#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://http://www.moravia-microsystems.com/mcu8051ide ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # Copyright (C) 2014 by Moravia Microsystems, s.r.o. # # martin.osmera@moravia-microsystems.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # >>> File inclusion guard if { ! [ info exists _TOOLBAR_CONFIG_TCL ] } { set _TOOLBAR_CONFIG_TCL _ # <<< File inclusion guard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Implements main toolbar configuration dialog # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval toolbar { variable win ;# ID of toplevel dialog window variable dialog_opened 0 ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY) variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply" variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons variable current_search_entry ;# ID of search EntryBox for $current_ListBox variable options_search_entry ;# ID of search EntryBox for $options_ListBox variable current_search_clear ;# ID of search EntryBox clear button for $current_ListBox variable options_search_clear ;# ID of search EntryBox clear button for $options_ListBox variable up_button ;# ID of button "Up" variable left_button ;# ID of button "Left" variable right_button ;# ID of button "Right" variable down_button ;# ID of button "Down" ## Create the dialog # @return void proc mkDialog {} { variable win ;# ID of toplevel dialog window variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY) variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply" variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons variable current_search_entry ;# ID of search EntryBox for $current_ListBox variable options_search_entry ;# ID of search EntryBox for $options_ListBox variable current_search_clear ;# ID of search EntryBox clear button for $current_ListBox variable options_search_clear ;# ID of search EntryBox clear button for $options_ListBox variable up_button ;# ID of button "Up" variable left_button ;# ID of button "Left" variable right_button ;# ID of button "Right" variable down_button ;# ID of button "Down" # Destroy the dialog if it's already opened if {$dialog_opened} { destroy .toolbar_config_dialog } set anything_modified 0 set dialog_opened 1 set changed 0 # Create toplevel window set win [toplevel .toolbar_config_dialog -class {Configuration dialog} -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR}] # Create window header label $win.header_label \ -compound left \ -image ::ICONS::32::configure \ -text [mc "Toolbar configuration"] \ -font [font create -size [expr {int(-20 * $::font_size_factor)}]] # Create main frame (ListBoxes and Arrows) set main_frame [frame $win.main_frame] ## Create arrows frame and buttons set arrows [frame $main_frame.arrows] # Arrow "Up" set up_button [ttk::button $arrows.up \ -image ::ICONS::16::up \ -state disabled \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::up} \ ] # Arrow "Left" set left_button [ttk::button $arrows.left \ -image ::ICONS::16::left \ -state disabled \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::left} \ ] # Arrow "Right" set right_button [ttk::button $arrows.right \ -image ::ICONS::16::right \ -state disabled \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::right} \ ] # Arrow "Down" set down_button [ttk::button $arrows.down \ -image ::ICONS::16::down \ -state disabled \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::down} \ ] # Place arrows to the grid grid $up_button -column 1 -row 0 grid $left_button -column 0 -row 1 grid $right_button -column 2 -row 1 grid $down_button -column 1 -row 2 # Create ListBox of available items and its scrollbar set options_frame [frame $main_frame.options_frame] set listbox_frame [frame $options_frame.listbox_frame] set options_ListBox [ListBox $listbox_frame.options_ListBox \ -background {#FFFFFF} -deltay 21 \ -selectmode single \ -highlightcolor {#FFFFFF} \ -yscrollcommand "$listbox_frame.options_scrollbar set" \ -highlightthickness 0 \ ] if {[winfo exists $options_ListBox.c]} { bind $options_ListBox.c {%W yview scroll +5 units; break} bind $options_ListBox.c {%W yview scroll -5 units; break} } pack $options_ListBox -fill both -expand 1 -side left pack [ttk::scrollbar $listbox_frame.options_scrollbar \ -takefocus 0 \ -orient vertical \ -command "$options_ListBox yview" \ ] -side right -after $options_ListBox -fill y # Create search bar for ListBox of available items set search_frame [frame $options_frame.search_frame] set options_search_entry [ttk::entry $search_frame.entry \ -validate all \ -validatecommand {::configDialogues::toolbar::search O %P} \ ] DynamicHelp::add $search_frame.entry -text [mc "Search for a string in ListBox"] pack $options_search_entry -side left -fill x -expand 1 set options_search_clear [ttk::button $search_frame.button \ -image ::ICONS::16::clear_left \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command "$options_search_entry delete 0 end" \ -state disabled \ ] DynamicHelp::add $search_frame.button \ -text [mc "Clear"] pack $options_search_clear -side right -after $options_search_entry # Pack frames of the left part (available items) pack $search_frame -fill x pack [label $options_frame.label -text [mc "available items"]] -pady 5 pack $listbox_frame -fill both -expand 1 # Create ListBox of current items and its scrollbar set current_frame [frame $main_frame.current_frame] set listbox_frame [frame $current_frame.listbox_frame] set current_ListBox [ListBox $listbox_frame.current_ListBox \ -background {#FFFFFF} -deltay 21 \ -selectmode single \ -highlightcolor {#FFFFFF} \ -yscrollcommand "$listbox_frame.current_scrollbar set" \ -highlightthickness 0 \ ] if {[winfo exists $current_ListBox.c]} { bind $current_ListBox.c {%W yview scroll +5 units; break} bind $current_ListBox.c {%W yview scroll -5 units; break} } pack $current_ListBox -fill both -expand 1 -side left pack [ttk::scrollbar $listbox_frame.current_scrollbar \ -takefocus 0 \ -orient vertical \ -command "$current_ListBox yview" \ ] -side right -after $current_ListBox -fill y # Create search bar for ListBox of current items set search_frame [frame $current_frame.search_frame] set current_search_entry [ttk::entry $search_frame.entry \ -validate all \ -validatecommand {::configDialogues::toolbar::search C %P} \ ] DynamicHelp::add $search_frame.entry -text [mc "Search for a string in ListBox"] pack $current_search_entry -side left -fill x -expand 1 set current_search_clear [ttk::button $search_frame.button \ -image ::ICONS::16::clear_left \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command "$current_search_entry delete 0 end" \ -state disabled \ ] DynamicHelp::add $search_frame.button \ -text [mc "Clear"] pack $current_search_clear -side right -after $current_search_entry # Pack frames of the left part (current items) pack $search_frame -fill x pack [label $current_frame.label -text [mc "Current toolbar items"]] -pady 5 pack $listbox_frame -fill both -expand 1 # Set event bindings for ListBoxes bind $options_ListBox <> \ "::configDialogues::toolbar::reevaluateArrows" bind $current_ListBox <> \ "::configDialogues::toolbar::reevaluateArrows" # Pack left ListBox, arrows frame, right ListBox pack $options_frame -side left -anchor n -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 pack $arrows -side left -anchor center pack $current_frame -side left -anchor n -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 # Fill up ListBoxes fillListBox ${::ICONBAR_CURRENT} # Create button frame at the bottom set but_frame [frame $win.button_frame] # Button "Defaults" pack [ttk::button $but_frame.but_default \ -text [mc "Defaults"] \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::DEFAULTS} \ ] -side left DynamicHelp::add $but_frame.but_default \ -text [mc "Reset settings to defaults"] # Button "Ok" pack [ttk::button $but_frame.but_ok \ -text [mc "Ok"] \ -compound left \ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::OK} \ ] -side right -padx 2 # Button "Apply" set apply_button [ttk::button $but_frame.but_apply \ -state disabled \ -text [mc "Apply"] \ -compound left \ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::APPLY} \ ] pack $apply_button -side right -padx 2 # Button "Cancel" pack [ttk::button $but_frame.but_cancel \ -text [mc "Cancel"] \ -compound left \ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \ -command {::configDialogues::toolbar::CANCEL} \ ] -side right -padx 2 # Pack frames and notebook pack $but_frame -side bottom -fill x -expand 0 -anchor s -padx 10 -pady 5 pack $win.header_label -side top -pady 6 pack $main_frame -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10 # Finalize creation of the dialog wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::configure wm transient $win . wm title $win [mc "Configure Main Toolbar - %s" ${::APPNAME}] wm minsize $win 600 400 raise $win catch {grab $win} wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW { if {${::configDialogues::toolbar::anything_modified}} { set result [tk_messageBox \ -parent .toolbar_config_dialog \ -title [mc "Save changes?"] \ -icon question \ -type yesno \ -message [mc "The settings have been changed. Do you want to save the changes?"] \ ] if {$result == {yes}} { ::configDialogues::toolbar::OK } else { ::configDialogues::toolbar::CANCEL } } else { ::configDialogues::toolbar::CANCEL } } tkwait window $win } ## Validator procedure for search EntryBoxes # Search for the given string in the given ListBox and #+ adjust EntryBox background color according to search result # @parm Char where - # "O" (O as Omega not 0 as zero) == Options ListBox (available items) # "C" == ListBox containing current onfiguration # @parm String what - String to search for # @return Bool - Always true proc search {where what} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons variable current_search_entry ;# ID of search EntryBox for $current_ListBox variable options_search_entry ;# ID of search EntryBox for $options_ListBox variable current_search_clear ;# ID of search EntryBox clear button for $current_ListBox variable options_search_clear ;# ID of search EntryBox clear button for $options_ListBox if {$where == {C}} { set listbox $current_ListBox set entry $current_search_entry set clearbut $current_search_clear } else { set listbox $options_ListBox set entry $options_search_entry set clearbut $options_search_clear } # Empty string if {$what == {}} { $entry configure -style TEntry $clearbut configure -state disabled return 1 } else { $clearbut configure -state normal } # Search for the given string set what [string tolower $what] foreach item [$listbox items] { if { [string first $what \ [string tolower \ [$listbox itemcget $item -text] \ ] \ ] != -1 } then { $listbox selection clear $listbox selection set $item $listbox see $item $entry configure -style StringFound.TEntry return 1 } } # String not found $entry configure -style StringNotFound.TEntry return 1 } ## Fill ListBoxes acoring to the given toolbar definition # Note: function depends on toplevel variable 'ICONBAR_ICONS' # @parm List definition - Definition of current toolbar (eg. {new open | exit}) # @return void proc fillListBox {definition} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons # Fill in left ListBox $options_ListBox insert end sep -text [mc " -- SEPARATOR --"] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength ${::ICONBAR_ICONS}]} {incr i} { # Determinate item name set item [lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} $i] incr i # Skip invalid items if {[lsearch $definition $item] != -1} {continue} # Insert item $options_ListBox insert end $item \ -text [mc [lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 0]]] \ -image ::ICONS::16::[lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 2]] } # Fill in right ListBox foreach key $definition { # Insert separator if {$key == {|}} { $current_ListBox insert end #auto -text [mc " -- SEPARATOR --"] } # Deteminate item index set i [lsearch ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} $key] if {$i == -1} {continue} incr i # Insert regular item $current_ListBox insert end $key \ -text [mc [lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 0]]] \ -image ::ICONS::16::[lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 2]] } } ## Enable/Disable arrow buttons according to selection in ListBoxes # @return void proc reevaluateArrows {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons variable left_button ;# ID of button "Left" variable right_button ;# ID of button "Right" # Button "Left" if {[$current_ListBox selection get] == {}} { $left_button configure -state disabled } else { $left_button configure -state normal } # Button "Right" if {[$options_ListBox selection get] == {}} { $right_button configure -state disabled } else { $right_button configure -state normal } # Evaluate buttons "Up/Down" reevaluateUpDown } ## Enable/Disable Up/Down arrow according to selection in the right ListBox # @return void proc reevaluateUpDown {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable down_button ;# ID of button "Down" variable up_button ;# ID of button "Up" # Determinate ID of selected item set sel [$current_ListBox selection get] # Valid selection if {$sel != {}} { # Button "Up" set curIndex [$current_ListBox index $sel] if {$curIndex == 0} { $up_button configure -state disabled } else { $up_button configure -state normal } # Button "Down" set numberOfItems [llength [$current_ListBox items]] if {$curIndex == ($numberOfItems - 1)} { $down_button configure -state disabled } else { $down_button configure -state normal } # Empty selection } else { $up_button configure -state disabled $down_button configure -state disabled } } ## Command for button "Up" # Move selected item in the right listbox up # @return void proc up {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup # Deteminate ID of selected item set sel [$current_ListBox selection get] # Determinate target index set trgIdx [$current_ListBox index $sel] incr trgIdx -1 # Move item $current_ListBox move $sel $trgIdx $current_ListBox see $sel # Enable/Disabled buttons "Up/Down" reevaluateUpDown # Adjust status changed settings_changed } ## Command for button "Down" # Move selected item in the right listbox down # @return void proc down {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup # Deteminate ID of selected item set sel [$current_ListBox selection get] # Determinate target index set trgIdx [$current_ListBox index $sel] incr trgIdx # Move item $current_ListBox move $sel $trgIdx $current_ListBox see $sel # Enable/Disabled buttons "Up/Down" reevaluateUpDown # Adjust status changed settings_changed } ## Command for button "Left" # Move selected item from the right ListBox to the left one # @return void proc left {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons # Local variables set sel [$current_ListBox selection get] ;# ID of the selected item set idx [$current_ListBox index $sel] ;# Index of the selected item # Remove selected item $current_ListBox delete $sel # Regular item (no separator) if {![regexp {^\d+$} $sel]} { # Find index of the item (in available icons) set i [lsearch ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} $sel] if {$i == -1} {return} incr i # Insert removed item into left ListBox $options_ListBox insert 1 $sel \ -text [lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 0]] \ -image ::ICONS::16::[lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 2]] } # Restore selection if {[llength [$current_ListBox items]] == $idx} { if {$idx} { incr idx -1 } } set idx [$current_ListBox item $idx] $current_ListBox selection set $idx $current_ListBox see $idx $options_ListBox see $sel # Enable/Disable arrow buttons reevaluateArrows # Adjust status changed settings_changed } ## Command for button "Right" # Move selected item from the left ListBox to the right one # @return void proc right {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons # Determinate target index set sel [$current_ListBox selection get] if {$sel == {}} { set trgIdx {end} } else { set trgIdx [$current_ListBox index $sel] } # Determinate source index and source item ID set sel [$options_ListBox selection get] set idx [$options_ListBox index $sel] # Separator if {$sel == {sep}} { $current_ListBox insert $trgIdx #auto -text [mc " -- SEPARATOR --"] # Regular item } else { set i [lsearch ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} $sel] if {$i == -1} {return} incr i $current_ListBox insert $trgIdx $sel \ -text [lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 0]] \ -image ::ICONS::16::[lindex ${::ICONBAR_ICONS} [list $i 2]] $options_ListBox delete $sel } # Restore selection if {[llength [$options_ListBox items]] == $idx} { if {$idx} { incr idx -1 } } set idx [$options_ListBox item $idx] $options_ListBox selection set $idx $options_ListBox see $idx $current_ListBox see [$current_ListBox item $trgIdx] # Enable/Disable arrow buttons reevaluateArrows # Adjust status changed settings_changed } ## Change content of configuration variables # @return void proc use_settings {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup set ::ICONBAR_CURRENT { } append ::ICONBAR_CURRENT [$current_ListBox items] append ::ICONBAR_CURRENT { } regsub -all {\s\d+\s} ${::ICONBAR_CURRENT} { | } ::ICONBAR_CURRENT regsub -all {\s\d+\s} ${::ICONBAR_CURRENT} { | } ::ICONBAR_CURRENT set ::ICONBAR_CURRENT [string trim ${::ICONBAR_CURRENT}] } ## Save configuration to config file # @return void proc save_config {} { ::settings setValue "Main toolbar" ${::ICONBAR_CURRENT} # Commit ::settings saveConfig } ## Load configuratin from config file # @return void proc load_config {} { set ::ICONBAR_CURRENT [::settings getValue "Main toolbar" ${::ICONBAR_DEFAULT}] } ## Set status changed to True # @return true proc settings_changed {} { variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY) variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply" if {$changed} {return} set changed 1 set anything_modified 1 $apply_button configure -state normal } ## Take back changes and destroy dialog window # @return void proc CANCEL {} { variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY) variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened # Restore previous configuration if {$anything_modified} { load_config iconbar_redraw set anything_modified 0 ::X::disaena_menu_toolbar_for_current_project set anything_modified 0 } # Get rid of dialog window set dialog_opened 0 grab release $win destroy $win } ## Apply changes and destroy dialog window # @return void proc OK {} { variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY) # Apply new settings if {$anything_modified} { use_settings ;# Adjust NS variables iconbar_redraw ;# Adjust GUI save_config ;# Save new config # Restore previous state of menu items (enabled / disabled) ::X::disaena_menu_toolbar_for_current_project set anything_modified 0 } # Get rid of dialog window set dialog_opened 0 grab release $win destroy $win } ## Apply changes in GUI # @return Bool - result proc APPLY {} { variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply" variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed # Reset status changed set changed 0 $apply_button configure -state disabled # Adjust NS variables use_settings iconbar_redraw # Restore previous state of menu items (enabled / disabled) ::X::disaena_menu_toolbar_for_current_project # done ... return 1 } ## Restrore defaults # @return void proc DEFAULTS {} { variable current_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing current toolbar setup variable options_ListBox ;# ID of ListBox containing available icons variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window # Ask user if {[tk_messageBox \ -parent $win -type yesno \ -icon question -title [mc "Restore defaults"] \ -message [mc "Are you sure that you want restore default settings ?"] ] != {yes}} { return } # Clear ListBoxes $current_ListBox delete [$current_ListBox items] $options_ListBox delete [$options_ListBox items] # Refill ListBoxes fillListBox ${::ICONBAR_DEFAULT} # Adjust status changed settings_changed } } # >>> File inclusion guard } # <<< File inclusion guard