#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( http://https://sourceforge.net/projects/mcu8051ide/ ) ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2011 by Martin Ošmera # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # Copyright (C) 2014 by Moravia Microsystems, s.r.o. # # martin.osmera@gmail.com # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ # >>> File inclusion guard if { ! [ info exists _TABLE_OF_INSTRUCTIONS_TCL ] } { set _TABLE_OF_INSTRUCTIONS_TCL _ # <<< File inclusion guard # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESCRIPTION # 8051 Instruction Table # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TableOfInstructions { public common tbl_of_inst_count 0 ;# Int: Counter of object instances public common oprs_color {#00DD00} ;# RGB Color: Number of operands public common len_color {#00AA55} ;# RGB Color: Instruction length public common time_color {#8800DD} ;# RGB Color: Time to execute public common ins_color {#0000DD} ;# RGB Color: Instruction mnemonics # Font for instruction name public common instruction_font [font create \ -family {helvetica} \ -size [expr {int(-10 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ ] # Font for numbers below the instruction name public common number_font [font create \ -family {helvetica} \ -size [expr {int(-10 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight {bold} \ ] # Font for labels in details frame (normal) public common details_n_font [font create \ -family {helvetica} \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ ] # Font for labels in details frame (bold) public common details_b_font [font create \ -family {helvetica} \ -size [expr {int(-12 * $::font_size_factor)}] \ -weight {bold} \ ] private variable win ;# Widget: Dialog window private variable window_visible 0 ;# Bool: Visibility flag private variable cells ;# Array of Widget: Chart cell frames private variable vh_cells ;# Array of Widget: Vertical headers private variable hh_cells ;# Array of Widget: Horizontal headers private variable selected_cell -1 ;# Int: Currently selected cell private variable status_bar_lbl ;# Widget: Status bar private variable validation_ena 1 ;# Bool: EntryBox validation enabled private variable matrix_frame ;# Widget: Frame for the chart private variable vertical_scrollbar ;# Widget: Scrollbar for the scrollable frame private variable scrollable_frame ;# Widget: Scrollable frame containing the chart private variable opcode_ent ;# Widget: Entry box with the OP code private variable title_v_lbl ;# Widget: Label containing instruction name along with its operands private variable class_v_lbl ;# Widget: Label containing the class private variable desc_v_lbl ;# Widget: Label containing the description private variable length_v_lbl ;# Widget: Label containing the length private variable time_v_lbl ;# Widget: Label containing the time private variable flags_v_lbl ;# Widget: Label containing the flags private variable note_v_lbl ;# Widget: Label containing the note constructor {} { # Configure local ttk styles ttk::style configure TblOfIns_RedBg.TEntry -fieldbackground {#FFDDDD} ttk::style configure TblOfIns_GreenBg.TEntry -fieldbackground {#DDFFDD} # Create dialog window set window_visible 1 set win [toplevel .tableofinstructions${tbl_of_inst_count} -class {8051 Instruction Table} -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR}] incr tbl_of_inst_count # Create dialog GUI create_gui # Set window event bindings bind $win "$this close_window; break" bindtags $win [list $win Toplevel all .] # Set window parameters wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::fsview wm title $win "[mc {8051 Instruction Table}] - MCU 8051 IDE" wm resizable $win 0 1 wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$this close_window" update # Compute required width of the window set w [winfo width $matrix_frame.hh_lbl1] incr w [winfo width $vertical_scrollbar] for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} { incr w [winfo width $matrix_frame.cell_$i] incr w } wm minsize $win $w 400 } destructor { destroy $win } ## Determinate wheather the window is visble or not # @return Bool - Visibility flag public method is_visible {} { return $window_visible } ## Raise dialog window (insure than it is visible) # @return void public method raise_window {} { if {!$window_visible} {return} raise $win . } ## Restore dialog window # @return void public method restore_window {} { set window_visible 1 wm deiconify $win raise $win . } ## Close dialog window, but keep object # @return void public method close_window {} { set window_visible 0 wm withdraw $win } ## Create window GUI # @return void private method create_gui {} { ## Create bottom frame set bottom_frame [frame $win.bottom_frame] set status_bar_lbl [label $bottom_frame.status_bar_lbl -justify left -anchor w] pack $status_bar_lbl -side left -fill x -in $bottom_frame -padx 5 pack [ttk::button $bottom_frame.close_but \ -text [mc "Exit"] \ -command "$this close_window" \ -compound left \ -image ::ICONS::16::exit \ ] -side right -padx 5 -pady 5 ## Create main frame set main_frame [frame $win.main_frame -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR}] set scrollable_frame [ScrollableFrame $main_frame.scrollable_frame \ -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR} \ -yscrollcommand "$main_frame.vertical_scrollbar set" \ ] set matrix_frame [$scrollable_frame getframe] bind $matrix_frame "$scrollable_frame yview scroll +1 units; break" bind $matrix_frame "$scrollable_frame yview scroll -1 units; break" set vertical_scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar $main_frame.vertical_scrollbar \ -orient vertical -command "$main_frame.scrollable_frame yview" \ ] # Create vertical header set header [list {} \ {0x0_} {0x1_} {0x2_} {0x3_} \ {0x4_} {0x5_} {0x6_} {0x7_} \ {0x8_} {0x9_} {0xA_} {0xB_} \ {0xC_} {0xD_} {0xE_} {0xF_} \ ] grid [frame $matrix_frame.top_right_lbl -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR}] -sticky wens -row 0 -column 0 for {set y 1} {$y < 17} {incr y} { grid [label $matrix_frame.vh_lbl$y -text [lindex $header $y] -bg {#FFFFFF}] \ -row $y -column 0 -pady [expr {$y % 2}] -sticky wens set vh_cells([expr {$y - 1}]) $matrix_frame.vh_lbl$y } # Create horizontal header set header [list {} \ {0x_0} {0x_1} {0x_2} {0x_3} \ {0x_4} {0x_5} {0x_6} {0x_7} \ {0x_8} {0x_9} {0x_A} {0x_B} \ {0x_C} {0x_D} {0x_E} {0x_F} \ ] for {set x 1} {$x < 17} {incr x} { grid [label $matrix_frame.hh_lbl$x -text [lindex $header $x] -bg {#FFFFFF}] \ -row 0 -column $x -padx [expr {$x % 2}] -sticky wens set hh_cells([expr {$x - 1}]) $matrix_frame.hh_lbl$x } # Create instruction table set address -1 for {set y 1} {$y < 17} {incr y} { for {set x 1} {$x < 17} {incr x} { incr address # Create cell frame set frame [frame $matrix_frame.cell_$address \ -bg white -bd 0 \ ] # Get instruction OP code in 2-digits uppercase hexadecimal form set opcode [convert_to_opcode $address] # Handle undefined OP codes (0xA5) if {[lsearch -ascii -exact ${::CompilerConsts::defined_OPCODE} $opcode] == -1} { destroy $frame continue } # Get some information about the instruction set def $::CompilerConsts::Opcode($opcode) set instruction [string toupper [lindex $def 0]] set operands [llength [lindex $def 1]] set length [lindex $def 2] set time [lindex $def 4] # Create label containing instruction name pack [label $frame.ins_lbl \ -text $instruction \ -fg $ins_color \ -bg white \ -pady 0 \ -font $instruction_font \ ] # Create label widgets for numbers belowe instruction name set f [frame $frame.f] foreach val [list $operands $length $time ] \ wdg [list oprs_lbl len_lbl time_lbl ] \ fg [list $oprs_color $len_color $time_color ] \ { pack [label $frame.$wdg \ -text $val \ -fg $fg \ -bg white \ -pady 0 \ -font $number_font \ ] -side left } pack $f grid $frame -row $y -column $x -padx [expr {$x % 2}] -pady [expr {$y % 2}] -sticky wens set cells($address) $frame foreach wdg [list $frame $frame.f $frame.ins_lbl $frame.oprs_lbl $frame.len_lbl $frame.time_lbl] { bind $wdg "$this cell_enter $address" bind $wdg "$this cell_leave $address" bind $wdg "$this cell_click $address; focus $frame" bind $wdg "$scrollable_frame yview scroll +1 units; break" bind $wdg "$scrollable_frame yview scroll -1 units; break" } if {$address < 255} { bind $frame [list $this cell_click [expr {$address + 1}]] } if {$address > 0} { bind $frame [list $this cell_click [expr {$address - 1}]] } if {$address > 16} { bind $frame [list $this cell_click [expr {$address - 16}]] } if {$address < 240} { bind $frame [list $this cell_click [expr {$address + 16}]] } } } # Ensure than all cells have the same width and heigh for {set i 0} {$i < 17} {incr i} { grid columnconfigure $matrix_frame $i -uniform toi } for {set i 1} {$i < 17} {incr i} { grid rowconfigure $matrix_frame $i -uniform toi } # Create middle frame (contains details and legend) set middle_frame [frame $win.middle_frame] ## Create legend set legend_frame [frame $middle_frame.legend_frame] grid [label $legend_frame.l_h \ -font $instruction_font \ -text "Legend:" \ ] -column 0 -row 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w # Instruction mnemonics grid [label $legend_frame.l03 \ -fg $ins_color \ -bg $ins_color \ -text {X} \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 0 -row 1 -sticky w -padx 2 grid [label $legend_frame.l13 \ -text [mc "Mnemonics"] \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 1 -row 1 -sticky w # Number of operands grid [label $legend_frame.l00 \ -fg $oprs_color \ -bg $oprs_color \ -text {X} \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 0 -row 2 -sticky w -padx 2 grid [label $legend_frame.l10 \ -text [mc "Operands"] \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 1 -row 2 -sticky w # Length grid [label $legend_frame.l01 \ -fg $len_color \ -bg $len_color \ -text {X} \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 0 -row 3 -sticky w -padx 2 grid [label $legend_frame.l11 \ -text [mc "Length"] \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 1 -row 3 -sticky w # Time grid [label $legend_frame.l02 \ -fg $time_color \ -bg $time_color \ -text {X} \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 0 -row 4 -sticky w -padx 2 grid [label $legend_frame.l12 \ -text [mc "Time"] \ -font $number_font \ ] -column 1 -row 4 -sticky w ## Create details frame # Create labelframe set details_frame_header_frm [frame $win.details_frame_header_frm] pack [label $details_frame_header_frm.lbl \ -text [mc "OP code (hex): "] \ -font $details_n_font \ ] -side left set opcode_ent [ttk::entry $details_frame_header_frm.ent \ -validatecommand "$this opcode_validator %P" \ -width 4 \ -validate key \ ] pack $opcode_ent -side left set title_v_lbl [label $details_frame_header_frm.title_v_lbl \ -fg $ins_color \ -font $details_b_font \ ] pack $title_v_lbl -side left -padx 15 set details_frame [ttk::labelframe $middle_frame.details_frame \ -labelwidget $details_frame_header_frm \ -padding 5 \ ] # Labels: Class & Description grid [label $details_frame.class_l_lbl \ -text [mc "Class: "] \ -font $details_b_font \ ] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w set class_v_lbl [label $details_frame.class_v_lbl -font $details_n_font] grid $class_v_lbl -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w grid [label $details_frame.desc_l_lbl \ -text [mc "Description: "] \ -font $details_b_font \ ] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w set desc_v_lbl [label $details_frame.desc_v_lbl -font $details_n_font] grid $desc_v_lbl -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w # Labels: Length & Time grid [label $details_frame.length_l_lbl \ -text [mc "Length: "] \ -font $details_b_font \ ] -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w set length_v_lbl [label $details_frame.length_v_lbl -font $details_n_font] grid $length_v_lbl -row 0 -column 3 -sticky w grid [label $details_frame.time_l_lbl \ -text [mc "Time: "] \ -font $details_b_font \ ] -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w set time_v_lbl [label $details_frame.time_v_lbl -font $details_n_font] grid $time_v_lbl -row 1 -column 3 -sticky w # Label: Note & Flags grid [label $details_frame.note_l_lbl \ -text [mc "Note: "] \ -font $details_b_font \ ] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w set note_v_lbl [label $details_frame.note_v_lbl -font $details_n_font] grid $note_v_lbl -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w grid [label $details_frame.flags_l_lbl \ -text [mc "Flags: "] \ -font $details_b_font \ ] -row 2 -column 2 -sticky w set flags_v_lbl [label $details_frame.flags_v_lbl -font $number_font -fg {#DD0000}] grid $flags_v_lbl -row 2 -column 3 -sticky w # Configure details frame grid columnconfigure $details_frame 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $details_frame 3 -minsize [expr {int(55 * $::font_size_factor)}] # Finalize ... pack $scrollable_frame -side left -fill both -expand 1 pack $vertical_scrollbar -side right -fill y pack $main_frame -pady 5 -side top -fill both -expand 1 pack $details_frame -padx 5 -fill x -side left -expand 1 pack $legend_frame -padx 5 -side right -anchor nw pack $middle_frame -fill x pack $bottom_frame -fill x } ## Validator for entrybox "OP code" # @parm String string - New entrybox contents # @return Bool - Always 1 public method opcode_validator {string} { if {!$validation_ena} {return 1} # Handle an empty string if {![string length $string]} { $opcode_ent configure -style TEntry return 1 } # Check for maximum allowable length if {[string length $string] > 2} { return 0 } # Normalize the length if {[string length $string] == 1} { set string "0$string" } # Check whether the given value is really a hexadecimal number if {![string is xdigit -strict $string]} { $opcode_ent configure -style TblOfIns_RedBg.TEntry return 1 } # Convert the string to upper case letters and to integer set string [string toupper $string] set address [expr "0x$string"] # Check for existence of the given OP code if {[lsearch -ascii -exact ${::CompilerConsts::defined_OPCODE} $string] == -1} { $opcode_ent configure -style TblOfIns_RedBg.TEntry tk_messageBox \ -type ok \ -icon info \ -parent $win \ -title [mc "OP code not defined"] \ -message [mc "This instruction does not exist on 8051"] return 1 } # Highlight the cell with the corresponding instruction $opcode_ent configure -style TblOfIns_GreenBg.TEntry select_cell $address if {$selected_cell != -1} { fill_details $address 1 } return 1 } ## Set background color for certain cell in the chart matrix # @parm Int address - Cell address # @parm Color color - New background color # @return void private method sel_bg_color {address color} { set frame $cells($address) foreach wdg [list $frame $frame.f $frame.ins_lbl $frame.oprs_lbl $frame.len_lbl $frame.time_lbl] { $wdg configure -bg $color } $hh_cells([expr {$address & 0x0F}]) configure -bg $color $vh_cells([expr {($address & 0xF0) >> 4}]) configure -bg $color } ## Handles event when mouse pointer enters certain cell in the chart # @parm Int address - Cell address # @return void public method cell_enter {address} { $status_bar_lbl configure -text {} if {$selected_cell != $address} { sel_bg_color $address {#DDFFDD} } set def $::CompilerConsts::Opcode([convert_to_opcode $address]) $status_bar_lbl configure -text "[string toupper [lindex $def 0]] [join [lindex $def 1] {, }]" } ## Handles event when mouse pointer leaves certain cell in the chart # @parm Int address - Cell address # @return void public method cell_leave {address} { if {$selected_cell == $address} { return } sel_bg_color $address {#FFFFFF} $status_bar_lbl configure -text {} if {$selected_cell != -1} { $hh_cells([expr {$selected_cell & 0x0F}]) configure -bg {#BBBBFF} $vh_cells([expr {($selected_cell & 0xF0) >> 4}]) configure -bg {#BBBBFF} } } ## Handles event when clicks on certain cell in the chart # @parm Int address - Cell address # @return void public method cell_click {address} { if {$selected_cell == $address} { unselect_current_cell 1 1 set selected_cell -1 return } if {![winfo exists $matrix_frame.cell_$address]} { return } focus $matrix_frame.cell_$address select_cell $address if {$selected_cell != -1} { fill_details $address } } ## Select specified cell in the chart (mark as selected and adjust details frame) # @parm Int address - Cell address # @return void private method select_cell {address} { if {$selected_cell != -1} { unselect_current_cell 0 0 } set selected_cell $address sel_bg_color $address {#BBBBFF} } ## Unselect specified cell in the chart (mark as normal and clear details frame) # @parm Bool keep_current - Mark cell as a cell under mouse pointer (light green bg. color) # @parm Bool affect_entryboxes - Clear entryboxes in details frame # @return void private method unselect_current_cell {keep_current affect_entryboxes} { if {$selected_cell == -1} { return } # Set new background color if {$keep_current} { sel_bg_color $selected_cell {#DDFFDD} } else { sel_bg_color $selected_cell {#FFFFFF} } # Clear entryboxes in details frame if {$affect_entryboxes} { $title_v_lbl configure -text {} $class_v_lbl configure -text {} $desc_v_lbl configure -text {} $length_v_lbl configure -text {} $time_v_lbl configure -text {} $flags_v_lbl configure -text {} $note_v_lbl configure -text {} set validation_ena 0 $opcode_ent delete 0 end $opcode_ent configure -style TEntry set validation_ena 1 } } ## Get instruction OP code in 2-digits uppercase hexadecimal form # @parm Int int_address - OP code in decimal form # @return String - 2-digits uppercase hexadecimal number (e.g. ``B9'') private method convert_to_opcode {int_address} { set opcode [format %X $int_address] if {[string length $opcode] == 1} { set opcode "0$opcode" } return $opcode } ## Fill the details about the instruction # @parm Int address - Integer representation of the instruction OP code # @parm Bool exclude_opcode - Do not affect the entry box with OP code # @return void public method fill_details {address {exclude_opcode 0}} { $scrollable_frame see $matrix_frame.cell_$address ## Obtain detailed informations about the instruction set opcode [convert_to_opcode $address] set def $::CompilerConsts::Opcode($opcode) set instruction [lindex $def 0] ;# Instruction name set operands [lindex $def 1] ;# Oprand types set length [lindex $def 2] ;# Instruction length set time [lindex $def 4] ;# Time set operands_tmp [list] foreach operand $operands { switch -glob -nocase -- $operand { a - c - ab - @dptr - @a+dptr - @a+pc - dptr { set operand [string toupper $operand] } r? { set operand {Rn} } @r? { set operand {@Ri} } imm8 { set operand {#data} } imm16 { set operand {#data16} } code8 { set operand {rel} } code11 { set operand {addr11} } code16 { set operand {addr16} } bit { set operand {bit} } /bit { set operand {/bit} } data { set operand {direct} } } lappend operands_tmp $operand } set operands [join $operands_tmp {, }] set instruction [string toupper $instruction] set title "$instruction\t$operands" set idx [lsearch -ascii -exact ${::InstructionDetails::INSTRUCTION_DESCRIPTION} $title] if {$idx == -1} { set ins_class {} set ins_desc {} set ins_note {} set flags {} } else { incr idx set def [lindex ${::InstructionDetails::INSTRUCTION_DESCRIPTION} $idx] set ins_desc [lindex $def 0] set ins_class [lindex $def 1] set ins_note [lindex $def 2] set flags {} foreach i {0 1 2} f {C OV AC} { if {[string length [lindex $def [list 3 $i]]]} { lappend flags $f } } } if {!$exclude_opcode} { $opcode_ent delete 0 end $opcode_ent insert 0 $opcode } $title_v_lbl configure -text $title $class_v_lbl configure -text [namespace eval ::InstructionDetails "mc {$ins_class}"] $desc_v_lbl configure -text [namespace eval ::InstructionDetails "mc {$ins_desc}"] $length_v_lbl configure -text $length $time_v_lbl configure -text $time $flags_v_lbl configure -text [join $flags {, }] $note_v_lbl configure -text [namespace eval ::InstructionDetails "mc {$ins_note}"] } } # >>> File inclusion guard } # <<< File inclusion guard