path: root/lib/rightpanel/rightpanel.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rightpanel/rightpanel.tcl')
1 files changed, 2273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rightpanel/rightpanel.tcl b/lib/rightpanel/rightpanel.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..061f1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rightpanel/rightpanel.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,2273 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Implements Right Panel
+# Right Panel Notebook consist of:
+# - List of bookmarks
+# - List of breakpoints
+# - List of register watches
+# - Instruction details
+# - List of active subprograms
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Import nesesary sources
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/rightpanel/regwatches.tcl" ;# Register watches
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/rightpanel/instructiondetails.tcl" ;# Instruction details
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/rightpanel/subprograms.tcl" ;# List of active subprograms
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/rightpanel/hwmanager.tcl" ;# Hardware tools manager
+class RightPanel {
+ inherit RegWatches InstructionDetails SubPrograms HwManager
+ # Conter of instances
+ common count 0
+ # Background color for selected rows -- light
+ common selection_color {#EEFFDD}
+ # Background color for selected rows -- dark
+ common selection_color_dark {#DDDDFF}
+ # Default font size for text widgets
+ common fontSize ${Editor::fontSize}
+ # Default font family for text widgets
+ common fontFamily ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ # Font used in Editor
+ common editor_font [font create -size -$fontSize -family $fontFamily]
+ # Definition of popup menu for bookmark list
+ {command {Remove} {$edit:bookmark} 0 "editor_procedure {} Bookmark {}"
+ {button_cancel} "Add/Remove editor bookmark to/from current line"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Previous} {} 0 "rightPanel_bm_up" {1uparrow}
+ "Goto previous bookmark"}
+ {command {Next} {} 0 "rightPanel_bm_up" {1downarrow}
+ "Goto next bookmark"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Remove all} {} 0 "editor_procedure {} clear_all_bookmarks {}"
+ {editdelete} "Remove all bookmarks from the editor"}
+ }
+ # Definition of popup menu for breakpoint list
+ {command {Remove} {$edit:breakpoint} 0 "editor_procedure {} Breakpoint {}"
+ {button_cancel} "Add/Remove editor breakpoint to/from current line"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Previous} {} 0 "rightPanel_bp_up" {1uparrow}
+ "Goto previous breakpoint"}
+ {command {Next} {} 0 "rightPanel_bp_up" {1downarrow}
+ "Goto next breakpoint"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Remove all} {} 0 "editor_procedure {} clear_all_breakpoints {}"
+ {editdelete} "Remove all breakpoints from the editor"}
+ }
+ # Definition of popup menu for symbols list
+ common SYMBOLSKMENU {}
+ private variable notebook_frame ;# ID of panel main frame
+ private variable notebook ;# ID of panel NoteBook
+ private variable bookmarks ;# ID of tab "Bookmarks"
+ private variable breakpoints ;# ID of tab "Breakpoints"
+ private variable watches ;# ID of tab "Register watches"
+ private variable instruction ;# ID of tab "Instruction details"
+ private variable subprograms ;# ID of tab "Active subprograms"
+ private variable hwmanager ;# ID of tab "Hardware manager"
+ private variable table_of_symbols ;# ID of tab "Table of symbols"
+ private variable obj_idx ;# Number of this object
+ private variable bookmarks_menu ;# ID of popup menu for "Bookmarks"
+ private variable breakpoints_menu ;# ID of popup menu for "Breakpoints"
+ private variable symbols_menu ;# ID of popup menu for "Symbol list"
+ private variable bm_pagesManager ;# ID of pages manager for tab "Bookmarks"
+ private variable bp_pagesManager ;# ID of pages manager for tab "Breakpoints"
+ private variable sm_pagesManager ;# ID of pages manager for tab "Symbol list"
+ private variable bookmarks_lineNumbers ;# ID of text widget showing line numbers - tab "Bookmarks"
+ private variable breakpoints_lineNumbers ;# ID of text widget showing line numbers - tab "Breakpoints"
+ private variable bookmarks_text ;# ID of list of bookmarks (text widget) - tab "Bookmarks"
+ private variable breakpoints_text ;# ID of list of breakpoints (text widget) - tab "Breakpoints"
+ private variable bm_up_button ;# ID of button "Up" - tab "Bookmarks"
+ private variable bm_down_button ;# ID of button "Down" - tab "Bookmarks"
+ private variable bm_clear_button ;# ID of button "Clear all" - tab "Bookmarks"
+ private variable bp_up_button ;# ID of button "Up" - tab "Breakpoints"
+ private variable bp_down_button ;# ID of button "Down" - tab "Breakpoints"
+ private variable bp_clear_button ;# ID of button "Clear all" - tab "Breakpoints"
+ private variable sm_text ;# ID of symbol list text widget - tab "Symbols"
+ private variable sm_lineNumbers ;# ID of text widget showing line numbers - tab "Symbols"
+ private variable LIST_bookmarks_lineNumbers {} ;# List of $bookmarks_lineNumbers (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_breakpoints_lineNumbers {} ;# List of $breakpoints_lineNumbers (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_bookmarks_text {} ;# List of $bookmarks_text (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_breakpoints_text {} ;# List of $breakpoints_text (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_bm_up_button {} ;# List of $bm_up_button (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_bm_down_button {} ;# List of $bm_down_button (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_bm_clear_button {} ;# List of $bm_clear_button (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_bp_up_button {} ;# List of $bp_up_button (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_bp_down_button {} ;# List of $bp_down_button (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_bp_clear_button {} ;# List of $bp_clear_button (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_sm_text {} ;# List of $sm_text (for each editor)
+ private variable LIST_sm_lineNumbers {} ;# List of $sm_lineNumbers (for each editor)
+ private variable bm_bp_pages_list {} ;# List of editor numbers present in the panel
+ private variable editors_count 0 ;# Counter of added editors
+ private variable current_editor_idx 0 ;# Int: Index of currently active editor
+ private variable block_select 0 ;# Bool: Block selection of an item for certain procedures
+ private variable search_val_in_progress 0 ;# Bool: Search procedure is in progress
+ private variable button_bar ;# ID of button bar which replaces notebook on hide
+ private variable redraw_pane_in_progress 0 ;# (see procedure right_panel_redraw_pane)
+ private variable parentPane ;# ID of parent container (some frame)
+ private variable last_PanelSize ;# Last panel widgth
+ private variable PanelSize $::CONFIG(RIGHT_PANEL_SIZE) ;# Current panel width
+ private variable active_page $::CONFIG(RIGHT_PANEL_ACTIVE_PAGE) ;# ID of the active page
+ private variable PanelVisible $::CONFIG(RIGHT_PANEL) ;# Bool: is panel visible
+ private variable enabled 0 ;# Bool: enable procedures which are needless while loading project
+ ## Object constructor
+ constructor {} {
+ incr count
+ set obj_idx $count
+ }
+ ## Object destructor
+ destructor {
+ # Clean up GUI
+ destroy $notebook_frame
+ # Remove status bar tips for popup menus
+ menu_Sbar_remove $bookmarks_menu
+ menu_Sbar_remove $breakpoints_menu
+ }
+ ## Create right panel
+ # @parm Widget notebookframe - frame where to pack NoteBook
+ # @parm Widget ParentPane - parent paned window
+ # @parm String watches_file - definition file for register watches
+ # @return void
+ public method Initialize_rightPanel {notebookframe ParentPane watches_file} {
+ # Object variables
+ set parentPane $ParentPane ;# Parent container (some frame)
+ # Main frame of this panel
+ set notebook_frame $notebookframe
+ ## Create NoteBook
+ set notebook [NoteBook $notebook_frame.ntb_rightPanel \
+ -side top -bg {#EEEEEE} \
+ -arcradius 4 \
+ ]
+ # Register notebook status bar tips
+ notebook_Sbar_set {rightpanel} [list \
+ Bookmarks [mc "List of bookmarks in the current editor"] \
+ Breakpoints [mc "List of breakpoints in the current editor"] \
+ Instruction [mc "Details for instruction on the current line"] \
+ Watches [mc "Register watches (for internal data memory, external data memory, expanded data memory and bits)"] \
+ Subprograms [mc "List of active subprograms"] \
+ Symbols [mc "Symbol list"] \
+ Hardware [mc "Hardware manager"] \
+ Hide [mc "Hide the panel"] \
+ ]
+ $notebook bindtabs <Enter> "notebook_Sbar rightpanel"
+ $notebook bindtabs <Leave> "Sbar {} ;#"
+ #
+ # Create tabs
+ #
+ if {!${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {
+ # Tab "Bookmarks"
+ set bookmarks [$notebook insert end [mc "Bookmarks"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::bookmark_toolbar \
+ -raisecmd "$this rightPanel_set_active_page Bookmarks" \
+ -helptext [mc "List of bookmarks in editor (Ctrl+6)"] \
+ ]
+ # Tab "Breakpoints"
+ set breakpoints [$notebook insert end [mc "Breakpoints"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::flag \
+ -raisecmd "$this rightPanel_set_active_page Breakpoints" \
+ -helptext [mc "List of breakpoints in editor (Ctrl+7)"] \
+ ]
+ # Tab "Symbols"
+ set table_of_symbols [$notebook insert end [mc "Symbols"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::_blockdevice \
+ -raisecmd "$this rightPanel_set_active_page Symbols" \
+ -helptext [mc "Symbol List"] \
+ ]
+ # Tab "Instruction"
+ set instruction [$notebook insert end [mc "Instruction"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::info \
+ -raisecmd "$this rightPanel_set_active_page Instruction" \
+ -helptext [mc "Instruction details (Ctrl+8)"] \
+ -createcmd [list $this CreateInstructionDetailsGUI] \
+ ]
+ }
+ # Tab "Watches"
+ set watches [$notebook insert end [mc "Watches"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::player_playlist \
+ -raisecmd "$this rightPanel_set_active_page Watches" \
+ -helptext [mc "Register watches (Ctrl+9)"] \
+ -createcmd [list $this CreateRegWatchesGUI] \
+ ]
+ # Tab "Subprograms"
+ set subprograms [$notebook insert end [mc "Subprograms"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::queue \
+ -raisecmd "$this rightPanel_set_active_page Subprograms"\
+ -helptext [mc "Active subprograms (Ctrl+0)"] \
+ -createcmd [list $this CreateSubProgramsGUI] \
+ ]
+ # Tab "Hardware manager"
+ set hwmanager [$notebook insert end [mc "Hardware"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::kcmpci \
+ -raisecmd "$this rightPanel_set_active_page Hardware" \
+ -helptext [mc "Hardware manager"] \
+ -createcmd [list $this CreateHwManagerGUI] \
+ ]
+ # Tab "Hide"
+ $notebook insert end [mc "Hide"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::2rightarrow \
+ -raisecmd "$this right_panel_show_hide" \
+ -helptext [mc "Hide the panel"]
+ # Prepare panel componenets but do not create GUI elements
+ PrepareRegWatches $watches $watches_file
+ PrepareSubPrograms $subprograms
+ PrepareHwManager $hwmanager
+ if {!${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {
+ PrepareInstructionDetails $instruction
+ }
+ ## Create Button bar
+ # Button "Show"
+ set button_bar [frame $notebook_frame.button_bar]
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_show \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::2leftarrow \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this right_panel_show_hide" \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_show -text [mc "Show the panel"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_show -text [mc "Show the panel"]
+ # Separator
+ pack [ttk::separator $button_bar.sep -orient horizontal] -fill x -pady 2
+ # Button "Hardware manager"
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_hwman \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::kcmpci \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_show_up Hardware" \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_hwman -text [mc "Hardware tools"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_hwman \
+ -text [mc "Hardware tools manager"]
+ # Button "Active Subprograms"
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_subprog \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::queue \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_show_up Subprograms" \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_subprog -text [mc "Active subprograms (Ctrl+0)"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_subprog \
+ -text [mc "List of active subprograms"]
+ # Button "Register watches"
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_reg_watch \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::player_playlist \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_show_up Watches" \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_reg_watch -text [mc "MCU register watches (Ctrl+9)"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_reg_watch \
+ -text [mc "Register watches for internal data memory, external data memory and expanded data memory"]
+ if {!${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {
+ # Button "Instruction details"
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_ins_det \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::info \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_show_up Instruction" \
+ -state [expr {${::Editor::editor_to_use} ? {disabled} : {!disabled}}] \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_ins_det -text [mc "Instruction details (Ctrl+8)"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_ins_det \
+ -text [mc "Details for instruction on the current line"]
+ # Button "Symbol List"
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_symbols \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::_blockdevice \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_show_up Symbols" \
+ -state [expr {${::Editor::editor_to_use} ? {disabled} : {!disabled}}] \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_symbols -text [mc "Symbol List"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_symbols \
+ -text [mc "Symbol List"]
+ # Button "Breakpoints"
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_breakpoints \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::flag \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_show_up Breakpoints" \
+ -state [expr {${::Editor::editor_to_use} ? {disabled} : {!disabled}}] \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_breakpoints -text [mc "List of breakpoints in editor (Ctrl+7)"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_breakpoints \
+ -text [mc "List of breakpoints in the current editor"]
+ # Button "Bookmarks"
+ pack [ttk::button $button_bar.but_bookmarks \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::bookmark_toolbar \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_show_up Bookmarks" \
+ -state [expr {${::Editor::editor_to_use} ? {disabled} : {!disabled}}] \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_bar.but_bookmarks -text [mc "List of bookmarks in editor (Ctrl+6)"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button_bar.but_bookmarks \
+ -text [mc "List of bookmarks in the current editor"]
+ }
+ if {!${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {
+ # Pack pages managers
+ set bm_pagesManager [PagesManager $bookmarks.pgm_rightPanel_bm -background {#eeeeee}]
+ pack $bm_pagesManager -expand 1 -fill both
+ $bm_pagesManager compute_size
+ set bp_pagesManager [PagesManager $breakpoints.pgm_rightPanel_pm -background {#eeeeee}]
+ pack $bp_pagesManager -expand 1 -fill both
+ $bp_pagesManager compute_size
+ set sm_pagesManager [PagesManager $table_of_symbols.sm_pagesManager -background {#eeeeee}]
+ pack $sm_pagesManager -expand 1 -fill both
+ $sm_pagesManager compute_size
+ # Create popup menus
+ set bookmarks_menu $notebook_frame.menu_rightPanel_bookmarks
+ set breakpoints_menu $notebook_frame.menu_rightPanel_breakpoints
+ set symbols_menu $notebook_frame.menu_rightPanel_symbols
+ menuFactory $BREAKPOINTMENU $breakpoints_menu 0 "$this " 0 {}
+ menuFactory $BOOKMARKMENU $bookmarks_menu 0 "$this " 0 {}
+ menuFactory $SYMBOLSKMENU $symbols_menu 0 "$this " 0 {}
+ }
+ #
+ # Post-initialization
+ #
+ bind $parentPane <ButtonRelease-1> "$this right_panel_set_size"
+ # Show panel GUI components
+ if {$PanelVisible} {
+ # Show NoteBook
+ $parentPane paneconfigure $notebook_frame -minsize 295
+ pack $notebook -expand 1 -fill both
+ $parentPane configure -sashwidth 2
+ if {[catch {
+ $notebook raise $active_page
+ if {
+ ${::Editor::editor_to_use} &&
+ ([lsearch {Bookmarks Breakpoints Instruction Symbols} $active_page] != -1)
+ } {
+ set active_page {Watches}
+ $notebook raise {Watches}
+ }
+ }]} {
+ set active_page {Watches}
+ $notebook raise {Watches}
+ }
+ } {
+ # Show button bar
+ $parentPane paneconfigure $notebook_frame -minsize 0
+ pack $button_bar -anchor nw
+ $parentPane configure -sashwidth 0
+ bind $parentPane <Button> {break}
+ set last_PanelSize $PanelSize
+ set PanelSize 60
+ }
+ }
+ ## Synchronously scroll list of bookmarks and its line numbers
+ # @parm Char - what (m == Bookmarks; p == Breakpoints; s == Symbols)
+ # @parm String - string "moveto"
+ # @parm Float - number between 0.0 and 1.0 (0.0 == 'start', 1.0 == 'end')
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_scroll args {
+ # Local variables
+ set what [lindex $args 0]
+ set cmd [lindex $args 1] ;# Scroll command (moveto, scroll and such)
+ set frac [lindex $args 2] ;# Fraction where to move
+ set units [lindex $args 3] ;# Units (optonal)
+ switch -- $what {
+ {m} { ;# Bookmarks
+ set lnb $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ set txt $bookmarks_text
+ }
+ {p} { ;# Breakpoints
+ set lnb $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ set txt $breakpoints_text
+ }
+ {s} { ;# Symbols
+ set lnb $sm_lineNumbers
+ set txt $sm_text
+ }
+ }
+ if {$units == {}} {
+ $lnb yview $cmd $frac
+ $txt yview $cmd $frac
+ } {
+ $lnb yview $cmd $frac $units
+ $txt yview $cmd $frac $units
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set position for scrollbar and line numbers in bookmark list
+ # @parm Char what - (m == Bookmarks; p == Breakpoints; s == Symbols)
+ # @parm Widget scrollbar - ID of scrollbar widget to adjust
+ # @parm Float fraction0 - y position
+ # @parm Float fraction1 - x position
+ # @return Bool - result
+ public method rightPanel_scrollSet {what scrollbar fraction0 fraction1} {
+ switch -- $what {
+ {m} { ;# Bookmarks
+ set txt $bookmarks_text
+ }
+ {p} { ;# Breakpoints
+ set txt $breakpoints_text
+ }
+ {s} { ;# Symbols
+ set txt $sm_text
+ }
+ }
+ if {![winfo exists $txt]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ catch {
+ if {$fraction0 == {0.0} && $fraction1 == {1.0}} {
+ if {[winfo ismapped $scrollbar]} {
+ pack forget $scrollbar
+ }
+ } {
+ if {![winfo ismapped $scrollbar]} {
+ pack $scrollbar -side right -fill y -after $txt
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $scrollbar set $fraction0 $fraction1
+ rightPanel_scroll $what moveto $fraction0
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Refresh font settings for all text widgets in the panel
+ # @parm Bool for_all - 0 == only for the current editor; 1 == for all editors
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_refresh_font_settings {for_all} {
+ if {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {return}
+ if {$for_all} {
+ foreach widget $LIST_bookmarks_lineNumbers {
+ $widget configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ }
+ foreach widget $LIST_breakpoints_lineNumbers {
+ $widget configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ }
+ set i 0
+ foreach widget $LIST_bookmarks_text {
+ $widget configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $widget ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ set language [$this editor_procedure $i get_language {}]
+ if {$language == 1} {
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $widget ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ } elseif {$language == 2} {
+ LSTsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $widget ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ set i 0
+ foreach widget $LIST_breakpoints_text {
+ $widget configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $widget ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ set language [$this editor_procedure $i get_language {}]
+ if {$language == 1} {
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $widget ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ } elseif {$language == 2} {
+ LSTsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $widget ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ } {
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ $bookmarks_text configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ $breakpoints_text configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ $sm_lineNumbers configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ $sm_text configure -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold}
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $bookmarks_text ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $breakpoints_text ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ set language [$this editor_procedure {end} get_language {}]
+ if {$language == 1} {
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $bookmarks_text ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $breakpoints_text ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ } elseif {$language == 2} {
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $bookmarks_text ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags \
+ $breakpoints_text ${Editor::fontSize} ${Editor::fontFamily}
+ }
+ create_tags_in_symbol_list
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create highlight tag for list of bookmarks and breakpoints for the current editor
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_add_Editor__create_menu_and_tags {} {
+ if {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {return}
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $breakpoints_text $fontSize $fontFamily
+ ASMsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $bookmarks_text $fontSize $fontFamily
+ set language [$this editor_procedure {end} get_language {}]
+ if {$language == 1} {
+ rightPanel_bm_bp_create_c_hg_tags
+ } elseif {$language == 2} {
+ rightPanel_bm_bp_create_lst_hg_tags
+ }
+ create_tags_in_symbol_list
+ }
+ ## Create highlighting tags in the text widget in the "List of Symbols"
+ # @return void
+ private method create_tags_in_symbol_list {} {
+ set tags_to_define [list tag_label tag_constant tag_normal tag_macro]
+ foreach tag_def [concat ${::ASMsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags} ${::CsyntaxHighlight::hightlight_tags}] {
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $tags_to_define [lindex $tag_def 0]] == -1} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Create array of tag attributes
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
+ set tag_def_item($i) [lindex $tag_def $i]
+ }
+ # Foreground color
+ if {$tag_def_item(1) == {}} {
+ set tag_def_item(1) black
+ }
+ # Fonr slant
+ if {$tag_def_item(3) == 1} {
+ set tag_def_item(3) italic
+ } {
+ set tag_def_item(3) roman
+ }
+ # Font weight
+ if {$tag_def_item(4) == 1} {
+ set tag_def_item(4) bold
+ } {
+ set tag_def_item(4) normal
+ }
+ # Create the tag in the target text widget
+ $sm_text tag configure $tag_def_item(0) \
+ -foreground $tag_def_item(1) \
+ -font [font create \
+ -overstrike $tag_def_item(2) \
+ -slant $tag_def_item(3) \
+ -weight $tag_def_item(4) \
+ -size -$::Editor::fontSize \
+ -family $::Editor::fontFamily \
+ ]
+ }
+ # Create tag for C function
+ $sm_text tag configure tag_c_func \
+ -foreground {#0000DD} \
+ -font ${::Editor::defaultFont}
+ }
+ ## Create highlighting tags for Codelisting for the current editor
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bm_bp_create_lst_hg_tags {} {
+ LSTsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $breakpoints_text $fontSize $fontFamily
+ LSTsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $bookmarks_text $fontSize $fontFamily
+ }
+ ## Create highlighting tags for C language for the current editor
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bm_bp_create_c_hg_tags {} {
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $breakpoints_text $fontSize $fontFamily
+ CsyntaxHighlight::create_tags $bookmarks_text $fontSize $fontFamily
+ }
+ ## Add new list of bookmarks and list of breakpoints for new editor
+ # @parm Bool create_menu_and_tags - Create popup menus and highlighting tags
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_add_Editor {create_menu_and_tags} {
+ if {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {return}
+ # Local variables
+ set bm_page [$bm_pagesManager add $editors_count] ;# ID of current bookmarks page
+ set bp_page [$bp_pagesManager add $editors_count] ;# ID of current breakpoints page
+ set sm_page [$sm_pagesManager add $editors_count] ;# ID of current page in symbol list
+ # Register new editor
+ set current_editor_idx $editors_count
+ lappend bm_bp_pages_list $editors_count
+ incr editors_count ;# increment counter of editors
+ #
+ # Create tab "Bookmarks"
+ #
+ ## Create icon bar (up, down, bookmark, clear all)
+ # Create button frame
+ set button_frame [frame $bm_page.frm_rightPanel_bm_button_frame]
+ pack $button_frame -side top -fill x
+ # Button "Up"
+ set bm_up_button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bm_up \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1uparrow \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_bm_up" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $bm_up_button -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $bm_up_button -text [mc "Move to previous bookmark"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $bm_up_button \
+ -text [mc "Goto to line of previous bookmark"]
+ # Button "Down"
+ set bm_down_button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bm_down \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1downarrow \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_bm_down" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $bm_down_button -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $bm_down_button -text [mc "Move to the next bookmark"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $bm_down_button \
+ -text [mc "Goto to line of next bookmark"]
+ # Separator
+ pack [ttk::separator $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bm_sep \
+ -orient vertical \
+ ] -side left -fill y -padx 2
+ # Button "Bookmark"
+ set button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bm_bookmark \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::bookmark_add \
+ -command "$this editor_procedure {} Bookmark {}" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $button -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $button -text [mc "Add/Remove bookmark on the current line"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button \
+ -text [mc "Add/Remove bookmark on the current line in editor"]
+ # Button "Clear all"
+ set bm_clear_button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bm_clear \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::editdelete \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command "$this editor_procedure {} clear_all_bookmarks {}" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $bm_clear_button -side right
+ DynamicHelp::add $bm_clear_button -text [mc "Clear all bookmarks"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $bm_clear_button \
+ -text [mc "Clear all bookmarks from editor"]
+ # Create text frame (Contains: text widget, scrollbar, LineNumbers)
+ set text_frame [frame $bm_page.frm_rightPanel_bm_text_frame -bd 1 -relief sunken]
+ pack $text_frame -fill both -expand 1 -side bottom
+ # Create scrollbar
+ set scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar \
+ $text_frame.scr_rightPanel_bookmars \
+ -orient vertical \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_scroll m" \
+ ]
+ # Create line numbers
+ set bookmarks_lineNumbers [text $text_frame.txt_rightPanel_bm_lineNumbers \
+ -yscrollcommand "$this rightPanel_scrollSet m $scrollbar" \
+ -cursor left_ptr \
+ -width 1 -height 1 \
+ -bg gray \
+ -fg white \
+ -relief flat \
+ -bd 1 \
+ -state disabled \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ -takefocus 0 \
+ -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold} \
+ ]
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers tag configure right -justify right
+ # Create list of bookmarks
+ set bookmarks_text [text $text_frame.txt_rightPanel_bookmars \
+ -cursor left_ptr -state disabled -width 1 -height 1 \
+ -wrap none -exportselection 0 -bd 1 -relief flat \
+ -yscrollcommand "$this rightPanel_scrollSet m $scrollbar" \
+ -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold} \
+ ]
+ $bookmarks_text tag configure curLine \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief raised \
+ -background ${::RightPanel::selection_color}
+ # Set bindings
+ bind $bookmarks_text <<Selection>> "false_selection $bookmarks_text; break"
+ bind $bookmarks_text <Button-1> "$this rightPanel_xx_txt_click m %x %y; break"
+ bind $bookmarks_text <ButtonRelease-3> "$this rightPanel_bm_popupmenu %X %Y %x %y; break; break"
+ bind $bookmarks_lineNumbers <ButtonRelease-3> "$this rightPanel_bm_popupmenu %X %Y %x %y; break; break"
+ bind $bookmarks_text <Key-Menu> {break}
+ bind $bookmarks_lineNumbers <<Selection>> "false_selection $bookmarks_lineNumbers; break"
+ # Pack components of "Text frame"
+ pack $bookmarks_lineNumbers -side left -fill y
+ pack $bookmarks_text -side left -expand 1 -fill both
+ #
+ # Breakpoints tab
+ #
+ ## Create icon bar (up, down, breakpoint, clear all)
+ # Create button frame
+ set button_frame [frame $bp_page.frm_rightPanel_bp_button_frame]
+ pack $button_frame -side top -fill x
+ # Button "Up"
+ set bp_up_button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bp_up \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1uparrow \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_bp_up" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $bp_up_button -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $bp_up_button -text [mc "Move to previous breakpoint"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $bp_up_button \
+ -text [mc "Goto to line of previous breakpoint"]
+ # Button "Down"
+ set bp_down_button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bp_down \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1downarrow \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_bp_down" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $bp_down_button -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $bp_down_button -text [mc "Move to next breakpoint"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $bp_down_button \
+ -text [mc "Goto to line of next breakpoint"]
+ # Separator
+ pack [ttk::separator $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bp_sep \
+ -orient vertical \
+ ] -side left -fill y -padx 2
+ # Button "Breakpoint"
+ set button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bp_breakpoint \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::flag \
+ -command "$this editor_procedure {} Breakpoint {}" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $button -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $button -text [mc "Add/Remove breakpoint on the current line"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $button \
+ -text [mc "Add/Remove breakpoint on the current line in editor"]
+ # Buttton "Clear all"
+ set bp_clear_button [ttk::button $button_frame.but_rightPanel_bp_clear \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::editdelete \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command "$this editor_procedure {} clear_all_breakpoints {}" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $bp_clear_button -side right
+ DynamicHelp::add $bp_clear_button -text [mc "Clear all breakpoints"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $bp_clear_button \
+ -text [mc "Clear all breakpoints from editor"]
+ # Create text frame (Contains: text widget, scrollbar, LineNumbers)
+ set text_frame [frame $bp_page.frm_rightPanel_bp_text_frame -bd 1 -relief sunken]
+ pack $text_frame -fill both -expand 1 -side bottom
+ # Create scrollbar
+ set scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar \
+ $text_frame.scr_rightPanel_breakpoints \
+ -orient vertical \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_scroll p" \
+ ]
+ # Create line numbers
+ set breakpoints_lineNumbers [text $text_frame.txt_rightPanel_bp_lineNumbers \
+ -yscrollcommand "$this rightPanel_scrollSet p $scrollbar" \
+ -cursor left_ptr \
+ -width 1 -height 1 \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ -bg gray \
+ -fg white \
+ -relief flat \
+ -bd 1 \
+ -state disabled \
+ -takefocus 0 \
+ -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold} \
+ ]
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers tag configure right -justify right
+ # Create list of breakpoints
+ set breakpoints_text [text $text_frame.txt_rightPanel_breakpoints \
+ -cursor left_ptr -state disabled \
+ -wrap none -exportselection 0 -bd 1 -relief flat \
+ -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold} -width 1 -height 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand "$this rightPanel_scrollSet p $scrollbar" \
+ ]
+ $breakpoints_text tag configure curLine \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief raised \
+ -background ${::RightPanel::selection_color}
+ # Pack widgets of the text frame
+ pack $breakpoints_lineNumbers -side left -fill y
+ pack $breakpoints_text -side left -expand 1 -fill both
+ # Set bindings
+ bind $breakpoints_text <<Selection>> "false_selection $breakpoints_text; break"
+ bind $breakpoints_text <Button-1> "$this rightPanel_xx_txt_click p %x %y; break"
+ bind $breakpoints_text <ButtonRelease-3> "$this rightPanel_bp_popupmenu %X %Y %x %y; break; break"
+ bind $breakpoints_lineNumbers <ButtonRelease-3> "$this rightPanel_bp_popupmenu %X %Y %x %y; break; break"
+ bind $breakpoints_text <Key-Menu> {break}
+ bind $breakpoints_lineNumbers <<Selection>> "false_selection $breakpoints_lineNumbers; break"
+ #
+ # Symbol list
+ #
+ ## Create icon bar (up, down, breakpoint, clear all)
+ # Create button frame
+ set button_frame [frame $sm_page.button_frame]
+ pack $button_frame -side top -fill x
+ # Button "Refresh"
+ set refresh_but [ttk::button $button_frame.refresh_but \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::reload \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_refresh_symbols" \
+ -style ToolButton.TButton \
+ ]
+ pack $refresh_but -side left
+ DynamicHelp::add $refresh_but -text [mc "Reevaluate"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $refresh_but \
+ -text [mc "Reevaluate ..."]
+ # Button "Clear search string"
+ set sm_search_clear [ttk::button $button_frame.clear_search \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::clear_left \
+ -style Flat.TButton \
+ -command "$button_frame.search_entry delete 0 end" \
+ -state disabled \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $button_frame.clear_search -text [mc "Clear search string"]
+ pack $sm_search_clear -side right
+ setStatusTip -widget $sm_search_clear \
+ -text [mc "Clear search string"]
+ # Entry "Search"
+ set sm_search_entry [ttk::entry $button_frame.search_entry \
+ -validate key \
+ -width 0 \
+ -validatecommand "$this rightPanel_sm_search_validate %P %W $sm_search_clear" \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $sm_search_entry -text [mc "Search for a constant, variable, function or macro"]
+ pack $sm_search_entry -side right -fill x -expand 1
+ setStatusTip -widget $sm_search_entry \
+ -text [mc "Search for a constant, variable, function or macro"]
+ # Label "Search:"
+ pack [label $button_frame.search_lbl -text [mc " Search:"]] -side right
+ # Create text frame (Contains: text widget, scrollbar, LineNumbers)
+ set text_frame [frame $sm_page.text_frame -bd 1 -relief sunken]
+ pack $text_frame -fill both -expand 1 -side bottom
+ # Create scrollbar
+ set scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar $text_frame.scr \
+ -orient vertical \
+ -command "$this rightPanel_scroll s" \
+ ]
+ set sm_lineNumbers [text $text_frame.ln \
+ -yscrollcommand "$this rightPanel_scrollSet s $scrollbar" \
+ -cursor left_ptr -width 1 \
+ -exportselection 0 -bg gray \
+ -height 1 -fg white \
+ -relief flat -bd 1 \
+ -state disabled -takefocus 0 \
+ -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold} \
+ ]
+ $sm_lineNumbers tag configure right -justify right
+ set sm_text [text $text_frame.txt \
+ -cursor left_ptr -state disabled \
+ -wrap none -exportselection 0 -bd 1 -relief flat \
+ -font ${Editor::defaultFont_bold} -width 1 -height 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand "$this rightPanel_scrollSet s $scrollbar" \
+ ]
+ $sm_text tag configure curLine \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief raised \
+ -background ${::RightPanel::selection_color}
+ # Pack widgets of the text frame
+ pack $scrollbar -side right -fill y
+ pack $sm_lineNumbers -side left -fill y
+ pack $sm_text -side left -expand 1 -fill both
+ # Set bindings
+ bind $sm_text <<Selection>> "false_selection $sm_text; break"
+ bind $sm_text <Button-1> "$this rightPanel_xx_txt_click s %x %y; break"
+ bind $sm_text <Key-Menu> {break}
+ bind $sm_text <ButtonRelease-3> {break}
+ bind $sm_lineNumbers <<Selection>> "false_selection $sm_lineNumbers; break"
+ bind $sm_lineNumbers <Key-Menu> {break}
+ bind $sm_lineNumbers <ButtonRelease-3> {break}
+ # Append create d widgets to lists
+ lappend LIST_bookmarks_lineNumbers $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ lappend LIST_breakpoints_lineNumbers $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ lappend LIST_bookmarks_text $bookmarks_text
+ lappend LIST_breakpoints_text $breakpoints_text
+ lappend LIST_bm_up_button $bm_up_button
+ lappend LIST_bm_down_button $bm_down_button
+ lappend LIST_bm_clear_button $bm_clear_button
+ lappend LIST_bp_up_button $bp_up_button
+ lappend LIST_bp_down_button $bp_down_button
+ lappend LIST_bp_clear_button $bp_clear_button
+ lappend LIST_sm_text $sm_text
+ lappend LIST_sm_lineNumbers $sm_lineNumbers
+ if {$create_menu_and_tags} {
+ rightPanel_add_Editor__create_menu_and_tags
+ }
+ }
+ ## Enable/Disable buttons on Bookmarks+Breakpoints icon bar
+ # @return void
+ private method bm_bp_disEna_buttons {} {
+ # Bookmarks
+ set end [$bookmarks_text index end]
+ switch -- $end {
+ {2.0} { ;# Empty list
+ $bm_up_button configure -state disabled
+ $bm_down_button configure -state disabled
+ $bm_clear_button configure -state disabled
+ }
+ {3.0} { ;# One item
+ $bm_up_button configure -state disabled
+ $bm_down_button configure -state disabled
+ $bm_clear_button configure -state normal
+ }
+ default { ;# More items
+ $bm_up_button configure -state normal
+ $bm_down_button configure -state normal
+ $bm_clear_button configure -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ # Breakpoints
+ set end [$breakpoints_text index end]
+ switch -- $end {
+ {2.0} { ;# Empty list
+ $bp_up_button configure -state disabled
+ $bp_down_button configure -state disabled
+ $bp_clear_button configure -state disabled
+ }
+ {3.0} { ;# One item
+ $bp_up_button configure -state disabled
+ $bp_down_button configure -state disabled
+ $bp_clear_button configure -state normal
+ }
+ default { ;# More items
+ $bp_up_button configure -state normal
+ $bp_down_button configure -state normal
+ $bp_clear_button configure -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Recreate popup menus
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_makePopupMenu {} {
+ regwatches_makePopupMenu
+ if {[winfo exists $breakpoints_menu]} {destroy $breakpoints_menu}
+ if {[winfo exists $bookmarks_menu]} {destroy $bookmarks_menu}
+ menuFactory $BREAKPOINTMENU $breakpoints_menu 0 "$this " 0 {}
+ menuFactory $BOOKMARKMENU $bookmarks_menu 0 "$this " 0 {}
+ }
+ ## Invoke bookmarks popup menu
+ # @parm Int X - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @parm Int Y - Absolute Y coordinate
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bm_popupmenu {X Y x y} {
+ # Change position in the list
+ rightPanel_xx_txt_click m $x $y
+ # Enable/Disable menu items
+ set end [$bookmarks_text index end]
+ switch -- $end {
+ {2.0} { ;# Empty list
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Next"] -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Previous"] -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state disabled
+ }
+ {3.0} { ;# One item
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state normal
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Next"] -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Previous"] -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state normal
+ }
+ default { ;# More items
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state normal
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Next"] -state normal
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Previous"] -state normal
+ $bookmarks_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ # Invoke the menu
+ tk_popup $bookmarks_menu $X $Y
+ }
+ ## Invoke breakpoints popup menu
+ # @parm Int X - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @parm Int Y - Absolute Y coordinate
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bp_popupmenu {X Y x y} {
+ # Change position in the list
+ rightPanel_xx_txt_click p $x $y
+ # Enable/Disable menu items
+ set end [$breakpoints_text index end]
+ switch -- $end {
+ {2.0} { ;# Empty list
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Next"] -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Previous"] -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state disabled
+ }
+ {3.0} { ;# One item
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state normal
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Next"] -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Previous"] -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state normal
+ } default { ;# More items
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state normal
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Next"] -state normal
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Previous"] -state normal
+ $breakpoints_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state normal
+ }
+ }
+ # Invoke the menu
+ tk_popup $breakpoints_menu $X $Y
+ }
+ ## Remove editor from the list
+ # @parm Int idx - editor index
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_remove_Editor {idx} {
+ if {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {return}
+ # Remove pages from pages managers
+ $bm_pagesManager delete [lindex $bm_bp_pages_list $idx]
+ $bp_pagesManager delete [lindex $bm_bp_pages_list $idx]
+ $sm_pagesManager delete [lindex $bm_bp_pages_list $idx]
+ set bm_bp_pages_list [lreplace $bm_bp_pages_list $idx $idx]
+ # Remove widget references from its lists
+ set LIST_bookmarks_lineNumbers [lreplace $LIST_bookmarks_lineNumbers $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_breakpoints_lineNumbers [lreplace $LIST_breakpoints_lineNumbers $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_bookmarks_text [lreplace $LIST_bookmarks_text $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_breakpoints_text [lreplace $LIST_breakpoints_text $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_bm_up_button [lreplace $LIST_bm_up_button $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_bm_down_button [lreplace $LIST_bm_down_button $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_bm_clear_button [lreplace $LIST_bm_clear_button $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_bp_up_button [lreplace $LIST_bp_up_button $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_bp_down_button [lreplace $LIST_bp_down_button $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_bp_clear_button [lreplace $LIST_bp_clear_button $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_sm_text [lreplace $LIST_sm_text $idx $idx]
+ set LIST_sm_lineNumbers [lreplace $LIST_sm_lineNumbers $idx $idx]
+ }
+ ## Change the current editor
+ # @parm Int idx - editor index
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_switch_editor {idx} {
+ if {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {return}
+ set current_editor_idx $idx
+ rightPanel_switch_page $idx
+ rightPanel_switch_editor_vars $idx
+ }
+ ## Change the current page in pages managers
+ # @parm Int idx - editor index
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_switch_page {idx} {
+ if {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {return}
+ set current_editor_idx $idx
+ $bm_pagesManager raise [lindex $bm_bp_pages_list $idx]
+ $bp_pagesManager raise [lindex $bm_bp_pages_list $idx]
+ $sm_pagesManager raise [lindex $bm_bp_pages_list $idx]
+ if {$active_page == {Symbols}} {
+ catch {$this editor_procedure {} comp_win_highlight_all_in_background {}}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Change current editor but don not affect GUI
+ # @parm Int idx - editor index
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_switch_editor_vars {idx} {
+ if {${::Editor::editor_to_use}} {return}
+ # Set active widgets
+ set current_editor_idx $idx
+ set bookmarks_lineNumbers [lindex $LIST_bookmarks_lineNumbers $idx]
+ set breakpoints_lineNumbers [lindex $LIST_breakpoints_lineNumbers $idx]
+ set bookmarks_text [lindex $LIST_bookmarks_text $idx]
+ set breakpoints_text [lindex $LIST_breakpoints_text $idx]
+ set bm_up_button [lindex $LIST_bm_up_button $idx]
+ set bm_down_button [lindex $LIST_bm_down_button $idx]
+ set bm_clear_button [lindex $LIST_bm_clear_button $idx]
+ set bp_up_button [lindex $LIST_bp_up_button $idx]
+ set bp_down_button [lindex $LIST_bp_down_button $idx]
+ set bp_clear_button [lindex $LIST_bp_clear_button $idx]
+ set sm_text [lindex $LIST_sm_text $idx]
+ set sm_lineNumbers [lindex $LIST_sm_lineNumbers $idx]
+ }
+ ## Binding for event <Button-1> for list of ...
+ # Change selection in the widget and change current line in the editor
+ # @parm Char - what (m == Bookmarks; p == Breakpoints; s == Symbols)
+ # @parm Int x - relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - relative Y coordinate
+ # @return Bool - result
+ public method rightPanel_xx_txt_click {what x y} {
+ if {$block_select} {return}
+ switch -- $what {
+ {m} { ;# Bookmarks
+ set lnb $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ set txt $bookmarks_text
+ }
+ {p} { ;# Breakpoints
+ set lnb $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ set txt $breakpoints_text
+ }
+ {s} { ;# Symbols
+ set lnb $sm_lineNumbers
+ set txt $sm_text
+ }
+ }
+ # Determinate line number
+ set lineNum [rightPanel_txt_click $txt $lnb $x $y]
+ if {$lineNum == {}} {return 0}
+ # Change current line in the editor
+ set block_select 1
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $lineNum
+ update idle
+ set block_select 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Determinate line number and select the line
+ # @parm Widget txt_widget - ID of the text widget
+ # @parm Widget ln_widget - ID of line numbers widget
+ # @parm Int x - relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - relative X coordinate
+ # @return Int - line number (from line numbers panel)
+ private method rightPanel_txt_click {txt_widget ln_widget x y} {
+ set idx [$txt_widget index @$x,$y]
+ # Determinate traslated line number
+ set lineNum [$ln_widget get [list $idx linestart] [list $idx lineend]]
+ # Select the line
+ if {$lineNum != {}} {
+ $txt_widget tag remove curLine 1.0 end
+ $txt_widget tag add curLine [list $idx linestart] [list $idx+1l linestart]
+ }
+ # Retrun result
+ return $lineNum
+ }
+ ## If the given line contain bookmark then select it in the list
+ # This function should be called after change line in the editor
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number
+ # @return Bool - result
+ public method rightPanel_bm_select {lineNum} {
+ if {!$enabled || $block_select} {return}
+ if {![info exists bookmarks_text]} {return}
+ # Check for bookmark presence
+ set idx0 [lsearch -ascii -exact [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end] $lineNum]
+ if {$idx0 == -1} {return 0}
+ # Select the line
+ incr idx0
+ set idx1 $idx0
+ incr idx1
+ $bookmarks_text tag remove curLine 1.0 end
+ $bookmarks_text tag add curLine $idx0.0 $idx1.0
+ $bookmarks_text see $idx0.0
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## If the given line contain bookmark then select it in the list
+ # This function should be called after change line in the editor
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number
+ # @return Bool - result
+ public method rightPanel_bp_select {lineNum} {
+ if {!$enabled || $block_select} {return}
+ if {![info exists breakpoints_text]} {return}
+ # Check for bookmark presence
+ set idx0 [lsearch [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end] $lineNum]
+ if {$idx0 == -1} {return 0}
+ # Select the line
+ incr idx0
+ set idx1 $idx0
+ incr idx1
+ $breakpoints_text tag remove curLine 1.0 end
+ $breakpoints_text tag add curLine $idx0.0 $idx1.0
+ $breakpoints_text see $idx0.0
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Unset selection in list of bookmarks
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bm_unselect {} {
+ if {!$enabled || $block_select} {return}
+ if {![info exists bookmarks_text]} {return}
+ $bookmarks_text tag remove curLine 1.0 end
+ }
+ ## Unset selection in list of breakpoints
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bp_unselect {} {
+ if {!$enabled || $block_select} {return}
+ if {![info exists breakpoints_text]} {return}
+ $breakpoints_text tag remove curLine 1.0 end
+ }
+ ## Copy line from the editor to target widget and preserve highlight
+ # @parm Widget target_widget - target widget, where to copy the line
+ # @parm TextIndex idx - target text index
+ # @parm Int lineNum - source line number
+ # @parm Int editor_idx - editor index
+ # @return void
+ private method insert_text {target_widget idx lineNum editor_idx} {
+ # Copy text
+ set line [$this editor_procedure $editor_idx getLineContent $lineNum]
+ regsub -all {\t} $line { } line
+ append line "\n"
+ $target_widget insert $idx $line
+ # Gain list of text tags in source widget
+ set ranges [$this editor_procedure $editor_idx getTagsRanges $lineNum]
+ # Determinate row in the target widget
+ if {$idx == {end}} {
+ set row [$target_widget index end]
+ set row [expr {int($row) - 2}]
+ } {
+ set row [expr {int($idx)}]
+ }
+ # Iterate over source text tags and add them to target widget
+ foreach range $ranges {
+ # Local variables
+ set tag [lindex $range 0] ;# Text tag
+ set range [lindex $range 1] ;# Tag range
+ set range_len [llength $range] ;# Number of indexes in tag range
+ # Iterate over ranges
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $range_len} {incr i} {
+ # Translate indexes
+ set idx0 [lindex $range $i]
+ regsub {^\d+} $idx0 $row idx0
+ incr i
+ set idx1 [lindex $range $i]
+ regsub {^\d+} $idx1 $row idx1
+ # Set tag
+ $target_widget tag add $tag $idx0 $idx1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Add bookmark to the list
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number in the editor
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_add_bookmark {lineNum} {
+ if {$block_select} {return}
+ ## Determinate target text index
+ set indexes [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ set idx -1
+ set i 0
+ foreach line $indexes {
+ incr i
+ if {$line > $lineNum} {
+ set idx $i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ set idx {end}
+ } {
+ append idx {.0}
+ }
+ # Enable widgets
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state normal
+ # Insert new line to line numbers
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers insert $idx "$lineNum\n"
+ adjust_width $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ # Insert text to the list
+ insert_text $bookmarks_text $idx $lineNum {}
+ # Disable widgets
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate icon bar button states
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Remove bookmark from the list
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number (in Editor)
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_remove_bookmark {lineNum} {
+ if {$block_select} {return}
+ # Determinate start and end index
+ set idx [lsearch [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end] $lineNum]
+ if {$idx == -1} {return}
+ set idx0 [expr {int($idx) + 1}]
+ set idx1 [expr {int($idx) + 2}]
+ # Enable widgets
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state normal
+ # Remove line from line numbers
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers delete $idx0.0 $idx1.0
+ adjust_width $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ # Remove line from the list
+ $bookmarks_text delete $idx0.0 $idx1.0
+ # Disable widgets
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate icon bar button states
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Add breakpoint to the list
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number in the editor
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_add_breakpoint {lineNum} {
+ if {$block_select} {return}
+ ## Determinate target text index
+ set indexes [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ set idx -1
+ set i 0
+ foreach line $indexes {
+ incr i
+ if {$line > $lineNum} {
+ set idx $i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ set idx {end}
+ } {
+ append idx {.0}
+ }
+ # Enable widgets
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state normal
+ # Insert new line to line numbers
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers insert $idx "$lineNum\n"
+ adjust_width $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ # Insert text to the list
+ insert_text $breakpoints_text $idx $lineNum {}
+ # Disable widgets
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate icon bar button states
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Remove breakpoint from the list
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number (in Editor)
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_remove_breakpoint {lineNum} {
+ if {$block_select} {return}
+ # Determinate start and end index
+ set idx [lsearch [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end] $lineNum]
+ if {$idx == -1} {return}
+ set idx0 [expr {int($idx) + 1}]
+ set idx1 [expr {int($idx) + 2}]
+ # Enable widgets
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state normal
+ # Remove line from line numbers
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers delete $idx0.0 $idx1.0
+ adjust_width $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ # Remove line from the list
+ $breakpoints_text delete $idx0.0 $idx1.0
+ # Disable widgets
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate icon bar button states
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Adjust width of given text widget to fit lenght of the last line
+ # @parm Widget widget - target text widget
+ # @return void
+ private method adjust_width {widget} {
+ $widget configure -width [string length [lindex [$widget get end-2l end] end]]
+ catch {
+ $widget tag add right 0.0 end
+ }
+ }
+ ## Binding for button "Up" (Bookmarks icon bar) - select bookmark above the current line
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bm_up {} {
+ # Gain list of bookmarks (line numbers)
+ set lineNumbers [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ if {[llength $lineNumbers] == 0} {return}
+ # Get current line in the editor
+ set curLineNum [$this editor_procedure {} get_current_line_number {}]
+ # Find nearest bookmark
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers end]
+ set idx -2
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line >= $curLineNum} {
+ if {$idx >= 0} {
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers $idx]
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Select designated bookmark and jump to its line
+ rightPanel_bm_select $lineNum
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $lineNum
+ }
+ ## Binding for button "Up" (Breakpoints icon bar) - select breakpoint above the current line
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bp_up {} {
+ # Gain list of breakpoints (line numbers)
+ set lineNumbers [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ if {[llength $lineNumbers] == 0} {return}
+ # Get current line in the editor
+ set curLineNum [$this editor_procedure {} get_current_line_number {}]
+ # Find nearest breakpoint
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers end]
+ set idx -2
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line >= $curLineNum} {
+ if {$idx >= 0} {
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers $idx]
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Select designated breakpoint and jump to its line
+ rightPanel_bp_select $lineNum
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $lineNum
+ }
+ ## Binding for button "Down" (Bookmarks icon bar) - select bookmark below the current line
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bm_down {} {
+ # Gain list of bookmarks (line numbers)
+ set lineNumbers [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ if {[llength $lineNumbers] == 0} {return}
+ # Get current line in the editor
+ set curLineNum [$this editor_procedure {} get_current_line_number {}]
+ # Find nearest bookmark
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers 0]
+ set idx -1
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line > $curLineNum} {
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers $idx]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Select designated bookmark and jump to its line
+ rightPanel_bm_select $lineNum
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $lineNum
+ }
+ ## Binding for button "Down" (Breakpoints icon bar) - select breakpoint below the current line
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_bp_down {} {
+ # Gain list of breakpoints (line numbers)
+ set lineNumbers [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ if {[llength $lineNumbers] == 0} {return}
+ # Get current line in the editor
+ set curLineNum [$this editor_procedure {} get_current_line_number {}]
+ # Find nearest breakpoint
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers 0]
+ set idx -1
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line > $curLineNum} {
+ set lineNum [lindex $lineNumbers $idx]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Select designated breakpoint and jump to its line
+ rightPanel_bp_select $lineNum
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $lineNum
+ }
+ ## Remove all bookmarks from the list
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_clear_all_bookmarks {} {
+ # Enable widgets
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state normal
+ # Clear text widgets
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers delete 1.0 end
+ adjust_width $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ $bookmarks_text delete 1.0 end
+ # Disable widgets
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate button states (icon bar)
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Remove all breapoints editor
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_clear_all_breakpoints {} {
+ # Enable widgets
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state normal
+ # Clear text widgets
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers delete 1.0 end
+ adjust_width $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ $breakpoints_text delete 1.0 end
+ # Disable widgets
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate button states (icon bar)
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Manage list of bookmarks - some lines have been removed from editor widget
+ # @parm Int start_line - start of deleted area
+ # @parm Int end_line - end of deleted area
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_remove_bookmarks {start_line end_line} {
+ # Gain list of bookmarks
+ set lineNumbers [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ ## Determinate start and end text indexes (list of bookmarks)
+ # Start index
+ set start_idx {}
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line >= $start_line} {
+ set start_idx $idx.0
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # End index
+ set end_idx {end}
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line > $end_line} {
+ if {$idx != 0} {
+ set end_idx $idx.0
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Default start index
+ if {$start_idx == {}} {
+ if {[lindex $lineNumbers end] != $end_line} {
+ return
+ } {
+ set start_idx 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ # Determinate number of lines to remove
+ set diff [expr {$end_line - $start_line + 1}]
+ # Enable line numbers
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ # Gain list of lines to recomputation
+ set lineNumbers [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get $end_idx end]
+ # Remove lines from line numbers
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers delete $start_idx end
+ if {[llength [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]] != 0} {
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ # Compute missing lines in line numbers
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers insert end [expr {$line - $diff}]
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ # Finish adjustemnt of line numbers
+ adjust_width $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ # Remove lines from list of bookmarks
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state normal
+ $bookmarks_text delete $start_idx $end_idx
+ $bookmarks_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate button states (icon bar)
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Manage list of breakpoints - some lines have been removed from editor widget
+ # @parm Int start_line - start of deleted area
+ # @parm Int end_line - end of deleted area
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_remove_breakpoints {start_line end_line} {
+ # Gain list of breakpoints
+ set lineNumbers [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ ## Determinate start and end text indexes (list of breakpoints)
+ # Start index
+ set start_idx {}
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line >= $start_line} {
+ set start_idx $idx.0
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # End index
+ set end_idx {end}
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line > $end_line} {
+ if {$idx != 0} {
+ set end_idx $idx.0
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Default start index
+ if {$start_idx == {}} {
+ if {[lindex $lineNumbers end] != $end_line} {
+ return
+ } {
+ set start_idx 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ # Determinate number of lines to remove
+ set diff [expr {$end_line - $start_line + 1}]
+ # Enable line numbers
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ # Gain list of lines to recomputation
+ set lineNumbers [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get $end_idx end]
+ # Remove lines from line numbers
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers delete $start_idx end
+ if {[llength [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]] != 0} {
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ # Compute missing lines in line numbers
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers insert end [expr {$line - $diff}]
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ # Finish adjustemnt of line numbers
+ adjust_width $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ # Remove lines from list of breakpoints
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state normal
+ $breakpoints_text delete $start_idx $end_idx
+ $breakpoints_text configure -state disabled
+ # Reevaluate button states (icon bar)
+ bm_bp_disEna_buttons
+ }
+ ## Clear the list of symbols
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_clear_symbol_list {} {
+ $sm_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $sm_text configure -state normal
+ $sm_lineNumbers delete 0.0 end
+ $sm_text delete 0.0 end
+ adjust_width $sm_lineNumbers
+ $sm_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $sm_text configure -state disabled
+ }
+ ## Refresh the list of symbols
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_refresh_symbols {} {
+ rightPanel_clear_symbol_list
+ $this editor_procedure {} autocompletion_turned_on {}
+ $this editor_procedure {} clear_autocompletion_list {}
+ $this editor_procedure {} comp_win_highlight_all_in_background {}
+ }
+ ## Validator for search entrybox in the list of symbols
+ # @parm String content - A string to search for
+ # @parm Widget widget - Search entrybox widget
+ # @parm Widget clr_b - Clear button
+ # @return Bool - Success
+ public method rightPanel_sm_search_validate {content widget clr_b} {
+ # No recursion ...
+ if {$search_val_in_progress} {return 0}
+ set search_val_in_progress 1
+ # Empty string
+ if {![string length $content]} {
+ $widget configure -style TEntry
+ $clr_b configure -state disabled
+ set search_val_in_progress 0
+ return 1
+ # Not empty string
+ } {
+ $clr_b configure -state normal
+ }
+ # Perform the search
+ set content [string toupper $content]
+ set e [expr {int([$sm_text index insert])}]
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $e} {incr i} {
+ if {![string first $content [string toupper [$sm_text get $i.0 [list $i.0 lineend]]]]} {
+ $widget configure -style StringFound.TEntry
+ $sm_text tag remove curLine 1.0 end
+ $sm_text tag add curLine [list $i.0 linestart] [list $i.0+1l linestart]
+ set block_select 1
+ $this editor_procedure {} goto $i
+ update idle
+ set block_select 0
+ set search_val_in_progress 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ $widget configure -style StringNotFound.TEntry
+ set search_val_in_progress 0
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Adjust list of symbols
+ # @parm Int lineNum - Line number
+ # @parm String symbol_name - Symbol name
+ # @parm Int symbol_type -
+ # 0 - Label
+ # 1 - Constant
+ # 2 - Something else
+ # 3 - Macro
+ # @parm Bool add__remove - 1 == Add; 0 == Remove
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_adjust_symbol_list {lineNum symbol_name symbol_type add__remove} {
+ $sm_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ $sm_text configure -state normal
+ # Add symbol
+ if {$add__remove} {
+ set indexes [$sm_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ set idx -1
+ set i 0
+ foreach line $indexes {
+ incr i
+ if {$line > $lineNum} {
+ set idx $i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ set idx [$sm_text index {end-1l}]
+ } {
+ append idx {.0}
+ }
+ $sm_lineNumbers insert $idx "$lineNum\n"
+ $sm_text insert $idx "$symbol_name\n"
+ switch -- $symbol_type {
+ 0 { ;# Label
+ set tag {tag_label}
+ }
+ 1 { ;# Constant
+ set tag {tag_constant}
+ }
+ 2 { ;# C variable
+ set tag {tag_normal}
+ }
+ 3 { ;# Macro
+ set tag {tag_macro}
+ }
+ 7 { ;# C function
+ set tag {tag_c_func}
+ }
+ default {
+ set tag {}
+ }
+ }
+ if {$tag != {}} {
+ $sm_text tag add $tag $idx [list $idx lineend]
+ }
+ # Remove symbol
+ } {
+ if {$lineNum == {all}} {
+ set idx [list]
+ set e [expr {int([$sm_lineNumbers index end]) - 1}]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $e} {incr i} {
+ lappend idx $i
+ }
+ } {
+ set idx [lsearch -all [$sm_lineNumbers get 1.0 end] $lineNum]
+ }
+ if {$idx == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ foreach i $idx {
+ incr i
+ if {[string equal [$sm_text get $i.0 [list $i.0 lineend]] $symbol_name]} {
+ $sm_text delete $i.0 $i.0+1l
+ $sm_lineNumbers delete $i.0 $i.0+1l
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ adjust_width $sm_lineNumbers
+ $sm_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ $sm_text configure -state disabled
+ }
+ ## Shift list of symbols by certain number of lines
+ # @parm Int lineNum - Starting line
+ # @parm Int length - Number of lines to shift by
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_shift_symbols {lineNum length} {
+ if {![info exists sm_lineNumbers]} {return}
+ # Get list of bookmarks
+ set lineNumbers [$sm_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ # Deterinate start index
+ set start_idx {}
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line >= $lineNum} {
+ set start_idx $idx.0
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$start_idx == {}} {return}
+ # Adjust line numbers
+ $sm_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ set lineNumbers [$sm_lineNumbers get $start_idx end]
+ $sm_lineNumbers delete $start_idx end
+ if {[llength [$sm_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]] != 0} {
+ $sm_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ $sm_lineNumbers insert end [expr {$line + $length}]
+ $sm_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ adjust_width $sm_lineNumbers
+ $sm_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ }
+ ## Manage list of bookmarks - some lines have been added to editor widget
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number
+ # @parm Int length - number of lines
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_shift_bookmarks {lineNum length} {
+ if {![info exists bookmarks_lineNumbers]} {return}
+ # Get list of bookmarks
+ set lineNumbers [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ # Deterinate start index
+ set start_idx {}
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line >= $lineNum} {
+ set start_idx $idx.0
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$start_idx == {}} {return}
+ # Adjust line numbers
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ set lineNumbers [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get $start_idx end]
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers delete $start_idx end
+ if {[llength [$bookmarks_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]] != 0} {
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers insert end [expr {$line + $length}]
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ adjust_width $bookmarks_lineNumbers
+ $bookmarks_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ }
+ ## Manage list of breakpoints - some lines have been added to editor widget
+ # @parm Int lineNum - line number
+ # @parm Int length - number of lines
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_shift_breakpoints {lineNum length} {
+ if {![info exists bookmarks_lineNumbers]} {return}
+ # Get list of bookmarks
+ set lineNumbers [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]
+ # Deterinate start index
+ set start_idx {}
+ set idx 0
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ incr idx
+ if {$line >= $lineNum} {
+ set start_idx $idx.0
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if {$start_idx == {}} {return}
+ # Adjust line numbers
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state normal
+ set lineNumbers [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get $start_idx end]
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers delete $start_idx end
+ if {[llength [$breakpoints_lineNumbers get 1.0 end]] != 0} {
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ foreach line $lineNumbers {
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers insert end [expr {$line + $length}]
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers insert end "\n"
+ }
+ adjust_width $breakpoints_lineNumbers
+ $breakpoints_lineNumbers configure -state disabled
+ }
+ ## Invoke right panel configuration dialog
+ # This function takes any list of arguments
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_configure args {
+ ::configDialogs::rightPanel::mkDialog $args
+ }
+ ## Return true if this panel is in visible state
+ # @return Bool - result
+ public method isRightPanelVisible {} {return $PanelVisible}
+ ## Get width of the panel
+ # @return Int - width in pixels
+ public method getRightPanelSize {} {
+ if {$PanelVisible} {
+ return $PanelSize
+ } {
+ return $last_PanelSize
+ }
+ }
+ ## Get ID of currently active page
+ # @return String - the ID
+ public method getRightPanelActivePage {} {return $active_page}
+ ## Show/Hide this panel
+ # @return void
+ public method right_panel_show_hide {} {
+ # Hide the panel
+ if {$PanelVisible} {
+ $parentPane paneconfigure $notebook_frame -minsize 0
+ pack forget $notebook ;# Hide notebook
+ set last_PanelSize $PanelSize ;# Save current panel width
+ set PanelSize 60 ;# Change panel width
+ right_panel_redraw_pane ;# Redraw panel
+ # Show button bar
+ pack $button_bar -anchor nw
+ # Hide pane sash
+ $parentPane configure -sashwidth 0
+ bind $parentPane <Button> {break}
+ # Set panel visibility flag
+ set PanelVisible 0
+ # Show the panel
+ } {
+ $parentPane paneconfigure $notebook_frame -minsize 295
+ # Hide button bar
+ pack forget $button_bar
+ # Show panel notebook
+ set PanelSize $last_PanelSize
+ right_panel_redraw_pane
+ $notebook raise $active_page
+ pack $notebook -expand 1 -fill both
+ # Show pane sash
+ $parentPane configure -sashwidth 2
+ bind $parentPane <Button> {}
+ # Set panel visibility flag
+ set PanelVisible 1
+ }
+ }
+ ## Change panel active page
+ # @parm String page - ID of the page to show
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_show_up {page} {
+ if {!$PanelVisible} right_panel_show_hide
+ $notebook raise $page
+ }
+ ## Set active page but do not show it
+ # @parm String pageName - ID of the page
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_set_active_page {pageName} {
+ switch -- $active_page {
+ {Symbols} {
+ catch {
+ $this editor_procedure {} comp_win_highlight_all_in_background {}
+ }
+ }
+ {Instruction} {
+ right_panel_instruction_details_set_enabled 0
+ }
+ }
+ set active_page $pageName
+ switch -- $active_page {
+ {Symbols} {
+ catch {
+ $this editor_procedure {} comp_win_highlight_all_in_background {}
+ }
+ }
+ {Instruction} {
+ right_panel_instruction_details_set_enabled $enabled
+ catch {
+ $this editor_procedure {} adjust_instruction_details {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set panel width acording to current sash position
+ # @return void
+ public method right_panel_set_size {} {
+ set PanelSize [lindex [$parentPane sash coord 0] 0]
+ set PanelSize [expr {${::WIN_GEOMETRY_width} - $PanelSize}]
+ }
+ ## Redraw panel (move pane sash) acorning to current value of $PanelSize
+ # @return void
+ public method right_panel_redraw_pane {} {
+ if {$redraw_pane_in_progress} {
+ after 50 "$this right_panel_redraw_pane"
+ return
+ }
+ set redraw_pane_in_progress 1
+ update
+ $parentPane sash place 0 [expr {${::WIN_GEOMETRY_width} - $PanelSize}] 0
+ update
+ set redraw_pane_in_progress 0
+ }
+ ## Create text tags inteded for "Instruction details"
+ # @parm Widget widget - tagret text widget
+ # @parm List definition_list - List of tags to create ({tag_name fg_color ?bold_or_italic?} ...)
+ # @parm Bool use_editor_font - Use font family and size from code editor
+ # @return void
+ public method right_panel_create_highlighting_tags {widget definition_list use_editor_font} {
+ if {$use_editor_font == 1} {
+ set font $fontFamily
+ set size $fontSize
+ } elseif {$use_editor_font == -1} {
+ set font $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT
+ set size -14
+ } {
+ set font $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT
+ set size -12
+ }
+ # Iterate over tags definition
+ foreach tag $definition_list {
+ # Explicit flag "Bold or Italic"
+ if {[lindex $tag 2] != {}} {
+ # Bold font
+ if {[lindex $tag 2]} {
+ $widget tag configure [lindex $tag 0] \
+ -foreground [lindex $tag 1] \
+ -font [font create -size $size \
+ -family $font \
+ -weight {bold} \
+ -slant {roman}]
+ # Italic font
+ } {
+ $widget tag configure [lindex $tag 0] \
+ -foreground [lindex $tag 1] \
+ -font [font create -size $size \
+ -family $font \
+ -weight {normal} \
+ -slant {italic}]
+ }
+ # No bold, no italic
+ } {
+ $widget tag configure [lindex $tag 0] \
+ -foreground [lindex $tag 1] \
+ -font [font create -size $size \
+ -family $font \
+ -weight {normal} \
+ -slant {roman}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Enable selections in list of bookmarks and breakpoints and enbale instruction details
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_enable {} {
+ set enabled 1
+ $this right_panel_watches_set_enabled $enabled
+ $this right_panel_instruction_details_set_enabled $enabled
+ }
+ ## Disable selections in list of bookmarks and breakpoints and enbale instruction details
+ # @return void
+ public method rightPanel_disable {} {
+ set enabled 0
+ $this right_panel_watches_set_enabled $enabled
+ $this right_panel_instruction_details_set_enabled $enabled
+ }