#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://https://sourceforge.net/projects/mcu8051ide/ ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # Copyright (C) 2014 by Moravia Microsystems, s.r.o. # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # >>> File inclusion guard if { ! [ info exists _SFRWATCHES_TCL ] } { set _SFRWATCHES_TCL _ # <<< File inclusion guard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Provides SFR watches for left panel # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SFRWatches { ## COMMON # Font for addresses and register names public common main_font [font create \ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \ -size [expr {int(-14 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight bold \ ] # Just another font but not bold public common roman_font [font create \ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \ -size [expr {int(-14 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ ] # Fonr for register entry boxes public common entry_font [font create \ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight bold \ ] ## PRIVATE private variable text_widget ;# Widget: Text widget containing SFR watches private variable scrollbar {} ;# Widget: Scrollbar for $text_widget private variable search_entry ;# Widget: Search entry box at the bottom of the panel private variable search_clear_but ;# Widget: Button "Clear" at the bottom of the panel private variable main_left_frame ;# Widget: Frame containing $text_widget and its header label private variable entry_count 0 ;# Int: Number of SFRs private variable validation_ena 1 ;# Bool: SFR entry box validation enabled private variable haddr2idx ;# Array: $haddr2idx($hex_addr) --> row_in_text_widget - 1 private variable addr2idx ;# Array: $addr2idx($dec_addr) --> row_in_text_widget - 1 private variable reg2idx ;# Array: $addr2idx($register_name_uppercase) --> row_in_text_widget - 1 private variable last_selected_line 0 ;# Int: Selected row in the text widget private variable search_ena 1 ;# Bool: Search enabled private variable menu ;# Widget: Popup menu for the text widget # Variables related to object initialization private variable parent ;# Parent GUI object (tempotary variable) private variable sfrw_gui_initialized 0 ;# GUI ready constructor {} { } destructor { if {$sfrw_gui_initialized} { menu_Sbar_remove $menu } } ## Prepare object for creating its GUI # @parm Widget _parent - parent container (some frame) # @return void public method PrepareSFRWatches {_parent} { set parent $_parent set sfrw_gui_initialized 0 } ## Initialize SFR watches GUI # @return void public method CreateSFRWatchesGUI {} { if {$sfrw_gui_initialized} {return} set sfrw_gui_initialized 1 set validation_ena 0 create_GUI fill_gui set validation_ena 1 if {![$this is_frozen]} { sfr_watches_disable } } ## Create entry box to embedd in the text widget # @parm Int i - Entry index (row - 1) # @parm String type - Entry type (hex or dec) # @parm Int addr - SFR address (128..255) # @parm String reg - SFR name (e.g. PSW) # @return Widget - Created entry box private method create_entry {i type addr reg} { # Determine entry box width if {$type == {hex}} { set width 2 } else { set width 3 } # Create entry widget set entry [entry $text_widget.${type}_entry_${i} \ -width $width -font $entry_font \ -bg {#FFFFFF} -validate all \ -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -disabledbackground {#FFFFFF} \ -vcmd "$this sfr_watches_validate ${type} $addr %P" \ -bd 0 -justify right \ ] # Perform name correction for accumulators if {$reg == {A} || $reg == {B}} { append reg {_hex} } # Set event bindins bind $entry {help_window_show %X %Y} bind $entry {help_window_hide} bind $entry "$this unmark_entry $addr" bind $entry "$this create_help_window_ram $reg" bind $entry "$this sfr_watches_select_line 0 [expr {$i + 1}] $type" bind $entry "$this sfr_watches_up $type 1" bind $entry "$this sfr_watches_down $type 1" bind $entry "$this sfr_watches_down $type 4" bind $entry "$this sfr_watches_up $type 4" bind $entry "$text_widget yview scroll -5 units" bind $entry "$text_widget yview scroll +5 units" if {$type == {hex}} { bind $entry " focus $text_widget.dec_entry_${i} $text_widget.dec_entry_${i} selection clear update $text_widget.dec_entry_${i} icursor 0" } else { bind $entry " focus $text_widget.hex_entry_${i} $text_widget.hex_entry_${i} selection clear update $text_widget.dec_entry_${i} icursor end" } return $entry } ## Complite GUI initialization (load all SFRs into the text widget) # @return void private method fill_gui {} { set entry_count 0 set validation_ena 0 # Iterate over defined SFRs ({{addr name} ... }) foreach reg [$this simulator_get_sfrs] { # Determine hexadecimal address set addr [lindex $reg 0] set hex_addr [format %X $addr] if {[string length $hex_addr] == 1} { set hex_addr "0$hex_addr" } elseif {[string length $hex_addr] == 3} { set hex_addr [string replace $hex_addr 0 0] } # Determine register name and make it 8 characters long set reg [lindex $reg 1] set reg_org $reg switch -- $reg { SBUFR { set reg {SBUF R} } SBUFT { set reg {SBUF T} } default { set reg $reg } } append reg [string repeat { } [expr {8 - [string length $reg]}]] # Register this SFR set haddr2idx($hex_addr) $entry_count set addr2idx($addr) $entry_count set reg2idx($reg_org) $entry_count # Insert address and name into the text widget $text_widget insert end $hex_addr $text_widget insert end { } $text_widget insert end $reg # Set highlighting tags set line [expr {int([$text_widget index insert])}] $text_widget tag add tag_addr $line.0 $line.2 $text_widget tag add tag_name $line.3 $line.11 # Create and insert embedded entry boxes set entry [create_entry $entry_count hex $addr $reg_org] $entry insert 0 [$this getSfr $addr] $text_widget window create end -window $entry -pady 0 $text_widget insert end { } set entry [create_entry $entry_count dec $addr $reg_org] $entry insert 0 [$this getSfrDEC $addr] $text_widget window create end -window $entry -pady 0 # Finalize this row $text_widget insert end "\n" incr entry_count } # Remove the last line (empty line) and disable the text widget $text_widget delete end-1l end set validation_ena 1 } ## Set value of SFR at current line to the specified value # @parm String value - Hexadecimal value # @return void public method sfr_watches_set_current_to {value} { set idx [expr {$last_selected_line - 1}] set addr [lindex [$this simulator_get_sfrs] [list $idx 0]] $this setSfr $addr $value $this Simulator_GUI_sync S $addr } ## Create GUI elements of this panel # @return void private method create_GUI {} { # Create and pack panel frames set main_frame [frame $parent.main_frame] set main_left_frame [frame $main_frame.left] pack $main_left_frame -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack $main_frame -fill both -expand 1 # Create text widget and its header pack [label $main_left_frame.header_label \ -anchor w -justify left -pady 0 -padx 2 \ -fg ${::Simulator_GUI::small_color} \ -font ${::Simulator_GUI::smallfont} \ -text "[mc {Register}] [mc {HEX}] [mc {DEC}]" -width 1 \ ] -fill x -pady 0 -anchor nw set text_widget [text $main_left_frame.text \ -bg {#FFFFFF} -font $roman_font -bd 2 \ -width 0 -height 0 -wrap none \ -yscrollcommand "$this sfr_watches_scroll_set" \ -cursor left_ptr \ ] # Create popup menu for the text widget set menu $text_widget.menu menuFactory { {command {Set to 0x00} {} 9 "sfr_watches_set_current_to 00" {} "Set this register to 0"} {command {Set to 0xFF} {} 9 "sfr_watches_set_current_to FF" {} "Set this register to 255"} } $menu 0 "$this " 0 {} [namespace current] # Set event bindings for the text widget bindtags $text_widget $text_widget foreach event { } { bind $text_widget $event [bind Text $event] } bind $text_widget \ "$this sfr_watches_select_line 0 \[expr {int(\[%W index @%x,%y\])}\] hex" bind $text_widget \ "$this sfr_watches_select_line 0 \[expr {int(\[%W index @%x,%y\])}\] hex tk_popup $menu %X %Y" # Pack the text widget and create its scrollbar pack $text_widget -fill both -expand 1 set scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar $main_frame.scrollbar \ -orient vertical -command "$text_widget yview" \ ] # Create bottom frame (search bar) set search_frame [frame $parent.top] pack [label $search_frame.lbl \ -text [mc "Search:"] \ ] -side left set search_entry [ttk::entry $search_frame.entry \ -width 0 \ -validate all \ -validatecommand "$this sfr_watches_search_validate %P" \ ] pack $search_entry -side left -fill x -expand 1 set search_clear_but [ttk::button $search_frame.button \ -style Flat.TButton \ -state disabled \ -image ::ICONS::16::clear_left \ -command "$search_entry delete 0 end" \ ] pack $search_clear_but -side right -after $search_entry pack $search_frame -fill x # Create highlighting tags for the text widget $text_widget tag configure tag_addr \ -foreground {#000000} -font $main_font $text_widget tag configure tag_name \ -foreground {#0000DD} -font $main_font $text_widget tag configure tag_curLine \ -background ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} } ## Adjust scrollbar # @parm Float frac0 - 1st fraction # @parm Float frac1 - 2nd fraction # @return void public method sfr_watches_scroll_set {frac0 frac1} { if {$scrollbar == {}} { return } # Hide scrollbar if {$frac0 == 0 && $frac1 == 1} { if {[winfo ismapped $scrollbar]} { pack forget $scrollbar } # Show scrollbar } else { if {![winfo ismapped $scrollbar]} { pack $scrollbar \ -side left \ -fill y \ -after $main_left_frame } $scrollbar set $frac0 $frac1 } } ## Validate content of search entry box at the bottom bar # @parm String string - String to validate # @return Bool - Always 1 public method sfr_watches_search_validate {string} { # Check if searching is enabled if {!$search_ena} {return 1} # Adjust state of clear button (+ clear selection on the text widget) if {$string == {}} { $search_clear_but configure -state disabled $search_entry configure -style TEntry sfr_watches_select_line 1 0 hex return 1 } else { $search_clear_but configure -state normal } set string [string toupper $string] # Perform case insensitive search for the given chunk of SFR name and address foreach arr {reg2idx haddr2idx} { foreach str [lsort -ascii -increasing [array names $arr]] { # Search successful if {![string first $string $str]} { $search_entry configure -style StringFound.TEntry sfr_watches_select_line 1 [expr {[subst -nocommands "\${${arr}(${str})}"] + 1}] hex return 1 } } } # Search failed $search_entry configure -style StringNotFound.TEntry return 1 } ## Select line in the text widget # @parm Bool search - Invoked form search validator (do not clear search entry box) # @parm Int line - Target line # @parm String type - Entry box to select (hex or dec) # @return void public method sfr_watches_select_line {search line type} { # Unselect the last selected line and determinate cursor position if {$last_selected_line} { $text_widget tag remove tag_curLine 0.0 end $this simulator_reg_label_set_highlighted $last_selected_line 0 incr last_selected_line -1 foreach tp {dec hex} { $text_widget.${tp}_entry_$last_selected_line selection clear $text_widget.${tp}_entry_$last_selected_line configure \ -bg {#FFFFFF} -disabledbackground {#FFFFFF} } set cursor [$text_widget.${type}_entry_$last_selected_line index insert] } else { set cursor 0 } # Adjust last selected line (if 0 the return) set last_selected_line $line if {!$line} { return } # Highlight this line as selected in the text widget $text_widget tag add tag_curLine \ $last_selected_line.0 \ $last_selected_line.0+1l $text_widget see $last_selected_line.0 # Highlight SFR on this line in simulator control panel $this simulator_reg_label_set_highlighted $last_selected_line 1 # Adjust background color for entry boxes at this line incr line -1 $text_widget.dec_entry_$line configure \ -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} \ -bg ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} \ -disabledbackground ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} $text_widget.hex_entry_$line configure \ -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} \ -bg ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} \ -disabledbackground ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} # Clear search entry box and focus and entry box at this line if {!$search} { $text_widget.${type}_entry_$line icursor $cursor $text_widget.${type}_entry_$line selection range 0 end focus $text_widget.${type}_entry_$line set search_ena 0 $search_entry delete 0 end set search_ena 1 } } ## Validator for SFR value entry boxes # @parm String type - Entry box type (hex or dec) # @parm Int addr - Register address # @parm String value - String to validate # @return Bool - Validation result public method sfr_watches_validate {type addr value} { # Prevent recursion if {!$validation_ena} {return 1} set validation_ena 0 # Validate value if {$value == {}} { set value 0 } if {$type == {hex}} { if {![string is xdigit $value]} { set validation_ena 1 return 0 } set value [expr "0x$value"] } else { if {![string is digit $value]} { set validation_ena 1 return 0 } } if {$value > 255 || $value < 0} { set validation_ena 1 return 0 } # Synchronize with engine and simulator control panel $this setSfr $addr [format %X $value] $this SimGUI_disable_sync $this Simulator_GUI_sync S $addr $this SimGUI_enable_sync # Synchronize with the other one entry box if {$type == {hex}} { $text_widget.dec_entry_$addr2idx($addr) delete 0 end $text_widget.dec_entry_$addr2idx($addr) insert 0 $value } else { set value [format %X $value] if {[string length $value] == 1} { set value "0$value" } $text_widget.hex_entry_$addr2idx($addr) delete 0 end $text_widget.hex_entry_$addr2idx($addr) insert 0 $value } # Done set validation_ena 1 return 1 } ## Remove all SFRs for the text widget and unregister them # @return void private method clear_gui {} { if {!$sfrw_gui_initialized} {return} # Clear SFR name label highlight in simultor contol panel if {$last_selected_line} { $this simulator_reg_label_set_highlighted $last_selected_line 0 } # Reset object variables array unset haddr2idx array unset addr2idx array unset reg2idx set last_selected_line 0 set entry_count 0 # Clear the text widget $text_widget delete 1.0 end foreach wdg [$text_widget window names] { destroy $wdg } } ## Set new value of certain SFR in this panel # @parm Int addr - SFR address # @parm Int new_val - New SFR value # @return void public method sfr_watches_sync {addr new_val} { if {!$sfrw_gui_initialized} {return} # Prevent recursion if {!$validation_ena} {return} set validation_ena 0 # Check if this SFR is available here if {[lsearch [array names addr2idx] $addr] == -1} { set validation_ena 1 return } # Determinate references of HEX and DEC entry boxes set hex_entry $text_widget.hex_entry_$addr2idx($addr) set dec_entry $text_widget.dec_entry_$addr2idx($addr) # Highlight entry boxes set org_val [$dec_entry get] if {$org_val != $new_val} { $hex_entry configure -fg ${::Simulator_GUI::hcolor} $dec_entry configure -fg ${::Simulator_GUI::hcolor} } # Set decimal value $dec_entry delete 0 end $dec_entry insert 0 $new_val # Set hexadecimal value set new_val [format %X $new_val] if {[string length $new_val] == 1} { set new_val "0$new_val" } $hex_entry delete 0 end $hex_entry insert 0 $new_val # Reenable entry box value validations set validation_ena 1 } ## Enable this panel # @return vois public method sfr_watches_enable {} { if {!$sfrw_gui_initialized} {return} $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Set to 0x00"] -state normal $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Set to 0xFF"] -state normal for {set i 0} {$i < $entry_count} {incr i} { $text_widget.hex_entry_$i configure -state normal $text_widget.dec_entry_$i configure -state normal } } ## Disable this panel # @return vois public method sfr_watches_disable {} { if {!$sfrw_gui_initialized} {return} $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Set to 0x00"] -state disabled $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Set to 0xFF"] -state disabled for {set i 0} {$i < $entry_count} {incr i} { $text_widget.hex_entry_$i configure -state disabled $text_widget.dec_entry_$i configure -state disabled } } ## This function shuld be call after processor was changed # Reload available SFRs # @return void public method sfr_watches_commit_new_sfr_set {} { if {!$sfrw_gui_initialized} {return} clear_gui fill_gui } ## Move selected line up # @parm String type - Which entry box should be selected (hex or dec) # @parm Int lines - Number of lines to move by # @return void public method sfr_watches_up {type lines} { set line $last_selected_line incr line -$lines if {$line <= 0} { set line $entry_count } sfr_watches_select_line 0 $line $type } ## Move selected line down # @parm String type - Which entry box should be selected (hex or dec) # @parm Int lines - Number of lines to move by # @return void public method sfr_watches_down {type lines} { set line $last_selected_line incr line $lines if {$line >= $entry_count} { set line 0 } sfr_watches_select_line 0 $line $type } } # >>> File inclusion guard } # <<< File inclusion guard