogs::editor::CANCEL} \
+ ] -side right
+ # Pack frames and notebook
+ pack $but_frame -side bottom -fill x -expand 0 -anchor s -padx 10 -pady 5
+ pack $win.header_label -side top -pady 6
+ pack $nb -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10
+ # Finalize creation of the dialog
+ wm transient $win .
+ wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::configure
+ wm title $win [mc "Editor configuration - %s" ${::APPNAME}]
+ wm geometry $win =380x440
+ wm resizable $win 0 0
+ raise $win
+ catch {grab $win}
+ wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
+ ::configDialogs::editor::CANCEL
+ }
+ tkwait window $win
+ }
+ ## Create tab in notebook
+ # @parm String tab_name - Name of tab to create
+ # @return void
+ proc create_tab {tab_name} {
+ variable nb ;# Widget: Notebook itself
+ variable editor_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Editor"
+ variable general_tab ;# Widget: Tab "General"
+ variable colors_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Colors"
+ variable fonts_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Fonts"
+ variable avaliable_encodings ;# Avaliable encodings
+ variable highlight_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"
+ variable highlight_tab_asm ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Assembler"
+ variable highlight_tab_C ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"C language"
+ variable highlight_tab_lst ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Code listing"
+ variable editor_to_use ;# Int: Prefred editor
+ variable sample_text ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable sample_text_size ;# Font size
+ variable sample_text_family ;# Font family
+ variable row ;# General purpose variable (some row somewhere)
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ variable button_index ;# Button index (for creating many buttons)
+ switch -- $tab_name {
+ {editor} { ;# Tab "Editor selection"
+ set editor_top_frame [frame $editor_tab.top_frame]
+ # Preferred editor
+ grid [label $editor_top_frame.editor_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Preferred editor:"] -anchor w \
+ ] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
+ set row 1
+ set i 0
+ foreach text {
+ {Native editor} Vim Emacs Nano dav le
+ } {
+ grid [radiobutton $editor_top_frame.rabut_$i \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::editor_to_use \
+ -value $i -text $text -state disabled \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::editor_to_use_changed \
+ ] -column 0 -padx 25 -row $row -sticky w
+ incr i
+ incr row
+ }
+ $editor_top_frame.rabut_0 configure -state normal
+ if {${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(urxvt)}} {
+ if {${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(vim)}} {
+ $editor_top_frame.rabut_1 configure -state normal
+ }
+ if {${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(emacs)}} {
+ $editor_top_frame.rabut_2 configure -state normal
+ }
+ if {${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(nano)}} {
+ $editor_top_frame.rabut_3 configure -state normal
+ }
+ if {${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(dav)}} {
+ $editor_top_frame.rabut_4 configure -state normal
+ }
+ if {${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(le)}} {
+ $editor_top_frame.rabut_5 configure -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ grid [label $editor_top_frame.editor_note \
+ -fg {#555555} -font [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -size -14 -slant italic \
+ ] \
+ -text [mc "(This change will take effect upon next start.)"] \
+ ] -row 20 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
+ # Finalize
+ grid columnconfigure $editor_top_frame 0 -minsize 200
+ grid columnconfigure $editor_top_frame 1 -weight 1
+ pack $editor_top_frame -side top -anchor nw -padx 5 -fill x
+ }
+ {general} { ;# Tab "General"
+ # Create label frames
+ set editing_labelframe [ttk::labelframe $general_tab.labelframe_edit \
+ -text [mc "Editing"] \
+ ]
+ set open_labelframe [ttk::labelframe $general_tab.labelframe_open \
+ -text [mc "File opening, saving, etc."] \
+ ]
+ set cmd_labelframe [ttk::labelframe $general_tab.labelframe_cmd \
+ -text [mc "Command line"] \
+ ]
+ ## Labelframe "Editing"
+ # Item: "Auto brackets"
+ grid [Label $editing_labelframe.autob_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Auto brackets"] \
+ -helptext [mc "If you type a left bracket, editor\nwill automaticaly insert right bracket"] \
+ ] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [checkbutton $editing_labelframe.autob_chbutton \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::auto_brackets \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed \
+ ] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5
+ DynamicHelp::add $editing_labelframe.autob_chbutton \
+ -text [mc "When you type a left bracket editor\nwill automaticaly insert right bracket"]
+ # Item: "Indentation mode"
+ grid [Label $editing_labelframe.imode_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Indentation mode"] \
+ -helptext [mc "What to do when you press enter\n\tnone\t- start on the begining of the next line\n\tnormal\t- keep indention of the previous line"] \
+ ] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [ttk::combobox $editing_labelframe.imode_cb \
+ -values [list [mc "none"] [mc "normal"]] \
+ -state readonly \
+ -width 0 \
+ -textvariable ::configDialogs::editor::intentation_mode \
+ ] -row 2 -column 1 -sticky we -padx 5
+ bind $editing_labelframe.imode_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ {::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed}
+ DynamicHelp::add $editing_labelframe.imode_cb \
+ -text [mc "What to do when you press enter\n\tnone\t- start on the begining of the next line\n\tnormal\t- keep indention of the previous line"]
+ # Item: "Insert ' ' instead of '\t'"
+ grid [Label $editing_labelframe.tabis_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Insert ' ' instead of '\\t'"] \
+ -helptext [mc "Use spaces instead of tabs"] \
+ ] -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [checkbutton $editing_labelframe.tabis_chbutton \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::spaces_no_tabs \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed \
+ ] -row 3 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5
+ DynamicHelp::add $editing_labelframe.tabis_chbutton \
+ -text [mc "Use spaces instead of tabs"]
+ # Item: "Number of spaces"
+ grid [Label $editing_labelframe.nofs_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Number of spaces"] \
+ -helptext [mc "Number of spaces to use instead of tabs"] \
+ ] -row 4 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [spinbox $editing_labelframe.nofs_spinbox \
+ -from 1 -to 16 -bg white -validate all \
+ -vcmd "::configDialogs::editor::nofs_spinbox_val %P" \
+ -textvariable ::configDialogs::editor::number_of_spaces \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed \
+ ] -row 4 -column 1 -sticky we -padx 5
+ DynamicHelp::add $editing_labelframe.nofs_spinbox \
+ -text [mc "Number of spaces to use instead of tabs"]
+ # Item: "Enable autocompletion"
+ grid [Label $editing_labelframe.completion_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Enable autocompletion"] \
+ -helptext [mc "Enable popup-based autocompletion"] \
+ ] -row 5 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [checkbutton $editing_labelframe.completion_chbutton \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::auto_completion \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed \
+ ] -row 5 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5
+ DynamicHelp::add $editing_labelframe.completion_chbutton \
+ -text [mc "Enable popup-based autocompletion"]
+ # Item: "Highlight trailing space"
+ grid [Label $editing_labelframe.trail_sp_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Highlight trailing space"] \
+ ] -row 6 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [checkbutton $editing_labelframe.trail_sp_chbutton \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::hg_trailing_sp \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed \
+ ] -row 6 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5
+ # Finalize
+ grid columnconfigure $editing_labelframe 0 -minsize 200
+ grid columnconfigure $editing_labelframe 1 -weight 1
+ ## Labelframe "File opening & saving"
+ # Item: "Show tab bar"
+ grid [Label $open_labelframe.show_editor_tab_bar_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Show tab bar"] \
+ ] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [checkbutton $open_labelframe.show_editor_tab_bar_chb \
+ -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed \
+ ] -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5
+ # Item: "Default charset"
+ grid [Label $open_labelframe.charset_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Default encoding"] \
+ -helptext [mc "When you open file with unknown encoding\nthis encoding will be used"] \
+ ] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [ttk::combobox $open_labelframe.charset_cb \
+ -width 0 \
+ -state readonly \
+ -values $avaliable_encodings \
+ -textvariable ::configDialogs::editor::default_encoding \
+ ] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky we -padx 5
+ bind $open_labelframe.charset_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ {::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed}
+ DynamicHelp::add $open_labelframe.charset_cb \
+ -text [mc "When you open file with unknown encoding\nthis encoding will be used"]
+ # Item: "Default EOL"
+ grid [Label $open_labelframe.eol_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Default EOL"] \
+ -helptext [mc "When you open file with unknown\nEOL (End Of Line) this EOL will be used"] \
+ ] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [ttk::combobox $open_labelframe.eol_cb \
+ -textvariable ::configDialogs::editor::default_eol \
+ -width 0 \
+ -state readonly \
+ -values {{lf} {cr} {crlf}} \
+ ] -row 2 -column 1 -sticky we -padx 5
+ bind $open_labelframe.eol_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ {::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed}
+ DynamicHelp::add $open_labelframe.eol_cb \
+ -text [mc "When you open file with unknown\nEOL (End Of Line) this EOL will be used"]
+ # Item: "Autosave"
+ grid [Label $open_labelframe.autosave_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Autosave interval"] \
+ -helptext [mc "Autosave interval in minutes (0 means disabled)"] \
+ ] -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [ttk::combobox $open_labelframe.autosave_cb \
+ -width 0 \
+ -state readonly \
+ -values {0 1 2 5 10 15 20 30 45 60} \
+ -textvariable ::configDialogs::editor::autosave \
+ ] -row 3 -column 1 -sticky we -padx 5
+ bind $open_labelframe.autosave_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ {::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed}
+ DynamicHelp::add $open_labelframe.autosave_cb \
+ -text [mc "Autosave interval in minutes (0 means disabled)"]
+ # Finalize
+ grid columnconfigure $open_labelframe 0 -minsize 200
+ grid columnconfigure $open_labelframe 1 -weight 1
+ ## Labelframe "Command line"
+ # Item: "Enable autocompletion"
+ grid [Label $cmd_labelframe.completion_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Enable autocompletion"] \
+ -helptext [mc "Enable popup-based autocompletion"] \
+ ] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid [checkbutton $cmd_labelframe.completion_chbutton \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::cline_completion \
+ -command ::configDialogs::editor::settings_changed \
+ ] -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w -padx 5
+ # Finalize
+ grid columnconfigure $cmd_labelframe 0 -minsize 200
+ grid columnconfigure $cmd_labelframe 1 -weight 1
+ # Pack label frames of tab "General"
+ pack $editing_labelframe -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5
+ pack $open_labelframe -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 10
+ pack $cmd_labelframe -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5
+ }
+ {colors} {;# Tab "Colors"
+ # Create label frames
+ set frm_textAreaBackfround [ttk::labelframe \
+ $colors_tab.textAreaBackfround \
+ -text [mc "Text area background"] \
+ -padding 5 \
+ ]
+ set frm_additionalElements [ttk::labelframe \
+ $colors_tab.additionalElements \
+ -text [mc "Additional elements"] \
+ -padding 5 \
+ ]
+ # Create buttons in label frame "Text area background"
+ set row 0
+ foreach name {
+ normal_text selected_text current_line
+ bookmark simulator_line breakpoint
+ error_line trailing_space
+ } text {
+ {Normal text} {Selected text} {Current line}
+ {Bookmark} {Simulator line} {Breakpoint}
+ {Line with an error} {Trailing space}
+ } {
+ mk_button_select_menu \
+ $frm_textAreaBackfround \
+ "::configDialogs::editor::color_$name" \
+ $name \
+ $text
+ }
+ grid columnconfigure $frm_textAreaBackfround 1 -minsize 200
+ # Create buttons in label frame "Text area background"
+ set row 0
+ foreach name {
+ iconBorder_bg lineNumbers_bg
+ lineNumbers_fg
+ } text {
+ {Icon border background} {Line numbers background}
+ {Line numbers foreground}
+ } {
+ mk_button_select_menu \
+ $frm_additionalElements \
+ "::configDialogs::editor::color_$name" \
+ $name \
+ $text
+ grid columnconfigure $frm_additionalElements 1 -minsize 200
+ }
+ # Pack label frames
+ pack $frm_textAreaBackfround -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5
+ pack $frm_additionalElements -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5
+ }
+ {fonts} { ;# Tab "Fonts"
+ # Create frames
+ set top_frame [frame $fonts_tab.frm_top_frame]
+ set bottom_frame [frame $fonts_tab.frm_bottom_frame]
+ set top_left_frame [frame $top_frame.frm_left]
+ set top_right_frame [frame $top_frame.frm_right]
+ # Create fonts listbox
+ set scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar $top_left_frame.scrollbar \
+ -orient vertical \
+ -command "$top_left_frame.list_box yview" \
+ ]
+ set listBox [ListBox $top_left_frame.list_box \
+ -bg white \
+ -yscrollcommand "$scrollbar set" \
+ -selectfill 1 \
+ -selectbackground #8888FF \
+ -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -height 15 \
+ -width 25 \
+ ]
+ pack $scrollbar -side right -fill y
+ pack $listBox -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ $listBox bindText <1> {::configDialogs::editor::select_font_family %W}
+ if {[winfo exists $listBox.c]} {
+ bind $listBox.c <Button-5> {%W yview scroll +5 units; break}
+ bind $listBox.c <Button-4> {%W yview scroll -5 units; break}
+ }
+ # Create size listbox
+ set scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar $top_right_frame.scrollbar \
+ -orient vertical \
+ -command "$top_right_frame.list_box yview" \
+ ]
+ set listBox [ListBox $top_right_frame.list_box \
+ -bg white \
+ -yscrollcommand "$scrollbar set" \
+ -selectfill 1 \
+ -selectbackground #8888FF \
+ -width 7 \
+ -height 15 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 \
+ ]
+ pack $scrollbar -side right -fill y
+ pack $listBox -side left -fill y
+ $listBox bindText <1> {::configDialogs::editor::select_font_size %W}
+ if {[winfo exists $listBox.c]} {
+ bind $listBox.c <Button-5> {%W yview scroll +5 units; break}
+ bind $listBox.c <Button-4> {%W yview scroll -5 units; break}
+ }
+ # Create sample text entry
+ set sample_text [entry $bottom_frame.entry \
+ -bg #EEEEEE \
+ -bd 0 \
+ -width 30 \
+ -font [font create \
+ -family $sample_text_family \
+ -size -$sample_text_size \
+ ] \
+ ]
+ pack $sample_text -pady 25
+ $sample_text insert end [mc "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"]
+ # Pack frames
+ pack $top_left_frame -side left -padx 5 -fill x
+ pack $top_right_frame -side right -padx 5
+ pack $top_frame -side top -pady 10
+ pack $bottom_frame -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
+ # Fill up sizes listbox
+ for {set i 4} {$i < 22} {incr i} {
+ $top_right_frame.list_box insert end $i -text $i
+ if {$i == $sample_text_size} {
+ $top_right_frame.list_box selection set $i
+ }
+ }
+ pack [label $bottom_frame.progress \
+ -text [mc "Searching for available fonts ..."] \
+ ]
+ # Fill up fonts listbox
+ after idle [subst {
+ set i 0
+ foreach font \[font families\] {
+ set font_ref \[font create -family \$font\]
+ if {!\[font metrics \$font_ref -fixed\]} {
+ font delete \$font_ref
+ continue
+ }
+ font delete \$font_ref
+ $top_left_frame.list_box insert end \$i -text \$font
+ if {\$font == {$sample_text_family}} {
+ $top_left_frame.list_box selection set \$i
+ }
+ incr i
+ update
+ }
+ destroy $bottom_frame.progress
+ }]
+ }
+ {highlight} { ;# Tab "Syntax highlight"
+ set highlight_notebook [ttk::notebook $highlight_tab.nb]
+ bind $highlight_notebook <<NotebookTabChanged>> {after idle {
+ set tab_index [%W index [%W select]]
+ if {[lsearch ${::configDialogs::editor::hn_tab_created_so_far} $tab_index] == -1} {
+ lappend ::configDialogs::editor::hn_tab_created_so_far $tab_index
+ ::configDialogs::editor::create_highlight_tab $tab_index
+ }
+ }}
+ set ::configDialogs::editor::hn_tab_created_so_far [list]
+ set highlight_tab_asm [frame $highlight_notebook.highlight_tab_asm]
+ $highlight_notebook add $highlight_tab_asm -text [mc "Assembler"]
+ set highlight_tab_C [frame $highlight_notebook.highlight_tab_C]
+ $highlight_notebook add $highlight_tab_C -text [mc "C language"]
+ set highlight_tab_lst [frame $highlight_notebook.highlight_tab_lst]
+ $highlight_notebook add $highlight_tab_lst -text [mc "Code listing"]
+ $highlight_notebook select $highlight_tab_asm
+ pack $highlight_notebook -fill both -expand 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create tab synatx highlight in notebook "Syntax highlight"
+ # @parm Int language - Highlighting pattern
+ # 0 - Assembler
+ # 1 - C language
+ # 2 - Code listing
+ # @retuer void
+ proc create_highlight_tab {language} {
+ ## General
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ variable highlight_tab_asm ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Assembler"
+ variable highlight_tab_C ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"C language"
+ variable highlight_tab_lst ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"/"Code listing"
+ ## Assembler
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_asm ;# List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor
+ variable list_of_tags_asm ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ # C language
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_C ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_C ;# List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor
+ variable list_of_tags_C ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ # Code listing
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_lst ;# List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor
+ variable list_of_tags_lst ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ # Determinate set of highlighting tags
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ set tab_frame $highlight_tab_asm
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_asm
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set tab_frame $highlight_tab_C
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_C
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set tab_frame $highlight_tab_lst
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_lst
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create widgets
+ # Top frame - Contains: SCR frame (SRC header, list of tags), scrollbar
+ set highlight_tab_top_frame [frame $tab_frame.top_frame]
+ # SCR frame - Contains: SRC header, list of tags
+ set highlight_tab_scr_frm [frame $highlight_tab_top_frame.src_frm -bd 1 -relief sunken]
+ # Scrollbar (in Top frame)
+ set highlight_tab_scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar \
+ $highlight_tab_top_frame.scrollbar \
+ -orient vertical \
+ -command "$highlight_tab_scr_frm.scr_text_c yview" \
+ ]
+ # SRC header (in SCR frame)
+ set highlight_tab_scr_header [text $highlight_tab_scr_frm.scr_text_h \
+ -bd 0 -height 2 -bg {#DFDFDF} -height 1 -width 0 \
+ -cursor left_ptr -font [font create -family any -size -16] \
+ ]
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_header <<Selection>> {false_selection %W}
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_header <ButtonRelease-3> {break}
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_header <Key-Menu> {break}
+ # list of tags (in SCR frame)
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text [text $highlight_tab_scr_frm.scr_text_c \
+ -bd 0 \
+ -bg {#FFFFFF} \
+ -cursor left_ptr \
+ -font ${::Editor::defaultFont_bold} \
+ -yscrollcommand "$highlight_tab_scrollbar set" \
+ -width 1 \
+ ]
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text tag configure sel_user \
+ -borderwidth 1 -background {#CCCCFF} -relief raised
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {set sh_ns ASMsyntaxHighlight}
+ 1 {set sh_ns CsyntaxHighlight}
+ 2 {set sh_ns LSTsyntaxHighlight}
+ }
+ ${sh_ns}::create_tags $highlight_tab_scr_text ${::Editor::fontSize} ${::Editor::fontFamily} $hightlight_tags
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_text <<Selection>> {false_selection %W}
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_text <ButtonRelease-3> {break}
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_text <Key-Menu> {break}
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_text <Button-4> "$highlight_tab_scr_text yview scroll -1 units"
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_text <Button-5> "$highlight_tab_scr_text yview scroll +1 units"
+ # Sample text
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text [text $tab_frame.scr_text_sample \
+ -bd 1 -bg {#FFFFFF} -width 0 -height 3 -maxundo 0 \
+ -wrap none -selectborderwidth 1 -highlightcolor gray \
+ ]
+ ${sh_ns}::create_tags $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text 12 $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT $hightlight_tags
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text <KeyRelease> "::configDialogs::editor::parse %K $language"
+ bind $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text <ButtonPress-1> \
+ "::configDialogs::editor::syntax_sample_text_click %x %y $language"
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text insert end [join [list \
+ "FOX0 equ (100 % Xer)\n" \
+ "main: inc FOX0 ; [mc {increment some register}]\n" \
+ " sjmp main ; [mc {close main loop}]" \
+ ] {}]
+ }
+ 1 {
+ $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text insert end [join [list \
+ "/** @sa DOXYGEN <b> **/ // [mc {Comment}]\n" \
+ "unsigned int func() {\n" \
+ "\treturn 0xFA+044-58+'d'\n" \
+ "}\n" \
+ "printf(\"[mc {String}] %f\", 7.2);\n" \
+ "#define [mc {macro Some value}]\n" \
+ "#include <some_lib.h>" \
+ ] {}]
+ }
+ 2 {
+ $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text insert end [join {
+ { 0055 18 X data 55h} \
+ { =1 32 sub_0:} \
+ {0014 1122 =1 33 +1 inc A} \
+ } "\n"]
+ }
+ }
+ # Pack widgets
+ pack $highlight_tab_scr_header -in $highlight_tab_scr_frm -fill x -expand 1 -anchor n
+ pack $highlight_tab_scr_text -in $highlight_tab_scr_frm -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $highlight_tab_scrollbar -side right -fill y
+ pack $highlight_tab_scr_frm -side left -expand 1 -fill both
+ pack $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text -side bottom -fill x -expand 0
+ pack $highlight_tab_top_frame -side top -fill both -expand 1
+ # Create content of "SCR header"
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header tag configure tag_normal \
+ -font [$highlight_tab_scr_text cget -font]
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header insert end " [mc {Content}] "
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header image create end -image ::ICONS::16::text_italic -pady 0
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header insert end " "
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header image create end -image ::ICONS::16::text_strike -pady 0
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header insert end " "
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header image create end -image ::ICONS::16::text_bold -pady 0
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header insert end " [mc {Color}]"
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header configure -state disabled
+ $highlight_tab_scr_header tag add tag_normal 1.0 end
+ # Create content of "list of tags"
+ set row 0 ;# Number of current row
+ set list_of_tags {} ;# List of highlighting tags
+ set highlight_tab_checkbuttons {} ;# List of check buttons
+ foreach key $hightlight_tags {
+ incr row
+ # Local variables
+ set tag [lindex $key 0] ;# ID of the text tag
+ set content { } ;# Name of the text tag
+ set color [lindex $key 1] ;# RGB: Foreground color
+ set overstrike [lindex $key 2] ;# Bool: Overstrike
+ set italic [lindex $key 3] ;# Bool: Italic
+ set bold [lindex $key 4] ;# Bool: Bold
+ # Modify some variables
+ append content [mc [key2name $tag]]
+ set localButtons {}
+ lappend list_of_tags $tag
+ # Determinate font weight
+ if {$bold} {
+ set weight bold
+ } {
+ set weight normal
+ }
+ # Determinate font slant
+ if {$italic} {
+ set slant italic
+ } {
+ set slant roman
+ }
+ # Initialize some NS variables
+ set ::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_${row}_italic $italic
+ set ::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_${row}_overstrike $overstrike
+ set ::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_${row}_bold $bold
+ # Insert tag name and some '\t'
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text insert end $content
+ set len [string length $content]
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text tag add $tag \
+ [$highlight_tab_scr_text index {insert linestart}] \
+ [$highlight_tab_scr_text index insert]
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text insert end [string repeat { } [expr {24 - $len}]]
+ # Insert checkbutton "Italic"
+ set button [checkbutton $highlight_tab_scr_frm.italic_${row} \
+ -command "::configDialogs::editor::change_style italic $row $language" \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_${row}_italic \
+ -relief flat -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 -bg {#FFFFFF} \
+ -activebackground {#FFFFFF} \
+ ]
+ lappend localButtons $button
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text window create end -window $button
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text insert end " "
+ # Insert checkbutton "Overstike"
+ set button [checkbutton $highlight_tab_scr_frm.overstrike_${row} \
+ -command "::configDialogs::editor::change_style overstrike $row $language" \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_${row}_overstrike \
+ -relief flat -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 -bg {#FFFFFF} \
+ -activebackground {#FFFFFF} \
+ ]
+ lappend localButtons $button
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text window create end -window $button
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text insert end " "
+ # Insert checkbutton "Bold"
+ set button [checkbutton $highlight_tab_scr_frm.bold_${row} \
+ -command "::configDialogs::editor::change_style bold $row $language" \
+ -variable ::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_${row}_bold \
+ -relief flat -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 -bg {#FFFFFF} \
+ -activebackground {#FFFFFF} \
+ ]
+ lappend localButtons $button
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text window create end -window $button
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text insert end " "
+ # Insert button "Color"
+ set button [button $highlight_tab_scr_frm.color_${row} \
+ -bd 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -bg $color -activebackground $color -width 3 \
+ -command "::configDialogs::editor::select_bg_color $highlight_tab_scr_frm.color_${row} $row $language" \
+ ]
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text window create end -window $button
+ # Insert LF
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text insert end "\n"
+ # Append local buttons to list of checkbuttons
+ lappend highlight_tab_checkbuttons $localButtons
+ }
+ # Disable text widget "List of tags" and remove last line (empty line)
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text delete end-1l end
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text configure -state disabled
+ # Set NS variables
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text_asm $highlight_tab_scr_text
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text
+ set highlight_tab_checkbuttons_asm $highlight_tab_checkbuttons
+ set list_of_tags_asm $list_of_tags
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text_C $highlight_tab_scr_text
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text
+ set highlight_tab_checkbuttons_C $highlight_tab_checkbuttons
+ set list_of_tags_C $list_of_tags
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text_lst $highlight_tab_scr_text
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text
+ set highlight_tab_checkbuttons_lst $highlight_tab_checkbuttons
+ set list_of_tags_lst $list_of_tags
+ }
+ }
+ # Initialize syntax highlight
+ if {$language != 1} {
+ for {set i 1} {$i < int([$highlight_tab_scr_sample_text index end])} {incr i} {
+ set lineEnd [$highlight_tab_scr_sample_text index "$i.0 lineend"]
+ set lineStart $i.0
+ ${sh_ns}::highlight $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $i
+ }
+ } {
+ parse {} 1
+ }
+ }
+ ## This function should be called always after change of $editor_to_use
+ # @return void
+ proc editor_to_use_changed {} {
+ variable nb ;# Widget: Notebook itself
+ variable editor_to_use ;# Int: Prefred editor
+ variable general_tab ;# Widget: Tab "General"
+ variable highlight_tab ;# Widget: Tab "Syntax highlight"
+ settings_changed
+ if {$editor_to_use} {
+ set state disabled
+ } {
+ set state normal
+ }
+ foreach tab [list $general_tab $highlight_tab] {
+ $nb tab $tab -state $state
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create some text tag in the given text widget
+ # @parm Widget text_widget - target text widget
+ # @parm Int item - index of the tag (in variable hightlight_tags)
+ # @parm Int language - Highlighting pattern
+ # 0 - Assembler
+ # 1 - C language
+ # 2 - Code listing
+ # @return void
+ proc create_tags {text_widget item language} {
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ # Determinate set of highlighting tags
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_asm
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_C
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_lst
+ }
+ }
+ # Gain tag definition
+ set item [lindex $hightlight_tags $item]
+ # Create array of tag attributes
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
+ set tag($i) [lindex $item $i]
+ }
+ # Foreground color
+ if {$tag(1) == {}} {
+ set tag(1) black
+ }
+ # Font weight
+ if {$tag(3) == 1} {
+ set tag(3) italic
+ } {
+ set tag(3) roman
+ }
+ # Font slant
+ if {$tag(4) == 1} {
+ set tag(4) bold
+ } {
+ set tag(4) normal
+ }
+ # Create the tag
+ $text_widget tag configure $tag(0) \
+ -foreground $tag(1) \
+ -font [ font create \
+ -overstrike $tag(2) \
+ -slant $tag(3) \
+ -weight $tag(4) \
+ -size -12 \
+ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT]
+ }
+ ## Call procedure syntax_find
+ # @parm Int x - relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - relative Y coordinate
+ # @parm Int language - Highlighting pattern
+ # 0 - Assembler
+ # 1 - C language
+ # 2 - Code listing
+ # @return void
+ proc syntax_sample_text_click {x y language} {
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {set text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm}
+ 1 {set text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C}
+ 2 {set text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst}
+ }
+ syntax_find [$text index @$x,$y] $language
+ }
+ ## Find tag used at the giuven index
+ # @parm TextIndex text_index - text index
+ # @parm Int language - Highlighting pattern
+ # 0 - Assembler
+ # 1 - C language
+ # 2 - Code listing
+ # @return void
+ proc syntax_find {text_index language} {
+ variable list_of_tags_asm ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_asm ;# List of checkbuttons affected by changing curosr
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ ## Assembler
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_asm ;# List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor
+ variable list_of_tags_asm ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ # C language
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_C ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_C ;# List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor
+ variable list_of_tags_C ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ # Code listing
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_checkbuttons_lst ;# List of checkbuttons affected by changing cursor
+ variable list_of_tags_lst ;# List: Highlighting tags
+ # Determinate set of highlighting tags
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ set list_of_tags $list_of_tags_asm
+ set highlight_tab_checkbuttons $highlight_tab_checkbuttons_asm
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_asm
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set list_of_tags $list_of_tags_C
+ set highlight_tab_checkbuttons $highlight_tab_checkbuttons_C
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_C
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set list_of_tags $list_of_tags_lst
+ set highlight_tab_checkbuttons $highlight_tab_checkbuttons_lst
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_lst
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove previous selection
+ if {[$highlight_tab_scr_text tag ranges {sel_user}] != {}} {
+ set index [$highlight_tab_scr_text index sel_user.first]
+ set buttons [lindex $highlight_tab_checkbuttons [expr {int($index) - 1}]]
+ foreach button $buttons {
+ $button configure -bg {#FFFFFF} -activebackground {#FFFFFF}
+ }
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text tag remove sel_user 1.0 end
+ }
+ # Determinate tag name
+ set index [$highlight_tab_scr_sample_text index $text_index]
+ set index [$highlight_tab_scr_sample_text tag names $index]
+ # If the tag could not be determinated -> abort
+ set index [lindex $index 0]
+ if {$index == {}} {return}
+ # Determinate tag number
+ set index [lsearch $list_of_tags $index]
+ if {$index == -1} {return}
+ # Change background color for checkbuttons related to the tag
+ set buttons [lindex $highlight_tab_checkbuttons $index]
+ foreach button $buttons {
+ $button configure -bg {#CCCCFF} -activebackground {#CCCCFF}
+ }
+ # Select row related to the tag
+ incr index
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text tag add sel_user $index.0 [expr {$index + 1}].0
+ $highlight_tab_scr_text see $index.0
+ }
+ ## Manages syntax highlighting in sample text
+ # @parm String key - ID of the released key
+ # @parm Int language - Highlighting pattern
+ # 0 - Assembler
+ # 1 - C language
+ # 2 - Code listing
+ # @return void
+ proc parse {key language} {
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ set widget $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set widget $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set widget $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst
+ }
+ }
+ # Keep indentication level after line break
+ if {$key == "KP_Enter" || $key == "Return"} {
+ # Get content of previous line
+ set prev_line [$widget get \
+ [$widget index {insert - 1 line linestart}] \
+ [$widget index {insert - 1 line lineend}] \
+ ]
+ # Determinate indentication characters
+ set indent_chars {}
+ regexp {^\s+} $prev_line indent_chars
+ # Insert indentication characters
+ if {$indent_chars != {}} {
+ $widget insert $lineNumber.0 $indent_chars
+ }
+ }
+ # Syntax highlight for assembler or code listing
+ if {$language == 0 && $language == 2} {
+ # Highlight current line
+ if {[lsearch {
+ Left Right Down Up Insert Home Prior
+ End Next Shift_R Control_R Alt_L Alt_R
+ Control_L Shift_L Escape
+ } $key] == -1} {
+ if {$language == 0} {
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::highlight $widget $lineNumber
+ } {
+ LSTsyntaxHighlight::highlight $widget $lineNumber
+ }
+ }
+ # Syntax highlight for C language
+ } {
+ # Highlight all lines
+ if {[lsearch {
+ Left Right Down Up Insert Home Prior
+ End Next Shift_R Control_R Alt_L Alt_R
+ Control_L Shift_L Escape
+ } $key] == -1} {
+ set status 1
+ set end_line [expr {int([$widget index end])}]
+ for {set line 0} {$line < $end_line} {incr line} {
+ set status [CsyntaxHighlight::highlight \
+ $widget $line $status \
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Change selection in "Tag List"
+ syntax_find [$widget index insert] $language
+ }
+ ## Change font family for sample text entry in tab "Fonts"
+ # @parm Widget widget - source listbox
+ # @parm String item - ID of current item in source listbox
+ # @return void
+ proc select_font_family {widget item} {
+ variable sample_text ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable sample_text_size ;# Font size
+ variable sample_text_family ;# Font family
+ # Select item in the lisbox
+ set sample_text_family [$widget itemcget $item -text]
+ $widget selection set $item
+ # Change font in sample text
+ $sample_text configure -font [font create \
+ -family $sample_text_family \
+ -size -$sample_text_size]
+ # Adjust status changed
+ settings_changed
+ }
+ ## Change font size for sample text entry in tab "Fonts"
+ # @parm Widget widget - source listbox
+ # @parm String item - ID of current item in source listbox
+ # @return void
+ proc select_font_size {widget item} {
+ variable sample_text ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable sample_text_size ;# Font size
+ variable sample_text_family ;# Font family
+ # Select item in the lisbox
+ set sample_text_size $item
+ $widget selection set $item
+ # Change font in sample text
+ $sample_text configure -font [font create \
+ -family $sample_text_family \
+ -size -$sample_text_size \
+ ]
+ # Adjust status changed
+ settings_changed
+ }
+ ## Change font style in sample text and list of tags in tab "Syntax highlight"
+ # @parm String what - ID of style
+ # @parm Int row - number of row in "List of tags"
+ # @parm Int language - Highlighting pattern
+ # 0 - Assembler
+ # 1 - C language
+ # 2 - Code listing
+ # @return void
+ proc change_style {what row language} {
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_C ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ incr row -1
+ # Determinate set of highlighting tags and text widget
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_asm
+ set hightlight_tags hightlight_tags_asm
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_C
+ set hightlight_tags hightlight_tags_C
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_lst
+ set hightlight_tags hightlight_tags_lst
+ }
+ }
+ # Decide what to change
+ switch -- $what {
+ overstrike {
+ lset $hightlight_tags "$row 2" \
+ [subst "\${::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_[expr {$row + 1}]_overstrike}"]
+ }
+ italic {
+ lset $hightlight_tags "$row 3" \
+ [subst "\${::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_[expr {$row + 1}]_italic}"]
+ }
+ bold {
+ lset $hightlight_tags "$row 4" \
+ [subst "\${::configDialogs::editor::__${language}_[expr {$row + 1}]_bold}"]
+ }
+ default {return}
+ }
+ # Change tags
+ create_tags $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $row $language
+ create_tags $highlight_tab_scr_text $row $language
+ # Adjust status changed
+ settings_changed
+ }
+ ## Validate content of nofs_spinbox
+ # @parm String content - content to validate
+ # @return Bool - success
+ proc nofs_spinbox_val {content} {
+ if {![string is digit $content]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {$content > 16 || $content < 1} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Change font color in sample text and list of tags in tab "Syntax highlight"
+ # @parm Widget button - ID of the button used to change the color
+ # @parm Int row - number of row in "List of tags"
+ # @parm Int language - Highlighting pattern
+ # 0 - Assembler
+ # 1 - C language
+ # 2 - Code listing
+ # @return void
+ proc select_bg_color {button row language} {
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_C ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for configuring syntax
+ variable highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst ;# ID of text widget for sample text
+ # Determinate set of highlighting tags
+ switch -- $language {
+ 0 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_asm
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_asm
+ set hightlight_tags_var hightlight_tags_asm
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_asm
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_C
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_C
+ set hightlight_tags_var hightlight_tags_C
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_C
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text_lst
+ set highlight_tab_scr_text $highlight_tab_scr_text_lst
+ set hightlight_tags_var hightlight_tags_lst
+ set hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_lst
+ }
+ }
+ incr row -1
+ # Destroy prevoisly opened color selection dialog
+ if {[winfo exists .select_color]} {
+ destroy .select_color
+ }
+ # Invoke new color selection dialog
+ set color [lindex $hightlight_tags "$row 1"]
+ set color [SelectColor .select_color \
+ -parent $win \
+ -color $color \
+ -title [mc "Select color - %s" ${::APPNAME}] \
+ ]
+ # Change button background color
+ if {$color != {}} {
+ lset $hightlight_tags_var "$row 1" $color
+ $button configure -bg $color -activebackground $color
+ }
+ # Change tags
+ create_tags $highlight_tab_scr_sample_text $row $language
+ create_tags $highlight_tab_scr_text $row $language
+ # Adjust status changed
+ settings_changed
+ }
+ ## Translate Tk tag name to human readable string
+ # @parm String key - tag name
+ # @return String - result
+ proc key2name {key} {
+ switch -- $key {
+ tag_char {return {Char}}
+ tag_hex {return {Hexadecimal number}}
+ tag_oct {return {Octal number}}
+ tag_dec {return {Decimal number}}
+ tag_bin {return {Binary number}}
+ tag_constant {return {Constant}}
+ tag_unknown_base {return {Generic number}}
+ tag_string {return {String}}
+ tag_comment {return {Comment}}
+ tag_control {return {Control sequence}}
+ tag_symbol {return {Symbol}}
+ tag_oper_sep {return {Operand separator}}
+ tag_directive {return {Directive}}
+ tag_label {return {Label}}
+ tag_instruction {return {Instruction}}
+ tag_sfr {return {SFR register}}
+ tag_indirect {return {Indirect adress}}
+ tag_imm_char {return {Immediate char}}
+ tag_imm_hex {return {Immediate hex}}
+ tag_imm_oct {return {Immediate oct}}
+ tag_imm_dec {return {Immediate dec}}
+ tag_imm_bin {return {Immediate bin}}
+ tag_imm_constant {return {Immediate const}}
+ tag_imm_unknown {return {Immediate generic}}
+ tag_macro {return {Macro instruction}}
+ tag_c_keyword {return {Keyword}}
+ tag_c_data_type {return {Data type}}
+ tag_c_dec {return {Decimal}}
+ tag_c_hex {return {Hexadecimal}}
+ tag_c_oct {return {Octal}}
+ tag_c_char {return {Char}}
+ tag_c_float {return {Float}}
+ tag_c_string {return {String}}
+ tag_c_string_char {return {String char}}
+ tag_c_comment {return {Comment}}
+ tag_c_symbol {return {Symbol}}
+ tag_c_bracket {return {Bracket}}
+ tag_c_preprocessor {return {Preprocessor}}
+ tag_c_directive {return {Directive}}
+ tag_c_prep_lib {return {Preprocessor lib.}}
+ tag_normal {return {Normal text}}
+ tag_c_dox_comment {return {Doxygen: Comment}}
+ tag_c_dox_tag {return {Doxygen: Tag}}
+ tag_c_dox_word {return {Doxygen: Word}}
+ tag_c_dox_name {return {Doxygen: Name}}
+ tag_c_dox_html {return {Doxygen: HTML}}
+ tag_c_dox_harg {return {Doxygen: HTML arg.}}
+ tag_c_dox_hargval {return {Doxygen: HTML val.}}
+ tag_lst_number {return {Value}}
+ tag_lst_code {return {Processor code}}
+ tag_lst_address {return {Address}}
+ tag_lst_line {return {Line number}}
+ tag_lst_macro {return {Macro level}}
+ tag_lst_include {return {Inclusion level}}
+ tag_lst_error {return {Error / Warning}}
+ tag_lst_msg {return {Message}}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create button for selecting some color (used in tab "Colors")
+ # @parm Widget parent - parent frame
+ # @parm Variable variable - variable containg button background color (RGB format)
+ # @parm String name - button name (used in GUI path)
+ # @parm String text - text showed beside the button
+ # @return void
+ proc mk_button_select_menu {parent variable name text} {
+ variable row ;# General purpose variable (some row somewhere)
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable button_index ;# Button index (for creating many buttons)
+ # Get color from the given variable
+ set color [subst "\${$variable}"]
+ # Create button label
+ grid [label $parent.${name}${button_index} \
+ -text $text \
+ -anchor w -bd 0 -relief raised \
+ -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ ] -column 1 -row $row -sticky we
+ # Create button
+ set button [button $parent.but_normal_text$button_index \
+ -bd 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -bg $color -width 10 -activebackground $color \
+ -command "::configDialogs::editor::select_color $variable $parent.but_normal_text$button_index"
+ ]
+ # Show button
+ grid $button -column 2 -row $row -sticky ns -padx 10
+ # Adjust button index and current row
+ incr button_index
+ incr row
+ }
+ ## Select some color (command for buttons in tab "Colors")
+ # @parm Variable variable - variable containing current color (format RGB)
+ # @parm Widget button - ID of button which invoked this procedure
+ # @return void
+ proc select_color {variable button} {
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ # Destroy previously opened color selection dialog
+ if {[winfo exists .select_color]} {
+ destroy .select_color
+ }
+ # Invoke new color selection dialog
+ set color [subst "\$$variable"]
+ set color [SelectColor .select_color \
+ -parent $win \
+ -color $color \
+ -title [mc "Select color - %s" ${::APPNAME}] \
+ ]
+ # Set new content of the given variable and button background color
+ if {$color != {}} {
+ set $variable $color
+ $button configure -bg $color -activebackground $color
+ # Adjust status changed
+ settings_changed
+ }
+ }
+ ## Retrieve settings related to this dialog from the program
+ # @return void
+ proc getSettings {} {
+ variable editor_to_use ;# Int: Prefred editor
+ variable default_encoding ;# Default encoding for opening files
+ variable default_eol ;# Default EOL character
+ variable intentation_mode ;# Editor indentation mode
+ variable spaces_no_tabs ;# Bool: Use spaces instead of tabs
+ variable number_of_spaces ;# Number of spaces to use instead of tab
+ variable autosave ;# Int: Autosave interval in minutes (0 == disabled)
+ variable auto_completion ;# Bool: Enable popup-base completion
+ variable cline_completion ;# Bool: Enable popup-based completion for command line
+ variable auto_brackets ;# Automaticaly insert oposite brackets, quotes, etc.
+ variable hg_trailing_sp ;# Bool: Highlight trailing space
+ variable color_normal_text ;# RGB: Editor backgound color
+ variable color_selected_text ;# RGB: Backgound color for selected text
+ variable color_current_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for current line
+ variable color_bookmark ;# RGB: Backgound color for bookmarks
+ variable color_breakpoint ;# RGB: Backgound color for breakpoints
+ variable color_simulator_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for simulator line
+ variable color_error_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for line containing an error
+ variable color_trailing_space ;# RGB: Backgound color for trailing space
+ variable color_iconBorder_bg ;# RGB: Backgound color for icon border
+ variable color_lineNumbers_bg ;# RGB: Backgound color for line numbers
+ variable color_lineNumbers_fg ;# RGB: Foregound color for line numbers
+ variable sample_text_size ;# Font size
+ variable sample_text_family ;# Font family
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ # Get highlighting tags
+ set hightlight_tags_asm ${::ASMsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags}
+ set hightlight_tags_C ${::CsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags}
+ set hightlight_tags_lst ${::LSTsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags}
+ # Get data from editor NS
+ set intentation_mode [mc ${Editor::intentation_mode}]
+ set spaces_no_tabs ${Editor::spaces_no_tabs}
+ set number_of_spaces ${Editor::number_of_spaces}
+ set auto_completion ${Editor::auto_completion}
+ set cline_completion ${Editor::cline_completion}
+ set autosave ${Editor::autosave}
+ set auto_brackets ${Editor::auto_brackets}
+ set hg_trailing_sp ${Editor::hg_trailing_sp}
+ set sample_text_size ${Editor::fontSize}
+ set sample_text_family ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ set color_normal_text ${Editor::normal_text_bg}
+ set color_iconBorder_bg ${Editor::iconBorder_bg}
+ set color_lineNumbers_bg ${Editor::lineNumbers_bg}
+ set color_lineNumbers_fg ${Editor::lineNumbers_fg}
+ set editor_to_use [::settings getValue \
+ "Editor config/editor_to_use" ${Editor::editor_to_use} \
+ ]
+ # Get data from filelist NS
+ set default_encoding ${FileList::default_encoding}
+ set default_eol ${FileList::default_eol}
+ foreach record ${::Editor::line_markers} {
+ set key [lindex $record 0]
+ set val [lindex $record 1]
+ switch -- $key {
+ {sel} {
+ set color_selected_text $val
+ }
+ {tag_current_line} {
+ set color_current_line $val
+ }
+ {tag_bookmark} {
+ set color_bookmark $val
+ }
+ {tag_breakpoint} {
+ set color_breakpoint $val
+ }
+ {tag_simulator_curr} {
+ set color_simulator_line $val
+ }
+ {tag_error_line} {
+ set color_error_line $val
+ }
+ {tag_trailing_space} {
+ set color_trailing_space $val
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Change content of configuration variables in Editor NS, Filelist NS and SyntaxHighlight NS
+ # @return void
+ proc use_settings {} {
+ variable autocompletion_turned_on
+ variable default_encoding ;# Default encoding for opening files
+ variable default_eol ;# Default EOL character
+ variable intentation_mode ;# Editor indentation mode
+ variable spaces_no_tabs ;# Bool: Use spaces instead of tabs
+ variable number_of_spaces ;# Number of spaces to use instead of tab
+ variable autosave ;# Int: Autosave interval in minutes (0 == disabled)
+ variable auto_completion ;# Bool: Enable popup-base completion
+ variable cline_completion ;# Bool: Enable popup-based completion for command line
+ variable auto_brackets ;# Automaticaly insert oposite brackets, quotes, etc.
+ variable hg_trailing_sp ;# Bool: Highlight trailing space
+ variable editor_to_use ;# Int: Prefred editor
+ variable color_normal_text ;# RGB: Editor backgound color
+ variable color_selected_text ;# RGB: Backgound color for selected text
+ variable color_current_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for current line
+ variable color_bookmark ;# RGB: Backgound color for bookmarks
+ variable color_breakpoint ;# RGB: Backgound color for breakpoints
+ variable color_simulator_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for simulator line
+ variable color_error_line ;# RGB: Backgound color for line containing an error
+ variable color_trailing_space ;# RGB: Backgound color for trailing space
+ variable color_iconBorder_bg ;# RGB: Backgound color for icon border
+ variable color_lineNumbers_bg ;# RGB: Backgound color for line numbers
+ variable color_lineNumbers_fg ;# RGB: Foregound color for line numbers
+ variable sample_text_size ;# Font size
+ variable sample_text_family ;# Font family
+ variable hightlight_tags_asm ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for assembler syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_C ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for C syntax highlighting
+ variable hightlight_tags_lst ;# List: Definition of colors and styles for LST syntax highlighting
+ if {!$Editor::auto_completion && $auto_completion} {
+ set autocompletion_turned_on 1
+ } {
+ set autocompletion_turned_on 0
+ }
+ ## Filelist
+ set FileList::default_encoding $default_encoding
+ set FileList::default_eol $default_eol
+ ## Editor
+ set Editor::intentation_mode [mc $intentation_mode]
+ set Editor::spaces_no_tabs $spaces_no_tabs
+ set Editor::auto_brackets $auto_brackets
+ set Editor::hg_trailing_sp $hg_trailing_sp
+ set Editor::auto_completion $auto_completion
+ set Editor::cline_completion $cline_completion
+ set Editor::autosave $autosave
+ set Editor::normal_text_bg $color_normal_text
+ set Editor::iconBorder_bg $color_iconBorder_bg
+ set Editor::lineNumbers_bg $color_lineNumbers_bg
+ set Editor::lineNumbers_fg $color_lineNumbers_fg
+ set Editor::fontSize $sample_text_size
+ set Editor::fontFamily $sample_text_family
+ if {$number_of_spaces != {}} {
+ set Editor::number_of_spaces $number_of_spaces
+ } {
+ set Editor::number_of_spaces 8
+ }
+ set Editor::line_markers [list \
+ "sel $color_selected_text" \
+ "tag_current_line $color_current_line" \
+ "tag_bookmark $color_bookmark" \
+ "tag_breakpoint $color_breakpoint" \
+ "tag_simulator_curr $color_simulator_line" \
+ "tag_error_line $color_error_line" \
+ "tag_trailing_space $color_trailing_space"]
+ set Editor::defaultFont [font create \
+ -size -$sample_text_size \
+ -family $sample_text_family \
+ ]
+ set Editor::defaultFont_bold [font create \
+ -size -$sample_text_size \
+ -family $sample_text_family \
+ -weight {bold} \
+ ]
+ ## Syntax highlight
+ set ::ASMsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_asm
+ set ::CsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_C
+ set ::LSTsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags_lst
+ }
+ ## Adjust all editors to fit new settings
+ # @return Bool - result
+ proc apply_settings {} {
+ variable autocompletion_turned_on
+ # Check if there is at least 1 opened editor
+ if {[llength ${X::openedProjects}] == 0} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Iterate over projects
+ foreach project ${::X::openedProjects} {
+ # Refresh font settings in right panel
+ $project rightPanel_refresh_font_settings 1
+ # Adjust tab bar
+ $project show_hide_tab_bar
+ # Refresh font settings in all editors
+ foreach editor [$project cget -editors] {
+ $editor change_colors
+ $editor refresh_font_settings
+ $editor define_line_markers
+ if {$autocompletion_turned_on} {
+ $editor autocompletion_turned_on
+ }
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ [$editor cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} \
+ ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ [$editor cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} \
+ ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ }
+ }
+ # done ...
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Set status changed to True
+ # @return true
+ proc settings_changed {} {
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ if {$changed} {return}
+ set changed 1
+ set anything_modified 1
+ $apply_button configure -state normal
+ }
+ ## Take back changes and destroy dialog window
+ # @return void
+ proc CANCEL {} {
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ # Restore previous configuration
+ if {$anything_modified} {
+ load_config
+ apply_settings
+ set anything_modified 0
+ }
+ # Get rid of dialog window
+ set dialog_opened 0
+ grab release $win
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ ## Apply changes and destroy dialog window
+ # @return void
+ proc OK {} {
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ # Apply new settings
+ if {$anything_modified} {
+ use_settings ;# Adjust NS variables
+ apply_settings ;# Adjust GUI
+ save_config ;# Save new config
+ }
+ # Get rid of dialog window
+ grab release $win
+ set dialog_opened 0
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ ## Apply changes in GUI
+ # @return Bool - result
+ proc APPLY {} {
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ # Check if there is at least 1 opened editor
+ if {[llength ${X::openedProjects}] == 0} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Reset status changed
+ set changed 0
+ $apply_button configure -state disabled
+ # Adjust NS variables
+ use_settings
+ ## Apply settings in current editor
+ set actualEditor [${X::actualProject} cget -actualEditor]
+ set actualEditor2 [${X::actualProject} cget -actualEditor2]
+ ${X::actualProject} show_hide_tab_bar
+ ${X::actualProject} rightPanel_refresh_font_settings 0
+ ${X::actualProject} editor_procedure $actualEditor change_colors {}
+ ${X::actualProject} editor_procedure $actualEditor refresh_font_settings {}
+ ${X::actualProject} editor_procedure $actualEditor define_line_markers {}
+ if {$actualEditor2 >= 0} {
+ ${X::actualProject} editor_procedure $actualEditor2 change_colors {}
+ ${X::actualProject} editor_procedure $actualEditor2 refresh_font_settings {}
+ ${X::actualProject} editor_procedure $actualEditor2 define_line_markers {}
+ }
+ set editors [${X::actualProject} cget -editors]
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags [[lindex $editors $actualEditor] cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags [[lindex $editors $actualEditor] cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ LSTsyntaxHighlight::create_tags [[lindex $editors $actualEditor] cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ if {$actualEditor2 >= 0} {
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags [[lindex $editors $actualEditor2] cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags [[lindex $editors $actualEditor2] cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ LSTsyntaxHighlight::create_tags [[lindex $editors $actualEditor2] cget -editor] \
+ ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ }
+ # done ...
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Save configuration to config file
+ # @return void
+ proc save_config {} {
+ variable editor_to_use ;# Int: Prefred editor
+ # Section "Syntax highlight"
+ foreach item [concat \
+ ${::ASMsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags} \
+ ${::CsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags} \
+ ${::LSTsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags} \
+ ] {
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ ::settings setValue "Syntax highlight/$key" $value
+ }
+ # Section "Editor colors"
+ foreach key {
+ normal_text_bg iconBorder_bg lineNumbers_bg lineNumbers_fg
+ fontSize fontFamily line_markers
+ } {
+ ::settings setValue "Editor colors/$key" [subst "\$::Editor::$key"]
+ }
+ # Section "Editor config"
+ foreach key {
+ intentation_mode spaces_no_tabs
+ number_of_spaces auto_brackets
+ auto_completion autosave
+ cline_completion hg_trailing_sp
+ } {
+ ::settings setValue "Editor config/$key" [subst "\$::Editor::$key"]
+ }
+ ::settings setValue "Editor config/default_encoding" ${::FileList::default_encoding}
+ ::settings setValue "Editor config/default_eol" ${::FileList::default_eol}
+ ::settings setValue "Editor config/editor_to_use" $editor_to_use
+ # Commit
+ ::settings saveConfig
+ }
+ ## Load configuration from config file
+ # @return void
+ proc load_config {} {
+ variable avaliable_encodings ;# Encodings supported by editor
+ ## Section "Syntax highlight"
+ # Assembler
+ set hightlight_tags {}
+ foreach item ${::ASMsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags} {
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ set value [::settings getValue "Syntax highlight/$key" $value]
+ lappend hightlight_tags "$key $value"
+ }
+ set ::ASMsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags
+ # C language
+ set hightlight_tags {}
+ foreach item ${::CsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags} {
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ set value [::settings getValue "Syntax highlight/$key" $value]
+ lappend hightlight_tags "$key $value"
+ }
+ set ::CsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags
+ unset hightlight_tags
+ # Code listing
+ set hightlight_tags {}
+ foreach item ${::LSTsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags} {
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ set value [::settings getValue "Syntax highlight/$key" $value]
+ lappend hightlight_tags "$key $value"
+ }
+ set ::LSTsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags $hightlight_tags
+ unset hightlight_tags
+ # Section "Editor config"
+ foreach key {
+ intentation_mode spaces_no_tabs
+ number_of_spaces auto_brackets
+ auto_completion autosave
+ cline_completion editor_to_use
+ hg_trailing_sp
+ } {
+ set value [subst "\$::Editor::$key"]
+ set value [::settings getValue "Editor config/$key" $value]
+ set ::Editor::$key $value
+ }
+ if {
+ ![string is integer ${::Editor::editor_to_use}]
+ ||
+ ${::Editor::editor_to_use} < 0
+ ||
+ ${::Editor::editor_to_use} > 5
+ } {
+ set ::Editor::editor_to_use 0
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {editor_to_use}]
+ } elseif {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {
+ if {!${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(urxvt)}} {
+ puts stderr [mc "Unable to use external embedded editor because rxvt-unicode is not avaliable"]
+ set ::Editor::editor_to_use 0
+ } {
+ switch -- ${::Editor::editor_to_use} {
+ 1 {set program {vim} }
+ 2 {set program {emacs} }
+ 3 {set program {nano} }
+ 4 {set program {dav} }
+ 5 {set program {le} }
+ }
+ if {!$::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE($program)} {
+ puts stderr [mc "Program %s is not avaliable. Using native editor." $program]
+ set ::Editor::editor_to_use 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {![string is boolean -strict ${::Editor::spaces_no_tabs}]} {
+ set FileList::spaces_no_tabs 0
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {spaces_no_tabs}]
+ }
+ if {![string is boolean -strict ${::Editor::auto_brackets}]} {
+ set FileList::auto_brackets 1
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {auto_brackets}]
+ }
+ if {![string is boolean -strict ${::Editor::hg_trailing_sp}]} {
+ set FileList::hg_trailing_sp 1
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {hg_trailing_sp}]
+ }
+ if {![string is digit -strict ${::Editor::autosave}]} {
+ set Editor::autosave 0
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {autosave}]
+ } {
+ if {${::Editor::autosave} > 60 || ${::Editor::autosave} < 0} {
+ set Editor::number_of_spaces 0
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {autosave}]
+ }
+ }
+ if {![string is digit -strict ${::Editor::number_of_spaces}]} {
+ set FileList::number_of_spaces 8
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {number_of_spaces}]
+ } {
+ if {${::Editor::number_of_spaces} > 16 || ${::Editor::number_of_spaces} < 1} {
+ set FileList::number_of_spaces 8
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {number_of_spaces}]
+ }
+ }
+ if {![string is boolean -strict ${::Editor::auto_completion}]} {
+ set FileList::auto_completion 1
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {auto_completion}]
+ }
+ if {![string is boolean -strict ${::Editor::cline_completion}]} {
+ set FileList::cline_completion 1
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {cline_completion}]
+ }
+ if {
+ ${::Editor::intentation_mode} != {none}
+ &&
+ ${::Editor::intentation_mode} != {normal}
+ } {
+ set FileList::intentation_mode {normal}
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {intentation_mode}]
+ }
+ set FileList::default_encoding [::settings getValue \
+ "Editor config/default_encoding" {utf-8}]
+ if {[lsearch $avaliable_encodings ${FileList::default_encoding}] == -1} {
+ set FileList::default_encoding {utf-8}
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {default_encoding}]
+ }
+ set FileList::default_eol [::settings getValue \
+ "Editor config/default_eol" {lf}]
+ if {
+ ${FileList::default_eol} != {lf} &&
+ ${FileList::default_eol} != {cr} &&
+ ${FileList::default_eol} != {crlf}
+ } {
+ set FileList::default_eol {lf}
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" {default_eol}]
+ }
+ # Section "Editor colors" and "Fonts"
+ foreach key {
+ normal_text_bg iconBorder_bg lineNumbers_bg lineNumbers_fg
+ fontSize fontFamily line_markers
+ } {
+ set value [subst "\$::Editor::$key"]
+ set value [::settings getValue "Editor colors/$key" $value]
+ set valid 1
+ # Validate line_markers
+ if {$key == {line_markers}} {
+ foreach def ${::Editor::line_markers} new $value {
+ if {![string equal [lindex $def 0] [lindex $new 0]]} {
+ puts stderr [mc "Invalid key: '%s'" [lindex $new 0]]
+ set valid 0
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$valid} {
+ set ::Editor::$key $value
+ }
+ }
+ # Set editor default font
+ set ::Editor::defaultFont [font create \
+ -size -${::Editor::fontSize} \
+ -family ${::Editor::fontFamily} \
+ ]
+ set ::Editor::defaultFont_bold [font create \
+ -size -${::Editor::fontSize} \
+ -family ${::Editor::fontFamily} \
+ -weight {bold} \
+ ]
+ }