path: root/lib/simulator/hibernate.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/simulator/hibernate.tcl')
1 files changed, 1051 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/simulator/hibernate.tcl b/lib/simulator/hibernate.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c35f4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/simulator/hibernate.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Provides program hibernation capability. It ohter words it can save
+# current state of simulator engine to a file (*.m5ihib) and later
+# restrore state save in that file and resume hibernated program.
+# Usage:
+# hibernate_hibernate <filename.m5ihib> <sourcefile> <source_md5> <exclude_stepback>
+# ;# -> Bool (1 == successfull; 0 == failed)
+# ;# This function also invokes dialog showing hibernation progress
+# hibernate_resume <filename.m5ihib> <exclude_stepback>
+# ;# -> Bool (1 == successfull; 0 == failed)
+# ;# This function also invokes dialog showing progress
+# Note: These functions are safe (checks for filename usability)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Hibernate {
+ common version {1.0} ;# Float: Hibernate facility version
+ common hib_progress_d 0 ;# Int: Variable for hibernation progress dialog -- Memory
+ common hib_progress_s 0 ;# Int: Variable for hibernation progress dialog -- Program steps
+ common hib_abort 0 ;# Bool: Abort hibernation process
+ common expected ;# String: Expected next XML element
+ common take_data ;# Bool: Take element data on next parsing cycle
+ common current_element {} ;# String: Current XML element -- auxiliary variable for XML parser handler
+ common xml_tmp {} ;# Mixed: Auxiliary variable of any kind for XML parser handler
+ common source_file {} ;# String: Filename of the file from which the given file was generated
+ common exclude_stepback 0 ;# Bool: Exclude program steps
+ common counter 0 ;# Int: Counter of iterations for resume function for XML parser handler
+ common xdata_size 0 ;# Int: Size of external data memory
+ common eeprom_size 0 ;# Int: Size of data EEPROM
+ common sbs_length 0 ;# Int: Size of stepback stack
+ common file_variable ;# Bool: Checkbox variable for "Different filename"
+ common mcu_variable ;# Bool: Checkbox variable for "Different processor"
+ common xdata_variable ;# Int: RadioButton variable for "Different XDATA size"
+ common md5_variable ;# Bool: Checkbox variable for "Different MD5 hash"
+ # Big font for dialog "Program resumption"
+ common big_font [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -weight bold -size -35 \
+ ]
+ # Normal font for dialog "Program resumption"
+ common text_font [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -weight bold -size -14 \
+ ]
+ private variable parser ;# Object: Reference to active XML parser
+ private variable mem_prg_bar ;# Widget: Memory progress bar
+ private variable stb_prg_bar ;# Widget: Program steps progress bar
+ private variable dlg_ok_but ;# Widget: Button "Ok" in dialog "Program resumption"
+ private variable dlg_result ;# Bool: Result of dialog "Program resumption"
+ private variable dlg_bits ;# List of Booleans: Differencies between hibernation file and engine config
+ ## Dafety close hibernation/resumption progress dialog
+ # @return void
+ public method hibernate_close_progress_dialog {} {
+ set win {.hibernation_progress_dialog}
+ if {[winfo exists $win]} {
+ grab release $win
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set maximum value for some progress bar in the hibernation progress dialog
+ # @parm String for_what - "data" == Memory ProgressBar; "step" == "Program steps"
+ # @parm Int value - New maximum value
+ # @return void
+ private method progress_dialog_set_max {for_what value} {
+ if {![winfo exists {.hibernation_progress_dialog}]} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {$value < 1} {
+ set value 1
+ }
+ if {$for_what == {data}} {
+ $mem_prg_bar configure -maximum $value
+ } {
+ $stb_prg_bar configure -maximum $value
+ }
+ }
+ ## Invoke hibernation / resumption progress dialog
+ # @parm String header - Window header
+ # @parm Int data_max - Maximum value for progress bar "Memory" (can be less than 1)
+ # @parm Int stepback_max - Maximum value for progress bar "Program steps" (can be less than 1)
+ # @return void
+ private method show_progress_dialog {header data_max stepback_max} {
+ # Reset NS variables related to this dialog
+ set hib_progress_d 0
+ set hib_progress_s 0
+ set hib_abort 0
+ # Adjust input values
+ if {$data_max < 1} {
+ set data_max 1
+ }
+ incr data_max 2
+ if {$stepback_max < 1} {
+ set stepback_max 1
+ }
+ # Create dialog window
+ set win [toplevel .hibernation_progress_dialog -class {Progress dialog} -bg {#EEEEEE}]
+ # Create dialog header
+ pack [label $win.header \
+ -text $header \
+ -font [font create \
+ -size -17 -weight {bold} \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ ] \
+ ] -fill x
+ # Create progress bar "Memory"
+ set frame [frame $win.frame_0]
+ pack [label $frame.label -text {Memory}] -anchor w -padx 5
+ set mem_prg_bar [ttk::progressbar $frame.progressbar \
+ -mode determinate \
+ -variable ::Hibernate::hib_progress_d \
+ -maximum $data_max \
+ ]
+ pack $mem_prg_bar -fill x
+ pack $frame -pady 5 -fill x -padx 5
+ # Create progress bar "Program steps"
+ set frame [frame $win.frame_1]
+ pack [label $frame.label -text {Program steps}] -anchor w -padx 5
+ set stb_prg_bar [ttk::progressbar $frame.progressbar \
+ -mode determinate \
+ -variable ::Hibernate::hib_progress_s \
+ -maximum $stepback_max \
+ ]
+ pack $stb_prg_bar -fill x
+ pack $frame -pady 5 -fill x -padx 5
+ # Create button "Abort"
+ pack [ttk::button $win.abort_button \
+ -text [mc "Abort"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \
+ -command {set ::Hibernate::hib_abort 1} \
+ ] -padx 10 -fill x
+ # Configure dialog window
+ wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::bar5
+ wm title $win [mc "Hibernation progress"]
+ wm minsize $win 300 140
+ wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$this hibernate_close_progress_dialog"
+ wm transient $win .
+ update
+ catch {
+ grab $win
+ raise $win
+ }
+ }
+ ## Hibernate running program
+ # @parm String filename - Target file
+ # @parm String sourcefile - Source file (current file in code editor)
+ # @parm String md5 - MD5 hash of the source file
+ # @parm Bool exclude_stepback - Exclude program steps
+ # @return Bool - 1 == Successful; 0 == Failed
+ public method hibernate_hibernate {filename sourcefile md5 exclude_stepback} {
+ # Try to open the destination file
+ if {[catch {
+ set file [open $filename w 420]
+ }]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Determinate depth of stepback stack and size of XDATA memory
+ if {$exclude_stepback} {
+ set stacklength 0
+ } {
+ set stacklength [$this simulator_get_SBS_len]
+ }
+ set xdata_size [$this cget -P_option_mcu_xdata]
+ set eeprom_size [lindex [$this cget -procData] 32]
+ # Invoke progress dialog
+ show_progress_dialog \
+ {Hibernating program} \
+ [expr {($xdata_size + $eeprom_size) / 4096}] \
+ [expr {$stacklength / 10}]
+ # Write XML header to the destination file
+ puts -nonewline $file "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "<!--\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tThis is MCU 8051 IDE hibernation data file.\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tIt does not contain program code, only data.\n\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tPLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALY, BECAUSE\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tBAD FORMATING OF THIS FILE WILL LEAD MCU 8051 IDE TO CRASH !\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "-->\n"
+ # Write DTD (Document Type Declaration) to the destination file
+ if {[file exists "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/../data/m5ihib.dtd"]} {
+ if {[catch {
+ set dtd [open "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/../data/m5ihib.dtd" r]
+ }]} {
+ puts stderr "Unable to open m5ihib.dtd, please check your installation."
+ } else {
+ puts -nonewline $file "<!DOCTYPE m5ihib \[\n\n"
+ while 1 {
+ if {[eof $dtd]} {
+ close $dtd
+ break
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t"
+ puts $file [gets $dtd]
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\]>\n"
+ }
+ }
+ # Write header
+ puts -nonewline $file "<m5ihib\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tversion=\"$version\"\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tdatetime=\"[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%D %T}]\"\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tsource_file=\"$sourcefile\"\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tprocessor=\"[$this cget -P_option_mcu_type]\"\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\txdata=\"$xdata_size\"\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\teeprom=\"$eeprom_size\"\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\tmd5=\"$md5\">\n"
+ ## Write current state of simulator engine
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t<currentstate>\n"
+ # Internal data memory
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<iram>\n\t\t\t"
+ for {set i 0; set j 0} {$i < [lindex [$this cget -procData] 3]} {incr i; incr j} {
+ if {$j > 7} {
+ set j 0
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file [$this getDataDEC $i]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t"
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t</iram>\n"
+ # Expanded data memory
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<eram>\n\t\t\t"
+ for {set i 0; set j 0} {$i < [lindex [$this cget -procData] 8]} {incr i; incr j} {
+ if {$j > 7} {
+ set j 0
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file [$this getEramDEC $i]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t"
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t</eram>\n"
+ # External data memory
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<xram>\n\t\t\t"
+ set i 0
+ set j 0
+ for {set m 0} {$m < 8} {incr m} {
+ for {set k 0} {$i < $xdata_size && $k < 4096} {incr k} {
+ if {$j > 7} {
+ set j 0
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file [$this getXdataDEC $i]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t"
+ incr i
+ incr j
+ if {$hib_abort} {
+ catch {
+ file delete -force $filename
+ }
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ update
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t</xram>\n"
+ # Special function registers
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<eeprom>\n\t\t\t"
+ set i 0
+ set j 0
+ for {set m 0} {$m < 8} {incr m} {
+ for {set k 0} {$i < $eeprom_size && $k < 4096} {incr k} {
+ if {$j > 7} {
+ set j 0
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file [$this getEepromDEC $i]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t"
+ incr i
+ incr j
+ if {$hib_abort} {
+ catch {
+ file delete -force $filename
+ }
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ update
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t</eeprom>\n"
+ # Special function registers
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<sfr>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t\t<addresses>\n\t\t\t\t"
+ set sfr [$this simulator_get_avaliable_sfr]
+ set j 0
+ foreach addr $sfr {
+ if {$j > 6} {
+ set j 0
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t\t"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file $addr
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t"
+ incr j
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t</addresses>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t\t<values>\n\t\t\t\t"
+ set j 0
+ foreach addr $sfr {
+ if {$j > 6} {
+ set j 0
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t\t"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file [$this getSfrDEC $addr]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t"
+ incr j
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t</values>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t</sfr>\n"
+ # Special engine configuration string
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<special>\n\t\t\t"
+ puts -nonewline $file [$this simulator_get_special]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t</special>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t</currentstate>\n"
+ ## Write content of list of active interrupts
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t<subprograms count=\"[$this subprograms_get_count]\">\n"
+ foreach sub [$this subprograms_get_formated_content] {
+ set source [lindex $sub 0]
+ set target [lindex $sub 1]
+ set type [lindex $sub 2]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<sub source=\"$source\" target=\"$target\" type=\"$type\"/>\n"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t</subprograms>\n"
+ ## Write stepback stack
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t<stepback stacklength=\"$stacklength\">\n"
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $stacklength} {incr i} {
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t<step>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t\t<spec>\n\t\t\t\t"
+ puts -nonewline $file [$this simulator_hib_get_SB_spec $i]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\n\t\t\t</spec><normal>\n"
+ set stepback_normal [$this simulator_hib_get_SB_norm $i]
+ set norm_len [llength $stepback_normal]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $norm_len} {incr j} {
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t\t\t<reg type=\""
+ puts -nonewline $file [lindex $stepback_normal [list $j 0]]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\" addr=\""
+ puts -nonewline $file [lindex $stepback_normal [list $j 1]]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\" val=\""
+ puts -nonewline $file [lindex $stepback_normal [list $j 2]]
+ puts -nonewline $file "\"/>\n"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t\t</normal>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t\t</step>\n"
+ if {!($i % 10)} {
+ incr hib_progress_s
+ update
+ }
+ if {$hib_abort} {
+ catch {
+ file delete -force $filename
+ }
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ puts -nonewline $file "\t</stepback>\n"
+ puts -nonewline $file "</m5ihib>\n"
+ # Close progress dialog and the destination file
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ if {[catch {close $file}]} {
+ return 0
+ } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ ## Resume hibernated program
+ # @parm String filename - Source file (XML containing hibernation data)
+ # @parm Bool exclude_stepback - Exclude program steps for step back function
+ # @return Int - Exit code
+ # 0 - Success
+ # 1 - Unable to open the given file
+ # 2 - Unable to parse the given file
+ public method hibernate_resume {filename _exclude_stepback} {
+ # Initialize parser variables
+ set expected {m5ihib}
+ set take_data 0
+ set counter 0
+ set sbs_length 0
+ set current_element {}
+ set xml_tmp {}
+ set source_file $filename
+ set exclude_stepback $_exclude_stepback
+ set exit_code 0
+ # Open hibernation data file
+ if {[catch {
+ set file [open $filename {r}]
+ }]} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Show progress dialog
+ show_progress_dialog {Resuming hibernated program} 1 1
+ # Create XML parser object
+ if {[catch {
+ set parser [::xml::parser -final 1 -ignorewhitespace 1 \
+ -elementstartcommand [list $this hibernate_xml_parser_element] \
+ -characterdatacommand [list $this hibernate_xml_parser_data] \
+ ]
+ }]} {
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -type ok -icon error -parent . \
+ -title "::xml::parser error" \
+ -message "Unknown error occured in XML parser library,\nplease try to reinstall package \"tdom\"."
+ return 2
+ }
+ # Prepare simulator engine
+ if {!$exclude_stepback} {
+ $this stepback_discard_stack
+ }
+ # Start XML parser
+ $this set_ignore_warnings_related_to_changes_in_SFR 1
+ if {[catch {
+ $parser parse [read $file]
+ } result]} then {
+ puts stderr $result
+ set exit_code 2
+ } else {
+ if {$xml_tmp != {}} {
+ $this simulator_hib_append_SB_norm $xml_tmp
+ }
+ }
+ # Close the file and free the parser
+ if {[catch {
+ close $file
+ }]} {
+ set exit_code 1
+ }
+ catch {
+ $parser free
+ }
+ # Synchronize simulator GUI
+ $this clear_graph
+ $this Simulator_sync
+ $this interrupt_monitor_reevaluate
+ $this stopwatch_refresh
+ set interrupts_in_progress [$this simulator_get_interrupts_in_progress_pb]
+ if {[llength $interrupts_in_progress]} {
+ simulator_Sbar [mc "Interrupt at vector 0x%s " [format %X [$this intr2vector [lindex $interrupts_in_progress end]]]] 1 $this
+ } {
+ simulator_Sbar {} 0 $this
+ }
+ set lineNum [$this simulator_getCurrentLine]
+ if {$lineNum != {}} {
+ $this move_simulator_line $lineNum
+ } {
+ $this editor_procedure {} unset_simulator_line {}
+ }
+ ::X::stepback_button_set_ena [$this simulator_get_SBS_len]
+ # Cleanup
+ set xml_tmp {}
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ $this set_ignore_warnings_related_to_changes_in_SFR 0
+ return $exit_code
+ }
+ ## Element XML parser handler for method hibernate_resume
+ # @parm String arg1 - name of the element
+ # @parm List attrs - list of attributes '{attr0 val0 attr1 val1 ...}'
+ # @return void
+ public method hibernate_xml_parser_element {arg1 attrs} {
+ if {$hib_abort} {
+ $parser free
+ return
+ }
+ set current_element $arg1
+ if {[lsearch $expected $current_element] == -1} {
+ error "Unexpected element: `$current_element'"
+ }
+ switch -- $arg1 {
+ {m5ihib} { ;# ROOT ELEMENT
+ set expected {currentstate}
+ set take_data 0
+ # Read the file header
+ set len [llength $attrs]
+ set xml_tmp [list {} {} {} {} {} {} {}]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $attrs $i]
+ incr i
+ set val [lindex $attrs $i]
+ switch -- $arg {
+ {version} {lset xml_tmp 0 $val}
+ {datetime} {lset xml_tmp 1 $val}
+ {source_file} {lset xml_tmp 2 $val}
+ {processor} {lset xml_tmp 3 $val}
+ {xdata} {lset xml_tmp 4 $val}
+ {eeprom} {lset xml_tmp 5 $val}
+ {md5} {lset xml_tmp 6 $val}
+ }
+ }
+ # Check if all of required fields are present
+ foreach str $xml_tmp {
+ if {![string length $str]} {
+ error "XML tag <m5ihib>: Some required attributes missing"
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for minimum required version
+ if {$version < [lindex $xml_tmp 0]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -parent . \
+ -type ok \
+ -icon warning \
+ -title [mc "Fatal error"] \
+ -message [mc "Version of this M5IHIB file is higher than %s\nUnable to continue." $version]
+ set hib_abort 1
+ }
+ # Set maximum for ProgressBar "Memory" and set size of XDATA memory
+ set xdata_size [lindex $xml_tmp 4]
+ set eeprom_size [lindex $xml_tmp 5]
+ progress_dialog_set_max data [expr {$xdata_size / 4096}]
+ # Check for remaining requirements
+ check_file_usability
+ set xml_tmp {}
+ }
+ {currentstate} { ;# Current state of MCU
+ set expected {iram}
+ set take_data 0
+ }
+ {iram} { ;# Internal data memory in decimal
+ set expected {eram}
+ set take_data 1
+ }
+ {eram} { ;# Expanded data memory in decimal
+ set expected {xram}
+ set take_data 1
+ }
+ {xram} { ;# External data memory in decimal
+ set expected {eeprom}
+ set take_data 1
+ set counter 0
+ }
+ {eeprom} { ;# Data EEPROM in decimal
+ set expected {sfr}
+ set take_data 1
+ set counter 0
+ }
+ {sfr} { ;# Special function registers
+ set expected {addresses}
+ set take_data 0
+ }
+ {addresses} { ;# SFR decimal addresses in the same order as in tag values
+ set expected {values}
+ set take_data 1
+ }
+ {values} { ;# SFR decimal values in the same order as in tag values
+ set expected {special}
+ set take_data 1
+ }
+ {special} { ;# Special engine variables
+ set expected {subprograms}
+ set take_data 1
+ if {$exclude_stepback} {
+ set hib_abort 1
+ }
+ }
+ {subprograms} { ;# Content of list of active interrupts
+ set expected {stepback sub}
+ set take_data 0
+ $this subprograms_clear
+ }
+ {sub} { ;# Active interrupt
+ set expected {stepback sub}
+ set take_data 0
+ set source {}
+ set target {}
+ set type {}
+ set len [llength $attrs]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
+ switch -- [lindex $attrs $i] {
+ {type} {
+ incr i
+ set type [lindex $attrs $i]
+ }
+ {source} {
+ incr i
+ set source [lindex $attrs $i]
+ }
+ {target} {
+ incr i
+ set target [lindex $attrs $i]
+ }
+ default {
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$source != {} && $target != {} && $type != {}} {
+ $this subprograms_call $type $source $target
+ } {
+ error "Invalid argument set in tag <step>"
+ }
+ }
+ {stepback} { ;# Stack for stepback function (backward stepping)
+ set expected {step}
+ set take_data 0
+ set counter 0
+ set len [llength $attrs]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i 2} {
+ if {[lindex $attrs $i] == {stacklength}} {
+ incr i
+ set stacklength [lindex $attrs $i]
+ $this simulator_set_SBS_len $stacklength
+ progress_dialog_set_max stepback [expr {$stacklength / 10}]
+ break
+ } {
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {step} { ;# One program step
+ set expected {spec}
+ set take_data 0
+ }
+ {spec} { ;# Special engine variables
+ set expected {normal}
+ set take_data 1
+ }
+ {normal} { ;# Ordinary registers
+ set expected {step reg}
+ set take_data 0
+ if {$xml_tmp != {}} {
+ $this simulator_hib_append_SB_norm $xml_tmp
+ }
+ set xml_tmp {}
+ }
+ {reg} { ;# One register
+ set expected {reg step}
+ set take_data 0
+ set reg [list {} {} {}]
+ set len [llength $attrs]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $attrs $i]
+ incr i
+ set val [lindex $attrs $i]
+ switch -- $arg {
+ {type} {lset reg 0 $val}
+ {addr} {lset reg 1 $val}
+ {val} {lset reg 2 $val}
+ }
+ }
+ lappend xml_tmp $reg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Data XML parser handler for method hibernate_resume
+ # @parm String arg1 - content of the element
+ # @return void
+ public method hibernate_xml_parser_data {arg1} {
+ if {$hib_abort} {
+ $parser free
+ return
+ }
+ # Take data only if they were expected
+ if {!$take_data} {return}
+ set take_data 0
+ switch -- $current_element {
+ {iram} { ;# Internal data memory in decimal
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [lindex [$this cget -procData] 3]} {incr i} {
+ $this setDataDEC $i [lindex $arg1 $i]
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ }
+ {eram} { ;# Expanded data memory in decimal
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [lindex [$this cget -procData] 8]} {incr i} {
+ $this setEramDEC $i [lindex $arg1 $i]
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ }
+ {xram} { ;# External data memory in decimal
+ set addr 0
+ for {set m 0} {$m < 8} {incr m} {
+ for {set k 0} {$addr < $xdata_size && $k < 4096} {incr k} {
+ $this setXdataDEC $addr [lindex $arg1 $addr]
+ incr addr
+ if {$hib_abort} {
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ {eeprom} { ;# Data EEPROM in decimal
+ set addr 0
+ for {set m 0} {$m < 8} {incr m} {
+ for {set k 0} {$addr < $eeprom_size && $k < 4096} {incr k} {
+ $this setEepromDEC $addr [lindex $arg1 $addr]
+ incr addr
+ if {$hib_abort} {
+ hibernate_close_progress_dialog
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ incr hib_progress_d
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ {addresses} { ;# SFR decimal addresses in the same order as in tag values
+ set xml_tmp $arg1
+ }
+ {values} { ;# SFR decimal values in the same order as in tag values
+ foreach addr $xml_tmp val $arg1 {
+ $this setSfr_directly $addr $val
+ }
+ set xml_tmp {}
+ }
+ {special} { ;# Special engine variables
+ $this simulator_set_special $arg1
+ }
+ {spec} { ;# Special engine variables for stepback funtion
+ $this simulator_hib_append_SB_spec $arg1
+ incr counter
+ if {!($counter % 10)} {
+ incr hib_progress_s
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Check if the current hibernation file is usable and invoke dialog to configure simulator engine
+ # @return void
+ private method check_file_usability {} {
+ # Determinate full name of source file and its MD5 hash
+ set sourcefile [list \
+ [$this cget -projectPath] \
+ [$this cget -P_option_main_file] \
+ ]
+ if {[lindex $sourcefile 1] == {}} {
+ set sourcefile [$this editor_procedure {} getFileName {}]
+ }
+ set sourcefile_md5 {}
+ catch {
+ set sourcefile_md5 [::md5::md5 -hex -file \
+ [file join [lindex $sourcefile 0] [lindex $sourcefile 1]]]
+ }
+ ## Determinate list of differencies
+ set differences [list 0 0 0 0]
+ if {[lindex $xml_tmp 2] != [lindex $sourcefile 1]} {
+ lset differences 0 1
+ }
+ if {[lindex $xml_tmp 3] != [$this cget -P_option_mcu_type]} {
+ lset differences 1 1
+ }
+ if {[lindex $xml_tmp 4] != [$this cget -P_option_mcu_xdata]} {
+ lset differences 2 1
+ }
+ if {[lindex $xml_tmp 6] != $sourcefile_md5} {
+ lset differences 3 1
+ }
+ # If there are some differencies -> invoke dialog
+ foreach bool $differences {
+ if {$bool} {
+ if {[ask_user_what_to_do $differences]} {
+ set hib_abort 1
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Invoke dialog showing differencies between the hibernation file and engine configuration
+ # @parm List differences -
+ # @return Bool - 1 == abort process; 0 == keep alive
+ private method ask_user_what_to_do {differences} {
+ # Set NS variables
+ set file_variable 1
+ set mcu_variable 1
+ set xdata_variable 1
+ set md5_variable 1
+ set win [toplevel .hibernation_bad_file_dialog -class {Error dialog} -bg {#EEEEEE}]
+ set dlg_result 1
+ set dlg_bits $differences
+ # Create dialog header
+ pack [label $win.header_label \
+ -font $text_font \
+ -text [mc "The following problems must be \nresolved before program resumption"] \
+ ] -fill x -padx 10 -pady 5
+ # Create main frame
+ set main_frame [frame $win.main_frame]
+ # MCU is different
+ set num 0
+ if {[lindex $differences 1]} {
+ incr num
+ set frame [dialog_create_item $num $main_frame [mc "This file is indented for %s but the current MCU is %s" [lindex $xml_tmp 3] [$this cget -P_option_mcu_type]]]
+ pack [checkbutton $frame.chbut \
+ -text [mc "Set current MCU to %s" [lindex $xml_tmp 3]] \
+ -variable ::Hibernate::mcu_variable \
+ -command "$this hibernation_chbut_rabut_command" \
+ ] -anchor w
+ }
+ # XDATA is different
+ if {[lindex $differences 2]} {
+ incr num
+ set frame [dialog_create_item $num $main_frame [mc "This file contains %s B of external data memory but but your processor has %s B" [lindex $xml_tmp 4] [$this cget -P_option_mcu_xdata]]]
+ pack [radiobutton $frame.rabut0 \
+ -text [mc "Set current XDATA capacity to %s B" [lindex $xml_tmp 4]] \
+ -variable ::Hibernate::xdata_variable -value 1 \
+ -command "$this hibernation_chbut_rabut_command" \
+ ] -anchor w
+ pack [radiobutton $frame.rabut1 \
+ -text [mc "Ignore this difference"] \
+ -variable ::Hibernate::xdata_variable -value 2 \
+ -command "$this hibernation_chbut_rabut_command" \
+ ] -anchor w
+ }
+ # MD5 is different
+ if {[lindex $differences 3]} {
+ incr num
+ set frame [dialog_create_item $num $main_frame [mc "Current file (%s) has different MD5 hash than MD5 recorded in this hibernation file" [lindex [$this editor_procedure {} getFileName {}] 1]]]
+ pack [checkbutton $frame.chbut \
+ -text [mc "Ignore this difference"] \
+ -variable ::Hibernate::md5_variable \
+ -command "$this hibernation_chbut_rabut_command" \
+ ] -anchor w
+ }
+ # Filename is different
+ if {[lindex $differences 0]} {
+ incr num
+ set frame [dialog_create_item $num $main_frame [mc "This hibernation file was generated from \"%s\" but current file is \"%s\"" [lindex $xml_tmp 2] [lindex [$this editor_procedure {} getFileName {}] 1]]]
+ pack [checkbutton $frame.chbut \
+ -text [mc "Ignore this difference"] \
+ -variable ::Hibernate::file_variable \
+ -command "$this hibernation_chbut_rabut_command" \
+ ] -anchor w
+ }
+ pack $main_frame -fill both -expand 1
+ # Create buttons "Ok" and "Cancel"
+ set button_frame [frame $win.button_frame]
+ set dlg_ok_but [ttk::button $button_frame.button_ok \
+ -text [mc "Ok"] \
+ -command "$this hibernation_cls_dlg 0" \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \
+ ]
+ pack $dlg_ok_but -side left
+ pack [ttk::button $button_frame.button_cancel \
+ -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -command "$this hibernation_cls_dlg 1" \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \
+ ] -side left
+ pack $button_frame -side bottom -anchor e -padx 10 -pady 5
+ # Configure dialog window
+ wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::resume
+ wm title $win [mc "Program resumption"]
+ wm minsize $win 480 200
+ wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW "
+ grab release $win
+ destroy $win"
+ wm transient $win .hibernation_progress_dialog
+ update
+ catch {
+ grab $win
+ raise $win
+ }
+ focus -force $dlg_ok_but
+ tkwait window $win
+ return $dlg_result
+ }
+ ## Create one item in dialog generated by proc. ask_user_what_to_do
+ # @parm Int number - Item number
+ # @parm Widget mainframe - Frame where to pack this item
+ # @parm String text - Item text
+ # @return Widget - Frame "Options:"
+ private method dialog_create_item {number mainframe text} {
+ # Create horizontal separator
+ pack [ttk::separator $mainframe.sep_${number} \
+ -orient horizontal \
+ ] -fill x -pady 7 -expand 1 -padx 5
+ # Create label with number
+ set local_frame [frame $mainframe.frame_${number}]
+ pack [label $local_frame.lbl \
+ -font $big_font -text "${number}." \
+ ] -side left -anchor n -padx 3
+ set right_frame [frame $local_frame.right]
+ # Create text widget for the given message
+ set text_wdg [text $right_frame.top_text \
+ -width 0 -height 3 -wrap word -bd 0 \
+ -relief flat -bg {#EEEEEE} \
+ -font $text_font -cursor left_ptr \
+ ]
+ $text_wdg insert end $text
+ $text_wdg configure -state disabled
+ pack $text_wdg -fill both -expand 1 -pady 3
+ # Create frame "Options:"
+ pack [label $right_frame.opt_lbl -text [mc "Options:"]] -anchor w -padx 10
+ set options_frame [frame $right_frame.options]
+ # Pack parts of this item and return frame "Options:"
+ pack $options_frame -padx 35 -anchor w
+ pack $right_frame -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $local_frame -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10
+ return $options_frame
+ }
+ ## Command for checkbuttons and radiobuttons in options frame
+ # Enables / disables Ok button
+ # @return void
+ public method hibernation_chbut_rabut_command {} {
+ if {$file_variable && $mcu_variable && $xdata_variable && $md5_variable} {
+ $dlg_ok_but configure -state normal
+ } {
+ $dlg_ok_but configure -state disabled
+ }
+ }
+ ## Close dialog with some result
+ # @parm Mixed new_result - Dialog result
+ # @return void
+ public method hibernation_cls_dlg {new_result} {
+ if {!$new_result} {
+ # Adjust processor type
+ if {[lindex $dlg_bits 1]} {
+ ::X::change_processor [lindex $xml_tmp 3]
+ }
+ # Adjust size of external data memory
+ if {[lindex $dlg_bits 2]} {
+ # Set new value
+ if {$xdata_variable == 1} {
+ if {[lindex [$this cget -procData] 0] == {yes}} {
+ $this configure -P_option_mcu_xdata $xdata_size
+ ::X::close_hexedit xdata $this
+ $this simulator_resize_xdata_memory $xdata_size
+ } {
+ set xdata_size 0
+ }
+ # Ignore
+ } elseif {$xdata_variable == 2} {
+ set xdata_size [$this cget -P_option_mcu_xdata]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Set dialog result and destroy it
+ set dlg_result $new_result
+ catch {
+ grab release .hibernation_bad_file_dialog
+ }
+ catch {
+ destroy .hibernation_bad_file_dialog
+ }
+ }