package morfologik.speller; /** * Keeps track of already computed values of edit distance.
* Remarks: To save space, the matrix is kept in a vector. */ public class HMatrix { private int[] p; /* the vector */ private int rowLength; /* row length of matrix */ int columnHeight; /* column height of matrix */ int editDistance; /* edit distance */ /** * Allocates memory and initializes matrix (constructor). * * @param distance (int) max edit distance allowed for * candidates; * @param maxLength (int) max length of words. * * Remarks: See Oflazer. To save space, the matrix is * stored as a vector. To save time, additional rows and * columns are added. They are initialized to their distance in * the matrix, so that no bound checking is necessary during * access. */ public HMatrix(final int distance, final int maxLength) { rowLength = maxLength + 2; columnHeight = 2 * distance + 3; editDistance = distance; final int size = rowLength * columnHeight; p = new int[size]; // Initialize edges of the diagonal band to distance + 1 (i.e. // distance too big) for (int i = 0; i < rowLength - distance - 1; i++) { p[i] = distance + 1; // H(distance + j, j) = distance + 1 p[size - i - 1] = distance + 1; // H(i, distance + i) = distance // + 1 } // Initialize items H(i,j) with at least one index equal to zero to // |i - j| for (int j = 0; j < 2 * distance + 1; j++) { p[j * rowLength] = distance + 1 - j; // H(i=0..distance+1,0)=i // FIXME: fordistance == 2 we exceed the array size here. // there's a bug in, Jan Daciuk has been notified about it. p[Math.min(p.length - 1, (j + distance + 1) * rowLength + j)] = j; // H(0,j=0..distance+1)=j } } /** * Provide an item of hMatrix indexed by indices. * * @param i * - (int) row number; * @param j * - (int) column number. * @return Item H[i][j]
* Remarks: H matrix is really simulated. What is needed is only * 2 * edit_distance + 1 wide band around the diagonal. In fact * this diagonal has been pushed up to the upper border of the * matrix. * * The matrix in the vector looks likes this: * *
	 * 	    +---------------------+
	 * 	0   |#####################| j=i-e-1
	 * 	1   |                     | j=i-e
	 * 	    :                     :
	 * 	e+1 |                     | j=i-1
	 * 	    +---------------------+
	 * 	e+2 |                     | j=i
	 * 	    +---------------------+
	 * 	e+3 |                     | j=i+1
	 * 	    :                     :
	 * 	2e+2|                     | j=i+e
	 * 	2e+3|#####################| j=i+e+1
	 * 	    +---------------------+
*/ public int get(final int i, final int j) { return p[(j - i + editDistance + 1) * rowLength + j]; } /** * Set an item in hMatrix. * * @param i * - (int) row number; * @param j * - (int) column number; * @param val * - (int) value to put there. * * No checking for i & j is done. They must be correct. */ public void set(final int i, final int j, final int val) { p[(j - i + editDistance + 1) * rowLength + j] = val; } }