path: root/lib/utilities/baseconvertor.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/utilities/baseconvertor.tcl')
1 files changed, 912 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/utilities/baseconvertor.tcl b/lib/utilities/baseconvertor.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ded53cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/utilities/baseconvertor.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Utility "Base Convertor"
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BaseConvertor {
+ common count 0 ;# Int: Counter of class instances
+ private variable win ;# Widget: Window
+ private variable win_obj ;# Object: Window object
+ private variable less_more_button ;# Widget: Button "Less/More"
+ private variable enlarge_shrink_button ;# Widget: Button "Enlarge/Shrink"
+ private variable right_top_frame ;# Widget: Right top frame
+ private variable left_top_frame ;# Widget: Left top frame
+ private variable less_more 0 ;# Bool: Mode flag "More"
+ private variable large 0 ;# Bool: Flag enlarged
+ private variable left_rows_created 0 ;# Int: Number of created rows in the left frame
+ private variable right_rows_created 0 ;# Int: Number of created rows in the right frame
+ private variable validation_in_progress 0 ;# Bool: Validation procedure in progress
+ private variable val_to_set [list {} {} {}] ;# List: Decimal values to set in the bottom 3 entryboxes after enlarge
+ private variable entry_h ;# Array of Widget: Entrybox "HEX", index is row (starting from 0)
+ private variable entry_d ;# Array of Widget: Entrybox "DEC", index is row (starting from 0)
+ private variable entry_b ;# Array of Widget: Entrybox "BIN", index is row (starting from 0)
+ private variable entry_o ;# Array of Widget: Entrybox "OCT", index is row (starting from 0)
+ private variable entry_t ;# Array of Widget: Canvas containing bits
+ private variable entry_c0 ;# Array of Widget: Entrybox "BCD L", index is row (starting from 0)
+ private variable entry_c1 ;# Array of Widget: Entrybox "BCD H", index is row (starting from 0)
+ private variable entry_a ;# Array of Widget: Entrybox "ASCII", index is row (starting from 0)
+ private variable bit ;# CanvasObject: bit rectangle, $bit(row_number,bit_number)
+ ## Object constructor
+ constructor {} {
+ # Configure ttk styles
+ if {!$count} {
+ ttk::style configure BaseConvertor_Focused_D.TEntry -fieldbackground {#AAAAFF}
+ ttk::style configure BaseConvertor_Focused_I.TEntry -fieldbackground {#DDDDFF}
+ }
+ incr count
+ create_window
+ create_gui
+ }
+ ## Object destructor
+ destructor {
+ }
+ ## Commence a new configuration
+ # @parm List conf_list - Configuration list previously returned by proc. "get_config"
+ # @return void
+ public method set_config {conf_list} {
+ # Set window position
+ $win_obj geometry \
+ {} {} \
+ [lindex $conf_list {0 2}] \
+ [lindex $conf_list {0 3}]
+ # Adjust modes
+ if {[lindex $conf_list 2]} {
+ less_more
+ }
+ if {[lindex $conf_list 3]} {
+ enlarge_shrink
+ }
+ # Fill in the entryboxes
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $left_rows_created} {incr i} {
+ validate {t} $i [lindex $conf_list [list 4 $i]]
+ }
+ if {$left_rows_created < 6} {
+ for {set i 0; set j 3} {$i < 3} {incr i; incr j} {
+ lset val_to_set $i [lindex $conf_list [list 4 $j]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Adjust flag "Shaded"
+ if {[lindex $conf_list 1]} {
+ update
+ $win_obj collapse_expand
+ }
+ }
+ ## Get configuration list
+ # @return List - Configuration list
+ public method get_config {} {
+ # Create list of current values in the entryboxes
+ set values {}
+ lappend values [$entry_d(0) get] [$entry_d(1) get] [$entry_d(2) get]
+ if {$left_rows_created > 3} {
+ lappend values \
+ [$entry_d(3) get] \
+ [$entry_d(4) get] \
+ [$entry_d(5) get]
+ } {
+ lappend values {} {} {}
+ }
+ # Finalize configuration list
+ return [list \
+ [$win_obj geometry] \
+ [$win_obj get_minim_flag] \
+ $less_more \
+ $large \
+ $values \
+ ]
+ }
+ ## Create window using class "InnerWindow"
+ # @return void
+ private method create_window {} {
+ set win_obj [InnerWindow #auto \
+ .baseconvertor_${count} \
+ [list 160 130 100 100] \
+ [mc "Convertor"] \
+ ::ICONS::16::kaboodleloop \
+ "$this close_window" \
+ ]
+ set win [$win_obj get_frame]
+ }
+ ## Create all window GUI
+ # @return void
+ private method create_gui {} {
+ # Create frames
+ set top_frame [frame $win.top_frame]
+ set left_top_frame [frame $top_frame.left_frame]
+ set right_top_frame [frame $top_frame.right_frame]
+ set bottom_frame [frame $win.bottom_frame]
+ # Start in mode "Shirked" + !"More"
+ create_left_frame
+ ## Create buttons in the bottom frame
+ # Button "Enlarge"/"Shrink"
+ set enlarge_shrink_button \
+ [ttk::button $bottom_frame.enlarge_shrink_button \
+ -text [mc "Enlarge"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1downarrow \
+ -command "$this enlarge_shrink" \
+ -width 7 \
+ ]
+ pack $enlarge_shrink_button -side left
+ # Button "More"/"Less"
+ set less_more_button [ttk::button $bottom_frame.less_more_button\
+ -text [mc "More"] \
+ -compound right \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1rightarrow \
+ -command "$this less_more" \
+ -width 5 \
+ ]
+ pack $less_more_button -side right
+ # Pack frames
+ pack $left_top_frame -side left -anchor nw
+ pack $top_frame -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $bottom_frame -fill x
+ # Focus the firts hexadecimal entrybox
+ focus -force $entry_h(0)
+ }
+ ## Close the window and forget configuration
+ # Calls proc. "::X::__base_convertor_close"
+ # @return void
+ public method close_window {} {
+ ::X::__base_convertor_close $this
+ $win_obj close_window
+ delete object $this
+ }
+ ## Validator for entryboxes
+ # Can be used to set a certain value for a certain row in this way:
+ # validate {t} $row_number $decimal_value
+ # @parm Char type - Value source
+ # h - Hexadecimal
+ # d - Decimal
+ # b - Binary
+ # o - Octal
+ # c0 - BCD - Low order nibble
+ # c1 - BCD - High order nibble
+ # a - ASCII
+ # t - Bits (Do not validate, just accept)
+ # @parm Int row - Row number, starting at zero
+ # @parm String content - String to validate and evaluate
+ # @return Bool - 1 == Legal; 0 == Illegal
+ public method validate {type row content} {
+ # This method cannot be recursive in any way
+ if {$validation_in_progress} {return 1}
+ set validation_in_progress 1
+ # Local variables
+ set result 1 ;# Bool: Result of validation
+ set zero_length 0 ;# Bool: Zero length input string
+ set value {} ;# Mixed: Decimal representation the validate value or {} (no value)
+ # Detect zero length input string
+ if {[string length $content]} {
+ set zero_length 0
+ } {
+ set zero_length 1
+ set content 0
+ }
+ # Validate input string
+ switch -- $type {
+ {h} { ;# Hexadecimal
+ if {![regexp {^[[:xdigit:]]{0,2}$} $content]} {
+ set result 0
+ } {
+ scan $content "%x" value
+ }
+ }
+ {d} { ;# Decimal
+ if {![regexp {^[[:digit:]]{0,3}$} $content]} {
+ set result 0
+ } elseif {$content > 255} {
+ set result 0
+ } {
+ set value $content
+ }
+ }
+ {b} { ;# Binary
+ if {![regexp {^[01]{0,8}$} $content]} {
+ set result 0
+ } {
+ set value [NumSystem::bin2dec $content]
+ }
+ }
+ {o} { ;# Octal
+ if {![regexp {^[0-7]{0,3}$} $content]} {
+ set result 0
+ } elseif {$content > 377} {
+ set result 0
+ } {
+ scan $content "%o" value
+ }
+ }
+ {c0} { ;# BCD - Low order nibble
+ if {![regexp {^[[:digit:]]{0,2}$} $content]} {
+ set result 0
+ } elseif {$content > 15} {
+ set result 0
+ } {
+ set value [$entry_c1($row) get]
+ if {![string length $value]} {
+ set value 0
+ }
+ set value [expr {$content + ($value << 4)}]
+ }
+ set zero_length 0
+ }
+ {c1} { ;# BCD - High order nibble
+ if {![regexp {^[[:digit:]]{0,2}$} $content]} {
+ set result 0
+ } elseif {$content > 15} {
+ set result 0
+ } {
+ set value [$entry_c0($row) get]
+ if {![string length $value]} {
+ set value 0
+ }
+ set value [expr {$value + ($content << 4)}]
+ }
+ set zero_length 0
+ }
+ {a} { ;# ASCII
+ if {$zero_length} {
+ set content {}
+ }
+ set zero_length 0
+ if {[string length $content] > 1} {
+ set result 0
+ } {
+ set value [NumSystem::ascii2dec $content]
+ }
+ if {![string length $value]} {
+ set value [$entry_d($row) get]
+ if {![string length $value]} {
+ set zero_length 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {t} { ;# Bits (Do not validate, just accept)
+ set value $content
+ }
+ }
+ # Synchronize with the other entryboxes on the row
+ if {$result} {
+ fill_entryboxes $row $value $zero_length $type
+ }
+ # Finish ...
+ set validation_in_progress 0
+ return $result
+ }
+ ## Synchronize the specified value with the other entryboxes on the row
+ # @parm Int row - Row number
+ # @parm Int value - Value to fill in (in decimal)
+ # @parm Bool zero_length - Just clear all entryboxes
+ # @parm Char exclude - Entrybox to exclude during filling
+ # h - Hexadecimal
+ # d - Decimal
+ # b - Binary
+ # o - Octal
+ # c0 - BCD - Low order nibble
+ # c1 - BCD - High order nibble
+ # a - ASCII
+ # t - No meaning ...
+ # @return void
+ private method fill_entryboxes {row value zero_length exclude} {
+ # Clear entryboxes on the left
+ foreach w [list \
+ $entry_h($row) $entry_d($row) \
+ $entry_b($row) $entry_o($row) \
+ ] t {
+ h d
+ b o
+ } \
+ {
+ if {$exclude == $t} {
+ continue
+ }
+ $w delete 0 end
+ }
+ # Fill in entryboxes on the left
+ if {!$zero_length} {
+ if {$exclude != {h}} {
+ $entry_h($row) insert 0 [format {%X} $value]
+ }
+ if {$exclude != {d}} {
+ $entry_d($row) insert 0 $value
+ }
+ if {$exclude != {b}} {
+ $entry_b($row) insert 0 [NumSystem::dec2bin $value]
+ }
+ if {$exclude != {o}} {
+ $entry_o($row) insert 0 [format {%o} $value]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$row < $right_rows_created} {
+ # Clear entryboxes on the right
+ foreach w [list $entry_c0($row) $entry_c1($row) $entry_a($row)] \
+ t {c0 c1 a} \
+ {
+ if {$exclude == $t} {
+ continue
+ }
+ $w delete 0 end
+ }
+ # Adjust canvas widget with bit rectangles
+ set mask 1
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
+ if {$zero_length} {
+ set fill {#FFFFFF}
+ set outline {#888888}
+ } elseif {[expr $value & $mask]} {
+ set fill ${::BitMap::one_fill}
+ set outline ${::BitMap::one_outline}
+ } {
+ set fill ${::BitMap::zero_fill}
+ set outline ${::BitMap::zero_outline}
+ }
+ $entry_t($row) itemconfigure $bit($row,$i) \
+ -fill $fill -outline $outline
+ set mask [expr {$mask << 1}]
+ }
+ # Fill in entryboxes on the right
+ if {!$zero_length} {
+ if {$exclude != {c0}} {
+ $entry_c0($row) insert 0 [expr {$value & 0x0F}]
+ }
+ if {$exclude != {c1}} {
+ $entry_c1($row) insert 0 [expr {$value >> 4}]
+ }
+ if {$exclude != {a}} {
+ if {$value > 31 && $value < 127} {
+ $entry_a($row) insert 0 [format {%c} $value]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Handles event <Enter> on canvas widget with bits,
+ # @parm Int r - Row number (0..5)
+ # @parm Int b - Bit number (0..7)
+ # @return void
+ public method bit_enter {r b} {
+ # Determinate current rectangle fill and outline
+ set fill [$entry_t($r) itemcget $bit($r,$b) -fill]
+ set outline [$entry_t($r) itemcget $bit($r,$b) -outline]
+ # Determinate new rectangle fill and outline
+ if {$fill == ${::BitMap::one_fill}} {
+ set fill ${::BitMap::one_a_fill}
+ set outline ${::BitMap::one_a_outline}
+ } elseif {$fill == ${::BitMap::zero_fill}} {
+ set fill ${::BitMap::zero_a_fill}
+ set outline ${::BitMap::zero_a_outline}
+ }
+ # Set new rectangle fill and outline and adjust cursor
+ $entry_t($r) itemconfigure $bit($r,$b) \
+ -fill $fill -outline $outline
+ $entry_t($r) configure -cursor hand1
+ }
+ ## Handles event <leave> on canvas widget with bits,
+ # @parm Int r - Row number (0..5)
+ # @parm Int b - Bit number (0..7)
+ # @return void
+ public method bit_leave {r b} {
+ # Determinate current rectangle fill and outline
+ set fill [$entry_t($r) itemcget $bit($r,$b) -fill]
+ set outline [$entry_t($r) itemcget $bit($r,$b) -outline]
+ # Determinate new rectangle fill and outline
+ if {$fill == ${::BitMap::one_a_fill}} {
+ set fill ${::BitMap::one_fill}
+ set outline ${::BitMap::one_outline}
+ } elseif {$fill == ${::BitMap::zero_a_fill}} {
+ set fill ${::BitMap::zero_fill}
+ set outline ${::BitMap::zero_outline}
+ }
+ # Set new rectangle fill and outline and adjust cursor
+ $entry_t($r) itemconfigure $bit($r,$b) \
+ -fill $fill -outline $outline
+ $entry_t($r) configure -cursor left_ptr
+ }
+ ## Handles event <Button-1> on canvas widget with bits,
+ # @parm Int r - Row number (0..5)
+ # @parm Int b - Bit number (0..7)
+ # @return void
+ public method bit_click {r b} {
+ # Determinate current rectangle fill
+ set fill [$entry_t($r) itemcget $bit($r,$b) -fill]
+ # Determinate new bit value
+ if {
+ $fill == ${::BitMap::one_a_fill}
+ ||
+ $fill == ${::BitMap::one_fill}
+ } then {
+ set value 0
+ } else {
+ set value [expr {1 << $b}]
+ }
+ # Determinate new value for the whole row
+ set dec [$entry_d($r) get]
+ if {![string length $dec]} {
+ set dec 0
+ }
+ set dec [expr {$dec & (0x0FF ^ (1 << $b))}]
+ incr dec $value
+ # Set new value for the whole row
+ validate {t} $r $dec
+ }
+ ## Set envent binds specific to this appliaction for the specified entrybox
+ # @parm Widget w - Entrybox widget
+ # @parm Char t - Entrybox type
+ # h - Hexadecimal
+ # d - Decimal
+ # b - Binary
+ # o - Octal
+ # c0 - BCD - Low order nibble
+ # c1 - BCD - High order nibble
+ # a - ASCII
+ # @parm Int r - Row number (0..5)
+ # @return void
+ private method set_bindings_for_an_entrybox {w t r} {
+ bind $w <Key-Up> "$this entry_key $t $r u; break"
+ bind $w <Key-Down> "$this entry_key $t $r d; break"
+ bind $w <Key-Left> "$this entry_key $t $r l; break"
+ bind $w <Key-Right> "$this entry_key $t $r r; break"
+ bind $w <Key-Tab> "$this entry_key $t $r t; break"
+ bind $w <Key-ISO_Left_Tab> "$this entry_key $t $r s; break"
+ }
+ bind $w <Key-Return> "$this entry_key $t $r e; break"
+ bind $w <Key-KP_Enter> "$this entry_key $t $r e; break"
+ bind $w <FocusIn> "$this entry_focus $t $r 1"
+ bind $w <FocusOut> "$this entry_focus $t $r 0"
+ }
+ ## Create the left frame of the window
+ # @return void
+ private method create_left_frame {} {
+ # Create labels
+ if {!$left_rows_created} {
+ set col 1
+ foreach text {
+ {HEX} {DEC} {BIN} {OCT}
+ } {
+ grid [label $left_top_frame.header_lbl_${col} \
+ -font $::smallfont -text [mc $text] -pady 0 \
+ ] -pady 0 -ipady 0 -row 1 -column $col
+ incr col
+ }
+ }
+ # Create entryboxes
+ set row 0
+ for {set row $left_rows_created} {$row < ($large ? 6 : 3)} {incr row} {
+ set col 1
+ foreach width {
+ 2 3 8 3
+ } type {
+ h d b o
+ } \
+ {
+ set entry_wgd [ttk::entry $left_top_frame.e_${type}_$row \
+ -width $width \
+ -validate key \
+ -validatecommand "$this validate $type $row %P" \
+ ]
+ set entry_${type}($row) $entry_wgd
+ grid $entry_wgd -row [expr {$row + 2}] -column $col
+ set_bindings_for_an_entrybox $entry_wgd $type $row
+ incr col
+ }
+ }
+ set left_rows_created $row
+ if {$large} {
+ for {set i 0; set j 3} {$i < 3} {incr i; incr j} {
+ validate {t} $j [lindex $val_to_set $i]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create the left frame of the window
+ # @return void
+ private method create_right_frame {} {
+ # Create labels
+ if {!$right_rows_created} {
+ set col 1
+ grid [label $right_top_frame.header_lbl_${col} \
+ -font $::smallfont -text [mc "Bits"] -pady 0 \
+ ] -pady 0 -ipady 0 -row 1 -column $col
+ incr col
+ grid [label $right_top_frame.header_lbl_${col} \
+ -font $::smallfont -text [mc "BCD"] -pady 0 \
+ ] -pady 0 -ipady 0 -row 1 -column $col -columnspan 2
+ incr col 2
+ grid [label $right_top_frame.header_lbl_${col} \
+ -font $::smallfont -text [mc "ASCII"] -pady 0\
+ ] -pady 0 -ipady 0 -row 1 -column $col
+ incr col
+ }
+ # Create entryboxes and canvas widget
+ set row 0
+ for {set row $right_rows_created} {$row < ($large ? 6 : 3)} {incr row} {
+ set col 1
+ foreach type {
+ t c a
+ } \
+ {
+ switch -- $type {
+ {a} { ;# ASCII
+ set entry_wgd [ttk::entry $right_top_frame.e_${type}_$row \
+ -width 2 \
+ -validate all \
+ -validatecommand "$this validate ${type} $row %P" \
+ ]
+ set entry_${type}($row) $entry_wgd
+ grid $entry_wgd -row [expr {$row + 2}] -column $col
+ set_bindings_for_an_entrybox $entry_wgd $type $row
+ }
+ {c} { ;# BCD
+ set entry_wgd [ttk::entry $right_top_frame.e_${type}1_$row \
+ -width 2 \
+ -validate all \
+ -validatecommand "$this validate ${type}1 $row %P" \
+ ]
+ set entry_${type}1($row) $entry_wgd
+ grid $entry_wgd -row [expr {$row + 2}] -column $col
+ set_bindings_for_an_entrybox $entry_wgd "${type}1" $row
+ incr col
+ set entry_wgd [ttk::entry $right_top_frame.e_${type}0_$row \
+ -width 2 \
+ -validate all \
+ -validatecommand "$this validate ${type}0 $row %P" \
+ ]
+ set entry_${type}0($row) $entry_wgd
+ grid $entry_wgd -row [expr {$row + 2}] -column $col
+ set_bindings_for_an_entrybox $entry_wgd "${type}0" $row
+ }
+ {t} { ;# Bits
+ set x0 2
+ set y0 0
+ set y1 2
+ set canvas [canvas $right_top_frame.canvas_${row} \
+ -width 118 -height 18 -bd 0 -bg white \
+ -relief flat -highlightthickness 0 \
+ ]
+ grid $canvas -row [expr {$row + 2}] -column $col
+ set entry_${type}($row) $canvas
+ for {set b 7} {$b >= 0} {incr b -1} {
+ # Create bit rectagle
+ set bit($row,$b) [$canvas create \
+ rectangle $x0 $y1 \
+ [expr {$x0 + 12}] \
+ [expr {$y1 + 12}] \
+ -fill {#FFFFFF} \
+ -outline {#888888} \
+ ]
+ $canvas bind $bit($row,$b) <Enter> "$this bit_enter $row $b"
+ $canvas bind $bit($row,$b) <Leave> "$this bit_leave $row $b"
+ $canvas bind $bit($row,$b) <Button-1> "$this bit_click $row $b"
+ # Adjust X position for the next rectagle
+ incr x0 14
+ if {$b == 4} {
+ incr x0 3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ incr col
+ }
+ }
+ set right_rows_created $row
+ }
+ ## Switch between modes "Enlarged" and "Shrinked"
+ # @return void
+ public method enlarge_shrink {} {
+ # Invert the mode flag
+ set large [expr {!$large}]
+ # Adjust buttons on the bottom bar and create the missing widgets if nessesary
+ if {$large} {
+ create_right_frame
+ create_left_frame
+ $win_obj geometry {} [expr {[winfo height $entry_h(0)] * 3 + 130}] {} {}
+ $enlarge_shrink_button configure \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1uparrow \
+ -text [mc "Shrink"]
+ } {
+ $win_obj geometry {} 130 {} {}
+ $enlarge_shrink_button configure \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1downarrow \
+ -text [mc "Enlarge"]
+ }
+ # Show or hide appropriate GUI elements
+ foreach w [list \
+ entry_h entry_d entry_b \
+ entry_o entry_t entry_c1\
+ entry_c0 entry_a \
+ ] c {
+ 1 2 3
+ 4 1 2
+ 3 4
+ } {
+ for {set i 3; set r 5} {$i < 6} {incr i; incr r} {
+ if {$large} {
+ grid [subst "\$${w}($i)"] -column $c -row $r
+ } {
+ grid forget [subst "\$${w}($i)"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Switch between modes "More" and "Less"
+ # @return void
+ public method less_more {} {
+ # Invert the mode flag
+ set less_more [expr {!$less_more}]
+ # Adjust GUI
+ if {$less_more} {
+ create_right_frame
+ pack $right_top_frame -side left -anchor nw
+ $less_more_button configure \
+ -compound left -text [mc "Less"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1leftarrow
+ $win_obj geometry 350 {} {} {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $right_rows_created} {incr i} {
+ validate {t} $i [$entry_d($i) get]
+ }
+ } {
+ pack forget $right_top_frame
+ $less_more_button configure \
+ -compound right -text [mc "More"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::1rightarrow
+ $win_obj geometry 160 {} {} {}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Entybox event handler for <FocusIn> and <FocusOut>
+ # Change entryboxes background colors
+ # @parm Char type - Entrybox type
+ # h - Hexadecimal
+ # d - Decimal
+ # b - Binary
+ # o - Octal
+ # c0 - BCD - Low order nibble
+ # c1 - BCD - High order nibble
+ # a - ASCII
+ # @parm Int row - Row number (0..5)
+ # @parm Bool focused - 1 == <FocusIn>; 0 == <FocusOut>
+ # @return void
+ public method entry_focus {type row focused} {
+ if {$focused} {
+ set style BaseConvertor_Focused_I.TEntry
+ set bg {#DDDDFF}
+ } {
+ set style TEntry
+ set bg {#FFFFFF}
+ }
+ foreach w [list \
+ $entry_h($row) $entry_d($row) \
+ $entry_b($row) $entry_o($row) \
+ ] \
+ {
+ $w configure -style $style
+ }
+ if {$right_rows_created > $row} {
+ foreach w [list \
+ $entry_c1($row) \
+ $entry_c0($row) \
+ $entry_a($row) \
+ ] \
+ {
+ $w configure -style $style
+ }
+ $entry_t($row) configure -bg $bg
+ }
+ if {$focused} {
+ [subst "\$entry_${type}($row)"] configure -style BaseConvertor_Focused_D.TEntry
+ } {
+ [subst "\$entry_${type}($row)"] selection clear
+ }
+ }
+ ## Entybox event handler for <Key-Up>, <Key-Down>, <Key-Left>, <Key-Right>, <Key-Tab>,
+ #+ <Key-ISO_Left_Tab>, <Key-Return> and <Key-KP_Enter>
+ # @parm Char type - Entrybox type
+ # h - Hexadecimal
+ # d - Decimal
+ # b - Binary
+ # o - Octal
+ # c0 - BCD - Low order nibble
+ # c1 - BCD - High order nibble
+ # a - ASCII
+ # @parm Int y - Row number (0..5)
+ # @parm Char key - Key pressed
+ # u - Up
+ # d - Down
+ # l - Left
+ # r - Right
+ # t - Tab
+ # s - Shift-Tab
+ # e - Enter
+ # @return void
+ public method entry_key {type y key} {
+ set entrybox [subst "\$entry_${type}($y)"]
+ set insert [$entrybox index insert]
+ set max_y $left_rows_created
+ incr max_y -1
+ switch -- $type {
+ {h} {set x 0}
+ {d} {set x 1}
+ {b} {set x 2}
+ {o} {set x 3}
+ {c1} {set x 4}
+ {c0} {set x 5}
+ {a} {set x 6}
+ }
+ $entrybox selection clear
+ switch -- $key {
+ {u} { ;# Up
+ if {!$y} {
+ return
+ }
+ incr y -1
+ }
+ {d} { ;# Down
+ if {$y == $max_y} {
+ return
+ }
+ incr y
+ }
+ {l} { ;# Left
+ if {!$x || $insert} {
+ $entrybox icursor [expr {$insert-1}]
+ return
+ }
+ incr x -1
+ }
+ {r} { ;# Right
+ if {($x == 6) || ($insert != [$entrybox index end])} {
+ $entrybox icursor [expr {$insert+1}]
+ return
+ }
+ incr x
+ }
+ {t} { ;# Tab
+ if {$x == 6} {
+ return
+ }
+ incr x
+ }
+ {s} { ;# Shift-Tab
+ if {!$x} {
+ return
+ }
+ incr x -1
+ }
+ {e} { ;# Enter
+ if {$y == $max_y} {
+ return
+ }
+ incr y
+ }
+ }
+ if {$x > 3 && $y >= $right_rows_created} {
+ return
+ }
+ set insert [expr {[$entrybox index end] - $insert}]
+ switch -- $x {
+ {0} {set type h}
+ {1} {set type d}
+ {2} {set type b}
+ {3} {set type o}
+ {4} {set type c1}
+ {5} {set type c0}
+ {6} {set type a}
+ }
+ set entrybox [subst "\$entry_${type}($y)"]
+ $entrybox selection range 0 end
+ $entrybox icursor [expr {[$entrybox index end] - $insert}]
+ focus $entrybox
+ }