#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://mcu8051ide.sf.net ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Implements register watches (part of Right Panel) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RegWatches { ## COMMON common watches_set_shortcuts {} ;# Currently set shortcuts for register watches common watches_shortcuts_cat {watches} ;# Key shortcut categories related to register watches # Counter of embedded entry widgets in register watches common watch_entry_count 0 # Conter of instances common count 0 ## Highlighting tags for register watches # { # {tag_name foreground_color ?bold_or_italic?} # ... # } common watch_text_tags { {tag_Baddr #DD0000 1} {tag_Xaddr #AA00FF 1} {tag_Eaddr #00AAFF 1} {tag_addr #0000DD 1} {tag_name #8888DD {}} } common regfont [font create -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT -size -14] # Popup menu for register watches common WATCHMENU { {command {Move top} {$watches:top} 0 "rightPanel_watch_move_top" {top} "Move this register watch to the top of list"} {command {Move up} {$watches:up} 0 "rightPanel_watch_move_up" {1uparrow} "Move this register watch up"} {command {Move down} {$watches:down} 1 "rightPanel_watch_move_down" {1downarrow} "Move this register watch down"} {command {Move bottom} {$watches:bottom} 2 "rightPanel_watch_move_bottom" {bottom} "Move this register watch to the bottom of list"} {separator} {command {Remove} {$watches:remove} 2 "rightPanel_watch_remove" {button_cancel} "Remove this register watch from the list"} {separator} {command {Remove all} {$watches:remove_all} 0 "rightPanel_watch_clear" {editdelete} "Clear the list of register watches"} {separator} {command {Save} {} 0 "rightPanel_watch_save {} 1" {filesave} "Save this list to a file"} {command {Configure} {} 0 "rightPanel_configure 0" {configure} "Configure this panel"} } # Configuration menu common CONFMENU { {cascade {Sort by} 0 "" .sort false 1 { {command {Name} {} 0 "rightPanel_watch_sort_by N" {} ""} {command {Address} {} 0 "rightPanel_watch_sort_by A" {} ""} {command {Type} {} 0 "rightPanel_watch_sort_by T" {} ""} {separator} {radiobutton "Incremental" {} ::RegWatches::sorting_order 1 {} 0 ""} {radiobutton "Decremental" {} ::RegWatches::sorting_order 0 {} 0 ""} }} {command {Remove all} {} 0 "rightPanel_watch_clear" {editdelete} ""} {separator} {checkbutton {Autoload from code listing} {} {::RegWatches::menu_autoload} 1 0 0 {rightPanel_watch_toggle_autoload_flag}} } ## PRIVATE private variable enabled 0 ;# Bool: enable procedures which are needless while loading project private variable obj_idx ;# Number of this object private variable parent ;# Widget: parent widget private variable gui_initialized 0 ;# Bool: GUI initialized private variable conf_button ;# Widget: Configuration button private variable conf_menu {} ;# Configuration menu private variable watch_menu ;# ID of popup menu for "Register watches" private variable watch_text ;# ID of text widget representing list of register watches private variable watch_remove_button ;# ID of button "Remove watch" - Register watches private variable watch_new_button ;# ID of button "New watch" - Register watches private variable watch_add_button ;# ID of button "Add watch" - Register watches private variable watch_addr_entry ;# ID of entry "Address" - Register watches private variable watch_search_entry ;# ID of entry "Search" - Register watches private variable watch_search_clear ;# ID of button "Clear search entry" - Register watches # Bool: Autoload from LST file private variable autoload_flag [lindex $::CONFIG(REGWATCHES_CONFIG) 0] private variable watches_modified 0 ;# Bool: Register watches definition modified private variable search_val_in_progress 0 ;# Bool: Search entry validation in porgress private variable watch_file_name {} ;# Name of file currently loaded in register watches private variable watch_curLine 0 ;# Current line in list of register watches private variable watch_AN_valid_ena 1 ;# Bool: Enable validation of address entry in register watches private variable validator_engaged 0 ;# Bool: Address entry validation in progress private variable watches_enabled 0 ;# Bool: Entry widgets in register watches enabled private variable watch_addrs {} ;# List - {hex_addr hex_addr ...} ## Array of Lists - info about particular watch # format: $watch_data($hex_addr) -> {regName textVariable} # note: embedded entry path == $watch_text.$textVariable private variable watch_data ## Object constructor constructor {} { incr count set obj_idx $count } ## Object destructor destructor { if {$gui_initialized} { # Remove status bar tips for popup menus menu_Sbar_remove $watch_menu # Unallocate GUI related variables unset RightPanel::watch_addr$obj_idx unset RightPanel::watch_name$obj_idx } } ## Prepare object for creating its GUI # @parm Widget _parent - GUI parent widget # @parm String watches_file - Definition file for register watches # @return void public method PrepareRegWatches {_parent filename} { set parent $_parent set watch_file_name $filename set gui_initialized 0 } ## Create GUI of register watches # @return void public method CreateRegWatchesGUI {} { if {$gui_initialized} {return} set gui_initialized 1 # Top frame set icon_bar [frame $parent.frm_rightPanel_watch_iconBar] # Bottom frame set text_frame [frame $parent.frm_rightPanel_watch_txt] # Toolbar set tool_bar [frame $parent.frm_rightPanel_watch_toolBar] # Button "Configure" set button [ttk::button $icon_bar.conf_but \ -image ::ICONS::16::configure \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_cfg_menu" \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] set conf_button $button pack $button -side left -padx 3 # Separator pack [ttk::separator $icon_bar.sep_rightPanel_watch_ib_sepm0 \ -orient vertical \ ] -side left -fill y -padx 3 # Button "Save" set button [ttk::button $icon_bar.but_rightPanel_watch_save \ -image ::ICONS::16::filesave \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_save {} 1" \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] pack $button -side left -padx 3 DynamicHelp::add $button -text [mc "Save"] setStatusTip -widget $button \ -text [mc "Save"] # Button "Save as" set button [ttk::button $icon_bar.but_rightPanel_watch_saveas \ -image ::ICONS::16::filesaveas \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_saveas" \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] pack $button -side left -padx 3 DynamicHelp::add $button -text [mc "Save under a different filename"] setStatusTip -widget $button \ -text [mc "Save under a different filename"] # Separator pack [ttk::separator $icon_bar.sep_rightPanel_watch_ib_sep0 \ -orient vertical \ ] -side left -fill y -padx 3 # Button "Open" set button [ttk::button $icon_bar.but_rightPanel_watch_open \ -image ::ICONS::16::fileopen \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_open" \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] pack $button -side left -padx 3 DynamicHelp::add $button -text [mc "Open *.wtc file"] setStatusTip -widget $button \ -text [mc "Open *.wtc file"] # Button "Import" set button [ttk::button $icon_bar.but_rightPanel_watch_imp \ -image ::ICONS::16::fileimport \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_import" \ ] pack $button -side left -padx 3 DynamicHelp::add $button -text [mc "Import list of registers from code listing or WTC file"] setStatusTip -widget $button \ -text [mc "Import list of registers from *.lst or *.wtc file"] # Entry "Search" set watch_search_entry [ttk::entry $icon_bar.search_entry \ -validate key \ -width 0 \ -validatecommand "$this rightPanel_watch_search_validate %P" \ ] DynamicHelp::add $watch_search_entry \ -text [mc "Enter your search string here"] pack $watch_search_entry -side left -fill x -expand 1 setStatusTip -widget $watch_search_entry \ -text [mc "Search for a name"] # Button "Clear search string" set watch_search_clear [ttk::button $icon_bar.clear_search \ -image ::ICONS::16::clear_left \ -command "$watch_search_entry delete 0 end" \ -state disabled \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] DynamicHelp::add $icon_bar.clear_search -text [mc "Clear search string"] pack $watch_search_clear -side right -after $watch_search_entry setStatusTip -widget $icon_bar.clear_search \ -text [mc "Clear search string"] # Entry "Address" set entry [ttk::entry $tool_bar.ent_rightPanel_watch_addr \ -textvariable RightPanel::watch_addr$count \ -validatecommand "$this rightPanel_watch_addr_validate %P" \ -validate key \ -width 4 \ ] DynamicHelp::add $entry \ -text [mc "Register address:\n 1 or 2 digits\tinternal RAM (not SFR)\n 3 digits\t\texpanded RAM\n 4 digits\t\texternal RAM\n dot and 2 digits\tBit"] setStatusTip -widget $entry \ -text [mc "Register address or bit address"] grid $entry -sticky w -row 2 -column 1 bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_add" bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_add" # Entry "Name" set entry [ttk::entry $tool_bar.ent_rightPanel_watch_name \ -textvariable RightPanel::watch_name$count \ -validatecommand "$this rightPanel_watch_name_validate %P" \ -validate key \ -width 20 \ ] setStatusTip -widget $entry \ -text [mc "Name of the watch. Any string."] grid $entry -sticky w -row 2 -column 2 -padx 3 bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_add" bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_add" # Button "Add" set watch_add_button [ttk::button $tool_bar.but_rightPanel_watch_add \ -image ::ICONS::16::add \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_add" \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] DynamicHelp::add $watch_add_button -text [mc "Add this entry to register watches"] setStatusTip -widget $watch_add_button \ -text [mc "Add this entry to register watches"] grid $watch_add_button -sticky w -row 2 -column 3 # Button "New" set watch_new_button [ttk::button $tool_bar.but_rightPanel_watch_new \ -image ::ICONS::16::filenew \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_new" \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] DynamicHelp::add $watch_new_button -text [mc "New register watches entry"] setStatusTip -widget $watch_new_button \ -text [mc "Create new register watch"] grid $watch_new_button -sticky w -row 2 -column 4 # Button "Remove" set watch_remove_button [ttk::button $tool_bar.but_rightPanel_watch_remove \ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \ -command "$this rightPanel_watch_remove" \ -style Flat.TButton \ ] DynamicHelp::add $watch_remove_button -text [mc "Remove this entry"] setStatusTip -widget $watch_remove_button \ -text [mc "Remove this entry"] grid $watch_remove_button -sticky w -row 2 -column 5 # Label "Addr" set watch_addr_entry [label $tool_bar.lbl_rightPanel_watch_addr \ -text [mc "Addr"] \ -font ${Simulator_GUI::smallfont} \ -fg ${Simulator_GUI::small_color} \ ] grid $watch_addr_entry -row 1 -column 1 # Label "Register name" grid [label $tool_bar.lbl_rightPanel_watch_name \ -text [mc "Register name"] \ -font ${Simulator_GUI::smallfont} \ -fg ${Simulator_GUI::small_color} \ ] -row 1 -column 2 # Create text widget representing list of register watches set watch_text [text $text_frame.txt_rightPanel_watch \ -yscrollcommand "$text_frame.src_rightPanel_watch set" \ -bg {#FFFFFF} -font $regfont \ -cursor left_ptr \ -state disabled -exportselection 0 \ ] # Create text tags $this right_panel_create_highlighting_tags $watch_text $watch_text_tags -1 $watch_text tag configure tag_curLine -background ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} # Create scrollbar pack [ttk::scrollbar $text_frame.src_rightPanel_watch \ -orient vertical \ -command "$watch_text yview" \ ] -side right -fill y pack $watch_text -side left -fill both -expand 1 # Create event bindings bind $watch_text "$this rightPanel_watch_popupmenu %X %Y %x %y; break" bind $watch_text "$this rightPanel_watch_click %x %y; break" bind $watch_text <> "false_selection $watch_text; break" bind $watch_text {break} # Pack frames pack $tool_bar -side bottom -anchor w pack $icon_bar -side top -fill x pack $text_frame -side top -fill both -expand 1 rightPanel_watch_switch_line 1 # Create popup menu set watch_menu $parent.menu_rightPanel_watch regwatches_makePopupMenu # Refresh highlighting tags rightPanel_refresh_regwatches_highlighting # Open definition file if {$watch_file_name != {}} { rightPanel_watch_openfile $watch_file_name . 0 } } ## Sort register watches # @parm Char sorting_key # N - Sort by name # A - Sort by address # T - Sort by type # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_sort_by {sorting_key} { # Pack all watches into one sigle list set list_to_sort [list] set type {} foreach addr [array names watch_data] { switch -- [string length $addr] { 4 { set type {X} } 3 { if {[string index $addr 0] == {.}} { set type {B} } { set type {E} } } default { set type {D} } } lappend list_to_sort [list $addr [lindex $watch_data($addr) 0] $type] } # Incremental sorting order if {$::RegWatches::sorting_order} { set order {-increasing} # Decremental sorting order } { set order {-decreasing} } switch -- $sorting_key { N { ;# Name set index 1 } A { ;# Address set index 0 } T { ;# Type set index 2 } } # Sort the list set list_to_sort [lsort -dictionary $order -index $index $list_to_sort] # Refill the panel rightPanel_watch_clear 1 foreach entry $list_to_sort { set addr [lindex $entry 0] set name [lindex $entry 1] rightPanel_watch_add $addr $name } } ## Perform autoload on simulator start # @parm String filename - Code listinf file # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_autoload {filename} { if {!$autoload_flag} {return} if {![file exists $filename]} {return} rightPanel_watch_import_file $filename . } ## Autoload flag toggled (this function should be invoked from configuration menu) # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_toggle_autoload_flag {} { set autoload_flag $::RegWatches::menu_autoload } ## Get configuration list # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_get_config {} { return [list $::RegWatches::menu_autoload $::RegWatches::sorting_order] } ## Create configuration menu # @return void private method create_conf_menu {} { if {$conf_menu != {}} { return } set conf_menu $parent.conf_menu menuFactory $CONFMENU $conf_menu 0 "$this " 0 {} watch_disEna_buttons } ## Invoke configuration menu # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_cfg_menu {} { create_conf_menu set x [winfo rootx $conf_button] set y [winfo rooty $conf_button] incr y [winfo height $conf_button] set ::RegWatches::menu_autoload $autoload_flag tk_popup $conf_menu $x $y } ## Refresh highlighting tags # @return void public method rightPanel_refresh_regwatches_highlighting {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} $this right_panel_create_highlighting_tags $watch_text $watch_text_tags -1 } ## Recreate popup menu # @return void public method regwatches_makePopupMenu {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} if {[winfo exists $watch_menu]} {destroy $watch_menu} menuFactory $WATCHMENU $watch_menu 0 "$this " 0 {} } ## Retrun name of file currently loaded in register watches # @return String - filename public method getWatchesFileName {} { # Determinate project root path set prj_path [$this cget -projectPath] append prj_path {/} # Return relative directory location if {![string first $prj_path $watch_file_name]} { return [string range $watch_file_name [string length $prj_path] end] # Return absolute directory location } { return $watch_file_name } } ## (Re)set dynamic shortcuts for the given entry widget # @parm Widget entry - Target entry widget # @return void private method watch_entry_shortcuts_reset {entry} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} # Unset previous configuration foreach key $watches_set_shortcuts { bind $entry <$key> {} } set set_shortcuts {} # Iterate over shortcuts definition foreach block ${::SHORTCUTS_LIST} { # Determinate category set category [lindex $block 0] if {[lsearch $watches_shortcuts_cat $category] == -1} {continue} # Determinate definition list and its length set block [lreplace $block 0 2] set len [llength $block] # Iterate over definition list and create bindings for {set i 0; set j 1} {$i < $len} {incr i 2; incr j 2} { # Determinate key sequence set key [lindex $block $i] if {[catch { set key $::SHORTCUTS_DB($category:$key) }]} then { continue } if {$key == {}} {continue} # Create and register new binding lappend watches_set_shortcuts $key set cmd [subst [lindex $block [list $j 1]]] append cmd {;break} bind $entry <$key> $cmd } } } ## Get adjusted value of address entry (register watches) # @parm String string - input data ("\n" == get value from entry widget) # @return String - result address private method get_watchAddr {string} { # Evaluate input string if {$string == {} || $string == {.}} { return { .00} } if {$string == "\n"} { set string [subst "\$::RightPanel::watch_addr${obj_idx}"] regsub {^\s+} $string {} string } if {[string index $string 0] == {.}} { set string [string replace $string 0 0] set bit_addr 1 } { set bit_addr 0 } # Adjust address set len [string length $string] if {$len > 2} { if {$len != 4} { set string " $string" } } { if {$len == 1} { set string "0$string" } set string " $string" } # Resturn result if {$bit_addr} { return [string replace $string 1 1 {.}] } { return [string toupper $string] } } ## Get adjusted value of register name (Register watches) # @parm String string - input data ("\n" == get value from entry widget) # @return String - resulting register name private method get_watchName {string} { # Conditionaly get value from entry widget if {$string == "\n"} { set string [subst "\$::RightPanel::watch_name${obj_idx}"] regsub {\t+$} $string {} string } # Adjust resulting string set len [string length $string] append string [string repeat { } [expr {23 - $len}]] # Return result return $string } ## Validate content of address entry - Register watches # @parm String value - input value # @return Bool - result public method rightPanel_watch_addr_validate {value} { # Check if validation is enabled if {!$watch_AN_valid_ena} {return 1} # Check for allowed length if {[string length $value] > 4} { return 0 } # Check for allowed characters if {!([regexp {^[A-Fa-f0-9]*$} $value] || [regexp {^\.[A-Fa-f0-9]{0,2}$} $value])} { return 0 } # Change content of address field in register watches text widget if {$watch_curLine != 0 && $value != {}} { # Get address set value [get_watchAddr $value] regsub {^\s+} $value {} real_value # Check it the desired address is unique if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $watch_addrs $real_value] != -1} { Sbar [mc "Unable to assign, address is already in use"] return 1 } # Modify variables related to the current entry set idx [expr {$watch_curLine - 1}] set addr [lindex $watch_addrs $idx] set var [lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] set watch_data($real_value) $watch_data($addr) unset watch_data($addr) lset watch_addrs $idx $real_value # Synchronize $watch_text.$var configure -state normal rightPanel_watch_sync $real_value $watch_text.$var configure -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} if {!$watches_enabled || [read_from_simulator $real_value] == {--}} { $watch_text.$var configure -state disabled } # Enable entry watches text widget $watch_text configure -state normal # Change content of address field $watch_text delete $watch_curLine.0 $watch_curLine.4 $watch_text insert $watch_curLine.0 $value # Bit -> Byte if {[string index $addr 0] == {.} && [string index $real_value 0] != {.}} { $watch_text.$var configure -width 2 help_window_hide # Byte -> Bit } elseif {[string index $addr 0] != {.} && [string index $real_value 0] == {.}} { $watch_text.$var configure -width 1 help_window_hide } # Highlight address field set len [string length $real_value] if {$len == 4} { set addr_tag {tag_Xaddr} } elseif {$len == 3 && ([string index $real_value 0] == {.})} { set addr_tag {tag_Baddr} } elseif {$len == 3} { set addr_tag {tag_Eaddr} } else { set addr_tag {tag_addr} } $watch_text tag add $addr_tag $watch_curLine.0 $watch_curLine.4 # Change selection $watch_text tag remove tag_curLine 1.0 end $watch_text tag add tag_curLine $watch_curLine.0 "$watch_curLine.0 + 1 line" $watch_text configure -state disabled # Adjust help window help_window_update_addr $addr $real_value bind $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($real_value) 1] \ "$this create_help_window_ram ${real_value}h; help_window_variable_addr" # Adjust flag: modified set watches_modified 1 } # Success return 1 } ## Validate content of register name entry - Register watches # @parm String value - input value # @return Bool - result public method rightPanel_watch_name_validate {value} { # Check if validation is enabled if {!$watch_AN_valid_ena} {return 1} # Check for allowed length if {[string length $value] > 23} { return 0 } # Change content of register name field in register watches text widget if {$watch_curLine != 0} { # Local variables set name [get_watchName $value] ;# Register name # Change reg. name in object variable watch_data lset watch_data([lindex $watch_addrs [expr {$watch_curLine - 1}]]) 0 [string trimright $value] # Enable list of watches widget $watch_text configure -state normal # Change current register name $watch_text delete $watch_curLine.5 "$watch_curLine.0 lineend - 1 char" $watch_text insert $watch_curLine.5 $name # Restore reg. name text tag $watch_text tag add tag_name $watch_curLine.5 $watch_curLine.28 # Adjust selection $watch_text tag remove tag_curLine 1.0 end $watch_text tag add tag_curLine $watch_curLine.0 "$watch_curLine.0 + 1 line" # Disable list of watches widget $watch_text configure -state disabled # Adjust status modified set watches_modified 1 } # Success $watch_search_entry delete 0 end return 1 } ## Validate content of embedded entries in list of register watches # @parm String addr - hexadecimal representation of register addres # @parm String value - string to validate # @return Bool - result public method rightPanel_watch_value_validate {addr value} { if {$validator_engaged} {return 1} set validator_engaged 1 # Check for allowed length if {[string length $value] > 2} { set validator_engaged 0 return 0 } # Check for allowed characters if {![regexp {^[A-Fa-f0-9]*$} $value]} { set validator_engaged 0 return 0 } ## Synchronize new content with simulator engine if {[string index $addr 0] == {.}} { set addr [string replace $addr 0 0] set bit_addr 1 } { set bit_addr 0 } set dec_addr [expr "0x$addr"] # Bit if {$bit_addr} { if {$value == {}} { set value 0 } if {![regexp {^[01]?$} $value]} { set validator_engaged 0 return 0 } $this setBit $dec_addr $value # External RAM } elseif {[string length $addr] == 4} { $this setXdata $dec_addr $value $this Simulator_XDATA_sync $addr # Expanded RAM } elseif {[string length $addr] == 3} { $this setEram $dec_addr $value $this Simulator_XDATA_sync $addr # Internal RAM } else { $this setData $dec_addr $value $this SimGUI_disable_sync $this Simulator_GUI_sync I $dec_addr $this SimGUI_enable_sync } if {$bit_addr} { set addr .$addr } $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] configure -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} # Synchronize with help window help_window_update $addr $value # Done ... set validator_engaged 0 return 1 } ## Enable entry widgets in register watches # AFFECT ALL ENTRIES (not only valid ones) !!! # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_force_enable {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} set watches_enabled 1 foreach addr $watch_addrs { $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] configure -state normal } } ## Enable entry widgets in register watches # Affect only entries with valid address (implemented on current MCU) # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_enable {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} set watches_enabled 1 foreach addr $watch_addrs { if {[string index $addr 0] == {.}} { set addr [string replace $addr 0 0] set bit_addr 1 } { set bit_addr 0 } set dec_addr [expr "0x$addr"] set len [string length $addr] # Bit if {$bit_addr} { if {$dec_addr > 0x7F} { if {![$this simulator_is_sfr_avaliable [$this getRegOfBit $dec_addr]]} { continue } } set addr ".$addr" # Internal RAM } elseif {$len < 3} { if {$dec_addr >= [lindex [$this cget -procData] 3]} { continue } # Expanded RAM } elseif {$len == 3} { if {$dec_addr >= [lindex [$this cget -procData] 8]} { continue } # External RAM } else { if {$dec_addr >= [$this cget -P_option_mcu_xdata]} { continue } } $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] configure -state normal } } ## Disable all entry widgets in register watches # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_disable {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} set watches_enabled 0 foreach addr $watch_addrs { $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] configure -state disabled } } ## Select line in list of register watches # @parm Int x - relative X coordinate # @parm Int y - relative Y coordinate # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_click {x y} { rightPanel_watch_switch_line [expr {int([$watch_text index @$x,$y])}] $watch_search_entry delete 0 end } ## Change current line in register watches # @parm Int row - target line # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_switch_line {row} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} set watch_AN_valid_ena 0 # Determinate number of the last row set end [$watch_text index end] set end [expr {int($end) - 1}] # Restore previous state of the last selected entry box if {$watch_curLine} { set addr [lindex $watch_addrs [expr {$watch_curLine - 1}]] set var [lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] $watch_text.$var selection clear $watch_text.$var configure \ -disabledbackground {#FFFFFF} \ -bg {#FFFFFF} } # Enable/Disable buttons and Clear/Keep entry widgets at the bottom if {$row == $end} { $watch_remove_button configure -state disabled $watch_new_button configure -state disabled $watch_add_button configure -state normal set watch_curLine 0 $watch_text tag remove tag_curLine 1.0 end set ::RightPanel::watch_name${obj_idx} {} set ::RightPanel::watch_addr${obj_idx} {} set watch_AN_valid_ena 1 return 0 } { set watch_curLine $row $watch_remove_button configure -state normal $watch_new_button configure -state normal $watch_add_button configure -state disabled } # Determinate text indexes set idx0 "$row.0" set idx1 [expr {$row + 1}] append idx1 {.0} # Set selection tag $watch_text tag remove tag_curLine 1.0 end $watch_text tag add tag_curLine $idx0 $idx1 # Adjust content of entry widgets at the bottom set addr [lindex $watch_addrs [expr {$watch_curLine - 1}]] set name [lindex $watch_data($addr) 0] set var [lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] set ::RightPanel::watch_name${obj_idx} [string trimright $name] set ::RightPanel::watch_addr${obj_idx} [string trimright $addr] # Change foreground color of current value entry $watch_text.$var configure \ -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} \ -bg ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} \ -disabledbackground ${::RightPanel::selection_color_dark} # Focus on value entry focus $watch_text.$var $watch_text.$var selection range 0 end $watch_text see $row.0 set watch_AN_valid_ena 1 } ## Create a new register watch # @parm String - Hex address, {} == Content of address entry # @parm String - Register name, {} == Content of name entry # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_add args { # Local variables set row [$watch_text index end] ;# Last row in the list set row [expr {int($row) - 1}] set addr [lindex $args 0] ;# Register address (Hex String) set name [lindex $args 1] ;# Watch name set shortAddr {} ;# Register address (Hex Number) if {$addr == {} || $name == {}} { set addr [get_watchAddr "\n"] set name [get_watchName "\n"] set no_sbar 0 } { set addr [get_watchAddr $addr] set name [get_watchName $name] set no_sbar 1 } set shortAddr [regsub {^\s*} $addr {}] # Check address validity if {$shortAddr == {}} { if {!$no_sbar} { Sbar [mc "You must specify the register address."] } return 0 } if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $watch_addrs $shortAddr] != -1} { if {!$no_sbar} { Sbar [mc "Specified address is already used."] } return 0 } # Enable text widget $watch_text configure -state normal # Insert address and watch name $watch_text insert end "$addr $name" # Insert text tags regsub {^ +} $addr {} addr set entry [watch_create_entry $addr $row $watch_entry_count] $watch_text window create end -window $entry -pady 0 $watch_text insert end "\n" set len [string length $addr] if {$len == 4} { set addr_tag {tag_Xaddr} } elseif {$len == 3 && ([string index $addr 0] == {.})} { set addr_tag {tag_Baddr} } elseif {$len == 3} { set addr_tag {tag_Eaddr} } else { set addr_tag {tag_addr} } $watch_text tag add $addr_tag $row.0 $row.4 $watch_text tag add tag_name $row.5 $row.28 # Disable text widget $watch_text configure -state disabled # Register new watch regsub {\t+$} $name {} name lappend watch_addrs $addr set watch_data($addr) [list $name $watch_entry_count] # Synchronize rightPanel_watch_sync $addr $entry configure -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} # Enable/Disable the entry widget if {!$watches_enabled} { $entry configure -state disabled } incr watch_entry_count # Reevaluate button states watch_disEna_buttons # Clear search entry $watch_search_entry delete 0 end # Adjust status modified set watches_modified 1 } ## Create entry widget for embedding in list of watches # @parm String addr - hexadecimal register address # @parm Int row - target row in text widget # @parm Variable var - entry text variable # @return Widget - resulting entry widget private method watch_create_entry {addr row var} { if {[string index $addr 0] == {.}} { set width 1 } { set width 2 } # Create entry widget set entry [entry $watch_text.$var \ -width $width \ -font ${::Simulator_GUI::entry_font} \ -bg {#FFFFFF} -validate key \ -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -disabledbackground {#FFFFFF} \ -vcmd "$this rightPanel_watch_value_validate $addr %P" \ -bd 0 -justify right \ ] # Set event bindings bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_switch_line $row" bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_up 1" bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_down 1" bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_down 4" bind $entry "$this rightPanel_watch_up 4" bind $entry {help_window_show %X %Y} bind $entry {help_window_hide} bind $entry "$this create_help_window_ram ${addr}h; help_window_variable_addr" bind $entry "$watch_text yview scroll -5 units" bind $entry "$watch_text yview scroll +5 units" watch_entry_shortcuts_reset $entry # Return entry reference return $entry } ## Clear highlight for all registers # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_clear_highlight {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} foreach addr $watch_addrs { $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] configure -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} } } ## Clear highlight for the given register # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_unhighlight {addr} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} if {[lsearch $watch_addrs $addr] == -1} { return } $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] configure -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} } ## Move current watch to the top # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_move_top {} { rightPanel_watch_move 1 } ## Move current watch to up # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_move_up {} { # Determinate target line set target_line [expr {$watch_curLine - 1}] if {$target_line == 0} {return 0} # Move watch rightPanel_watch_move $target_line } ## Move current watch to down # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_move_down {} { # Determinate target line set target_line [expr {$watch_curLine + 1}] set end [$watch_text index end] set end [expr {int($end) - 1}] if {$target_line == $end} {return 0} # Move watch rightPanel_watch_move $target_line } ## Move current watch to the bottom # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_move_bottom {} { # Determinate target line set target_line [$watch_text index end] set target_line [expr {int($target_line) - 2}] # Move watch rightPanel_watch_move $target_line } ## Move current watch to the given line # @parm Int target_line - target line # @return void private method rightPanel_watch_move {target_line} { # Validate current line value if {$watch_curLine == 0} {return} # Local variables set cur_idx [expr {$watch_curLine - 1}] ;# index in $watch_addrs -- current line set trg_idx [expr {$target_line - 1}] ;# index in $watch_addrs -- target line set addr [lindex $watch_addrs $cur_idx] ;# register address set name [lindex $watch_data($addr) 0] ;# watch name set var [lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] ;# textvariable of the value entry # Modify variables related to the watch set watch_addrs [lreplace $watch_addrs $cur_idx $cur_idx] set watch_addrs [linsert $watch_addrs $trg_idx $addr] # Enable the widget $watch_text configure -state normal # Change textual content $watch_text delete $watch_curLine.0 "$watch_curLine.0 + 1 line linestart" $watch_text insert $target_line.0 "[get_watchAddr $addr] [get_watchName $name]\n" # Destroy the current entry widget destroy $watch_text.$var # Change embedded entry set entry [watch_create_entry $addr $target_line $var] $watch_text window create [list $target_line.0 lineend] -window $entry -pady 0 set len [string length $addr] if {$len == 4} { set addr_tag {tag_Xaddr} } elseif {$len == 3 && ([string index [string trim $addr] 0] == {.})} { set addr_tag {tag_Baddr} } elseif {$len == 3} { set addr_tag {tag_Eaddr} } { set addr_tag {tag_addr} } # Restore text tags $watch_text tag add $addr_tag $target_line.0 $target_line.4 $watch_text tag add tag_name $target_line.5 $target_line.28 # Disable the widget $watch_text configure -state disabled # Synchronize entry widget content rightPanel_watch_sync $addr # Enable/Disable the entry widget if {!$watches_enabled} { $entry configure -state disabled } # Set current line set watch_curLine $target_line rightPanel_watch_switch_line $target_line # Clear search entry $watch_search_entry delete 0 end # Adjust status modified set watches_modified 1 } ## Change current line in list of register watches to the line above the current one # @parm Int lines - number of lines to skip - 1 # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_up {lines} { # Determinate number of last row in the widget set end [$watch_text index end] set end [expr {int($end) - 2}] # Change current line (logicaly) set line $watch_curLine incr line -$lines if {$line < 1} { set line 1 } # Change current line (physicaly) $watch_text see $watch_curLine.0 rightPanel_watch_switch_line $line # Clear search entry $watch_search_entry delete 0 end } ## Change current line in list of register watches to the line below the current one # @parm Int lines - number of lines to skip - 1 # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_down {lines} { # Determinate number of last row in the widget set end [$watch_text index end] set end [expr {int($end) - 2}] # Change current line (logicaly) set line $watch_curLine incr line $lines if {$line > $end} { set line $end } # Change current line (physicaly) $watch_text see $watch_curLine.0 rightPanel_watch_switch_line $line # Clear search entry $watch_search_entry delete 0 end } ## Binding for button "New" (Clears entry widgets at the bottom and unselect current watch) # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_new {} { set end [$watch_text index end] set end [expr {int($end) - 1}] rightPanel_watch_switch_line $end # Clear search entry $watch_search_entry delete 0 end } ## Remove the current register watch # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_remove {} { # Determinate register address set addr [lindex $watch_addrs [expr {$watch_curLine - 1}]] # Destroy value entry set var [lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] destroy $watch_text.$var # Unregister watch unset watch_data($addr) set idx [lsearch $watch_addrs $addr] set watch_addrs [lreplace $watch_addrs $idx $idx] # Remove watch from the text widget $watch_text configure -state normal $watch_text delete $watch_curLine.0 "$watch_curLine.0 + 1 line" $watch_text configure -state disabled # Change current line if {$watch_curLine > [llength $watch_addrs]} { set watch_curLine [llength $watch_addrs] } if {$watch_curLine} { rightPanel_watch_switch_line $watch_curLine } # Reevaluate button states watch_disEna_buttons # Clear search entry $watch_search_entry delete 0 end # Adjust status modified set watches_modified 1 } ## Save watches definition to a file # @parm String filename - Target filename or an empty string # @parm Bool force = 0 - Do not ask for overwrite # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_save args { if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} set filename [lindex $args 0] set force [lindex $args 1] if {$filename != {}} { set watch_file_name $filename } if {$force != {1}} { set force 0 } # If no filename specified -> invoke dislog "Save as" if {$watch_file_name == {}} { rightPanel_watch_saveas # Save file } { # Set new filename if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# POSIX way if {![regexp "^(~|/)" $watch_file_name]} { set filename "[$this cget -ProjectDir]/$watch_file_name" } } { ;# Microsoft windows way if {![regexp "^\w:" $watch_file_name]} { set filename [file join [$this cget -ProjectDir] $watch_file_name] } } set watch_file_name [file normalize $watch_file_name] # Adjust file extension if {![regexp {\.wtc$} $watch_file_name]} { append watch_file_name {.wtc} } if {[file exists $watch_file_name] && [file isfile $watch_file_name]} { # Ask user for overwrite existing file if {!$force && [tk_messageBox \ -type yesno \ -icon question \ -parent . \ -title [mc "Overwrite file"] \ -message [mc "A file name '%s' already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it ?" [file tail $watch_file_name]] ] != {yes} } { return } # Create a backup file catch { file rename -force $watch_file_name "$watch_file_name~" } } if {[catch { set file [open $watch_file_name w 420] }]} { if {[winfo exists .fsd]} { set parent .fsd } { set parent . } tk_messageBox -type ok \ -parent $parent -icon warning \ -title [mc "Error - MCU 8051 IDE"] \ -message [mc "Unable to access file \"%s\", check your permissions." $watch_file_name] return } # Write file header puts $file "# Watches definition file -- ${::APPNAME}" puts $file "# Date: [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%D}]" # Write watches definition puts -nonewline $file [regsub -all -line {\s+$} [$watch_text get 1.0 end] {}] # Finish close $file Sbar [mc "Definitions saved to \"%s\"" $watch_file_name] # Adjust status modified set watches_modified 0 } } ## Invoke dialog "Save as" - Register watches # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_saveas {} { # Abort if there is already opened some file selection dialog if {[winfo exists .fsd]} {return} # Invoke the dialog KIFSD::FSD ::fsd \ -title [mc "Save watches - MCU 8051 IDE"] \ -directory [$this cget -ProjectDir] \ -defaultmask 0 -multiple 0 -filetypes { {{MCU 8051 IDE watch definition} {*.wtc} } {{All files} {*} } } # Save file after press of OK button ::fsd setokcmd { set ::filename [::fsd get] if {$::filename != {} && ![file isdirectory $::filename]} { ${::X::actualProject} rightPanel_watch_save $::filename } } # Activate the dialog ::fsd activate } ## Open and process watches definition file # @parm String filename - name of source file # @parm Widget parent - GUI parent (for error dialogs) # @parm Bool clear - Clear watches before loading # @return Bool - result public method rightPanel_watch_openfile {filename parent clear} { if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} # Normalize filename if {!$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# POSIX way if {![regexp "^(~|/)" $filename]} { set filename "[$this cget -projectPath]/$filename" } } { ;# Microsoft windows way if {![regexp "^\w:" $filename]} { set filename [file join [$this cget -projectPath] $filename] } } set filename [file normalize $filename] # Set new watches filename set watch_file_name $filename # Open file if {[catch { set file [open $filename r] }]} then { tk_messageBox -parent $parent -icon warning -type ok \ -title [mc "File access error"] \ -message [mc "Unable to read file '%s'" $filename] set watch_file_name {} return 0 } # Verify input data validity while {![eof $file]} { set line [gets $file] # Skip comments and empty lines if {[regexp {^\s*#} $line]} {continue} if {[regexp {^\s*$} $line]} {continue} # Local variables regexp {^\s*\.?\w+} $line addr ;# Register address regsub {^\s*\.?\w+\s*} $line {} name ;# Watch name regsub {\s+$} $name {} name # Check for address and name validity if { ![regexp {^\s*\.?[A-Fa-f0-9]+$} $addr] || [string length $addr] > 4 || [string length $name] > 23 } { tk_messageBox \ -title [mc "Corrupted file"] \ -icon error -type ok -parent $parent \ -message [mc "file: %s is eighter corrupted or it is not a file in expected format." $filename] return 0 } } # Clear watches if {$clear} { rightPanel_watch_clear 1 } # Parse input data seek $file 0 while {![eof $file]} { set line [gets $file] # Skip comments and empty lines if {[regexp {^\s*#} $line]} {continue} if {[regexp {^\s*$} $line]} {continue} regexp {^\s*\.?\w+} $line addr ;# Register address regsub {^\s*\.?\w+\s*} $line {} name ;# Watch name set addr [string trimleft $addr] set name [string trimright $name] # Create new register watch rightPanel_watch_add $addr $name } # Deselect all rightPanel_watch_new # Reevaluate button states (icon bar) watch_disEna_buttons # Adjust status modified set watches_modified 0 # Success close $file return 1 } ## Invoke dialog "Open file" # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_open {} { # Invoke the dialog KIFSD::FSD ::fsd \ -title [mc "Load watches from file - MCU 8051 IDE"] \ -directory [$this cget -ProjectDir] -autoclose 0 \ -defaultmask 0 -multiple 0 -filetypes { {{MCU 8051 IDE watches definition} {*.wtc} } {{All files} {*} } } # Open file after press of OK button fsd setokcmd { # Get chosen file name set filename [::fsd get] if {[${X::actualProject} rightPanel_watch_openfile $filename [::fsd get_window_name] 1]} { ::fsd deactivate delete object fsd } } # Activate the dialog fsd activate } ## Invoke dialog "Import file" # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_import {} { # Invoke the dialog KIFSD::FSD ::fsd \ -title [mc "Import file - MCU 8051 IDE"] \ -directory [$this cget -ProjectDir] -autoclose 0 \ -defaultmask 0 -multiple 0 -filetypes { {{Code listing} {*.lst} } {{MCU 8051 IDE watches definition} {*.wtc} } {{All files} {*} } } # Open file after press of OK button fsd setokcmd { # Get chosen file name set filename [::fsd get] if {[${X::actualProject} rightPanel_watch_import_file $filename [::fsd get_window_name]]} { ::fsd deactivate delete object fsd } } # Activate the dialog fsd activate } ## Import file # @parm String filename - Name of source file (*.lst or *.wtc) # @parm Widget parent - GUI parent (for error dialogs) # @return Bool - result public method rightPanel_watch_import_file {filename parent} { if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} # Determinate file type set filename [file normalize [file join [$this cget -ProjectDir] $filename]] set file_type 0 switch -- [file extension $filename] { {.wtc} { ;# Watches definition file set file_type 1 } {.lst} { ;# Code listing set file_type 2 } default { ;# Try to detect file type by file header catch { set file [open $filename r] if {[string first {# Watches definition file} [gets $file]] == 0} { set file_type 1 } close $file } } } # Unknown file type if {!$file_type} { tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -type ok \ -icon warning \ -title [mc "Unknown file"] \ -message [mc "Unable to recognize file format"] return 0 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## WTC file - load and exit procedure # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if {$file_type == 1} { return [rightPanel_watch_openfile $filename $parent 0] } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # LST file # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Try to open file if {[catch { set file [open $filename r] }]} { tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -type ok \ -icon warning \ -title [mc "File access error"] \ -message [mc "Unable to open file:\n'%s'" $filename] return 0 } # Parse file set read_line 0 set line {} set name {} set addr {} set type {} set bita 0 while {![eof $file]} { set bita 0 set line [gets $file] # Empty line - stop reading if {![string length [string trimright $line "  \f"]]} { set read_line 0 continue # MCU 8051 IDE Assembler symbol table } elseif {![string first {SYMBOL TABLE:} $line]} { set read_line 1 continue # ASEM-51 Assembler symbol table } elseif {![string first {------------------------------------------------------------} $line]} { set read_line 2 continue } # MCU 8051 IDE Assembler symbol if {$read_line == 1} { if {![regexp {^\w+} $line name]} { continue } if {![regexp {[\w\s]+$} $line line]} { continue } set type [lindex $line 0] # Ignore all types except address if {[lindex $line 1] != {ADDR}} { continue } # Internal data memory if {$type == {D} || $type == {I}} { set addr [string range [lindex $line 2] 2 3] # External data memory (inluding ERAM, EEPROM, etc.) } elseif {$type == {X}} { set addr [string range [lindex $line 2] 0 3] # Bit addressable area } elseif {$type == {B}} { set bita 1 set addr [string range [lindex $line 2] 2 3] # Another type of memory -> IGNORE } else { continue } # Ignore unused symbols if {[lindex $line end-1] == {NOT} || [lindex $line end-2] == {NOT}} { continue } # ASEM-51 Assembler symbol } elseif {$read_line == 2} { # Remove dangerous characters regsub -all {\{\}\"\"} $line {} line # Ignore unused symbols if {[llength $line] < 4} { continue } # Determinate address and symbol name set type [lindex $line 1] set addr [lindex $line 2] set name [lindex $line 0] # Accept only internal and external data memory if {$type != {IDATA} && $type != {DATA} && $type != {XDATA} && $type != {BIT}} { continue } if {$type == {BIT}} { set bita 1 } # This line is not a part of symbol table } else { continue } # Address must be a valid hexadecimal value if {![string is xdigit -strict $addr]} { continue } # Exclude SFR's if {[lsearch -ascii -exact ${::ASMsyntaxHighlight::spec_registers} $name] != -1} { continue } # Create new register watch if {[string length $name] > 23} { set name [string range $name 0 16] append name {..} } if {$bita} { set addr .$addr } rightPanel_watch_add $addr $name set watches_modified 1 } # Finalize rightPanel_watch_new watch_disEna_buttons close $file return 1 } ## Remove all register watches # Bool force = 0 - Don't ask user for comfirmation # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_clear args { if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} # Parse arguments set force [lindex $args 0] if {$force == {}} { set force 0 } # Ask user for comfirmation if {!$force} { if {[tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -type yesno \ -icon question \ -title [mc "Are you sure ?"] \ -message [mc "Do you really want to clear the panel ?"] ] != {yes}} { return } } # Clear text widget $watch_text configure -state normal $watch_text delete 1.0 end $watch_text configure -state disabled # Destroy all embedded entry widgets foreach addr $watch_addrs { destroy $watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] } # Clear entries on the bottom bar set watch_curLine 0 set ::RightPanel::watch_name${obj_idx} {} set ::RightPanel::watch_addr${obj_idx} {} # Unregister all watches set watch_addrs {} catch { array unset watch_data } # Reevaluate button states (icon bar) watch_disEna_buttons # Adjust status modified set watches_modified 1 } ## Search for the given string in the list of register watches -- search entry validator # @parm String content - String to find/validate # @return Bool - result public method rightPanel_watch_search_validate {content} { if {$search_val_in_progress} {return 0} set search_val_in_progress 1 # Enable/Disable button "Clear search entry" if {$content == {}} { $watch_search_clear configure -state disabled } { $watch_search_clear configure -state normal } # Validate search string if {[regexp {^\s*$} $content]} { $watch_search_entry configure -style TEntry set search_val_in_progress 0 return 1 } if {[string length $content] > 23} { set search_val_in_progress 0 return 0 } # Search for the given string set i 1 set content [string trimright $content] set content [string tolower $content] foreach addr $watch_addrs { if {![string first $content [string tolower [lindex $watch_data($addr) 0]]]} { $watch_search_entry configure -style StringFound.TEntry rightPanel_watch_switch_line $i focus $watch_search_entry set search_val_in_progress 0 return 1 } incr i } # String not found $watch_search_entry configure -style StringNotFound.TEntry set search_val_in_progress 0 return 1 } ## Syncronize all register watches # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_sync_all {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} # Iterate over addresses foreach addr $watch_addrs { # Synchronize rightPanel_watch_sync $addr # Clear highligh set var [lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] $watch_text.$var configure -fg ${Simulator::normal_color} } } ## Read value from simulator engine # @parm String addr - hexadecimal register address # @return String - hexadecimal value or {--} private method read_from_simulator {addr} { ## Determinate address type (Bit / Internal / Enternal / Expanded) if {[string index $addr 0] == {.}} { set addr [string replace $addr 0 0] if {![string length $addr]} { return {--} } set bit_addr 1 } { set bit_addr 0 } set len [string length $addr] set val {--} set addr_dec [expr "0x$addr"] # Bit if {$bit_addr} { if {$addr_dec > 0x7F} { if {[$this simulator_is_sfr_avaliable [$this getRegOfBit $addr_dec]]} { set val [$this getBit $addr_dec] } } { set val [$this getBit $addr_dec] } # Internal RAM } elseif {$len < 3} { # Normalize address if {$len == 1} { set addr "0$addr" } # Get register value if {$addr_dec < [lindex [$this cget -procData] 3]} { set val [$this getData $addr_dec] } # Expanded RAM } elseif {$len == 3} { if {$addr_dec < [lindex [$this cget -procData] 8]} { set val [$this getEram $addr_dec] } # External RAM } elseif {$len == 4} { if {$addr_dec < [$this cget -P_option_mcu_xdata]} { set val [$this getXdata $addr_dec] } } return $val } ## Synchronize all bits in the specified SFR # @parm Int dec_addr - SFR register address # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_sync_sfr {dec_addr} { if {$validator_engaged} { return } if {$dec_addr % 8} { return } for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} { rightPanel_watch_sync .[format %X $dec_addr] incr dec_addr } } ## Synchronize one register watch # @parm String addr - hexadecimal register address # @return Bool - result public method rightPanel_watch_sync {addr} { if {$validator_engaged} {return 1} if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateRegWatchesGUI} # Detect bit address if {[string index $addr 0] == {.}} { set bit_addr 1 } { set bit_addr 0 } # Get register value set val [read_from_simulator $addr] # Synchronize bits in the given register if {!$validator_engaged && [string length $addr] == 2} { set dec_addr [expr "0x$addr"] if {$dec_addr >= 0x20 && $dec_addr <= 0x2F} { set dec_addr [expr {($dec_addr - 0x20) * 8}] for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} { set hex_addr [format %X $dec_addr] if {[string length $hex_addr] == 1} { set hex_addr "0$hex_addr" } rightPanel_watch_sync .$hex_addr incr dec_addr } } } # Check for watch presence if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $watch_addrs $addr] == -1} { return 0 } # Normalize register value if {!$bit_addr && [string length $val] == 1} { set val "0$val" } set var [lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] set path $watch_text.$var ;# Path to watch entry widget # Determinate original value set original_val [$watch_text.$var get] # Highlight value entry if { "0x$original_val" != "0x$val"} { $path configure -fg ${Simulator::highlight_color} } # Set new entry value set validator_engaged 1 $watch_text.$var delete 0 end $watch_text.$var insert 0 $val set validator_engaged 0 # Synchronize with help window help_window_update $addr $val # Done ... return 1 } ## Enable/Disable buttons on watches icon bar # @return void private method watch_disEna_buttons {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} if {[$watch_text index end] == {2.0}} { set state {disabled} } { set state {normal} } if {$conf_menu != {}} { $conf_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Sort by"] -state $state $conf_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state $state } } ## Get status modified for register watches # @return Bool - true if register watches were modified public method rightPanel_watch_modified {} { return $watches_modified } ## Invoke register watches popup menu # @parm Int X - absolute X coordinate # @parm Int Y - absolute Y coordinate # @parm Int x - relative X coordinate # @parm Int y - relative Y coordinate # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_popupmenu {X Y x y} { # Change current line rightPanel_watch_click $x $y ## Enable/Disable menu items # If address entry is not empty -> disable all set addr [subst "\$::RightPanel::watch_addr${obj_idx}"] if {$addr != {}} { set end [$watch_text index end] } { set end {2.0} } # Empty list if {$end == {2.0}} { $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move top"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move up"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move down"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move bottom"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state disabled # One item } elseif {$end == {3.0}} { $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move top"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move up"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move down"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move bottom"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state normal # More items } else { # First item if {$watch_curLine == 1} { $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move top"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move up"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move down"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move bottom"] -state normal # Last item } elseif {$watch_curLine == ($end - 2)} { $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move top"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move up"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move down"] -state disabled $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move bottom"] -state disabled # Any other item } else { $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move top"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move up"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move down"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Move bottom"] -state normal } $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove"] -state normal $watch_menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove all"] -state normal } # Invoke popup menu tk_popup $watch_menu $X $Y } ## Create bindings for defined key shortcuts -- register watches # @return void public method rightPanel_watch_shortcuts_reevaluate {} { if {!$gui_initialized} {return} foreach addr $watch_addrs { watch_entry_shortcuts_reset watch_text.[lindex $watch_data($addr) 1] } } ## Set flag enabled # @parm Bool bool - New value # @return void public method right_panel_watches_set_enabled {bool} { set enabled $bool } } set ::RegWatches::menu_autoload [lindex $::CONFIG(REGWATCHES_CONFIG) 0] set ::RegWatches::sorting_order [lindex $::CONFIG(REGWATCHES_CONFIG) 1]