#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://mcu8051ide.sf.net ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Implements interface to external compilers # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ExternalCompiler { variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable compiler_used ;# Int: Compiler ID (1 == ASEM-51; 2 == ASL; 3 == AS31, other values have no meaning) variable project_dir ;# String: Project directory variable working_dir ;# String: Compiler working directory variable input_file_base;# String: Full file name of the primary source file ## Int: Preffered assembler # 0 - Native MCU 8051 IDE assembler # 1 - ASEM-51 # 2 - ASL # 3 - AS31 variable selected_assembler 0 variable selected_assembler_def 0 ;# Int: Default value for $selected_assembler # ## External assembler configuration # ## ASEM-51 # Default ASEM-51 assembler configuration variable assembler_ASEM51_config_def { --omf-51 0 --columns 0 --verbose 1 -i {} custom {} } # Current ASEM-51 assembler configuration variable assembler_ASEM51_config # Default ASEM-51 additional configuration variable assembler_ASEM51_addcfg_def { adf 1 } # Current ASEM-51 additional configuration variable assembler_ASEM51_addcfg ## ASL # Array: ASL additional configuration variable assembler_ASL_addcfg # Default ASL assembler configuration variable assembler_ASL_config_def { -A 0 -a 0 -C 0 -c 0 -h 0 -I 1 -L 1 -M 0 -P 0 -n 0 -quiet 0 -s 1 -u 0 -U 0 -w 0 -x 0 -r {} -i {} -g {MAP} -cpu {8051} custom {} } # Current ASL assembler configuration variable assembler_ASL_config # Default ASL additional configuration variable assembler_ASL_addcfg_def { ihex 1 adf 1 } # Current ASL additional configuration variable assembler_ASL_addcfg ## AS31 # Array: AS31 additional configuration variable assembler_AS31_addcfg # Default AS31 assembler configuration variable assembler_AS31_config_def { -l 1 -F {hex} -A {} custom {} } # Current AS31 assembler configuration variable assembler_AS31_config # Default AS31 additional configuration variable assembler_AS31_addcfg_def { adf 1 } # Current ASL additional configuration variable assembler_AS31_addcfg ## SDCC # Default SDCC boolean options variable sdcc_bool_options_def { --verbose 1 -V 1 -S 0 --compile-only 0 --preprocessonly 0 --c1mode 0 --print-search-dirs 0 --use-stdout 0 --nostdlib 0 --nostdinc 0 --less-pedantic 0 --debug 1 --cyclomatic 0 --fdollars-in-identifiers 0 --funsigned-char 0 --xstack 0 --int-long-reent 0 --float-reent 0 --main-return 0 --xram-movc 0 --profile 0 --fommit-frame-pointer 0 --all-callee-saves 0 --stack-probe 0 --parms-in-bank1 0 --no-xinit-opt 0 --no-c-code-in-asm 0 --no-peep-comments 0 --fverbose-asm 0 --short-is-8bits 0 --stack-auto 0 --nooverlay 1 --nogcse 0 --nolabelopt 0 --noinvariant 0 --noinduction 1 --nojtbound 0 --noloopreverse 0 --no-peep 0 --no-reg-params 0 --peep-asm 0 --opt-code-speed 0 --opt-code-size 0 --out-fmt-ihx 0 --out-fmt-s19 0 } # Current SDCC boolean options variable sdcc_bool_options # Default SDCC string options variable sdcc_string_options_def { model --model-small standard --std-sdcc89 stack --pack-iram custom {} } # Current SDCC string options variable sdcc_string_options # Default SDCC optional string options variable sdcc_optional_string_options_def { --codeseg {} --constseg {} --lib-path {} --xram-loc {} --xstack-loc {} --code-loc {} --stack-loc {} --data-loc {} --stack-size {} } # Current SDCC optional string options variable sdcc_optional_string_options # Default semicolon separated optional string options variable sdcc_scs_string_options_def { -I {} -l {} -L {} --disable-warning {} } # Current semicolon separated optional string options variable sdcc_scs_string_options ## Make backup copies for files with the given extensions and remove original files # (input_filename.extension -> input_filename.extension~)* # @parm List suffixes - List of file extensions (e.g. {asm c h}) # @return void proc backup_and_remove {suffixes} { variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) foreach ext $suffixes { catch { file rename -force -- "$input_filename.$ext" "$input_filename.$ext~" } } } ## Start SDCC (ANSI C compiler) # @parm String work_dir - Current working directory # @parm String input_file - C source file to compile # @parm Int iram - Amount of internal data memory # @parm Int xram - Amount of external data memory # @parm Int code - Amount of overall program memory # @return Int - Compiler PID proc compile_C {work_dir input_file iram xram code} { variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable compiler_used ;# Int: Compiler ID (1 == ASEM-51; 2 == ASL; 3 == AS31, other values have no meaning) set compiler_used 0 set input_filename [file rootname $input_file] backup_and_remove {asm cdb ihx} set sdcc_opts [determinate_sdcc_options] if {${::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE(sdcc-sdcc)}} { set sdcc_cmd {sdcc-sdcc} } { set sdcc_cmd {sdcc} } ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {S}][mc "\n\nStarting compiler ..."] if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ::X::messages_text_append "\ncd \"$work_dir\"\n$sdcc_cmd -mmcs51 --iram-size $iram --xram-size $xram --code-size $code $sdcc_opts \"$input_file\"" } { ::X::messages_text_append "\ncd \"$work_dir\"\n$sdcc_cmd -mmcs51 --iram-size $iram --xram-size $xram --code-size $code --nooverlay --noinduction --verbose --debug -V --std-sdcc89 --model-small --pack-iram \"$input_file\"" } if {[catch { cd $work_dir }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nError: Unable to change working directory to '%s'" $work_dir] } if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# Normal way (POSIX) return [exec -- /bin/sh -c "$sdcc_cmd -mmcs51 \ --iram-size $iram \ --xram-size $xram \ --code-size $code \ $sdcc_opts \"$input_file\"" |& \ tclsh "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/external_command.tcl" \ [tk appname] \ {::ExternalCompiler::ext_compilation_complete 1}\ ::X::compilation_message & \ ] } { ;# Microsoft Windows way eval [subst -nocommands { return [exec -- "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/sdcc.bat" \ "${::LIB_DIRNAME}" \ $iram \ $xram \ $code \ "$input_file" \ |& \ "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/external_command.bat" \ "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/external_command.tcl" \ [tk appname] \ {::ExternalCompiler::ext_compilation_complete 1} \ ::X::compilation_message & \ ] }] } } ## Start AS31 (Assembler) # @parm String work_dir - Current working directory # @parm String input_file - Assembler source file to compile # @parm String project_directory - Project directory (for debug file) # @return Int - Compiler PID proc as31_compile {work_dir input_file project_directory} { variable project_dir ;# String: Project directory variable compiler_used ;# Int: Compiler ID (1 == ASEM-51; 2 == ASL; 3 == AS31, other values have no meaning) variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable working_dir ;# String: Compiler working directory variable input_file_base;# String: Full file name of the primary source file global argv set compiler_used 3 set project_dir $project_directory set input_file_base [file normalize [file join $work_dir $input_file]] set input_filename [file rootname $input_file_base] set working_dir $work_dir set as31_options [determinate_as31_options] ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {S}][mc "\n\nStarting compiler ..."] ::X::messages_text_append "\ncd \"$work_dir\"\nas31 $as31_options \"$input_file\"" if {[catch { cd $work_dir }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nError: Unable to change working directory to '%s'" $work_dir] } backup_and_remove {adf hex lst} return [exec -- /bin/sh -c "as31 $as31_options \"$input_file\"" |& \ tclsh "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/external_command.tcl" "[tk appname]" \ ::ExternalCompiler::ext_compilation_complete ::X::compilation_message & \ ] } ## Start ASEM-51 (Assembler) # @parm String work_dir - Current working directory # @parm String input_file - Assembler source file to compile # @parm String project_directory - Project directory (for debug file) # @return Int - Compiler PID proc asem51_compile {work_dir input_file project_directory} { variable project_dir ;# String: Project directory variable compiler_used ;# Int: Compiler ID (1 == ASEM-51; 2 == ASL; 3 == AS31, other values have no meaning) variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable working_dir ;# String: Compiler working directory variable input_file_base;# String: Full file name of the primary source file global argv set compiler_used 1 set project_dir $project_directory set input_file_base [file normalize [file join $work_dir $input_file]] set input_filename [file rootname $input_file_base] set working_dir $work_dir set asem51_options [determinate_asem51_options] ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {S}][mc "\n\nStarting compiler ..."] ::X::messages_text_append "\ncd \"$work_dir\"\nasem $asem51_options \"$input_file\"" if {[catch { cd $work_dir }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nError: Unable to change working directory to '%s'" $work_dir] } backup_and_remove {adf hex lst omf} return [exec -- /bin/sh -c "asem $asem51_options \"$input_file\"" |& \ tclsh "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/external_command.tcl" "[tk appname]" \ ::ExternalCompiler::ext_compilation_complete ::X::compilation_message & \ ] } ## Start ASL (Assembler) # @parm String work_dir - Current working directory # @parm String input_file - Assembler source file to compile # @parm String project_directory - Project directory (for debug file) # @return Int - Compiler PID proc asl_compile {work_dir input_file project_directory} { variable project_dir ;# String: Project directory variable compiler_used ;# Int: Compiler ID (1 == ASEM-51; 2 == ASL; 3 == AS31, other values have no meaning) variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable assembler_ASL_addcfg ;# Current ASL additional configuration global argv set compiler_used 2 set project_dir $project_directory set input_filename [file join $work_dir [file rootname $input_file]] backup_and_remove {hex lst map adf} set asl_opts [determinate_asl_options] set additional_commands {} if {$assembler_ASL_addcfg(ihex)} { append additional_commands {&& p2hex "} $input_filename.p {" "} $input_filename.hex {"} } ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {S}][mc "\n\nStarting compiler ..."] ::X::messages_text_append "\ncd \"$work_dir\"\nasl $asl_opts \"$input_file\"" if {[catch { cd $work_dir }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nError: Unable to change working directory to '%s'" $work_dir] } return [exec -- /bin/sh -c "asl $asl_opts \"$input_file\" $additional_commands" |& \ tclsh "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/external_command.tcl" "[tk appname]" \ ::ExternalCompiler::ext_compilation_complete ::X::compilation_message & \ ] } ## Create file containg MD5 hashes of source files # Suitable for C language only! # This file will be later used to chech wheter any of these files was changed or not. # @return void proc create_hashes_file {} { variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) # List of files included files in the main file set included_files [list] # Open C DeBug file generated by SDCC compiler if {[catch { set cdb_file [open $input_filename.cdb r] }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nUnable to find \"%s\"" [file rootname $input_filename].cdb] return } # Open the hashes file for writing (possibly create the file) if {[catch { set hs_file [open $input_filename.hashes w 420] }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nUnable to create \"%s\"" [file rootname $input_filename].hashes] catch {close $cbd_file} return } # Iterate over lines in the C DeBug file and list all included source files while {![eof $cdb_file]} { set line [gets $cdb_file] if {[string first {L:C$} $line]} { continue } set line [string replace $line 0 3] set line [string replace $line [string first {$} $line] end] if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $included_files $line] == -1} { lappend included_files $line } } # Compute MD5 hash for each of the included files foreach filename $included_files { catch { puts $hs_file "[::md5::md5 -hex -file $filename] \"$filename\" " } } # Clean up catch {close $cdb_file} catch {close $hs_file} } ## This function must be called after exteral compiler finished its work # @parm Int action = 0 - Action to perform after successfull compilation # 0 - No action # 1 - Copy .ihx to .hex # @return void proc ext_compilation_complete args { variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable compiler_used ;# Int: Compiler ID (1 == ASEM-51; 2 == ASL; 3 == AS31, other values have no meaning) variable assembler_ASEM51_addcfg;# Current ASEM-51 assembler configuration variable assembler_ASL_addcfg ;# Current ASL additional configuration variable assembler_AS31_addcfg ;# Current AS31 additional configuration # Compilation successfull if {$::X::compilation_successfull} { # Create MCU 8051 IDE assembler debug file - switch -- $compiler_used { 1 { ;# - from ASEM-51 code listing (*.lst) if {$assembler_ASEM51_addcfg(adf) && ![asem_51_analyze]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nUnable to find \"%s\"\n\tMCU 8051 IDE debug file (*.adf) could not be generated\n\tPLEASE CHECK YOUR %s CONFIGURATION" [file rootname $input_filename].lst {ASEM-51}] } } 2 { ;# - from ASL native debug file (*.map) if {$assembler_ASL_addcfg(adf) && ![asl_analyze]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nUnable to find \"%s\"\n\tMCU 8051 IDE debug file (*.adf) could not be generated\n\tPLEASE CHECK YOUR %s CONFIGURATION" [file rootname $input_filename].map {ASL}] } } 3 { ;# - from AS31 code listing file (*.lst) if {$assembler_ASL_addcfg(adf) && ![as31_analyze]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nUnable to find \"%s\"\n\tMCU 8051 IDE debug file (*.adf) could not be generated\n\tPLEASE CHECK YOUR %s CONFIGURATION" [file rootname $input_filename].lst {AS31}] } } 0 { ;# SDCC used: Create .hashes file from .cdb file create_hashes_file } } ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {S}][mc "\nCompilation successful"] # Perform specified after successfull compilation switch -- [lindex $args 0] { 0 { ;# No action } 1 { ;# Copy .ihx to .hex catch { file rename -force -- "$input_filename.hex" "$input_filename.hex~" } catch { file copy -force -- "$input_filename.ihx" "$input_filename.hex" } } } # Compilation failed } { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nCompilation FAILED"] } ::X::ext_compilation_complete } ## Create MCU 8051 IDE assembler debug file from AS31 code listing # @return Bool - 1 == success; 0 == failure proc as31_analyze {} { variable project_dir ;# String: Project directory variable working_dir ;# String: Compiler working directory variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable input_file_base;# String: Full file name of the primary source file # Local variables set line_number 0 ;# Line number in LST file set adf_line 0 ;# Line number to record in ADF file set adf_code {} ;# Processor code in decimal representation (for ADF file) set address {} ;# Address in code memory set processor_code {} ;# Processor code read from LST file # Try to open code listing file and some tempotary debug file if {[catch { set lst_file [open $input_filename.lst r] set adf_file [open $input_filename.adf w 420] } result]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "File access error:\n%s" $result] return 0 } # Write file header puts $adf_file "# Assembler Debug File created by ${::APPNAME}" puts $adf_file "# Used assembler: AS31" puts $adf_file "# Date: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%D}]" # Write MD5 of the source file puts -nonewline $adf_file [::md5::md5 -hex -file $input_file_base] puts -nonewline $adf_file { } puts -nonewline $adf_file [string replace $input_file_base 0 [string length $project_dir]] # One pass compilation LST -> ADF while {![eof $lst_file]} { incr line_number # Read one line from the code listing set line [string range [gets $lst_file] 0 17] # Lines which does not contain address or code will be ignored #+ but line number counter must be still incremented on these lines if {[regexp {^\s*$} $line]} { continue } set address [string trim [string range $line 0 3]] set code [string trim [string range $line 6 17]] # If there is no processor code then skip the line if {$code == {}} { continue } # Convert processor code to format suitable for this application, #+ that means convert list of HH to list of DDD if {[catch { set adf_code {} foreach h $code { scan $h %x h lappend adf_code $h } }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "Unable to understand formulation at line %s in file %s" $line_number $input_filename.lst] close $lst_file close $adf_file return 0 } # If there is no address then append the current code to the last ADF record if {$address == {}} { puts -nonewline $adf_file { } puts -nonewline $adf_file $adf_code } { if {[catch { scan $address %x address }]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "Unable to understand formulation at line %s in file %s" $line_number $input_filename.lst] close $lst_file close $adf_file return 0 } set adf_line $line_number puts -nonewline $adf_file "\n0 $adf_line $address $adf_code" } } # Close all files and finalize ... puts $adf_file {} close $lst_file close $adf_file return 1 } ## Create MCU 8051 IDE assembler debug file from ASEM-51 code listing # @return Bool - 1 == success; 0 == failure proc asem_51_analyze {} { variable project_dir ;# String: Project directory variable working_dir ;# String: Compiler working directory variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) variable input_file_base;# String: Full file name of the primary source file # Local variables array set line_number {} ;# Array of Int: Line number within certain inslusion level set inclusion_level 0 ;# Int: Current inclusion level set file_number 0 ;# Int: Current file number (number of included file in $included_files) set file_number_changed 0 ;# Bool: Next line includes new file set address 0 ;# Int(H|D): Address in machine code set code {} ;# List of Int(H|D): Machine code set included_files [list $input_file_base] ;# List of all included files (unique, unsorted) # Try to open code listing file and some tempotary debug file if {[catch { set lst_file [open $input_filename.lst r] set adf_file [open $input_filename._adf w 420] } result]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "File access error:\n%s" $result] return 0 } # Initialize line number counter for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { set line_number($i) 0 } # One pass compilation LST -> ADF while {![eof $lst_file]} { # Read 1 line set line [gets $lst_file] # Normal line coresponding to certain line in source code if {[regexp {^ *\d+:(..)?} $line inclusion_level]} { # Extract numbers after "line_num: inc_lvl " set line [string range $line [string length $inclusion_level] end] regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F\s]+} $line code # Determinate address and machine code set address [lindex $code 0] set code [lrange $code 1 end] # Determinate inclusion level set inclusion_level [string trim [string range $inclusion_level end-1 end]] if {$inclusion_level == {} || [string index $inclusion_level end] == {:}} { set inclusion_level 0 set file_number 0 } incr line_number($inclusion_level) # Continuation of previous unfinished line } elseif {![string first { } $line]} { set address [lindex $line 0] set code [lrange $line 1 end] # Other lines } else { continue } # Detect directive "$INCLUDE(file)" if {[regexp -nocase -- {.*\$include\s*\([^\(\)]+\)} $line line]} { regsub {;.+$} $line {} line set line [string trim $line] regexp -nocase -- {\$include\s*\([^\(\)]+\)} $line line if {$line == {}} { continue } set line [string replace $line 0 7] set line [string trim $line {( )}] set line [file normalize [file join $working_dir $line]] set file_number_changed 1 set file_number [lsearch -ascii -exact $included_files $line] if {$file_number == -1} { set file_number [llength $included_files] lappend included_files $line } continue } # Next file included -> Reset lines counter if {$file_number_changed} { set line_number($inclusion_level) 1 set file_number_changed 0 } # Convert machine code from hexadecimal to decimal value set code_dec {} foreach byte $code { if {[string length $byte] != 2 || ![string is xdigit -strict $byte]} { break } scan $byte %x byte lappend code_dec $byte } # Machine code must not be empty if {$code_dec == {}} {continue} # Check for valid address if {[string length $address] != 4 || ![string is xdigit -strict $address]} { continue } # Write line to tempotary debug file scan $address %x address puts -nonewline $adf_file [list $file_number $line_number($inclusion_level) $address] puts -nonewline $adf_file { } puts $adf_file $code_dec } close $adf_file # Open final debug file if {[catch { set adf_file [open $input_filename.adf w 420] } result]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "File access error:\n%s" $result] return 0 } # Write file header puts $adf_file "# Assembler Debug File created by ${::APPNAME}" puts $adf_file "# Used assembler: ASEM-51" puts $adf_file "# Date: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%D}]" # Create list of included files with MD5 hashes set hashes_and_files {} set project_dir_len [string length $project_dir] foreach filename $included_files { if {[catch { lappend hashes_and_files [::md5::md5 -hex -file $filename] } result]} { lappend hashes_and_files 0 ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "File access error:\n%s" $result] } if {![string first $project_dir $filename]} { set filename [string replace $filename 0 $project_dir_len] } lappend hashes_and_files $filename } # Write list of included files puts $adf_file $hashes_and_files # Copy content of tempotary debug file to final debug file if {[catch { set adf__file [open $input_filename._adf r] } result]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "File access error:\n%s" $result] return 0 } while {![eof $adf__file]} { puts $adf_file [gets $adf__file] } # Close all files and delete tempotary file close $adf__file close $lst_file close $adf_file file delete -force $input_filename._adf return 1 } ## Create MCU 8051 IDE assembler debug file from ASL code listing # @return Bool - 1 == success; 0 == fail proc asl_analyze {} { variable project_dir ;# String: Project directory variable input_filename ;# String: Name of file to compile (without extension) # Try to open all required files if {[catch { set map_file [open $input_filename.map r] ;# ASL debug file set hex_file [open $input_filename.hex r] ;# Machine code set adf_file [open $input_filename.adf w 420] ;# MCU 8051 IDE debug file } result]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "File access error:\n%s" $result] return 0 } # Load machine code ::IHexTools::free_resources if {![::IHexTools::load_hex_data [read $hex_file]]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "Compilation error:\nFile \"%s\" is not a valid Intel® HEX 8 file" $input_filename.hex] return 0 } close $hex_file # Initialize local variables set filenames {} set hashes_and_files {} set filename {} set project_dir_len [string length $project_dir] set read_values 0 ## 1st pass # Determinate list of included files (and list of files and MD5 hashes) while {![eof $map_file]} { # Get significant line from the code set line [gets $map_file] if {$line == {Segment CODE}} { set read_values 1 continue } if {$line == {}} { break } if {!$read_values} { continue } # Ignore lines which doesn't start with "File " if {[string first {File } $line]} { continue } # Determinate raw name of included file set filename [string replace $line 0 4] # Adjust list of included files if {[lsearch $filenames $filename] != -1} { lappend filenames $filename continue } # Determinate final file name and its MD5 hash lappend filenames $filename set filename [file join $project_dir [file normalize $filename]] if {[catch { lappend hashes_and_files [::md5::md5 -hex -file $filename] } result]} { ::X::messages_text_append [::Compiler::msgc {E}][mc "\nFile access error:\n%s" $result] lappend hashes_and_files {0} } if {![string first $project_dir $filename]} { set filename [string replace $filename 0 $project_dir_len] } # Adjust list of files and MD5 hashes lappend hashes_and_files $filename continue } # Create ADF file header seek $map_file 0 puts $adf_file "# Assembler Debug File created by ${::APPNAME}" puts $adf_file "# Used assembler: ASL" puts $adf_file "# Date: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%D}]" puts $adf_file $hashes_and_files unset hashes_and_files ## 2nd (final) pass # Create ADF (Assembler Debug File) set last_line -1 ;# set last_address -1 ;# set last_file_num 0 ;# set line_number 0 ;# set file_number 0 ;# set read_values 0 ;# while {![eof $map_file]} { # Get significant line from the code set line [gets $map_file] if {$line == {Segment CODE}} { set read_values 1 continue } if {$line == {}} { break } if {!$read_values} { continue } # Change file number if {![string first {File } $line]} { set file_number [lsearch $filenames [string replace $line 0 4]] continue } # Create ADF record(s) foreach item $line { # Determinate line number and address set item [split $item {:}] set line_number [lindex $item 0] scan [lindex $item 1] %x address # Handle firts record (first of all) if {$last_line == -1} { set last_line $line_number set last_address $address set last_file_num $file_number continue } # Write record write_to_adf_from_hex $adf_file $last_address \ [expr {$address - 1}] $last_line $last_file_num set last_line $line_number set last_address $address set last_file_num $file_number } } # Write last record (last of all) if {$last_line != -1} { write_to_adf_from_hex $adf_file $last_address \ ${::IHexTools::highest_addr} \ $last_line $last_file_num } # Clean up ::IHexTools::free_resources close $map_file close $adf_file return 1 } ## Write record to MCU 8051 IDE assembler debug file (*.adf) # Auxiliary procedure for procedure asl_analyze # @parm Chanel adf_file - Target file # @parm Int start_address - Starting address in machine code # @parm Int end_address - End address in machine code # @parm Int linenum - Line number # @parm Int filenum - File number (ID of included file) # @return void proc write_to_adf_from_hex {adf_file start_address end_address linenum filenum} { # Get machine code from NS ::IHexTools set code {} for {set i $start_address} {$i <= $end_address} {incr i} { set val [::IHexTools::get_value $i] if {$val > -1} { lappend code [expr "0x$val"] } { lappend code 0 } } # Write to file if {$linenum == {}} { set linenum 0 } puts -nonewline $adf_file [list $filenum $linenum $start_address] puts -nonewline $adf_file { } puts $adf_file $code } ## Determinate CLI options for external compiler sdcc # @return String - Options for sdcc proc determinate_sdcc_options {} { variable sdcc_bool_options ;# Default SDCC boolean options variable sdcc_string_options ;# Default SDCC string options variable sdcc_optional_string_options ;# Default SDCC optional string options variable sdcc_scs_string_options ;# Default semicolon separated optional string options set result {} # Boolean options foreach key [array names sdcc_bool_options] { if {$sdcc_bool_options($key)} { append result { } $key } } # String options foreach key [array names sdcc_string_options] { append result { } [regsub -all {\n} $sdcc_string_options($key) {}] } # Optional string options foreach key [array names sdcc_optional_string_options] { set value $sdcc_optional_string_options($key) if {$value != {}} { if {[regexp {\s} $value]} { append result { } $key { } "\"" $value "\"" } { append result { } $key { } $value } } } # Semicolon separated optional string options foreach key [array names sdcc_scs_string_options] { set values $sdcc_scs_string_options($key) foreach value [split $values {;}] { if {$value != {}} { if {[regexp {\s} $value]} { append result { } $key { } "\"" $value "\"" } { append result { } $key { } $value } } } } return $result } ## Determinate CLI options for external assembler ASEM-51 # @return String - Options for ASEM-51 proc determinate_asem51_options {} { variable assembler_ASEM51_config ;# Current ASEM-51 assembler configuration set result $assembler_ASEM51_config(custom) if {$assembler_ASEM51_config(-i) != {}} { append result { -i } {"} $assembler_ASEM51_config(i) {"} } foreach opt {--omf-51 --columns --verbose} { if {$assembler_ASEM51_config($opt)} { append result { } $opt } } return $result } ## Determinate CLI options for external assembler AS31 # @return String - Options for AS31 proc determinate_as31_options {} { variable assembler_AS31_config ;# Current AS31 assembler configuration set result {} if {$assembler_AS31_config(custom) != {}} { append result { } ${assembler_AS31_config(custom)} } foreach opt {-l} { if {$assembler_AS31_config($opt)} { append result { } $opt } } foreach opt {-F -A} { if {$assembler_AS31_config($opt) != {}} { append result { } $opt $assembler_AS31_config($opt) } } return $result } ## Determinate CLI options for external assembler ASL # @return String - Options for ASL proc determinate_asl_options {} { variable assembler_ASL_config ;# Current ASL assembler configuration set result {-gnuerrors} if {$assembler_ASL_config(custom) != {}} { append result { } ${assembler_ASL_config(custom)} } foreach opt {-A -a -C -c -h -I -L -M -P -n -quiet -s -u -U -w -x} { if {$assembler_ASL_config($opt)} { append result { } $opt } } foreach opt {-r -i -g -cpu} { if {$assembler_ASL_config($opt) != {}} { append result { } $opt { "} $assembler_ASL_config($opt) {"} } } return $result } ## Initialize NS variables # @return void proc initialize {} { # Assembler array set ::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASEM51_addcfg \ $::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASEM51_addcfg_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASEM51_config \ $::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASEM51_config_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASL_addcfg \ $::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASL_addcfg_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASL_config \ $::ExternalCompiler::assembler_ASL_config_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::assembler_AS31_addcfg \ $::ExternalCompiler::assembler_AS31_addcfg_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::assembler_AS31_config \ $::ExternalCompiler::assembler_AS31_config_def # SDCC array set ::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_bool_options \ $::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_bool_options_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_string_options \ $::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_string_options_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_optional_string_options \ $::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_optional_string_options_def array set ::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_scs_string_options \ $::ExternalCompiler::sdcc_scs_string_options_def } } # Initialize NS variables ExternalCompiler::initialize