path: root/lib/utilities/rs232debugger.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/utilities/rs232debugger.tcl')
1 files changed, 1460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/utilities/rs232debugger.tcl b/lib/utilities/rs232debugger.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dacb8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/utilities/rs232debugger.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1460 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Implements RS232/UART debugger
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class RS232Debugger {
+ common count 0 ;# Int: Counter of class instances
+ # Font: Big bold font
+ common bold_font [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -size -12 -weight {bold} \
+ ]
+ # Font: Tiny normal font
+ common tiny_font [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -size -9 -weight {normal} \
+ ]
+ # Font: Tiny bold font
+ common tiny_font_bold [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -size -9 -weight {bold} \
+ ]
+ # Font: Normal font
+ common normal_font [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -size -11 -weight {normal} \
+ ]
+ # Font: Also normal font, but a bit larger
+ common big_font [font create \
+ -family {helvetica} \
+ -size -12 -weight {normal} \
+ ]
+ # Int: Pool interval for selected RS232 interface
+ common POOL_INTERVAL 50 ;# mili-seconds
+ # List of Int: Available baud rates for RS232
+ common available_baud_rates {
+ 50 75 110 134 150 200
+ 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800
+ 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400
+ 460800
+ }
+ # List: Configuration list
+ common config_list $::CONFIG(RS232_DEBUGGER)
+ private variable obj_idx ;# Int: Object index
+ private variable win ;# Widget: Dialog window
+ private variable connector_canvas ;# Widget: Canvas widget displaying the DE-9 connector
+ private variable port_combobox ;# Widget: Combobox for device file selection
+ private variable status_bar_label ;# Widget: Status bar
+ private variable baud_cb ;# Widget: ComboBox for selecting baud rate
+ private variable parity_cb ;# Widget: ComboBox for selecting type of parity
+ private variable data_cb ;# Widget: ComboBox for selecting number of data bits
+ private variable stop_cb ;# Widget: ComboBox for selecting number of stop bits
+ private variable enable_reception_chb ;# Widget: Check button "Enable reception"
+ private variable close_connection_button ;# Widget: Button "Close connection"
+ private variable leds ;# Array of CanvasObjects: LEDs indicating logical states on wires
+ private variable dtr_button ;# Widget: Button "DTR"
+ private variable rts_button ;# Widget: Button "RTS"
+ private variable break_button ;# Widget: Button "Break"
+ private variable send_selected_button ;# Widget: Button "Send selected"
+ private variable clear_selected_rec_button ;# Widget: Button "Clear selected" in section "Receive"
+ private variable receive_here_button ;# Widget: Button "Receive here"
+ private variable clear_selected_snd_button ;# Widget: Button "Clear selected" in section "Send"
+ private variable receive_hexeditor ;# Object: Hexeditor intented for reception
+ private variable send_hexeditor ;# Object: Hexeditor intented for sending
+ private variable pool_timer {} ;# Object: Pool timer object
+ private variable channel {} ;# Channel: Opened device file
+ private variable port_filename {} ;# String: Device file name
+ private variable reception_address 0 ;# Int: Address in reception hexeditor where received data are stored
+ private variable reception_enabled 1 ;# Bool: Reception enabled
+ private variable prev_tty_status ;# List: Previous TTY status (before any action performed by this code)
+ private variable baud_conf {9600} ;# Int: Selected baud rate for communication
+ private variable parity_conf {n} ;# Char: Selected type of parity
+ private variable data_conf {8} ;# Int: Number of data bits
+ private variable stop_conf {1} ;# Int: Number of stop bits
+ ## Object constructor
+ constructor {} {
+ # Configure local ttk styles
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_FileInUse.TCombobox \
+ -fieldbackground {#DDFFDD}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_FileInUse.TCombobox \
+ -fieldbackground [list {readonly !readonly} {#DDFFDD}]
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_FileFound.TCombobox \
+ -fieldbackground {#FFFFAA}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_FileFound.TCombobox \
+ -fieldbackground [list {readonly !readonly} {#FFFFAA}]
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_FileNotFound.TCombobox \
+ -fieldbackground {#FFDDDD}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_FileNotFound.TCombobox \
+ -fieldbackground [list {readonly !readonly} {#FFDDDD}]
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_SignalAllDefault.TButton \
+ -foreground {#000000} \
+ -background {#DDDDDD}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_SignalAllDefault.TButton \
+ -background [list active {#EEEEEE}]
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_SignalTxDTrue.TButton \
+ -background {#AAFFAA} \
+ -foreground {#000000}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_SignalTxDTrue.TButton \
+ -background [list active {#DDFFDD}] \
+ -foreground [list active {#00FF00}]
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_SignalNormalTrue.TButton \
+ -background {#AAFFAA} \
+ -foreground {#000000}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_SignalNormalTrue.TButton \
+ -background [list active {#DDFFDD}] \
+ -foreground [list active {#00FF00}]
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_SignalTxDFalse.TButton \
+ -background {#DDDDDD} \
+ -foreground {#000000}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_SignalTxDFalse.TButton \
+ -background [list active {#EEEEEE}] \
+ -foreground [list active {#000000}]
+ ttk::style configure RS232Debugger_SignalNormalFalse.TButton \
+ -background {#FFAAAA} \
+ -foreground {#000000}
+ ttk::style map RS232Debugger_SignalNormalFalse.TButton \
+ -background [list active {#FFDDDD}] \
+ -foreground [list active {#FF0000}]
+ incr count
+ set obj_idx $count
+ array set prev_tty_status {0 {} cts {} dsr {} ri {} dcd {} dtr {} rts {} break {}}
+ # Validate and possibly correct configuration list
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $available_baud_rates [lindex $config_list 0]] == -1} {
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid baud rate, setting to default: %s" $baud_conf]
+ lset config_list 0 $baud_conf
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact {n o e m s} [lindex $config_list 1]] == -1} {
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid parity, setting to default: %s" $parity_conf]
+ lset config_list 1 $parity_conf
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact {5 6 7 8} [lindex $config_list 2]] == -1} {
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid data length, setting to default: %s" $data_conf]
+ lset config_list 2 $data_conf
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact {1 2} [lindex $config_list 3]] == -1} {
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid stop bit length, setting to default: %s" $stop_conf]
+ lset config_list 3 $stop_conf
+ }
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact {0 1} [lindex $config_list 4]] == -1} {
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid flag reception_enabled, setting to default: %s" $reception_enabled]
+ lset config_list 4 $reception_enabled
+ }
+ if {![string is digit -strict [lindex $config_list 9]] || [lindex $config_list 9] < 0 || [lindex $config_list 9] > 256} {
+ puts ">> {[lindex $config_list 9]}"
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid reception address, setting to default: %s" $reception_address]
+ lset config_list 9 $reception_address
+ }
+ if {![string is digit -strict [lindex $config_list 7]] || [lindex $config_list 7] < 0 || [lindex $config_list 7] > 255} {
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid current cell address, setting to default: %s" "0"]
+ lset config_list 7 0
+ }
+ if {![string is digit -strict [lindex $config_list 8]] || [lindex $config_list 8] < 0 || [lindex $config_list 8] > 255} {
+ puts stderr [mc "RS232 DBG: Invalid current cell address, setting to default: %s" "0"]
+ lset config_list 8 0
+ }
+ # Load configuration list
+ set baud_conf [lindex $config_list 0]
+ set parity_conf [lindex $config_list 1]
+ set data_conf [lindex $config_list 2]
+ set stop_conf [lindex $config_list 3]
+ set reception_enabled [lindex $config_list 4]
+ set reception_address [expr {int([lindex $config_list 9])}]
+ if {$reception_address == 256} {
+ set reception_address 0
+ }
+ # Initialize GUI
+ create_gui
+ set_tty_controls_state 0
+ # Restore data displayed in hexeditors
+ foreach idx {5 6} hexedit [list $receive_hexeditor $send_hexeditor] {
+ set data [lindex $config_list $idx]
+ if {![llength $data]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 0x100} {incr i} {
+ $hexedit setValue $i [lindex $data $i]
+ }
+ }
+ # restore addresses of current cells in hexeditors
+ $receive_hexeditor setCurrentCell [lindex $config_list 7]
+ $send_hexeditor setCurrentCell [lindex $config_list 8]
+ }
+ ## Object destructor
+ destructor {
+ # Create a new configuration list
+ set config_list [list \
+ $baud_conf $parity_conf $data_conf \
+ $stop_conf $reception_enabled \
+ [$receive_hexeditor get_values 0 255] \
+ [$send_hexeditor get_values 0 255] \
+ [$receive_hexeditor getCurrentCell] \
+ [$send_hexeditor getCurrentCell] \
+ $reception_address \
+ ]
+ # Cancel pool timer
+ catch {after cancel $pool_timer}
+ # Close opended channel
+ if {$channel !={}} {
+ catch {fileevent $channel readable {}}
+ catch {close $channel}
+ }
+ # Destroy GUI
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ ## Create dialog GUI
+ # @return void
+ private method create_gui {} {
+ # Create window
+ set win [toplevel .rs232debugger$count -class [mc "RS232 Debugger"] -bg {#EEEEEE}]
+ # Create status bar
+ set status_bar_label [label $win.status_bar_label -justify left -pady 0 -anchor w]
+ pack $status_bar_label -side bottom -fill x
+ # Create top frame
+ set top_frame [frame $win.top_frame]
+ create_top_frame $top_frame
+ pack $top_frame -fill x -anchor nw
+ # Create bottom frame
+ set bottom_frame [frame $win.bottom_frame]
+ create_bottom_frame $bottom_frame
+ pack $bottom_frame -fill x -anchor nw
+ $receive_hexeditor clearBgHighlighting 0
+ $receive_hexeditor set_bg_hg $reception_address 1 0
+ # Configure window
+ wm title $win [mc "UART/RS232 Debugger - MCU 8051 IDE"]
+ wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::chardevice
+ wm resizable $win 0 0
+ wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW "catch {delete object $this}"
+ }
+ ## Set status bar tip for specified widget
+ # @parm Widget widget - Target widget
+ # @parm String text - Text of the stutus tip
+ # @return void
+ private method set_status_tip {widget text} {
+ bind $widget <Enter> "$status_bar_label configure -text {$text}"
+ bind $widget <Leave> "$status_bar_label configure -text {}"
+ }
+ ## Draw DE-9 connector in the $connector_canvas
+ # @parm Int x - X offset
+ # @parm Int y - Y offset
+ # @return void
+ private method draw_connector {x y} {
+ ## Draw package
+ set coords {
+ 1 19 3 16 27 1 33 1 37 6 37 88
+ 33 91 27 91 3 80 1 74 1 19
+ }
+ # Transform coordinates -- adjust them to the given origin
+ set coordinates [list]
+ set len [llength $coords]
+ for {set m 0; set n 1} {$n < $len} {incr m 2; incr n 2} {
+ lappend coordinates \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $m] + $x}]
+ lappend coordinates \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $n] + $y}]
+ }
+ $connector_canvas create line $coordinates \
+ -tags connector -width 1 -fill #000000
+ ## Draw pins
+ set coords {
+ 28 16 28 32 28 48 28 64 28 80
+ 12 24 12 40 12 56 12 72
+ }
+ set tags {dcd_pin rxd_pin txd_pin dtr_pin gnd_pin dsr_pin rts_pin cts_pin ri_pin}
+ # Transform coordinates -- adjust them to the given origin
+ set len [llength $coords]
+ for {set m 0; set n 1; set i 0} {$n < $len} {incr m 2; incr n 2; incr i} {
+ $connector_canvas create oval \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $m] - 2 + $x}] \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $n] - 2 + $y}] \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $m] + 2 + $x}] \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $n] + 2 + $y}] \
+ -tags connector -width 1 \
+ -outline #000000 -tags [lindex $tags $i]
+ }
+ ## Draw pin numbers
+ set coords {
+ 21 16 21 32 21 48 21 64 21 80
+ 5 24 5 40 5 56 5 72
+ }
+ set tags {{} dcd_num rxd_num txd_num dtr_num gnd_num dsr_num rts_num cts_num ri_num}
+ # Transform coordinates -- adjust them to the given origin
+ set len [llength $coords]
+ for {set m 0; set n 1; set i 1} {$n < $len} {incr m 2; incr n 2; incr i} {
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $m] + $x}] \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $n] + $y}] \
+ -tags connector -fill #000000 \
+ -anchor center -justify center -text $i \
+ -font $tiny_font -tags [lindex $tags $i]
+ }
+ ## Draw common ground
+ set coords {
+ 31 80 60 80 60 105 53 105 67 105
+ }
+ # Transform coordinates -- adjust them to the given origin
+ set coordinates [list]
+ set len [llength $coords]
+ for {set m 0; set n 1} {$n < $len} {incr m 2; incr n 2} {
+ lappend coordinates \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $m] + $x}]
+ lappend coordinates \
+ [expr {[lindex $coords $n] + $y}]
+ }
+ $connector_canvas create line $coordinates \
+ -tags gnd_wire -width 1 -fill #000000
+ $connector_canvas bind gnd_wire <Enter> "$this wire_enter gnd"
+ $connector_canvas bind gnd_wire <Leave> "$this wire_leave gnd"
+ ## Write texts
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 10}] [expr {$y - 25}] \
+ -anchor n -justify left \
+ -font $big_font -text [mc "RS-232\nDTE"]
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 10}] [expr {$y + 100}] \
+ -anchor n -justify left \
+ -font $big_font -text [mc "DE-9"]
+ }
+ ## Draw wires, LEDs and buttons in the $connector_canvas
+ # @parm Int x - X offset
+ # @parm Int y - Y offset
+ # @return void
+ private method draw_wires_and_controls {x y} {
+ ## DCD
+ set leds(dcd) [label $connector_canvas.dcd_led \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ledgray \
+ ]
+ bind $leds(dcd) <Enter> "$this wire_enter dcd"
+ bind $leds(dcd) <Leave> "$this wire_leave dcd"
+ $connector_canvas create window \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -anchor center -window $leds(dcd)
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 31}] [expr {$y + 16}] \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y + 16}] \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags dcd_wire
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 74}] [expr {$y + 16}] \
+ [expr {$x + 75}] [expr {$y + 16}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags dcd_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y - 7}] \
+ -tags connector -fill #000000 \
+ -anchor s -justify left -text [mc "DCD"]\
+ -font $normal_font
+ ## DSR
+ set leds(dsr) [label $connector_canvas.dsr_led \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ledgray \
+ ]
+ bind $leds(dsr) <Enter> "$this wire_enter dsr"
+ bind $leds(dsr) <Leave> "$this wire_leave dsr"
+ $connector_canvas create window \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -anchor center -window $leds(dsr)
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 15}] [expr {$y + 24}] \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y + 24}] \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags dsr_wire
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 74}] [expr {$y + 24}] \
+ [expr {$x + 75}] [expr {$y + 24}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags dsr_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y - 7}] \
+ -tags connector -fill #000000 \
+ -anchor s -justify left -text [mc "DSR"]\
+ -font $normal_font
+ ## CTS
+ set leds(cts) [label $connector_canvas.cts_led \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ledgray \
+ ]
+ bind $leds(cts) <Enter> "$this wire_enter cts"
+ bind $leds(cts) <Leave> "$this wire_leave cts"
+ $connector_canvas create window \
+ [expr {$x + 170}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -anchor center -window $leds(cts)
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 15}] [expr {$y + 56}] \
+ [expr {$x + 170}] [expr {$y + 56}] \
+ [expr {$x + 170}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags cts_wire
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 74}] [expr {$y + 56}] \
+ [expr {$x + 75}] [expr {$y + 56}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags cts_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 170}] [expr {$y - 7}] \
+ -tags connector -fill #000000 \
+ -anchor s -justify left -text [mc "CTS"]\
+ -font $normal_font
+ ## RI
+ set leds(ri) [label $connector_canvas.ri_led \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ledgray \
+ ]
+ bind $leds(ri) <Enter> "$this wire_enter ri"
+ bind $leds(ri) <Leave> "$this wire_leave ri"
+ $connector_canvas create window \
+ [expr {$x + 205}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -anchor center -window $leds(ri)
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 15}] [expr {$y + 72}] \
+ [expr {$x + 205}] [expr {$y + 72}] \
+ [expr {$x + 205}] [expr {$y + 1}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags ri_wire
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 74}] [expr {$y + 72}] \
+ [expr {$x + 75}] [expr {$y + 72}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags ri_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 205}] [expr {$y - 7}] \
+ -tags connector -fill #000000 \
+ -anchor s -justify left -text [mc "RI"] \
+ -font $normal_font
+ ## DTR
+ set dtr_button [ttk::button $connector_canvas.dtr_button \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalAllDefault.TButton \
+ -command "$this invert_tty_status_bit dtr" \
+ -text "-" \
+ -width 2 \
+ ]
+ bind $dtr_button <Enter> "$this wire_enter dtr"
+ bind $dtr_button <Leave> "$this wire_leave dtr"
+ $connector_canvas create window \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y + 95}] \
+ -anchor center -window $dtr_button
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 31}] [expr {$y + 64}] \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y + 64}] \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y + 95}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags dtr_wire
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 46}] [expr {$y + 64}] \
+ [expr {$x + 45}] [expr {$y + 64}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags dtr_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 100}] [expr {$y + 105}] \
+ -tags connector -fill #000000 \
+ -anchor n -justify left -text [mc "DTR"]\
+ -font $normal_font
+ ## RTS
+ set rts_button [ttk::button $connector_canvas.rts_button \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalAllDefault.TButton \
+ -command "$this invert_tty_status_bit rts" \
+ -text "-" \
+ -width 2 \
+ ]
+ bind $rts_button <Enter> "$this wire_enter rts"
+ bind $rts_button <Leave> "$this wire_leave rts"
+ $connector_canvas create window \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y + 95}] \
+ -anchor center -window $rts_button
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 15}] [expr {$y + 40}] \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y + 40}] \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y + 95}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags rts_wire
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 46}] [expr {$y + 40}] \
+ [expr {$x + 45}] [expr {$y + 40}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#888888} -tags rts_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create text \
+ [expr {$x + 135}] [expr {$y + 105}] \
+ -tags connector -fill #000000 \
+ -anchor n -justify left -text [mc "RTS"]\
+ -font $normal_font
+ ## TxD
+ set break_button [ttk::button $connector_canvas.break_button \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalAllDefault.TButton \
+ -command "$this invert_tty_status_bit break" \
+ -text [mc "Break"] \
+ -width 5 \
+ ]
+ bind $break_button <Enter> "$this wire_enter txd"
+ bind $break_button <Leave> "$this wire_leave txd"
+ $connector_canvas create window \
+ [expr {$x + 180}] [expr {$y + 95}] \
+ -anchor center -window $break_button
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 31}] [expr {$y + 48}] \
+ [expr {$x + 180}] [expr {$y + 48}] \
+ [expr {$x + 180}] [expr {$y + 95}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#0000FF} -tags txd_wire
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 46}] [expr {$y + 48}] \
+ [expr {$x + 45}] [expr {$y + 48}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#0000FF} -tags txd_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 180}] [expr {$y + 120}] \
+ [expr {$x + 180}] [expr {$y + 105}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#0000FF} -arrow last
+ ## RxD
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 31}] [expr {$y + 32}] \
+ [expr {$x + 220}] [expr {$y + 32}] \
+ [expr {$x + 220}] [expr {$y + 90}] \
+ [expr {$x + 250}] [expr {$y + 120}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#0000FF} -tags rxd_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ $connector_canvas create line \
+ [expr {$x + 74}] [expr {$y + 32}] \
+ [expr {$x + 75}] [expr {$y + 32}] \
+ -width 1 -fill {#0000FF} -tags rxd_wire \
+ -arrow last
+ foreach wire {dcd dsr cts ri dtr rts txd rxd} {
+ $connector_canvas bind ${wire}_wire <Enter> "$this wire_enter $wire"
+ $connector_canvas bind ${wire}_wire <Leave> "$this wire_leave $wire"
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create top frame in the dialog window (connector_canvas (left) and configuration (right))
+ # @parm Widget target_frame - Parent frame
+ # @return void
+ private method create_top_frame {target_frame} {
+ #
+ ## Connector canvas
+ #
+ # Create canvas widget
+ set connector_canvas [canvas $target_frame.canvas \
+ -width 280 -height 150 -bg {#EEEEEE} \
+ -bd 0 -relief flat -highlightthickness 0 \
+ ]
+ pack $connector_canvas -side left -anchor sw
+ # Fill in the connector canvas
+ draw_connector 20 30
+ draw_wires_and_controls 20 30
+ #
+ ## Configuration frame
+ #
+ # Create labelframe
+ set conf_frame [ttk::labelframe $target_frame.conf_frame\
+ -padding 5 \
+ -labelwidget [label $target_frame.conf_label \
+ -font $bold_font \
+ -compound left \
+ -text [mc "Port configuration"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::configure \
+ ] \
+ ]
+ pack $conf_frame -side left -anchor nw
+ # - Physical port
+ grid [label $conf_frame.port_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Physical port"] \
+ ] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w
+ set port_combobox [ttk::combobox $conf_frame.port_cb \
+ -width 12 \
+ -validate all \
+ -validatecommand "$this port_combobox_validate %P" \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ ]
+ bind $port_combobox <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ "$this port_combobox_accept"
+ bind $port_combobox <Return> "$this port_combobox_accept"
+ bind $port_combobox <KP_Enter> "$this port_combobox_accept"
+ port_combobox_refresh
+ grid $port_combobox -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
+ set_status_tip $port_combobox [mc "Special character file representing the target physical device"]
+ grid [ttk::button $conf_frame.port_combobox_refresh_button \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::reload \
+ -command "$this port_combobox_refresh" \
+ -style Flat.TButton \
+ ] -row 1 -column 3 -sticky w
+ set_status_tip $conf_frame.port_combobox_refresh_button [mc "Refresh list of relevant devices"]
+ # - Baud rate
+ grid [label $conf_frame.baud_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Baud rate"] \
+ ] -row 3 -column 1 -sticky w
+ set baud_cb [ttk::combobox $conf_frame.baud_cb \
+ -state readonly \
+ -width 6 \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ -values $available_baud_rates \
+ ]
+ bind $baud_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ "$this change_port_config b \[$conf_frame.baud_cb get\]"
+ set_status_tip $baud_cb [mc "Connection speed in bps"]
+ grid $baud_cb -row 3 -column 2 -sticky w
+ $conf_frame.baud_cb current [lsearch [$conf_frame.baud_cb cget -values] $baud_conf]
+ # - Parity
+ grid [label $conf_frame.parity_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Parity"] \
+ ] -row 4 -column 1 -sticky w
+ set parity_cb [ttk::combobox $conf_frame.parity_cb \
+ -values {none odd even mark space} \
+ -state readonly \
+ -width 6 \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ ]
+ bind $parity_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ "$this change_port_config p \[$conf_frame.parity_cb get\]"
+ set_status_tip $parity_cb [mc "Parity"]
+ grid $parity_cb -row 4 -column 2 -sticky w
+ $conf_frame.parity_cb current [lsearch {n o e m s} $parity_conf]
+ # - Data bits
+ grid [label $conf_frame.data_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Data bits"] \
+ ] -row 5 -column 1 -sticky w
+ set data_cb [ttk::combobox $conf_frame.data_cb \
+ -state readonly \
+ -width 1 \
+ -values {5 6 7 8} \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ ]
+ bind $data_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ "$this change_port_config d \[$conf_frame.data_cb get\]"
+ set_status_tip $data_cb [mc "Number of data bits"]
+ grid $data_cb -row 5 -column 2 -sticky w
+ $conf_frame.data_cb current [lsearch [$conf_frame.data_cb cget -values] $data_conf]
+ # - Stop bits
+ grid [label $conf_frame.stop_lbl \
+ -text [mc "Stop bits"] \
+ ] -row 6 -column 1 -sticky w
+ set stop_cb [ttk::combobox $conf_frame.stop_cb \
+ -state readonly \
+ -width 1 \
+ -values {1 2} \
+ -exportselection 0 \
+ ]
+ bind $stop_cb <<ComboboxSelected>> \
+ "$this change_port_config s \[$conf_frame.stop_cb get\]"
+ set_status_tip $stop_cb [mc "Number of stop bits"]
+ grid $stop_cb -row 6 -column 2 -sticky w
+ $conf_frame.stop_cb current [lsearch [$conf_frame.stop_cb cget -values] $stop_conf]
+ # Bottom frame in configuration frame
+ set bottom_frame [frame $conf_frame.bottom_frame]
+ # - Enable reception
+ set enable_reception_chb [checkbutton $bottom_frame.enable_reception_chb\
+ -text [mc "Enable reception"] -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+ -command "$this reception_ena_dis" \
+ -variable "::RS232Debugger::enable_reception${obj_idx}" \
+ ]
+ set_status_tip $enable_reception_chb [mc "Display incoming data or discard them"]
+ set ::RS232Debugger::enable_reception${obj_idx} $reception_enabled
+ pack $enable_reception_chb -side left
+ # - Close connection
+ set close_connection_button [ttk::button \
+ $bottom_frame.close_connection_button \
+ -text [mc "Close"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -width 5 \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::fileclose \
+ -command "$this safely_terminate_connection" \
+ ]
+ set_status_tip $close_connection_button [mc "Terminate connection"]
+ pack $close_connection_button -side right -padx 5
+ grid $bottom_frame -row 7 -column 1 -sticky we -columnspan 3
+ }
+ ## Create bottom frame (hexadecimal editors)
+ # @parm Widget target_frame - Parent frame
+ # @return void
+ private method create_bottom_frame {target_frame} {
+ # Create headers ("Data to send", "Received data")
+ grid [label $target_frame.lbl_a \
+ -text [mc "Data to send"] \
+ -compound right \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::forward \
+ -padx 15 -font $bold_font \
+ ] -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 2
+ grid [label $target_frame.lbl_b \
+ -text [mc "Received data"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::forward \
+ -padx 15 -font $bold_font \
+ ] -row 0 -column 3 -columnspan 2
+ # Create hexadecimal editors
+ set send_hexeditor [HexEditor #auto \
+ $target_frame.send_hexeditor 8 32 2 \
+ hex 1 1 5 256 \
+ ]
+ [$send_hexeditor getLeftView] configure -exportselection 0
+ $send_hexeditor bindSelectionAction "$this hexeditor_selection s"
+ grid $target_frame.send_hexeditor -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2
+ set receive_hexeditor [HexEditor #auto \
+ $target_frame.receive_hexeditor 8 32 2 \
+ hex 1 1 5 256 \
+ ]
+ [$send_hexeditor getLeftView] configure -exportselection 0
+ $receive_hexeditor bindSelectionAction "$this hexeditor_selection r"
+ grid $target_frame.receive_hexeditor -row 1 -column 3 -columnspan 2
+ # Create buttons "Send selected" and "Clear selected" in send part
+ set send_selected_button [ttk::button \
+ $target_frame.send_selected_button \
+ -text [mc "Send selected"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::forward \
+ -command "$this send_selected" \
+ -compound left \
+ -state disabled \
+ ]
+ set clear_selected_snd_button [ttk::button \
+ $target_frame.clear_selected_snd_button \
+ -text [mc "Clear selected"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::eraser \
+ -command "$this clear_selected_snd" \
+ -compound left \
+ -state disabled \
+ ]
+ set_status_tip $send_selected_button [mc "Send selected data"]
+ set_status_tip $clear_selected_snd_button [mc "Remove selected data"]
+ grid $send_selected_button -row 2 -column 1 -sticky we
+ grid $clear_selected_snd_button -row 2 -column 2 -sticky we
+ # Create buttons "Receive here" and "Clear selected" in reception part
+ set receive_here_button [ttk::button \
+ $target_frame.receive_here_button \
+ -text [mc "Receive here"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::down0 \
+ -command "$this receive_here" \
+ -compound left \
+ ]
+ set clear_selected_rec_button [ttk::button \
+ $target_frame.clear_selected_rec_button \
+ -text [mc "Clear selected"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::eraser \
+ -command "$this clear_selected_rec" \
+ -compound left \
+ -state disabled \
+ ]
+ set_status_tip $receive_here_button [mc "Receive data on current cursor position"]
+ set_status_tip $clear_selected_rec_button [mc "Remove selected data"]
+ grid $receive_here_button -row 2 -column 3 -sticky we
+ grid $clear_selected_rec_button -row 2 -column 4 -sticky we
+ }
+ ## Accept new device file
+ # @return void
+ public method port_combobox_accept {} {
+ change_port_file [$port_combobox get]
+ }
+ ## Validate contetnts of port combo box
+ # @parm String content - String to validate
+ # @return Bool - Allways true
+ public method port_combobox_validate {content} {
+ # Empty string
+ if {![string length $content]} {
+ $port_combobox configure -style TCombobox
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Exiting file
+ if {[file exists $content]} {
+ if {$port_filename == $content} {
+ $port_combobox configure -style RS232Debugger_FileInUse.TCombobox
+ } {
+ $port_combobox configure -style RS232Debugger_FileFound.TCombobox
+ }
+ # Not exiting file
+ } else {
+ $port_combobox configure -style RS232Debugger_FileNotFound.TCombobox
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Refresh list of possible values on port combobox
+ # @return void
+ public method port_combobox_refresh {} {
+ if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# POSIX way
+ $port_combobox configure -values \
+ [lsort -decreasing \
+ [glob -directory {/dev} -nocomplain -type {c} -- {tty{S,USB}*}] \
+ ]
+ } else { ;# Microsoft Widnows way
+ set available_ms_windows_ports [list]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
+ if {[file exists "COM${i}"]} {
+ lappend available_ms_windows_ports "COM${i}"
+ }
+ }
+ $port_combobox configure -values $available_ms_windows_ports
+ }
+ }
+ ## Change current device file
+ # @parm String filename - Path to the new device file
+ # @return void
+ private method change_port_file {filename} {
+ # File name is the same at the one already in use -> abort
+ if {$port_filename == $filename} {
+ return
+ }
+ # Safely terminate current connection
+ set channel_prev $channel
+ safely_terminate_connection
+ if {$channel_prev != {}} {
+ catch {
+ close $channel_prev
+ }
+ }
+ ## Try to open the device file
+ if {[catch {
+ if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# POSIX way
+ set channel [open $filename {RDWR BINARY NONBLOCK}]
+ } { ;# MS Windows does not support NONBLOCK
+ set channel [open $filename {RDWR BINARY}]
+ }
+ # -> Fail
+ } reason]} then {
+ safely_terminate_connection
+ after idle "
+ set reason {$reason}
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -parent $win \
+ -type ok \
+ -icon error \
+ -title {[mc {Access Error}]} \
+ -message \"[mc {Unable to open the specified file}]\n\n\${reason}\""
+ # -> Success
+ } else {
+ # Try to configure opened channel acording to specified parameters
+ if {[catch {
+ fconfigure $channel \
+ -handshake none \
+ -buffersize 0 \
+ -mode $baud_conf,$parity_conf,$data_conf,$stop_conf
+ fileevent $channel readable "$this receive_data"
+ set pool_timer [after $POOL_INTERVAL "catch {$this pool_ttystatus}"]
+ set_tty_controls_state 1
+ # -> Fail
+ } reason]} then {
+ safely_terminate_connection
+ after idle "
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -parent $win \
+ -type ok \
+ -icon error \
+ -title {[mc {Access Error}]} \
+ -message \"[mc {Unable to use the specified file}]\""
+ # -> Success
+ } else {
+ $port_combobox configure -style RS232Debugger_FileInUse.TCombobox
+ set port_filename $filename
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Modify comlink attributes
+ # @parm Char what - Attribute ID
+ # @parm String value - Attribute value
+ # @return void
+ public method change_port_config {what value} {
+ switch -- $what {
+ {b} { ;# Baud rate
+ set baud_conf $value
+ }
+ {p} { ;# Parity bit
+ switch -- $value {
+ {none} {
+ set value {n}
+ }
+ {odd} {
+ set value {o}
+ }
+ {even} {
+ set value {e}
+ }
+ {mark} {
+ set value {m}
+ }
+ {space} {
+ set value {s}
+ }
+ }
+ set parity_conf $value
+ }
+ {d} { ;# Data bits
+ set data_conf $value
+ }
+ {s} { ;# Stop bits
+ set stop_conf $value
+ }
+ }
+ # Cancel if there is no channel opened
+ if {$channel == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ # Change channel configuration
+ if {[catch {
+ fconfigure $channel -mode $baud_conf,$parity_conf,$data_conf,$stop_conf
+ } reason]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -parent $win \
+ -type ok \
+ -icon error \
+ -title [mc "Uknown failure"] \
+ -message [mc "Unable to change port configuration"]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Handle selection event in hexeditor
+ # @parm Char editor - Editor ID
+ # @parm Bool anything_selected - 1 == anything selected; 0 == Nothing selected
+ # @return void
+ public method hexeditor_selection {editor anything_selected} {
+ if {$anything_selected} {
+ set state {normal}
+ } {
+ set state {disabled}
+ }
+ if {$editor == {s}} {
+ $send_selected_button configure -state $state
+ $clear_selected_snd_button configure -state $state
+ } {
+ $clear_selected_rec_button configure -state $state
+ }
+ }
+ ## Clear selected data in send hexeditor
+ # @return void
+ public method clear_selected_snd {} {
+ # Get range of text indexes determinating the selection
+ set rangeofselection [$send_hexeditor getRangeOfSelection]
+ if {$rangeofselection == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ # Determinate index of the start and end cell
+ set start_cell [lindex $rangeofselection 0]
+ set end_cell [lindex $rangeofselection 1]
+ # Clear all selected cell one by one
+ for {set i $start_cell} {$i <= $end_cell} {incr i} {
+ $send_hexeditor setValue $i {}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Send selected data over RS232 interface
+ # @return void
+ public method send_selected {} {
+ # Get range of text indexes determinating the selection
+ set rangeofselection [$send_hexeditor getRangeOfSelection]
+ if {$rangeofselection == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ # Abort if there was no channel opened
+ if {$channel == {}} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -parent $win \
+ -title [mc "IO Error"] \
+ -type ok -icon warning \
+ -message [mc "No port opened."]
+ return
+ }
+ # Generate binary data from the selected hexadecimal string
+ set data {}
+ set start_cell [lindex $rangeofselection 0]
+ set end_cell [lindex $rangeofselection 1]
+ foreach value [$send_hexeditor get_values $start_cell $end_cell] {
+ if {$value == {}} {
+ continue
+ }
+ append data [format %c $value]
+ }
+ # Send the generated binary data
+ if {[catch {
+ puts -nonewline $channel $data
+ flush $channel
+ } reason]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -parent $win \
+ -title [mc "IO Error"] \
+ -type ok -icon warning \
+ -message [mc "Unable to send the data\n\n%s" $reason]
+ }
+ }
+ ## Change reception adddress to address of the current cell
+ # @return void
+ public method receive_here {} {
+ set cell [$receive_hexeditor getCurrentCell]
+ set reception_address $cell
+ $receive_hexeditor clearBgHighlighting 0
+ $receive_hexeditor set_bg_hg $cell 1 0
+ }
+ ## Receive data from the channel
+ # This function is trigered automatically by fileevent facitily
+ # @return void
+ public method receive_data {} {
+ # Read binary data
+ set data [read $channel]
+ # Discard the data if reception is not enabled
+ if {!$reception_enabled} {
+ return
+ }
+ # Check if the data has non zero length
+ if {![string length $data]} {
+ unknown_port_io_error
+ return
+ }
+ # Load the data into hexadecimal editor
+ set len [string bytelength $data]
+ $receive_hexeditor clearBgHighlighting 1
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
+ if {$reception_address >= 256} {
+ receive_buffer_overflow_warning_dialog
+ break
+ }
+ scan [string index $data $i] %c byte
+ $receive_hexeditor setValue $reception_address $byte
+ incr reception_address
+ }
+ $receive_hexeditor set_bg_hg [expr {$reception_address - 1}] 1 1
+ $receive_hexeditor seeCell [expr {$reception_address - 1}]
+ }
+ ## Diaply dialog "Not enough space in the receive buffer !"
+ # @return void
+ private method receive_buffer_overflow_warning_dialog {} {
+ if {[winfo exists .data_lost_dialog]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set dialog [toplevel .data_lost_dialog -class [mc "Error message"] -bg {#EEEEEE}]
+ pack [label $dialog.label \
+ -font $bold_font -compound left -padx 5 \
+ -text [mc "Not enough space in the receive buffer !"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::22::stop \
+ ] -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
+ pack [frame $dialog.frm] -pady 5
+ pack [ttk::button $dialog.frm.ok_button \
+ -text [mc "Ok"] \
+ -command "
+ grab release $dialog
+ destroy $dialog
+ " \
+ ] -side left
+ pack [ttk::separator $dialog.sep -orient horizontal] -fill x -pady 10
+ pack [checkbutton $dialog.enable_reception_chb \
+ -text [mc "Keep reception enabled"] -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
+ -command "$this reception_ena_dis" \
+ -variable "::RS232Debugger::enable_reception${obj_idx}" \
+ ] -anchor w
+ # Set window attributes
+ wm iconphoto $dialog ::ICONS::16::status_unknown
+ wm title $dialog [mc "Data lost"]
+ wm resizable $dialog 0 0
+ wm transient $dialog $win
+ catch {grab $dialog}
+ wm protocol $dialog WM_DELETE_WINDOW "
+ grab release $dialog
+ destroy $dialog
+ "
+ raise $dialog
+ focus -force $dialog.frm.ok_button
+ tkwait window $dialog
+ }
+ ## Clear selected data in receive hexeditor
+ # @return void
+ public method clear_selected_rec {} {
+ set rangeofselection [$receive_hexeditor getRangeOfSelection]
+ if {$rangeofselection == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set start_cell [lindex $rangeofselection 0]
+ set end_cell [lindex $rangeofselection 1]
+ for {set i $start_cell} {$i <= $end_cell} {incr i} {
+ $receive_hexeditor setValue $i {}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Enable/Disable reception
+ # @return void
+ public method reception_ena_dis {} {
+ set reception_enabled [subst "\$::RS232Debugger::enable_reception${obj_idx}"]
+ }
+ ## Read TTY status from the interface and update GUI accordingly
+ # @return void
+ public method pool_ttystatus {} {
+ # Setup the pool timer
+ set pool_timer [after $POOL_INTERVAL "catch {$this pool_ttystatus}"]
+ # Read TTY status
+ if {[catch {
+ set ttystatus [fconfigure $channel -ttystatus]
+ }]} {
+ unknown_port_io_error
+ return
+ }
+ # Check whether any change occured
+ if {$prev_tty_status(0) == $ttystatus} {
+ return
+ } {
+ set prev_tty_status(0) $ttystatus
+ }
+ # Transform values read to these four variables:
+ set cts {}
+ set dsr {}
+ set ri {}
+ set dcd {}
+ set ts_len [llength $ttystatus]
+ for {set i 0; set j 1} {$i < $ts_len} {incr i 2; incr j 2} {
+ set key [lindex $ttystatus $i]
+ set val [lindex $ttystatus $j]
+ switch -- $key {
+ {CTS} {set cts $val}
+ {DSR} {set dsr $val}
+ {RING} {set ri $val}
+ {DCD} {set dcd $val}
+ }
+ }
+ # Update GUI accordingly
+ show_new_ttystatus $cts $dsr $ri $dcd
+ }
+ ## Show new TTY status in the GUI
+ # @parm Bool cts - CTS line state
+ # @parm Bool dsr - DSR line state
+ # @parm Bool ri - RI line state
+ # @parm Bool dcd - DCD line state
+ # @return void
+ private method show_new_ttystatus args {
+ foreach signal {cts dsr ri dcd} value $args {
+ if {$prev_tty_status($signal) == $value} {
+ continue
+ } {
+ set prev_tty_status($signal) $value
+ }
+ switch -- $value {
+ 0 {
+ set color {#FF0000}
+ set image ledred
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set color {#00FF00}
+ set image ledgreen
+ }
+ default {
+ set color {#888888}
+ set image ledgray
+ }
+ }
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${signal}_wire -fill $color
+ $leds($signal) configure -image ::ICONS::16::$image
+ }
+ }
+ ## Report an unknown IO error occured on the interface
+ # Plus disable reception and safely terminate connection
+ # @return void
+ private method unknown_port_io_error {} {
+ # Disable reception
+ set reception_enabled 0
+ set ::RS232Debugger::enable_reception${obj_idx} 0
+ # Safely terminate connection
+ safely_terminate_connection
+ $port_combobox configure -style RS232Debugger_FileFound.TCombobox
+ # Display the error message
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -parent $win \
+ -title [mc "IO Error"] \
+ -type ok -icon warning \
+ -message [mc "There is something wrong with the port. Closing connection and disabling reception on this channel !"]
+ update
+ }
+ ## Safely terminate connection to the HW interface
+ # @return void
+ public method safely_terminate_connection {} {
+ catch {fileevent $channel readable {}}
+ catch {
+ after cancel $pool_timer
+ }
+ set prev_tty_status(0) {}
+ set channel {}
+ set port_filename {}
+ show_new_ttystatus {} {} {} {}
+ set_tty_controls_state 0
+ $port_combobox configure -style RS232Debugger_FileFound.TCombobox
+ }
+ ## Enable or disable TTY controls
+ # @parm Bool enabled - 1 == Enable; 0 == Disable
+ # @return void
+ private method set_tty_controls_state {enabled} {
+ if {$enabled} {
+ set state {normal}
+ set state2 {readonly}
+ set_tty_controls_to_defaults
+ } {
+ set state {disabled}
+ set state2 {disabled}
+ set_tty_controls_to_unknown_state
+ }
+ $dtr_button configure -state $state
+ $rts_button configure -state $state
+ $break_button configure -state $state
+ $enable_reception_chb configure -state $state
+ $close_connection_button configure -state $state
+ $baud_cb configure -state $state2
+ $parity_cb configure -state $state2
+ $data_cb configure -state $state2
+ $stop_cb configure -state $state2
+ }
+ ## Set tty controls to defaults
+ # @return void
+ private method set_tty_controls_to_defaults {} {
+ set_new_tty_status dtr 0
+ set_new_tty_status rts 0
+ set_new_tty_status break 0
+ }
+ ## Set tty controls to unknown state
+ # @return void
+ private method set_tty_controls_to_unknown_state {} {
+ set_new_tty_status dtr {}
+ set_new_tty_status rts {}
+ set_new_tty_status break {}
+ }
+ ## Invert tty status bit
+ # @parm String wire - Bit/Wire ID
+ # @return void
+ public method invert_tty_status_bit {wire} {
+ if {$prev_tty_status($wire) == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set_new_tty_status $wire [expr {!$prev_tty_status($wire)}]
+ }
+ ## Change color of the specified color
+ # @parm String wire - Wire ID
+ # @parm String value - New value (e.g. 0 or {})
+ # @return void
+ private method set_new_tty_status {wire value} {
+ set prev_tty_status($wire) $value
+ switch -- $value {
+ 0 { ;# Loical 0
+ if {$wire == {break}} {
+ [subst "\${${wire}_button}"] configure -text {Break} \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalTxDFalse.TButton
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure txd_wire -fill {#0000FF}
+ } {
+ [subst "\${${wire}_button}"] configure -text {1} \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalNormalFalse.TButton
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_wire -fill {#FF0000}
+ }
+ }
+ 1 { ;# Logical 1
+ if {$wire == {break}} {
+ [subst "\${${wire}_button}"] configure -text {BREAK} \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalTxDTrue.TButton
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure txd_wire -fill {#00FF00}
+ } {
+ [subst "\${${wire}_button}"] configure -text {0} \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalNormalTrue.TButton
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_wire -fill {#00FF00}
+ }
+ }
+ default { ;# Unknown state
+ if {$wire == {break}} {
+ [subst "\${${wire}_button}"] configure -text {Break} \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalAllDefault.TButton
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure txd_wire -fill {#0000FF}
+ } {
+ [subst "\${${wire}_button}"] configure -text {-} \
+ -style RS232Debugger_SignalAllDefault.TButton
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_wire -fill {#888888}
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ fconfigure $channel -ttycontrol [list $wire $value]
+ }]} {
+ unknown_port_io_error
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ ## Handle "<Enter>" event on wire
+ # @parm String wire - Wire ID
+ # @return void
+ public method wire_enter {wire} {
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_wire -width 2
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_pin -fill {#000000}
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_num -font $tiny_font_bold
+ set text {}
+ switch -- $wire {
+ {gnd} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: GND -- Common ground"]}
+ {dcd} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: DCD -- Carrier Detect"]}
+ {dsr} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: DSR -- Data Set Ready"]}
+ {cts} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: CTS -- Clear To Send"]}
+ {ri} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: RI -- Ring Indicator"]}
+ {dtr} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: DTR -- Data Terminal Ready"]}
+ {rts} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: RTS -- Request To Send"]}
+ {txd} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: TxD -- Transmitted Data"]}
+ {rxd} {set text [mc "RS232 pin: RxD -- Received Data"]}
+ }
+ $status_bar_label configure -text $text
+ }
+ ## Handle "<Leave>" event on wire
+ # @parm String wire - Wire ID
+ # @return void
+ public method wire_leave {wire} {
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_wire -width 1
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_pin -fill {#EEEEEE}
+ $connector_canvas itemconfigure ${wire}_num -font $tiny_font
+ $status_bar_label configure -text {}
+ }