package morfologik.stemming; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.*; import morfologik.util.BufferUtils; /** * Stem and tag data associated with a given word. * *

* Important notes: *

*/ public final class WordData implements Cloneable { /** * Error information if somebody puts us in a Java collection. */ private static final String COLLECTIONS_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Not suitable for use" + " in Java collections framework (volatile content). Refer to documentation."; /** Character encoding in internal buffers. */ private final CharsetDecoder decoder; /** * Inflected word form data. */ CharSequence wordCharSequence; /** * Character sequence after converting {@link #stemBuffer} using * {@link #decoder}. */ private CharBuffer stemCharSequence; /** * Character sequence after converting {@link #tagBuffer} using * {@link #decoder}. */ private CharBuffer tagCharSequence; /** Byte buffer holding the inflected word form data. */ ByteBuffer wordBuffer; /** Byte buffer holding stem data. */ ByteBuffer stemBuffer; /** Byte buffer holding tag data. */ ByteBuffer tagBuffer; /** * Package scope constructor. */ WordData(CharsetDecoder decoder) { this.decoder = decoder; stemBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); tagBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); stemCharSequence = CharBuffer.allocate(0); tagCharSequence = CharBuffer.allocate(0); } /** * A constructor for tests only. */ WordData(String stem, String tag, String encoding) { this(Charset.forName(encoding).newDecoder()); try { if (stem != null) stemBuffer.put(stem.getBytes(encoding)); if (tag != null) tagBuffer.put(tag.getBytes(encoding)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Copy the stem's binary data (no charset decoding) to a custom byte * buffer. If the buffer is null or not large enough to hold the result, a * new buffer is allocated. * * @param target * Target byte buffer to copy the stem buffer to or * null if a new buffer should be allocated. * * @return Returns target or the new reallocated buffer. */ public ByteBuffer getStemBytes(ByteBuffer target) { target = BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(target, stemBuffer.remaining()); stemBuffer.mark(); target.put(stemBuffer); stemBuffer.reset(); target.flip(); return target; } /** * Copy the tag's binary data (no charset decoding) to a custom byte buffer. * If the buffer is null or not large enough to hold the result, a new * buffer is allocated. * * @param target * Target byte buffer to copy the tag buffer to or * null if a new buffer should be allocated. * * @return Returns target or the new reallocated buffer. */ public ByteBuffer getTagBytes(ByteBuffer target) { target = BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(target, tagBuffer.remaining()); tagBuffer.mark(); target.put(tagBuffer); tagBuffer.reset(); target.flip(); return target; } /** * Copy the inflected word's binary data (no charset decoding) to a custom * byte buffer. If the buffer is null or not large enough to hold the * result, a new buffer is allocated. * * @param target * Target byte buffer to copy the word buffer to or * null if a new buffer should be allocated. * * @return Returns target or the new reallocated buffer. */ public ByteBuffer getWordBytes(ByteBuffer target) { target = BufferUtils.ensureCapacity(target, wordBuffer.remaining()); wordBuffer.mark(); target.put(wordBuffer); wordBuffer.reset(); target.flip(); return target; } /** * @return Return tag data decoded to a character sequence or * null if no associated tag data exists. */ public CharSequence getTag() { tagCharSequence = decode(tagBuffer, tagCharSequence); return tagCharSequence.remaining() == 0 ? null : tagCharSequence; } /** * @return Return stem data decoded to a character sequence or * null if no associated stem data exists. */ public CharSequence getStem() { stemCharSequence = decode(stemBuffer, stemCharSequence); return stemCharSequence.remaining() == 0 ? null : stemCharSequence; } /** * @return Return inflected word form data. Usually the parameter passed to * {@link DictionaryLookup#lookup(CharSequence)}. */ public CharSequence getWord() { return wordCharSequence; } /* * */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(COLLECTIONS_ERROR_MESSAGE); } /* * */ @Override public int hashCode() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(COLLECTIONS_ERROR_MESSAGE); } @Override public String toString() { return "WordData[" + this.getWord() + "," + this.getStem() + "," + this.getTag() + "]"; } /** * Declare a covariant of {@link Object#clone()} that returns a deep copy of * this object. The content of all internal buffers is copied. */ @Override protected WordData clone() { final WordData clone = new WordData(this.decoder); clone.wordCharSequence = cloneCharSequence(wordCharSequence); clone.wordBuffer = getWordBytes(null); clone.stemBuffer = getStemBytes(null); clone.tagBuffer = getTagBytes(null); return clone; } /** * Clone char sequences only if not immutable. */ private CharSequence cloneCharSequence(CharSequence chs) { if (chs instanceof String) return chs; return chs.toString(); } /** * Reset internal structures for storing another word's data. */ void reset() { this.wordCharSequence = null; this.wordBuffer = null; this.stemCharSequence.clear(); this.tagCharSequence.clear(); this.stemBuffer.clear(); this.tagBuffer.clear(); } /** * Decode byte buffer, optionally expanding the char buffer to. */ private CharBuffer decode(ByteBuffer bytes, CharBuffer chars) { chars.clear(); final int maxCapacity = (int) (bytes.remaining() * decoder.maxCharsPerByte()); if (chars.capacity() <= maxCapacity) { chars = CharBuffer.allocate(maxCapacity); } bytes.mark(); decoder.reset(); decoder.decode(bytes, chars, true); chars.flip(); bytes.reset(); return chars; } }