#! /usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://http://www.moravia-microsystems.com/mcu8051ide ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2012 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # Copyright (C) 2014 by Moravia Microsystems, s.r.o. # # martin.osmera@moravia-microsystems.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ proc ModernNoteBook {pathname args} { if {[llength $args]} { return [ModernNoteBookClass #auto $pathname $args] } else { return [ModernNoteBookClass #auto $pathname] } } class ModernNoteBookClass { public common font_size 12 public common button_font [font create -family {helvetica} -size [expr {int(-$font_size * $::font_size_factor)}] -weight {normal}] private variable button_counter 0 private variable tab_but_enter_cmd {} private variable tab_but_leave_cmd {} private variable event_bindings [list] private variable common_tab_but_width 0 private variable common_tab_but_height 0 private variable scroll_buttons_visible 0 private variable total_tabbar_width 0 private variable last_width -1 private variable pages [list] private variable options private variable current_page -1 private variable tabbar_hidden 0 private variable main_frame private variable tab_bar_frame private variable pages_area_frame private variable pages_area_frame_f private variable tab_bar_frame_left private variable tab_bar_frame_middle private variable tab_bar_frame_middle_sc private variable tab_bar_frame_right private variable tab_bar_frame_left_b private variable tab_bar_frame_right_b constructor {pathname args} { set options(pathname) $pathname set options(homogeneous) 0 set options(autohide) 0 set options(tabpady) 0 set options(nomanager) 0 set args [lindex $args 0] set length [llength $args] for {set i 0; set j 1} {$i < $length} {incr i 2; incr j 2} { set attr [lindex $args $i] set val [lindex $args $j] switch -- $attr { {-homogeneous} { if {![string is boolean $val]} { error "Argument to option $attr must be a boolean." } set options(homogeneous) $val } {-autohide} { if {![string is boolean $val]} { error "Argument to option $attr must be a boolean." } set options(autohide) $val } {-tabpady} { if {![string is digit $val]} { error "Argument to option $attr must be an integer." } set options(tabpady) $val } {-nomanager} { if {![string is boolean $val]} { error "Argument to option $attr must be a boolean." } set options(nomanager) $val } {-font} { set button_font $val set font_size [expr {abs([font configure $val -size])}] } default { error "Unknown argument: $attr" } } } set main_frame [frame $pathname] set tab_bar_frame [frame $main_frame.tab_bar_frame] set pages_area_frame_f [frame $main_frame.pages_area_frame -bd 1 -relief raised] pack $pages_area_frame_f -side bottom -fill both -expand 1 set pages_area_frame [PagesManager $pages_area_frame_f.pages_manager] set tab_bar_frame_right [frame $tab_bar_frame.right_frame] set tab_bar_frame_middle [frame $tab_bar_frame.middle_frame] if {!$options(autohide)} { pack $tab_bar_frame -side top -fill both -before $pages_area_frame_f } else { set tabbar_hidden 1 $pages_area_frame_f configure -bd 0 } if {!$options(nomanager)} { pack $pages_area_frame -side bottom -fill both -expand 1 } else { pack forget $pages_area_frame_f } pack $tab_bar_frame_right -side right -fill y pack $tab_bar_frame_middle -fill x -expand 1 -side left -after $tab_bar_frame_right set tab_bar_frame_middle [ScrollableFrame $tab_bar_frame_middle.inner_frame -height $common_tab_but_height] set tab_bar_frame_middle_sc [$tab_bar_frame_middle getframe] pack $tab_bar_frame_middle -fill x set tab_bar_frame_left [ttk::button \ $tab_bar_frame_right.button_l \ -style Flat.TButton \ -image ::ICONS::16::1leftarrow \ -command [list $tab_bar_frame_middle xview scroll -10 units] \ ] set tab_bar_frame_right [ttk::button \ $tab_bar_frame_right.button_r \ -style Flat.TButton \ -image ::ICONS::16::1rightarrow \ -command [list $tab_bar_frame_middle xview scroll 10 units] \ ] } public method show_pages_area {} { if {$options(nomanager)} { pack $pages_area_frame -side bottom -fill both -expand 1 set options(nomanager) 0 } } public method hide_pages_area {} { if {!$options(nomanager)} { pack forget $pages_area_frame set options(nomanager) 1 } } public method deselect_tab_button {} { set current_page -1 redraw_tab_bar } public method get_nb {} { return $options(pathname) } public method itemconfigure {page args} { set idx [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $page] if {$idx == -1} { error "No such page: $page" return } set page_spec [lindex $pages $idx] set arg_createcmd [lindex $page_spec 1] set arg_image [lindex $page_spec 2] set arg_leavecmd [lindex $page_spec 3] set arg_raisecmd [lindex $page_spec 4] set arg_state [lindex $page_spec 5] set arg_text [lindex $page_spec 6] set arg_helptext [lindex $page_spec 7] set length [llength $args] for {set i 0; set j 1} {$i < $length} {incr i 2; incr j 2} { set attr [lindex $args $i] set val [lindex $args $j] switch -- $attr { {-createcmd} { set arg_createcmd $val } {-image} { set arg_image $val } {-leavecmd} { set arg_leavecmd $val } {-raisecmd} { set arg_raisecmd $val } {-state} { if {$val == {normal}} { set val 0 } elseif {$val == {disabled}} { set val 1 } else { error "Possible values of $attr are: \"normal\" and \"disabled\"." } set arg_state $val } {-text} { set arg_text $val } {-helptext} { set arg_helptext $val } default { error "Unknown argument: $attr" } } } set pages [lreplace $pages $idx $idx [list $page $arg_createcmd $arg_image $arg_leavecmd $arg_raisecmd $arg_state $arg_text $arg_helptext {} 0]] redraw_tab_bar_completely } private method redraw_tab_bar_completely {} { set common_tab_but_width 0 set common_tab_but_height 0 redraw_tab_bar 1 redraw_tab_bar handle_resize } public method insert {index page args} { set arg_createcmd {} set arg_image {} set arg_leavecmd {} set arg_raisecmd {} set arg_state 0 set arg_text {} set arg_helptext {} set length [llength $args] for {set i 0; set j 1} {$i < $length} {incr i 2; incr j 2} { set attr [lindex $args $i] set val [lindex $args $j] switch -- $attr { {-createcmd} { set arg_createcmd $val } {-image} { set arg_image $val } {-leavecmd} { set arg_leavecmd $val } {-raisecmd} { set arg_raisecmd $val } {-state} { if {$val == {normal}} { set val 0 } elseif {$val == {disabled}} { set val 1 } else { error "Possible values of $attr are: \"normal\" and \"disabled\"." } set arg_state $val } {-text} { set arg_text $val } {-helptext} { set arg_helptext $val } default { error "Unknown argument: $attr" } } } if {[lsearch -ascii -exact -index 0 $pages $page] != -1} { error "Page already exists: $page" } if {$current_page != -1} { set current_page_id [lindex $pages [list $current_page 0]] } set pages [linsert $pages $index [list $page $arg_createcmd $arg_image $arg_leavecmd $arg_raisecmd $arg_state $arg_text $arg_helptext 0 {} 0]] $pages_area_frame add $page [$pages_area_frame getframe $page] configure -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR} -padx 5 -pady 5 if {$current_page != -1} { set current_page [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $current_page_id] if {$current_page != -1} { $this see $current_page_id } } redraw_tab_bar_completely if {$options(autohide) && ([llength $pages] > 1)} { show_hide_tabbar 1 } return [$pages_area_frame getframe $page] } public method bindtabs {event command} { if {$event == {}} { set tab_but_enter_cmd $command } elseif {$event == {}} { set tab_but_leave_cmd $command } else { set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact -index 0 $event_bindings $event] if {$idx == -1} { lappend event_bindings [list $event $command] } else { set event_bindings [lreplace $event_bindings $idx $idx [list $event $command]] } reset_event_bindings } } public method see {page} { set idx [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $page] if {$idx == -1} { error "No such page: $page" return } $tab_bar_frame_middle see [lindex $pages [list $idx end-1]] } public method getframe {page} { return [$pages_area_frame getframe $page] } public method move {page index} { set idx [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $page] if {$idx == -1} { error "No such page: $page" return } if {$index != {end} && $index >= [llength $pages]} { error "Index out of range: $index" return } if {$current_page != -1} { set current_page_id [lindex $pages [list $current_page 0]] } set page_spec [lindex $pages $idx] set pages [lreplace $pages $idx $idx] set pages [linsert $pages $index $page_spec] if {$current_page != -1} { set current_page [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $current_page_id] if {$current_page != -1} { $this see $current_page_id } } redraw_tab_bar } public method pages {} { set result [list] foreach page_spec $pages { lappend result [lindex $page_spec 0] } return $result } public method index {page} { return [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $page] } public method delete {page} { set idx [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $page] if {$idx == -1} { error "No such page: $page" return } $pages_area_frame delete $page if {($current_page != -1) && ($current_page != $idx)} { set current_page_id [lindex $pages [list $current_page 0]] } set pages [lreplace $pages $idx $idx] if {![llength $pages]} { set current_page -1 } elseif {$current_page == $idx} { set current_page -1 } elseif {$current_page != -1} { set current_page [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $current_page_id] if {$current_page != -1} { $this see $current_page_id } } if {$options(autohide) && ([llength $pages] < 2)} { show_hide_tabbar 0 } else { redraw_tab_bar_completely } } public method show_hide_tabbar {{show {}}} { if {$show == {}} { return $tabbar_hidden } if {![string is boolean $show]} { error "show must be a boolean ({$show} given)" } if {$show && $tabbar_hidden} { # Show it if {$options(nomanager)} { pack $tab_bar_frame -side top -fill both } else { pack $tab_bar_frame -side top -fill both -before $pages_area_frame_f } set tabbar_hidden 0 $pages_area_frame_f configure -bd 1 } elseif {!$show && !$tabbar_hidden} { # Hide it pack forget $tab_bar_frame set tabbar_hidden 1 $pages_area_frame_f configure -bd 0 } } public method raise {{page {}} {by_click 0}} { if {$page == {}} { if {$current_page == -1} { return {} } return [lindex $pages [list $current_page 0]] } set idx [lsearch -index 0 -ascii -exact $pages $page] if {$idx == -1} { error "No such page: $page" return } if {$current_page == $idx || [lindex $pages [list $idx 5]]} { return } if {$current_page != -1 && $current_page < [llength $pages]} { uplevel #0 [lindex $pages [list $current_page 3]] set_tab_but_bg_color n [lindex $pages [list $current_page end-1]] } $pages_area_frame raise $page $this see $page set current_page $idx if {$by_click} { set_tab_but_bg_color ae [lindex $pages [list $current_page end-1]] } else { set_tab_but_bg_color a [lindex $pages [list $current_page end-1]] } if {![lindex $pages [list $current_page end]]} { lset pages [list $current_page end] 1 set createcmd [lindex $pages [list $current_page 1]] if {$createcmd != {}} { uplevel #0 $createcmd } } set raisecmd [lindex $pages [list $current_page 4]] if {$raisecmd != {}} { uplevel #0 $raisecmd } } private method redraw_tab_bar {{only_compute 0}} { if {!$only_compute} { destroy $tab_bar_frame_middle ScrollableFrame $tab_bar_frame_middle -height $common_tab_but_height set tab_bar_frame_middle_sc [$tab_bar_frame_middle getframe] pack $tab_bar_frame_middle -fill x -expand 1 bind $tab_bar_frame_middle [list $this handle_resize] } set total_tabbar_width 0 set i -1 foreach page_spec $pages { incr i set tab_but [draw_button $tab_bar_frame_middle_sc $i [lindex $page_spec 6] [lindex $page_spec 2] [lindex $page_spec 7] $only_compute] lset pages [list $i end-1] $tab_but if {$only_compute} { continue } pack $tab_but -side left if {![lindex $page_spec 5]} { bind $tab_but [format "%s\n%s" update [list $this raise [lindex $page_spec 0] 1]] } } } private method draw_button {target page_idx {text {}} {image {}} {helptext {}} {only_compute 0}} { set label_width [font measure $button_font $text] set image_width 0 set image_height 0 if {$image != {}} { set image_width [image width $image] set image_height [image height $image] } else { set image_height 16 } set canvas_width [expr {$label_width + $image_width + 15}] set canvas_height [expr {(($font_size > $image_height) ? $font_size : $image_height) + 6 + $options(tabpady)}] if {$image_width} { incr canvas_width 5 } if {$options(homogeneous)} { if {$canvas_width > $common_tab_but_width} { set common_tab_but_width $canvas_width } else { set canvas_width $common_tab_but_width } } if {$canvas_height > $common_tab_but_height} { set common_tab_but_height $canvas_height } else { set canvas_height $common_tab_but_height } if {$only_compute} { return {} } set cnv [canvas $target.b_$button_counter -bg {#E0E0E0} -width $canvas_width -height $canvas_height \ -bd 0 \ -highlightthickness 0 \ ] set x 7 set y [expr {1 + int($canvas_height / 2)}] if {$image != {}} { $cnv create image $x $y -image $image -anchor w incr x $image_width incr x 5 if {$image_height > $canvas_height} { incr y [expr {int(ceil(($image_height - $canvas_height) / 2))}] } } $cnv create text $x $y -font $button_font -anchor w -justify left -text $text -tags txt $cnv create line 1 0 [expr {$canvas_width - 1}] 0 -tags bg1 $cnv create line 1 1 [expr {$canvas_width - 1}] 1 -tags bg2 $cnv create line 0 1 0 $canvas_height -tags bg1 $cnv create line 1 1 1 $canvas_height -tags bg2 $cnv create line [expr {$canvas_width - 1}] 1 [expr {$canvas_width - 1}] $canvas_height -tags bg1 $cnv create line [expr {$canvas_width - 2}] 1 [expr {$canvas_width - 2}] $canvas_height -tags bg3 if {[lindex $pages [list $page_idx 5]]} { set_tab_but_bg_color d $cnv } elseif {$page_idx == $current_page} { set_tab_but_bg_color a $cnv } else { set_tab_but_bg_color n $cnv } if {$helptext != {}} { DynamicHelp::add $cnv -text $helptext } bind $cnv +[list $this tab_but_enter $page_idx] bind $cnv +[list $this tab_but_leave $page_idx] set_event_bindings $cnv $page_idx incr button_counter incr total_tabbar_width $canvas_width return $cnv } private method set_event_bindings {but page_idx} { foreach env_cmd $event_bindings { bind $but [lindex $env_cmd 0] [format "%s %s" [lindex $env_cmd 1] [lindex $pages $page_idx 0]] } } private method reset_event_bindings {} { set i -1 foreach page_spec $pages { incr i set_event_bindings [lindex $page_spec end-1] $i } } public method handle_resize {} { if {$tabbar_hidden || ![winfo exists $tab_bar_frame_middle] || ![winfo viewable $tab_bar_frame_middle]} { return } set current_width [winfo width $tab_bar_frame_middle] if {$current_width == $last_width} { return } set last_width $current_width if {($current_width < $total_tabbar_width) && !$scroll_buttons_visible} { set scroll_buttons_visible 1 pack $tab_bar_frame_left -side left pack $tab_bar_frame_right -side left } elseif {($current_width >= $total_tabbar_width) && $scroll_buttons_visible} { set scroll_buttons_visible 0 pack forget $tab_bar_frame_left pack forget $tab_bar_frame_right } } private method set_tab_but_bg_color {code but} { switch -- $code { {a} { set bg0 {#E0E0FF} set bg1 {#9999FF} set bg2 {#AAAAFF} set bg3 {#CFCDFF} set txt_fg {#000000} } {ae} { set bg0 {#CCCCFF} set bg1 {#9999FF} set bg2 {#AAAAFF} set bg3 {#CFCDFF} set txt_fg {#000000} } {n} { set bg0 ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR} set bg1 {#BBBBBB} set bg2 {#EEEBE7} set bg3 {#CFCDC8} set txt_fg {#000000} } {ne} { set bg0 {#CCCCFF} set bg1 {#9999CC} set bg2 {#AAAADD} set bg3 {#CFCDC8} set txt_fg {#000000} } {d} { set bg0 ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR} set bg1 {#BBBBBB} set bg2 {#EEEBE7} set bg3 {#CFCDC8} set txt_fg {#888888} } default { error "ModernNoteBookClass::set_tab_but_bg_color: Invalid argument: code={$code}" } } $but configure -bg $bg0 $but itemconfigure bg1 -fill $bg1 $but itemconfigure bg2 -fill $bg2 $but itemconfigure bg3 -fill $bg3 $but itemconfigure txt -fill $txt_fg } public method tab_but_enter {page_idx} { set but [lindex $pages [list $page_idx end-1]] if {[lindex $pages [list $page_idx 5]]} { return } elseif {$current_page == $page_idx} { set_tab_but_bg_color ae $but } else { set_tab_but_bg_color ne $but } if {$tab_but_enter_cmd != {}} { uplevel #0 [format "%s %s" $tab_but_enter_cmd [lindex $pages $page_idx 0]] } } public method tab_but_leave {page_idx} { set but [lindex $pages [list $page_idx end-1]] if {[lindex $pages [list $page_idx 5]]} { return } elseif {$current_page == $page_idx} { set_tab_but_bg_color a $but } else { set_tab_but_bg_color n $but } if {$tab_but_leave_cmd != {}} { uplevel #0 [format "%s %s" $tab_but_leave_cmd [lindex $pages $page_idx 0]] } } }