#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://mcu8051ide.sf.net ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # >>> File inclusion guard if { ! [ info exists _CSYNTAXHIGHLIGHT_TCL ] } { set _CSYNTAXHIGHLIGHT_TCL _ # <<< File inclusion guard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Implements syntax highlighting interface for ISO C language # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval CsyntaxHighlight { variable editor ;# Widget: Editor text widget variable line_number ;# Int: Line number variable line_content ;# String: Line content variable line_start ;# Index of line start variable line_end ;# Index of line end variable validation_L0 1 ;# Bool: Basic validation enabled variable validation_L1 1 ;# Bool: Advanced validation enabled # List of compiler directives variable directives { #define #error #include #if #ifdef #ifndef #else #elif #endif #line #pragma #undef #warning } # List of data type specifiers variable data_types { void int float double char signed unsigned long short uchar ushort uint ulong const export extern static mutable volatile __data __near __xdata __far __idata __pdata __code __bit __sfr __sfr16 __sfr32 __sbit __at } # List of C keywords variable keywords { auto break case _endasm while union continue default do else enum sizeof for namespace if goto return struct switch typedef using _asm __asm __endasm } # List of doxygen tags -- No argument variable doxy_tags_type0 { @return @see @sa @arg @li @nosubgrouping @subpage @f$ @f[ @f] @interface } # List of doxygen tags -- Word after tag variable doxy_tags_type1 { @param @defgroup @addtogroup @weakgroup @ref @page @struct @union @enum @def @file @namespace @package } # List of doxygen tags -- Name after tag variable doxy_tags_type2 { @brief @ingroup @name @mainpage @fn @var @typedef @author @authors } # List of HTML tags (HTML 4.0 Strict) variable html_tags { a abbr acronym address area b base bdo big blockquote body br button caption cite code col colgroup dd del dfn div dl dt em fieldset form frame frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr html i img input ins kbd label legend li link map meta noscript object ol optgroup option p param pre q samp script select small span strong style sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt ul var } ## Highlight pattern - highlight tags definition # { # {tag_name ?foreground? ?overstrike? ?italic? ?bold?} # } variable highlight_tags { {tag_c_keyword #0000DD 0 0 1} {tag_c_data_type #00CC00 0 0 1} {tag_c_dec #0000FF 0 0 0} {tag_c_hex #8800FF 0 0 0} {tag_c_bin #5555AA 0 0 0} {tag_c_oct #883300 0 0 0} {tag_c_char #DD00DD 0 0 0} {tag_c_float #AA00AA 0 0 0} {tag_c_string #BB0000 0 0 0} {tag_c_string_char #DD00DD 0 0 0} {tag_c_comment #888888 0 1 0} {tag_c_symbol #FF0000 0 0 1} {tag_c_bracket #EE6600 0 0 1} {tag_c_preprocessor #008800 0 0 0} {tag_c_directive #558800 0 0 0} {tag_c_prep_lib #885500 0 0 0} {tag_normal #000000 0 0 0} {tag_c_dox_comment #4444FF 0 1 0} {tag_c_dox_tag #AA00DD 0 0 1} {tag_c_dox_word #0088FF 0 0 1} {tag_c_dox_name #FF0000 0 0 0} {tag_c_dox_html #000000 0 0 1} {tag_c_dox_harg #008800 0 0 0} {tag_c_dox_hargval #DD0000 0 0 0} } ## Define highlighting text tags in the given text widget # @parm Widget text_widget - ID of the target text widget # @parm Int fontSize - font size # @parm String fontFamily - font family # @parm List highlight=default - Highlighting tags definition # @parm Bool nobold=0 - Ignore bold flag # @return void proc create_tags {text_widget fontSize fontFamily {highlight {}} {nobold 0}} { variable highlight_tags ;# Highlight tags definition # Handle arguments if {$highlight == {}} { ;# highlighting definition set highlight $highlight_tags } # Iterate over highlighting tags definition foreach item $highlight { # Create array of tag attributes for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} { set tag($i) [lindex $item $i] } # Foreground color if {$tag(1) == {}} { set tag(1) black } # Fonr slant if {$tag(3) == 1} { set tag(3) italic } else { set tag(3) roman } # Font weight if {$tag(4) == 1 && !$nobold} { set tag(4) bold } else { set tag(4) normal } # Create the tag in the target text widget $text_widget tag configure $tag(0) \ -foreground $tag(1) \ -font [font create \ -overstrike $tag(2) \ -slant $tag(3) \ -weight $tag(4) \ -size -$fontSize \ -family $fontFamily \ ] } # Set tag priorities $text_widget tag raise tag_c_dox_tag tag_c_dox_comment $text_widget tag raise tag_c_dox_word tag_c_dox_comment $text_widget tag raise tag_c_dox_html tag_c_dox_comment foreach t { tag_c_bracket tag_c_symbol tag_c_keyword tag_c_data_type tag_c_char tag_c_dec tag_c_oct tag_c_hex tag_c_float tag_c_bin } { $text_widget tag raise $t tag_normal } } ## Perform syntax highlight on the given line in the given widget # @parm Widget Editor - Text widget # @parm Int LineNumber - Number of line to highlight # @parm Int status - Exit status of previous line # @return Int - Exit status # 1 - Normal # 2 - Doxygen # 3 - Comment # 4 - String # 5 - Assembly # 6 - Assembly within # 7 - Preprocessor proc highlight {Editor LineNumber status} { variable validation_L0 ;# Bool: Basic validation enabled variable editor ;# Widget: Editor text widget variable line_number ;# Int: Line number variable line_content ;# String: Line content variable line_start ;# Index of line start variable line_end ;# Index of line end variable directives ;# List of compiler directives # Set NS variables set editor $Editor set line_number $LineNumber set line_start $line_number.0 set line_end [$editor index [list $line_number.0 lineend]] set line_content [$editor get $line_start $line_end] # Validate input arguments if {!$status} { set status 1 } # Local variables set last_idx_s 0 ;# Int: Last search index set incr_last_i 0 ;# Int: Increment last_idx by set last_idx 0 ;# Int: Last index set idx 0 ;# Int: Current index set this_line_only 0 ;# Bool: Status is valid for this line only set last_status $status ;# Int: Last highlight status # Remove existing highlighting tags delete_tags # Handle status "preprocessor" if {$status == 7} { if {[string index $line_content end] == "\\"} { $editor tag add tag_c_preprocessor $line_start $line_end-1c $editor tag add tag_c_symbol $line_end-1c $line_end return 7 } else { $editor tag add tag_c_preprocessor $line_start $line_end return 1 } # Search for preprocessor directive } elseif {$status == 1} { # Common directive if {[regexp {^\s*#\w+} $line_content directive]} { # Local variables set dir_start [string first {#} $line_content] ;# Int: Directive start index set dir_end [string length $directive] ;# Int: Directive end index set directive [string trim $directive] ;# String: Directive itself # Highlight directive $editor tag add tag_c_directive \ $line_number.$dir_start $line_number.$dir_end # Validate directive if {$validation_L0} { if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $directives $directive] == -1} { $editor tag add tag_error \ $line_number.$dir_start $line_number.$dir_end } } # Highlight directive argument if {$directive == {#include}} { set prep_tag {tag_c_prep_lib} } else { set prep_tag {tag_c_preprocessor} } # Determinate start of comment set com_start [string first {//} $line_content] if {$com_start != -1} { set cur_line_end $com_start incr cur_line_end -1 set cur_line_end $line_number.$cur_line_end } else { set cur_line_end $line_end } # Determinate whether the directive continue on the next line or not if {[string index [regsub {\s+$} $line_content {}] end] == "\\"} { $editor tag add $prep_tag $line_number.$dir_end $cur_line_end-1c $editor tag add tag_c_symbol $cur_line_end-1c $cur_line_end set cur_status 7 } else { $editor tag add $prep_tag $line_number.$dir_end $cur_line_end set cur_status 1 } # There is a comment on the line if {$com_start != -1} { $editor tag add tag_c_comment \ $line_number.$com_start \ [list $line_number.0 lineend] } return $cur_status # Inline assembler } elseif {[regexp {^\s*_?_asm\s*$} $line_content]} { $editor tag add tag_c_keyword $line_start $line_end return 5 } } # Split line into fields with different highlight status while {1} { set incr_last_i 0 switch -- $status { 1 { ;# Normal set i 0 set idx [list {} {} {} {} {} {}] foreach str {{/**} {///} {/*} {//} \"} { lset idx $i [string first $str $line_content $last_idx_s] incr i } set min_idx 0 set val 0 set min 0xFFFF for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} { set val [lindex $idx $i] if {$val != -1 && $val < $min} { set min_idx $i set min $val } } set idx [lindex $idx $min_idx] if {$idx == -1} {break} set last_status $status switch -- $min_idx { 0 { set status 2 set incr_last_i 3 set this_line_only 0 } 1 { set status 2 set incr_last_i 3 set this_line_only 1 } 2 { set status 3 set incr_last_i 2 set this_line_only 0 } 3 { set status 3 set incr_last_i 2 set this_line_only 1 } 4 { set status 4 set incr_last_i 1 set this_line_only 0 } } } 2 { ;# Doxygen set idx [string first {*/} $line_content $last_idx_s] if {$idx == -1} {break} incr idx 2 set last_status $status set status 1 } 3 { ;# Comment set idx [string first {*/} $line_content $last_idx_s] if {$idx == -1} {break} incr idx 2 set last_status $status set status 1 } 4 { ;# String set l_idx $last_idx_s while {1} { set idx [string first "\"" $line_content $l_idx] if {$idx < 1} {break} if {[string index $line_content [expr {$idx - 1}]] == "\\"} { incr l_idx } else { break } } if {$idx == -1} {break} incr idx set last_status $status set status 1 } 5 { ;# Inline assembler if {[regexp {^\s*_?_endasm[^\w]*} $line_content]} { mode_normal 0 [string length $line_content] return 1 } set idx 0 set last_status $status set status 6 break } 6 { ;# Inline assembler -- within asm block if {[regexp {^\s*_?_endasm[^\w]*} $line_content]} { mode_normal 0 [string length $line_content] return 1 } else { break } } } # Highliht this chunk if {$last_idx != $idx} { highlight_aux $last_status $last_idx $idx } set last_idx $idx if {$this_line_only} {break} set last_idx_s $last_idx incr last_idx_s $incr_last_i } # Highlight last remaining chunk if {$last_idx != [string length $line_content]} { highlight_aux $status $last_idx [string length $line_content] } # Return final status if {$this_line_only} { return 1 } else { return $status } } ## Auxiliary procedure for procedure highlight # This procedure calls other procedures to perform syntax #+ highlight according to the given highlight status # @parm Int status - Highlight status # @parm Int idx0 - Start index # @parm Int idx1 - End index # @return void proc highlight_aux {status idx0 idx1} { variable editor ;# Widget: Editor text widget variable line_number ;# Int: Line number # Validate input arguments if {$idx0 < 0} { set idx0 0 } if {$idx1 < 0} { set idx1 0 } # Determinate what to do switch -- $status { 1 { ;# Normal mode_normal $idx0 $idx1 } 2 { ;# Doxygen mode_doxygen $idx0 $idx1 } 3 { ;# Comment $editor tag add tag_c_comment $line_number.$idx0 $line_number.$idx1 } 4 { ;# String mode_string $idx0 $idx1 } 5 { ;# Inline assembly mode_normal $idx0 $idx1 } 6 { ;# Inline assembly -- within ::ASMsyntaxHighlight::highlight $editor $line_number 1 } } } ## Highlight text within specified indexes as string # @parm Int idx0 - Start index # @parm Int idx1 - End index # @return void proc mode_string {idx0 idx1} { variable editor ;# Widget: Editor text widget variable line_number ;# Int: Line number variable line_content ;# String: Line content # Local variables set idx 0 ;# Int: Index of backslash in the string set idx_idx0 0 ;# Int: ($idx0 + $idx) set last_idx 0 ;# Int: Last value of $idx # String to highlight set string [string range $line_content $idx0 [expr {$idx1 - 1}]] # Highlight escaped characters and character between them while {1} { # Search for backslash set idx [string first "\\" $string $idx] if {$idx == -1} {break} # Highlight set idx_idx0 [expr {$idx + $idx0}] $editor tag add tag_c_string $line_number.[expr {$last_idx + $idx0}] $line_number.$idx_idx0 $editor tag add tag_c_string_char $line_number.$idx_idx0 $line_number.$idx_idx0+2c incr idx 2 set last_idx $idx } # Highlight remaining chunk of the string $editor tag add tag_c_string $line_number.[expr {$last_idx + $idx0}] $line_number.$idx1 } ## Highlight text within specified indexes as doxygen document # @parm Int idx0 - Start index # @parm Int idx1 - End index # @return void proc mode_doxygen {idx0 idx1} { variable validation_L1 ;# Bool: Advanced validation enabled variable editor ;# Widget: Editor text widget variable line_number ;# Int: Line number variable line_content ;# String: Line content variable doxy_tags_type0;# List of doxygen tags -- No argument variable doxy_tags_type1;# List of doxygen tags -- Word after tag variable doxy_tags_type2;# List of doxygen tags -- Name after tag variable html_tags ;# List of HTML tags (HTML 4.0 Strict) # Local variables set tag_present 0 ;# Bool: Doxygen tag present on line set asterix_p 0 ;# Bool: Leading asterix present on line set i -1 ;# Int: Number of iteration set idx -1 ;# Int: Word start index set len 0 ;# Int: Word length set tags {} ;# List: Highlight tags to put on current word set is_word 0 ;# Bool: This word is doxygen tag word # Determinate string to highlight set string [string range $line_content $idx0 [expr {$idx1 - 1}]] # Split line into words set words [split [regsub -all {>} [regsub -all {<} $string { &}] {& }]] # Adjust HTML tags with argument(s) (they must be represented as a single word) set tag_opened 0 set result_words {} foreach word $words { if {!$tag_opened} { append result_words { } ;# Insert a common space } else { append result_words "\xA0" ;# Insert NBSP } if {!$tag_opened && [regexp {^<\w+$} $word]} { set tag_opened 1 } elseif {$tag_opened && [string index $word end] == {>}} { set tag_opened 0 } append result_words [regsub -all {[\{\}]} $word {\\&}] } set words $result_words set result_words {} # Iterate over string words foreach word $words { # Skip empty words if {$word == {}} {continue} incr i set idx [string first [regsub -all "\xA0" $word { }] $string [expr {$idx + $len}]] set len [string length $word] # Detect doxygen tag word if {$is_word} { set is_word 0 set tags {tag_c_dox_word} # Detect dogygen tag } elseif {[string index $word 0] == {@}} { # Tags without argument if {[lsearch $doxy_tags_type0 $word] != -1 || $word == {@f[}} { set tags {tag_c_dox_tag} # Tags with one argument } elseif {[lsearch $doxy_tags_type1 $word] != -1} { set tags {tag_c_dox_tag} set is_word 1 # Tags witch has name after } elseif {[lsearch $doxy_tags_type2 $word] != -1} { $editor tag add tag_c_dox_tag \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] $editor tag add tag_c_dox_name \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] \ $line_number.$idx1 break # Invalid tag } else { set tags {tag_c_dox_tag} if {$validation_L1} { lappend tags {tag_error} } } # Detect HTML tags } elseif {[string index $word 0] == {<} && [string index $word end] == {>}} { set tags {} # Adjust word set word [string replace $word 0 0 { }] if {[string index $word 1] == {/}} { set word [string replace $word 1 1 { }] } set word [string replace $word end end { }] set word [regsub -all "\xA0" $word { }] # Mark empty tags as errors if {$validation_L1 && ![string length [string trim $word]]} { $editor tag add tag_error \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] $editor tag add tag_c_dox_html \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] } # Highlight each part of word separately (tag argument="value" ...) set sub_len 0 set sub_idx -1 set w_idx -1 foreach w [split $word] { if {$w == {}} {continue} incr w_idx set sub_len [string length $w] incr sub_idx set sub_idx [string first $w $word $sub_idx] # Highlight and validate HTML tag if {!$w_idx} { # Highlight tagname $editor tag add tag_c_dox_html \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx + $sub_len}] # Check if HTML tag is valid HTML-4.0 Strict tag if {$validation_L1 && [lsearch $html_tags [string tolower $w]] == -1} { $editor tag add tag_error \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx + $sub_len}] } # Highlight arguments } else { set first_equ_mark [string first {=} $w] incr first_equ_mark # Check if argument notation is valid if {$validation_L1 && $first_equ_mark == $sub_len} { $editor tag add tag_error \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx + $sub_len}] } # Highlight argument value if {$first_equ_mark} { $editor tag add tag_c_dox_hargval \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx + $first_equ_mark}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx + $sub_len}] } else { set first_equ_mark $sub_len } # Highlight argument name $editor tag add tag_c_dox_harg \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $sub_idx + $first_equ_mark}] } } # Highlight last ">" $editor tag add tag_c_dox_html \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len - 1}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] # Doxygen comment } else { set tags {tag_c_dox_comment} } # Create chosen highlighting tags foreach tag $tags { $editor tag add $tag \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] } } } ## Highlight text within specified indexes as normal text # @parm Int idx0 - Start index # @parm Int idx1 - End index # @return void proc mode_normal {idx0 idx1} { variable validation_L0 ;# Bool: Basic validation enabled variable editor ;# Widget: Editor text widget variable line_number ;# Int: Line number variable line_content ;# String: Line content variable data_types ;# List of data type specifiers variable keywords ;# List of C keywords # Determinate string to highligh and its length set string [string range $line_content $idx0 [expr {$idx1 - 1}]] set len [string length $string] # At first highlight all as a normal text $editor tag add tag_normal $line_number.$idx0 $line_number.$idx1 # Highlight symbols set char {} for {set i 0; set j $idx0} {$i < $len} {incr i; incr j} { set char [string index $string $i] # Brackets if { $char == {(} || $char == {)} || $char == "\{" || $char == "\}" || $char == {[} || $char == {]} } then { $editor tag add tag_c_bracket $line_number.$j $line_number.$j+1c # Other symbols } elseif {[lsearch {; = , + - < > ! | & * / ? : % ^} $char] != -1} { $editor tag add tag_c_symbol $line_number.$j $line_number.$j+1c } } # Highlight keywords and data types set idx 0 foreach words [list $keywords $data_types] \ tag {tag_c_keyword tag_c_data_type} \ { set idx -1 foreach word $words { while {1} { incr idx set idx [string first $word $string $idx] if {$idx == -1} {break} set len [string length $word] if {[string is wordchar -strict [string index $string [expr {$idx - 1}]]]} { continue } if {[string is wordchar -strict [string index $string [expr {$idx + $len}]]]} { continue } $editor tag add $tag \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] } } } # Highlight numbers set idx -1 set len 0 set tags {} foreach word [split $string {   ;=,+-<>!|&*/?:%^{}[]()}] { if {$word == {}} {continue} incr idx set len [string length $word] set idx [string first $word $string $idx] # Char if {![string is digit -strict [string index $word 0]]} { if {$word == {''}} { set tags {tag_error} } elseif {[regexp {^'[^']+'$} $word]} { set tags {tag_c_char} } else { continue } # Oct | Dec } elseif {[string is digit -strict $word]} { if {[string index $word 0] == {0}} { if {$len == 1} { set tags {tag_c_dec} } elseif {!$validation_L0 || [regexp {^0[0-7]+$} $word]} { set tags {tag_c_oct} } else { set tags {tag_c_oct tag_error} } } else { set tags {tag_c_dec} } # Hex } elseif { [string index $word 0] == {0} && ( [string index $word 1] == {x} || [string index $word 1] == {X} ) } then { if {!$validation_L0 || [string is xdigit -strict [string range $word 2 end]]} { set tags {tag_c_hex} } else { set tags {tag_c_hex tag_error} } # Bin } elseif { [string index $word 0] == {0} && ( [string index $word 1] == {b} || [string index $word 1] == {B} ) } then { if {!$validation_L0 || [regexp {^[01]+$} [string range $word 2 end]]} { set tags {tag_c_bin} } else { set tags {tag_c_bin tag_error} } # Float } elseif {[regexp {^\d+\.\d+$} $word]} { set tags {tag_c_float} # Invalid number } else { if {$validation_L0} { set tags {tag_error} } } # Put tags on text widget foreach tag $tags { $editor tag add $tag \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx}] \ $line_number.[expr {$idx0 + $idx + $len}] } } } ## Remove previously defined syntax highlighting tags # @return void proc delete_tags {} { variable editor ;# Widget: Editor text widget variable highlight_tags ;# Highlight tags definition variable line_start ;# Index of line start variable line_end ;# Index of line end # Remove tag error $editor tag remove tag_error $line_start $line_end $editor tag remove tag_error_line $line_start $line_start+1l $editor tag remove c_lang_func $line_start $line_start+1l $editor tag remove c_lang_var $line_start $line_start+1l # Remove tags according to pattern foreach tag $highlight_tags { $editor tag remove [lindex $tag 0] $line_start $line_end } foreach tag $::ASMsyntaxHighlight::highlight_tags { $editor tag remove [lindex $tag 0] $line_start $line_end } } } # >>> File inclusion guard } # <<< File inclusion guard