#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://http://www.moravia-microsystems.com/mcu8051ide ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # Copyright (C) 2014 by Moravia Microsystems, s.r.o. # # martin.osmera@moravia-microsystems.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # >>> File inclusion guard if { ! [ info exists _CVARSVIEW_TCL ] } { set _CVARSVIEW_TCL _ # <<< File inclusion guard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Provides GUI interface designed for the bottom panel to show and # manipulate contents of variables in a running C program on simulated 8051 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CVarsView { ## COMMON # Normal font fot the text widget public common text_wdg_font_n [font create \ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight normal \ -slant roman \ ] # Bold font for the text widget public common text_wdg_font_b [font create \ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight bold \ -slant roman \ ] # Italic font for the text widget public common text_wdg_font_i [font create \ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight normal \ -slant italic \ ] # Background color for selected lines public common color_selected_line {#CCCCFF} private variable main_frame ;# Widget: Main frame # Variables related to object initialization private variable parent ;# Widget: parent widget private variable cvv_gui_initialized 0 ;# Bool: GUI initialized private variable panedwindow ;# Widget: Paned window for local and global variables # Int: Last paned window sash position private variable panel_sash_position [lindex $::CONFIG(C_VARS_VIEW_CONF) 0] private variable local_variables_nlist {} ;# List of Strings: Names of all local variables private variable local_variables {} ;# List of Lists: Detail definition of all local variables private variable local_addresses {} ;# List of Lists: Addresses of all local variables private variable local_addresses_list {} ;# List of Lists: {scope name level block} private variable global_variables_nlist {} ;# List of Strings: Names of all global variables private variable global_variables {} ;# List of Lists: Detail definition of all global variables private variable global_addresses {} ;# List of Lists: Addresses of all global variables private variable global_addresses_list {} ;# List of Lists: {scope name level block} private variable global_displayed {} ;# List of Integers: Indexes of displayed variables private variable help_window_frame {} ;# Widget: Main frame for the help window private variable text_widget_local ;# Widget: Text widget for local variables private variable text_widget_global ;# Widget: Text widget for global variables private variable current_level {} ;# Int: Current code level (determinated by simulator) private variable current_block {} ;# Int: Current code level (determinated by simulator) private variable validation_ena 1 ;# Bool: Entries validation and synchronization enabled private variable search_entry_Local ;# Widget: Search entry for local variables private variable search_clear_Local ;# Widget: Clear button for search entry box for local variables private variable search_entry_Global ;# Widget: Search entry for global variables private variable search_clear_Global ;# Widget: Clear button for search entry box for global variables private variable search_val_in_progress 0 ;# Bool: Search is in progress private variable selected_line_global 0 ;# Int: Number of currently selected line in global variables (0 == nothig selected) private variable selected_line_local 0 ;# Int: Number of currently selected line in local variables (0 == nothig selected) constructor {} { } destructor { } ## Prepare object for creating its GUI # @parm Widget _parent - GUI parent widget # @return void public method PrepareCVarsView {_parent} { set parent $_parent set cvv_gui_initialized 0 } ## Inform this tab than it has became active # @return void public method CVarsViewTabRaised {} { } ## Create GUI of this tab # @return void public method CreateCVarsViewGUI {} { if {$cvv_gui_initialized} {return} set cvv_gui_initialized 1 if {${::DEBUG}} { puts "CreateCVarsViewGUI \[ENTER\]" } ## Create GUI of main frame set main_frame [frame $parent.main_frame] set panedwindow [panedwindow $main_frame.pw \ -sashwidth 5 -showhandle 0 \ -opaqueresize 1 -orient horizontal \ ] # Create part containing local variables set pane [create_list_of_variables Local] # $panedwindow add $pane # $panedwindow paneconfigure $pane -minsize 200 # Create part containing global variables set pane [create_list_of_variables Global] $panedwindow add $pane $panedwindow paneconfigure $pane -minsize 200 # Pack main GUI parts of the panel pack $panedwindow -fill both -expand 1 pack $main_frame -fill both -expand 1 # Restore sash position cvarsview_redraw_pane # Load CDB file if simulator is engaged and C language is used if {[$this cget -programming_language] && [$this is_frozen]} { set filename [$this simulator_get_cdb_filename] if {[catch { set file [open $filename r] }]} then { tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -icon warning \ -type ok \ -title [mc "Permission denied"] \ -message [mc "Unable to read file\n'%s'"] $filename } else { cvarsview_load_cdb $file close $file } } } ## Restore paned window sash position # @return void public method cvarsview_redraw_pane {} { if {!$cvv_gui_initialized} {return} # update idletasks # $panedwindow sash place 0 $panel_sash_position 0 } ## Get panel configuration list # @return List - Panel config public method cvarsview_get_config {} { if {$cvv_gui_initialized} { # set panel_sash_position [lindex [$panedwindow sash coord 0] 0] } return [list $panel_sash_position] } ## Search for certain variable by its name # @parm String type - Basic variable type specification ("Global" or "Local") # @parm String string - Variable name # @return Bool - allways 1 public method cvarsview_search {type string} { # Lock this function if {$search_val_in_progress} {return 0} set search_val_in_progress 1 # Empty string given if {![string length $string]} { [subst -nocommands "\$search_entry_$type"] configure -style TEntry [subst -nocommands "\$search_clear_$type"] configure -state disabled set search_val_in_progress 0 return 1 } [subst -nocommands "\$search_clear_$type"] configure -state normal ## Perform search set idx 0 set found 0 # Global variable if {$type == {Global}} { foreach name $global_variables_nlist { if {![string first $string $name] && [lsearch $global_displayed $idx] != -1} { set found 1 break } incr idx } # Local variable } else { } # Variable found if {$found} { cvarsview_select_line $type [expr {[lsearch $global_displayed $idx] + 1}] 1 [subst -nocommands "\$search_entry_$type"] configure -style StringFound.TEntry # Variable not found } else { [subst -nocommands "\$search_entry_$type"] configure -style StringNotFound.TEntry } # Unlock this function set search_val_in_progress 0 return 1 } ## Select line in the text widget # @parm String type - Basic variable type specification ("Global" or "Local") # @parm Int line_number - Number of line to select (1 .. infinity) # @parm Bool nofocus - Do not focus the entrybox # @return void public method cvarsview_select_line {type line_number nofocus} { cvarsview_unselect_line $type # Line with a global variable if {$type == {Global}} { set max [llength $global_displayed] if {$line_number > $max} { return } set selected_line_global $line_number $text_widget_global tag add tag_current_line $line_number.0 $line_number.0+1l $text_widget_global see $line_number.0 incr line_number -1 set eid [lindex $global_displayed $line_number] $text_widget_global.e_$eid configure \ -bg $color_selected_line \ -disabledbackground $color_selected_line if {!$nofocus} { focus $text_widget_global.e_$eid } # Line with a local variable } else { } } ## Unselect line in the text widget # @parm String type - Basic variable type specification ("Global" or "Local") # @return void public method cvarsview_unselect_line {type} { # View with a global variable if {$type == {Global}} { if {$selected_line_global != 0} { incr selected_line_global -1 $text_widget_global.e_[lindex $global_displayed $selected_line_global] configure \ -bg white -disabledbackground white } $text_widget_global tag remove tag_current_line 0.0 end set selected_line_global 0 # View with a local variable } else { } } ## Select line above the current one # @parm Bool isglobal - Global scope # @parm Int lines - Distance # @return void public method cvarsview_selection_up {isglobal lines} { if {$isglobal} { if {$selected_line_global == 0} { return } set max [llength $global_displayed] set target_line $selected_line_global incr target_line -$lines while {$target_line < 1} { incr target_line $max } cvarsview_select_line Global $target_line 0 } } ## Select line below the current one # @parm Bool isglobal - Global scope # @parm Int lines - Distance # @return void public method cvarsview_selection_down {isglobal lines} { if {$isglobal} { if {$selected_line_global == 0} { return } set max [llength $global_displayed] set target_line $selected_line_global incr target_line $lines while {$target_line > $max} { incr target_line -$max } cvarsview_select_line Global $target_line 0 } } ## Open the helpwindow for certain variable # @parm Int id - Variable ID # @parm Bool isglobal - Related to global scope variable # @return void public method cvarsview_create_help_window {id isglobal} { # set help_window_frame [frame .cvarsview_help_window -bg {#BBBBFF}] # # if {$isglobal} { # set variable_def [lindex $global_variables $id] # pack [label $help_window_frame.header \ # -text [lindex $variable_def 1] \ # -bg {#BBBBFF} \ # ] -anchor w # # set var_det_frame [frame $help_window_frame.details_frame -bg {#FFFFFF}] # pack $var_det_frame -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 # # grid [label $var_det_frame.value_lbl \ # -text "Value:" \ # ] -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 3 -sticky w # # } # # # lappend global_variables [list \ # # $scope $name \ # # [lindex $type_record 0] [lindex $type_record end] \ # # [lrange $type_record 1 end-1] $address_space \ # # $onstack $stack \ # # $registers 0 \ # # 0 \ # # ] } ## Move with the help window # @parm Bool isglobal - Related to global scope variable # @parm Int X - Absolute X position # @parm Int Y - Absolute Y position # @return void public method cvarsview_help_window_move {isglobal X Y} { if {[winfo exists $help_window_frame]} { incr X 10 incr Y 10 place $help_window_frame -x $X -y $Y -anchor sw raise $help_window_frame } } ## Hide the help window # @parm Bool isglobal - Related to global scope variable # @return void public method cvarsview_help_window_hide {isglobal} { if {[winfo exists $help_window_frame]} { destroy $help_window_frame } } ## Create panel with list of global or local variables # @parm String type - Basic variable type specification ("Global" or "Local") # @return void private method create_list_of_variables {type} { set local_frame [frame $main_frame.var_${type}_frame] # Create the top frame set top_frame [frame $local_frame.top_frame] pack [label $top_frame.header \ -text [mc "$type static scalar variables"] \ -anchor w -justify left \ ] -side left # Create search frame set search_frame [frame $top_frame.search_frame] pack [label $search_frame.search_lbl \ -text [mc "Search:"] \ ] -side left set search_entry_$type [ttk::entry $search_frame.search_ent \ -validate all \ -validatecommand "$this cvarsview_search $type %P" \ ] pack $search_frame.search_ent -side left set search_clear_$type [ttk::button $search_frame.search_clr_but\ -image ::ICONS::16::clear_left \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command "$search_frame.search_ent delete 0 end" \ -state disabled \ ] pack $search_frame.search_clr_but -side left # Pack top frame pack $search_frame -side right pack $top_frame -fill x -anchor nw # Create the text widget set text_frame [frame $local_frame.text_frame] set text_frame_main [frame $text_frame.main_frame -bd 1 -relief sunken] if {$type == {Local}} { set text [mc "Value Level Data type Variable name"] } else { set text [mc "Value Data type Variable name"] } pack [label $text_frame_main.header \ -font $text_wdg_font_b -justify left \ -text $text \ -bd 0 -relief flat -bg white -anchor w \ ] -fill x -anchor w -padx 0 -pady 0 pack [ttk::separator $text_frame_main.sep \ -orient horizontal \ ] -fill x set text_widget [text $text_frame_main.text \ -bg white -exportselection 0 -bd 0 \ -width 0 -height 0 -relief flat \ -font $text_wdg_font_n \ -yscrollcommand "$text_frame.scrollbar set" \ -state disabled \ -cursor left_ptr \ ] bind $text_widget <> "false_selection $text_widget; break" bind $text_widget "$this cvarsview_select_line $type \[expr {int(\[%W index @%x,%y\])}\] 0" bind $text_widget {break} bind $text_widget {break} pack $text_widget -fill both -expand 1 pack $text_frame_main -fill both -expand 1 -side left pack [ttk::scrollbar $text_frame.scrollbar \ -command "$text_widget yview" \ -orient vertical \ ] -fill y -side right -after $text_frame_main pack $text_frame -fill both -expand 1 if {$type == {Local}} { set text_widget_local $text_widget } else { set text_widget_global $text_widget } # Create text tags $text_widget tag configure tag_current_line -background $color_selected_line $text_widget tag configure tag_variable -font $text_wdg_font_b $text_widget tag configure tag_datatype -font $text_wdg_font_i return $local_frame } ## Load CDB file (debugging file generated by SDCC) # @parm File cdb_file - Opened CDB file # @return Bool - True in success public method cvarsview_load_cdb {cdb_file} { if {!$cvv_gui_initialized} {CreateCVarsViewGUI} set result 1 set local_variables_nlist {} set local_variables_list {} set local_variables {} set local_addresses {} set local_addresses_list {} set global_variables_nlist {} set global_variables {} set global_addresses {} set global_addresses_list {} # Parse linker and symbol records while {![eof $cdb_file]} { set line [gets $cdb_file] set subtype [string index $line 2] switch -- [string index $line 0] { {S} { ;# Symbol record if {$subtype != {G} && $subtype != {L} && $subtype != {F}} { continue } if {![symbol_record $subtype [string range $line 3 end]]} { set result 0 } } {L} { ;# Linker record if {$subtype != {G} && $subtype != {L} && $subtype != {F}} { continue } if {![link_address_of_symbol $subtype [string range $line 3 end]]} { set result 0 } } default { continue } } } # Initialize list of displayed global variables set global_displayed {} # Clear search entries $search_entry_Global delete 0 end # Adjust lists of addresses evaluate_lists_of_addresses # Clear the viewers cvarsview_clear_view local cvarsview_clear_view global # Load gained informations into the viewers cvarsview_load_global_variables return $result } ## Adjust lists of addresses # @see cvarsview_load_cdb # Translate each start address to list of address of all registers occupied by the variable # @return void private method evaluate_lists_of_addresses {} { # Process global vaiables set global_addresses_new {} set global_variables_new {} set global_variables_nlist_new {} foreach start_address $global_addresses name $global_addresses_list { set name [lindex $name 1] set idx [lsearch $global_variables_nlist $name] set addresses {} set lenght 0 if {$idx == -1} { puts stderr "CVarsView::evaluate_lists_of_addresses :: Unknown error 0" continue } set glob_var_def [lindex $global_variables $idx] set length [lindex $glob_var_def 2] for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} { lappend addresses $start_address incr start_address } lappend global_addresses_new $addresses lappend global_variables_new $glob_var_def lappend global_variables_nlist_new $name } set global_addresses $global_addresses_new set global_variables $global_variables_new set global_variables_nlist $global_variables_nlist_new # Process local vaiables } ## Handle symbol record # @see cvarsview_load_cdb # @parm Char subtype - Variable scope ('G' == Global; 'L' == Local; 'F' == File) # @parm String record - Record data # @return Bool - True on success private method symbol_record {subtype record} { set scope {} set name {} set level {} set block {} set type_record {} set address_space {} set onstack {} set stack {} set registers {} if {$subtype == {F}} { set subtype {G} } set dolar_idx [string first {$} $record] if {$dolar_idx == -1} {return 0} set scope [string range $record 0 [expr {$dolar_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $dolar_idx] set dolar_idx [string first {$} $record] if {$dolar_idx == -1} {return 0} set name [string range $record 0 [expr {$dolar_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $dolar_idx] set dolar_idx [string first {$} $record] if {$dolar_idx == -1} {return 0} set level [string range $record 0 [expr {$dolar_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $dolar_idx] set bracket_idx [string first {(} $record] if {$bracket_idx == -1} {return 0} set block [string range $record 0 [expr {$bracket_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $bracket_idx] set bracket_idx [string first {)} $record] if {$bracket_idx == -1} {return 0} set type_record [string range $record 1 [expr {$bracket_idx - 1}]] set type_record [split $type_record {\{\},:}] set record [string replace $record 0 [expr {$bracket_idx + 1}]] set comma_idx [string first {,} $record] if {$comma_idx == -1} {return 0} set address_space [string range $record 0 [expr {$comma_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $comma_idx] set comma_idx [string first {,} $record] if {$comma_idx == -1} {return 0} set onstack [string range $record 0 [expr {$comma_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $comma_idx] set comma_idx [string first {,} $record] if {$comma_idx == -1} { set comma_idx [string length $record] } set stack [string range $record 0 [expr {$comma_idx - 1}]] if {$record != {}} { set record [string replace $record 0 $comma_idx] set registers [split [string range $record 1 end-1] {,}] } if {$subtype == {G}} { lappend global_variables_nlist $name lappend global_variables [list \ $scope $name \ [lindex $type_record 0] [lindex $type_record end] \ [lrange $type_record 1 end-1] $address_space \ $onstack $stack \ $registers 0 \ 0 \ ] } else { lappend local_variables_nlist $name lappend local_variables_list [list $level $block] lappend local_variables [list \ $scope $name \ [lindex $type_record 0] [lindex $type_record end] \ [lrange $type_record 1 end-1] $address_space \ $onstack $stack \ $registers $level \ $block \ ] } return 1 } ## Handle linker record # @see cvarsview_load_cdb # @parm Char subtype - Variable scope ('G' == Global; 'L' == Local; 'F' == File) # @parm String record - Record data # @return Bool - True on success private method link_address_of_symbol {subtype record} { set scope {} set name {} set level {} set block {} set address {} if {$subtype == {F}} { set subtype {G} } set dolar_idx [string first {$} $record] if {$dolar_idx == -1} {return 0} set scope [string range $record 0 [expr {$dolar_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $dolar_idx] set dolar_idx [string first {$} $record] if {$dolar_idx == -1} {return 0} set name [string range $record 0 [expr {$dolar_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $dolar_idx] set dolar_idx [string first {$} $record] if {$dolar_idx == -1} {return 0} set level [string range $record 0 [expr {$dolar_idx - 1}]] set record [string replace $record 0 $dolar_idx] set colon_idx [string first {:} $record] if {$colon_idx == -1} {return 0} set block [string range $record 0 [expr {$colon_idx - 1}]] set address [string replace $record 0 $colon_idx] if {$subtype == {G}} { set addresses_lst {global_addresses} set addresses_list_lst {global_addresses_list} } else { set addresses_lst {local_addresses} set addresses_list_lst {local_addresses_list} } lappend $addresses_lst [expr "0x$address"] lappend $addresses_list_lst [list $scope $name $level $block] return 1 } ## Clear the specified viewer # @parm String type - "Local" or "Global" # @return void public method cvarsview_clear_view {type} { if {!$cvv_gui_initialized} {CreateCVarsViewGUI} if {$type == {local}} { set text_widget $text_widget_local set current_level {} set current_block {} } else { set text_widget $text_widget_global } $text_widget configure -state normal $text_widget delete 1.0 end $text_widget configure -state disabled } ## Create variable record in the viewer # @parm Int id - Variable ID (an unique number) # @parm String name - Variable name # @parm Int level - Block level # @parm Bool isglobal - Is variable in global sope # @parm Int isvector - Is variable a vector # @parm Int start_address - Variable start address # @parm Int end_address - Variable end address # @parm Char memory_type - Type of memory where is the variable stored (see SDCC manual for more) # @parm Bool signed - Is variable signed (has meaning only for integers) # @parm String datatype - List describing data type (e.g. {SI DA2} is an array of two integers) # @return void private method create_variable_record {id name level isglobal isvector start_address end_address memory_type signed datatype} { set data_type {} set dt_func {} set pointer { } if {$isglobal} { set text_widget $text_widget_global } else { set text_widget $text_widget_local } if {$start_address == {}} { puts "Error: start_address is empty: create_variable_record [list is=$id name=$name level=$level isglobal=$isglobal isvector=$isvector start_address=$start_address end_address=$end_address memory_type=$memory_type signed=$signed datatype=$datatype]" return } foreach dt $datatype { switch -glob -- $dt { {DA*} { ;# Array of elements set argument [string replace $dt 0 1] return } {ST*} { ;# Structure of name set argument [string replace $dt 0 1] return } {SB*} { ;# Bit field of bits set argument [string replace $dt 0 1] return } {SX} { ;# Sbit set data_type {sbit} } {DG} { ;# Generic pointer set pointer {*} } {DC} { ;# Code pointer set pointer {*} } {DX} { ;# External ram pointer set pointer {*} } {DD} { ;# Internal ram pointer set pointer {*} } {DP} { ;# Paged pointer set pointer {*} } {DI} { ;# Upper 128 byte pointer set pointer {*} } {DF} { ;# Function set dt_func {>> } } {SL} { ;# Long integer if {$signed == {U}} { set data_type {ulong} } else { set data_type {long} } } {SI} { ;# Integer if {$signed == {U}} { set data_type {uint} } else { set data_type {int} } } {SC} { ;# Char if {$signed == {U}} { set data_type {uchar} } else { set data_type {char} } } {SS} { ;# Short integer if {$signed == {U}} { set data_type {ushort} } else { set data_type {short} } } {SV} { ;# Void set data_type {void} } {SF} { ;# Float set data_type {float} } } } if {!$isglobal} { set level_str [string repeat { } [expr {7 - [string length $level]}]] append level_str $level { } $text_widget insert insert $level_str } $text_widget configure -state normal set entry [create_embedded_entry $text_widget $id $isglobal $start_address] if {$data_type == {float}} { $entry configure -state readonly } $text_widget window create insert -window $entry -pady 0 set data_type "${dt_func}${data_type}${pointer}" set data_type "[string repeat { } [expr {12 - [string length $data_type]}]]$data_type" set tag_indexes {} lappend tag_indexes [$text_widget index insert] $text_widget insert insert $data_type lappend tag_indexes [$text_widget index insert] $text_widget insert insert { } lappend tag_indexes [$text_widget index insert] $text_widget insert insert $name lappend tag_indexes [$text_widget index insert] $text_widget insert insert "\n" $text_widget tag add tag_datatype [lindex $tag_indexes 0] [lindex $tag_indexes 1] $text_widget tag add tag_variable [lindex $tag_indexes 2] [lindex $tag_indexes 3] $text_widget configure -state disabled } ## Create embeddable entry box for representing variable value # @parm Widget target_widget - Target text widget # @parm Int id - Variable ID (an unique number) # @parm Bool isglobal - Is variable in global scope # @parm Int start_address - Variable start address # @return Widget - Created entry box private method create_embedded_entry {target_widget id isglobal start_address} { lappend global_displayed $id # Create entry widget set entry [entry $target_widget.e_$id \ -width 11 -font $text_wdg_font_b \ -bg {#FFFFFF} -validate key \ -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -bd 0 -justify right \ -disabledbackground {#FFFFFF} \ -fg ${::Simulator::normal_color} \ -validatecommand [list $this cvarsview_validate $id $isglobal $start_address %P] \ ] $entry insert insert 0 if {$isglobal} { set type {Global} } else { set type {Local} } # Set event bindings bind $entry "$this cvarsview_select_line $type [expr {$id + 1}] 1" bind $entry "$this cvarsview_selection_up $isglobal 1" bind $entry "$this cvarsview_selection_down $isglobal 1" bind $entry "$this cvarsview_selection_down $isglobal 4" bind $entry "$this cvarsview_selection_up $isglobal 4" bind $entry "$this cvarsview_help_window_move $isglobal %X %Y" bind $entry "$this cvarsview_help_window_hide $isglobal" bind $entry "$this cvarsview_create_help_window $id $isglobal" bind $entry "%W configure -fg ${::Simulator::normal_color}" bind $entry "$target_widget yview scroll -5 units" bind $entry "$target_widget yview scroll +5 units" # Return entry reference return $entry } ## Load definded global variables into the viewer # @return void public method cvarsview_load_global_variables {} { set id 0 foreach variable_def $global_variables { set isvector 0 set idx [lsearch $global_addresses_list [list \ [lindex $variable_def 0] [lindex $variable_def 1] \ [lindex $variable_def 9] [lindex $variable_def 10] \ ] \ ] if {$idx == -1} { continue } set start_address [lindex $global_addresses [list $idx 0]] set end_address [lindex $global_addresses [list $idx end]] create_variable_record \ $id [lindex $variable_def 1] {} 1 \ $isvector $start_address $end_address \ [lindex $variable_def 5] \ [lindex $variable_def 3] \ [lindex $variable_def 4] incr id } } ## Load definded global variables into the viewer # TODO: This function is not implemented yet # @return void # @parm Int level - Variable level # @parm Int block - Program block # @return void public method cvarsview_load_local_variables {level block} { return if {$current_level == $level && $current_block == $block} { return } set current_level $level set current_block $block set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact $local_variables_list [list $level $block]] if {$idx == -1} { return 0 } set variable_def [lindex $local_variables $idx] return 1 } ## Validator for entryboxes representing variable values # @parm Int id - Variable ID (an unique number) # @parm Bool isglobal - Variable is in the global scope # @parm Int address - Vaiable start address # @parm String string - String to validate # @return Bool - Validation result public method cvarsview_validate {id isglobal address string} { set value $string set negative 0 set min_value 0 set max_value 0 if {!$validation_ena} {return 1} set validation_ena 0 if {$isglobal} { set definition [lindex $global_variables $id] } else { set validation_ena 1 return 0 ;# <-- DEBUG } if {$address == {}} { error "Unknown address" } set datatype [lindex $definition 4] set mem_type [lindex $definition 5] set len [lindex $definition 2] set signed [lindex $definition 3] if {$signed == {S}} { set signed 1 } else { set signed 0 } # Check for valid characters if {$signed} { if {[string index $string 0] == {-}} { set negative 1 set value [string replace $string 0 0] } } if {$value == {}} { set validation_ena 1 return 1 } if {![string is digit -strict $value]} { set validation_ena 1 return 0 } # Determinate valid value range if {$mem_type == {J} || $mem_type == {H}} { set max_value 1 } else { set max_value [expr {int(pow(2, $len*8))}] if {$signed} { set min_value [expr {$max_value / 2}] set max_value [expr {$max_value / 2 - 1}] } else { incr max_value -1 } } # Check for valid range if {$negative} { if {$value > $min_value} { set validation_ena 1 return 0 } } else { if {$value > $max_value} { set validation_ena 1 return 0 } } ## Convert to list of decimal values # Bit value if {$mem_type == {J} || $mem_type == {H}} { set value_list $value # Other values } else { set value_list [list] set value [format %X $string] set value [string range $value end-[expr {$len * 2}] end] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set val [string range $value end-1 end] set value [string replace $value end-1 end] if {$val == {}} { lappend value_list 0 } else { lappend value_list [expr "0x$val"] } } } set command {} switch -- $mem_type { {A} { ;# External stack } {B} { ;# Internal stack } {C} { ;# Code set validation_ena 1 return 0 } {D} { ;# Code / static segment set validation_ena 1 return 0 } {E} { ;# Internal ram (lower 128) bytes set command {setDataDEC} set mem_type_for_SE D set synccmd {Simulator_sync_reg} } {F} { ;# External ram set command {setXdataDEC} set mem_type_for_SE X set synccmd {Simulator_XDATA_sync} } {G} { ;# Internal ram set command {setDataDEC} set mem_type_for_SE I set synccmd {Simulator_sync_reg} } {H} { ;# Bit addressable set mem_type_for_SE B if {[$this simulator_address_range $mem_type_for_SE $address]} { $this setBit $address $value $this Simulator_sync_reg [$this getRegOfBit $address] } set validation_ena 1 return 1 } {I} { ;# SFR space set mem_type_for_SE S set command {setSfr_directly} set synccmd {Simulator_sync_sfr} } {J} { ;# SBIT space set mem_type_for_SE J if {[$this simulator_address_range $mem_type_for_SE $address]} { $this setBit $address $value $this Simulator_sync_sfr [$this getRegOfBit $address] } set validation_ena 1 return 1 } {R} { ;# Register space } {Z} { ;# Used for function records, or any undefined space code } default { set validation_ena 1 return 1 } } if {$command == {}} { set validation_ena 1 return 0 } foreach val $value_list { if {[$this simulator_address_range $mem_type_for_SE $address]} { $this $command $address $val $this $synccmd $address } incr address } set validation_ena 1 return 1 } ## Enable or disable the panel # @parm Bool enabled - 1 == Enable; 0 == Disable # @return void public method cvarsview_setEnabled {enabled} { if {!$cvv_gui_initialized} {return} if {$enabled} { set state normal } else { set state disabled } foreach id $global_displayed { if {[$text_widget_global.e_$id cget -state] == {readonly}} { continue } $text_widget_global.e_$id configure -state $state } } ## Synchronize with simulator engine (data are obtained from the engine) # @parm Char memtype - Type of memory (e.g. 'E' means IDATA) # @parm Int address - Address of changed register # @return void public method cvarsview_sync {memtype address} { if {!$cvv_gui_initialized} {return} if {!$validation_ena} {return} if {$memtype == {I} && !($address % 8)} { set bitaddr $address for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} { cvarsview_sync J $bitaddr incr bitaddr } } elseif {$memtype == {E} && $address > 31 && $address < 40} { set bitaddr [expr {($address - 32) * 8}] for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} { cvarsview_sync H $bitaddr incr bitaddr } } set idx 0 foreach addr $global_addresses { if {[lsearch $addr $address] != -1} { if {[lindex $global_variables [list $idx 5]] != $memtype} { continue } refresh_global_variable $idx break } incr idx } } ## Refresh contents of certain global variable (synchronize with simulator engine) # @parm Int idx - Variable ID # @return void private method refresh_global_variable {idx} { if {[lsearch $global_displayed $idx] == -1} { return } set validation_ena 0 set variable_def [lindex $global_variables $idx] set address_space [lindex $variable_def 5] set datatype [lindex $variable_def 4] set signed [lindex $variable_def 3] set length [lindex $variable_def 2] set value 0 set byte_num 0 foreach addr [lindex $global_addresses $idx] { switch -- $address_space { {G} { if {[$this simulator_address_range I $addr]} { incr value [expr {[$this getDataDEC $addr] << ($byte_num * 8)}] } } {E} { if {[$this simulator_address_range I $addr]} { incr value [expr {[$this getDataDEC $addr] << ($byte_num * 8)}] } } {I} { if {[$this simulator_address_range D $addr]} { incr value [expr {[$this getSfrDEC $addr] << ($byte_num * 8)}] } } {F} { if {[$this simulator_address_range X $addr]} { incr value [expr {[$this getXdataDEC $addr] << ($byte_num * 8)}] } } {J} { if {[$this simulator_address_range B $addr]} { incr value [$this getBit $addr] } } {H} { if {[$this simulator_address_range B $addr]} { incr value [$this getBit $addr] } } } incr byte_num } ## Adjust value # IEEE 754-1985 single precision floating-point number if {$datatype == {SF}} { ## Special cases # Zero if {$value == 0} { # One } elseif {$value == 0x3F800000} { set value 1 # Minus One } elseif {$value == 0xBF800000} { set value -1 # Positive infinity } elseif {$value == 0x7F800000} { set value {+ infinity} # Negative infinity } elseif {$value == 0xFF800000} { set value {- infinity} # Not a number } elseif {(($value & 0x7F800000) == 0x7F800000) && ($value & 0x007FFFFF)} { set value {NaN} ## Common cases } else { set sign [expr {($value & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0}] set exponent [expr {int(($value & 0x7F800000) >> 23)}] set fraction_b [expr {$value & 0x007FFFFF}] incr exponent -127 set fraction 1 set val 0.5 set mask 0x00400000 for {set i 0} {$i < 23} {incr i} { if {$fraction_b & $mask} { set fraction [expr {$fraction + $val}] } set val [expr {$val / 2}] set mask [expr {$mask >> 1}] } set value [expr {pow(-1,$sign) * pow(2,$exponent) * $fraction}] } # Common signed integer } elseif {$signed == {S}} { set max_positive_value [expr {pow(2,($length * 8 - 1)) - 1}] if {$value > $max_positive_value} { set value [expr {$value - pow(2,($length * 8))}] } set value [expr {int($value)}] # Common unsigned integer } else { set value [expr {int($value)}] } # Write value to the entrybox if {$datatype == {SF}} { $text_widget_global.e_$idx configure -state normal } $text_widget_global.e_$idx delete 0 end $text_widget_global.e_$idx insert 0 $value $text_widget_global.e_$idx configure -fg ${::Simulator::highlight_color} if {$datatype == {SF}} { $text_widget_global.e_$idx configure -state readonly } # Reeanable synchronization and entryboxes validation set validation_ena 1 } } # >>> File inclusion guard } # <<< File inclusion guard