#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://mcu8051ide.sf.net ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # >>> File inclusion guard if { ! [ info exists _INTERRUPTMONITOR_TCL ] } { set _INTERRUPTMONITOR_TCL _ # <<< File inclusion guard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # Implements interrupt monitor # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class InterruptMonitor { ## COMMON common geometry ${::CONFIG(INTR_MON_GEOMETRY)} ;# Last window geometry common intr_mon_count 0 ;# Counter of intances common bg_color {#0088FF} ;# Color for highlighted background # Small header font common header_font [font create \ -size [expr {int(-17 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight bold \ -family {helvetica} \ ] # Big header font common header_font_big [font create \ -size [expr {int(-21 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight bold \ -family {helvetica} \ ] # Common label font common lbl_font [font create \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -family {helvetica} \ ] # Font for value labels common val_font [font create \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight bold \ -family {helvetica} \ ] # Font for value labels - underline common val_font_under [font create \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight bold \ -family {helvetica} \ -underline 1 \ ] ## PRIVATE private variable dialog_opened 0 ;# Bool: Dialog window opened private variable win ;# Widget: Dialog window private variable in_progress_frame ;# Widget: Scrollable frame area for interrupts in progress private variable pending_frame ;# Widget: Scrollable frame area for pending interrupts private variable priorities_frame ;# Widget: Scrollable frame area for interrupt priorities private variable in_progress_frame_f ;# Widget: Scrollable frame for interrupts which are in progress private variable pending_frame_f ;# Widget: Scrollable frame for pending interrupts private variable priorities_frame_f ;# Widget: Scrollable frame for interrupt priorities private variable status_bar ;# Widget: Dialog status bar label private variable in_progress_wdg {} ;# List: Interrupt sub windows for interrupts in porgress private variable in_progress_flg {} ;# List: Flags of interrupts which are in progress private variable intr_priorities {} ;# List: Interrupt flags in order of their priorities (decremental) private variable pending_flg {} ;# List: Flags of pending interrupts private variable available_interrs {} ;# List: available interrupt flags private variable maximum_priority 0 ;# Int: Maximum valid priority constructor {} { # Configure specific ttk styles ttk::style configure InterruptMonitor_Flat.TButton \ -background $bg_color \ -padding 0 \ -borderwidth 1 \ -relief flat ttk::style map InterruptMonitor_Flat.TButton \ -relief [list active raised] \ -background [list disabled $bg_color active $bg_color] } destructor { } ## Close interrupt monitor window and free its resources # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_close {} { if {!$dialog_opened} { return } set geometry [wm geometry $win] set dialog_opened 0 set in_progress_wdg {} set in_progress_flg {} set pending_flg {} set intr_priorities {} set available_interrs {} if {[winfo exists $win]} { destroy $win } } ## Invoke interrupt monitor window # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_invoke_dialog {} { if {$dialog_opened} {return} set dialog_opened 1 # Create dialog window, main frame and status bar set win [toplevel .interrupt_monitor${intr_mon_count} -class {Interrupt monitor} -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR}] incr intr_mon_count set main_frame [frame $win.main_frame] set status_bar [label $win.status_bar] # Create scrollable frames set in_progress_frame_f [ScrollableFrame $main_frame.in_p \ -width 280 -areawidth 280 \ -yscrollcommand "$main_frame.in_p_scrl set" \ ] set pending_frame_f [ScrollableFrame $main_frame.pending \ -width 250 -areawidth 250 \ -yscrollcommand "$main_frame.pend_scrl set" \ ] set priorities_frame_f [ScrollableFrame $main_frame.prior \ -width 250 -areawidth 250 \ -yscrollcommand "$main_frame.prior_scrl set" \ ] # Create headers for scrollable frames set top_frame_0 [frame $main_frame.top_frame_0] set top_frame_1 [frame $main_frame.top_frame_1] set top_frame_2 [frame $main_frame.top_frame_2] foreach num {0 1 2} text { "Interrupts in progress" "Pending interrupts" "Interrupt priorities" } { set frame [subst -nocommands "\$top_frame_${num}"] pack [ttk::button $frame.expand \ -image ::ICONS::16::add \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command "$this interrupt_monitor_expand $num" \ ] -side left -anchor w -padx 3 set_status_tip $frame.expand [mc "Expand all"] pack [ttk::button $frame.collapse \ -image ::ICONS::16::sub \ -style Flat.TButton \ -command "$this interrupt_monitor_collapse $num" \ ] -side left -anchor w set_status_tip $frame.collapse [mc "Collapse all"] pack [label $frame.in_p_lbl \ -font $header_font \ -text [mc $text] \ ] -side left -fill x -expand 1 } # Show headers for scrollable frames grid $top_frame_0 -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky we -padx 5 grid $top_frame_1 -row 0 -column 3 -columnspan 2 -sticky we -padx 5 grid $top_frame_2 -row 0 -column 6 -columnspan 2 -sticky we -padx 5 # Crate and show scrollbars grid [ttk::scrollbar $main_frame.in_p_scrl \ -orient vertical \ -command "$in_progress_frame_f yview" \ ] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ns grid [ttk::scrollbar $main_frame.pend_scrl \ -orient vertical \ -command "$pending_frame_f yview" \ ] -row 1 -column 4 -sticky ns grid [ttk::scrollbar $main_frame.prior_scrl \ -orient vertical \ -command "$priorities_frame_f yview" \ ] -row 1 -column 7 -sticky ns # Show scrollable frames grid $in_progress_frame_f -sticky ns -padx 3 -row 1 -column 0 grid $pending_frame_f -sticky ns -padx 3 -row 1 -column 3 grid $priorities_frame_f -sticky ns -padx 3 -row 1 -column 6 grid rowconfigure $main_frame 1 -weight 1 # Set spaces between scrollable frames grid columnconfigure $main_frame 2 -minsize 2 grid columnconfigure $main_frame 5 -minsize 2 # Set container frames fro scrollable frames set in_progress_frame [$in_progress_frame_f getframe] set pending_frame [$pending_frame_f getframe] set priorities_frame [$priorities_frame_f getframe] # Fill GUI set maximum_priority [$this simulator_get_max_intr_priority] interrupt_monitor_set_available [$this simulator_get_intr_flags] interrupt_monitor_reevaluate # Pack main frame and create bottom frame pack $main_frame -fill both -expand 1 pack [ttk::separator $win.sep -orient horizontal] \ -fill x -pady 3 pack $status_bar -side left -fill x -padx 10 pack [ttk::button $win.close_but \ -text [mc "Close"] \ -compound left \ -command "$this interrupt_monitor_close" \ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \ ] -side right -pady 5 -padx 10 set_status_tip $win.close_but [mc "Close this dialog window"] # Set window attributes wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::kcmdf wm title $win "[mc {Interrupt monitor}] - [$this cget -projectName] - MCU 8051 IDE" wm minsize $win 850 270 if {$geometry != {}} { regsub {\+\d+\+} $geometry {+850+} geometry wm geometry $win $geometry } wm resizable $win 0 1 wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list $this interrupt_monitor_close] bindtags $win [list $win Toplevel all .] } ## Return true if this dialog is opened # @return Bool result public method interrupt_monitor_is_opened {} { return $dialog_opened } ## Reevaluate content of the monitor # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_reevaluate {} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} # Remove interrupts in progress foreach widget $in_progress_wdg { destroy $widget } set in_progress_flg {} set in_progress_wdg {} # Priorities interrupt_monitor_intr_prior [$this simulator_get_intr_flags_with_priorities] # Pending interrupts interrupt_monitor_intr_flags [$this simulator_get_active_intr_flags] # Enable/Disabled buttons "Invoke this interrupt" set state [expr {([$this is_frozen]) ? "normal" : "disabled"}] foreach flag $available_interrs { $priorities_frame.[string tolower $flag].secondary.exec_but configure -state $state } # Evaluate list of active interrupts set intrs [$this simulator_get_interrupts_in_progress] for {set i [expr {[llength $intrs] - 1}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { interrupt_monitor_intr [lindex $intrs $i] $priorities_frame.[string tolower [lindex $intrs $i]].secondary.exec_but \ configure -state disabled } } ## Set status bar tip for certain widget # @parm Widget widget - Some button or label ... # @parm String text - Status tip # @return void private method set_status_tip {widget text} { bind $widget "$status_bar configure -text {$text}" bind $widget "$status_bar configure -text {}" } ## Clear content of frames "Interrupts in progress" and "Pending iterrupts" # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_reset {} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} foreach wdg [pack slaves $pending_frame] { destroy $wdg } foreach wdg [pack slaves $in_progress_frame] { destroy $wdg } set in_progress_wdg {} set in_progress_flg {} set pending_flg {} set intr_priorities $available_interrs foreach flag $available_interrs { set flag [string tolower $flag] $priorities_frame.$flag.secondary.exec_but configure -state normal } } ## Expand all in scrollable frame specifie by the given number # @parm Int num - 0 == "In progress"; 1 == "Pending"; 2 == "Priorities" # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_expand {num} { switch -- $num { {0} {set frame $in_progress_frame} {1} {set frame $pending_frame} {2} {set frame $priorities_frame} } foreach sub_frame [pack slaves $frame] { if {![winfo ismapped $sub_frame.tertiary]} { pack $sub_frame.tertiary -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 } } update } ## Collapse all in scrollable frame specifie by the given number # @parm Int num - 0 == "In progress"; 1 == "Pending"; 2 == "Priorities" # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_collapse {num} { switch -- $num { {0} {set frame $in_progress_frame} {1} {set frame $pending_frame} {2} {set frame $priorities_frame} } foreach sub_frame [pack slaves $frame] { if {[winfo ismapped $sub_frame.tertiary]} { pack forget $sub_frame.tertiary } } update } ## Collapse / Expand sub window (interrupt details) # @parm Widget widget - Details frame # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_collapse_expand {widget} { if {[winfo ismapped $widget]} { pack forget $widget } else { pack $widget -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 } update } ## Set available interrupt flags # @parm List flags - Interrupt flags (e.g. {TF2 CF RI IE0}) # @return void private method interrupt_monitor_set_available {flags} { # Set available interrupts set available_interrs $flags # Create sub windows in frame "Priorities" foreach flag_bit $flags { # Get interrupt details set intr [get_interrupt_details $flag_bit] # Create frame for header and details set primary_frame [frame $priorities_frame.[string tolower $flag_bit] -bg $bg_color] ## Create header set secondary_frame [frame $primary_frame.secondary -bg $bg_color] # Priority value pack [label $secondary_frame.priority_val \ -pady 0 -font $val_font \ ] -side left -padx 7 -anchor w set_status_tip $secondary_frame.priority_val [mc "Priority level"] # Header label pack [label $secondary_frame.name \ -text [lindex $intr 3] -pady 0 \ -bg $bg_color -fg white \ -cursor hand2 -anchor w \ ] -side left -anchor w -fill x -expand 1 bind $secondary_frame.name \ "$this interrupt_monitor_collapse_expand $primary_frame.tertiary" # Button "Increase priority level" pack [ttk::button $secondary_frame.up_but \ -image ::ICONS::16::up \ -style InterruptMonitor_Flat.TButton \ -command "$this simulator_incr_intr_priority $flag_bit" \ ] -side right -anchor e set_status_tip $secondary_frame.up_but [mc "Increase priority level"] # Button "Decrease priority level" pack [ttk::button $secondary_frame.down_but \ -image ::ICONS::16::down \ -style InterruptMonitor_Flat.TButton \ -command "$this simulator_decr_intr_priority $flag_bit" \ ] -side right -anchor e set_status_tip $secondary_frame.down_but [mc "Decrease priority level"] # Button "Invoke interrupt" pack [ttk::button $secondary_frame.exec_but \ -image ::ICONS::16::launch \ -style InterruptMonitor_Flat.TButton \ -command "$this simulator_invoke_interrupt $flag_bit" \ ] -side right -anchor e -padx 7 set_status_tip $secondary_frame.exec_but [mc "Invoke this interrupt"] # Create details frame set tertiary_frame [frame $primary_frame.tertiary -bg {#FFFFFF}] set row 2 set col 0 set pri_bits [lindex $intr 2] if {[$this get_feature_available iph]} { set pri_bits [linsert $pri_bits 0 "[lindex $intr 2]H"] } foreach lbl { {Vector:} {Enable bit:} {Flag bit:} {Priority bits:} } \ val [list \ [lindex $intr 0] [lindex $intr 1] \ $flag_bit $pri_bits \ ] \ type { vector e_bit f_bit p_bit } \ { # Label describing type of flags grid [label $tertiary_frame.lbl_${row}_${col} \ -text [mc $lbl] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font -pady 0 \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column $col -pady 0 incr col # Create frame for labels representing bits themselfes set bits_frame [frame $tertiary_frame.$type -bg white] grid $bits_frame -sticky we -row $row -column $col -pady 0 # Create bits (or possibly other type of labels) switch -- $type { vector { set cursor {left_ptr} set is_bit 0 } e_bit - p_bit - f_bit { set cursor {hand2} set is_bit 1 } } set bit_i 0 foreach bit $val { # Create label containing "," (comma) if {$bit_i} { pack [label $bits_frame.comma_lbl_$bit_i\ -bg white -font $val_font \ -text {,} -padx 0 -pady 0 \ ] -side left -padx 0 -anchor w -ipadx 0 } # Determinate initial bit color if {$is_bit == 0} { set color {black} } elseif {[intr_mon_getBit $bit]} { set color $::Simulator_GUI::on_color } else { set color $::Simulator_GUI::off_color } # Create bit label set label [label $bits_frame.val_$bit \ -bg white -font $val_font \ -cursor $cursor -padx 0 \ -fg $color -text $bit -pady 0 \ ] pack $label -pady 0 -side left -padx 0 -ipadx 0 -anchor w # Set event bindings for bit label if {$is_bit} { bind $label "$this interrupt_monitor_invert_bit $bit" set_status_tip $label [mc [get_bit_stip $bit]] bind $label {+%W configure -font $::InterruptMonitor::val_font_under} bind $label {+%W configure -font $::InterruptMonitor::val_font} } incr bit_i } incr col 2 if {$col > 3} { set col 0 incr row } } # Finalize grid columnconfigure $tertiary_frame 2 -weight 1 pack $secondary_frame -fill x } scrolling_bindings $priorities_frame_f $priorities_frame 1 } ## Change interrupt priorities # @parm List flags - List of intr. flags in order of their priorities (decremental) # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_intr_prior {flags} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} set intr_priorities $flags # Forget current subwindows foreach wdg [pack slaves $priorities_frame] { pack forget $wdg } # Show subwindows in new order foreach flag_bit [string tolower $flags] { pack $priorities_frame.$flag_bit -pady 2 -fill x } # Adjust value of priority level in each subwindow foreach flag_bit $available_interrs { set pri__clr [get_priority_and_color $flag_bit] set pri_bits [lindex [get_interrupt_details $flag_bit] 2] set flag_bit [string tolower $flag_bit] if {[$this get_feature_available iph]} { lappend pri_bits "${pri_bits}H" } # Frame: "Interrupt priorities" $priorities_frame.$flag_bit.secondary.priority_val \ configure -text [lindex $pri__clr 0] -bg [lindex $pri__clr 1] if {[lindex $pri__clr 0] == $maximum_priority} { $priorities_frame.$flag_bit.secondary.up_but \ configure -state disabled } else { $priorities_frame.$flag_bit.secondary.up_but \ configure -state normal } if {[lindex $pri__clr 0]} { $priorities_frame.$flag_bit.secondary.down_but \ configure -state normal } else { $priorities_frame.$flag_bit.secondary.down_but \ configure -state disabled } # Pending interrupts if {[winfo exists $pending_frame.$flag_bit]} { $pending_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.priority_val \ configure -text [lindex $pri__clr 0] -bg [lindex $pri__clr 1] } # Interrupts in progress if {[winfo exists $in_progress_frame.$flag_bit]} { $in_progress_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.priority_val \ configure -text [lindex $pri__clr 0] -bg [lindex $pri__clr 1] } # Adjust colors of priority bits foreach pri_bit $pri_bits { # Determinate new color if {[intr_mon_getBit $pri_bit]} { set color $::Simulator_GUI::on_color } else { set color $::Simulator_GUI::off_color } # Set new color foreach widget [list \ $priorities_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.p_bit.val_$pri_bit \ $pending_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.p_bit.val_$pri_bit \ $in_progress_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.p_bit.val_$pri_bit\ ] { if {[winfo exists $widget]} { $widget configure -fg $color } } } } } ## Set new pending interrupts # @parm List flags - List of intr. flags in decremental order of their priorities # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_intr_flags {flags} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} # Remove subwindows of interrupts which does not longer #+ belong to category pending interrupts foreach flag $pending_flg { if {[lsearch $flags $flag] == -1 || [lsearch $in_progress_flg $flag] != -1} { destroy $pending_frame.[string tolower $flag] } } # Remove flags which are in category "In progress" already set new_flag {} foreach flag $flags { if {[lsearch $in_progress_flg $flag] == -1} { lappend new_flag $flag } } set flags $new_flag # Sort flags by priority set new_flag {} foreach priority_flag $intr_priorities { if {[lsearch $flags $priority_flag] != -1} { lappend new_flag $priority_flag } } set pending_flg $new_flag # Forget or create subwindows for current set of pending interrupts foreach flag $new_flag { if {[winfo exists $pending_frame.[string tolower $flag]]} { pack forget $pending_frame.[string tolower $flag] } else { create_pending_interrupt $flag } } # Show new subwindows in order of intr. priorities foreach flag $new_flag { set pri__clr [get_priority_and_color $flag] set flag [string tolower $flag] $pending_frame.$flag.tertiary.priority_val configure \ -text [lindex $pri__clr 0] -bg [lindex $pri__clr 1] pack $pending_frame.$flag -pady 2 -fill x } # Adjust colors of flag bits foreach flag_bit $available_interrs { # Determinate new color if {[intr_mon_getBit $flag_bit]} { set color $::Simulator_GUI::on_color } else { set color $::Simulator_GUI::off_color } set flag [string tolower $flag_bit] # Set new color foreach widget [list \ $priorities_frame.$flag.tertiary.f_bit.val_$flag_bit \ $pending_frame.$flag.tertiary.f_bit.val_$flag_bit \ $in_progress_frame.$flag.tertiary.f_bit.val_$flag_bit \ ] { if {[winfo exists $widget]} { $widget configure -fg $color } } } } ## Reevaluate state of interrupt enable bits # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_intr_ena_dis {} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} # Adjust colors of flag bits foreach flag_bit $available_interrs { set ena_bit [lindex [get_interrupt_details $flag_bit] 1] # Determinate new color if {[intr_mon_getBit $ena_bit]} { set color $::Simulator_GUI::on_color } else { set color $::Simulator_GUI::off_color } set flag_bit [string tolower $flag_bit] # Set new color foreach widget [list \ $priorities_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.e_bit.val_$ena_bit \ $pending_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.e_bit.val_$ena_bit \ $in_progress_frame.$flag_bit.tertiary.e_bit.val_$ena_bit\ ] { if {[winfo exists $widget]} { $widget configure -fg $color } } } } ## Get priority level and color for the given interrupt # @parm String flag - Interrupt flag (e.g. RI) # @return List - {priority color} private method get_priority_and_color {flag} { set priority [$this simulator_get_interrupt_priority $flag] switch -- $priority { 0 {set bg_clr {#00FF00}} 1 {set bg_clr {#DDDD00}} 2 {set bg_clr {#FF8800}} 3 {set bg_clr {#FF0000}} } return [list $priority $bg_clr] } ## Add an interrupt to category "Pending interrupts" # @parm String flag - Interrupt flag (e.g. TI) # @return void private method create_pending_interrupt {flag_bit} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} set intr [get_interrupt_details $flag_bit] # Create frame for header and details set primary_frame [frame $pending_frame.[string tolower $flag_bit] -bg $bg_color] ## Create subwindow header set secondary_frame [frame $primary_frame.secondary -bg $bg_color] # Label with interrupt name pack [label $secondary_frame.name \ -text [lindex $intr 3] -pady 0 \ -bg $bg_color -fg white \ -cursor hand2 -anchor w \ ] -side left -anchor w -fill x -padx 3 -expand 1 bind $secondary_frame.name \ "$this interrupt_monitor_collapse_expand $primary_frame.tertiary" # Close button pack [ttk::button $secondary_frame.close_but \ -style InterruptMonitor_Flat.TButton \ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \ -command "$this simulator_clear_intr_flag $flag_bit" \ ] -side right -anchor e -padx 3 set_status_tip $secondary_frame.close_but {Clear interrupt flag} ## Create frame for interrupt details set tertiary_frame [frame $primary_frame.tertiary -bg {#FFFFFF}] # Priority: grid [label $tertiary_frame.priority_lbl \ -pady 0 -text [mc "Priority:"] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font \ ] -sticky w -pady 0 -row 0 -column 0 set pri__clr [get_priority_and_color $flag_bit] grid [label $tertiary_frame.priority_val \ -pady 0 -font $val_font \ -text [lindex $pri__clr 0] \ -bg [lindex $pri__clr 1] \ ] -sticky w -pady 0 -row 0 -column 1 set_status_tip $tertiary_frame.priority_val {Priority level} # (Separator) grid [ttk::separator $tertiary_frame.sep -orient horizontal] \ -sticky we -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 5 -pady 0 # Vector, Enable bit, Flag bit, Priority bits set row 2 set col 0 set pri_bits [lindex $intr 2] if {[$this get_feature_available iph]} { set pri_bits [linsert $pri_bits 0 "[lindex $intr 2]H"] } foreach lbl { {Vector:} {Enable bit:} {Flag bit:} {Priority bits:} } \ val [list \ [lindex $intr 0] [lindex $intr 1] \ $flag_bit $pri_bits \ ] \ type { vector e_bit f_bit p_bit } \ { # Label describing type of flags grid [label $tertiary_frame.lbl_${row}_${col} \ -text [mc $lbl] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font -pady 0 \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column $col -pady 0 incr col # Create frame for labels representing bits themselfes set bits_frame [frame $tertiary_frame.$type -bg white] grid $bits_frame -sticky w -row $row -column $col -pady 0 # Create bits (or possibly other type of labels) switch -- $type { vector { set cursor {left_ptr} set is_bit 0 } e_bit - p_bit - f_bit { set cursor {hand2} set is_bit 1 } } set bit_i 0 foreach bit $val { # Create label containing "," (comma) if {$bit_i} { pack [label $bits_frame.comma_lbl_$bit_i\ -bg white -font $val_font \ -text {,} -padx 0 -pady 0 \ ] -side left -padx 0 -anchor w -ipadx 0 } # Determinate initial bit color if {$is_bit == 0} { set color {black} } elseif {[intr_mon_getBit $bit]} { set color $::Simulator_GUI::on_color } else { set color $::Simulator_GUI::off_color } # Create bit label set label [label $bits_frame.val_$bit \ -bg white -font $val_font -pady 0 \ -cursor $cursor -padx 0 -text $bit \ -fg $color \ ] pack $label -pady 0 -side left -padx 0 -ipadx 0 -anchor w # Set event bindings for bit label if {$is_bit} { bind $label "$this interrupt_monitor_invert_bit $bit" set_status_tip $label [mc [get_bit_stip $bit]] bind $label {+%W configure -font $::InterruptMonitor::val_font_under} bind $label {+%W configure -font $::InterruptMonitor::val_font} } incr bit_i } incr col 2 if {$col > 3} { set col 0 incr row } } grid columnconfigure $tertiary_frame 2 -weight 1 pack $secondary_frame -fill x scrolling_bindings $pending_frame_f $primary_frame 1 } ## Add an interrupt to category "Interrupts in progress" # @parm String flag - Interrupt flag (e.g. TF0) # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_intr {flag_bit} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} # Local variables set intr [get_interrupt_details $flag_bit] set from_pc [format %X [$this getPC]] set len [string length $from_pc] if {$len < 4} { set from_pc "[string repeat {0} [expr {4 - $len}]]$from_pc" } set from_pc "0x$from_pc" set frame_desc [string tolower $flag_bit] # Insure than the same subwindow does not exist already if {[winfo exists $pending_frame.$frame_desc]} { destroy $pending_frame.$frame_desc } # Disable button "Invoke this interrupt" in priorities frame $priorities_frame.$frame_desc.secondary.exec_but configure -state disabled # Create frame for header and details set primary_frame [frame $in_progress_frame.$frame_desc -bg $bg_color] ## Create subwindow header set secondary_frame [frame $primary_frame.secondary -bg $bg_color] # Label with interrupt name pack [label $secondary_frame.name \ -text [lindex $intr 3] -pady 0 \ -bg $bg_color -fg white \ -cursor hand2 -anchor w \ ] -side left -anchor w -fill x -padx 3 -expand 1 bind $secondary_frame.name \ "$this interrupt_monitor_collapse_expand $primary_frame.tertiary" # Close button pack [ttk::button $secondary_frame.close_but \ -style InterruptMonitor_Flat.TButton \ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \ -command "$this simulator_cancel_interrupt $flag_bit" \ ] -side right -anchor e -padx 3 set_status_tip $secondary_frame.close_but {Force return from this interrupt (may damage program integrity)} ## Create frame for interrupt details set tertiary_frame [frame $primary_frame.tertiary -bg {#FFFFFF}] # Priority grid [label $tertiary_frame.priority_lbl \ -pady 0 -text [mc "Priority:"] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font \ ] -sticky w -pady 0 -row 0 -column 0 set pri__clr [get_priority_and_color $flag_bit] grid [label $tertiary_frame.priority_val \ -pady 0 -font $val_font \ -text [lindex $pri__clr 0] \ -bg [lindex $pri__clr 1] \ ] -sticky w -pady 0 -row 0 -column 1 set_status_tip $tertiary_frame.priority_val {Priority level} # (Separator) grid [ttk::separator $tertiary_frame.sep -orient horizontal] \ -sticky we -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 5 -pady 0 # Vector, Flag bit, Enable bit, Priority bits set row 2 set pri_bits [lindex $intr 2] if {[$this get_feature_available iph]} { set pri_bits [linsert $pri_bits 0 "[lindex $intr 2]H"] } foreach lbl { {Vector:} {Flag bit:} {Enable bit:} {Priority bits:} } \ val [list \ [lindex $intr 0] $flag_bit \ [lindex $intr 1] $pri_bits \ ] \ type { vector f_bit e_bit p_bit } \ { # Label describing type of flags grid [label $tertiary_frame.lbl_$row \ -text [mc $lbl] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font -pady 0 \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 0 -pady 0 # Create frame for labels representing bits themselfes set bits_frame [frame $tertiary_frame.$type -bg white] grid $bits_frame -sticky w -row $row -column 1 -pady 0 # Create bits (or possibly other type of labels) switch -- $type { vector { set cursor {left_ptr} set is_bit 0 } e_bit - p_bit - f_bit { set cursor {hand2} set is_bit 1 } } set bit_i 0 foreach bit $val { # Create label containing "," (comma) if {$bit_i} { pack [label $bits_frame.comma_lbl_$bit_i\ -bg white -font $val_font \ -text {,} -padx 0 -pady 0 \ ] -side left -padx 0 -anchor w -ipadx 0 } # Determinate initial bit color if {!$is_bit} { set color {black} } elseif {[intr_mon_getBit $bit]} { set color $::Simulator_GUI::on_color } else { set color $::Simulator_GUI::off_color } # Create bit label set label [label $bits_frame.val_$bit \ -bg white -font $val_font -pady 0 \ -cursor $cursor -padx 0 -text $bit \ -fg $color \ ] pack $label -pady 0 -side left -padx 0 -ipadx 0 -anchor w # Set event bindings for bit label if {$is_bit} { bind $label "$this interrupt_monitor_invert_bit $bit" set_status_tip $label [mc [get_bit_stip $bit]] bind $label {+%W configure -font $::InterruptMonitor::val_font_under} bind $label {+%W configure -font $::InterruptMonitor::val_font} } incr bit_i } incr row } # Invoked from: set row 2 grid [label $tertiary_frame.lbl__$row \ -text [mc "Invoked from:"] -pady 0 \ -bg white -font $lbl_font \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 3 -pady 0 -columnspan 2 incr row # PC: grid [label $tertiary_frame.lbl__$row \ -pady 0 -text [mc " PC:"] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 3 -pady 0 grid [label $tertiary_frame.val__$row \ -pady 0 -text $from_pc \ -bg white -font $val_font \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 4 -pady 0 incr row # File: grid [label $tertiary_frame.lbl__$row \ -pady 0 -text [mc " File:"] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 3 -pady 0 set filename [$this filelist_get_simulator_editor_obj] if {$filename != {}} { set filename [$filename cget -fullFileName] } else { set filename [lindex [$this simulator_get_list_of_filenames] 0] } grid [label $tertiary_frame.val__$row \ -pady 0 -bg white -font $val_font \ -text [file tail $filename] \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 4 -pady 0 incr row # Line: grid [label $tertiary_frame.lbl__$row \ -pady 0 -text [mc " Line:"] \ -bg white -font $lbl_font \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 3 -pady 0 grid [label $tertiary_frame.val__$row \ -pady 0 -bg white -font $val_font \ -text [$this simulator_get_line_number] \ ] -sticky w -row $row -column 4 -pady 0 grid columnconfigure $tertiary_frame 4 -weight 1 pack $secondary_frame -fill x # Pack the created subwindow just after the topmost subwindow in the scrollable frame set wdg [lindex $in_progress_wdg end] if {$wdg != {}} { pack $primary_frame -fill x -before $wdg -pady 2 } else { pack $primary_frame -fill x -pady 2 } # Register this subwindow for future use lappend in_progress_flg $flag_bit lappend in_progress_wdg $primary_frame scrolling_bindings $in_progress_frame_f $primary_frame 1 } ## Remove interrupt from category "In progress" # @parm String flag_bit - Interrupt flag (e.g. TF0) # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_reti {flag_bit} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} set idx [lsearch $in_progress_flg $flag_bit] if {$idx == -1} { return } destroy [lindex $in_progress_wdg $idx] $priorities_frame.[string tolower $flag_bit].secondary.exec_but configure -state normal set in_progress_flg [lreplace $in_progress_flg $idx $idx] set in_progress_wdg [lreplace $in_progress_wdg $idx $idx] } ## Get details for the given interrupt # @parm String flag_bit - Interrupt flag (e.g. EXF2) # @return List - {vector_hex enable_bit priority_bit short_description} private method get_interrupt_details {flag_bit} { switch -- $flag_bit { {IE0} {return {{0x03} {EX0} {PX0} {External Interrupt 0}}} {TF0} {return {{0x0B} {ET0} {PT0} {Timer 0 Overflow}}} {IE1} {return {{0x13} {EX1} {PX1} {External Interrupt 1}}} {TF1} {return {{0x1B} {ET1} {PT1} {Timer 1 Overflow}}} {RI} {return {{0x23} {ES} {PS} {UART receive}}} {TI} {return {{0x23} {ES} {PS} {UART transmit}}} {SPIF} {return {{0x23} {ES} {PS} {SPI}}} {TF2} {return {{0x2B} {ET2} {PT2} {Timer 2 Overflow}}} {EXF2} {return {{0x2B} {ET2} {PT2} {Timer 2 External}}} {CF} {return {{0x33} {EC} {PC} {Analog comparator}}} } } ## Get status tip for particular bit # @param String bit_name - Name of bit # @return String - Status tip private method get_bit_stip {bit_name} { switch -- $bit_name { IE0 {return {Bit address: 0x89 -- External Interrupt 0 edge flag}} TF0 {return {Bit address: 0x8D -- Timer 0 overflow flag}} IE1 {return {Bit address: 0x8B -- External Interrupt 1 edge flag}} TF1 {return {Bit address: 0x8F -- Timer 1 overflow flag}} RI {return {Bit address: 0x98 -- Receive interrupt flag}} TI {return {Bit address: 0x99 -- Transmit interrupt flag}} SPIF {return {SPSR.7 -- SPI interrupt flag}} TF2 {return {Bit address: 0xCF -- Timer 2 overflow flag}} EXF2 {return {Bit address: 0xCE -- Timer 2 external flag}} CF {return {ACSR.4 -- Comparator Interrupt}} EX0 {return {Bit address: 0xA8 -- Enable or disable External Interrupt 0}} ET0 {return {Bit address: 0xA9 -- Enable or disable the Timer 0 overflow interrupt}} EX1 {return {Bit address: 0xAA -- Enable or disable External Interrupt 1}} ET1 {return {Bit address: 0xAB -- Enable or disable the Timer 1 overflow interrupt}} ES {return {Bit address: 0xAC -- Enable or disable the serial port interrupt}} ET2 {return {Bit address: 0xAD -- Enable or disable the Timer 2 overflow interrupt}} EC {return {Bit address: 0xAE -- Enable or disable the comparator interrupt}} PX0 {return {Bit address: 0xB8 -- Defines the External Interrupt 0 priority level}} PT0 {return {Bit address: 0xB9 -- Defines the Timer 0 interrupt priority level}} PX1 {return {Bit address: 0xBA -- Defines External Interrupt 1 priority level}} PT1 {return {Bit address: 0xBB -- Defines the Timer 1 interrupt priority level}} PS {return {Bit address: 0xBC -- Defines the Serial Port interrupt priority level}} PT2 {return {Bit address: 0xBD -- Defines the Timer 2 interrupt priority level}} PC {return {Bit address: 0xBE -- Defines the comparator interrupt priority level}} PX0H {return {IPH.0 -- Defines the External Interrupt 0 priority level}} PT0H {return {IPH.1 -- Defines the Timer 0 interrupt priority level}} PX1H {return {IPH.2 -- Defines External Interrupt 1 priority level}} PT1H {return {IPH.3 -- Defines the Timer 1 interrupt priority level}} PSH {return {IPH.4 -- Defines the Serial Port interrupt priority level}} PT2H {return {IPH.5 -- Defines the Timer 2 interrupt priority level}} PCH {return {IPH.6 -- Defines the comparator interrupt priority level}} default {return {}} } } ## Disable buttons on this panel which can manipulate with simulator # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_enable_buttons {} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} foreach widget [pack slaves $priorities_frame] { $widget.secondary.exec_but configure -state normal } } ## Disable all buttons on this panel which can manipulate with simulator # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_disable_buttons {} { if {!$dialog_opened} {return} foreach frame [list $in_progress_frame $pending_frame] { foreach widget [pack slaves $frame] { $widget.secondary.close_but configure -state disabled } } foreach widget [pack slaves $priorities_frame] { $widget.secondary.down_but configure -state disabled $widget.secondary.up_but configure -state disabled $widget.secondary.exec_but configure -state disabled } } ## Create event bindings to provide scrolling ability for all childern widgets # @parm Widget scrollable_frame - Parent frame (scrollable frame) # @parm Widget this_frame - This frame # @parm Bool also_this - This should be always 1 # @return void private method scrolling_bindings {scrollable_frame this_frame also_this} { if {$also_this} { bind $this_frame "$scrollable_frame yview scroll +1 units" bind $this_frame "$scrollable_frame yview scroll -1 units" } foreach w [winfo children $this_frame] { bind $w "$scrollable_frame yview scroll +1 units" bind $w "$scrollable_frame yview scroll -1 units" scrolling_bindings $scrollable_frame $w 0 } } ## Invert particular bit in simulator # @parm String bit_name - Name of bit to invert (uppercase) # @return void public method interrupt_monitor_invert_bit {bit_name} { if {![$this is_frozen]} { return } $this intr_mon_setBit $bit_name [expr {![intr_mon_getBit $bit_name]}] } ## Set value for particular bit # @parm String bit_name - Name of bit to set (uppercase) # @parm Bool value - New bit value # @return void private method intr_mon_setBit {bit_name value} { switch -- $bit_name { SPIF { set reg {SPSR} set bit_num 7 } CF { set reg {ACSR} set bit_num 4 } PX0H { set reg {IPH} set bit_num 0 } PT0H { set reg {IPH} set bit_num 1 } PX1H { set reg {IPH} set bit_num 2 } PT1H { set reg {IPH} set bit_num 3 } PSH { set reg {IPH} set bit_num 4 } PT2H { set reg {IPH} set bit_num 5 } PCH { set reg {IPH} set bit_num 6 } default { $this setBit $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol($bit_name) $value return } } # Determinate register address, register value and bit mask for bit to set set reg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol($reg) set reg_val [$this getSfrDEC $reg] set bit_num [expr {1 << $bit_num}] # Set bit if {(($reg_val & $bit_num) ? 1 : 0) != ($value ? 1 : 0)} { set reg_val [expr {$reg_val ^ $bit_num}] $this setSfr $reg [format %X $reg_val] $this Simulator_sync_sfr $reg } } ## Get value of particular bit in simulator # @parm String bit_name - Name of bit (uppercase) # @return Bool - bit value private method intr_mon_getBit {bit_name} { switch -- $bit_name { SPIF {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(SPSR) 7]} CF {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(ACSR) 4]} PX0H {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(IPH) 0]} PT0H {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(IPH) 1]} PX1H {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(IPH) 2]} PT1H {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(IPH) 3]} PSH {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(IPH) 4]} PT2H {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(IPH) 5]} PCH {return [$this getBitByReg $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol(IPH) 6]} default {return [$this getBit $::Simulator_ENGINE::symbol($bit_name)] } } } } # >>> File inclusion guard } # <<< File inclusion guard