#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://mcu8051ide.sf.net ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Part of simulator engine functionality. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # INITIALIZATION & CLEANUP RELATED PROCEDURES # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Object constructor constructor {} { # Initialize array of program run statistics for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { set run_statistics($i) 0 } # Initialize program memory debugging map for {set i 0} {$i <= 0xFFFF} {incr i} { set Line($i) {} } } ## Object destructor destructor { set break 1 } ## This procedure sets these SFR which are not affected by reset # This function is called after each simulator start # @return void private method simulator_system_power_on {} { if {$feature_avaliable(wtd)} { set sfr($symbol(WDTRST)) [undefined_octet] set wdtrst_prev_val $sfr($symbol(WDTRST)) if {$sync_ena} { catch {$this Simulator_GUI_sync S 166} } } if {$feature_avaliable(uart)} { set sfr($symbol(SBUFR)) [undefined_octet] set sfr($symbol(SBUFT)) [undefined_octet] set controllers_conf(UART_M) 0 if {$sync_ena} { catch {$this Simulator_GUI_sync S 153} catch {$this Simulator_GUI_sync S 409} } } if {$feature_avaliable(pof)} { set controllers_conf(POF) 1 set sfr($symbol(PCON)) 16 if {$sync_ena} { catch {$this Simulator_GUI_sync S 135} } } if {$feature_avaliable(spi)} { set sfr($symbol(SPDR)) 0 if {$sync_ena} { catch {$this Simulator_GUI_sync S $symbol(SPDR)} } } } ## Initialize memory (this function must be called before using this class) # This function is called after constructor # @return void public method simulator_initialize_mcu {} { # Get processor definition set proc_data [$this cget -procData] # Determinate capacities of uC memories set iram_size [lindex $proc_data 3] set eram_size [lindex $proc_data 8] set eeprom_size [lindex $proc_data 32] set xram_size [expr {int([$this cget -P_option_mcu_xdata])}] set code_size [expr { int(([lindex $proc_data 2] * 1024) + [$this cget -P_option_mcu_xcode])}] # Parse processor definition and set array feature_avaliable foreach index { 5 6 7 9 10 11 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0 1 } name { uart t2 wtd ddp auxr t2mod pof gf1 gf0 pd idl smod0 iph acomparator euart clkreg pwdex spi wdtcon intelpe pwm x2reset ckcon auxr1gf3 ao wdtprg hddptr auxrwdidle auxrdisrto xram xcode } { if {[lindex $proc_data $index] == {yes}} { set feature_avaliable($name) 1 } { set feature_avaliable($name) 0 } } for {set i 12; set j 0} {$i < 17} {incr i; incr j} { set port_mask [lindex $proc_data $i] if {$port_mask != {} && $port_mask != {00000000}} { set feature_avaliable(p$j) 1 set feature_avaliable(port$j) $port_mask } { set feature_avaliable(p$j) 0 set feature_avaliable(port$j) {00000000} } } # Set incomplite_regs_mask, restricted_bits and incomplite_regs array unset incomplite_regs_mask set restricted_bits {} foreach reg_mask [lindex $proc_data 18] { set addr [string range $reg_mask 0 1] set mask [string range $reg_mask 2 3] set addr [expr "0x$addr"] set mask [expr "0x$mask"] set incomplite_regs_mask($addr) $mask if {$addr > 127 && !($addr % 8)} { for {set i 1} {$i <= 128} {set i [expr {$i * 2}]; incr addr} { if {![expr $mask & $i]} { lappend restricted_bits $addr } } } } set incomplite_regs [array names incomplite_regs_mask] # Determiate list of write-only registers set write_only_regs {} foreach reg [lindex $proc_data 19] { lappend write_only_regs [expr "0x$reg"] } # (Re)initialize uC memories and configuration array unset sfr array unset ram array unset eram array unset xram array unset code array unset eeprom array unset eeprom_WR_buff array unset controllers_conf # Set critical MCU configuration set controllers_conf(WatchDogPrescaler) 0 set controllers_conf(RDYBSY) 1 set controllers_conf(WRTINH) 1 foreach key { X2 HWDT WDTEN WSWRST IE0 TF0 IE1 TF1 TI RI SPIF TF2 EXF2 CF DPS DCEN T2OE T0_MOD T1_MOD UART_M SMOD0 FE CEN INT0 INT1 TCLK RCLK SMOD T2EX T2 T1 T0 T2_out } { set controllers_conf($key) 0 } # Power on virtual uC and derminate list of implemented SFR simulator_system_power_on master_reset 0 set avaliable_sfr [array names sfr] # Initialize/Clear code memory and data EEPROM simulator_clear_memory code simulator_clear_memory eeprom } ## Clear memory content # @parm String mem_type - Type of memory to clear # code - Program memory # xdata - External data memory # eram - Expanded data memory # eeprom - Data EEPROM # @return void public method simulator_clear_memory {mem_type} { switch -- $mem_type { {code} { ;# Program memory for {set i 0} {$i < $code_size} {incr i} { set code($i) {} } } {xdata} { ;# External data memory for {set i 0} {$i < $xdata_size} {incr i} { set xdata($i) {} } } {eram} { ;# Expanded data memory for {set i 0} {$i < $eram_size} {incr i} { set eram($i) {} } } {eeprom} { ;# Data EEPROM for {set i 0} {$i < $eeprom_size} {incr i} { set eeprom($i) 0 } if {$eeprom_size} { for {set i 0} {$i < 32} {incr i} { set eeprom_WR_buff($i) {} } } } } } ## Inicliaze array 'symbol' -- this function must be called after definition of this class # @return void proc InitializeNS {} { variable symbol ;# Array of SFR symbolic names (eg. $symbol(P0) == "80") foreach symb_name { {P0 80} {SP 81} {DP0L 82} {DP0H 83} {DP1L 84} {DP1H 85} {IPH B7} {SADDR A9} {PCON 87} {TCON 88} {TMOD 89} {TL0 8A} {TL1 8B} {TH0 8C} {TH1 8D} {AUXR 8E} {P1 90} {SCON 98} {SBUFR 99} {P2 A0} {AUXR1 A2} {WDTRST A6} {IE A8} {P3 B0} {IP B8} {P4 C0} {T2CON C8} {T2MOD C9} {RCAP2L CA} {RCAP2H CB} {TL2 CC} {TH2 CD} {PSW D0} {A E0} {B F0} {SPDR 86} {WDTCON A7} {EECON 96} {CLKREG 8F} {ACSR 97} {SADEN B9} {SPCR D5} {SPSR AA} {SBUFT 199} {IT0 88} {IE0 89} {IT1 8A} {IE1 8B} {TR0 8C} {TF0 8D} {TR1 8E} {TF1 8F} {RI 98} {TI 99} {RB8 9A} {TB8 9B} {REN 9C} {SM2 9D} {SM1 9E} {SM0 9F} {EX0 A8} {ET0 A9} {EX1 AA} {ET1 AB} {ES AC} {ET2 AD} {EC AE} {EA AF} {RXD B0} {TXD B1} {INT0 B2} {INT1 B3} {T0 B4} {T1 B5} {WR B6} {RD B7} {PX0 B8} {PT0 B9} {PX1 BA} {PT1 BB} {PS BC} {PT2 BD} {PC BE} {TF2 CF} {EXF2 CE} {RCLK CD} {TCLK CC} {EXEN2 CB} {TR2 CA} {CT2 C9} {CPRL2 C8} {P D0} {OV D2} {RS0 D3} {RS1 D4} {F0 D5} {AC D6} {C D7} } { set symbol([lindex $symb_name 0]) [expr "0x[lindex $symb_name 1]"] } array set ::Simulator_ENGINE::PIN { AD0 {0 0} AD1 {0 1} AD2 {0 2} AD3 {0 3} AD4 {0 4} AD5 {0 5} AD6 {0 6} AD7 {0 7} T2 {1 0} ANL1 {1 0} ANL0 {1 1} T2EX {1 1} MOSI {1 5} MISO {1 6} SCK {1 7} A15 {2 7} A14 {2 6} A13 {2 5} A12 {2 4} A11 {2 3} A10 {2 2} A9 {2 1} A8 {2 0} RXD {3 0} TXD {3 1} INT0 {3 2} INT1 {3 3} T0 {3 4} T1 {3 5} WR {3 6} RD {3 7} } set PORT_LATCHES [list $symbol(P0) $symbol(P1) $symbol(P2) $symbol(P3) $symbol(P4)] } ## Shutdown simulator engine # @return void private method internal_shutdown {} { set break 1 $this Simulator_sync_clock } ## Determinate if the specified feature is avaliable on this MCU # @parm String key - feature name (e.g. 'p0') # @return Bool - result (1 == yes; 0 == no) public method get_feature_avaliable {key} { return $feature_avaliable($key) } ## Get number of implemented ports and list of port indexes # @return List - {number_of_ports {idx0 idx1...}} (e.g. {4 {0 1 2 3}}) public method get_ports_info {} { set sum 0 for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} { if {$feature_avaliable(p$i)} { incr sum lappend lst $i } } return [list $sum $lst] }