path: root/lib/pale/pale.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pale/pale.tcl')
1 files changed, 991 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pale/pale.tcl b/lib/pale/pale.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b4b61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pale/pale.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# PALE (Peripheral Abstraction Layer Engine) - simulates virtual hardware
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Load base class for Virtual HW components
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/pale/virtual_hw_component.tcl"
+# Load Virtual HW components
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/pale/ledpanel.tcl"
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/pale/leddisplay.tcl"
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/pale/ledmatrix.tcl"
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/pale/multiplexedleddisplay.tcl"
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/pale/simplekeypad.tcl"
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/pale/matrixkeypad.tcl"
+class Pale {
+ private variable scenario_file {} ;# String: Name of PALE scenario file
+ private variable portLatch {} ;# List: Nx{5x{8x{...}}} States of port latches
+ private variable portState {} ;# List: Nx{5x{8x{...}}} True port states
+ private variable portOutput {} ;# List: Nx{5x{8x{...}}} True port outputs
+ private variable portInput {} ;# List: 5x{8x{...}} Port inputs
+ private variable special_func {} ;# List: Values of alternative port functions
+ private variable portConfig ;# Array of Int: Index 0..4, defines port pin functions
+ private variable portConfig_mod 0 ;# Bool: $portConfig contain special configuration
+ private variable instruction_cycles 0 ;# Int: Nummber of instruction cycles performed during this simulation cycle
+ private variable last_output {} ;# List: 5x{8x{...}} Last port outputs
+ private variable last_input {} ;# List: 5x{8x{...}} Last port inputs
+ private variable last_state {} ;# List: 5x{8x{...}} Last true port states
+ private variable input_devices [list] ;# List of Object: Input devices (can affect true state)
+ private variable output_devices [list] ;# List of Object: Output devices (cannot affect true state)
+ private variable engaged_pins ;# Array of Lists of Objects: Output devices which uses pin specified by index (index: (port_num,pin_num))
+ private variable is_enabled 0 ;# Bool: PALE sysetem on-line
+ private variable modified 0 ;# Bool: Modified flag
+ ## Object constructor
+ # Perform PALE sysetem reset
+ constructor {} {
+ pale_reset
+ for {set p 0} {$p < 5} {incr p} {
+ for {set b 0} {$b < 8} {incr b} {
+ set engaged_pins($p,$b) {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Object destructor
+ # Save PALE scenarion file and destroy all PALE VHW components
+ destructor {
+ pale_save_scenario_file
+ foreach dev [concat $output_devices $input_devices] {
+ delete object $dev
+ }
+ }
+ ## Save PALE scenario under the specified file name
+ # @parm String filename - Name of the target file
+ # @return Bool - 1 upon success; 0 upon fail
+ public method pale_save_as {filename} {
+ set scenario_file_org $scenario_file
+ set scenario_file [file join [$this cget -ProjectDir] $filename]
+ # Adjust file extension
+ if {![regexp {\.vhw$} $scenario_file]} {
+ append scenario_file {.vhw}
+ }
+ if {[pale_save_scenario_file]} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ set scenario_file $scenario_file_org
+ return 0
+ }
+ ## Save PALE scenario to a file
+ # If there is no predefined file name then it will call "::X::__save_as_VHW"
+ # @return Bool - 1 upon success; 0 upon fail
+ public method pale_save {} {
+ if {$scenario_file == {}} {
+ ::X::__save_as_VHW
+ return 0
+ }
+ return [pale_save_scenario_file]
+ }
+ ## Save PALE scenario to a file
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_save_scenario_file {} {
+ # Abort on empty file name
+ if {$scenario_file == {}} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Create a backup file
+ catch {
+ file rename -force $scenario_file "$scenario_file~"
+ }
+ # Try to open the file
+ if {[catch {
+ set file [open $scenario_file "w" 420]
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "Unable to save to file: \"$scenario_file\""
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Save data to the file
+ puts $file "# MCU 8051 IDE: Virtual HW configuration file"
+ puts $file "# Date: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%D}]"
+ puts $file "# Project: [string trim $this {:}]\n"
+ foreach dev [concat $output_devices $input_devices] {
+ puts $file [$dev get_config]
+ }
+ # Finalize
+ catch {
+ close $file
+ }
+ set modified 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Get value of flag modified
+ # @return Bool - The modified flag
+ public method pale_modified {} {
+ return $modified
+ }
+ ## Set flag modified
+ # @return Bool - Always 1
+ public method pale_set_modified {} {
+ set modified 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Get name of PALE scenarion file
+ # @return String - Name of the file
+ public method pale_get_scenario_filename {} {
+ # Determinate project root path
+ set prj_path [$this cget -projectPath]
+ append prj_path {/}
+ # Return relative directory location
+ if {![string first $prj_path $scenario_file]} {
+ return [string range $scenario_file [string length $prj_path] end]
+ # Return absolute directory location
+ } {
+ return $scenario_file
+ }
+ }
+ ## Remove all devices from the current scenarion
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_remove_all_devices {} {
+ foreach dev [concat $output_devices $input_devices] {
+ delete object $dev
+ }
+ }
+ ## Reset pale to initial state
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_forget_all {} {
+ pale_remove_all_devices
+ set scenario_file {}
+ set modified 0
+ }
+ ## Open the specified PALE scenarion file
+ # @parm String filename - Source file
+ # @return Int - Exit status
+ # 0 - Ok
+ # 1 - Error
+ # 2 - File is not usable
+ public method pale_open_scenario {filename} {
+ set filename [file join [$this cget -ProjectDir] $filename]
+ if {
+ ![file exists $filename] ||
+ ![file isfile $filename] ||
+ (!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS && ![file readable $filename])
+ } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ pale_remove_all_devices
+ set scenario_file $filename
+ set modified 0
+ return [pale_load_scenarion $filename]
+ }
+ ## Import the specified PALE scenarion file
+ # @parm String filename - Source file
+ # @return Int - Exit status
+ # 0 - Ok
+ # 1 - Error
+ # 2 - File is not usable
+ public method pale_load_scenarion {filename} {
+ # Check for file usability
+ if {![file exists $filename] || ![file isfile $filename] || (!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS && ![file readable $filename])} {
+ return 2
+ }
+ # Try to open the specified file
+ if {[catch {
+ set file [open $filename {r}]
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "Unable to open file: \"$scenario_file\", that might not be important ..."
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Read the file line by line
+ set result 0
+ while {![eof $file]} {
+ set line [gets $file]
+ # Skip empty lines and comments
+ if {$line == {} || [regexp {^\s*#} $line]} {continue}
+ # Decomposite file records
+ set obj [lindex $line 0] ;# VHW component class name
+ set conf [lindex $line 1] ;# VHW component configuration
+ # Create component object and set its configuration
+ if {[catch {
+ set obj [$obj ::#auto $this]
+ $obj set_config $conf
+ # Error detected
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "Unable to create PALE object: \"$obj\", maybe you are using old version of MCU 8051 IDE\n"
+ puts stderr $::errorInfo
+ catch {
+ delete object $obj
+ }
+ set result 1
+ }
+ }
+ # Finalize ...
+ catch {
+ close $file
+ }
+ set modified 1
+ return $result
+ }
+ ## Reset whole PALE system
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_reset {} {
+ set portConfig_mod 0
+ array set portConfig {
+ 0 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
+ 1 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
+ 2 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
+ 3 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
+ 4 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
+ }
+ set last_output [list \
+ [list 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] \
+ [list 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] \
+ [list 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] \
+ [list 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] \
+ [list 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] \
+ ]
+ set last_input $last_output
+ set last_state $last_output
+ set portState [list $last_output]
+ foreach dev [concat $input_devices $output_devices] {
+ $dev reset
+ }
+ pale_reevaluate_IO
+ }
+ ## Withdraw windows of all PALE components
+ # Usefull to speedup exit program procedure
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_withdraw_all_windows {} {
+ foreach dev [concat $output_devices $input_devices] {
+ $dev withdraw_window
+ }
+ }
+ ## Inform pale about interrupt comminted by simulatoe
+ # @parm Int vector - Interrupt vector
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_interrupt {vector} {
+ $this graph_draw_interrupt_line
+ }
+ ## Perform one PALE simulation cycle
+ # @parm List - State of 5 port latches
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_simulation_cycle args {
+ if {!$is_enabled} {return}
+ set ports [list]
+ foreach byte [lindex $args 0] {
+ set byte [NumSystem::dec2bin $byte]
+ set bin_len [string length $byte]
+ if {$bin_len < 8} {
+ set byte "[string repeat {0} [expr {8 - $bin_len}]]$byte"
+ }
+ lappend ports [split $byte {}]
+ }
+ lappend portLatch $ports
+ incr instruction_cycles
+ }
+ ## Set Line Special Function (Bypass port latch)
+ # @parm List port_and_bit - {port_number bit_number}
+ # @parm Int type - Function
+ # 0 - Nomal operation -- port latch is outputed
+ # 1 - Special logical IO function (UART, triggers, external memory, etc.)
+ # 2 - High speed digital output (possibly a few pulses per instruction cycle)
+ # 3 - PWM output (it's low speed logical output)
+ # 4 - Analog comparator input (accepts values between 0 and 1)
+ # 5 - External memory
+ # 6 - Not implemented pin
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_SLSF {port_and_bit type} {
+ # Modify ports configuration
+ lset portConfig([lindex $port_and_bit 0]) \
+ [expr {7 - [lindex $port_and_bit 1]}] $type
+ # Adjust flag portConfig_mod
+ set portConfig_mod 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
+ if {[lindex $portConfig($i) $j] != 0} {
+ set portConfig_mod 1
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Read Real Port Voltage - 8 bit value (0..255)
+ # @parm Int port - Port number
+ # @return Int - Port value
+ public method pale_RRPV {port} {
+ if {!$is_enabled} {return 255}
+ set result_tmp [lindex $portState [list end $port]]
+ set result {}
+ foreach bit $result_tmp {
+ switch -- $bit {
+ {?} { ;# No volatge
+ append result [expr {rand() < 0.5}]
+ }
+ {X} { ;# Access to external memory
+ append result [expr {rand() < 0.5}]
+ }
+ {-} { ;# Undeterminable value (some noise)
+ append result [expr {rand() < 0.5}]
+ }
+ {|} { ;# High frequency
+ append result 1
+ }
+ {=} { ;# High forced to low
+ append result 0
+ }
+ default {
+ append result $bit
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set result [NumSystem::bin2dec $result]
+ return $result
+ }
+ ## Read Real Port Pin Voltage - 1 bit value (0 or 1)
+ # @parm List - {port_number bit_number}
+ # @parm Int = 0 - Position in history (positive number)
+ # @return Bool - Boolean value
+ public method pale_RRPPV args {
+ if {!$is_enabled} {return 1}
+ # Parse input arguments
+ set port [lindex $args {0 0}]
+ set bit [lindex $args {0 1}]
+ set position [lindex $args 1]
+ # Adjust arguments
+ if {![string length $position]} {
+ set position 0
+ } elseif {$position < 0} {
+ set position [expr {[llength $portState] + $position}]
+ }
+ set bit [expr {7 - $bit}]
+ # Evaluate result
+ set result [lindex $portState [list $position $port $bit]]
+ switch -- $result {
+ {?} { ;# No volatge
+ return [expr {rand() < 0.5}]
+ }
+ {X} { ;# Access to external memory
+ return [expr {rand() < 0.5}]
+ }
+ {|} { ;# High frequency
+ return 1
+ }
+ {1} { ;# Logical 1
+ return 1
+ }
+ {0} { ;# Logical 0
+ return 0
+ }
+ {=} { ;# High forced to low
+ return 0
+ }
+ default {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Write to port with bypassed latch (takes effect on next simulation cycle)
+ # @parm Int - Port number
+ # @parm List - New value -- list of 8 values {bit0 bit1 bit2 ... bit7}
+ # '0' - Logical 0
+ # '1' - Logical 1
+ # '|' - High frequency pulse
+ # 'X' - Access to external memory
+ # '?' - No volatge
+ # '-' - Undeterminable value (some noise)
+ # '=' - High forced to low
+ # @parm Int = 0 - Position in history (zero or negative number)
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_WPBL args {
+ if {!$is_enabled} {return}
+ # Parse input arguments
+ set port [lindex $args 0]
+ set value [lindex $args 1]
+ set position [lindex $args 2]
+ # Adjust arguments
+ if {![string length $position]} {
+ set position 0
+ }
+ # Set value
+ for {set bit 0} {$bit < 8} {incr bit} {
+ lappend special_func [list $port $bit $value $position]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Write to port bit with bypassed latch
+ # @parm List - {port_number bit_number}
+ # @parm Char - New value
+ # '0' - Logical 0
+ # '1' - Logical 1
+ # '|' - High frequency pulse
+ # 'X' - Access to external memory
+ # '?' - No volatge
+ # '-' - Undeterminable value (some noise)
+ # '=' - High forced to low
+ # @parm Int = 0 - Position in history (zero or negative number)
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_WPBBL args {
+ if {!$is_enabled} {return}
+ # Parse input arguments
+ set port [lindex $args {0 0}]
+ set bit [lindex $args {0 1}]
+ set value [lindex $args 1]
+ set position [lindex $args 2]
+ # Adjust arguments
+ if {![string length $position]} {
+ set position 0
+ }
+ set bit [expr {7 - $bit}]
+ # Set value
+ lappend special_func [list $port $bit $value $position]
+ }
+ ## Finalize this simulation cycle
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_finish_simulation_cycle {} {
+ if {!$is_enabled} {return}
+ # ---------------------------------------------------
+ # ---------------------------------------------------
+ set portOutput $portLatch
+ if {$portConfig_mod} {
+ # Adjust port outputs to contain '#' where are the
+ #+ bits with active alternative function
+ for {set port 0} {$port < 5} {incr port} {
+ for {set bit 0} {$bit < 8} {incr bit} {
+ switch -- [lindex $portConfig($port) $bit] {
+ 0 { ;# Nomal operation -- port latch is outputed
+ }
+ 1 { ;# Special logical IO function (UART, triggers, external memory, etc.)
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ lset portOutput [list $i $port $bit] {#}
+ }
+ }
+ 2 { ;# High speed digital output (possibly a few pulses per machine cycle)
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ lset portOutput [list $i $port $bit] {#}
+ }
+ }
+ 3 { ;# PWM output (it's low speed logical output)
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ lset portOutput [list $i $port $bit] {#}
+ }
+ }
+ 4 { ;# Analog comparator input (accepts values between 0 and 1)
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ lset portOutput [list $i $port $bit] {?}
+ }
+ }
+ 5 { ;# Access to external memory
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ lset portOutput [list $i $port $bit] {X}
+ }
+ }
+ 6 { ;# Not implemented pin
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ lset portOutput [list $i $port $bit] {?}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Adjust port outputs to contain values generated by alternaive functions
+ foreach spec $special_func {
+ set port [lindex $spec 0]
+ set bit [lindex $spec 1]
+ set value [lindex $spec 2]
+ set position [lindex $spec 3]
+ incr position $instruction_cycles
+ incr position -1
+ lset portOutput [list $position $port $bit] $value
+ }
+ # Adjust port outputs to repeat previous values on
+ #+ bits with active alternative function.
+ #+ In other words, eliminate all '#' and replace them with reasonable values
+ for {set i -1; set j 0} {$j < $instruction_cycles} {incr i; incr j} {
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ set previous_output_state $last_output
+ } {
+ set previous_output_state [lindex $portOutput $i]
+ }
+ foreach prev $previous_output_state new [lindex $portOutput $j] port {0 1 2 3 4} {
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $new {#}] != -1} {
+ foreach p $prev n $new bit {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} {
+ switch -- $n {
+ {#} { ;# Repeat last value
+ lset portOutput [list $j $port $bit] $p
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # ---------------------------------------------------
+ # ---------------------------------------------------
+ # Call input devices to evaluate input values
+ read_port_input
+ # Determinate true port states using function "pale_combine_values"
+ #+ and graw graphs
+ set graw_graph [expr {![$this sim_run_in_progress]}]
+ set portState [list]
+ set state_one_p [list]
+ set state_all_p [list]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ foreach output [lindex $portOutput $i] input [lindex $portInput $i] {
+ foreach out $output in $input {
+ lappend state_one_p [pale_combine_values $in $out]
+ }
+ lappend state_all_p $state_one_p
+ set state_one_p [list]
+ }
+ if {$graw_graph} {
+ $this graph_new_output_state L [lindex $portLatch $i]
+ $this graph_new_output_state O [lindex $portOutput $i]
+ $this graph_new_output_state S $state_all_p
+ }
+ lappend portState $state_all_p
+ set state_all_p [list]
+ }
+ # Clean up
+ set instruction_cycles 0
+ set last_output [lindex $portOutput end]
+ set last_input [lindex $portInput end]
+ set last_state [lindex $portState end]
+ set portLatch [list]
+ set portOutput [list]
+ set portInput [list]
+ set special_func [list]
+ # Inform output devices about the new port outputs
+ foreach dev $output_devices {
+ $dev new_state $last_state
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ ## Determinate resulting value when two values clash on one wire
+ # @parm Char in0 - 1st wire state
+ # @parm Char in1 - The other wire state
+ # @return Char - Resulting state
+ public method pale_combine_values {in0 in1} {
+ if {$in1 == 0} {
+ return {0}
+ } elseif {$in1 == {}} {
+ return $in0
+ }
+ switch -- $in0 {
+ {|} { ;# High frequency
+ if {$in1 == 1 || $in1 == {|} || $in1 == {?}} {
+ return {|}
+ } else {
+ return {-}
+ }
+ }
+ {X} { ;# Access to external memory
+ if {$in1 == 1 || $in1 == {X} || $in1 == {?}} {
+ return {X}
+ } else {
+ return {-}
+ }
+ }
+ {?} { ;# No volatge
+ return $in1
+ }
+ {-} { ;# Undeterminable value (some noise)
+ return {-}
+ }
+ {=} { ;# High forced to low
+ return {=}
+ }
+ {0} { ;# Logical 0
+ return 0
+ }
+ {1} { ;# Logical 1
+ if {$in1 == {?}} {
+ return 1
+ } {
+ return $in1
+ }
+ }
+ {} { ;# Not connected
+ return $in1
+ }
+ default {
+ error "ERROR in function pale_combine_value\npale_combine_values {{$in0} {$in1}}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Reevaluate inputs & outputs for all PALE devices and the MCU
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_reevaluate_IO {} {
+ # Get last output
+ set input $last_output
+ # Call all input devices
+ foreach dev $input_devices {
+ # Call device to change the current state
+ set input [$dev new_state $input]
+ update
+ # Inform all other devices interconnected with this one
+ for {set p 0} {$p < 5} {incr p} {
+ for {set b 0} {$b < 8} {incr b} {
+ # Search for connected devices
+ set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact $engaged_pins($p,$b) $dev]
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[llength $engaged_pins($p,$b)] == 1} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Call all affected devices
+ foreach affected_dev $engaged_pins($p,$b) {
+ if {$affected_dev == $dev} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set input [$affected_dev new_state $input]
+ update
+ }
+ # Again call the current device
+ set input [$dev new_state $input]
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set last_input $input
+ # Determinate true port states using function "pale_combine_values"
+ set state_one_p [list]
+ set last_state [list]
+ foreach output $last_output input $last_input {
+ foreach out $output in $input {
+ lappend state_one_p [pale_combine_values $in $out]
+ }
+ lappend last_state $state_one_p
+ set state_one_p [list]
+ }
+ # Update more complex information about true port states
+ set portState [lreplace $portState end end $last_state]
+ # Inform output devices about the new port outputs
+ foreach dev $output_devices {
+ $dev new_state $last_state
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ ## Call input devices to evaluate input values
+ # @return void
+ private method read_port_input {} {
+ # Get last output
+ set input [lindex $portOutput end]
+ # Call all input devices
+ foreach dev $input_devices {
+ # Call device to change the current state
+ set input [$dev new_state $input]
+ update
+ # Inform all other devices interconnected with this one
+ for {set p 0} {$p < 5} {incr p} {
+ for {set b 0} {$b < 8} {incr b} {
+ # Search for connected devices
+ set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact $engaged_pins($p,$b) $dev]
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[llength $engaged_pins($p,$b)] == 1} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Call all affected devices
+ foreach affected_dev $engaged_pins($p,$b) {
+ if {$affected_dev == $dev} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set input [$affected_dev new_state $input]
+ update
+ }
+ # Again call the current device
+ set input [$dev new_state $input]
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Fill in list of port onputs
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $instruction_cycles} {incr i} {
+ lappend portInput $last_input
+ }
+ lappend portInput $input
+ }
+ ## Adjust PALE to new state "ON/OFF"
+ # @parm Bool _is_enabled - 1 == Turn on; 0 == Turn off
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_on_off {_is_enabled} {
+ set is_enabled $_is_enabled
+ foreach dev [concat $input_devices $output_devices] {
+ $dev on_off $is_enabled
+ }
+ }
+ ## Turn whole PALE system on or off
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_all_on_off {} {
+ $this graph_change_status_on
+ }
+ ## Determinate whether PALE is on-line or not
+ # @return Bool - 1 == online; 0 - offline
+ public method pale_is_enabled {} {
+ return $is_enabled
+ }
+ ## Inform PALE about new output device (device which CANNOT affect port inputs)
+ # Every output device must be registred in PALE system in
+ #+ this way otherwise it wont work !
+ # @parm Object object - PALE VHW component object reference
+ # @return void
+ #
+ # Note: PALE VHW component must extend class "VirtualHWComponent"
+ public method pale_register_output_device {object} {
+ lappend output_devices $object
+ }
+ ## Unregister device prevously registred by "pale_register_output_device"
+ # @parm Object object - PALE VHW component object reference
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_unregister_output_device {object} {
+ set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact $output_devices $object]
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ return
+ }
+ set output_devices [lreplace $output_devices $idx $idx]
+ }
+ ## Inform PALE about new input device (device which CAN affect port inputs)
+ # Every input device must be registred in PALE system in
+ #+ this way otherwise it wont work !
+ # @parm Object object - PALE VHW component object reference
+ # @return void
+ #
+ # Note: PALE VHW component must extend class "VirtualHWComponent"
+ public method pale_register_input_device {object} {
+ lappend input_devices $object
+ }
+ ## Unregister device prevously registred by "pale_register_input_device"
+ # @parm Object object - PALE VHW component object reference
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_unregister_input_device {object} {
+ # Find the specified device
+ set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact $input_devices $object]
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ return
+ }
+ # Unregister the device
+ set input_devices [lreplace $input_devices $idx $idx]
+ # Disconnect the device from all other devices
+ for {set p 0} {$p < 5} {incr p} {
+ for {set b 0} {$b < 8} {incr b} {
+ pale_disengage_pin_by_input_device $p $b $object
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Inform PALE system about that than some input device is
+ #+ connected to the specified port and pin.
+ #
+ # system functionality !!!
+ #
+ # @parm Int port - Port number (0..4)
+ # @parm Int pin - Port bit number (0..7)
+ # @parm Object dev - Input device (PALE VHW component)
+ # @return void
+ #
+ # Notes:
+ # * PALE VHW component must extend class "VirtualHWComponent"
+ # * Input devices CAN affect port inputs, output cannot
+ public method pale_engage_pin_by_input_device {port pin dev} {
+ lappend engaged_pins($port,$pin) $dev
+ }
+ ## Inform PALE system about that than some input device is
+ #+ no longer connected to the specified port and pin.
+ # In other words the right opposite of method
+ # "pale_engage_pin_by_input_device".
+ #
+ # system functionality !!!
+ #
+ # @parm Int port - Port number (0..4)
+ # @parm Int pin - Port bit number (0..7)
+ # @parm Object dev - Input device (PALE VHW component)
+ # @return void
+ #
+ # Notes:
+ # * PALE VHW component must extend class "VirtualHWComponent"
+ # * Input devices CAN affect port inputs, output cannot
+ public method pale_disengage_pin_by_input_device {port pin dev} {
+ set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact $engaged_pins($port,$pin) $dev]
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ return
+ }
+ set engaged_pins($port,$pin) \
+ [lreplace $engaged_pins($port,$pin) $idx $idx]
+ }
+ ## Determinate whether the specified port pin is engaged
+ # by any input device
+ # @parm Int port - Port number (0..4)
+ # @parm Int pin - Port bit number (0..7)
+ # @return void
+ #
+ # Note: Input devices CAN affect port inputs, output cannot
+ public method pale_is_engaged {port pin} {
+ return $engaged_pins($port,$pin)
+ }
+ ## Get true port outputs (that means latches plus alternate functions)
+ # @return List of Char - 5 x {8 x $bit_val} -- {bit0 bit1 bit2 ... bit7}
+ # $bit_val can be one of the following values:
+ # '0' - Logical 0
+ # '1' - Logical 1
+ # '|' - High frequency pulse
+ # 'X' - Access to external memory
+ # '?' - No volatge
+ # '-' - Undeterminable value (some noise)
+ # '=' - High forced to low
+ public method pale_get_output_state {} {
+ return $last_output
+ }
+ ## Get true port states
+ # @return List of Char - 5 x {8 x $bit_val} -- {bit0 bit1 bit2 ... bit7}
+ # $bit_val can be one of the following values:
+ # '0' - Logical 0
+ # '1' - Logical 1
+ # '|' - High frequency pulse
+ # 'X' - Access to external memory
+ # '?' - No volatge
+ # '-' - Undeterminable value (some noise)
+ # '=' - High forced to low
+ public method pale_get_true_state {} {
+ return $last_state
+ }
+ ## Get list of avaliable port number on the current MCU
+ # @return List of Int - e.g. {1 3}
+ public method pale_get_avaliable_ports {} {
+ return [lindex [$this get_ports_info] 1]
+ }
+ ## Inform PALE sysetem about MCU change
+ # @return void
+ public method pale_MCU_changed {} {
+ foreach dev [concat $input_devices $output_devices] {
+ $dev mcu_changed
+ }
+ }